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Vince 09-08-2005 12:52 PM

Sorry about that guys, I'm going to be out most of the day and I'm trying to get everything in order before I leave.

I was attacked last night in the Brig. I have no idea how many people attacked me -- it could have either been two or three. I'm leaning towards two, because I feel pretty good about myself, and I definitely repelled the attack. I'm fairly certain I'm going to be a huge target at this point, but I'd rather see my team win than survive only to see them lose.

At this point I'm going to examine one of the people who was in the brig with me -- I'm not sure whom. Perhaps I should do two short exams? However, if I hit on one of those, I'll end up dead (the spawn will too, but I'd rather not die, especially since RA isn't assured of becoming the Doctor if I die. Doc is a fairly important role, as the seer and all).

Any ideas on who I should scan?

pennywisesb 09-08-2005 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy
I would be very happy to submit to any scans that we have to spare in order to address any concerns about my allegiances.

I would rather be scanned since I'm apparently under a ton of suspicion now. Please do, I would love to be cleared.

Passacaglia 09-08-2005 12:53 PM

Vince, Dubb, you and RA.

Vince 09-08-2005 12:54 PM

I'm leaning towards scanning RA or Dubb -- their positions are much more important to be known as clean than Pennywise's.

Bek 09-08-2005 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by SnDvls

people in brig last night were

Raiders Army

ok here ya go

saldana 09-08-2005 12:56 PM

that doesnt explain why your status for today is "exhausted" vince

RealDeal 09-08-2005 12:57 PM

Well, in the brig was Dubb, Pennywise and RA (along with Vince). I scanned Vince today and he was clean, so we do know he repelled the attack.

We know that RA at least as of the first day was clean, because Vince scanned him, and I have confirmed Vince's good guy status. It is possible that RA has turned, but we have no evidence of that, and it appears that most of the spawn's energies have been directed toward Vince.

So that leaves Dubb and Pennywise. RA said he was going to scan Dubb I believe, so perhaps Vince should do a long exam of Pennywise. That way, we are good as long as RA wasn't converted between his last scan and now.

saldana 09-08-2005 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Vince
I'm leaning towards scanning RA or Dubb -- their positions are much more important to be known as clean than Pennywise's.

and RA is already scanning dubb after the away mission is over

Vince 09-08-2005 12:57 PM

Hrm. Well I wasn't told that I was exhausted, and I don't remember reading in the rules that being attacked makes you exhausted, but that's the only explanation I could come up with. I was attcked and fought it off.

RealDeal 09-08-2005 12:58 PM

Dola, thinking about it, if RA was converted, his scanning Dubb would be useless. I think Vince is right that he should scan Dubb or RA.

hoopsguy 09-08-2005 12:58 PM

Vince, I would scan Raiders. The scientist role becomes trivial once we lift off. Very important for collecting water, but Dubb is already out on the Away mission for today so you aren't going to help that mission by scanning him now.

Also interesting that Barkeep stressed that the order of events was important. I believe the Away Team was leaving before Raiders was scanning Dubb.

Vince 09-08-2005 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by RealDeal
Well, in the brig was Dubb, Pennywise and RA (along with Vince). I scanned Vince today and he was clean, so we do know he repelled the attack.

We know that RA at least as of the first day was clean, because Vince scanned him, and I have confirmed Vince's good guy status. It is possible that RA has turned, but we have no evidence of that, and it appears that most of the spawn's energies have been directed toward Vince.

So that leaves Dubb and Pennywise. RA said he was going to scan Dubb I believe, so perhaps Vince should do a long exam of Pennywise. That way, we are good as long as RA wasn't converted between his last scan and now.

On the first day I scanned Ardent. RA has never been scanned. I'm pretty sure I was attacked by multiple people -- if RA AND Dubb are Spawn, we could be in a whole world of crap. RA did clear me on day one...but then again, to finger someone who isn't spawn after the first day would be pretty futile, I think.

Hoops -- I think Barkeep was stressing order of operations because I had requested we wait up on the away team mission.

RealDeal 09-08-2005 01:00 PM

OK, then RA probably makes a good scan. It has a double benefit, becuase if RA is clean, then we can trust the results of his scan of Dubb.

Vince 09-08-2005 01:03 PM

Ok, here's my plan. I have to leave, so I can't stay and discuss/look things over. I think today I scan RA, and we lynch Pennywisesb. Based upon last night, I'm fairly certain that I was attacked by at least two people, but I'm not sure. My interpretation was that it was two or three people. Since I wasn't sure though, it's not entirely out of the question that it was just one person. However, I don't want to take that chance. I think that at least two of the trio of RA, Dubb and Pennywisesb are Spawn.

My 'plan' involves people trusting me, and I have no time to really convince people otherwise. I have been pretty straight up all game, and cleared now by two different people, one of whom scanned me today. Hopefully that's enough for most people.

So...that's my plan. I'm going to send in my day action now, and based upon the result, I'm going to vote, then I'm going to leave. I probably won't have internet access again until right before the lynch deadline, if before that at all.

RealDeal 09-08-2005 01:05 PM

The way I see it:

1. Vince scans RA. If RA is clean, then we can trust the results of:
2. RA scans Dubb. If Dubb is clean, then:
3. Pennywise walks the plank.

Vince 09-08-2005 01:05 PM

Another note -- RA as nurse can only perform Short Examinations -- that means that if he were to ACTUALLY examine someone, and they were a spawn, he would die.

It also means that just because he examined someone and they came up clean, DOESN'T mean that that person was not infected -- Short Exams only have a chance to cure an infected person. I'm assuming if a Short Exam fails, the Nurse wouldn't even know that the person was infected. So if I turn up something on RA, we can't trust any of the scans he's performed to this point.

Vince 09-08-2005 01:06 PM

Dola -- including his scan of me. But hopefully RealDeal's scan of me will help clear me for those who are still doubting.

jeff061 09-08-2005 01:06 PM

I agree, I was going to say RA as well. I don't know why they would keep attacking you.

SnDvls 09-08-2005 01:07 PM

Unless someone is faking a examination and is a spawn.

Raiders Army 09-08-2005 01:07 PM

I'd also recommend scanning me. It's good for me in many ways as far as trust goes, and I'm surprised you didn't do it sooner. The only drawback is that it's a waste of a scan. :)

SnDvls 09-08-2005 01:08 PM

I believe Vince and trust he won't fake an examination.
So Vince needs to either clear/condem Raiders Army in his examination.
If he is cleared I believe Raiders is not faking an examination.
If he is condemed Raiders could have faked an examination.

Raiders Army 09-08-2005 01:09 PM

I can do this:


Short examination Day Only The Nurse may choose to examine any crew member. If the crew member is a survivor, the nurse will learn this. If the crew member is infected, but has not yet become a spawn (in other words is a spawnling), the nurse will learn this, and have a small chance of curing the crew member. In this case there is a chance the nurse will become infected or that either or both the nurse and crew member will die. If the crew member is a spawn the nurse and crew member will die. 1 AP

pennywisesb 09-08-2005 01:09 PM

We should definately scan RA Vince. I know I'm not spawn, and by him examining Dubb we do no good because I have a feeling something funny is going on here.

RealDeal 09-08-2005 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Vince
Dola -- including his scan of me. But hopefully RealDeal's scan of me will help clear me for those who are still doubting.

Here's the description of a short scan:


Short examination Day Only The Doctor may choose to examine any crew member. If the crew member is a survivor, the doctor will learn this. If the crew member is infected, but has not yet become a spawn (in other words a spawnling), the doctor will learn this, and have a good chance of curing the crew member. In this case there is a small chance the doctor will become infected or that either or both the doctor and crew member will die. If the crew member is a spawn the doctor and crew member will die. 1 AP

I don't read anything that suggests that a short exam can be incorrect. The only big difference between a short and long scan is that a short scan can potentially kill or infect the scanner.

Vince 09-08-2005 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by jeff061
I agree, I was going to say RA as well. I don't know why they would keep attacking you.

Well, I'm the seer. I'm one of the few that can actively find (and kill) Spawn outside of a lynch. I think last night they were trying to kill me, rather than convert me (I could be wrong though), and by sheer luck, I prevailed. I almost told Barkeep that I wanted to remain vigilant tonight, to gain the Resistant attribute...but decided that I would probably be safe in the Brig, as an attack would paint a huge target on everyone else in the brig. I assumed wrong.

Raiders Army 09-08-2005 01:10 PM

I read the above to mean that I have a chance I could become infected or die...not that it will happen.

RealDeal 09-08-2005 01:11 PM

When I did my two short scans, I knew I could die, but I figured losing one good guy for one spawn is a good tradeoff at this point.

Vince 09-08-2005 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by RealDeal
Here's the description of a short scan:

I don't read anything that suggests that a short exam can be incorrect. The only big difference between a short and long scan is that a short scan can potentially kill or infect the scanner.

Well, that's MY short scan. The nurse's is different, as RA posted above. The words "Small chance that the nurse will cure the patient" are the key ones.

Barkeep49 09-08-2005 01:11 PM

The lethargy of Day 1 has long been forgotten. The ship is bustling with activity. First RealDeal emerges from his office with a new uniform. The crew is called to attention as Passacaglia is officially promoted from Private to Security Crewman. There is a small cheer let out, but then preperations for the away team begin anew.

KWhit has done his best planning this away team but with such a large team the logistics are daunting. Figuring out enough promising sites, securing equipment, explaining to people what to look for, all takes a long time and cannot be done with the quality it has in the past. It definitely feels as though at some point there is diminishing returns to adding people to the away team. The team goes out, but it feels like it had a below average day. It can hardly be called bad, but yet isn't particularly great either. In the end 3.7 gallons of water is added.

The crew comes back exhausted and most want nothing more than to lie down for a little bit, but everyone's favorite nurse,
Raiders Army is waiting by the hull entrance for one the crew members. When dubb walks by he is pulled aside and the two adjourn to Raiders office. A little while later both walk out laughing at some joke that has been told.

Water Supply – 13.2 units (Enough for more than two and a half days at the current crew size)

RealDeal 09-08-2005 01:13 PM

It says there is a small chance of curing, but it does not say that the scan has anything other than a 100% chance of giving the correct result.

Poli 09-08-2005 01:13 PM

Anyone up for a vote for liftoff?

RealDeal 09-08-2005 01:14 PM

I can vote for it if we think it makes sense now.

Bek 09-08-2005 01:15 PM weve learned somehthing about the size of away mission (which unfortunately doesnt help us know as we are debating on lifting off or not...waiting quitely back in mess hall for the outcome of the scan on dubbs

saldana 09-08-2005 01:15 PM

just a suggestion to the warden, tonight, pick ra, vince, pass, and dubb (assuming he passes later)...if they are all cleared today and placed in the brig, that guarantees they will still be clean tommorow. if we lift off later that means there can be no more conversions, only wounding/killing by spawn, so by guaranteeing 4 people are clean tommorow, we can start to elimininate people 2 or 3 per day til we get some hits

Vince 09-08-2005 01:15 PM

I think we should liftoff ASAP.

Vince 09-08-2005 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by saldana
just a suggestion to the warden, tonight, pick ra, vince, pass, and dubb (assuming he passes later)...if they are all cleared today and placed in the brig, that guarantees they will still be clean tommorow. if we lift off later that means there can be no more conversions, only wounding/killing by spawn, so by guaranteeing 4 people are clean tommorow, we can start to elimininate people 2 or 3 per day til we get some hits

As far as I know, as long as the Spawn Queen is still around, they can convert.

RealDeal 09-08-2005 01:16 PM

Ok I'll vote for liftoff. Captain plus one officer does it.

Raiders Army 09-08-2005 01:17 PM

One thing that I find amusing is how you might believe that I'm a spawn. These are the people I cleared:

Vince (Doc)
kingfc22 (Security Chief)

Two pretty big roles. I have gone for dubb today. While I anticipate my clearance, I find it somewhat troublesome that kingfc22 hasn't gone to bat for me.

Passacaglia 09-08-2005 01:18 PM

I like saldana's idea. I'm heading out soon, and won't be back for a while.

Am I correct in assuming that me, Vince, RealDeal, RA, and dubb are clean?

Poli 09-08-2005 01:18 PM

I'll vote for liftoff.

Vince 09-08-2005 01:18 PM

I have a very hard time believing you are Spawn -- but with a 66% (at least in my eyes) chance, it's hard to overlook even with such nice things that you've done :)

Vince 09-08-2005 01:19 PM

Ok, I'm going to have to leave (looks like I'm going to miss the shit hitting the fan by about five minutes). So here goes:

Vote Pennywisesb. Sorry buddy -- that red shirt means you're expendable.

Passacaglia 09-08-2005 01:20 PM

Where do you get that 66% figure from?

Passacaglia 09-08-2005 01:20 PM

Since Vince is audi, so am I -- I'll be back around 8:30 eastern, just in time for the deadline!

Vince 09-08-2005 01:21 PM

I was attacked last night while in the Brig. There were three people outside of me in the Brig. I'm fairly certain I was attacked by at least 2 people. 2/3 = 66%

Passacaglia 09-08-2005 01:23 PM

That makes sense. It just seems weird that you started out saying you had no idea how many it was, then said you were fairly certain it was 2 or more. But I guess we have another day to figure out about RA, since today we're going to

vote pennywise

hoopsguy 09-08-2005 01:23 PM

Vince - was there anything in the description of the event to make you think it was two people? It seems like really bad luck for us to have tossed you in the clink with two spawn unless they have numbers that are a lot bigger than I have been thinking up to this time.

Vince 09-08-2005 01:24 PM

My interpretation was that I was unsure how many people were attacking me -- sometimes it seemed like 3, other times just 2. The only thing I was sure of was that I fought off the attack, and I felt damn good about myself for it.

pennywisesb 09-08-2005 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
One thing that I find amusing is how you might believe that I'm a spawn. These are the people I cleared:

Vince (Doc)
kingfc22 (Security Chief)

Two pretty big roles. I have gone for dubb today. While I anticipate my clearance, I find it somewhat troublesome that kingfc22 hasn't gone to bat for me.

Barkeep said that even as spawn you can execute your role so as not to draw suspicion. I have a feeling this is what you are doing. Also, if you are spawn, you would already know who is spawn and who isn't, so it wouldn't be hard to "clear" people.

saldana 09-08-2005 01:25 PM

this is the rule regarding lift off

Lift-off is generally good new for the survivors. After lift-off no new survivors may become infected (although Spawn and Spawnlings may still evolve). Additionally, at the GM’s discretion, the water requirement may be lessened after lift-off.

and this is the role description for the spawn queen

Spawn Queen
May launch or join a regular or Spawn attack (see Attack below) once per night cycle. If the Spawn Queen dies, the Spawn Council may designate a new Spawn Queen by forgoing all attacks and secret role actions for one night. The new Spawn Queen may not keep any previous role they had.

unless i am reading this totally wrong, once we are off this planet, no new spawn can be created. the ones that are already here have to kill us to win. only spawnlings can create new spawnlings, either on the surface or on board, and since there cant be any new spawnlings from todays away mission thanks to the miracle worker, and anyone that was a spawnling yesterday became a full spawn today...if we leave today, the number of spawn on board cannot increase any further.

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