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murrayyyyy 03-20-2018 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3199633)
They'd be dumb if they didn't.

I'm thinking a Shane/Bryan vs Zayn/Owens match would be great at Mania. Shane can take his dumb bump and everyone else can put on a great match.

I mean and if he's "back" he has to be on a Brock schedule too I would assume.

JonInMiddleGA 03-25-2018 02:23 PM

Although I have relatively low expectations for the show based on the card, I will mention that NJPW's show in Long Beach is available live tonight on AXS. (8p eastern, 5p pacific).

I don't think it'll be the best sample of the overall product but if someone wanted to just see some of the roster in action live, there's an unusual opportunity that doesn't involve the company website.


RainMaker 03-25-2018 02:35 PM

Is there anyone I should be paying attention to? Don't really follow NJPW outside of a few top names.

JonInMiddleGA 03-25-2018 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3200296)
Is there anyone I should be paying attention to? Don't really follow NJPW outside of a few top names.

Half the guys involved? LOL.

I just did a quick match by match preview on my FB, I'll paste that here & you can pick & choose. Spoiler tagged just to cover up how long it is


murrayyyyy 03-25-2018 04:09 PM

I'll say this about 8 and try to be as vague as I can. The champion is wrestling the challenger because he is being used as an indirect wedge to help breakup the challengers faction. The promotion interview between the two was the champion making fun of the faction and telling the challenger that he wasn't on his level because he was into making youtube videos about his manhood instead of trying to be a champion.

Also in 9b, there was another promo in roh in which the division of bc is offered up again (tv tappings the next night)

1, 5, 7 and 9 are probably the matches I'd enjoy the most just looking at the card.

JonInMiddleGA 03-25-2018 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 3200305)
Also in 9b, there was another promo in roh in which the division of bc is offered up again (tv tappings the next night)

1, 5, 7 and 9 are probably the matches I'd enjoy the most just looking at the card.

In terms of what I expect to enjoy most, I'd say 7 & 9 probably, 'cause 1 is hurt by how much I don't give a shit about one of the sides in the match.

In terms of match quality, I honestly think 8 might be the contender to be the biggest surprise, which will have me watching it just to see if that happens.

Oddly enough, the guys on the show that I enjoy most overall as individual talents/entertainers are stuck in matches that I didn't mention. Scurll working in the U.K. against a local, for example, is a pure delight to me as a viewer, sheer artistry.

murrayyyyy 03-25-2018 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 3200308)
In terms of what I expect to enjoy most, I'd say 7 & 9 probably, 'cause 1 is hurt by how much I don't give a shit about one of the sides in the match.

In terms of match quality, I honestly think 8 might be the contender to be the biggest surprise, which will have me watching it just to see if that happens.

Oddly enough, the guys on the show that I enjoy most overall as individual talents/entertainers are stuck in matches that I didn't mention. Scurll working in the U.K. against a local, for example, is a pure delight to me as a viewer, sheer artistry.

I can see it with 1 and I was impressed with Sky @ ROH16 since I hadn't seen him much. At least you know you will see a BME with the opening match which should get the crowd into it.

I have that same feeling about match 4 as Scurll is the only person I'd wanted to see as I think his partners work is way overrated right now. As much as I like Marty, I have zero interest in this match and would rather see a match involving Takahashi and Natio.

JonInMiddleGA 03-25-2018 07:08 PM

Dear me, AXS coverage/production is horrible.

Hearing the voiceover guy mispronounce names in the opening video ought to be fucking embarrassing for AXS.

And their attempt to do ECW style camera work ain't much better.

dubb93 03-25-2018 07:24 PM

All I know is JR is right. These guys need to get out of the fucking ring. Other than that it was alright.

How does that get through to the live coverage. Yikes.

JonInMiddleGA 03-25-2018 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by dubb93 (Post 3200335)
All I know is JR is right. These guys need to get out of the fucking ring. Other than that it was alright.

How does that get through to the live coverage. Yikes.

They have got to get rid of this AXS deal. Their coverage of this was somewhere between tragic & comic last year (JR was flat out embarrassing honestly), it's not a ton better overall this year.

Compared to the usual NJPW English commentary, it's a major downgrade every time AXS gets involved.

JonInMiddleGA 03-25-2018 09:05 PM

Props to Liger, that's pretty much the best performance I've seen from him in going on two years.

I shat upon the likelihood of that in my pre-show comments, Liger showed me up.

JonInMiddleGA 03-25-2018 11:07 PM


I'd be fine if one of those V-triggers decapitated a Jackson brother ... and that's a tribute to how well the Jacksons have played their roles here. #njSSE

RainMaker 03-26-2018 12:12 PM

I enjoyed it. Was excited to see Juice since I remember him a bit from NXT and heard he's improved a lot.

Cody is still not the best in the ring but he sure understands the business. I wish we had gotten Scurll's own entrance though because it's one of the best in the business.

Also agree with the AXS coverage. JR just doesn't seem invested in it. The camera work reminds me of a local indy promotion from Chicago in the 90's that had practically no money.

RainMaker 03-26-2018 12:23 PM

Few weeks old but this is a terrific piece on Cody.

murrayyyyy 03-26-2018 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3200420)
I enjoyed it. Was excited to see Juice since I remember him a bit from NXT and heard he's improved a lot.

Cody is still not the best in the ring but he sure understands the business. I wish we had gotten Scurll's own entrance though because it's one of the best in the business.

Also agree with the AXS coverage. JR just doesn't seem invested in it. The camera work reminds me of a local indy promotion from Chicago in the 90's that had practically no money.

I think my biggest problem with Cody is that he doesn't have "that" match. I mean most of his highest ranked matches are involving 6 or more people. But if someone asked me for a great 4* match from him I couldn't provide it.

I mean I think he can tell a good story. I think he has a good understanding of the business in the front and the back. I just never see the payoff with him when the match is over.

dubb93 03-26-2018 01:42 PM

Anyone here subscribe to New Japan World? Does it show a majority of their shows or are a lot of them still not shown(how often do they put on shows)? What % would you say are shown in English? I’m pretty intrigued after last night’s show.

JonInMiddleGA 03-26-2018 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by dubb93 (Post 3200428)
Anyone here subscribe to New Japan World? Does it show a majority of their shows or are a lot of them still not shown(how often do they put on shows)? What % would you say are shown in English? I’m pretty intrigued after last night’s show.

Ehhh, I'd say close to 40% the shows on the network have English commentary (maybe a little less, occasionally more, kinda depends on what tour they're running at the time).

Honestly, once you're in the flow with everything (and there definitely is a certain rhythm to how they do things) you may find yourself like we are here in the batcave, comfortably following everything even when there's only Japanese commentary. If nothing else it's interesting to discover which words they have to use Engrish for lol. And, despite my expectations going in, I think Kevin Kelly & Don Callis actually do a great job hitting the right tone for American fans of the product.

And best I can tell, almost pretty much every "named" show appears on the network. And that's not just the PPV-level ones, I mean all the "Road To ... " shows as well. It's rare at this point that I don't have the opportunity to see almost anything they do.

Do keep in mind though that the schedule can seem erratic to an American viewer. You may have 3 shows in a week, or 4-5 in 10-12 days but then go 10 days without one. It's that "touring schedule" deal so there can be some feast or famine. The shows tend to be long (3 hours and up isn't unusual) so when they're really busy then it becomes challenging just to watch it all in a timely manner.

And, fair warning: their website is pretty awesomely awful. Even the English translation page is ... challenging. It's doable but it ain't the prettiest or simplest to navigate.

JonInMiddleGA 03-26-2018 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3200420)
I wish we had gotten Scurll's own entrance though because it's one of the best in the business.

Whoop whoop

JonInMiddleGA 03-26-2018 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3200420)
Also agree with the AXS coverage. JR just doesn't seem invested in it. The camera work reminds me of a local indy promotion from Chicago in the 90's that had practically no money.

Thankfully, JR seemed significantly more prepared than he was last year. Not always on target with his comments, but waaaaaay better than last year.

After Barnett had what sounded to me like an off-mic moment early in the show, the commentary settled down to be reasonably tolerable. It felt like they tightened up their shit a good bit after that happened.

The camera work tho, good Lord, after getting used to watching the NJPW presentation -- which has a definite style of its own -- it's jarring.

The dandy YouTuber "Showbuckle" did a video about that which really illustrates it
New Japan Pro Wrestling's Sublime Video Production Style - YouTube

SirFozzie 04-07-2018 11:32 PM

Holy. Fucking. Shit.


RainMaker 04-08-2018 12:58 AM

Amazing show. Tough act to follow for Wrestlemania.

Neon_Chaos 04-08-2018 07:20 AM

All we need is a Heyman turn on Lesnar, and a full heel turn for Reigns aligning with Paul. Bam. Your hottest instant heel for 2018.

But we all know it ain't happening.

Toddzilla 04-08-2018 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Neon_Chaos (Post 3201460)
All we need is a Heyman turn on Lesnar, and a full heel turn for Reigns aligning with Paul. Bam. Your hottest instant heel for 2018.

But we all know it ain't happening.

Some things are too perfect for this world...

RainMaker 04-08-2018 02:14 PM

Did anyone watch the ROH show? Wondering how it was.

cmp 04-08-2018 10:59 PM

Can we just be done with Roman Reigns yet? A heel turn is all that save him.

RainMaker 04-08-2018 11:02 PM

This main event is so bad.

cmp 04-08-2018 11:03 PM

Wow. I didn't see that finish coming.

RainMaker 04-08-2018 11:20 PM

I just don't get it. Can't remember a WM main event that had this little buzz. Crowd didn't seem to care much either way. Chants of "this is awful" and "cm punk" throughout.

I'd understand if Roman was selling tickets like Cena does, but by all accounts he doesn't. He's never going to get over doing the same thing year after year.

Mota 04-08-2018 11:37 PM

Pretty sad ending to a decent Wrestlemania. Nothing special considering how many big matches there were.

When the crowd is chanting Boring, CM Punk and This Is Awful during the Wrestlemania main event, you should realize you're doing something wrong. Both of these wrestlers are horrible, in the 10 minutes of the match they essentially did 4 moves 50 times. Superman Punch, Spear, German Suplex and F5. Maybe they should sit these guys down and make them watch some NXT, that show was amazing. And maybe Roman can jump a little for those German Suplexes, it looked like someone giving my mom a German Suplex. His feet barely lifted off the mat. Maybe next year will be Roman Reign's year. A 5th consecutive Wrestlemania main event, I'm sure the crowd will warm up to him by then.

Until they said the kid's name was Nicholas, I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl, and neither could my son. It was obviously staged, as they could never trust a fan to stay on the outside. Then when he was hot tagged in that became even more obvious. Will he be touring around defending his tag titles? Will he have a last name in the record books as a champion?

Before those two dumb matches, I did enjoy the rest of the show though. My favorite was probably Charlotte against Asuka, that match felt really important, and there was a lot on the line. I also enjoyed the Styles / Nakamura match, and will look forward to seeing the rematches.

I was so happy to see Daniel Bryan back. It's obvious that he loves what he does, and he was back in at 100%. He wasn't getting special treatment in any way, taking hard bumps. I'm a little concerned that he may feel like a nostalgia act soon though, as he hasn't changed anything up in the 2 years that he was gone. I was thinking he would turn heel and align with Owens and Zayn to make a crazy good stable.

Also, this is 2018. Aren't we past using little people as pancakes? That was uncomfortable to watch.

Mota 04-08-2018 11:48 PM

Also, Rhonda Rousey is a PRO. Her first match and she's already better than half the roster.

JonInMiddleGA 04-09-2018 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Mota (Post 3201490)
Also, Rhonda Rousey is a PRO. Her first match and she's already better than half the roster.

As my kid said to me, crazy talented but green as grass.

dubb93 04-09-2018 08:19 AM

I'm extremely disappointed with the Styles-Nakamura match. It should have been a classic, but for whatever reason didn't even get to the level of the Page-White earlier this month...which is absolutely mind blowing to me.

All that said....HHH can lay out a freaking match. How that match was as good as it was I will never know. The roll he has going on in NXT as well, he obviously has a major hand in those matches too.

Hopefully at Summerslam we get Styles-Nakamura again, but with HHH and HBK producing the match.

cmp 04-09-2018 08:30 AM

Styles-Nakamura felt like it was at the point where it was about to get really good, and then it just ended.

murrayyyyy 04-09-2018 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by cmp (Post 3201485)
Can we just be done with Roman Reigns yet? A heel turn is all that save him.

Can we just be done with Brock yet. Roman has put on decent matches in the past few years. What's the best Brock match over the past 2 years? Roman can't do a thing if the other guy doesn't want to play. Just ask Ambrose at 32.

JonInMiddleGA 04-09-2018 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by cmp (Post 3201499)
Styles-Nakamura felt like it was at the point where it was about to get really good, and then it just ended.

One thing I'm not buying is that the largely quiet crowd response was just "Japanese heat". There's pretty much zero chance of that happening at a Wrestlemania, that's not who those ticketbuyers are.

I believe the match was where it was & was structured the way it was so they could ultimately say "see, the crowd just wasn't that into it". They weren't uninterested you twits, they were just exhausted.

JonInMiddleGA 04-09-2018 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 3201506)
Can we just be done with Brock yet.

Aside from Heyman, I've been done with the disinterested SOB since he got back in the first place.

murrayyyyy 04-09-2018 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 3201511)
One thing I'm not buying is that the largely quiet crowd response was just "Japanese heat". There's pretty much zero chance of that happening at a Wrestlemania, that's not who those ticketbuyers are.

I believe the match was where it was & was structured the way it was so they could ultimately say "see, the crowd just wasn't that into it". They weren't uninterested you twits, they were just exhausted.

I'm not sure he gives a shit anymore. It seems like he signed on with the WWE for a less stressful style compared to Japan and this was an easy way to collect a check when getting older. I don't think we will ever see a top quality match from him while in the WWE.

I didn't think the crowd was ever into anything last night. A year ago I can remember thinking Naka or Roode's theme would blow the roof of the building and both were so-so reactions.

Pre-show match and 1st half of the show was great so maybe it was exhaustion of the crowd.

murrayyyyy 04-09-2018 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 3201512)
Aside from Heyman, I've been done with the disinterested SOB since he got back in the first place.

If you believe dirt sheets so is Vince now. Hopefully they didn't resign him and he will drop the strap tonight.

JonInMiddleGA 04-09-2018 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 3201519)
I'm not sure he gives a shit anymore. It seems like he signed on with the WWE for a less stressful style compared to Japan and this was an easy way to collect a check when getting older. I don't think we will ever see a top quality match from him while in the WWE.

That's one reason I found the presence of Tanahashi, Okada, and Suzuki interesting.

I couldn't help but wonder if, just maybe, they either were hoping to light a little fire or have a little conversation/prompt some recollection of when he was hotter.

murrayyyyy 04-09-2018 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mota (Post 3201489)
Until they said the kid's name was Nicholas, I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl, and neither could my son. It was obviously staged, as they could never trust a fan to stay on the outside. Then when he was hot tagged in that became even more obvious. Will he be touring around defending his tag titles? Will he have a last name in the record books as a champion?

It turns out that “Nicholas” is actually the son of WWE referee John Cone.

RainMaker 04-09-2018 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by murrayyyyy (Post 3201519)
I'm not sure he gives a shit anymore. It seems like he signed on with the WWE for a less stressful style compared to Japan and this was an easy way to collect a check when getting older. I don't think we will ever see a top quality match from him while in the WWE.

I didn't think the crowd was ever into anything last night. A year ago I can remember thinking Naka or Roode's theme would blow the roof of the building and both were so-so reactions.

Pre-show match and 1st half of the show was great so maybe it was exhaustion of the crowd.

Just seems too long of a show. Not sure what they can do to fix it since there isn't a clear answer to what you cut.

I think what hurt WM is that there was just no good builds into any of the matches. You're coming a day after Ciampo-Gargano which was built up for like a year. Was there any match on the card that had a tenth of the emotion that that angle had?

Heck, they made me not even care about Daniel Bryan coming back. Why did they not have him go against Miz?

Calis 04-09-2018 05:14 PM

I've been out of the loop for quite a while but have been thinking about trying out a NJPW Show and was leaning towards one of their English commentary ones to ease me in...any suggestions? Is Wrestle Kingdom 12 the way to go or is there a better option?

RainMaker 04-09-2018 05:44 PM

Wonder if they'll have Brock drop it here. Being hyped up as a big deal. Guessing the crowd would be much more Roman friendly.

JonInMiddleGA 04-09-2018 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Calis (Post 3201539)
I've been out of the loop for quite a while but have been thinking about trying out a NJPW Show and was leaning towards one of their English commentary ones to ease me in...any suggestions? Is Wrestle Kingdom 12 the way to go or is there a better option?

The one danger with that approach, perhaps, is that it sets the bar pretty high.

That's fine, but just understand (over the long term) that you're seeing what amounts to a "season finale". Given their tendency to do long-term storytelling -- with little/not-so-little callbacks that can be years old -- that means any one show can be a bit less than the sum of the parts.

(The consistently great YT'er Showbuckle just did a video about this with some examples of what I mean)

I don't have a better suggestion for what to start with honestly, short of watching something like the entire G1 Climax, but just do so with an good understanding that there may not be one perfect place to start either.

JonInMiddleGA 04-09-2018 09:55 PM

Aaaand Lesnar has signed a new contract :(

RainMaker 04-09-2018 10:13 PM

I find Lesnar fine for a match or two each year. But having him hold your main title of Raw seems kind of silly. I wonder if they'll swap guys around next week and get AJ over to Raw and Reigns to Smackdown (which means Reigns will beat Lesnar in Saudi Arabia). The WWE Championship should probably be on Raw and Reigns might work better over on Smackdown for awhile.

Neon_Chaos 04-09-2018 10:26 PM

Bobby Lashley returns.

That's one good reason for Lesnar to keep the title.

RainMaker 04-09-2018 10:27 PM

And for what it's worth, it doesn't sound like his new deal is for many appearance. Sounds like he'll do the Saudi show to drop the belt and be off till after he fights UFC at the end of the year.

So the Saudi show and WM with some TV appearances thrown in.

Not sure how credible this guy is:

JonInMiddleGA 04-09-2018 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3201558)

Not sure how credible this guy is:

Jeremy Botter (@jeremybotter)

He's, umm, controversial I guess. Or polarizing might be better.
He's right at times, wrong at times.

Mota 04-10-2018 05:45 AM

So it looks like Roman Reigns will get his get moment as he becomes champion and gets cheered by the super casual non-smark audience.

The next day, he will come back to North America, and continue to be treated by the fans as they always have. What's the difference?

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