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Qwikshot 03-10-2009 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 1965293)
see now we're talking Qwik.

scroll mending plus ______ for the shield?

250GP, a discount I would think

Thomkal 03-10-2009 09:21 AM

So we're splitting up the Lady and Two Amigos right? I assume one of you is moving left to stay on the same level, I'm probably going to move right to lighter. Since the rooms have now been reset probably won't hurt to go back to lighter. Have we been to that room do you know?

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 09:21 AM

A snapshot of JAG

JAG, Dvergr, Cleric
10th level

Hp: 80
AC: 2
Gold: 85
Meals: 8

Knew: Cure Light Wounds, Cause Light Wounds, Remove Fear, Cure Moderate Wounds, Cause Moderate Wounds, Protection from Fire, Expertise, Cause Serious Wounds, Cureall and Oracle by using Wizardry combined with Ring of Wizardry.

Equipped: The Flail, "Tentacle," Rhagodessa Plate

Ring of Wizardry, Boots of Grounding, Brooch of Life Holding, Ring of Memory, Glasses of Interpretation

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 09:22 AM

Like KWhit and Danny, JAG's items will be sold off today at the Djinni sale except for those he has equipped, they go with him as he ventures forth into Intaria.

Passacaglia 03-10-2009 09:22 AM

Nice job JAG -- I think (and hope) it will be a while before anyone else wins.

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 09:23 AM

12 players are left vying for the final two spots. Who will win and who will go back home to tend sheep?

Passacaglia 03-10-2009 09:23 AM

My God, this Djinni sale is going to be mad packed.

Qwikshot 03-10-2009 09:26 AM

Uh Daddy...let me know

chesapeake 03-10-2009 09:26 AM

Congrats, JAG. Well done!

Qwikshot 03-10-2009 09:27 AM

Chief I'll sell you the hammer for 1000GP straight up

Black Market
Hammer of Smiting to Chief Rum
1000 GP to Qwikshot

JAG 03-10-2009 09:28 AM

That plate only gave me AC 2? Sheesh.

Thanks Abe, as I said I had a fantastic time and you and your creation are brilliant.

Thanks to everyone for a fun time. Special thanks to chesapeake for his help IDing and selling me the first magic flail I had and the late PB for his chest opening skills that helped me get the ring of memory, by far the most important piece of equipment I had this game, and Poli for selling me Tentacle so I could have a superior weapon.

I recommend everyone take risks and push deep into the black from here on out as only two more can be winners. Good luck the rest of the way guys! (and MT)

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 09:36 AM

The official oddsmaker has placed the odds at the final two winners at the following odds.

These are based on current position, current experience, and items currently in possession. Some players may have more Xp but fewer items for the final push, others might have less experience, but a powerful selection of spells, etc.

Here are the un-official odds:

chesapeake 1.5-1
passacaglia 3-1
chief rum 5-1
poli 8-1
dubb 10-1
ntndeacon 12-1
the jackal 12-1
qwikshot 15-1
daddytorgo 20-1
thomkal 25-1
packerfanatic 45-1
boberot 50-1

If you are given good odds, beware the price of destiny! Do not get complacent.

If you are given bad odd, prove them all wrong! Get in there and win it all!!!

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 09:37 AM

I don't expect any more wins this week.

DaddyTorgo 03-10-2009 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Qwikshot (Post 1965294)
250GP, a discount I would think




Qwikshot 03-10-2009 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 1965317)




Assemble Table Leg, Arkem Gem, Scroll Mending and Silver Band into something cool and useful

DaddyTorgo 03-10-2009 09:40 AM

i'm moving darker.


clearly Thom+PF we chose the wrong strategy by staying together as a team. It's unfortunate, but it's been fun.

Also maybe something to consider for future games is that there should be more benefits to teams...or maybe everyone should be on teams or something?

Thomkal 03-10-2009 09:42 AM

well at least I'm not last in the odds. Looks like though since all three of us are near the bottom that teaming up was a bad idea.

Thomkal 03-10-2009 09:42 AM

yep was fun though DT, and the rules for teams need to be tinkered with if there's a next game of this (and I hope there is)

Qwikshot 03-10-2009 09:45 AM

:rant: :banghead: :popcorn: (sigh) 15-1 odds

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Qwikshot (Post 1965326)
:rant: :banghead: :popcorn: (sigh) 15-1 odds

It's a challenge!

DaddyTorgo 03-10-2009 09:47 AM

this belongs in the other thread, but i'd like to see multiple teams (6 teams of 3?) arranged beforehand and venturing into the dungeon from different starting points, with the ability for PvP (or team vs. team really) combat as well as team v. monster combat

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 1965322)
well at least I'm not last in the odds. Looks like though since all three of us are near the bottom that teaming up was a bad idea.

Danny teamed up for a while, he won. Poli teamed up until PB died, he's high odds to win. Passa and ntndeacon werea team until passa got vortexed, and they are in the top half.

Qwikshot 03-10-2009 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 1965328)
It's a challenge!

So if and when I assemblie this item, do I get it before I move, or do I move first hopefully survive then assemble it, inquiring minds want to know:p

Passacaglia 03-10-2009 09:50 AM

All right, I'm in perfect positioning to take the last spot and be the one who ends the game for all. Time to kick it into gear!

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 09:50 AM

The pixies announce:

Qwikshot has assembled the Staff of the Archmagi!

Your odds just got better. check it out in pm!

chesapeake 03-10-2009 09:51 AM

Level 10 seems miles away still, so I am plesantly surprised by my odds. I suspect I am firmly in the less experience/powerful selection camp.

Thom, FWIW I entered the blackest of the black at level 5 with wands of magic missile, acid arrow and paralyzation in my pockets and have yet to be hit in combat. You'll be surprised how effective artificers are. My advice to you is: Don't Fear the Reaper.

And more cowbell!

Passacaglia 03-10-2009 09:52 AM

Hey, today is a Djinni Sale day, right? I'm still offering to buy people's junk for 60%. I have 400 gold on me now (I think), so if people want to sell me stuff for more than that, I'll have to pay you after the sale.

Passacaglia 03-10-2009 09:54 AM

So KWhit and JAG were both evil, but Danny didn't have anything listed. Does that mean he's good by default, or is he neutral?

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Passacaglia (Post 1965337)
So KWhit and JAG were both evil, but Danny didn't have anything listed. Does that mean he's good by default, or is he neutral?

good by default

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 09:55 AM

Everybody ask Qwik what the Staff does....

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 09:55 AM

An excited mage in 3...2...1...

Qwikshot 03-10-2009 09:58 AM


I feel like this guy now...

Qwikshot 03-10-2009 09:59 AM

And this is what I plan to do to my enemies...

Qwikshot 03-10-2009 10:00 AM

So +4 Staff that deals double damage to my spells, did I get that right Abe?

I'm stoked.

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Qwikshot (Post 1965347)
So +4 Staff that deals double damage with my spells, did I get that right Abe?

I'm stoked.


Danny 03-10-2009 10:07 AM

I'm the town saver and dragon slayer, of course I am good!

Thomkal 03-10-2009 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by chesapeake (Post 1965335)
Level 10 seems miles away still, so I am plesantly surprised by my odds. I suspect I am firmly in the less experience/powerful selection camp.

Thom, FWIW I entered the blackest of the black at level 5 with wands of magic missile, acid arrow and paralyzation in my pockets and have yet to be hit in combat. You'll be surprised how effective artificers are. My advice to you is: Don't Fear the Reaper.

And more cowbell!

Yeah it seems like we could be pretty invulnerable with the spells we have, as long as we face foes that can be affected by them. Otherwise we are toast. I have had a wand of igniting for the longest time that I think I've used about 1 time, so I'm hoping that comes into play more as I move on. I'd stay on this level of bricks if I could, but with us splitting up, I may not get first attack if we end up moving to the same place, so figured it was in my own best interest to move back to the lighter bricks for this turn anyway.

Thomkal 03-10-2009 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Qwikshot (Post 1965347)
So +4 Staff that deals double damage to my spells, did I get that right Abe?

I'm stoked.

And I'm jealous

Danny 03-10-2009 10:10 AM

Congrats JAG!!

chesapeake 03-10-2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 1965351)
Yeah it seems like we could be pretty invulnerable with the spells we have, as long as we face foes that can be affected by them. Otherwise we are toast. I have had a wand of igniting for the longest time that I think I've used about 1 time, so I'm hoping that comes into play more as I move on. I'd stay on this level of bricks if I could, but with us splitting up, I may not get first attack if we end up moving to the same place, so figured it was in my own best interest to move back to the lighter bricks for this turn anyway.

You've got to be able to bring the hurt with at least a couple of wands.

So far, I haven't come across anyone that wasn't vulnerable to some kind of crowd control OR didn't waste a bunch of time attacking my mirror images except for the female ninja in the 2nd level. The Beholder worries me for obvious reasons. Somehow I'd have to put the main eye out first.

PackerFanatic 03-10-2009 11:48 AM

So Thom - you want those robes? What you got for me?

PackerFanatic 03-10-2009 11:50 AM


It was fun guys.

I think we were the only three-person team too.

boberot 03-10-2009 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 1965314)
The official oddsmaker has placed the odds at the final two winners at the following odds.

boberot 50-1

If you are given good odds, beware the price of destiny! Do not get complacent.

If you are given bad odd, prove them all wrong! Get in there and win it all!!!


PackerFanatic 03-10-2009 11:53 AM

Let's prove them wrong, bob!!

boberot 03-10-2009 11:55 AM

Well, JAG, as a fellow dvergr cleric, you've demonstrated how horribly I've mismanaged myself this game.

Poli 03-10-2009 01:04 PM

I don't feel confident I can bypass my competitors, but it's been fun climbing back into the game.

Abe Sargent 03-10-2009 01:14 PM

I may be a bit later with the movement actions today, I'm just a warning ya

Thomkal 03-10-2009 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by PackerFanatic (Post 1965439)
So Thom - you want those robes? What you got for me?

Danny said you should give them to me for free. :) Besides that I have nothing but very little gold.

Poli 03-10-2009 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 1965517)
I may be a bit later with the movement actions today, I'm just a warning ya

Take an hour. You deserveZ it.

chesapeake 03-10-2009 01:25 PM

I think there is a real possibility of some folks dying -- including myself -- before this is over. Given there are only 2 spots left, we've all got to be more aggressive to have a chance to be in the winning group.

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