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JonInMiddleGA 05-19-2019 07:56 PM

On the one hand, I can actually make a rational 2-3 months worth of booking out of all the WWE women's titles action tonight.

On the other hand, engaging in such speculation is pure folly since Vince is still alive.

JonInMiddleGA 05-19-2019 09:40 PM

Given the choice, I'll take the GoT ending over the MitB ending.

RainMaker 05-20-2019 01:44 PM

I appreciate the effort but does Finn Balor have a death wish? I think he took 3 enormous nasty bumps on a ladder last night.

Also Ali ripped his face open when he got tossed off the ladder at the end.

JonInMiddleGA 05-20-2019 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3239251)
I appreciate the effort but does Finn Balor have a death wish? I think he took 3 enormous nasty bumps on a ladder last night.

Also Ali ripped his face open when he got tossed off the ladder at the end.

Two cameramen also bumped prior to that.

People getting hurt when Lesnar is involved in something? Shocking

SirFozzie 05-20-2019 02:28 PM

Not to mention Kallisto making it sound like the blood Lars Sullivan got was from a Kallisto cheap shot.

RainMaker 05-20-2019 03:16 PM

Here are all of Balor's bumps. The one on the side of the ladder seems brutal.

Toddzilla 05-20-2019 10:07 PM

Wow, the fans shit all over that 24/7 title in record time.

JonInMiddleGA 05-20-2019 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Toddzilla (Post 3239290)
Wow, the fans shit all over that 24/7 title in record time.

Another quality idea from the mind of VKM (or so the IWC said earlier today)

AlexB 05-21-2019 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 3239189)
Given the choice, I'll take the GoT ending over the MitB ending.

I rarely watch nowadays, but do read the PPV reports more often than not.

Could they be setting up a story to get Sami Zayn over, where he demands to fight Brock for the MITB case, wins a feud and then successfully cashes in the MITB?

RainMaker 05-21-2019 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 3239053)
-- ElP is a damned fine heel. Flipping off infants in the crowd is heel gold afaic.

RainMaker 05-21-2019 01:05 PM

I have no interest in the 24/7 belt. Besides it looking terrible, I just think it hurts everyone chasing it. Turns the entire bottom half of the roster into a bunch of geeks. I know the Hardcore title was popular for awhile doing this but it was after the belt was built up a little.

Brock having the briefcase seems like a waste. Use it on an up and coming talent that would be interesting to see cash in. Brock doesn't need a gimmick to get over.

JonInMiddleGA 05-21-2019 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3239340)

Yep, saw that one. Heels doing heel things, it's pure gold.

And in the post match presser Ospreay referenced it, saying something to the effect that he was going to make it his mission to make every child that got picked on happy

RainMaker 05-21-2019 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 3239345)
Yep, saw that one. Heels doing heel things, it's pure gold.

And in the post match presser Ospreay referenced it, saying something to the effect that he was going to make it his mission to make every child that got picked on happy

WWE can't figure out why people cheer heels when the only way they can get heat is pulling on the tights during a roll-up.

JonInMiddleGA 05-21-2019 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3239348)
WWE can't figure out why people cheer heels when the only way they can get heat is pulling on the tights during a roll-up.

To be fair, I'm not sure a mainstream U.S. crowd (or stockholders in a publicly traded company) could handle some of the NJPW house show shenanigans.


Hell, I'm expecting blowback to ensue for Omega's signature "Bang" closing.

Mota 05-21-2019 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3239342)
I have no interest in the 24/7 belt. Besides it looking terrible, I just think it hurts everyone chasing it. Turns the entire bottom half of the roster into a bunch of geeks. I know the Hardcore title was popular for awhile doing this but it was after the belt was built up a little.

Brock having the briefcase seems like a waste. Use it on an up and coming talent that would be interesting to see cash in. Brock doesn't need a gimmick to get over.

He also doesn't need a briefcase to get a title shot. He gets whatever he wants in the WWE anytime.

JonInMiddleGA 05-23-2019 02:33 AM

Trying to stay current with BoSJ gets harder this week. Three straight shows that are all group matches. That's 10 matches per day for three straight days.

Much tougher than the usual 5 per day + tags (which you can optionally skip when watching the replays)

JonInMiddleGA 05-23-2019 02:50 AM

Challenge of getting through all these matches aside, Juice Robinson on commentary is money.

And Opsrey vs ElP was madness, and a great changeup call from what was expected from them.

JonInMiddleGA 05-24-2019 03:03 AM

Osprey vs Bandido was pretty flippy ... but it was some pretty impressive flippy.

edit to add: And Bandido's "Star Quality" in TEW would have to be 100. Korakeun Hall was filled with smarts but daaaaamn Bandido was over (same reaction I saw him get in Atlanta for ROH).

Toddzilla 05-24-2019 12:50 PM

anyone here actually gonna order DoN?

JonInMiddleGA 05-24-2019 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Toddzilla (Post 3239540)
anyone here actually gonna order DoN?

Fuuuuuuck no.

The only match that I had significant interest in seeing isn't even happening and even if it was the price point is completely absurd in 2019.

RainMaker 05-24-2019 02:38 PM

Way too expensive. Wouldn't it make more sense to make it free on the Bleacher Report app so they can build up a subscriber base of people interested in the product? I can't imagine many people are dishing out that kind of money for this show.

JonInMiddleGA 05-24-2019 03:06 PM

I will say that I found the pricing for the "all access" pass to Starcast even more comical. No wrestling, just talk & panels ... for the low low price of $40.

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 02:35 AM

I think I figured out what makes Juice Robinson enjoyable for me on commentary: he's just watching the match & talking about what's in front of him.

Easy to imagine that he's got some popcorn & a beer, just watching like everybody else. And for him that works.

Flasch186 05-25-2019 04:22 PM

Get ready for lots of surprises

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 3239586)
Get ready for lots of surprises

Just for fun, I'm gonna throw out predictions based on this comment

Moxley, a Bastard Pac run-in of some sort, and maybe Austin Aries.

My son adds "about the only thing that would make me regret not watching would be an obvious NJPW involvement"

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 05:50 PM

Listening to some of the various interviews from Starcast and was struck by something Arn Anderson said. The gist of it was that he was excited about AEW because there was so many guys on the roster that he'd never seen / didn't know.

I think that's probably one of the elements that has my enthusiasm tempered: there's very few people on the roster that I'm not already pretty familiar with. There's not much "new" here for me to be eagerly anticipating.

Not a knock, just an element of this that I hadn't previously thought about quite that way.

molson 05-25-2019 06:22 PM

This battle royal on the pre-show is an odd choice to try to compel buys.

It just looks like TNA but wackier. There's a guy with no legs lying in the corner, I'm afraid he's winning because his feet can't hit the floor. Edit: I think he's out now.

I'm not familiar with most of these people but Luchasauras is pretty awesome.

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 3239589)
This battle royal on the pre-show is an odd choice to try to compel buys.

It just looks like TNA but wackier. There's a guy with no legs lying in the corner, I'm afraid he's winning because his feet can't hit the floor. Edit: I think he's out now.

I'm not familiar with most of these people but Luchasauras is pretty awesome.

Lsaurus is a physical freak, and I mean that in a good way. He's maybe the highest ceiling guy in the ring not named Page. Saw him at an ROH taping, impressive athlete.

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 06:30 PM

I'm also reminding myself that a number of those entrants (to my knowledge) are NOT under regular contract so we don't have to worry about seeing too much of them.

There was a LOT of low ceiling bodies there filling up space.

edit to add: That Librarians segment probably has TNT reading the out clauses. Christ on a crutch that was bad.

molson 05-25-2019 06:41 PM

I would have marked out for Bryan Alvarez being in this, I know he's wrestled a bunch of these guys in the last year or so.

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 3239592)
I would have marked out for Bryan Alvarez being in this, I know he's wrestled a bunch of these guys in the last year or so.

LOL, he just tweeted that he feels like he's wrestled half these guys.

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 06:54 PM

Camera work has to pick up, two missed spots (so far) in the Sabian/Guevara match alone.

And good Lord, save me from Alex Marvez. What scares me is that he may be better than JR at this. (and Excalibur should apparently only be near a mic if he's drinking, 'cause presumably sober right now he's not good)

And, lol, JR is backstage and he's walking ... and walking ... and walking.
That SO needed Goldberg's music

molson 05-25-2019 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 3239593)
LOL, he just tweeted that he feels like he's wrestled half these guys.

Yup, he wrestled Jungle Boy, Orange Cassidy, and Marko Stunt.

I watched a few seconds of Alvarez/Stunt just now just for the absurd spectacle of Alvarez towering over someone.

Flasch186 05-25-2019 07:04 PM

Cm punk

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SirFozzie 05-25-2019 07:27 PM

That SCU/Stronghearts match was pretty damn good.

Flasch186 05-25-2019 07:28 PM

I feel that Daniels really slowed down throughout the match.

Commentary will get better over time

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JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 3239595)
Yup, he wrestled Jungle Boy, Orange Cassidy, and Marko Stunt.

I watched a few seconds of Alvarez/Stunt just now just for the absurd spectacle of Alvarez towering over someone.

You should see him with the little brother

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 07:39 PM


Reportedly the joshi match has been scrapped :/

Excalibur just promised that the match is still on. Clearly someone is monitoring Twitter very carefully because that was a thing in a fairly / relatively small circle of social media.

Flasch186 05-25-2019 07:44 PM

Very good woman's match

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SirFozzie 05-25-2019 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 3239601)
Very good woman's match

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That final spot looked like a botch, wonder if that was the planned finish.

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 07:53 PM

Interesting question that came up here in the Batcave: who was the originally planned Entrant #21?

My working theory - short of seeing an obvious #21 later that gets moved into a promo/attack/surprise angle is that maybe the cancelled match was anticipated well in advance of when it went public & that Page has been the #21 for a while now.

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 07:56 PM

LOL at the twitter smark who noted that Sasha Banks is Tweeting like a woman who knows she's had six months added to her contract

edit to add: also suddenly reappearing on social media tonight is the old El Generico account (the one that was erased completely) tweeting his broken english support

re-edit: line of the night may belong to @Strigga (when the surprise tag team appeared): "JR is stupified"
(though in fairness, I doubt many people who actually like the product without getting a paycheck had immediate recognition of Super Smash Bros either)

Toddzilla 05-25-2019 08:17 PM

How are folks watching that didn't pony up the Grant?

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Toddzilla (Post 3239605)
How are folks watching that didn't pony up the Grant?

We're not, just following the social media. (hence me not commenting on match quality beyond the pre-show, etc).

edit: "we" referring to myself & the kid, I dunno what anybody else here is doing

Flasch186 05-25-2019 08:54 PM

With as much time as they had to prepare I'm a little surprised at the lack of chemistry in the commentators. They just aren't very good.

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JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 3239607)
With as much time as they had to prepare I'm a little surprised at the lack of chemistry in the commentators. They just aren't very good.

One of them doesn't appear to be willing/able to prepare any more.
One of them just isn't suited for this.
And one of them is Excalibur.

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 09:02 PM

Meanwhile, "there's no such thing as bad publicity" may be tested if Dustin Rhodes bleeds to death in the ring.

edit to add: Pretty much universal acclaim from all quarters for the Rhodes match. Not for the squeamish -- and surely he didn't mean to bleed THAT much -- but a career match for Dustin.

Flasch186 05-25-2019 09:14 PM

I was hoping that they wouldn't blade, dangit

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JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 3239611)
I was hoping that they wouldn't blade, dangit

This is Dusty's son. He pretty much HAD to do that, for his heritage if nothing else. (though not to that extent, that was some Tommy Wildfire Rich caliber bleeding)

JonInMiddleGA 05-25-2019 09:24 PM

10 years from now I expect to find out that MFJ and his wife are expecting a baby girl.

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