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Coffee Warlord 08-17-2005 01:54 PM

I've honestly never much evidence pointing that Eagles is a wolf...except a few 'feeler' votes from you. He was considered a pretty sure thing for a villager by myself and a few others, including one I trust completely (AE). Hell, his name was brought up for conversion to Sorc a couple times, as I recall. If, as logic dictates, there is 1 wolf and 2 sorcs, then I simply cannot believe Eagles is one of the three original wolves.

In short...I have more reason to believe him than you. If I'm wrong, I apologize. But I gotta go with who I trust more.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 01:58 PM

He's been on the same side as me for three straight votes. I see no reason that one of us should be more trustworthy than the other.

kingfc22 08-17-2005 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
Take it for what it's worth. I already told you what I believe about the post count activity. Dolaposts and multiple dolaposts only count as one post. If someone interrupted your dola and you responded, I counted both of your posts. This is raw data and doesn't take into account content of posts.

Name: Day 2 posts/Day 3 posts

Ardent: 14/7
Raiders: 13/15
BrianD: 10/9
hoopsguy: 10/18
Coffee Warlord: 7/7
RealDeal: 7/6
Mr. Wednesday: 7/2
henry296: 6/6
Vince: 4/12
SnDvls: 4/6
Superman: 3/2
Blade: 3/1
MrBug: 2/4
Schmidty: 2/1
Eaglesfan: 1/7
kingfc22: 1/1

The ones I put in red are the ones whose post counts when up substantially when a wolf's head was on the line. The ones in blue are the ones whose post counts went down.

Although MrBug's post count doubled, he didn't post much anyhow, so I don't consider him a prime suspect....yet.

Was going back over the thread and this is another post that I think makes it clear that Mr. W is the correct target. Notice who Raiders (a wolf) is targeting and who he is trying to protect.

Schmidty 08-17-2005 01:59 PM

Sucks that I died.

Good luck to you guys.

kingfc22 08-17-2005 01:59 PM

Mr. W, I hope that coat fits you nicely tonight because you're getting a rope tomorrow.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 02:00 PM


My post counts went down (i.e. I didn't try to talk people out of voting for a wolf), so I'm the wolf? This is getting more insane by the post!

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 02:00 PM

Dola, I have an item, and it's not the coat. If there is one around, I don't know who has it.

kingfc22 08-17-2005 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Wednesday

My post counts went down (i.e. I didn't try to talk people out of voting for a wolf), so I'm the wolf? This is getting more insane by the post!

Figured you would look at that part of the post which you are right it doesn't make any sense. However, now that we know Raiders is a WOLF we can look at what he was trying to accomplish.

Names in red who Raiders wants people to target: Hoops (villager), Vince (villager) and Eagles.

And he trys to clear you by putting you in blue.

Now why would I vote for someone, Eagles, when Raiders wanted him to be a target and he wanted you safe?

kingfc22 08-17-2005 02:17 PM

Also, after the first conversion we have these posts:

#989 - VERY FIRST POST after Peregrine announced Book of the Damned was read, Mr W. claims to have viewed SnDvls and says he is a villager

#1026 - Mr. W attempts to gain Vince's trust and reassures him that SnDvls is a villager

#1041 and #1044 are quite funny - SnDvls votes for RA not knowing who the wolves that converted him are and then RA asks " hard feelings, but a little reasoning? Just because I said a vote analysis wouldn't do much at this point?"

Looks like their plan backfired a bit at this point...

#1052 - Mr. W tells SnDvls he is in his circle of trust. Combine this info with what Mr. W said above, I'm sure SnDvls knows who converted him now.

This all leads me to last night when SnDvls leaked his info to Mr. W which I pointed out in post #1588.

Throughout the thread, I can not find any hard evidence to link Eagles to being a bad guy.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 02:17 PM

Oops, missed that part of it. I'm not sure what to read out of that... whether it was an attempt to build credibility by slipping a wolf in the list, or whether it suggests that we have two wolves (with EF being a more recent conversion) rather than a wolf and two sorcerors.

SnDvls 08-17-2005 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
Here's where I'm at right now.

I think Mr. W is the wolf. Now thanks to SnDvls handing the coat of arms to Hoops, which strikes me as an odd move. Why give Hoops this item? He has never been in danger of being lynched and this item is a whole lot more beneficial to the Wolf than it is to the villagers at this stage of the game. And then he gets eaten last night and lo and behold the wolf now has the coat.

actually in an error it never got passed. Not my error, but an error in communication w/ me and the mod of this game. I still have it. So lynch away at the wolves they don't have any protection.

kingfc22 08-17-2005 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Wednesday
whether it suggests that we have two wolves (with EF being a more recent conversion) rather than a wolf and two sorcerors.

This is NOT possible. The ledger says that only 1 bad guy voted for Schmidty. Sorry, try again.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 02:20 PM

I'm sure it doesn't help much, since you've already spun a yarn about SnDvls being in cahoots with me, but I had previously posted that I had one item, which was not the coat.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
This is NOT possible. The ledger says that only 1 bad guy voted for Schmidty. Sorry, try again.


I've said that, based on the exchange with EF27, one of the two of us must be a wolf -- we both accuse the other, and neither claims the mask. So far, so good.

I also suggested that EF27 might be a convert (and hence a villager at the time of RA's implication, if I remember the timing of that post right), so that there would be one rather than two bad guys out of the other group. One wolf, that is, rather than two sorcerors.

SnDvls 08-17-2005 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
Also, after the first conversion we have these posts:

#989 - VERY FIRST POST after Peregrine announced Book of the Damned was read, Mr W. claims to have viewed SnDvls and says he is a villager

#1026 - Mr. W attempts to gain Vince's trust and reassures him that SnDvls is a villager

#1041 and #1044 are quite funny - SnDvls votes for RA not knowing who the wolves that converted him are and then RA asks " hard feelings, but a little reasoning? Just because I said a vote analysis wouldn't do much at this point?"

Looks like their plan backfired a bit at this point...

#1052 - Mr. W tells SnDvls he is in his circle of trust. Combine this info with what Mr. W said above, I'm sure SnDvls knows who converted him now.

This all leads me to last night when SnDvls leaked his info to Mr. W which I pointed out in post #1588.

Throughout the thread, I can not find any hard evidence to link Eagles to being a bad guy.

you are twisting a lot of info I put out there, but I guess we'll see at the end, but you are jumping up and down real hard to end this for the bad guys quickly.

SnDvls 08-17-2005 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by kingfc22
This is NOT possible. The ledger says that only 1 bad guy voted for Schmidty. Sorry, try again.

unless you are lying or you are the other bad guy so it would not say you in there.

MrBug708 08-17-2005 02:49 PM

Just curious Mr. W., but what is that one item?

Coffee Warlord 08-17-2005 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by MrBug708
Just curious Mr. W., but what is that one item?

He should have the hammer. I passed it to him last night.

Coffee Warlord 08-17-2005 02:55 PM

...for no particular reason other than I felt it to be a pretty useless item this late in the game, i didn't want it, and I was tired of passing it to AE just to have it sent back. So I picked someone out of the blue.

Poli 08-17-2005 02:56 PM

I was enjoying the basketball game.

Coffee Warlord 08-17-2005 02:57 PM

It always came back smelling funny after you had it though. :)

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 03:04 PM

Yeah, I've got the hammer. At this point, I can't see how it would be useful, though... anything interesting would be either destroyed already, or in the hands of the wolf/wolves and/or sorceror(s).

Peregrine 08-17-2005 03:28 PM

Vote tally so far:

eaglesfan27 - Mr. Wednesday, SnDvls
Mr. Wednesday - Eaglesfan27, ardent, kingfc22, Coffee Warlord

Not voting - MrBug708, Superman

SnDvls 08-17-2005 03:29 PM

unvote Eagles

vote King

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 04:21 PM

Well, I'd like to try to derive something useful from my untimely demise (assuming, of course, that the villagers don't lose the game outright), but I'm not sure that I can if there are two sorcerors... after all, the whole thing comes down to whether you believe me (who has been occasionally quiet but never dishonest in a WW game) or EF27 (who tried to pull off a whopper in the Mafia game but got called on it by me and a couple of other people), even for the sorcerors (if you assume there are two sorcs, rather than two wolves). So I could say that the pile on me looks suspicious, but I don't believe that. EF27's vote is obvious (and will get him killed if the game is still going tomorrow), but the sorcs would be acting on the tossup the same as everyone else -- after all, they don't actually know who the wolf is, short of using a pendant or the amulet, any more than any other villager.

I can see a potential point to SnDvls vote, but even if I try to follow there (and I'm disinclined to because I think taking out a known wolf is more important), it doesn't look like there's going to be any help.

SnDvls 08-17-2005 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Wednesday

I can see a potential point to SnDvls vote, but even if I try to follow there (and I'm disinclined to because I think taking out a known wolf is more important), it doesn't look like there's going to be any help.

sorry man. I can't save you and I'm pretty sure you are good. If you are good at the lynch tonight, then we'll know who isn't right away. (EF, King, and CW)

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 04:39 PM

king makes me suspicious, since he's picked up the torch from EF27 in beating the drum for my demise (picking up both reasonable material and some real stretches in doing it). CW and ardent could go either way... if it's two sorcs, rather than two wolves, then they could be sorcs who believe me, or villagers who believe EF27. Ardent's wager with me was not insubstantial... a year of Hattrick supporter runs around $20.

Since making his accusatory post, EF27 has been silent, despite browsing the thread a few times. I'm not sure it's fair to hold that against him, though... it's possible that kingfc22 has said it all for him.

SnDvls 08-17-2005 04:49 PM

bug- you gonna jump one way or the other? I see you lurking

Superman=#54 08-17-2005 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Peregrine
Vote tally so far:

eaglesfan27 - Mr. Wednesday, SnDvls
Mr. Wednesday - Eaglesfan27, ardent, kingfc22, Coffee Warlord

Not voting - MrBug708, Superman

Check post #1598 there is my vote Peregrine.

Just to clarify.

VOTE Mr. Wendsday

MrBug708 08-17-2005 05:01 PM

I gots 2 hours still...

SnDvls 08-17-2005 05:12 PM

if Mr. W ain't a wolf, we're screwed. All we've had were bandwagon votes

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 05:20 PM

After re-reading the thread from page 1 (well, OK, I was just searching for posts by EF27), I am reasonably certain that:

* EF27 is telling the truth about having the amulet and who he viewed early in the game.

* EF27 was a villager at the start... I can't reconcile his strong support of lynching Digamma with being a wolf. Also, 1118 and 1120 (lost track of lynched wolves) and another one in that time frame (which I didn't record, thought wolves knew sorcs at the start) suggest this as well.

* EF27 was converted into a sorceror and then into a wolf, and there is one other wolf on the other side of the ledger. The score right now is 6 - 2, and will be 4 - 2 after I get lynched (failing a miraculous comeback). Get EF27, and it will be 3 - 1. We should win, but at a terrible cost.

I'd like to point you to post 1332, which I find particularly interesting -- EF27 is confident that both Vince and hoopsguy are villagers. Both are dead -- indeed, both were the next two WW kills..

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 05:21 PM

Dola, I'm not sure if 1332 was while EF27 was a sorc or after he had gone all the way to a wolf.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 05:23 PM

Double dola, actually, at 3 - 1 the chances aren't great. If the three miss, then it goes to 2 - 1, then 1 - 1 after the night kill. You've still got a chance, don't screw it up.

Eaglesfan27 08-17-2005 05:23 PM

As far as being quiet, I was at work all day and while I might have been seen in this thread, I was unfortunately typing up reports. I did take peeks throughout the day as I hate doing evaluations for the State on OCS cases (Child Protection cases) but they are important work and quite frankly pay well. However, I have to type a lot and think carefully about what I type. Therefore, I took frequent mini-breaks to view stuff but couldn't put much thought into posting. I posted in a few threads where not much thought was needed, but didn't want to post hastily in this thread without thought.

However, now that I'm home and caught up with everything. I don't see that there is much more to say. I laid out the truth in my previous post.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 05:25 PM

Except for the bit about viewing me and me being the WW, not you, I believe you. :D

Eaglesfan27 08-17-2005 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Wednesday
After re-reading the thread from page 1 (well, OK, I was just searching for posts by EF27), I am reasonably certain that:

* EF27 is telling the truth about having the amulet and who he viewed early in the game.

* EF27 was a villager at the start... I can't reconcile his strong support of lynching Digamma with being a wolf. Also, 1118 and 1120 (lost track of lynched wolves) and another one in that time frame (which I didn't record, thought wolves knew sorcs at the start) suggest this as well.

* EF27 was converted into a sorceror and then into a wolf, and there is one other wolf on the other side of the ledger. The score right now is 6 - 2, and will be 4 - 2 after I get lynched (failing a miraculous comeback). Get EF27, and it will be 3 - 1. We should win, but at a terrible cost.

I'd like to point you to post 1332, which I find particularly interesting -- EF27 is confident that both Vince and hoopsguy are villagers. Both are dead -- indeed, both were the next two WW kills..

You last point about post 1332 is ridiculous. Everyone thought Vince and hoopsguy were villagers. Of course, the werewolves were going to kill them. They were loud, vocal leaders. That is part of why I tried to lay low at times. However, if I viewed a werewolf before last night I would have spoken up and passed the amulet.

Peregrine 08-17-2005 06:15 PM

40 minutes left:

eaglesfan27 - Mr. Wednesday
Mr. Wednesday - Eaglesfan27, ardent, kingfc22, Coffee Warlord, Superman
kingfc22 - SnDvls

Not voting - MrBug

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 06:18 PM

Some thinking about the original wolf, since I'm presuming EF27 is a convert (this is all out the window if it's at 5 - 3 rather than 6 - 2 right now):

* kingfc22 drew a lot of attention to himself -- too much to be a wolf, I think. EF27 knows he's getting lynched tomorrow, so it would be foolhardy for the other wolf to draw attention to himself on the wrong side of things. The only way this works out is if it's a "hidden in plain view" play. I'll come back to this, though...

* MrBug did not vote yesterday and has not cast a vote today. If anything, I think that's a little too far under the radar.

* If EF27 is a convert and we're looking for the original wolf, then SnDvls is out -- he was a villager when I checked him with my first pendant.

* Superman=#54 voted for RA to break the tie with RealDeal, which gets him a lot of credit in my book.

* CW and ardent seem to be joined at the hip; they can't both be wolves, and both earned trust as villagers early on.

My problem now is that I've basically talked myself out of everyone else being another wolf; I have a hard time believing that EF27's early posts were made as a wolf, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me for kingfc22 to have drawn that much attention to himself. The only other one left is MrBug, but with the wolves coordinating, I wouldn't think he would have gone that long without casting votes if he were the other wolf.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 06:19 PM

Peregrine, SnDvls unvoted EF27 and voted kingfc22 in post 1624 uppage.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 06:20 PM

You'd think, with a vote this important, we'd have a few more people checking in towards the deadline. :(

kingfc22 08-17-2005 06:23 PM

I'm here, just not changing my mind. Obviously if you are not a wolf, then Eagles is dead tomorrow.

MrBug708 08-17-2005 06:31 PM

I'm going to go with....

vote - Kingfc

MrBug708 08-17-2005 06:34 PM

Sorry for missing the vote last night btw. I was going to be home, but I was feeling kinda low so I called up my friend and we went to the Angels game last night. K-Rod blew it big time. Ah well, she's the diehard Angel fan...since 2002

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 06:41 PM

I've got a lot of reservations about doing this. I know EF27 is a wolf, and I don't think going after someone else is the right thing to do. But this is also looking like the only shot I have at avoiding a wrongful lynching, so...

Unvote EaglesFan27
Vote kingfc22

I'd much rather have you guys vote for EF27, but I'm willing to take a shot at surviving. I don't think king's attempts to nail me are wolf-ish, but don't see anything else that I can do.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 06:42 PM

Dola, unfortunately, now I can't promise you that it's a choice between a villager and a wolf. I'm afraid this may be a choice between two villagers.

kingfc22 08-17-2005 06:43 PM

Interesting, the 3 guys that I pegged to be bad guys all vote for me.

MrBug708 08-17-2005 06:44 PM

Of course, when I voted for you, it was after it looked pretty hopeless for Mr. W. If I was a wolf or even bad, I'd have just piled on to make sure.

Superman=#54 08-17-2005 06:58 PM

5 to 3 and Mr. W is still in the lead. Mr. W seems like the safe vote for now. I believe Eaglesfan and thats all there is to it.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 07:00 PM

Good going, guys... at the rate we're lynching villagers, the wolves should have it locked up tomorrow. :rolleyes:

MrBug708 08-17-2005 07:01 PM

So long Mr. W

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 07:05 PM

As my final thought, I've left you every kind of analysis I can produce. Other than EF27, I'm not sure about the rest.

MrBug708 08-17-2005 07:09 PM

Watch, Mr. W. is a willager now...

kingfc22 08-17-2005 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by MrBug708
Watch, Mr. W. is a willager now...

That would suck. However, Eagles would be the easy target tomorrow.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 07:21 PM

Sheesh, will Peregrine hurry up and vindicate me already?

jeff061 08-17-2005 07:25 PM



Is this really your word of choice?? ;).

Peregrine 08-17-2005 07:25 PM

Final voting (unless I missed something, which seems likely)

Mr. Wednesday - Eaglesfan27, ardent, kingfc22, Coffee Warlord, Superman
kingfc22 - SnDvls, MrBug, Mr. Wednesday

Mr. Wednesday is led to the gallows calmly, he seems to have accepted his fate. He is lynched, and is revealed as an innocent villager.

Mr. Wednesday had the Hammer of the Blacksmith which is now lost.

Night 8 - 7 of you remain

Coffee Warlord
ardent enthusiast

Mr. Wednesday - lynched Day 8 - villager
hoopsguy - eaten Night 7 - villager
Lathum - Lynched Day 2 - villager
blade6119 - Lynched Day 4 - villager
Henry296 - killed Night 4 - villager
BrianD - killed Night 3 - villager
digamma - Lynched Day 3 - werewolf
fouts - Poisoned and died Night 3 - villager
schmidty - Lynched Day 7 - villager
dubb93 - killed Night 2 - villager
vince - killed Night 6 - villager
Qwikshot - Lynched Day 1 - Sorceror
RealDeal - Killed Night 5 - villager
Jeff061 - Killed Night 1 - Sorceror
Raiders Army - Lynched Day 6 - werewolf

Night actions in by midnight as usual

SnDvls 08-17-2005 07:26 PM

well that makes tomorrow easy

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 07:26 PM

Good luck, guys.

SnDvls 08-17-2005 07:26 PM

sorry I couldn't help save you Mr.W but it seems the wolves have everyone convinced they are good.

MrBug708 08-17-2005 07:28 PM

I sitll dont understand why people think I'm bad? I just defended another villager. I nailed Digamma as a wolf back early on with the ring of wisdom which showed I wasnt a wolf or sorcerer back then.

Then again, I'm probably about the closest thing to a sure villager and will probably be killed tonight.

SnDvls 08-17-2005 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by MrBug708

Then again, I'm probably about the closest thing to a sure villager and will probably be killed tonight.

I believe you, but if I'm not the surest thing and kill tonight I don't know who is. I'm a villager and have been from day 1 and Mr.W just reconfirmed it again.

Eagles must go down. He is the ring leader and head wolf. Can't any of you see that he has you all fooled. Everyone he votes for or calls out is lynched or killed...well no more.


kingfc22 08-17-2005 07:57 PM

Well crap.

Vote Eaglesfan27

Superman=#54 08-17-2005 08:05 PM

This seems to easy.

Vote Eaglesfan27

Poli 08-17-2005 09:19 PM

Vote Eaglesfan27

SnDvls 08-17-2005 09:25 PM

vote eaglesfan

Eaglesfan27 08-17-2005 09:31 PM

Sheesh. Everyone is ready to lynch me?

I think we have to wait until after the night actions to vote.

hoopsguy 08-17-2005 09:34 PM


Sheesh, will Peregrine hurry up and vindicate me already?

Vote Blade6199

MrBug708 08-17-2005 09:44 PM

Let's wait til after the night actions...

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy
Vote Blade6199

Don't worry, I didn't take any of it personally. :)

hoopsguy 08-17-2005 11:03 PM

For what it is worth, I thought RealDeal got jobbed in the next game (Mafia WW). Not at all unexpected, but I hope it doesn't follow him to every WW game going forward. I didn't agree with the way he played it here, but I would like to think that he would not repeat that next time around.

Schmidty 08-17-2005 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy
For what it is worth, I thought RealDeal got jobbed in the next game (Mafia WW). Not at all unexpected, but I hope it doesn't follow him to every WW game going forward. I didn't agree with the way he played it here, but I would like to think that he would not repeat that next time around.

I agree, but a point needed to be made.

Mr. Wednesday 08-17-2005 11:17 PM

I thought it was a poor play in XI and voted accordingly (thought not, as today showed, any more wisely). While his reaction was a little over the top, I don't think it's a coincidence that Blade seems to draw controversy in every single one of these games -- and I think RealDeal caught a disproportionate amount of the blame because of that.

Coffee Warlord 08-17-2005 11:43 PM

Saw a helluva local band tonight, I might note for you Chicago folks. Details will be forthcoming in another thread tomorrow.

And apparently my ability to judge character sucks huge donkey balls. MrW, I apologize. But, your death leads us to Senor Wolf.

Vote Eagles

Peregrine 08-18-2005 12:03 AM

Seems like the longer this game goes on, the less talking there is.

The night passes quickly, and again your numbers dwindle. In the morning the mangled body of SnDvls is found. He was an innocent villager

The Potion of Healing was removed from the game.

Day 9 - 6 of you remain

Coffee Warlord
ardent enthusiast

sundvls - Eaten Night 8 - villager
Mr. Wednesday - lynched Day 8 - villager
hoopsguy - eaten Night 7 - villager
Lathum - Lynched Day 2 - villager
blade6119 - Lynched Day 4 - villager
Henry296 - killed Night 4 - villager
BrianD - killed Night 3 - villager
digamma - Lynched Day 3 - werewolf
fouts - Poisoned and died Night 3 - villager
schmidty - Lynched Day 7 - villager
dubb93 - killed Night 2 - villager
vince - killed Night 6 - villager
Qwikshot - Lynched Day 1 - Sorceror
RealDeal - Killed Night 5 - villager
Jeff061 - Killed Night 1 - Sorceror
Raiders Army - Lynched Day 6 - werewolf

Lynch votes due by 8 pm. However, if you unanimously want to have night fall quicker, we can speed it up since there are so few of us and today's vote may be preordained.

Peregrine 08-18-2005 12:08 AM

MrBug, your mailbox is full, clear it out and I'll send you your nightly update.

RealDeal 08-18-2005 12:08 AM

I blew my top because I felt like from WWIX, WWX, and now WWXI that Blade isn't playing it straight. After having added another notch to his belt for Bek, I feel like he's trying to set the alltime record for most villagers killed by another villager. Looking back, I probably overreacted, but I just have a hard time believing that many honest mistakes. It probably was honest mistakes, and I'll pretend this episode never happened in future games.

The past is the past, and I should have been cooler about it. But at least now that people can look at my record, it's clear that I was always trying to play it straight, even if I might have blown my top a bit when I thought another guy wasn't.

I would have been much happier to have found at that Blade was a wolf in this game or WWXI. Then it just would have been skillful play.

Blade6119 08-18-2005 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by RealDeal
I blew my top because I felt like from WWIX, WWX, and now WWXI that Blade isn't playing it straight. After having added another notch to his belt for Bek, I feel like he's trying to set the alltime record for most villagers killed by another villager. Looking back, I probably overreacted, but I just have a hard time believing that many honest mistakes. It probably was honest mistakes, and I'll pretend this episode never happened in future games.

The past is the past, and I should have been cooler about it. But at least now that people can look at my record, it's clear that I was always trying to play it straight, even if I might have blown my top a bit when I thought another guy wasn't.

I would have been much happier to have found at that Blade was a wolf in this game or WWXI. Then it just would have been skillful play.

Umm...WWXI we got vamps on the first two days...where did i get villagers there? Where did i get villager killed in WWIX...if im not mistaken you got me killed, not the other way WWX i admit as the duke i killed dubb on the first day(im sorry im not crazy lucky to hit a vamp on day one like illini did) and broke a tie late in the game that killed out of all those, i see GWB as a kill and maybe dubb(although dubb was random day one after i was voted to be lynched)...bek was a mistake i made...i posted the PM that got him i have two innocents on my hands after a random day one duke kill...are you going to sit here and tell me you havent voted for two innocents? Thats right, so shut the hell up...

As to the new game, i cant comment since its still going on(and technically, schmidty started the voting for you so you cant even say that) but how dare you again attack me...Saying my play isnt skillful is pathetic in my have won zero games by my count, where i have won two...and im still in a third...your upset, but stop attacking not attacking you, and i didnt start the vote against you in the new game...outplay me and ill give you credit, but all i see is you got me killed, bitched about it excessively, then got yourself killed in the new game...sorry, but thats far from skillful play yourself...Im not holding grudges as long as you stop attacking me, but god you need to stop now...its really sad

MrBug708 08-18-2005 12:34 AM

PM box is cleared out.

Mr. Wednesday 08-18-2005 12:37 AM

I think we need to take the meta discussion into another thread, or save it until after the game is done.

kingfc22 08-18-2005 01:14 AM

Well damn. That leaves us with:

1 out of Eagles, Superman and AE is bad.

1 and possibly 2 out of CW, MrBug and myself are bad.

I can now officially vote:

Vote Eaglesfan27

RealDeal 08-18-2005 01:25 AM

I take you for your word then. Basically the pattern I saw was this game (the reasons you fixated on me were very unusual), the one we won quickly (X or XI- where you acted like you couldn't figure out how Illini was the Duke), and XII (where you took a buddy's PM to you and got the guy lynched- why the PM was useful evidence of him being mafia just didn't make any sense to me- then basically revealed your role really early).

Maybe I was just connecting dots that weren't really connectable, but that's where I was coming from.


Originally Posted by Blade6119
Umm...WWXI we got vamps on the first two days...where did i get villagers there? Where did i get villager killed in WWIX...if im not mistaken you got me killed, not the other way around (1) WWX i admit as the duke i killed dubb on the first day(im sorry im not crazy lucky to hit a vamp on day one like illini did) and broke a tie late in the game that killed out of all those, i see GWB as a kill and maybe dubb(although dubb was random day one after i was voted to be lynched)...bek was a mistake i made...i posted the PM that got him i have two innocents on my hands after a random day one duke kill...are you going to sit here and tell me you havent voted for two innocents? Thats right, so shut the hell up...

As to the new game, i cant comment since its still going on(and technically, schmidty started the voting for you so you cant even say that) but how dare you again attack me...Saying my play isnt skillful is pathetic in my have won zero games by my count, where i have won two...and im still in a third...your upset, but stop attacking not attacking you, and i didnt start the vote against you in the new game...outplay me and ill give you credit, but all i see is you got me killed, bitched about it excessively, then got yourself killed in the new game...sorry, but thats far from skillful play yourself...Im not holding grudges as long as you stop attacking me, but god you need to stop now...its really sad

Peregrine 08-18-2005 01:28 AM

Blade, RealDeal, take it somewhere else please.

Blade6119 08-18-2005 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by RealDeal
I take you for your word then. Basically the pattern I saw was this game (the reasons you fixated on me were very unusual), the one we won quickly (X or XI- where you acted like you couldn't figure out how Illini was the Duke), and XII (where you took a buddy's PM to you and got the guy lynched- why the PM was useful evidence of him being mafia just didn't make any sense to me- then basically revealed your role really early).

Maybe I was just connecting dots that weren't really connectable, but that's where I was coming from.

I certainly understand where your coming from now...i honestly was lost as to illini's hints...but again, i never saw the crazy in front of duke when i read the rules...i thought illini(a guy i have played games outside the board with) was just being his crazy this one i was suspicious of you, but didnt vote for you when there was any evidence on the table...i only voted for you on a day with nothing better to go on...sorry if there was something better i missed, and sorry if you felt i was unfair in any way. In XII, i prob. shouldnt have posted the PM, but after he had told me multiple times he was mafia outside the board he finally gave me concrete evidence and i ran with it. My fault on that one, i openly admit that...Think we can be cordial again realdeal?

Blade6119 08-18-2005 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Peregrine
Blade, RealDeal, take it somewhere else please.

Im done, and i think the dispute is too..sorry to clog the thread peregrine, and i hope the remaining villagers win this badboy! :)

MrBug708 08-18-2005 01:38 AM

Eaglesfan seems like a goner but Kingfc seems convinced that Im bad...

vote - Kingfc

MrBug708 08-18-2005 01:38 AM

I might add that I've shown myself to be a villager from the get go

kingfc22 08-18-2005 02:26 AM

MrBug - I am a villager. I used the ledger the previous night and I am simply stating how the two groups are laid out in terms of how many bad guys are in them. The first group I know for sure because they were in the Schmidty vote. The second group, I'm not sure if it is 1 or 2.

I am good, I'm fairly certain CW is good. That means you = bad.

I'm a great secondary choice now behind Eagles since I helped kill off Mr. W and implied SnDvls of being a convert. However, if I was a bad guy and I knew Eagles was making a play. I would not stick my neck out as well giving the villagers two easy targets to kill.

I'd play it like you are. Waiting until the very end to cast a vote that aligns with a few villagers. And then kill off those individuals to impicate someone else.

kingfc22 08-18-2005 02:35 AM

Villagers we know what to do. If Eagles is the last wolf, we win and there are two sorcerers. If he is lynched and the game goes on then we know we have 1 wolf left and no sorcerers.

If this is the case then the last wolf is either CW, MrBug or myself.

Poli 08-18-2005 06:35 AM

Vote Eaglesfan27

I'm all for moving the game forward. I am not changing my vote.

Eaglesfan27 08-18-2005 08:56 AM

If things are sped up, and I don't get to reply before that sped up lynch time, I'd like to make a request. I want one last meal please. I believe it is required before lynching, under the fair treatment of prisoners act or some such statute. Also, please use a noose with a soft feel to it. I chaff easily.

SnDvls 08-18-2005 09:49 AM

well good luck all....go villagers!!!!

Raiders Army 08-18-2005 12:06 PM

It's quiet...too qui---er, oh yeah. I'm dead.

digamma 08-18-2005 12:15 PM


How are things for you in Werwolf heaven?

I've got a line of 20 or 30 virgins waiting for me and all the beer I can drink

RealDeal 08-18-2005 12:15 PM

yes. let's pretend this whole thing didn't happen.


Originally Posted by Blade6119
I certainly understand where your coming from now...i honestly was lost as to illini's hints...but again, i never saw the crazy in front of duke when i read the rules...i thought illini(a guy i have played games outside the board with) was just being his crazy this one i was suspicious of you, but didnt vote for you when there was any evidence on the table...i only voted for you on a day with nothing better to go on...sorry if there was something better i missed, and sorry if you felt i was unfair in any way. In XII, i prob. shouldnt have posted the PM, but after he had told me multiple times he was mafia outside the board he finally gave me concrete evidence and i ran with it. My fault on that one, i openly admit that...Think we can be cordial again realdeal?

Raiders Army 08-18-2005 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by digamma

How are things for you in Werwolf heaven?

I've got a line of 20 or 30 virgins waiting for me and all the beer I can drink

Things are great in Werewolf hell. Unlike you pussies in heaven, we have 50-60 sluts waiting for me, all the beer I can drink, and I get to torture the ones who have been killed by our werewolf brothers! Come join me!

Peregrine 08-18-2005 01:19 PM

If I count votes last night before the night actions, which are technically invalid, I have:

eaglesfan27 - king, superman, ardent, CW
Kingfc22 - MrBug

Not voting - Eaglesfan

Poli 08-18-2005 01:24 PM

Oh, just validate them already. :)

Coffee Warlord 08-18-2005 01:27 PM

Well here. :)

Vote EaglesFan.

Eaglesfan27 08-18-2005 01:27 PM

Seeing as how everyone is determined to lynch me, I'm abstaining from this vote at this time.

However, I'd still like my one last meal and a soft noose please.

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