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biological warrior 09-16-2006 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Greyroofoo (Post 1249068)
Right now I'm 149.0, which is about a pound lighter than last week. Last night at the gym I ran my 3 miles in 29:37. While its a personal best its far from where I want it to be still.

Yesterday I was complemented on my recent weight loss by a girl I used to like. I have to say I'm rather happy about that.

149!!! Damn you should be running a 21 min 5k.;).

Greyroofoo 09-16-2006 12:54 PM

did I mention that I'm only 5'3? 149 is overweight for me (if BMI is anything to go by)

Also, with some digging I found a picture of me

not exactly best for comparing fitness levels though

Lorena 09-17-2006 10:23 AM

My Plan
I've been following the South Beach Diet for a week. Out of these 7 days, I was pretty bad for about 4 meals and it hindered my weight loss, but a loss is a loss and I'll take it.

My workouts

I have been walking most days of the weeks pushing my son on a stroller through our neighborhood. I need to change our route a little so it doesn't get boring; but I've been keeping up with it which is an accomplishment in itself.

Starting weight: 194.4
Current Weight: 192.8
Loss: 1.6 lbs

Plans for the upcoming week
Stay on track with South Beach, drink more water, and sneak in a different exercise.

Ksyrup 09-18-2006 07:07 AM

Didn't get a chance to post yesterday, but I weighed in at 216.4, a loss of just over 8.5 pounds for the first week. I always seem to lose huge amounts during the first week or so. My goal is to add in some exercise and definitely some sit ups/crunches, as my waistline is my biggest issue. The facial fat will go away as the pounds drop, but I need to tighten up the stomach and try to do away with the "second stomach" (just below the waistline) I started developing.

So far, so good. My wife lost about 5 pounds and is pleased.

Logan 09-18-2006 07:05 PM

Nice work!

biological warrior 09-18-2006 10:13 PM

Here's a current pic of me taken this after noon, just click on the link.

biological warrior 09-22-2006 09:11 PM

This thing still alive?

Logan 09-23-2006 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by biological warrior (Post 1254540)
This thing still alive?

Of course it is!

My Friday morning weigh-in turned into a Saturday morning weigh-in due to the fact that it was impossible to get out of bed for work yesterday, so my routine was all messed up.

Start: 234.5 lbs (9/4/06)
Previous: 226.5 lbs (9/15/06)
Current: 224.5 lbs (9/23/06)
Goal: 195 lbs (3/4/06)

I was a little nervous getting on the scale, since my exercising was basically non-existant this week. But I'm fine with the results, since my eating habits are still strong.

Lorena 09-24-2006 10:06 AM

This week
Followed South Beach Phase 2 but got carried away with bread and had a carb overload yesterday.

My workouts
I've done well with my workouts. I have successfully walked most days of the week pushing my son on the stroller for at least half an hour at a time.


Starting weight on 09/09/06: 194.4
Current Weight: 191.8
Loss this week: -1.0 lbs
Total loss: -2.6 lbs

Plans for the upcoming week
I lost a whopping 1 lb for the week, so I'll have to up my protein intake and take it easy on the bread and flour. Keep on track with South Beach and walk for longer distances.

Grats to everyone for doing so well! Ksyrup a whopping 8.5 lbs your first week, that's pretty damn awesome. Logan, you're not doing so bad yourself, every little bit counts towards that final goal.

Keep up the good work all :)

biological warrior 09-24-2006 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Dodgerchick (Post 1255447)
This week
Followed South Beach Phase 2 but got carried away with bread and had a carb overload yesterday.

My workouts
I've done well with my workouts. I have successfully walked most days of the week pushing my son on the stroller for at least half an hour at a time.


Starting weight on 09/09/06: 194.4
Current Weight: 191.8
Loss this week: -1.0 lbs
Total loss: -2.6 lbs

Plans for the upcoming week
I lost a whopping 1 lb for the week, so I'll have to up my protein intake and take it easy on the bread and flour. Keep on track with South Beach and walk for longer distances.

Grats to everyone for doing so well! Ksyrup a whopping 8.5 lbs your first week, that's pretty damn awesome. Logan, you're not doing so bad yourself, every little bit counts towards that final goal.

Keep up the good work all :)

I'm off toweigh myself in, as long as I lose at least 1-3 lbs. i'll be happy.:)

biological warrior 09-24-2006 06:25 PM

Weighed on at 179.1 lbs. Lost 1.5 lbs. I probably could have lost more -should have not eaten and drank this week.- Ho[ing I get down to 175 lbs by next week.:)

Lorena 09-24-2006 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by biological warrior (Post 1255742)
Weighed on at 179.1 lbs. Lost 1.5 lbs. I probably could have lost more -should have not eaten and drank this week.- Ho[ing I get down to 175 lbs by next week.:)

Grats! I'm sure you can get it done by next week. I'll set the same weight loss of 4 lbs like you.

biological warrior 09-24-2006 11:58 PM

Remember just click on the myspace link to see my current pic.

Ksyrup 09-25-2006 06:52 AM

Had a decent week, with the expected drop-off from my big first-week loss. I still haven't really done any exercise, although I did some sit-ups one night, which I plan to do on a more regular basis. I lost 4 pounds this week.

Start: 225.0 lbs (9/10/06)
Previous: 216.5 lbs (9/17/06)
Current: 212.5 lbs (9/24/06)
Goal: 175 lbs (3/31/07)

So, I've lost 12.5 pounds in 2 weeks. With some added exercise, it would be nice to keep up a 4 pounds/week average. We'll see.

JeeberD 09-25-2006 08:17 AM

Made it back to the gym this morning for the first time since the wedding, and weighed in at 210.2 (before breakfast). I would like to get down to an even 200, but really at this point I'm going to be putting more emphasis on muscle gain than weight loss. But I'll still be doing my fair share of cardio to keep the fat off.

It sucked, though. After not going to the gym in about five weeks I was weak as hell. I couldn't lift nearly as much as I was putting up before. Lesson learned for the future.

Ksyrup 09-28-2006 10:11 AM

A quick recommendation for dieters who are eating a lot of salad - I've found that the Newman's Own Light Honey Mustard and Low Fat Sesame Ginger dressings are excellent.

Ksyrup 10-02-2006 07:28 AM

Where is everybody? Let's hear some updates!

My weigh-in from yesterday was pretty good, I lost another 5 pounds. That brings me to:

Start: 225.0 lbs (9/10/06)
Previous: 212.5 lbs (9/24/06)
Current: 207.5 lbs (10/01/06)
Goal: 175 lbs (3/31/07)
Total Loss: 17.5 lbs

JeeberD 10-02-2006 07:48 AM

210.0 after breakfast. Any loss at all suprises me...I half assed it the second half of the week since a) I knew we were going to go to the state fair on Saturday and the diet would be ruined anyways, and b) the wife is stared a very strict diet Sunday and we ate well before she had to give everything up.

This time next week, though, I'm hoping to be down to 208.

Ksyrup 10-02-2006 07:56 AM

If I can keep up 4-5 pounds a week, I'll be thrilled. I suspect I'll be hitting a lull at some point, though. I haven't really started exercising aside from doing some crunches every night, but I'll probably need to get active to keep up this kind of loss. I've done it before, though, so who knows.

Lorena 10-02-2006 12:57 PM

This week
No cheating at all! Yay me! BUT, I made a delicious Zucchini Bread that caused me to gain a little bit. Every ingredient in there was legal but having too much of a good thing isn't necessarily good. I also made pizza (with a whole wheat crust) that caused me to stall a bit.

My workouts
I'm still walking most days of the week, but Antmeister and I bought some weights so I'll be incorporating that into my "days off".

Starting weight on 09/09/06: 194.4
Current Weight: 189.8
Loss this week: -2.0 lbs
Total loss: - 4.6lbs
Loss needed to reach desired goal: 64.8 lbs.

Plans for the upcoming week
LOL, 2 lb weight loss last week. Even though I've been on track, I can't get away from the bread and tortillas (both whole wheat). When on South Beach, whole wheat is good, but too much of it can cause one to stall and/or gain weight which I have done for the past few weeks. I busted out my Tae Bo workout so I'll work on incorporating that sometime this week. I have lost up to 6 lbs a week on South Beach and these 1 lb weight loss per week ain't gonna work - at this rate, I'll be at my goal weight in over a year... nope, I need to bust my ass this week.

That's it for now... 'til next week. Wow, I didn't realize it was 10/02/06 today, I'll be taking a picture in a week to see the results. It'll be interesting to see the difference, I can't tell by looking in the mirror.

Lorena 10-02-2006 02:29 PM


I received a flier in the mail from Curves asking for volunteers to participate in a fitness study and I decided to do it. The study is so they can emphasize the importance of exercising on a regular basis to their members. At least 3x a week is much better than once in a while. I'll be signing paperwork and will start my first workout this Friday.

This should be interesting; I'm hopeful my weight will drop much faster after this 3 week study is completed.

PilotMan 10-03-2006 01:02 PM

Well as far as I can tell I am still holding around 260. I have been eating a bit worse than I should be but am still making good choices. Finding time to get to the gym is difficult. I was only able to work out twice last week, and I missed my indoor soccer match with a sprained big toe, and strained left quad. I should be back up for this week's game.

I havn't been able to work out this week, but I did just walk 6 laps at the Mall of America in an hour. By my calculation that would be between 3.5 and 4 miles at the pace that I was walking at.

My clothes are fitting better. My body is certainly changing, but I am having problems with stress taking away my motivation, as well as thinking that maybe I am doing better than I really am.

JeeberD 10-04-2006 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1259487)
A quick recommendation for dieters who are eating a lot of salad - I've found that the Newman's Own Light Honey Mustard and Low Fat Sesame Ginger dressings are excellent.

I found the Light Honey Mustard several months ago, and the stuff is amazing. Ken's has a Light Balsamic Vinegerette that's pretty damn good, and Kraft has a Fat Free Italian Ceasar that is decent...

Lorena 10-09-2006 01:17 AM

This was not a good week for me, I didn't feel very well and still don't.

Ksyrup 10-09-2006 02:10 PM

I lost 3 pounds this week. I still haven't done much exercise other than 50 crunches a night and the occasional family bike ride, so I know it's time to get going. We joined a local recreational center that has a workout area, track, indoor and outdoor pools, and childcare. It's only 3 miles from the house, so I can't complain about it being inconvenient. I want to get back to the 4-5 pounds per week weight loss that I had the first few weeks.

Start: 225.0 lbs (9/10/06)
Previous: 207.5 lbs (10/01/06)
Current: 204.5 lbs (10/08/06)
Goal: 175 lbs (3/31/07)
Total Loss: 20.5 lbs

Lorena 10-11-2006 01:39 AM

I haven't weighed myself since sometime early last week so I kinda dreaded stepping on the scale based on what I ate and how I felt last week, but I did it today and it wasn't as bad as I thought.

Starting weight on 09/09/06: 194.4
Current Weight: 188.2
Loss this week: -1.6 lbs
Total loss: - 6.2lbs
Loss needed to reach desired goal: 63.2 lbs.

Little by little. I had my second workout at Curves today and I totally loved it. It's basically non-stop resistance training. I've gone twice already and worked out for half an hour the first day, and 1 hour today. It's so easy I can see myself doing it at least 4 times a week.

I'll be curious to see how much I weigh on Sunday after my workouts.

Ksyrup 10-11-2006 08:31 AM

I went to the gym on Monday night for about 45 minutes. I walked .5 mile, then jogged 2.5 miles, then walked another .25 mile. Not bad for my first activity in a long time. My right knee was killing me for about a day, though. I couldn't move it left or right without it hurting, but that's starting to go away. I may go back tonight, depending on how the knee feels.

Ksyrup 10-12-2006 09:44 AM

I went to the gym again last night. I'm going to try to go 2-3 times a week. Considering the only time I can go is between 7:30-9pm, I won't be going every night. But maybe twice during the work week and once on the weekend is what I'm going to strive for. Since my knee was hurting a bit, I ended up doing the same 30 laps as last time (9 laps per mile), but only ran 2 miles instead of 2.5 and walked the rest. And my knee isn't really hurting today, so I guess it was just soreness from lack of use - as oppsed to an MCL sprain or something!

Lorena 10-13-2006 07:43 PM

Good for you Ksyrup!

I have successfully gone to the gym 3 times this week and I'm going again tomorrow. Twice I've gone for an hour each. I'm really proud of myself because I've actually committed to going to the gym and actually working out instead of lollygagging around the weights. What's great about Curves is that you are pretty much forced to move from station to station after 30 seconds with no time to think. It makes the time go by super, super fast and I love it.

Since I'm part of this study, it was required that I go 3 times a week for half an hour, but this week, I would have gone 4 times and out of those, 3 of them have been/will be for an hour. The data might be skewed a bit, but the contract didn't state that I HAD to stick with 3 times a week. I weighed myself and gained a little, but I can feel my clothes feeling loose and notice a huge change in my legs.

Til Sunday...

Ksyrup 10-13-2006 09:43 PM

I'm going again tomorrow morning - if I can get my ass out of bed at 6:30 with the temperature near freezing!

Lorena 10-16-2006 12:27 AM

Well, my diet sucked but I kicked ass in the workout dept. This week (depending on Antmeister's schedule), I'm planning on going 5 days and 2 out of those days will be 1 hour workouts. If his schedule works in my favor, maybe 3 of those days will be 1 hour workouts. Since my son hasn't really been out, I'll mix in a few walks as well; I think he misses our daily half hour walks.

Starting weight on 09/09/06: 194.4
Current Weight: 190.0
Gain this week: +1.8 lbs
Total loss: - 4.4 lbs
Loss needed to reach desired goal: 65.0 lbs.

I was a little dissapointed, but my clothes feel loose and my legs, omg, my legs are looking better. Even though Curves is geared towards a "whole body workout", I really bust my ass on the leg machines and I can see the difference.

I gotta stop making that Meat-za (pizza with cornbread as the crust) cuz that's the root of my problems.

So for now, I'll keep on keeping on...

Ksyrup 10-16-2006 08:27 AM

Had a decent week, my first incorporating workouts. I'm going to try to keep up with the three weekly 45-minute walk/jog sessions for now. That's the best I can do. My mom flew in on Saturday, so I expect to go off-diet for the first time this week. Hopefully I can minimize the damage, because I'm on the cusp of dropping below 200 pounds and am looking forward to that milestone, of sorts. I'm pretty much halfway to where I want to be in terms of weight loss, too.

Start: 225.0 lbs (9/10/06)
Previous: 204.5 lbs (10/08/06)
Current: 200.5 lbs (10/15/06)
Goal: 175 lbs (3/31/07)
Total Loss: 24.5 lbs

PilotMan 10-16-2006 12:27 PM

That is outstanding Ksyrup, it is the speed that you are losing that is great.

For me finding time to workout is getting rough. For some reason I am having a hard time getting motivated. I am still watchin what I am eating. I weighed a couple of times this week. I can safely say that I am down to 255.

This would bring my total loss to 22 lbs since the end of July. Also, I ended up at the urgent care for workmans comp. It gave me a chance to get my BP checked. Good news there is that my BP was down over 20 points on the top number, which has been my problem lately.

The holidays are coming and that spells bad news for me.

Ksyrup 10-16-2006 12:36 PM

Yeah, I'm "in a zone" right now. Strangely, the same traits that contributed to me gaining weight very quickly are probably working to help me lose it quickly. I'm clearly an "all or nothing" type eater. Now that I've spent 5 weeks eating small, healthy portions, I'm able to eat even less than I'm supposed to and it doesn't bother me. Conversely, when I wasn't watching what I ate and was just going for what tasted good, I could eat 2 or 3 times a normal portion and it wouldn't bother me, either. Which is not good, but now that I'm on a downward trend, it's become beneficial.

I think I'm on a 1600-1700 calorie plan, but I bet I'm eating only 1000-1200 calories a day. And even adding in the workouts, I don't feel like I don't have energy or anything like that. So I'm going to ride this until it stops!

And I hear you about time for workouts. I leave for work at 7am and get home around 6pm, and by the time we eat and put the kids to sleep, I've got just enough time to get in an hour at the gym until it closes at 9pm. But I only go a couple of time during the week because then I feel like I'm neglecting my wife. It's tough.

Ksyrup 10-18-2006 09:21 AM

Well, thanks to my mom being here (and cooking), this week is turning out to be quite the challenge. But yesterday was the end of the festivities for me, and I quickly made my way to the gym last night, increasing my jogging from 2.5 to 3 miles (with a .5 mile walk to begin and end the session). So, I hope I was able to tread water for the past few days, and now I'm back on the diet full-swing. I'm looking forward to seeing a *1* as the first number on the scale very soon.

biological warrior 10-18-2006 09:47 AM

Just weighed in for the first time in 2 weeks and I weight 176. Down from 180 lbs.

Lorena 10-22-2006 05:00 PM

The diet went so-so. This week, I stopped buying that cornbread stuff so no more of that. We've been having pizza (whole-wheat, thin crust) for the past couple of weeks, so I'm gonna stop making those as well. The workouts went great... went to the gym 4 days a week (although I only went for half an hour, but I busted my ass) and I took my son for a walk for 3 days last week.

This is my last free week at Curves, so on Friday I'll get weighed and measured... we'll see how many inches (if any) I lost. I'm gonna have to lose some kind of weight because I think I've lost about 1 lb. in the past 2 weeks.

Starting weight on 09/09/06: 194.4
Current Weight (10/23/06): 189.0
Loss this week: -1.0 lbs
Total loss: - 5.4 lbs
Loss needed to reach desired goal: 64.0 lbs.

Plans this week:
Stay on track with the walks and gym, and CUT BACK ON THOSE DAMN TORTILLAS! I grew up on the stuff but it's hard to eliminate them completely from the diet. Although I made the change from white flour to wheat, it's still a difficult.

Ksyrup 10-23-2006 06:56 AM

I was pretty pleased with the last week. Despite my mom being here and us eating out a couple of times (even the weight watchers meals are dangerous for me) and my mom cooking a bit, I managed to lose another 4 pounds. I'll be back at the gym tonight.

Start: 225.0 lbs (9/10/06)
Previous: 200.5 lbs (10/15/06)
Current: 196.5 lbs (10/22/06)
Goal: 175 lbs (3/31/07)
Total Loss: 28.5 lbs

biological warrior 10-23-2006 07:25 AM

Udate on weight loss:
We took the PT test yesterday and I passed with flyin' colors.
I weighted in at 172 lbs.
and my PT score was:
PU: 63
SU 68

Lorena 10-27-2006 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dodgerchick on 10/02/06 (Post 1263063)

I received a flier in the mail from Curves asking for volunteers to participate in a fitness study and I decided to do it. The study is so they can emphasize the importance of exercising on a regular basis to their members. At least 3x a week is much better than once in a while. I'll be signing paperwork and will start my first workout this Friday (10/06/06).

This should be interesting; I'm hopeful my weight will drop much faster after this 3 week study is completed.

Well, today was the last day of the fitness study (21 days) and I was measured. I had to share the good news with you guys.

I lost the following (in inches) in 21 days:

Bust: -0.50
Waist: -1.50
Abdomen: -2.0
Hips: -4.0 (!!!)
Thighs: -0.50
Arms: -0.25

Weight: -1.5 lbs.

So I lost a total of 1.5 lbs. but a grand total of 8.75 inches. I busted my ass off on the glute machines (and thus the 4 in. loss). It hurt so good, but I kept telling myself, no pain no gain... I was on a mission and after getting results like that, I feel confident that I'll get there soon. My weight didn't drop like I had planned, but I lost a lot of inches... more than any of the other participants... w00t?! :cool:

Lorena 10-27-2006 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by biological warrior (Post 1281254)
Udate on weight loss:
We took the PT test yesterday and I passed with flyin' colors.
I weighted in at 172 lbs.
and my PT score was:
PU: 63
SU 68

I dont' know what any of those numbers mean, but grats on passing :)

Ksyrup 10-28-2006 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Dodgerchick (Post 1286257)
I lost the following (in inches) in 21 days:

Bust: -0.50

On behalf of all the guys, I say...uh, congrats, I...I guess? ;)

Lorena 10-29-2006 01:54 PM

My diet went so-so... the workouts went very well. This week we went grocery shopping and stayed away from the tortillas and fruits (for now anyway). We have been drinking smoothies almost everyday and some of the ingredients we put in there might be hindering my weight loss, so we're gonna stop making them for a couple of weeks and see what happens. We bought lots of fish, chicken, and beef patties so we can stick to low carb as much as possible.

Starting weight (09/09/06): 194.4
Current Weight (10/29/06): 187.0
Loss this week: -2.0 lbs
Total loss: - 7.4 lbs
Loss needed to reach desired goal: 62 lbs.

2 lb. weight loss this week which has been the most I've lost since I joined the dynasty; could be wrong though. I need to drink more tea and water than I have been.

'Til next time... keep up the good work everyone!!

Lorena 10-29-2006 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1286900)
On behalf of all the guys, I say...uh, congrats, I...I guess? ;)


Yeah, I'm not too sure how to feel about that; I lost a lot of my butt too. Oh well, win some lose some right?

Ksyrup 10-30-2006 08:38 AM

Doing good, Dodgerchick!

I think I hit my first plateau this past week. Not that I didn't lose weight, because I did (3 pounds), but I lost it all by Thursday and nothing since. I hope that trend doesn't continue, because I need to lose another 5 pounds or so quickly before I'll fit comfortably into my "skinny clothes" - right now I look like a clown in my baggy suit pants and other clothes. I'll be back at the gym tonight!

Start: 225.0 lbs (9/10/06)
Previous: 196.5 lbs (10/22/06)
Current: 193.5 lbs (10/29/06)
Goal: 175 lbs (3/31/07)
Total Loss: 31.5 lbs

lordscarlet 10-30-2006 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by wade moore (Post 1245752)
Maybe I'll make 30 my goal then ;)...

But, it's more a look thing... 165-170 would be fine if the fat % is low.

I wear 33s for the most part, FWIW.

My goal is a true 32" waist (I wear 33" pants but have a 38"ish waist).

Radii 11-03-2006 12:43 AM

Background Alright its high time for me to join in here. With my recent life and job related stresses and probably some depression I have gotten myself into a really rough spot physically. After months of zero exercise and ordering in and fast food, and about 6 weeks now where i'm probably spending 90 hours a week in front of the computer between work and play, its time to turn this thing around.

I have always been a yo yo dieter, in the past 10 years I've lost 30-50 pounds on 6 different occasions and always gained it back. This is the first time I've let it go so long and get so bad before taking another shot.

I'm 6'4" and somewhere between 330-350, putting my BMI in the low 40s. I have never weighed above 330 before in my life, but I am definitely over that right now.

The Plan: I'm a bit concerned b/c I have never weighed this much before and its having some nasty physical effects on me that I've never experienced before, so the first thing I'm doing is making a doctors appointment to see if I need to get on any meds to regulate some things like blood pressure until I drop some weight. Even at 330 in the past I've never been more than "borderline hypertensive" but I have a bad feeling that is changing as I get a bit older.

As far as the diet goes, low carb is the way for me, unless something at the doctor's visit forces me in another direction. The foreman grill is out for ease and speed of preparing meat, and i'll be making a grocery store run tomorrow or Saturday to get things going.

Exercise: I just need to get some exercise, any exercise. Pushing myself to take a walk in the evening is where I'm starting, and I probably won't be thinking about much else but walking until I'm at 300.

The Goal: My long term goal is to get down to 220 or so and see how I feel. Even at 220 my BMI would still put me in the "overweight" range but I have seirous doubts about what I'd be like at less than that. But right now I'm concerned about the short term. I want to break that ugly 300 number. 299 is my goal. Once I reach that I'll push towards the next number.

I'll post more specifics like exact weight and diet as I get to the grocery store and see the doc, but I wanted to get this posted now to give myself another piece of motivation to get on the right track.

Fouts 11-03-2006 01:45 AM

Hey guys. Any recommendations for a digital scale that is accurate for weight and body fat? I'd like to find locally (walmart, sears, etc.) that is reliable. Thanks.

I'm 6'4", 240, and would like to drop 25-40 lbs. I lose weight quickly if I actually workout. A good scale would help.

Ksyrup 11-03-2006 06:55 AM

Good luck, Radii. I know what you mean about the yo-yo dieting. I have gained and lost about 40-60 pounds 3 (now going on 4) times in the past 10 years. I'm getting too old for this, so this time I am going to make a concerted effort to really change the way I eat and keep up the exercise after I lose the weight.

FWIW, I've found that as easy as it has been for me to gain the weight, it has been, well, maybe not AS easy to lose it, but certainly, it has come off faster than I expected. I think the same thing that makes it easy for me to eat 4 times a normal amount of something and not feel particularly full has helped me to be able to east far less than I'm used to, and not feel particularly hungry. Just a theory. All I know is, it's been easier for me to withstand temptation and eat less than I thought it would be. Once you see the weight coming off, it solidifies your resolve to keep it up.

Anyway, good luck and keep posting updates here. I've found this thread to be tremendously helpful, both in terms of keeping track of how I'm doing and the encouragement I get from others and from seeing how others are doing.

Lorena 11-03-2006 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Fouts (Post 1293831)
Hey guys. Any recommendations for a digital scale that is accurate for weight and body fat? I'd like to find locally (walmart, sears, etc.) that is reliable. Thanks.

I'm 6'4", 240, and would like to drop 25-40 lbs. I lose weight quickly if I actually workout. A good scale would help.

I'm not sure which digital scale to recommend, but we bought ours at IKEA. It doesn't measure body fat or anything like that, but it's worked out for us.


Originally Posted by Radii (Post 1293817)
As far as the diet goes, low carb is the way for me, unless something at the doctor's visit forces me in another direction. The foreman grill is out for ease and speed of preparing meat, and i'll be making a grocery store run tomorrow or Saturday to get things going.

Oh yeah, I totally agree. Antmeister and I have lost a decent amount of weight on lowcarb. We started out on Atkins (March '05) and thanks to the good 'ol doc's diet, I lost over 30 lbs. We kinda stopped for a bit but thankfully I never re-gained the weight. After the 30 lb. weight loss, I started South Beach and lost over 10 lbs. I haven't lost as much on South Beach, but I enjoy the variety of food.

If you want info on South Beach, I have a few files with Induction Friendly foods, sample menus, and "legal" foods on second and third phase.

Welcome aboard Radii, lordscarlet, and Fouts and good luck :)

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