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Galaril 03-16-2020 11:57 AM

Devin Nunes tells people it is a great time to out to your neighborhood pub. WTF.

Kodos 03-16-2020 12:14 PM

I'm sorry, but saving lives is more important than economic concerns.

I realize for many folks, celebrating St. Patrick's day > saving lives.

JPhillips 03-16-2020 12:24 PM


JPhillips 03-16-2020 12:29 PM

lol at Boris Johnson now urging everyone to stay away from pubs and restaurants. I guess herd immunity sounds better before people start dying.

thesloppy 03-16-2020 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Kodos (Post 3269163)
I'm sorry, but saving lives is more important than economic concerns.

I realize for many folks, celebrating St. Patrick's day > saving lives.

I would think it's obvious that every poster here is thinking of "economic concerns" in terms of putting individual worker's lives in danger rather than industry bottom lines.

Ben E Lou 03-16-2020 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3269164)

During the 2016 election cycle, I was asked by a friend who knew there was zero chance of me voting for DJT or HRC which of the two I preferred. It took me some time to answer (as in thought about it over a couple of days to get back to him,) because the concept of voting for one of them was so foreign to my brain that I'd never considered the question. I came back and told them that if someone held a gun to the head of my wife or one of my children and forced me to vote R or D, I'd have to go with HRC, because Trump seemed more likely to cause thousands or millions of deaths because of a poor reaction to a crisis. When I gave that answer, the type of crisis I was thinking of was something military or terrorism related, not this. But it still holds that the combination of his incompetence, self-centeredness, boorishness, and utter lack of empathy has made this situation much worse than it needed to be.

SirFozzie 03-16-2020 12:49 PM

How shook are things?

Mitt Romney is proposing a variant of UBI.

Jonathan Martin on Twitter: "NEW from @MittRomney:

“Every American adult should immediately receive $1,000 to help ensure families and workers can meet their short-term obligations and increase spending in the economy.”"

Edward64 03-16-2020 12:53 PM

For those that pooh-poohed extra toilet paper for your supplies

As police across the US brace for continued emergency calls in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, one Oregon police department is dealing with 911 calls for an entirely different type of emergency: Residents are calling because they've run out of toilet paper.

The Newport Police Department put out a notice on Facebook urging residents to stop making emergency calls due to a toilet paper shortage.
"It's hard to believe that we even have to post this," the police wrote. "Do not call 9-1-1 just because you ran out of toilet paper. You will survive without our assistance."

Ben E Lou 03-16-2020 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3268951)
Nice. Just as long as they don't congregate too much in the restaurants & common areas, and have early warning checkups (e.g. temperature checks), sounds like the ideal situation. Assume they have nurses onsite also.

Are you guys happy with them? No significant complaints from in-laws? Can you share the name and $ range?

Yes, they have plenty of medical personnel onsite. I don't know the price range, though I suspect it's somewhere between "really pricey" and "if you have to ask, you can't afford it." There's a years-long waiting list to get in, and they're quite well off but wanted to sell their house immediately when an opening came up.

This is the place: River Landing

Related: my father-in-law was still working part-time as a physician. He was scheduled to retire at the end of this month. Over the weekend, my mother-in-law talked him into hanging up his stethoscope a little early because of the virus. He did not go into work today, thankfully.

SirFozzie 03-16-2020 12:55 PM

Just to show how fast this can spread: one South Korean woman (an idiot) infected about 1200 people over the space of 10 days (including ignoring a suggestion that she be tested)

2019 coronavirus: The Korean clusters

JPhillips 03-16-2020 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3269171)
During the 2016 election cycle, I was asked by a friend who knew there was zero chance of me voting for DJT or HRC which of the two I preferred. It took me some time to answer (as in thought about it over a couple of days to get back to him,) because the concept of voting for one of them was so foreign to my brain that I'd never considered the question. I came back and told them that if someone held a gun to the head of my wife or one of my children and forced me to vote R or D, I'd have to go with HRC, because Trump seemed more likely to cause thousands or millions of deaths because of a poor reaction to a crisis. When I gave that answer, the type of crisis I was thinking of was something military or terrorism related, not this. But it still holds that the combination of his incompetence, self-centeredness, boorishness, and utter lack of empathy has made this situation much worse than it needed to be.

He'll get tens of millions of votes in November and I can't understand a one of them after four years of seeing him in action.

Fidatelo 03-16-2020 12:56 PM

Day 1 homeschooling the kids and I've already reached 'murderous rage' levels a couple times. This should be fun.

Vegas Vic 03-16-2020 01:03 PM

First reported COV-19 death here in Clark County. A man in his 60s with underlying conditions. 35 cases reported so far.

Nevada reports its first COVID-19 death, 35 cases reported in Clark County | KLAS - 8 News Now

IlliniCub 03-16-2020 01:05 PM

Now that schools are out and I don't have to work I'm self isolating with ootp21 and my dalmatians. My fiance is a hospital pharmacist so of course I have to worry about her bringing it home. Other than that we're pretty well prepped and staying home. The not leaving the house will probably drive me crazy.

Kodos 03-16-2020 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Fidatelo (Post 3269182)
Day 1 homeschooling the kids and I've already reached 'murderous rage' levels a couple times. This should be fun.

My daughter is upset because some of her friends are being allowed to have play dates with other kids, while we have a strict no play date policy. Sometimes doing the right thing isn't very rewarding. :(

NobodyHere 03-16-2020 01:13 PM

Ohio is at 50 people now.

QuikSand 03-16-2020 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Kodos (Post 3269185)
My daughter is upset because some of her friends are being allowed to have play dates with other kids, while we have a strict no play date policy. Sometimes doing the right thing isn't very rewarding. :(

True. Hang in there.

stevew 03-16-2020 01:20 PM

Mike DeWine is doing a good job so far

QuikSand 03-16-2020 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3269164)

Trump conference call with Governors. Bottom line: "try getting it yourselves"

This is going to go nutso with the whole #resist movement, but what he actually (meant) in context was the equivalent of "federal funds are going to take too long, that shouldn't be 100% of your effort, do what you can on your own in the meantime..."

Except he's a rotten fuckhead with a second grade vocabulary and can't even understand that much. So it came out like a FU but was honestly the same thing that a Congress-blocked Obama might have said in the same situation.

AnalBumCover 03-16-2020 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Kodos (Post 3269185)
My daughter is upset because some of her friends are being allowed to have play dates with other kids, while we have a strict no play date policy. Sometimes doing the right thing isn't very rewarding. :(

That's what I don't get. Having play dates kind of defeats the purpose of keeping everyone at home and preventing further spread of the virus. I'm giving my daughter access to Facebook Messenger Kids so she can chat with her friends. That's as much contact with her friends as I'm allowing.

JPhillips 03-16-2020 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 3269191)
This is going to go nutso with the whole #resist movement, but what he actually (meant) in context was the equivalent of "federal funds are going to take too long, that shouldn't be 100% of your effort, do what you can on your own in the meantime..."

Except he's a rotten fuckhead with a second grade vocabulary and can't even understand that much. So it came out like a FU but was honestly the same thing that a Congress-blocked Obama might have said in the same situation.

But this is a world where he's already spent billions on a wall that were appropriated for other things. He could do the same for medical equipment.

miami_fan 03-16-2020 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Fidatelo (Post 3269182)
Day 1 homeschooling the kids and I've already reached 'murderous rage' levels a couple times. This should be fun.

My wife has already gotten a couple of How the hell do you do this every day? text from people who started homeschooling today.

NobodyHere 03-16-2020 01:49 PM

So how does homeschooling for the virus work? Do kids just get a packet of homework? Is there any kind of interaction with the teacher? Videos?

sterlingice 03-16-2020 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kodos (Post 3269185)
My daughter is upset because some of her friends are being allowed to have play dates with other kids, while we have a strict no play date policy. Sometimes doing the right thing isn't very rewarding. :(

And this is why we're all eventually screwed. The stories of this type out there are legion.

I mean, I even give some people a little tiny bit of a pass this past weekend if they wanted to get takeout one more time or go get that last set of errands done in a less than ideal environment. This came at the majority of people so quickly, if they haven't been watching China or South Korea or Italy (or Seattle). But this past weekend should have been the last weekend of true "mostly free" movement.

Starting today, we should all be implementing our strategies, as imperfect as they are, with dealing with this thing. And those should not include play dates with other potentially infected people, bar hopping, etc.


NobodyHere 03-16-2020 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by stevew (Post 3269189)
Mike DeWine is doing a good job so far

DeWine has suggested that daycares may be closed soon and asked everyone to get their kids out of them.

ColtCrazy 03-16-2020 02:08 PM

We started elearning this week with teachers still coming in to work and be on call for parent questions. That lasted just today. With Indiana closing down more things, only myself (admin), nurse, custodians, and kitchen staff are on duty the rest of the week. First day I really saw people panic and feel drained just trying to keep everyone's spirits up. My superintendent secretly told admin they are prepping for a plan to be out the rest of the year.

stevew 03-16-2020 02:08 PM

You guys should see the sheer amount of 75-80+ year olds I’ve seen out shopping the last two days. It’s crazy.

Ben E Lou 03-16-2020 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 3269199)
And this is why we're all eventually screwed. The stories of this type out there are legion.

I mean, I even give some people a little tiny bit of a pass this past weekend if they wanted to get takeout one more time or go get that last set of errands done in a less than ideal environment. This came at the majority of people so quickly, if they haven't been watching China or South Korea or Italy (or Seattle). But this past weekend should have been the last weekend of true "mostly free" movement.

Starting today, we should all be implementing our strategies, as imperfect as they are, with dealing with this thing. And those should not include play dates with other potentially infected people, bar hopping, etc.


So I take it you think its a bad idea that our local SkyZone trampoline park responded to schools closing by extending the hours where their sweat-soaked snot hut will be open??? Smh

Thomkal 03-16-2020 02:13 PM

Publix here was the busiest I've ever seen it today.

kingfc22 03-16-2020 02:15 PM

Bay Area ‘shelter in place’ expected: Only essential businesses open in 6 counties with 6.7 million people until April 7 -

Bay Area about to all but shutdown

SirFozzie 03-16-2020 02:29 PM

BTW, for those of you who were wondering what could be done to enforce rules on no dining, etcetera, Providence (which had a 100 patron limit amongst other directives in place, now the whole state has restricted restaurants to take-out and delivery only), actually shut down a couple places until the whole thing is over.

Also Sunday, the city said it issued letters of violation to Wonderland, a strip club on Allen’s Avenue, and Parkview Bakery Cafe, on Broadway, which has a liquor license and is open until 1 a.m. Providence Public Safety Commissioner Steven Par said in a news release Sunday that the letters, issued for violations of their entertainment licenses and the 100-patron limit, require them to stay closed until further notice.

Somehow, I'm not surprised that people think a strip club is a great place to hang out during a pandemic 0_o

Vince, Pt. II 03-16-2020 02:40 PM

Yup. Having a real hard time telling my team that they are still expected to enter customers' homes (utility) while this is in play.

Edward64 03-16-2020 02:44 PM

Watching the news conference now. The 3-4 Drs behind Trump are looking bored, I wish the press corp start asking them the questions.

Ben E Lou 03-16-2020 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3269211)
Watching the news conference now. The 3-4 Drs behind Trump are looking bored, I wish the press corp start asking them the questions.

It's a low bar, but he seems to be doing better in this conference than in any of the others about the virus.

Ben E Lou 03-16-2020 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3269213)
It's a low bar, but he seems to be doing better in this conference than in any of the others about the virus.

Heh. Perfect example just after I posted that...

Q: "Why did the guideline drop from gatherings of 50 people to 10 in one day?"
A: "I should let the experts handle that kind of detail." {steps aside and lets a doctor answer}

Edward64 03-16-2020 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3269213)
It's a low bar, but he seems to be doing better in this conference than in any of the others about the virus.

You know, I was thinking that too. He is deferring and Fauci had to interrupt to clarify a statement about "thru July".

Ben E Lou 03-16-2020 02:54 PM

OK, not just me...

Ben E Lou 03-16-2020 03:00 PM

Uh oh. A reporter asked him how does he rate his response on a scale of 1-10. He knew the answer he was gonna get to that one when he asked.

Ben E Lou 03-16-2020 03:03 PM


It's horrific that this is where we are, BUT...

...was that an irresponsible question? Trump was saying what the country needed to hear. Is triggering the toddler-in-chief the right thing to do in this situation?

Edward64 03-16-2020 03:04 PM

The admiral in charge of testing is not really answering the questions. He's like deflecting by going into details of bunch of other stuff they are doing.

I want a publicly displayed tracker of

# tested

# not infected
# infected

# recovered
# critical/hospitalized
# dead

Market down 3000, it was about down 2000 when the news conference started.

Arles 03-16-2020 03:05 PM

I wonder if companies like Amazon, Walmart, Uber, Lyft, Door Dash, etc could be leveraged by the government to provide food and essentially supplies to seniors? My wife was at Trader Joe's (the only place with milk and bread) and saw a ton of 60+ shopping.

If the goal is to protect the most at-risk, we should be doing more to make sure they don't need to leave the house.

Ben E Lou 03-16-2020 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3269223)
Market down 3000, it was about down 2000 when the news conference started.

It *really* started going down when Trump said "July or August."

Lathum 03-16-2020 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3269171)
During the 2016 election cycle, I was asked by a friend who knew there was zero chance of me voting for DJT or HRC which of the two I preferred. It took me some time to answer (as in thought about it over a couple of days to get back to him,) because the concept of voting for one of them was so foreign to my brain that I'd never considered the question. I came back and told them that if someone held a gun to the head of my wife or one of my children and forced me to vote R or D, I'd have to go with HRC, because Trump seemed more likely to cause thousands or millions of deaths because of a poor reaction to a crisis. When I gave that answer, the type of crisis I was thinking of was something military or terrorism related, not this. But it still holds that the combination of his incompetence, self-centeredness, boorishness, and utter lack of empathy has made this situation much worse than it needed to be.

He was just asked in his briefing to rate the job he has done on a scale of 1-10 and he resoundingly said 10. He is unreal. A total monster.

Arles 03-16-2020 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3269221)

It's horrific that this is where we are, BUT...

...was that an irresponsible question? Trump was saying what the country needed to hear. Is triggering the toddler-in-chief the right thing to do in this situation?

Of course it isn't. But the media has been in a "f*ck with everyone" state for the past two weeks (esp the political media). I don't know if it's just the more sanctimonious personalities that tend to go into journalism/media - but it really needs to stop. Trump is an idiot and some people are not abiding by the guidelines - but tweaking everyone to make yourself look smarter is just not helpful. If there's anytime to slow down the animosity, it has to be now. I'm just not sure people can do it - they've been programmed to act this way for 3+ years.

AlexB 03-16-2020 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Butter (Post 3269154)
Also, Marco should learn how to fucking spell MARTIAL LAW.

Not marshall. God damn.

Its his out. When they do bring it in he can truthfully say he never said there would be no Martial Law

Edward64 03-16-2020 03:16 PM

I do appreciate these daily news conferences. Still some problems here and there but overall sharing a lot of info. For those that haven't shared info (e.g. the admiral in charge of testing), he should know he's going to get the same question every day until he can answer it without BS deflection.

whomario 03-16-2020 03:17 PM

How can you expect people to believe this particular 'tone' when you have to assume it is an act, based on his prior statements a whole, what, 24 hours ago ? You cant say dumb shit one day and expect people to believe you the next. And then go through this exact cycle multiple times.

I mean, would you bet against him saying 3 insanely stupid or irresponsible things on twitter about this before weeks end ? Or opening another front blaming the dems/china/X for sth related to it ?

AlexB 03-16-2020 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3269165)
lol at Boris Johnson now urging everyone to stay away from pubs and restaurants. I guess herd immunity sounds better before people start dying.

TBF he always said they would bring these types of measure in, but it definitely feels like it is a good week, maybe two weeks sooner than anyone expected.

There was a line the lady said in the Trump presser (I missed the start so not sure who she was) that I think gave the clue - she said that they have been running multiple models with other countries, and specifically mentioned the UK. For better or worse, looks like UK and US are going along the same path.

The one thing I dont get is if we cant go to pubs (advice which Ill follow BTW) why are they allowed to remain open? With Deliveroo and Uber Eats, etc I get why restaurants remain open, but why are there no orders for pubs to close and restaurants to allow delivery orders only?

AlexB 03-16-2020 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3269196)
But this is a world where he's already spent billions on a wall that were appropriated for other things. He could do the same for medical equipment.

Maybe appropriate it from the wall funds?

Edward64 03-16-2020 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by AlexB (Post 3269238)
There was a line the lady said in the Trump presser (I missed the start so not sure who she was) that I think gave the clue - she said that they have been running multiple models with other countries, and specifically mentioned the UK. For better or worse, looks like UK and US are going along the same path.

Dr. Birx.


The one thing I don’t get is if we can’t go to pubs (advice which I’ll follow BTW) why are they allowed to remain open? With Deliveroo and Uber Eats, etc I get why restaurants remain open, but why are there no orders for pubs to close and restaurants to allow delivery orders only?

I think just as long as they follow the guidelines (e.g. < 50) they don't want to put more stress on the restaurant/food system.

But did I hear the guideline is now < 10 people?

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