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Swaggs 07-02-2005 12:12 PM

Good stuff.

Can't wait for more.

Wolfpack 07-02-2005 02:46 PM

Could you please spell "martial" correctly? Every time I see "marital" I get mentally jangly, thinking "marital status" because it's one of the questions in a huge national survey I'm programming at work. :)

Izulde 07-02-2005 08:54 PM

Swaggs: Thanks very much. :)

Wolfpack: Oh dear. Have I been misspelling it? I hadn't noticed. Sorry about that! Thanks for pointing it out. :D The dyslexia will be fixed from now on! (I hope :D)

PilotMan 07-03-2005 08:02 PM

I have to say that you have done an excellent job with this. Great read. I smell Golden Scribe.

Swaggs 07-03-2005 11:54 PM

...and, I bought the game.

Thanks, Izulde.

Izulde 07-04-2005 02:33 AM

PilotMan: Thanks. :) I'm honoured that you would even consider me worthy of a Golden Scribe. If I actually get one, I'll probably be speechless. ;)

Swaggs: Awesome! You're welcome. ;) If you have any questions, let me know.

I'll probably post the next update tomorrow. I was going to do tonight, but the manic cycle I've been riding for the past three or four days just dropped out on the bottom and I'm in a depressive cycle right now, and when I'm in a down cycle, trying to write in a dynasty of this style would just turn out like crap and I'd be annoyed at it, which would only fuel the spiral.

Thanks again to everyone for the support and comments they've shown. :)

Swaggs 07-04-2005 11:03 AM

Any tips on how to make more money? Seems like I have been making between 0.7-1.6 throught my reign.

How do I actually attack another county? I know how to send my troops, but they pretty much just stood there (this could be because I didn't declare war, though).

I'm having a good time. I've been fortunate and have served about 20 years with 7(!) children, including three males. It has been fun raising them and watching their progress.

SirFozzie 07-04-2005 12:17 PM

you have to declare war.

Depending on your starting area.. you need a good steward (as well as a decent stewardship rating on your ruler).. and look into investing into forestry and tile factories, as well as focusing on advances that would give you a bonus

Izulde 07-05-2005 01:12 AM

As SirFozzie said, you need to have a steward with a really high stewardship rating and your ruler needs high stewardship as well to make the most money. Also, in line with what Fozzie said, research the advances that give you bonuses. When you click on them, they'll say stuff like Gold + 2%, etc. Those are the ones you want to go after.

And to attack enemies, you need to declare war. For Muslims and pagans, you can just declare war. But for Christian rulers, you need to have a claim on one or more of their titles before you can declare war on them.

Claims you get either through spending prestige to get them (which also hurts your reputation), or through events, which are essentially freebie claims because they don't cost you anything and represent actual, legitimate claims.

Thank you very much to the people who gave me the 5 star votes. That's really awesome. :)

Izulde 07-05-2005 01:12 AM

May 5th 1097: Sheikdom of Martola

The journey to Portugal was a long one, taking place over several months. A fair number of soldiers perished en route, but this was by no means the greatest tragedy to happen to Torfinn while his army marched.

For on February 24th, 1097, he received word that Alfhild had given birth to a stillborn child. The curse on the of Agder offspring continued, and it seemed there would be no end to the woefully short lifespan of the family's blood members.

Even more disturbing news reached the Duke of Meath in early May, just as they landed upon the shores of Portugal and were a mere county away from reaching Silves.

"Your Grace, King Olaf has made peace with Silves! The Sheik has died and so have his sons! A mere boy rules over the county now and he offered terms to Olaf whereby he made peace for 142 goldoons."

The messenger trembled, fearing the worst. Though Torfinn seemed the gentlest and most just of the of Agder rulers, in his heart he was afraid that the dire news would cause the Duke to become enraged and appease his fury by ordering the bearer of bad tidings beheaded.

"...That traitor! You have done well to bring this missive to me, my friend. Have no fear for your life, for I will not kill a man who is loyal to me, no matter what message he might bring."

After having reassured the emissary, Torfinn stroked his beard and stared out over the ocean, his lips in a tight grimace.

"What do we do now, my liege?" inquired Murchadh, the loyal Count of Tir Connail and one of the vassals who had lent his forces to Torfinn's quest.

"We declare war once more. Europe will hate me for it, but Europe has always hated my family. We have come too far and are too close to our objective to turn back now. Torstein would not have allowed this opportunity to go past, and so neither will I. The cost does not matter. Right now, victory is the only thing worth pursuing."

And so, despite the truce that the villainous King Olaf of Norway had negotiated, Torfinn once more sent a declaration of war to the Sheikdom of Shives and resumed the battle.

October 24th, 1097: Sheikdom of Silves

Christians in Silves ran through the streets, shouting joyfully and hugging one another, dancing and celebrating as they watched the remainder of the Muslim officials leave the county into the neighbouring Emirate of Sevilla. The Reconquista now had a Norwegian flavour to it.

But Torfinn was most unhappy.

In late September, just as the fort of Silves had been about to fall, King Olaf marched in with his armies and took command of the assault. When the defenders surrendered a month later, it was Olaf who was made the Count of Silves.

Olaf, who in August had made himself Duke of Bergen, a title once coveted by Lodin of Agder.

A new emotion of hate surged through the Duke of Meath as he watched the King receive the accolades of Christian Portugeuse, who already had begun to call him "Our Most Noble and Mighty Saviour King Olaf".

Anger, an of Agder birth right, now belonged to Torfinn, and he vowed silently while he stared at the proceedings, that whatever it was he did, no matter how long it took him, he would become a King and break free of the man he loathed.

But first, he had to ease the immense debt. The Duchy of Meath at the close of the Silves invasion stood at 122 goldoons in the red, and it would be a long time in coming before solvency would return to the realm.

A hand touched Torfinn's shoulder. The Duke turned around, and standing there was Murchadh.

"Wherever you go and whatever you need, do not hesitate to call upon me or my sons from now until the end of days, Torfinn of Agder. We are your men to command and we will ever serve you faithfully. When dark times like these happen, always remember that we will be there for you."

Torfinn said nothing as he stepped forward and embraced the Count of Tir Connail. He made a second silent promise to himself in that moment.

Whenever and wherever he became King, the House of Ui Canannain would be the first to be rewarded.

The Count of Tir Connail, my most loyal vassal who keeps increasing his loyalty time and time again

Neon_Chaos 07-05-2005 04:27 AM

Now THAT is a fucking good name.

Murchadh Ui Canannain.

Strikes fear into the enemies' hearts, doesn't it!? ;)

Bee 07-05-2005 09:11 AM

Great dynasty. Interesting enough that I bought the game and downloaded it the other night. The first couple dynasties, I got my butt handed to me. I think it takes a few times through to get a feel for the game and know when to expand, etc. I'm cruising through on my third attempt with 15 vassals and around 10 counties of my own. My biggest problem now is lack of male last two rulers had all daughters...*sigh*.

Izulde 07-05-2005 04:48 PM

Neon Chaos: :D I like his name, too. I like the vassal loyalty raising events I keep getting for him even better. :D

Bee: Thank you! I'm always happy to hear that people like this dynasty and even happier to hear they've bought CK because of it. :) And yes, the learning curve is pretty steep, but once you get through the first few frustrating games, you start to get the hang of it and the fun of the game really starts shining through.

Lack of male children, eh? I can sympathize with that one. Hopefully you'll get a chance to pop out some more sons. :D

Izulde 07-06-2005 02:21 PM

April 23rd 1098: Duchy of Meath

"These are our terms, Your Grace. Allow us monopoly over the moneylending business and give us preference in other areas of business and we will see to it that the O'Donnells are bankrupted out of Dublin and forced back into Mide whence they came."

Torfinn mulled over Kerry O'Malley's proposal for a few moments. The O'Malleys were the chief rival of the O'Donnells and battles in the streets of the counties Mide and Dublin had become something of local legend. Hearing of them and reading of his forebearers' troubles with the O'Donnell faction, he had summoned the patriarch of the O'Malleys, Kerry, to negotiate terms for ridding Dublin of his own family's nemesis.

"Yes, I will accept your terms. The rats must be driven out of our garden", declared the Duke at last.

A smile creased the wrinkles in the white-haired merchant prince's face as he bowed to Torfinn.

"You will not regret this, Your Grace."

And so the O'Donnells went bankrupt, helpless against the Duke's official sponsorship and support of the O'Malleys. Yet, the deal had an unintended consequence, for the clergy, seeing the monopoly and the heavy-handed practice for what it was, denounced Torfinn from the pulpits, causing the people to think the Duke less pious.

June 22nd 1098: Duchy of Meath

"I demand to receive recognition and a sum of money worthy for one of my prestige and abilities! If you do not do as I ask, then I will leave this court and take my son with me!"

Marshal Loigsech Ui Mordha's voice thundered through the hall as he uttered his ultimatum, his arms stiff against his powerful body.

Torfinn frowned. The treasury was still not even close to being recovered from the ill-fated war in Silves. On the other hand, Loigsech was related to the Ui Mordhas who had formerly been Dukes of Leinster and hence a useful chip in keeping the family stuck on the Isle of Man. Furthermore, he was viewed as more prestigious, more pious, and was certainly more wealthy than the Duke himself.

Clinching the deal in the end was the fact that Loigsech was simply too good a courtier to let go. A superlative Marshal, he was the first true military genius that had ever served in the of Agder court. There was really no choice in the matter but to accept.

"As you wish, Marshal" Torfinn announced at last with raised head, "We offer you the sum of seven and a half goldoons in recognition of your talents, bravery, and reknown."

Loigsech grinned and stepped forward to clap the Duke on the back, "That's my boy. Now let's go and see about having some grog at the tavern, eh?"

Torfinn's eyes narrowed at the presumption and familiarity, but for the moment, he allowed it to slide.

The chance would come for retribution for the lack of respect soon enough, he reasoned.

Be real nice to have an heir even half as good as this guy

Chas in Cinti 07-11-2005 10:17 AM

Bump... need a fix...


Izulde 07-11-2005 11:19 AM

Thanks for the bump, Chas. :) I'll get an update in tonight, I promise. Work has just been insane the last few days and it's continuing that way for the next few because we're moving everything over to a temporary location for a few months while our current store gets remodeled.

Izulde 07-12-2005 05:58 AM

Well I've played through to my next update... but I feel like such utter crap I haven't written it up yet.

Sorry guys. :(

condors 07-12-2005 08:17 AM

no worries, when it comes to you enlighten us

Blade 07-12-2005 09:44 AM

We will be patient...can't rush a good, check that, great thing.

SelzShoes 07-12-2005 10:11 AM

Agree with the above. I love your style in all your dynasties--don't rush it. When you force the issue, that's when the quality goes downhill. (now only if the PHX would rise again :D )

Izulde 07-12-2005 10:11 PM

Thanks, guys. :) And Selz, the PHX may not rise again, but... well... I'm sure you can see for yourself ;)

Izulde 07-12-2005 10:45 PM

January 17th, 1099: Duchy of Meath

"I'm afraid she's fallen ill, Your Grace. I don't quite know the cause of it, but I've given her a leeching and I'll be back in a few days to check on her and administer more treatment. You may want to see if you can get her to a warmer climate. More sun and fresh air may do her good."

"Thank you, Doctor."

Snofrid's cough rattled and echoed in the quiet void of the room after the court physician departed. Her nose flamed bright red, two circles of matching colour dotting her pasty cheeks as the fever of her sickness maliciously claimed her body as its domain.

"Torfinn, come here."

The Duke of Meath, who had been silently pondering Muslim territories to attack that the King of Norway might not be able to steal from him, looked up and walked over to the Spymaster's bedside.

"Yes, Snofrid?"

A fat, white hand came to rest on Torfinn's thinner one, pained eyes lifting from the blanket to the Duke's face. The woman's voice was intense as she spoke.

"Whatever you do, do not go off on another holy war to the south. My health is not worth the ruin of the treasury or the downfall of the of Agders. If I should die in this cold and miserable country of Ireland, then I will consider it my sacrifice to our family's cause."

Torfinn opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off by the woman's other hand falling over his lips.

"No, do not argue with me in this. I have served several rulers of our House and I am content with what my life has been, if the end should be near. I have seen us grow from a simple Norwegian county to being heirs of the most powerful Duchy in Ireland. I would like to see you crowned King of Ireland before I die, but if God does not will it to be so, then so be it. I and your cousin Lodin, the only man I have ever loved, will watch you from heaven then."

To this, the Duke could say nothing and so he simply knelt down and embraced his faithful Spymaster. Life would not be easy for him when she was gone, for she was his most trusted and talented courtier.

Fortunately, Death, frequent enemy to the of Agders, stayed his skeletal hand in this matter and Snofrid continued to live with her sickness until there came another death that had significant consequences for the of Agder family.

October 27th, 1099: County of Isle of Man

"Our opportunity is now, my son! The Pope has died and the new Pope has declared me to be the most holy man in all of Europe!"

Murchaid Ui Mordha wetted his dry, cracked lips with his tongue, the landless Duke of Leinster's eyes bright with the lust of revenge's opportunity.

Across the table from him, Donnchad, his son and heir, was much more composed as he gazed upon the twisted face of his father.

"Father, though you now have the ear of the Vatican, to strike against Torfinn of Agder or any of those who are within his sphere of protection would be foolish. He would instantly usurp your title and declare war on us. We can not stand against the might of the entire Kingdom of Norway. Let us wait until Torfinn makes himself King of Ireland. It will only be a matter of time before he does so, for he is wise far beyond any other of Agder ruler. Then we will strike."

"Bah! I suppose you are right. Still, it does not make me happy that we must wait. We are letting a golden opportunity to excommunicate our mortal enemies slip by, my son."

Donnchad only smiled and patted his sire on the shoulder.

"Good things come to those who wait", counseled father to son.

And you will die soon enough, old man thought the Count of the Isle of Man and then *I* will be the Duke of Leinster and deal with that Norwegian fool on my own terms.

He can't last too long... or so I hope

Rome returns to the Italians. Olderic I captured Capua during his reign and forced the Count of Capua to surrender his domain to the Papal States. Can the new pontiff continue the expansion set by his predecessor?

Swaggs 07-12-2005 11:42 PM

Good read again.

Can someone give me some tips on acquiring territories other than battling? I have built a super prosperious countdom. Built nearly everything that I can (other than a large castle--still saving up for it). I have four claims on territory. But, I get walloped every time I try to fight. I could use some strategy.

Swaggs 07-12-2005 11:43 PM

Dola... I also have about 30-40 members of my court. More than I care to have, really, but I don't know what to do with them.

Samdari 07-15-2005 09:42 AM

There are only two ways I am aware of being able to acquire territory without fighting for it.

The first is to try to line up one of your own heirs to inherit another territory. The most direct way to do this is to marry your first heir to an unmarried countess in another territory. As a count though, it can be difficult to get a countess to accept. Sometimes, a marriage will lead to unexpected inheritance, but this is kind of rare.

The second way is diplomatic vassalization. As a mere count this is impossible, as I believe you are not allowed to have vassals as a count. This involves finding someone of a lesser title (a count if you are a duke, and duke if you are a king) clicking on their shield and then offer vassalization from the menu at left.

As for expanding holdings in your current situation, you are probably getting killed because you are claiming and going to war with counties who are vassals of someone way more powerful than you. You need to seek out opponents who are independent and less powerful than you. It is particularly good to try to find ones who are pagan or muslim, as going after them does not adversely affect your reputation, like hostile takeovers from Christians does. I make liberal use of the realm map, which shows territories of the same realm in the same color. look for counties with a shield and different color than those around it. Two other tips would be that when you click on the shield, it tells you who the liege is (if none is listed, they are independent) and you can check the size of the army before claiming it simply by clicking on the county's territory rather than shield. Mouse over the army itself, and the tooltip will tell you the size of each component of the army.

With such a large court, I would recommend marrying off any eligible ones that are not current "officers" of your court (steward, spy master, etc.) or that you don't have specific plans for. You get prestige whenever you do this, and I find this a good way to build prestige quicker than waiting for it to build up monthly.

Izulde 07-15-2005 11:23 AM

Good advice, Samdari and it's spot on.

I'd like to further add that while you can only actively marry off those of your dynasty name in your court (i.e. in my case anyway named of Agder), you'll get proposals for your young female courtiers fairly often and it's best to accept unless, as Samdari said, they're your top of the line people or you have other plans for them.

Izulde 07-21-2005 07:29 PM

Just bumping this to let you guys know a couple things:

1) This dynasty is still alive and I'm going to try and get an update in tonight.

2) This applies to all of the dynasties I have going. I'll be out of town attending to a family matter from tomorrow until Wednesday night. I won't have Net access at all where I'm going, so there will be no updates in any of my dynasties after tonight until next Wednesday night at the very earliest.

Thanks for the patience. :)

gi 07-25-2005 09:33 AM

Update? :)

Wolfpack 07-25-2005 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by gi
Update? :)


Originally Posted by Izulde
I'll be out of town attending to a family matter from tomorrow until Wednesday night.

I guess he didn't get a chance to update before leaving.

Abe Sargent 07-25-2005 11:30 PM

One of my favorite dynasties ever. I've done a pair of EU2 dynasties, so it should come as no surprise that I like CK a lot. I honestly believe that it is the most intricate strategy game ever. Congrats on a well-done dynasty, and I can't wait to read more!!!


PilotMan 07-26-2005 03:01 PM

For anyone interested, I just saw this game for sale in EB for 19.99. Almost got it, but I need to give EU2 a try before I drop more money on this genre.

Blade 07-26-2005 03:42 PM

Can't find it anywhere in my city...damn place...

Izulde 07-27-2005 06:46 PM

Thank you kindly, one and all. :)

I just got back into town and I'll update when I can. Trying to push a heavy 1868 bell and its even heavier pole back into place was not the wisest decision as it banged up my back bad enough that I've been hobbling all week and not been much in the mood to write.

Neon_Chaos 07-27-2005 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by PilotMan
For anyone interested, I just saw this game for sale in EB for 19.99. Almost got it, but I need to give EU2 a try before I drop more money on this genre.

I think that EU2 is drastically different from CK, despite them using the same engine. EU2 is more of macro-management and resource-oriented, while CK is more of micro-management and personnel-oriented. Frankly, when CK came out with the new patches, I think that it surpassed EU2 in both enjoyability and replayability.

Abe Sargent 07-28-2005 12:14 AM

My only major complaint with CK is that is does a lousy job documenting things. Even their online info doesn't tell you everything. With a game that has such a steep learning curve, it's very important.

On a plus note, I've downloaded the June patchm, and I think I'm going to rev things up. I'm thinking about playing this tiny, independant county near the tip of Italy named Salerno. You're up against the Byzantines, The Papacy, various larger Italian factions, and routes of expansion up the Italian Peninsula will result in massive Catholic Wars while going south sees naught but major swaths of Islamic land, including an Islamic Sicily if I rememebr the map correctly.


Izulde 07-28-2005 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Anxiety
My only major complaint with CK is that is does a lousy job documenting things. Even their online info doesn't tell you everything. With a game that has such a steep learning curve, it's very important.

On a plus note, I've downloaded the June patchm, and I think I'm going to rev things up. I'm thinking about playing this tiny, independant county near the tip of Italy named Salerno. You're up against the Byzantines, The Papacy, various larger Italian factions, and routes of expansion up the Italian Peninsula will result in massive Catholic Wars while going south sees naught but major swaths of Islamic land, including an Islamic Sicily if I rememebr the map correctly.


Salerno is an excellent starting point if you're just getting into counties because a) it's independant, so no stolen sieges by lieges and b) the shiekdoms in Sicily are all independant as well, so it's a good point for expansion in the early going. :)

Abe Sargent 07-28-2005 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Izulde
Salerno is an excellent starting point if you're just getting into counties because a) it's independant, so no stolen sieges by lieges and b) the shiekdoms in Sicily are all independant as well, so it's a good point for expansion in the early going. :)

Yeah. I've kicked CK hiney startingas independant counties in Sweden and Wales, so now I'm trying forsomething different.


Izulde 08-07-2005 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Anxiety
Yeah. I've kicked CK hiney startingas independant counties in Sweden and Wales, so now I'm trying forsomething different.


Good deal. :)

By the way, this is just a bump to let everyone know (and to remind myself) that there'll be another update to this dynasty coming sometime this week, since after my shift today, I'm off until Saturday and actually am in something of a medieval mood again.

Izulde 09-19-2005 08:57 PM

December 29, 1099: County of Dublin

The of Agder family had suffered many trials through the years, but their greatest adversity was yet to come.

It finally arrived on December 29th, 1099, with the first outbreak of pneumonic plague in the cities. From there, it began to spread rapidly to the countryside, cutting in its path a violent and bloody swath of death.

The disease crippled the Duchy of Meath's economy, to where it only was making a little over one-third of a goldoon a month. All throughout the county, prayers were offered up in churches, peasant, burgher, and noble all united in their desire to be rid of this horrific scourge of God.

But this was not to be the end of it.

Three days later, on New Year's Day, the Year of Our Lord 1100, darkness overcame the entire known world and the Creation was no more.

***End AAR***

Sorry guys. :( I stupidly went ahead and installed the Aug 15th beta and 17th fix. Then when I tried to replay this again, it keeps CTD on me. :(

gi 09-19-2005 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Izulde
Sorry guys. :( I stupidly went ahead and installed the Aug 15th beta and 17th fix. Then when I tried to replay this again, it keeps CTD on me. :(

I had to do a fresh install, then apply those two patchs to stop the CTD's

Izulde 09-19-2005 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by gi
I had to do a fresh install, then apply those two patchs to stop the CTD's

Thanks. That's probably what I'll have to do too. Sucks losing everything though.

condors 09-20-2005 11:08 AM


hopefully you will start another reign that can be posted for all to enjoy

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