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NobodyHere 11-28-2018 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3224516)
NC high school students disciplined for racist video | Charlotte Observer

This is the school my kids would attend if they go to public high schools. (Completely unrelated to this incident, they most likely won't.)

Ok I didn't watch the video and so I don't know exactly what was said and I don't approve of racism, but I get the understanding that the school is punishing kids for speech that did NOT occur on school grounds? If so then that seems like a bit of overreach to me and the kids might actually have a 1st Amendment case against the school system.

NobodyHere 11-28-2018 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3224521)
And I read the WI kids with the Hitler salute are getting away with it. I hope they had a good talking to from their parents.

If by getting away with it you mean that their actions will live on the internet forever then you're right.

Ben E Lou 11-28-2018 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3224525)
Ok I didn't watch the video and so I don't know exactly what was said and I don't approve of racism, but I get the understanding that the school is punishing kids for speech that did NOT occur on school grounds? If so then that seems like a bit of overreach to me and the kids might actually have a 1st Amendment case against the school system.

I don't get the impression that it occurred on school grounds, but some behaviors are prohibited off campus. I just double-checked our county's student handbook to verify, and yeah, off-campus behavior is mentioned. I'm sure the district's lawyers signed off on that long ago. And the spokesperson who talked with the media said that the students were disciplined in accordance with the Code of Conduct that students and parents sign off on at the beginning of the year.

FWIW, if they played any sports, Northwest has even broader language about on and off campus behavior in its code of conduct for its athletes.

Ben E Lou 11-28-2018 03:08 PM

Longer version on WorldStar...

Sparking Outrage: Two Ignorant Northwest Guilford Students Caught On Snapchat Being Extremely Racist! | Video

albionmoonlight 11-28-2018 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3224525)
Ok I didn't watch the video and so I don't know exactly what was said and I don't approve of racism, but I get the understanding that the school is punishing kids for speech that did NOT occur on school grounds? If so then that seems like a bit of overreach to me and the kids might actually have a 1st Amendment case against the school system.

Bong Hits 4 Jesus would be relevant to that question:


NobodyHere 11-28-2018 05:33 PM

The "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" event was held at a school event and I can understand the jurisdiction. But are schools allowed to police speech on social media? If so then what is to stop them from policing ALL speech made by a student?

PilotMan 11-28-2018 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3224558)
The "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" event was held at a school event and I can understand the jurisdiction. But are schools allowed to police speech on social media? If so then what is to stop them from policing ALL speech made by a student?

If people are going to sue schools and if the courts are going to hold them liable when they don't, then they have the jurisdiction. It's a no win situation.

Atocep 11-28-2018 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3224558)
The "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" event was held at a school event and I can understand the jurisdiction. But are schools allowed to police speech on social media? If so then what is to stop them from policing ALL speech made by a student?

Your Rights: Student Social Media Rights | ACLU of Northern CA

Long story short: it depends

EDIT: it's the ACLU of No Cal, but I'm sure this holds up more or less across the country.

Edward64 12-15-2018 07:44 AM

I would like to think she was off her meds or had an extremely stressful day but that still would not justify her behavior.

A Brooklyn woman whose racist, profanity-laced tirade on the New York subway was captured on video this week has been charged with felony assault after she struck a fellow passenger, authorities said.

The dispute between Anna Lushchinskaya, a 40-year-old white woman, and the 24-year-old passenger, a woman of Asian descent, began after Lushchinskaya bumped into the woman early Tuesday, the New York Police Department told CNN.

Lushchinskaya yelled profanities at the victim on the northbound D train, hitting her with an umbrella and keys, the NYPD said. On video captured by witnesses, Lushchinskaya can be heard calling the woman a racial slur.

Lushchinskaya was apprehended at the 36th Street Station and arrested, the NYPD said.
The victim suffered cuts to her face, the NYPD said. She told CNN affiliate WABC, which said she wanted to remain anonymous, that she was grateful people intervened.

A 30-year old good Samaritan suffered scratches when he intervened, the NYPD said.

Several subway riders captured the tirade on video. The incident has since been viewed by millions of people on social media.

The video shows the woman yelling profanities at the victim and calling another rider "retarded."

"F*** off," Lushchinskaya allegedly said several times before striking the victim with her hand.

She then took off her sunglasses and gloves, pulled her hair back and took her umbrella and keys from her bag, according to the video. Then, she began kicking the woman, who defended herself.

Passengers intervened, trying to restrain Lushchinskaya, and told her to stop. One person threatened to call the police.

The video shows Lushchinskaya striking the woman several times with her umbrella and her keys and again kicking her.

"She's not even fighting you back," one person is heard saying.
At least two subway riders tried to wrestle the umbrella away.
Lushchinskaya is seen spitting in the direction of the victim before yelling more profanity and a racial slur.

BYU 14 12-15-2018 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3226178)
I would like to think she was off her meds or had an extremely stressful day but that still would not justify her behavior.

Sometimes people are just fucking evil and I can't imagine what kind of stressful day would cause this.

I often wonder if these type of people are more emboldened now, or if the instant ability of normal people to make everything news is just exposing this vileness more. The answer is likely somewhere in between.

PilotMan 12-15-2018 11:39 AM

Generally I try to stay away from making huge overtures against Fox and the people they sell as important. But every now and then, something needs to be said.

It looks like Tucker Carlson is really swinging hard for that KKK vote. I also know that it's generally considered poor form to bring Hitler into the discussion, however, when you're actually saying immigrants are making the country dirtier, you're doing the exact same thing that Hitler did regarding the Jews.

It's a kind of language and speech that should have no place in our society. If he cannot be stopped from saying it in public, he should at least be punished socially and professionally and regarded to the dumpheap of humans that perpetrated actual acts on who they considered the 'lesser' class of society.

Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Says Immigration Is Making America 'Dirtier' | HuffPost

Edward64 01-02-2019 12:08 PM

I guess this belongs here since antisemitism is a form of racism.

For a Dr/Resident that went to school in the US to retain this hate (understandable, have to give her a pass) but yet be so public and showing such levity as a Dr is sad.

Anti-Semitic U.S. doctor tweeted that she would 'purposely give Jews the wrong medications' | Daily Mail Online

A doctor who tweeted that she would 'purposely give all the Jews the wrong meds' has been found to have been posting anti-Semitic messages on social media for years.

Dr Lara Kollab, 27, a former resident at The Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, wrote in now-deleted posts that she hoped 'Allah will kill the Jews' and referred to Jewish people as 'dogs'.

The Cleveland Clinic has since condemned Dr Kollab, who retains her medical license, and confirmed that she is no longer working at the hospital.

Edward64 01-14-2019 07:33 PM

I've not seen the PBS special so some things may have (or not) been taken out of context. Apparently he said more, and not just about intelligence, in 2007 and prior so there is a pattern.

A Nobel Prize-winning American scientist and DNA pioneer has been stripped of his honorary titles at the laboratory he once led after repeating racist comments in a documentary.

James Watson, who helped discover the double-helix structure of DNA alongside Francis Crick in the 1950s based on the work of British chemist Rosalind Franklin, said in a PBS film that genes cause a difference in intelligence between white and black people in IQ tests.

The 90-year-old's comments were labeled "reprehensible" by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) on New York's Long Island, where Watson had been the director from 1968 to 1993.

The laboratory said it "unequivocally rejects the unsubstantiated and reckless personal opinions Dr. James D. Watson expressed," noting the statements were "reprehensible [and] unsupported by science."

From what I've read, there is evidence that intelligence is partially hereditary. One article from Scientific American said 50% is based on genes and remainder on environment (nature vs nurture). That % and be up or down but a large component of intelligence is based on the luck of the draw.

I think if he said something to the effect of ....

"... a large part of intelligence is based on your genes but there are other environmental factors that also come into play", he would have been okay.

On the other hand, was this ambush journalism to bring up this subject again with a 90 year old man? I think yes.

Sorry to see him fall so far.

Radii 01-14-2019 08:07 PM

Uhhh, the rest of the article paints a very different picture than the one your post does, IMO:


The remarks are the latest in a series of racist and homophobic statements that have tainted Watson's career.

In 1997, Britain's Sunday Telegraph quoted him as saying that women should be allowed to abort a child for any reason, such as if a gene for homosexuality were found in the fetus.

During a lecture tour in 2000, he suggested there might be links between a person's weight and their level of ambition and between skin color and sexual prowess.

"That's why you have Latin lovers," he said, according to The Associated Press, which cited people who attended the lecture. "You've never heard of an English lover. Only an English patient."

And in a British TV documentary that aired in 2003, Watson suggested stupidity was a genetic disease that should be treated.

Maybe this was a last straw for this lab deciding that honorary titles given to a piece of shit human being even if he was part of one extremely important thing.

Edward64 01-14-2019 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Radii (Post 3228720)
Uhhh, the rest of the article paints a very different picture than the one your post does, IMO:

Maybe this was a last straw for this lab deciding that honorary titles given to a piece of shit human being even if he was part of one extremely important thing.

Noted and agree per my second sentence.

NobodyHere 01-14-2019 08:17 PM

I thought these posts would be about Rep Steve King. Doing Iowans proud!

Edward64 01-14-2019 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3228723)
I thought these posts would be about Rep Steve King. Doing Iowans proud!

Yeah, him too.

Watson is somewhat more sympathetic to me primarily because of his accomplishments.

Honolulu_Blue 01-15-2019 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3228725)
Watson is somewhat more sympathetic to me primarily because of his accomplishments.


So being a racist is based on sliding scale with one's accomplishments?

Edward64 01-15-2019 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 3228786)

So being a racist is based on sliding scale with one's accomplishments?

Certainly a factor to consider when judging someone isn't it?

PilotMan 01-15-2019 01:51 PM

Charles Lindbergh.....go!

Edward64 01-15-2019 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 3228818)
Charles Lindbergh.....go!

Not impressed. Let's go way back to the Founding Fathers and such who had slaves.

George Washington & Thomas Jefferson .... go!

NobodyHere 01-15-2019 03:10 PM


Edward64 01-15-2019 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3228839)

Thought you were joking but ... damn TIL.

There are probably more racist folks than not worldwide.

Honolulu_Blue 01-16-2019 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3228807)
Certainly a factor to consider when judging someone isn't it?

No. Not when it comes to someone's racist views.

PilotMan 01-16-2019 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3228842)
Thought you were joking but ... damn TIL.

There are probably more racist folks than not worldwide.

You're probably right. But discerning between racism and old fashioned nationalism is very hard to distinguish, which seems to be where we are at in most of our modern discussions in the trump thread. It does lead into modern conversations that the US has been trying to have for generations, via the expansion of globalization where cultures blend, cooperate and learn about one another. Hiding behind walls like scared kids is exactly what got us into world wars of the past. Trying to learn and appreciate other cultures, and encouraging them to tolerate and learn about yours is the entire genesis of the discussion on racism and nationalism. And why it's important to keep open dialogues with countries that we aren't allies with. It's not the whole solution to the puzzle, but it's an important piece no doubt.

Edward64 01-16-2019 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 3228890)
No. Not when it comes to someone's racist views.

We'll agree to disagree.

IMO there are differing levels, mitigating factors, accomplishments, patterns, what they have experienced etc. when judging someone and severity of their "crimes" ... and compare with others to get a sense of scale/degree of their "crime".

JPhillips 01-16-2019 10:51 AM

I think a person's negatives don't cancel their achievements, but their achievements don't lessen or negate their negatives. A person can be a great scientist and a racist at the same time.

With Watson, though, there are some serious questions about how much discovery was his and how much he got credited for the work of others.

Honolulu_Blue 01-16-2019 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3228898)
We'll agree to disagree.

IMO there are differing levels, mitigating factors, accomplishments, patterns, what they have experienced etc. when judging someone and severity of their "crimes" ... and compare with others to get a sense of scale/degree of their "crime".

I find this take pretty weird and quite dangerous.


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3228899)
I think a person's negatives don't cancel their achievements, but their achievements don't lessen or negate their negatives. A person can be a great scientist and a racist at the same time.


Edward64 01-16-2019 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 3228921)
I find this take pretty weird and quite dangerous.

I just think there are differing levels/degrees of being a racist. And I do believe there can be acceptable mitigating circumstances to explain it (not accomplishment specific).

Otherwise, you are condemning a bunch of folks worldwide who are "racist".

Edward64 01-16-2019 01:58 PM

Let's agree on the definition of racism if we want to continue this discussion so we are not talking past each other.

If you have another definition, please reference it.

racism - Dictionary Definition :

Racism is the practice of discriminating against people based on their race, national or ethnic background. Although old prejudices often live on, most people will agree that racism is unacceptable.

Someone who practices racism is called a racist. Racism comes from the idea that the different races are intrinsically different. It’s racism when a white person discriminates against a black person, just as it’s racism if a Japanese person discriminates against a German person. Many worldwide political movements have fought to end racism.
  • the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races
  • discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race

Honolulu_Blue 01-16-2019 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3228928)
I just think there are differing levels/degrees of being a racist. And I do believe there can be acceptable mitigating circumstances to explain it (not accomplishment specific).

Otherwise, you are condemning a bunch of folks worldwide who are "racist".


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3228931)
Let's agree on the definition of racism if we want to continue this discussion so we are not talking past each other.

If you have another definition, please reference it.

racism - Dictionary Definition :

I think I'll pass on this conversation. I don't think it will be particularly fruitful or enlightening. I am pretty comfortable condemning a bunch of folks worldwide who are racist.

That said, don't you find it a bit odd that the chosen definition includes an example where "Japanese" and "German" are some how considered races as opposed to, say, nationalities?

I think either of these definitions would be more succinct and accurate:

Racism | Definition of Racism by Merriam-Webster

racism | Definition of racism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

Edward64 01-16-2019 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 3228933)
I think I'll pass on this conversation. I don't think it will be particularly fruitful or enlightening. I am pretty comfortable condemning a bunch of folks worldwide who are racist.

That said, don't you find it a bit odd that the chosen definition includes an example where "Japanese" and "German" are some how considered races as opposed to, say, nationalities?

I think either of these definitions would be more succinct and accurate:

Racism | Definition of Racism by Merriam-Webster

racism | Definition of racism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

Okay, no problem.

Beats me why the Japanese and German were used as examples.

Edward64 01-28-2019 06:41 AM

I didn't watch the episode but based on what I read in the article, pretty true statement I agree with. I think where he failed is speaking only about Hispanics, it really applies to other immigrants so he should have broadened the context. (As we discussed earlier, the next generation born in the US will assimilate much better)

Former "NBC Nightly News" anchor Tom Brokaw tweeted Sunday that he regrets saying that Hispanics should "work harder at assimilation" into American culture.

"I feel terrible a part of my comments on Hispanics offended some members of that proud culture," he said at the beginning of a series of tweets.
Criticism erupted after Brokaw, 78, commented on Hispanics and assimilation during Sunday's broadcast of "Meet the Press." He said on the show that his view on assimilation is one he's been sharing "for a long time."

"You know, they ought not to be just codified in their communities but make sure that all their kids are learning to speak English, and that they feel comfortable in the communities," he said. "And that's going to take outreach on both sides [Republican and Democrat], frankly."

I did a little more research and the better quote is

Tom Brokaw Apologizes For ‘Meet The Press’ “Brown Grandbabies” Remark | Deadline

Appearing as a panelist on this morning’s show (see video via Twitter below), Brokaw said when he “pushes” Americans on the subject of immigration, “They say, ‘Well, I don’t know whether I want brown grand-babies.’ That’s also a part of it, the intermarriage that’s going on and the cultures that are conflicting with each other. I also happen to believe that the Hispanics should work harder at assimilation. … You know, they ought not to be just codified in their communities but make sure that all their kids are learning to speak English and that they feel comfortable in the communities. And that’s going to take outreach on both sides, frankly.”

After the startling take started to ricochet around Twitter — fueled, of course, by right-wing bloggers and activists but also by stupefied Brokaw partisans on the left — the NBC legend responded via Twitter.

“I feel terrible a part of my comments on Hispanics offended some members of that proud culture,” Brokaw tweeted in the first of a multi-part apology. In addition to highlighting his work over the decades on immigration coverage, he emphasized the end of his Meet the Press remarks, which called for “both sides” to work on assimilation.

Its a little weird that CNN did not provide more of the quote.

There are some criticisms quote also. One implies Brokaw is a racist for saying this. This I disagree with.


Some journalists on social media quickly criticized Brokaw's comments. Aura Bogado, an investigative immigration reporter at Reveal, said Brokaw was "arguing classic white supremacist talking points in a deeply racist rant on national television."

JPhillips 01-28-2019 07:48 AM

There's no evidence that Hispanics are assimilating more slowly than past waves of immigrants. It has always taken time and multiple generations.

cuervo72 02-01-2019 07:17 PM

White Detroit cop uses Black History Month Snapchat filter to mock woman whose car he impounded, made walk in negative temps - Chicago Tribune

And the Northam stuff, but Ben already broke that story. :)

NobodyHere 02-16-2019 07:13 PM

Looks like Jussie Smollet is turning out to be the real racist here

CU Tiger 02-16-2019 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3231463)
Looks like Jussie Smollet is turning out to be the real racist here

Can't say that surprised me...that story sounded fishy from day 1

stevew 02-17-2019 03:41 AM

I know racially motivated hate crime is still alive and well but holy shit that story was nonsensical. Like someone gets hatecrimey enough to beat you and pour bleach on you and tie a noose on you...youre dead.

Julio Riddols 02-17-2019 07:35 AM

I absolutely fucking hate people like this Smollett tool. Every time one of these fuckwads does something like this it sets humanity back as a whole because it sets discourse back as well. Then we bitch about the controversy for weeks.

I think Kamala Harris needs to be investigated as part of this whole thing. It seems extra convenient that her completely unnecessary anti lynching vanity bill got passed just a couple days ago on the heels of this fuckheads story. She seems likely to be involved in the planning of it, and if so, should be shunned accordingly by voters if she doesn't outright step down. I'm so goddamned tired of the "leaders" we have in the world today. Most of them aren't leaders at all, just money junkies following the dollar.

RainMaker 02-17-2019 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by CU Tiger (Post 3231472)
Can't say that surprised me...that story sounded fishy from day 1

Pretty much no ok ne in Chicago believed it. The idea that this group of Trump supporters were camping out in -20 windshield in hopes he would go out at 2am for Subway is comical.

This is also a nice area with cameras everywhere. The fact they couldn't find this or the suspects on it at all was the kicker.

Fuck this guy for blowing police resources we actually need.

molson 02-17-2019 11:09 AM

And he hired two Nigerians to do it. Even the hate crimes are being outsourced to minority immigrants now.

CU Tiger 02-18-2019 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3231481)
Pretty much no ok ne in Chicago believed it. The idea that this group of Trump supporters were camping out in -20 windshield in hopes he would go out at 2am for Subway is comical.

This is also a nice area with cameras everywhere. The fact they couldn't find this or the suspects on it at all was the kicker.

Fuck this guy for blowing police resources we actually need.

On a more basic level, knowing nothing of the area, I just couldnt figure out who walks around with rope. Specifically with rope tied into a noose.

I mean unless someone planned and set out to commit this crime, which in that case you have to expect the outcome to be more grave, the weapon would usually be one of opportunity...and you dont typically just walk around with rope. And the person with enough hate in their heart to leave the house set on beating a man and pouring bleach on him...and in possession of a noose. Well I expect that person would take things farther.

Thomkal 02-19-2019 09:59 AM

Alabama newspaper calls for the return of the KKK-to clean up Washington and remove the Democrats and Democrats in the Republican party who are planning to raise taxes in Alabama again:

PilotMan 02-19-2019 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 3231610)
Alabama newspaper calls for the return of the KKK-to clean up Washington and remove the Democrats and Democrats in the Republican party who are planning to raise taxes in Alabama again:

404 - StoryLine

This is not surprising in Alabama. And the editorial came from the editor and publisher. I wonder if trump will voice his support for the first amendment now?

BYU 14 02-19-2019 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by CU Tiger (Post 3231520)
On a more basic level, knowing nothing of the area, I just couldnt figure out who walks around with rope. Specifically with rope tied into a noose.

I mean unless someone planned and set out to commit this crime, which in that case you have to expect the outcome to be more grave, the weapon would usually be one of opportunity...and you dont typically just walk around with rope. And the person with enough hate in their heart to leave the house set on beating a man and pouring bleach on him...and in possession of a noose. Well I expect that person would take things farther.

Exactly, you don't go to that level of mayhem preparation without having intent to inflict more than just a couple of bruises. I still can't wrap my head around why this selfish motherfucker would do this and use his "platform" to marginalize the victims of true hate crimes. Shit like this erases any strides we do make as a society and only emboldens the racist fucks that still walk among us.

He is worse than a racist to me in many ways, exploiting real social problems/injustices for sympathy and his own benefit. He deserves the cliff his career is going to fall off of.

RainMaker 02-20-2019 04:43 PM

A Lt in the Coast Guard. Read through the Twitter thread. Appears to be a domestic terrorist who was planning to do some terrible things.

RainMaker 02-20-2019 04:45 PM

molson 02-20-2019 04:49 PM

There's kind of an unspoken code between prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges. When a prosecutor is making a good-faith but debatable argument for a higher bond or pretrial detention, he or she might use phrases like "danger to the community." But when the stakes are truly higher and you need the threat to stand out among all the other threats a judge has to evaluate on a daily basis, you (as rarely as possible to maintain credibility) - use language that jumps off the page like that.

Groundhog 02-20-2019 05:28 PM

"on a scale rarely seen in this country" is a poignant choice of word.

cuervo72 03-20-2019 08:25 PM

Chesterfield police chief recommends officer be fired after alleged link to white supremacist group | Crime, Police & Fire |

Oh yeah - and he's a resource officer at a majority-minority school.

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