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JPhillips 01-07-2021 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by sabotai (Post 3321899)
This broke me. I can't stop laughing at this (edit of a video posted a few pages ago)

Animani they pushed me out and maced me : trashy

OMG that's funny.

larrymcg421 01-07-2021 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3321901)
I said this earlier. But in case I wasn't clear, both chambers should have remained after the certification and booted his butt right then and there.

It is *always* my position that our leaders should do what's right, consequences be damned.

But that's not the real world. I'm just saying that I'm not convinced that Pelosi truly wants him impeached, removed, and banned from running.

If she wasn't convinced earlier, she sure seems convinced now.

JPhillips 01-07-2021 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 3321890)
And as if on cue. We can't have too many black people voting in Georgia:

I know that Dems won't get rid of the filibuster, but they have to find a way to pass a new voting rights act ASAP.

whomario 01-07-2021 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by cartman (Post 3321840)
If I'm understanding the process correctly, Congress has to rule on the outcome of the 25th amendment petition within 21(?) days. It was a length of time that allowed them to basically run out the clock and not have to do anything until after Jan. 20th.

Could you or someone else elaborate ? Might have overlooked some posts, but: Who runs out the clock, why is it easier after Jan 20th (are the two new Senators from Georgia seated then as well ?)

Autumn 01-07-2021 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by whomario (Post 3321908)
Could you or someone else elaborate ? Might have overlooked some posts, but: Who runs out the clock, why is it easier after Jan 20th (are the two new Senators from Georgia seated then as well ?)

I believe that if Pence and the Cabinet agreed to remove Trump from his position, and Trump objected, the question would be sent to Congress for them to deliberate on. However, until Congress made a decision whether to restore Trump or not, Pence would remain in charge. So if they have a 21-day window, Trump would be out of office before he could do anything about it.

Ghost Econ 01-07-2021 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3321891)
Trump is a cult of personality. There won't be anyone else to take his place in the eyes of his followers ... not Cruz, not Ivanka, not Don Jr etc.

But that is not to say he can't do any damage after 2020. He will influence many of the races in 2022 and if able to, he will run in 2024.

But unlike some that says let's impeach him and stop him from running in 2024, I have more faith in the American public. Trump is an aberration, he won't win in 2024 with the one key assumption that Biden/Kamala presidency isn't a total mess.

As usual, you underestimate the love Trumpeters have for Don Jr. They love him maybe more because he says the quiet stuff out loud.

kingfc22 01-07-2021 03:36 PM

FoxNews site with "What About Unity?" as their headline on top of an image of Biden giving his speech today.

This is the problem and needs to stop.

If we can't unify around a message of "storming the US Capitol is bad", there is no common ground to be found.

BYU 14 01-07-2021 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost Econ (Post 3321913)
As usual, you underestimate the love Trumpeters have for Don Jr. They love him maybe more because he says the quiet stuff out loud.

and articulates it much better than his marble mouthed Dad.

BYU 14 01-07-2021 03:40 PM

Looking at the social media posts of the woman that was shot yesterday, as callous as it may sound I have a little less sympathy for her. She was definitely unhinged.

GrantDawg 01-07-2021 03:55 PM

Tucker Carlson. If we are talking the next GOP candidate without Trump, don't sleep on Tucker Carlson.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

tarcone 01-07-2021 04:07 PM

My lord people would drink kool-aid if Trump told them to. This is amazing.

EDIT: I knew Trump had his suppprters, but I had no idea it went that deep.

albionmoonlight 01-07-2021 04:08 PM

I’m a Dem who was rooting for Trump in the 2016 GOP Primary b/c “hE wILl Do teRriBlE in Teh GEnEraL ElecTioN Ha ha LOL at GOP”

And, yeah, I was wrong. If Pelosi has the power now to stamp out that cockroach, she should take it and not try and play 8D chess for an election four years from now.

Ben E Lou 01-07-2021 05:40 PM

Capitol Police Chief resigns. Yup, that needed to happen.

miami_fan 01-07-2021 06:02 PM

How the hell is this the first time I have ever heard of the TheDonald forum?

Trump Riot Planners Feel Betrayed By The President

I did block it on all my browsers just to be sure I don't accidentally make it over there though.

Ben E Lou 01-07-2021 06:14 PM

cartman 01-07-2021 06:20 PM

so who finally had the come to Jesus meeting with him?

sterlingice 01-07-2021 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by cartman (Post 3321940)
so who finally had the come to Jesus meeting with him?

Nobody. Someone told him, read this crap or else they're going to kick you off Twitter and maybe even remove you from office. The former was the greater threat to him.


JPhillips 01-07-2021 06:25 PM

Should have impeached while they had the chance. Now he's safe and he'll be a thorn in the side until 2024.

kingfc22 01-07-2021 06:33 PM

He doesn't believe a word he's saying and this doesn't & shouldn't clear him of anything.

albionmoonlight 01-07-2021 06:40 PM

So these Trump supporters who actually believed him and followed him and did what he clearly wanted are now going to rot in jail because he’s dropping them like a hot potato. No one has more contempt for Trump supporters than Trump himself.

albionmoonlight 01-07-2021 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by kingfc22 (Post 3321946)
He doesn't believe a word he's saying and this doesn't & shouldn't clear him of anything.

I think it takes a lot of the political wind out of the sails of impeachment or 25th amendment. Maybe it shouldn’t, but it will.

Groundhog 01-07-2021 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3321942)
Should have impeached while they had the chance. Now he's safe and he'll be a thorn in the side until 2024.

Yep, exactly why they need to go after him, or else the chaos continues for 4 more years.

JPhillips 01-07-2021 06:57 PM

Hey Benghazi folks. Just want to make sure you know that the White House refused to allow the Maryland National Guard to mobilize and five people so far have died.

GrantDawg 01-07-2021 06:59 PM

This video shows the police being overwhelmed. I was wondering where the Rioters got the Police Shield.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Atocep 01-07-2021 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by miami_fan (Post 3321938)
How the hell is this the first time I have ever heard of the TheDonald forum?

It's what became of r/The_donald after reddit banned the community.

RainMaker 01-07-2021 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by albionmoonlight (Post 3321947)
So these Trump supporters who actually believed him and followed him and did what he clearly wanted are now going to rot in jail because he’s dropping them like a hot potato. No one has more contempt for Trump supporters than Trump himself.

They won't go to jail.

kingfc22 01-07-2021 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by albionmoonlight (Post 3321948)
I think it takes a lot of the political wind out of the sails of impeachment or 25th amendment. Maybe it shouldn’t, but it will.

Yea. I can see the R’s voting down Impeachment.

“Look, he said he’s sorry”

JPhillips 01-07-2021 07:12 PM

How many Capitol police knew an officer had been hit and knocked unconscious with a fire extinguisher and still let everyone walk out of the Capitol?

sterlingice 01-07-2021 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by albionmoonlight (Post 3321948)
I think it takes a lot of the political wind out of the sails of impeachment or 25th amendment. Maybe it shouldn’t, but it will.

Yup - that's what the video does. Dems too slow and stupid, as always.


RainMaker 01-07-2021 07:24 PM

So maybe the officer didn't die? Insane how there has been no press conference by law enforcement.

RainMaker 01-07-2021 07:26 PM

Nevermind, I guess he is brain dead and they are waiting on family. RIP

sterlingice 01-07-2021 07:48 PM

Well, this was a little too prescient for my taste


RainMaker 01-07-2021 07:53 PM

ISiddiqui 01-07-2021 08:11 PM

Lol, DeVos resigns

Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk

tarcone 01-07-2021 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui (Post 3321962)
Lol, DeVos resigns

Sent from my Pixel 4 XL using Tapatalk

She was like nipples on a male.

sterlingice 01-07-2021 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by tarcone (Post 3321964)
She was like nipples on a male.

Are my nipples actively trying to defund and privatize me?


PilotMan 01-07-2021 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by tarcone (Post 3321964)
She was like nipples on a male.

tarcone 01-07-2021 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 3321965)
Are my nipples actively trying to defund and privatize me?


I was thinking more along the lines of useless.

She was never getting anything done. No way she was getting education defunded or privatized. Those things will never happen. This pandemic shows how important public education is to this country.

Flasch186 01-07-2021 08:57 PM

albionmoonlight 01-07-2021 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 3321967)

I wish Ben had locked the thread after this post. It would’ve been a fitting end.

miami_fan 01-07-2021 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 3321960)
Well, this was a little too prescient for my taste


Evidently, they were doing the planning right in plain sight.

Extremists Posted Plans of Capitol Attack Online -

Based on everything I am reading, the people that attacked that Capitol told anyone who would listen exactly what they were going to do. Then they went ahead and did it. Many of them did while not even hiding their faces. It is obvious someone like Kovler and others were listening. The question is why weren't the authorities listening and if they were listening then well... yeah I don't even want to think about that one.

lungs 01-07-2021 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by tarcone (Post 3321964)
She was like nipples on a male.

Tits on a boar hog.

JPhillips 01-07-2021 10:25 PM

Rick Perry should have listened to... Rick Perry.


Rick Perry tried to warn voters of the dangers of Donald Trump.

In a speech ahead of the 2016 Republican presidential contest in which both men would compete, the former Texas governor framed Trump as an unchecked demagogue and chose a striking historical image to illustrate his point: A mob attack on Washington.

Perry described an 1854 assault on the nation’s capital in which members of the nativist Know-Nothing movement accosted a guard and destroyed slabs of marble that were meant to complete the Washington Monument. Their goal was to thwart an imagined conspiracy about the Pope taking over the government.

“These people built nothing, created nothing. They existed to cast blame and tear down certain institutions. To give outlet to anger,” Perry said. “Donald Trump is the modern-day incarnation of the Know-Nothing movement.”

Trump, of course, was elected president that year and Perry would serve as energy secretary in his administration.

CrimsonFox 01-08-2021 12:06 AM

Clever clever...

CrimsonFox 01-08-2021 12:47 AM

Police Officer dies in riot


So it's true after all :(

CrimsonFox 01-08-2021 12:50 AM

CrimsonFox 01-08-2021 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 3321729)

People are saying she has an onion in her towel to make herself cry :)

CrimsonFox 01-08-2021 01:12 AM

Video footage of the cops being overwhelmed

Big takeaway here is you actually see the police being assaulted and not a single shot was fired.

CrimsonFox 01-08-2021 01:20 AM

Hawley lost his book deal

Simon and Schuster cancels Senator Hawley's new book after riots

CrimsonFox 01-08-2021 03:11 AM

Hot take...Pence resigns and Pelosi is promoted, then invokes 25th :)

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