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Coffee Warlord 11-10-2006 09:17 AM

Btw, if you still need me to promote, that scout is screaming Woodsman. :)

Flasch186 11-10-2006 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by mrsimperless (Post 1302455)
After the settler has been completed Edinburgh will start production of a worker to begin improving our civilization's infrastructure.

BTW, have we decided how we're going to assign worker jobs yet? Do we perhaps need a Minister of the Interior position, or do we assign workers out to specific governors? Having all governors vote on every single worker job seems like a bit of overkill IMO. Although it does seem appropriate and I'm all for it in the early goings on.

I had it in mind that I would label workers per their home city and the governor would be in charge of their own worker and can lend them out to other governors, etc. Or the Congress of Governors, I assume, could override the governor and dictate it on an issue by issue basis.

I gotta go home and get the save file so I can move it forward a bit. I dont want to use it too much on the laptop, especially, when the world get bigger and more convoluted. At some point, if we get that far, I may even need to turn down the graphics a bit but that shouldn't matter in this game since its more like an RPG, choose your own adventure type.

Flasch186 11-10-2006 02:05 PM

Sir, while we didnt find the Cherokee and I'll be honest Im not sure Im looking forward to meeting them, we did meet this strange little man who kept messing with his hair. He calls his people the "Franch".

Flasch186 11-10-2006 02:06 PM

WVUfan, I truly need to know where you want us to go. I ave heard from the others that they think it's wisest to head North, and I cannot disagree. Please advise where our Settler and Warrior should go. You could say N3, or NW2 then N 2, or whatever but Ill need to eventually know squares. Ill post pictures to make sure we get it exactly right. Edinburgh will begin working on a worker to improve the infrastructure of the city, here shortly.

CW, after meeting the French, and on the way back to our campsite the Scout was attacked by a Tiger and utterly destroyed. The only thing left were his bones and skull. Our only explorer now is the warrior who has been traversing south along the coast line.

The picture of Edinburgh, the second picture of the city on the 1st page has been updated and it is high time the Settler move out. We await WVUfan.

Coffee Warlord 11-10-2006 02:48 PM



Flasch186 11-11-2006 12:12 PM

I probably will wait until this evening before setting the Settler to the North. Hopefully I hear from their leader, WVUfan shortly about EXACTLY where he would like them to go.

WVUFAN 11-11-2006 02:33 PM

My suggestion is that we go NW1, then N2. It's near a river, with some foot supplies nearby and a mine also in range.


Flasch186 11-11-2006 02:39 PM

I actually would suggest, sir, NW2 & then N3 to be on the inside bend of the River Scot. I see Sheep nearby and plenty of food resources. Plus being on the river means we can use it to float things between Edinburgh and the new City. We shouldnt be too close but not too far either. When we get to the spot, Ill take a snapshot to confirm it, just in case we need to cross to the N side of the river before setting root. However, the decision, Govahnah, is yours.

WVUFAN 11-11-2006 02:54 PM

That's a good place to go ... I hadn't noticed the nice food resources so close to there.

let's do it.

Flasch186 11-11-2006 03:06 PM


Our Warrior 2 continues to explore southerly, way southerly, but recently was attacked in the forest by a Bengal Tiger. He survived the attack but barely. He has most certainly earned battle scars and a promotion which you can see your options in the picture.

Flasch186 11-11-2006 03:11 PM


As you can see many of the people have stated, quietly of course, that they like the area highlighted in Blue, in the shadow of the Great Mountain to the East. Should we continue to our intended destination, which is also depicted or follow the people's will?

WVUFAN 11-11-2006 04:09 PM

Continue to our destination. Food is more plentiful there.

Flasch186 11-11-2006 04:22 PM

WVUFan, congratulations on your new settlement which will be called Glasgow. You need to decide what you will develop in Glasgow and while the decision is solely yours you may want to co-ordinate your activities with your fellow Governors. during war time, the rules change a bit.

Once you make your selection, your city screen will appear below Edinburgh's on the front page.

Flasch186 11-11-2006 04:24 PM

CW, from where we are I can barely make out a native village to the North but we have no extra units to go explore it. What do you suggest, sir, as there is one warrior within Glasgow at your disposal?

There is also a wild pack of Lions due West of Glasgow but there is absolutely no way the Lions will move close to Glasgow.

ntndeacon 11-11-2006 04:35 PM

I am reading along and loving it. If it is not Scottish it is CRAP!

WVUFAN 11-11-2006 06:08 PM

Let's build a Warrior first.

Flasch186 11-11-2006 06:35 PM

Warrior it is. (Glasgow city pic is updated)

CW, our Warrior exploring down south is resting in the forest and praying to God that no creatures of mother nature show up, as he's simply exhausted and bloodied. He is awaiting your promotion, sir.

Coffee Warlord 11-11-2006 06:49 PM

We must have more Woodsmen, I say!

Coffee Warlord 11-11-2006 06:49 PM

(And I've been playing NWN2 basically...all day. And now it's time to go out. Carry on, men. Carry on.)

Coffee Warlord 11-11-2006 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 1304100)
CW, from where we are I can barely make out a native village to the North but we have no extra units to go explore it. What do you suggest, sir, as there is one warrior within Glasgow at your disposal?

There is also a wild pack of Lions due West of Glasgow but there is absolutely no way the Lions will move close to Glasgow.

Standing order. Never lead a city undefended. We'll wait for a unit to come available.

Flasch186 11-12-2006 07:06 AM


our wise man have revelaed that after many days and nights in the fields with the sheep, they have figured out a way to "fence" them in and keep them in the same general area, feeding them, and breeding them....this could be a momentous day for the Scottish empire. What shall they research now...availability is on the front page of this thread in the Science Queue.

Coffee Warlord 11-12-2006 03:17 PM

Mining or Priesthood are my votes.

gi 11-12-2006 03:53 PM

I'm voting for Metal Carving because it only takes 9 turns and we can build spearman for defense if needed. The Barbarians might be coming....

Flasch186 11-12-2006 05:14 PM

i await WvuFan and Mrsimperless' input on the matter although GI's technical expertise is weighed more heavily.

Coffee Warlord 11-12-2006 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by gi (Post 1305122)
I'm voting for Metal Carving because it only takes 9 turns and we can build spearman for defense if needed. The Barbarians might be coming....

I'll go along with that.

Flasch186 11-12-2006 08:40 PM

that'll make their votes moot and Ill move us forward in the morning. I believe one of you is traveling tomorrow so we may not get very far tomorrow.

WVUFAN 11-12-2006 10:33 PM

I agree with gi. Metal Carving -- our defense should be key right now.

mrsimperless 11-12-2006 11:50 PM

Metal Carving is unanimous - I almost voted for it last time in fact.

As an aside I wanted to remind everyone that I fly back out to Thailand first thing Monday morning. Basically what this means is that I'll be out of action for a couple of days while I travel there and that once I get there I'll be 12 hours ahead of EDT so my updates might be a bit more sporadic. However I usually have my pc next to me while I'm sleeping and try to check it periodically throughout the night (US day time) as its very hard to sleep especially the first week or so that I'm there. I should arrive mid-afternoon on Tuesday US time and I'll try to catch up on things then.

In the meantime I defer my decisions to the other governors and Flasch until you hear back from me. When the worker is done I think I should probably start improving the land around Edinburgh with farms and pastures where applicable as unless I'm mistaken the river already provides a trade route between Edinburgh and Glasgow. (Although roads will definitely be needed soon for more efficient unit transport)

I'm not quite sure what direction to go with production next. I will let you guys decide this for me. Unless you're ready for another settler then I think I should probably go spearman if metal carving is finished. If its not done yet then go warrior and change production to a spearman when we can.

Best of luck guys! I travel contented knowing I leave the fate of Edinburgh and the Scottish nation in your more than able hands.

Flasch186 11-13-2006 07:11 AM


It didnt take long for the people to begin traversing between Edinburgh and Glasgow. As a matter of fact, some in our court in Glasgow have seen and heard people practicing Hinduism which is good because it seems to keep the people more in line. In all honesty i thought it would take longer for the religion to take foot in Glasgow but Im glad to have been proven wrong.

Flasch186 11-13-2006 07:13 AM


It didnt take long for the other Lions int he jungle/forest to smell the blood from our warrior, battle scars or not....he just couldnt stand up to the wave after wave of Lions that seemed to be everywhere. Unfortunately he has perished in the jungle/forest to the south. We now have no one exploring and we never accomplished our goal of finding the Cherokee.

Flasch186 11-13-2006 07:22 AM

GI, Our wise men have discovered the secret of shaping metals and stone...we need to begin researching something else. Our wise men seem to be getting the hang of researching new stuff. Our worker in Edinburgh is almost ready to begin improving the surroundings and their first task will be to reign in the sheep on the hill to the west. Those sheep are an excellent source of food for the city. After that there are some flood plains due west of the city I believe that they should work on controlling the water to help improve the area for its fertile growth of food.

gi 11-13-2006 09:49 AM

Here is how I see it for this next tech:

Mining, Pottery, or Archery make sense. All three take a smaller amount of time to research. I think we are good enough to not research archery until the next tech. Maybe two more techs. I'd like mining or pottery. Pottery will let us take advantage of out excellent abundance of food and grow quickly. We have religion so our cities would be able to grow and be happy. (until 6 I think). Mining would give our worker more to do, but our worker is plenty busy already.
I think we should do Pottery first for granary, then mining, then archery. Tentatively. Thoughts?

Coffee Warlord 11-13-2006 10:05 AM

A scout or a warrior would be nice to have from one of our cities, if just to get that village up there.

But as for exploration, we know what's around us, and that's what matters. I'd like to see us expand as fast as possible to secure as much of this untamed land as we can. Screw the rest of the world for the time being, we have some good natural borders to expand to. Scotland will be full of Scots.

Flasch186 11-13-2006 10:10 AM

I agree with pottery so we shall go there.

We will have control of Edinburgh while their Governor takes a foray into the wilderness to complete a hunt.

I believe Edinburgh should have one more warrior. We can dispatch him to meet the native village to the North and then bring him back, although Glasgow is working on another warrior at their Governor's behest. Thoughts?

Flasch186 11-13-2006 11:06 AM

Edinburgh has graduated its warrior, what shall they begin to produce while Edinburgh's worker continues to work on the hill trying to control the sheep. when theyre done they will also begin to build some roads there to be able to transport the sheep & wool into Edinburgh.

Flasch186 11-13-2006 11:08 AM


Glasgow has graduated its warrior and the wise men need your direction as to what Glasgow should produce:

Flasch186 11-13-2006 11:09 AM


Shall we dispatch one of Glasgow's warriors to the native village to the North, if they havnt left?

Coffee Warlord 11-13-2006 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 1305841)

Shall we dispatch one of Glasgow's warriors to the native village to the North, if they havnt left?

Please do so.

Flasch186 11-13-2006 01:45 PM

What shall we build in Edinburgh while Mrsimperless is on his hunt? The picture above shows our options.

Coffee Warlord 11-13-2006 01:56 PM

Worker. Then Settler. Then Stonehenge. :)

gi 11-13-2006 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 1305944)
Worker. Then Settler. Then Stonehenge. :)

Can we then build some dwarfs and an amp that goes to 11? :)

Flasch186 11-13-2006 02:19 PM

Gi, what do you think we should build in Edinburgh?

gi 11-13-2006 02:24 PM

Worker until Granary is available, then finish worker, settler, stonehenge. Prophets are nice.

Flasch186 11-13-2006 02:38 PM

I await WVUfan's direction in Glasgow as to what to build.

Flasch186 11-14-2006 06:47 AM

Since I havnt heard from WVUFan yet regarding Glasgow, Im going to have to ask Mrsimperless, CW, and GI to direct the city while we find out why WVUFan overslept. What shall Glasgow build?

gi 11-14-2006 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 1306550)
Since I havnt heard from WVUFan yet regarding Glasgow, Im going to have to ask Mrsimperless, CW, and GI to direct the city while we find out why WVUFan overslept. What shall Glasgow build?

Worker, Granary, or Settler.

I'd favor a worker.

Coffee Warlord 11-14-2006 08:23 AM

Worker. We need to develop.

Flasch186 11-14-2006 11:32 AM


The warrior went to the North and met with the villagers on the coast. He brought back a map that truly only showed how far the water goes to the NW. They must be heavily involved in using the water because thats about all they knew about. Sorry sir that it wasn't something better that they could enlighten us upon. We'll bring the warrior back.

Coffee Warlord 11-14-2006 11:35 AM

Can you post a good updated "overview" pic of our empire and surrounding areas on the 1st page so I can get my bearings of what's what?

Flasch186 11-14-2006 11:35 AM

Now that the wise man have learned how to make these wonderful things out of clay and the earth, what shall we pursue next (see the science board)

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