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Danny 07-21-2011 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by mauboy1 (Post 2500930)
Well I couldn't be night killed right? So even if cthulu tried he would have failed and we'd be voting today right?

Good game guys!

Thanks Danny.

Yes, but he would have been out of the game and I don't think you guys would have had the attack power left to take out Chubby with Cthulu gone.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:36 AM

Tyrith – Vice Admiral Horatio Viscount Nelson

10 HP, 1 Attack, 2 Defense, Due to his excellent leadership, you have a passive ability that guarentees you succeed at whichever daily adventure you choose (additional abilities can be granted through these adventures, so this is actually a pretty powerful ability)

Danny 07-21-2011 10:37 AM

Autumn - Animal, Miss Piggy, Swedish Chef, Beaker, Professor Honeydew, Kermit & Gonzo

Each Muppet has 1 HP, 0 defense and 1 attack value. This means overall your muppets will die easily, but you have a lot of attack power, especially early in the game. Additionally, you will be able to go on different adventures that may give you bonuses as the game goes on.
Because of your ability to go on different adventures and pick up bonus abilities, you only have one starting special ability. During the night phase, you may choose one Muppet to power up for the following day. That muppet receives a random defense value of 1-5 for that day.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:38 AM

NTN- Thursday Next
7 HP, 1 Attack, 0 Defense

She has the ability for one day and one night phase (can be separate days) to hide out in a book. If she does so during the night phase, she takes you along with her and you will be protected from targeted night abilities. When done during the lynch phase, she will be immune to regular attack damage (may still be targeted from certain special abilities

Additionally, you have a once per game ability to banish a character from play for 24 hours. During this time, their owner can still post in thread, but that character can not take actions or use special abilities.

mauchow 07-21-2011 10:38 AM

Had he used it yet? If not glad I put him down with Indy Jones.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:39 AM

Cthulu- You have 1-5 attack value, 0 defense or hp; however you simply can’t be killed; however, you need your eternal slumber, so you are only in the game for 5 days. However each wolf that is found, adds 1 day to your life cycle. Using abilities tires you out and shortens your game length by 1 cycle per ability used.

You have one time use to instantly kill a player during the night phase(may be stopped by special abilities) Shortens your life span by one day

The Jackal 07-21-2011 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by mauboy1 (Post 2500939)
Had he used it yet? If not glad I put him down with Indy Jones.

It was passive, so he won an interaction each night before you killed him.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:39 AM

NTN used all his abilities.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:40 AM

Jag - Melisandre of Asshai 12 HP, 1 Attack, 0 Defense

You have the ability see future events. During each night phase, you can predict a player’s following day actions (this includes who they attack and whether or not they use a special action). Because you are alright correct, that player will be forced to take your actions. Can’t be used on the same player more than once per game.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:40 AM

Mauboy - Malcolm Reynolds, Chloe and Jayne

Malcolm 3 hp, 1defense, 1 attack, You are the captain of this crew, as such, when both of your crewmates vote with you, you gain an extra attack point and defense.

Chloe, 3 HP, 0 defense, 1 attack, she gains a slight bonus for going on missions.

Jayne 3HP, 1 defense, 1 attack, during the night you can absorb any night kill attempt made on Mauboy as a one time ability. You will not know if this succeeded or not.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:41 AM

The Jackal - Keyser Soze 9 HP, 1 Attack, 0 Defense

As you are hard to find you will automatically ignore the first attack on you each day.

You have a one time passive ability during the night to switch yourself with another player. If you do, all night abilities targeting you will target them instead.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:41 AM

Mckerney – Heavy

10 HP, 1 Defense, 1 Attack, each day you will pm a special weapon you wish to use for the day. Each day it must be a different weapon each day and your bonus will depend on the weapon you choose.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:41 AM

Eaglefan – Duke Nukem

12 HP, 1 Defense, 1 Attack, at any time during the game you can sacrifice life points to add to your attack for the day, up to your health. This could kill you if you choose to sacrifice all of your health.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:41 AM

Barkeep – Athena

9 HP, 1 Defense, 1 Attack , you recharge 2 Hp per night as opposed to the standard one. Additionally, once per game you may call on the power of the other gods to aid you, and you will be protected from death that entire 24 hour cycle. You can use this ability any time and it is good for 24 game hours.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:42 AM

Schmidty – Bruce Banner / The Hulk

13 HP, 0 Defense, 1 attack

Every time someone chooses to attack you, gain an attack point for the day, additionally, you recharge 2 hp per night as opposed to 1.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:42 AM

Zinto - Dwight Schrute
10 HP, 0 Defense, 1 Attack

Every night you may choose one fellow office character to assist you for that night / day. Depending on who you choose is what bonus they will grant you.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:42 AM

J23- The Most Interesting Man in the World 10 HP, 1 Defense, 1 Attack, Each night you must come up with a different saying for your character. Your bonus will depend on the saying you use.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:42 AM

PackerFanatic- Jack Bauer
11 HP, 1 Defense, 1 Attack

Each night you may interrogate a player. What type of info you find out will depend on the player.

Additionally, once in the game you can order the use of a bomb. When used, it will have a 75% chance of hitting your target and dealing 5 damage, and a 25% chance of hitting yourself for 5 damage.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:43 AM

Chubby - Super Grover 2.0, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch

Each muppet has 3 hp, 0 defense and 1 attack

Additionally, Super Grover may as a one time ability fly to save another character from death during the day cycle (can you be yours or someone elses). Cookie Monster is crazy for cookies, each day 1-3 characters will have eaten cookies, cookie monster will then gain a bonus attack vs them. Oscar the grouch can once per game hide in a trash can to block 2 total damage.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:43 AM

Dubb- "Macho Man" Randy Savage (5 HP, 1 Defense, 1 attack), Hulk Hogan (5 HP, 1 defense, 1 attack) and Miss Elizabeth (1 HP, 0 defense, 0 attack.

Savage has the ability to protect Elizabeth by taking damage instead of her. Miss Elizabeth while alive grants a defense points to both savage and Hogan. Addtionally, each character has a once per game body slam ability which allows them to deal an extra point of damage.

The Jackal 07-21-2011 10:43 AM

BK, did you use that 24 hour ability when you said you did? We figured it was a bluff and that you'd use it the next night.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:43 AM

Daddytorgo, Mrs. Doubtfire. 10 HP, 0 defense, 1 Attack.

You are a master of disguise. Once per game (due at the night phase), you may disguise yourself as another character. You take damage if that character does, but not if you do. Additionally, every day you babysit another character, reducing the damage they take by 1.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:44 AM

Cougarfreak- Goo, 1 Hp. 0 defense, 1 attack. Each night you replicate, gaining an additional goo which has 1 hp and 1 attack. This counts as a separate character that must be killed on its own. In addition, since you are so easy to kill day 1, you are immune from all day 1 damage.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:44 AM

Hoopsguy- Sauron
14 HP, 1 Defense, 1 Attack. You have the watching ability. Each night, you can scan another player to gain into about their stats and abilities.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:44 AM

Lathum- Harry Potter 9 HP, 1 Defense, 1 Attack, each night choose to cast a spell (try to make a real one from the books / movies. Each spell will have a different affect depending on what you cast.

The Jackal 07-21-2011 10:45 AM

Those sound like fun abilities for Zinto and J. I'd like to know what happened with your picks, Z!

Danny 07-21-2011 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 2500958)
BK, did you use that 24 hour ability when you said you did? We figured it was a bluff and that you'd use it the next night.

He used it day before last, but he had an order in the day he said he was going to use it. He took the order back last minute, so he wasn't bluffing, but did change his mind.

Autumn 07-21-2011 10:50 AM

That's awesome for TMIMITW, Danny, totally awesome.

Danny 07-21-2011 10:51 AM

I think the game balance turned out very well, but do people feel there was too much hidden information?

Zinto 07-21-2011 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 2500964)
Those sound like fun abilities for Zinto and J. I'd like to know what happened with your picks, Z!

I forgot to send in my order on night one which was lame. Night two I picked Jim and he gave me the ability to lower two characters defenses to zero and I chose Crimson. Night three I picked Michael and I had the ability to quote three people's posts and say "that's what she said" to do one damage to them. Night four I picked Andy and he would attack any of the characters who attacked me. Night five I picked Pam and she could copy anyone's attack. Night six I picked Ryan and he gave me the additional attack power if I was the last attack. Night Seven I picked Creed and he did one damage to everyone in the game.

Danny did Creed cause Jag to die?

mauchow 07-21-2011 10:56 AM

I guess my guys were pretty powerful when looking at AP and defnse altogether. I figured people had higher APs. Fun game Danny. I was hoping I'd have been nkd tonight but this result works too. Good job cthulu on the right move!

Zinto 07-21-2011 10:57 AM

I feel like the game was balanced fine. Everyone had a chance to win in the end and I did not feel like there was a lack of information.

Zinto 07-21-2011 10:58 AM

Also Danny did you have the rest of the Office's powers thought up? If you did will you post them? Getting different powers each day was my favorite thing about the game.

The Jackal 07-21-2011 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Zinto (Post 2500976)
Night three I picked Michael and I had the ability to quote three people's posts and say "that's what she said" to do one damage to them.



Originally Posted by Zinto (Post 2500976)
Danny did Creed cause Jag to die?

I won Conan the night before and he attacked with me, so that was probably the main reason.

Autumn 07-21-2011 10:59 AM

I didn't have any problems with balance that were noticeable. I think the information was hidden the right amount. As a village we probably should have pressed for more reveals there, to root people out. But it's the kind of game a wolf can reveal their powers and not necessarily get caught, which I always like as a wolf.

Zinto 07-21-2011 11:01 AM

I know. The that's what she said quote was my favorite. Too bad I chickened out and did not use it once. Even though I was going to use it on Autumn since I seriously thought he was a wolf.

Danny 07-21-2011 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Zinto (Post 2500980)
Also Danny did you have the rest of the Office's powers thought up? If you did will you post them? Getting different powers each day was my favorite thing about the game.

I'd like to say I did, but no. While I had things in mind for them, I created them each time you made a request.

Autumn 07-21-2011 11:03 AM

I liked the idea that with the hitpoints and attacks, we could end up in a spot where we knew the last wolves but couldn't kill them. That lent a new layer of strategy ... but then I felt we didn't really know enough to actually strategize about it. So I kind of felt there was something additional we could have done there, or that could have been added to the game, but I haven't quite figured out how that would work. Having transparent hit points but keep everything else hidden? I don't know. I think I liked the fact that we had to say things like "Hulk isn't our biggest suspect, but if we don't kill him now we might never be able to."

Danny 07-21-2011 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Autumn (Post 2500983)
I didn't have any problems with balance that were noticeable. I think the information was hidden the right amount. As a village we probably should have pressed for more reveals there, to root people out. But it's the kind of game a wolf can reveal their powers and not necessarily get caught, which I always like as a wolf.

Yeah and I really did create all the powers first and then picked the wolves last minute to try and avoid that.

I was actually surprised that CHubby did not take more heat for claiming Super Grover to have a completely pro village power (scan for a wolf) when I wouldn't have given an ability like that

JAG 07-21-2011 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 2500948)
The Jackal - Keyser Soze 9 HP, 1 Attack, 0 Defense

As you are hard to find you will automatically ignore the first attack on you each day.

Son of a...

Cthulu, way to go! Nice work.

Nelson's power was pretty strong in my opinion, we were lucky to get rid of him relatively early. Lots of cool powers.

Pretty good job by wolves and villagers both this game in my opinion.

Thanks Danny, this was a great idea for a game and great execution of it.

Autumn 07-21-2011 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Zinto (Post 2500985)
Too bad I chickened out and did not use it

That's what she said.

Danny 07-21-2011 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Zinto (Post 2500976)

Danny did Creed cause Jag to die?

No, Chubby had won Conan who gave him additional damage, so he would have died anyway.

JAG 07-21-2011 11:12 AM

Do you have a list of what powers the special characters did? (aka, can you pad the post count a bit more?)

JAG 07-21-2011 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 2500931)
Yeah, we went after hoops N1.

Fun fact, I killed everyone except for BK. Felt like a good purpose for Keyser. ;)

Did you also kill their families?

JAG 07-21-2011 11:23 AM

Jackal, one other thing, not sure if you were making up the 3 AP thing you were talking about with Cthulu, but it was actually Chubby's characters helping me that day. That actually made me wonder if Chubby was lying about his AP.

Danny 07-21-2011 11:23 AM

I didn't save each character, but I remember them I am sure. I'll go back through each day and post them. In general I tried to make their given ability fit with who they were. The exception was the seer, especially with having an auto win character out there, the seer power was picked randomly.

Danny 07-21-2011 11:25 AM

Jag, actually they miscalculated. Chubby did only two damage. Keyser ignored your attack, so he took two damage and healed one bringing him down from 6 to 5 health.

Barkeep49 07-21-2011 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 2500969)
He used it day before last, but he had an order in the day he said he was going to use it. He took the order back last minute, so he wasn't bluffing, but did change his mind.

I had thought I was originally at risk of getting both NK and of being lynched the next day so I used it. When it was clear that dubb had bought me some time I decided to bluff. Since my potential to bluff was obvious I decided not to use it the next night figuring you all might figure I was bluffing. Thought for sure you'd go after me the following night. I was off by 1 night. Shucks.

Danny 07-21-2011 11:27 AM

Day 1 Characters:

1. Barney Stinson (protective suit blocking targeted night abilities)
2. Boba Fett (I think he would attack a player, but I can't remember exactly)
3. Samwise Gangee (bodyguard)
4. Holden Caufield (decoy, did nothing)
5. Captain Kirk (seer)

CrimsonFox 07-21-2011 11:27 AM

Here was my character submission. Enjoy! (obviously most of it didn't enter this game which I figured it wouldn't, but it was fun writing)

The March Hare - The Master of Chaos and the Perpetrator of Puns.

This Rascally Rabbit
Has a very bad habit
As he likes to bounce here and bounce there
He will welcome you in
With a devillish grin
Garbed in coat and tie quite debonair!

Then he swears and he shouts
And he tumbles about
Yelling "CHANGE SEATS!" with maddening stare
When he hollers "MOVE DOWN!"
He will cause you to frown
As you find yourself Out on your R'ar.

You'll be bounced to and fro
Twixt his ears you will go
As he batters you blue through the air
If you target this bunny
He'll find it quite funny
You'll end up in his place, so beware!

"Clean cup Clean cup!"
Will even erupt
With a chaos and magical flair
As everyone changes
With move rearranges
A dangerous one, The March Hare

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