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Noop 10-15-2006 01:30 PM

I just watched the entire season. This is the best show on the T.V. I am glad the mainstream never caught on because this show is so real. I am looking forward to season 5.

Barkeep49 10-15-2006 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Noop (Post 1274712)
I just watched the entire season. This is the best show on the T.V. I am glad the mainstream never caught on because this show is so real. I am looking forward to season 5.

I read today that Season Five, which is also the last season, is going to focus on "Why don't we hear more about this" and include a bigger emphasis on the media.

Bad-example 10-17-2006 02:40 AM

No new episode premiering next sunday (the 22nd)?

So who gets to be police commissioner? Both Valchek and Rawls will no doubt feel the new mayor owes them. Have to figure Daniels as a dark horse here.

spleen1015 10-17-2006 12:59 PM

I'm confused. There's not a new episode on demand this week. When I look at, there is no #43, which would be the latest on demand episode. WTF is going on?

QuikSand 10-17-2006 01:00 PM

No new episode for the 22nd, that's why nothing On Demand. Week off, boo.

spleen1015 10-17-2006 01:08 PM

Ah, okay.

Bad-example 10-17-2006 01:53 PM

This week, with no new On Demand episode, is probably the only week we will all be on the same page until the end of the season. So we can discuss the show without fear of letting spoilers slip.

Will the major crimes unit be resurrected? And if yes, who will run it?

How about Namond's mother? She is one of the most disturbing characters to date. It is clear she loves her son, but she is insisting he go out on the corner and be the bread earner. I am not sure why but she gives me the willies more than some of the cold-blooded killers we have seen.

The acting is great all around, but with which actor are you most impressed? I think the guy that plays Bubbles, Andre Royo, has been amazing. That looks like a tough role but he has it nailed.

QuikSand 10-17-2006 02:36 PM

I think the main undercurrent of this season is going to be an attempt to persuade us (outisders) the sort of pulls and trade-offs that are involved that lead kids toward a life on the streets. It's awfully easy for me, with my background, and the oportunitites that came my way as a function of my background, to stand back and be critical of people who "choose that way of life." I think their goal for this season is to get people like me to understand, a bit better than we did before, how someone could really make that choice -- even knowing its frought with dangers, pitfalls, violence, and uncertainty. Michael and his resistsnce (so far) to get involved is clearly one example - Namond is clearly another. Both are kids who we would probably hope would find their way outof the touigh life (Michael especially) but it's not as simple as "just say no," as we're already seeing.

QuikSand 10-17-2006 02:38 PM

Would anyone object if I edited the thred title to clarify there won't be any spoilers resulting from the on-demand episodes? I'd hate to have people staying away form this thread on that account, just because they fear there will be spoilers of that varierty (especially when, so far, the on-demanders seem to be cool with sitting on their advance epiusode knowledge).

cthomer5000 10-17-2006 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 1276547)
Would anyone object if I edited the thred title to clarify there won't be any spoilers resulting from the on-demand episodes? I'd hate to have people staying away form this thread on that account, just because they fear there will be spoilers of that varierty (especially when, so far, the on-demanders seem to be cool with sitting on their advance epiusode knowledge).

that would be good with me, or perhaps even keep it up to date with the latest episode # that is OK to discuss.

Bad-example 10-17-2006 03:18 PM

Current episode is number 43. A title change is probably a good idea.

Pyser 10-17-2006 03:44 PM

i am late to the game, but i just watched all 43 episodes in about 17 days or so, and would easily rate this as the best telivision show of all time.

glad to be here now :)

panerd 10-17-2006 04:38 PM

I am pretty sure the week off (along with No Sunday night NFL game) is due to the World Series. Interesting, I didn't think baseball was that big a player anymore but I guess I have a TIVO and don't worry about having to choose between one or the other.

panerd 10-17-2006 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bad-example (Post 1276493)
This week, with no new On Demand episode, is probably the only week we will all be on the same page until the end of the season. So we can discuss the show without fear of letting spoilers slip.

Will the major crimes unit be resurrected? And if yes, who will run it?

How about Namond's mother? She is one of the most disturbing characters to date. It is clear she loves her son, but she is insisting he go out on the corner and be the bread earner. I am not sure why but she gives me the willies more than some of the cold-blooded killers we have seen.

The acting is great all around, but with which actor are you most impressed? I think the guy that plays Bubbles, Andre Royo, has been amazing. That looks like a tough role but he has it nailed.

I think the major crimes unit has to be brought back, seeing as the name of the show (and the past three seasons) deal with wiretaps. I am fairly certain the bodies are going to be discovered soon and then Freeman and crew will be brought back to solve what will probably be a 10+ murder crime. I wonder if Daniels will come back to take over for the worthless piece of crap who is running major crimes now. This is all pure speculation of course.

I don't think Marlo's acting skills are Emmy worthy, but he has certainly improved 100 times over last season. Maybe it is just because we see him more. I also really like the guy running Carcetti's campaign, hopefully he will stick around in a major role.

thesloppy 10-24-2006 07:13 PM

Just in case there's a number of us going through 'Wire' withdrawals (as I was), I just thought I'd mention that Season 4, in it's entirety, was leaked onto bittorrent and usenet last week.

I was intent on watching HBO week-by-week to stay in sync with my friends and family who are watching, but the lack of a new episode this week drove me batty until I finally went and gobbled them up and watched 6 episodes in-a-row one Saturday, and the finale on Sunday.

Bad-example 11-06-2006 10:13 AM

Herc is too stupid to live. Would anyone *not* cheer if he took a round in the groin? :)

Stupid ass had Snoop and Chris, an expensive nail gun and a huge bag of lyme and couldn't put the pieces together. Then he botches the interview of Randy and makes it worse by not passing him along to Bunk as promised.

How about that scene where Kima uses her "soft eyes" to solve the murder? That was too cool how she just went right in and made the arrest without calling for backup. Big hairy balls on that girl.

Best show in the history of television.

QuikSand 11-06-2006 10:17 AM

I like what they are doing with Herc... well-meaning guy overall, but I'm sure that real police work is absolutely loaded with near-misses and passed opportunities. I don't really root against him -- I think he serves a purpose. People being truly driven by seemingly stupid and petty things like the loss of a camera explains more of human and professional behavior than we'd care to admit. And the fact that this is developing the Prop Joe character to have a greater role is great by me, I think he's fantastic -- loved the phone voices.

The scene this week in the Eastern with the Mayor-elect watching the bullshit "drug arrests" was great -- a great message scene, once again, about what actually makes sense in the effort against drugs and traffickers.

Bad-example 11-13-2006 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by Bad-example (Post 1276086)
So who gets to be police commissioner? Both Valchek and Rawls will no doubt feel the new mayor owes them. Have to figure Daniels as a dark horse here.

Episode 46 aired last night. Think Daniels has gone from dark horse to even money favorite?

Herc's reign of error continues. He basically fucks poor Randy by not jumping at the bait when Little Kevin drops Randy's name. Then he fails to help Bubbles after promising to be there within 5 minutes. And all of Herc's screw ups were set in motion by his seeing the (now former) mayor getting a bj and getting a seriously undeserved promotion.

I wonder if Carver (who also got an undeserved promotion but ended up justifying it after the fact) will get to run the major crimes unit.

QuikSand 11-13-2006 07:41 AM

In an interesting coincidence, we went to the Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Baltimore this weekend.

Bad-example 11-13-2006 03:44 PM

The SF Chronicle has a nice deconstruction of the current episode each week. Definitely worth a read.

QuikSand 11-13-2006 04:40 PM

Thanks for the link.

Bad-example 11-16-2006 11:45 AM

The lack of activity in this thread makes me wonder. Is it because of On Demand showing the episodes a week early or because the remaining episodes were leaked onto the internets? Or perhaps it is my uncanny threadkilling ability? (If so I will STFU for the good of the discussion) :)

John Galt 11-16-2006 11:51 AM

I am still watching and enjoying the show immensely. I guess I just don't have much to add to the thread so I haven't posted in a long time.

spleen1015 11-16-2006 11:54 AM

I just got caught up with everything this week. The show is definitely as good as ever.

IMetTrentGreen 11-16-2006 02:02 PM

i'm still trying to guess what each of the kids represents. incidentally, i wouldn't recommend knowing the theme to each season before hand, since i can tell when they are preaching to me now. hasn't ruined the show as a whole, but parts can be annoying. anyway, my best guess:

namond - family pressures, pressure to 'keep it real,' in a sense that he'll only be respected if he stays in the corner life.

dookie - wasted potential. im just sick wondering what bad thing they are going to throw at him.

randy - no idea. im thinking perhaps he's the 'street smart' one, the kid who is smarter than a standardized test would show. i don't know what they are planning with him though.

the boxing kid - the grim reality that a lot of kids start running with a bad crowd because they need to, for protection. hard to tell where they are going with him, though, since he might have been just about his father and little brother. we'll see what marlo expects of him now.

QuikSand 11-16-2006 02:08 PM

Non-spoiler future speculation below...

I think it's Michael's story that they really want to be the center of the kids. People outside the urban environment are quick to argue that these people just should get out of the cycle that afflicts the people around them -- move out, do something for yourself, get away from the drugs and violence, that sort of thing. I think the writers are intent on developing a rich story of a kid who really seems like he probably could do those things, but (I'm guessing) ends up making the "wrong" decision for reasons that we eventually are led to understand.

Whether that's preachy or realistic, I don't know. But that's my guess on where his storyline is heading. And as for Randy... I'm not feeling so good about things for him.

Pyser 11-16-2006 03:58 PM

i think michael is being set up to become a top man for marlo, assuming marlo sticks around for a while. he's smart, doesnt do drugs, but definitely has that dark, cold side.

BishopMVP 11-16-2006 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Bad-example (Post 1308833)
The lack of activity in this thread makes me wonder. Is it because of On Demand showing the episodes a week early or because the remaining episodes were leaked onto the internets? Or perhaps it is my uncanny threadkilling ability? (If so I will STFU for the good of the discussion) :)

For me, (I only started watching a couple months ago, but I've seen Seasons 1+3+4 up to now) it's the On Demand thing. I'm always a week ahead - and in the spirit of no spoilers, I'm not gonna start talking about what happened. Even if I tried to couch it in terms of only up to the previous week, I know I'd be influenced by what I've seen, plus I'm not entirely sure what happened which episode on the smaller points. Plus, the "What's coming up on The Wire" seems to hit the main plot points a week in advance.

***I'm fairly sure the next paragraph doesn't contain anything from the ep coming up on Sunday, but if it does sorry***

Overall, while I'm also sure there will be a twist or two I don't see coming, the only kid I'm really not sure how he plays out is Dookie, and for older characters Omar (I'm pretty sure he'll end up in a showdown with Marlo's crew in the last ep, but will it be with Marlo himself, Chris/Snoop, or even Michael getting involved) and Bodie (whether he starts bucking under Marlo). The rest of the characters plots seems pretty well laid out, at least for the last 3-4 episodes of this season. Next season of course, anything could happen, although I'm sure McNulty will be back in the middle of it, whether it's running it out of the Western or a revamped Major Crimes since Daniels has Carcetti's ear now.

Bad-example 11-16-2006 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by BishopMVP (Post 1309097)
Omar (I'm pretty sure he'll end up in a showdown with Marlo's crew in the last ep, but will it be with Marlo himself, Chris/Snoop, or even Michael getting involved)

I had a chill when Omar looked out the window and said, "He's just a kid". I am wondering if Michael will end up killing Omar.


Originally Posted by BishopMVP (Post 1309097)
I'm sure McNulty will be back in the middle of it, whether it's running it out of the Western or a revamped Major Crimes since Daniels has Carcetti's ear now.

I am still thinking that Carver will be getting another promotion soon, but you are probably right that McNutty will end up in charge of the Major Crimes unit. Nice call.

Bad-example 11-17-2006 01:39 AM

delayed dola


Originally Posted by BishopMVP (Post 1309097)
For me, (I only started watching a couple months ago, but I've seen Seasons 1+3+4 up to now) it's the On Demand thing. I'm always a week ahead - and in the spirit of no spoilers, I'm not gonna start talking about what happened.

Perhaps posting your thoughts on Sunday night before watching the next On Demand episode would help?

Bad-example 11-26-2006 11:23 AM

extremely delayed dola

Good for Bubbles, getting revenge on moron Herc. If that trick with the minister ends up costing Herc his stripes (or job), the whole city will owe Bubs a debt of gratitude. It is hard watching poor Bubs get repeatedly screwed over by that thug. He will have to solve his own problem at some point. Any speculation as to how that will play out?

Barkeep49 11-26-2006 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Bad-example (Post 1306061)

The SF Chronicle has a nice deconstruction of the current episode each week. Definitely worth a read.

I've been staying away from the thread since I've gotten way behind. Just did some catchup after watching two episodes, but wanted to say thanks for this link. Quality writing.

Logan 11-26-2006 04:56 PM

OnDemand is definitely the reason for my lack of involvement in this thread.

But I'm loving it, for the record.

spleen1015 11-30-2006 11:26 AM

I couldn't sleep last night, so I watched #49. This show is awesome. The last scene of this episode was amaysing.

I'll be disappointed to see this show end.

Bad-example 11-30-2006 12:48 PM

A couple quick thoughts...

Funny that Herc turns out to be Carcetti's first "bowl of sh*t".

I certainly didn't expect Burrell to make a truly convincing bid to remain in his job. Coupled with the dirt that Daniels has in his past, it wouldn't be surprising to see Burrell stick around now.

Amazing how perfect...perfect...the casting in this show is. For instance, the assistant principal is a pretty small role but could they have found a better actress for that part?

spleen1015 11-30-2006 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Bad-example (Post 1320908)
Amazing how perfect...perfect...the casting in this show is. For instance, the assistant principal is a pretty small role but could they have found a better actress for that part?

This is one of the truly amazing things about the show. I haven't seen a single character who I didn't think was played perfectly.

I know you guys were talking about McNulty being in this season a lot less because West asked for it. Is there any word on him playing his normal major role in season 5? This season has been great, but I miss McNulty.

jbmagic 11-30-2006 01:47 PM

Whats this series suppose to be about?

I never seen it yet.

jbmagic 11-30-2006 01:48 PM

I can't wait for Sleeper's cell to return soon. Awesome show.

spleen1015 12-05-2006 07:45 AM

Watched the Season 4 finale on demand last night. This show is awesome. I can't wait to see what the rest of you guys think of things.

cthomer5000 12-05-2006 10:19 AM

This was the best season yet, of the best show ever made.

Qwikshot 12-05-2006 10:38 AM

Having not watched the previous seasons, only bits and pieces, I did not see what the frenzy was about (neither did most people sadly).

Rather than asking, I sat down to watch episode one, and I was hooked. The introduction of the new characters sprinkled with older ones allowed me to not be too lost.

I mean, starting off the show with Snoop (who is a woman) at a local suburb building center asking about a nailgun was amusing (I'd be that salesman too, completely clueless to the street slang). Of course, then things get darker, and we see for all intents and purposes what it's for.

We also see kids living in the streets, and they aren't stereotyped. They are kids, with kid thoughts, trying to survive in a world far worse that can be thought up. Michael (the guardian), Namond (brashtalker), Dukie (the smart outcast), and Randy (the business)...they aren't evil, or stupid, or worthless. They are not good or evil...even Donut (the car thief) isn't bad. But as the season progresses, we see what happens, and we see who lives, who dies, and who gets away.

Of course, you get Omar. And he's a badass...but the stories are interwoven, and they seem real, not fake, no dream sequences, no dance numbers, no symbols...

There are some haunting images too...Carver walking down the long white hallway, hearing Randy shouting at him...

Watching the finale, which I won't talk about yet, was gutwrenching, some parts just amazingly done, but this episode, was the hard fall.

The Wire is dark, but it's not masochistic, it's reality...and there is redemption there, even with the dead, and that makes it beautiful television. I'll be watching the final season religiously, and I may dip into my funds to catch up on the first 4 seasons too.

Logan 12-10-2006 02:01 PM

Simply amazing.

Really the best way to describe it.

MizzouRah 12-10-2006 02:05 PM

Yeah, I'm late to the game, but it's great.

QuikSand 12-12-2006 09:44 AM

I thought the finale was a pretty predictable, yet effective, tie-up to the season. I really, really love this show, and it's a real dent to my quality of life to look forward to weeks and weeks without it. I mean that honestly, and as a testament to the show (hopefully) more than on the quality of the rest of my life.

For those who might be interested - nearly every plotline from the political realm in the last two seasons has traced pretty directly to Maryland/Baltimore headlines from the last several years. The white mayor winning by traingulation, the emergency of a mysterious huge deficit in the public school budgeting, the need for the mayor to go and "kiss his republican ass" in Annapolis, and the battle for control over city schools, and the mayor eyeing the governor's mansion -- all of it is right out of the Baltimore Sun from the last several years. Hell -- most of us in Annapolis know who served as the obvious inspiration for characters like Clay Davis and the omnipresent chair-bound state delegate who tried to control city politics. It was great storywriting -- but Bill Zorzi and company didn't really have to dig too deep to come up with this stuff.

QuikSand 12-12-2006 01:42 PM

Interesting article on Andre Royo, who plays Bubbles:

Bad-example 12-12-2006 02:03 PM

Thanks. That was a nice read. Bubs has been a favorite since the first season.

Barkeep49 12-12-2006 02:44 PM

Are we allowed to use spoilers at this point? I'd love to talk specifics with some of the others around here.

QuikSand 12-12-2006 02:45 PM

Every episode has been broadcast. Unless your "spoiler" deals with discussion of actors or production that has byet to be filmed... it's fair game, seems to me.

QuikSand 12-12-2006 02:47 PM

By the way, it was nice to see Steve Earle show up again. He's the guy who Kima brought in to help counsel Bubbles -- back in season one, he played a recovering addict who was inspiring to Bubbles, and the role stretched out over a few episodes. Another great cameo.

Logan 12-12-2006 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 1332849)
Are we allowed to use spoilers at this point? I'd love to talk specifics with some of the others around here.

As Quik said, please let's have some discussion. I've been getting my fill by reading comments on blogs like Tim Goodman's, and while it's definitely interesting analysis, it's a little heavy in most instances.

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