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Flasch186 08-31-2008 09:12 PM

Well if Gustav fucks up the oil installations and that port in NOLA we could see a pretty dramatic spike in gasoline prices over the next few weeks thus giving a nice punch in the face to the consumer and perhaps the economy as a whole. I think the Pres would have to release oil from the strategic reserves at that choice I'd think.

Crapshoot 08-31-2008 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 1821040)
Well if Gustav fucks up the oil installations and that port in NOLA we could see a pretty dramatic spike in gasoline prices over the next few weeks thus giving a nice punch in the face to the consumer and perhaps the economy as a whole. I think the Pres would have to release oil from the strategic reserves at that choice I'd think.

No, he wouldn't. And it would be an idiotic choice for him to do so, although there may be political reasons for doing it.

JPhillips 09-05-2008 11:15 AM



WASHINGTON (AP) -- An industry group says a record 9.2 percent of American homeowners with a mortgage were either behind on their payments or in foreclosure at the end of June, as damage from the housing crisis continues to mount.

molson 09-05-2008 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1825040)

That's crazy.

At some level, recessions are needed. We need a gas-price fueled recession to get off oil. It won't happen any other way. We need a credit-based recession to get Americans out of the mindset that they're entited to have what they cannot afford. It won't happen any other way.

Warhammer 09-05-2008 01:49 PM

I agree. An occassional recession should avoid the otherwise unavoidable depression.

Tekneek 09-05-2008 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 1825163)
We need a credit-based recession to get Americans out of the mindset that they're entited to have what they cannot afford.

Problem with this is that businesses lose revenue, which then causes them to toss employees overboard, which creates waves that cause problems for other sectors. I see that unemployment has continued to climb and we may end up with a quarter that finally goes negative soon.

Businesses, and Wall Street, need to learn some lessons as well. The sooner they get out of the quarter-to-quarter evaluation process, the better off they and the rest of us may be. Being a slave to what an analyst says about your very next quarterly financial report is a bad way to run a business that you expect to maintain indefinitely. It encourages short term thinking and punishes investments made for long terms, which has never been a recipe for sustainability.

JPhillips 09-05-2008 10:39 PM

Late Friday news dump FTW:


Breaking News 9:01 PM ET:
Government Preparing Plan to Seize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Officials Say

Complete bullshit that preferred shares are going to be protected by the government and common shares devalued instead of wiped out. Socialize the losses!

Galaxy 09-05-2008 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 1825163)
That's crazy.

At some level, recessions are needed. We need a gas-price fueled recession to get off oil. It won't happen any other way. We need a credit-based recession to get Americans out of the mindset that they're entited to have what they cannot afford. It won't happen any other way.

Value Driven: The standard-of-living bubble - Aug. 20, 2008

JPhillips 09-14-2008 05:12 PM

Could be a busy night.

Lehman looks like it has no buyers and will file bankruptcy.
AIG seems set to announce a major restructuring.
BofA looks set to buy Merrill.

Wonder how all this will play this week. Is it a way out or a foreshadow of a broader collapse of uninsured banks?

JPhillips 09-15-2008 07:21 AM

World markets are down 3-5 percent. Looks like a good day to stay away from CNBC.

Edward64 09-15-2008 07:41 AM

Was going to update this thread with the latest Lehman and Merrill news but you beat me to it.

Just 2 notes of reference from my past.
  • I remember entering a Merrill brokerage office in the mid-80s in a nice office building thinking 'nice place'.
  • I remember being in Times Square late one night with a co-worker and we passed by the Lehman office. They had several limos waiting for a pickup and I remeber seeing 2 Lehman bankers (1 older guy, 1 younger guy) waiting outside in the front. I thought 'wow, lucky younger guy, able to be part of the company'.

Sorry to see them go but maybe things are coming to a head and we can get this past us.

Tekneek 09-15-2008 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1833723)
World markets are down 3-5 percent. Looks like a good day to stay away from CNBC.

On the contrary, it is days like this that make CNBC worthwhile. I watched more of it this morning than I had in quite a while.

Mac Howard 09-15-2008 08:01 AM

Just heard that the major sponsers of my favourite soccer team are going belly up :(

Logan 09-15-2008 08:02 AM

I hope financial history doesn't forget how Dick Fuld completely fucked up Lehman.

Mizzou B-ball fan 09-15-2008 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 1833747)
I hope financial history doesn't forget how Dick Fuld completely fucked up Lehman.

Looks like the Dow will start the day down over 300 points. As warped as it sounds, I can't tell you how excited I am about the relatively low market right now. I am putting quite a bit of money into my 401K over the last year or so. This slow economic period is going to end up being an economic boom for my retirement savings over the long haul.

Tekneek 09-15-2008 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 1833747)
I hope financial history doesn't forget how Dick Fuld completely fucked up Lehman.

It will. The boom-to-bust cycle in our economy is primarily driven by the ability to forget about history and do it all over again.

DaddyTorgo 09-15-2008 08:50 AM

sweet jesus what a weekend

Galaxy 09-15-2008 08:58 AM

Oil has fallen down by about $5, to just over $96 per barrel.

DaddyTorgo 09-15-2008 09:42 AM

AIG next?


The New York Times reported late Sunday night that the company is seeking a $40 billion bridge loan from the Federal Reserve. A source close to the firm said that if AIG does not raise cash and is downgraded by ratings agencies, it may have only 48 to 72 hours to survive.

stock's down ~51% already today

JPhillips 09-15-2008 10:05 AM


Galaxy 09-15-2008 10:15 AM

I'm not a Greenspan fan. I think he is one of the reasons for the mess we're in.

Fidatelo 09-15-2008 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Galaxy (Post 1833829)
I'm not a Greenspan fan. I think he is one of the reasons for the mess we're in.


cougarfreak 09-15-2008 12:02 PM

My wife works for Merrill as a CA. We are on eggshells right about now.

Flasch186 09-15-2008 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Galaxy (Post 1833829)
I'm not a Greenspan fan. I think he is one of the reasons for the mess we're in.


DaddyTorgo 09-15-2008 02:15 PM

jeezus - meltdown in the markets today!

path12 09-15-2008 02:35 PM

I switched my 401k mix from 80/20 stocks/bonds to 40/60 last night. I hope that was the right move, but hearing that Vanguard is heavily invested in AIG stuff makes me pretty damn worried.

Logan 09-15-2008 02:37 PM

This has hit pretty close to home for me. One of my roommates is on a sales desk at Lehman, a girl that's a good friend, she's in HR, and a buddy of mine who is a blast to hang out with, he's over in the asset management division. Sucks for all of them.

I have friends at all the other firms as well, and pretty much the only ones who know they're safe are those at Goldman.

DaddyTorgo 09-15-2008 02:42 PM

yikes Logan - sorry to hear that

path12 09-15-2008 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 1834129)
I have friends at all the other firms as well, and pretty much the only ones who know they're safe are those at Goldman.

Hope so, but GS is down 13% today so far.

Tekneek 09-15-2008 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 1834135)
Hope so, but GS is down 13% today so far.

It's not really unusual for other players in a sector to take hits on a day like this, is it? Their numbers will come back up before the end of the week, I bet.

I was about to liquidate a couple of my investment accounts and I wish I had done it on Friday. Now I will have to wait it out a couple of days to see where we go from here.

Flasch186 09-15-2008 02:45 PM

its actually quite scary how intertwined it all is.

Ive been listening all day and people are really scared about AIG's possible failure and the FED just slammed the door on the idea of a 'bridge loan' but apparently Goldman and JP are being encouraged to help out.

DaddyTorgo 09-15-2008 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Tekneek (Post 1834137)
It's not really unusual for other players in a sector to take hits on a day like this, is it? Their numbers will come back up before the end of the week, I bet.

I was about to liquidate a couple of my investment accounts and I wish I had done it on Friday. Now I will have to wait it out a couple of days to see where we go from here.

nope, not at all unusual.

path12 09-15-2008 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Tekneek (Post 1834137)
It's not really unusual for other players in a sector to take hits on a day like this, is it? Their numbers will come back up before the end of the week, I bet.

I was about to liquidate a couple of my investment accounts and I wish I had done it on Friday. Now I will have to wait it out a couple of days to see where we go from here.

I wish I knew enough be able to say. I've been taking a crash course in financial blogs over the past few months and have learned some but not enough to say anything for sure.

I do know that Lehman, Merrill and AIG going down in such a short time with WaMu and Wachovia on the horizon can't be a good thing......especially when as I understand it the FDIC has about $70B in their reserves and WaMu alone is up around $120B in insured deposits.

Galaxy 09-15-2008 02:56 PM

What pisses me off about Greenspan is he blames others for the mess (such as the government running up the deficit, banks not checking themselves, ect.; which are all valid reasons and components of the mess), but he fails to take any responsibility.

Flasch186 09-15-2008 02:56 PM

I hope NoSkillz was able to get out of those commodity positions a while back. I was right but I wasn't patience...not a virtue I do well with unfortunately.

Tekneek 09-15-2008 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 1834153)
I do know that Lehman, Merrill and AIG going down in such a short time with WaMu and Wachovia on the horizon can't be a good thing......especially when as I understand it the FDIC has about $70B in their reserves and WaMu alone is up around $120B in insured deposits.

I know someone whose livelihood is dependent upon WaMu staying solvent (although he does not work for them directly), so their troubles hit close to home. As for Wachovia, I have banked with them since I was in high school, but we had decided we would kick them to the curb earlier this summer and that should be completed very soon.

path12 09-15-2008 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Tekneek (Post 1834160)
I know someone whose livelihood is dependent upon WaMu staying solvent (although he does not work for them directly), so their troubles hit close to home. As for Wachovia, I have banked with them since I was in high school, but we had decided we would kick them to the curb earlier this summer and that should be completed very soon.

Re WaMu: I know a couple of people also (they're based here) and they're also who I do my joint checking with......but of course I'm small potatoes so not too worried about not being able to access stuff. I'm likely going to move that account to my credit union though just to be safe.

Marc Vaughan 09-15-2008 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 1834163)
Re WaMu: I know a couple of people also (they're based here) and they're also who I do my joint checking with......but of course I'm small potatoes so not too worried about not being able to access stuff. I'm likely going to move that account to my credit union though just to be safe.

I bank through both WaMu and Wachovia - but to be honest I'm not convinced that any American bank is particularly stable at present.

I figure that with WaMu at least there's a decent chance of another institution taking them over because of the nature of their business and the amount of customers they have.

(I'm also small potatoes in the global scheme of things and so not panicing too much about things at present)

Marc Vaughan 09-15-2008 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 1834155)
I hope NoSkillz was able to get out of those commodity positions a while back. I was right but I wasn't patience...not a virtue I do well with unfortunately.

He was mainly playing POT as I recall - while its down I think it'll resume its grind upward in the future once the market stabalises (the company has recently announced its buying back 10% of shares because they consider the company heavily under valued at present which is a good sign imho).

Logan 09-15-2008 03:58 PM

Ouch...sent my roommate an email this morning, no problem...just sent one now:


Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists:

[email protected]
A problem occurred during the delivery of this message. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please try resending this message later, or provide the following diagnostic text to your system administrator.

Fighter of Foo 09-15-2008 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Marc Vaughan (Post 1834195)
I bank through both WaMu and Wachovia - but to be honest I'm not convinced that any American bank is particularly stable at present.

I figure that with WaMu at least there's a decent chance of another institution taking them over because of the nature of their business and the amount of customers they have.

(I'm also small potatoes in the global scheme of things and so not panicing too much about things at present)

You can find ratings on all American banks here: Banks and Thrifts Screener -

sterlingice 09-15-2008 04:08 PM

Logan, May want to remove the email address from the post so that seach bots don't harvest it for spam. Who knows, maybe the system is down...


Tekneek 09-15-2008 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Fighter of Foo (Post 1834226)
You can find ratings on all American banks here: Banks and Thrifts Screener -

This doesn't seem to work in Firefox or Safari on a Mac. Is this Windows only?

Radii 09-15-2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tekneek (Post 1834229)
This doesn't seem to work in Firefox or Safari on a Mac. Is this Windows only?

It appears to only work via Internet Explorer for me.

Fighter of Foo 09-15-2008 04:29 PM

Yeah its IE only :( There's another link that has similar data but I can't remember what it is.

JPhillips 09-15-2008 05:05 PM

WaMu may not be dead, but it's coughing blood. Their credit rating was lowered to junk status.

Logan 09-15-2008 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 1834228)
Logan, May want to remove the email address from the post so that seach bots don't harvest it for spam. Who knows, maybe the system is down...


Haha...his last name isn't actually "last"...just kept the first name in there :). Thanks for thinking of it though.

Ironhead 09-15-2008 05:21 PM

Lets just say I work for one of the companies spread all over the news today. Not a fun day.

path12 09-15-2008 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1834253)
WaMu may not be dead, but it's coughing blood. Their credit rating was lowered to junk status.

And now down another 10% to $1.81 in after hours trading. Yeesh.

miami_fan 09-15-2008 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Galaxy (Post 1834154)
What pisses me off about Greenspan is he blames others for the mess (such as the government running up the deficit, banks not checking themselves, ect.; which are all valid reasons and components of the mess), but he fails to take any responsibility.

I have not read this whole thread but I have listened to many of the "experts" speak. Has anyone actually taken any responsibilty for any of this? It seems to me, Greenspan is dong the same exact thing that every other player in this mess has taken.

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