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Lathum 12-05-2009 09:17 AM

I think it is a bad deal for the M's. Figgins will be 32 when the season starts and has only played one full season the last three. Four years for an injury prone, 32 year old guy is a lot. I think it may work out the first two years, but I can see them getting really stuck on the back end of this deal.

JPhillips 12-05-2009 07:49 PM

Sometimes it works to have two different sets of rules for stars and everybody else. This is Sparky's first spring training speech as told in Posnanski's new book on the Big Red Machine.


"He announced that the Machine was made up of two different kinds of players. First, there were the superstars. To be more specific, Sparky said, there were four superstars - Pete Rose, Johnny Bench, Joe Morgan, and Tony Perez. Those four made their own rules.... Those four were royalty.

"The rest of you," Sparky said, "are turds."

dawgfan 12-06-2009 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 2179081)
I think it is a bad deal for the M's. Figgins will be 32 when the season starts and has only played one full season the last three. Four years for an injury prone, 32 year old guy is a lot. I think it may work out the first two years, but I can see them getting really stuck on the back end of this deal.

I'm not terribly concerned about that. Even considering the economic downturn, $9M per season for Figgins is likely undervaluing him. Even if he regresses a bit from last year's hitting numbers, he'll still be worth the money.

dawgfan 12-06-2009 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 2178671)
You'll really like him on a personal level, dawgfan. He's always been a good guy, a guy you root for. And he has really improved, a plus defender at 3B and 2B, and he could play SS or any OF spot as well and not embarass himself. Plus, the speed, of course, and his growth as a more patient hitter now. He turned himself from a slap hitter with speed to an elite level leadoff guy.

Him and Ichiro would be a fantastic 1-2 punch for the M's.

It's always cool to have guys that are easy to root for on a personal level - Edgar Martinez will always be beloved in Seattle for much more than his great hitting - but what really excites me about Figgins is getting another patient bat in the lineup and a good on-base guy for the top of the lineup.

I would suspect that Ichiro remains the leadoff hitter, but either way you go it's nice to have those two at the top of the lineup.

sterlingice 12-06-2009 09:43 AM

That got me thinking (Ichiro/Figgins). I think I'd rather have Figgins 1st and Ichiro 2nd. Figgins is about 10 points below Ichiro for career OBP but the spread between his BA and OBP is about 70 points where as Ichiro's is only 40 since he doesn't take many walks. So, over the course of the season, I think 10 points of OBP would be wiped out by the extra bases a fast runner like Figgins would take on an extra 30 points in hits.


Chief Rum 12-06-2009 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by sterlingice (Post 2179878)
That got me thinking (Ichiro/Figgins). I think I'd rather have Figgins 1st and Ichiro 2nd. Figgins is about 10 points below Ichiro for career OBP but the spread between his BA and OBP is about 70 points where as Ichiro's is only 40 since he doesn't take many walks. So, over the course of the season, I think 10 points of OBP would be wiped out by the extra bases a fast runner like Figgins would take on an extra 30 points in hits.


Also, although Ichiro is fast, too, and steals bases, he doesn't seem to create the kind of trepidation/fear from batteries that Figgins does, who is more along the lines of a Crawford or an Ellsbury in impression/impact. So Ichiro at the #2 would see a lot more fastballs. And he would be able to do more with them than Figgins. A lot of fastballs to Ichiro == nothing good for teams playing the M's.

Dr. Sak 12-07-2009 12:01 PM

So Pat Burrell has been reportedly traded to the Cubs who have in turn traded him to the Mets.

If true...poor Pat, he's gone from the Penthouse to the shithouse in little over a year.

Edit: There are some sources denying it so. Hopefully the denials are true.

Logan 12-07-2009 12:05 PM

Too bad we don't play in Shea anymore.

Lathum 12-07-2009 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 2180651)
Too bad we don't play in Shea anymore.

my thought exact.

RedKingGold 12-07-2009 12:33 PM

It'll be interesting to see how Philly fans treat Pat the Bat.

JS19 12-07-2009 12:54 PM

I remember hearing a while ago about a deal involving the Cubs, Mets and Rays that involved Burrell, Bradley and Castillo. Pretty much just exchanging one problem for another.... wonder if there is any truth to it.

Atocep 12-07-2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by JS19 (Post 2180687)
I remember hearing a while ago about a deal involving the Cubs, Mets and Rays that involved Burrell, Bradley and Castillo. Pretty much just exchanging one problem for another.... wonder if there is any truth to it.

From what I read it was discussed a little, but nothing serious ever came of it. Every team seems to want the cubs to pay some of Bradley's salary and the Cubs are only offering around $5 million.

DeToxRox 12-07-2009 02:07 PM

1:54pm: Cryptic tweet from Ed Price of AOL FanHouse: "Rumor that Mets acquire Edwin Jackson." Price then updated that the rumor was "heard in the lobby" but not confirmed.

This will be interesting between Dombrowski and Minaya. Is it possible for both GM's to be raped in a trade?

Logan 12-07-2009 02:10 PM

Never a good sign for the acquiring team when an already young pitcher is being shopped for more young pitching, especially when it's coming off a 2nd half slide.

DeToxRox 12-07-2009 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 2180770)
Never a good sign for the acquiring team when an already young pitcher is being shopped for more young pitching, especially when it's coming off a 2nd half slide.

Jackson will be a fine 3 to 4 starter in the NL. Detroit doesn't want to pay him what he'll make in arbitration and he's a Boras guy so I doubt they wanted to even attempt to resign him.

Ronnie Dobbs2 12-07-2009 02:11 PM

A young pitcher that will then be on his fourth team.

Logan 12-07-2009 02:12 PM

If the Mets get him, I guarantee they pay more than 3/4 starter price.

DeToxRox 12-07-2009 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 2180774)
If the Mets get him, I guarantee they pay more than 3/4 starter price.

Well do you have any young pitchers who touch 100 and need to develop secondary pitches or white middle infielders who are any good?

Ronnie Dobbs2 12-07-2009 02:19 PM

FWIW Price is backing down hard on that one.

Logan 12-07-2009 02:20 PM

Well, David Wright's been hitting like a 1980s middle infielder recently...

DeToxRox 12-07-2009 02:39 PM

Sounds like it's not gonna be the Mets, but he will be gone pretty soon.

RomaGoth 12-08-2009 11:29 AM

Looks something was brewing with the Yankees, but they backed out.


Granderson's price tag too high for Yankees

December 8, 2009 10:20 AM | No Comments

By Phil Rogers

INDIANAPOLIS -- No team has been more aggressive in its pursuit of Curtis Granderson than the Yankees. But they backed out of a three-way deal involving Detroit and Arizona when the demands expanded to include four players.

According to Jon Heyman of, the Tigers asked for center fielder Austin Jackson and three pitchers -- Phil Coke, Ian Kennedy and lefty Mike Dunn, who struck out 99 in 73 1-3 innings between Double-A and Triple-A.

The Cubs, Mariners and Angels also have had recent discussions with the Tigers about Granderson. Talks between the Tigers and the Cubs stalled over Detroit's interest in 19-year-old Starlin Castro.

cmp 12-08-2009 01:15 PM

It's looking like Granderson to the Yankees may be a done deal now. Detroit would get Austin Jackson and Phil Coke from New York and Max Scherzer and Daniel Schlereth from Arizona. Arizona would get Edwin Jackson and Ian Kennedy.

cmp 12-08-2009 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by cmp (Post 2181727)
It's looking like Granderson to the Yankees may be a done deal now. Detroit would get Austin Jackson and Phil Coke from New York and Max Scherzer and Daniel Schlereth from Arizona. Arizona would get Edwin Jackson and Ian Kennedy.

Well reports are now saying Schlereth may not be in the deal. Would be disappointing for me if he wasn't.

Ronnie Dobbs2 12-08-2009 01:25 PM

I'm seeing Schlereth still in the deal, per Ed Price a moment ago.

Atocep 12-08-2009 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by cmp (Post 2181727)
It's looking like Granderson to the Yankees may be a done deal now. Detroit would get Austin Jackson and Phil Coke from New York and Max Scherzer and Daniel Schlereth from Arizona. Arizona would get Edwin Jackson and Ian Kennedy.

If this is the deal then Detroit did really, really well here.

DeToxRox 12-08-2009 01:33 PM

I would like to take the time to thank Arizona for being utterly retarded and getting involved in a deal that made no sense from their perspective.

Without what they gave us, this is an awful deal for Grandy, but now with Mad Max (who I love) and Schlereth I am quite a fan.

Grandy is my favorite Tiger in many, many moons. Wish him the best in the Bronx.

ISiddiqui 12-08-2009 01:35 PM

Yep, not a bad haul by the Tigers there.

Mustang 12-08-2009 01:36 PM

I hope Arizona at least got a reach around included.

ISiddiqui 12-08-2009 01:40 PM

ESPN is saying:

Sources: Trade sending Curtis Granderson to New York Yankees nearing completion - ESPN

Arizona just giving up Scherzer and not Schlereth.

DeToxRox 12-08-2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui (Post 2181754)
ESPN is saying:

Sources: Trade sending Curtis Granderson to New York Yankees nearing completion - ESPN

Arizona just giving up Scherzer and not Schlereth.

Interesting. Sure hope it's not the case. It'd be a bad time for an ESPN report to actually be true.

MrBug708 12-08-2009 01:46 PM

Way to go Tigers!

cmp 12-08-2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by DeToxRox (Post 2181761)
Interesting. Sure hope it's not the case. It'd be a bad time for an ESPN report to actually be true.

Gammons just said Schlereth is in the deal. is also saying Schlereth is a part of it.

RomaGoth 12-08-2009 01:46 PM

I like this move from a Yankees standpoint. Now we don't feel compelled to bring back Damon as a position player, and Granderson is in his prime, right when this team is stacked to win.

I hope Austin Jackson turns into a good player for the Tigers.

DeToxRox 12-08-2009 01:47 PM

If Schrlreth is in the deal, MLBTR has it mentioned that the four players are going to be under Tigers control for a combined 22 years. That is a huge, huge aspect to this deal.

DeToxRox 12-08-2009 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by cmp (Post 2181765)
Gammons just said Schlereth is in the deal. is also saying Schlereth is a part of it.

Figured. I think it was obvious the Tigs wanted to replace the two holes in the pen with any move so a fourth guy had to be in it.

DeToxRox 12-08-2009 01:49 PM

The other interesting thing now is that the Tigers have 4 lefties in their bullpen. Seems like an overkill although Seay and Coke are both guys who can come in vs righties. Only Ni seems like a LOOGY.

BishopMVP 12-08-2009 02:45 PM

Dammit. Good deal for the Yankees. Even if Jackson and Kennedy are solid 3/4 starters with deflated numbers from pitching in the NL west I agree it makes little to no sense from Arizona's perspective.

Galaril 12-08-2009 03:09 PM

Great deal for Yankees damn it. They gave up good prospects but nothing they can't replace or anything that negatively alters the team on the field from last season . I hope the Sox get a move on and sign Matt Holiday. I would like them to get Gonzalez from San Diego also. Plus they need a decent starter not necessarily a ace but a #3 would be good. Halladay is too rich for my blood.

DaddyTorgo 12-08-2009 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Galaril (Post 2181846)
Great deal for Yankees damn it. They gave up good prospects but nothing they can't replace or anything that negatively alters the team on the field from last season . I hope the Sox get a move on and sign Matt Holiday. I would like them to get Gonzalez from San Diego also. Plus they need a decent starter not necessarily a ace but a #3 would be good. Halladay is too rich for my blood.

you'd rather holiday than bay?

i guess i haven't dug in and done enough research to know (to my shame), but is holiday an upgrade over bay, or just a bigger "name?". fine...5 minutes of research shows me that they're basically identical players offensively. give me whoever will come cheaper please.

i'd also like to see gonzalez, but i don't think he's moving. price for halladay is also too rich for me...concentrate on what you've got and a reclamation-project or three for short money (Ben Sheets?).

Atocep 12-08-2009 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2181855)
you'd rather holiday than bay?

i guess i haven't dug in and done enough research to know (to my shame), but is holiday an upgrade over bay, or just a bigger "name?"

i'd also like to see gonzalez, but i don't think he's moving. price for halladay is also too rich for me...concentrate on what you've got and a reclamation-project or three for short money.

Holliday is easily an upgrade over Bay.

McSweeny 12-08-2009 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2181855)
you'd rather holiday than bay?

i guess i haven't dug in and done enough research to know (to my shame), but is holiday an upgrade over bay, or just a bigger "name?"

i'd also like to see gonzalez, but i don't think he's moving. price for halladay is also too rich for me...concentrate on what you've got and a reclamation-project or three for short money.

Holliday, at worst, is a league average fielder. Bay is at the very least a below average fielder and if you buy into some of the advanced fielding metrics, he's one of the worst fielders in the leauge. I know that from just watching Bay for a season and a half his defense leaves a lot to be desired.

BishopMVP 12-08-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2181855)
you'd rather holiday than bay?

i guess i haven't dug in and done enough research to know (to my shame), but is holiday an upgrade over bay, or just a bigger "name?"

Holliday's a year younger and far better defensively than Bay (i.e. league average or slightly better). Bay has "proven he can hit in Boston" - I personally don't think Holliday would have an issue like Renteria did. We'd also gain a 1st and 1st round supplemental in exchange for a 2nd if sign Holliday instead of Bay. But really the main difference is going to be contract length. If we could get Bay for 3 or Holliday for 5 I would love it, but since this is likely the last big deal for each they both obviously want more years. Bay seems to be garnering more interest at the price they're floating, so it's quite possible we could leverage Holliday down if Bay signs with the Angels/Mariners now that the Yankees are out, but Boras is his agent so it wouldn't be easy or quick.

McSweeny 12-08-2009 03:26 PM


2009 OPS+

Holliday - 139
Bay - 134

so you could say they're close to a wash offensively. Holliday is a year and a half younger and a far better fielder. My biggest fear is giving Bay 17 million a year for 4 or 5 years and then watching his defense continue to deteriorate to the point that he's basically a 17 million dollar DH in two years.

DaddyTorgo 12-08-2009 03:30 PM

fair enough

RomaGoth 12-08-2009 04:00 PM

Gammons is leaving ESPN


Gammons, 64, leaving ESPN

Peter Gammons is leaving ESPN following the end of baseball's winter meetings this week.

Gammons, who joined ESPN in 1989 after a distinguished print journalism career with the Boston Globe and Sports Illustrated, has decided to pursue other endeavors.
"My decision to leave ESPN and move on at this point in my life has been conflicted," said Gammons in a statement. "I owe a great deal of my professional life to ESPN, having spent more than half of my 40 years in journalism working for the network, and the choice to move on was made with nothing but the strongest feelings for the people with whom I worked. ESPN gave me a great deal more than I gave it, and will always be a huge part of who I am."
Gammons, 64, was named the 2004 J.G. Taylor Spink Award winner for outstanding baseball writing during the 2005 Hall of Fame induction ceremony.
"As a print journalist moving to television, Peter was a pioneer who became a Hall of Famer," said Norby Williamson, ESPN's executive vice president, production. "His contributions to ESPN will never be forgotten. We're sad to see Peter go, but understand his desire for new challenges and a less demanding schedule."

RedKingGold 12-08-2009 04:29 PM

I'm actually pretty sad about that. Liked Gammons a lot.

DanGarion 12-08-2009 04:36 PM


Atocep 12-08-2009 04:36 PM

Gammon has annoyed me. The way he was a PR person for the Red Sox was tiresome and he seemed to have grown quite a hatred for the statistical community in recent years.

Despite that, the guy did a lot for baseball sportswriting (which could also be bad or good I guess).

samifan24 12-08-2009 10:02 PM

Gammons will be working for NESN and the MLB Network next season per the Globe's Amalie Benjamin.

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