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Abe Sargent 11-26-2009 09:05 PM

Typhon Company undergoes a few changes. If you’ll recall, they moved to an all energy weapon lineup, and a lighter one than normal. The following changes are made:

Braham’s Awesome is turned into the garrison.

The JR7F Jenner is assigned to Isabella Sanchez, who lost the Spider.

Elite mechwarrior Stacy McGarrity is being added to Typhon Company from the garrison. She is being given the Hunchback.

We remove Brady O’Malley’s Charger 1A1 for a Catapult.

The Centurion is swapped for Roderick Hampton’s Hermes.

The Mongoose and Mercury are being removed. Instead an Awesome is added and the Stalker when Styx Company arrives is added. Now Typhon is a much more rounded company.

That really changes a few things in our garrison. It looses a lot of its rounded-ness. But we have almost 100 million in cash, so I’m not bothered.

Abe Sargent 11-26-2009 09:19 PM

May 1, 3048 - Braham begins recruiting for an elite, high tech force that will be led by him. He gets three recruit rolls a month instead of Ted’s two.

July 14, 3048 - Styx is back.

August 1, 3048 - Contracts for Styx

Free Worlds League: Security
St Ives: O Raid on…Caps. Target World - Sendalor. 12 jumps away
Rasalhague: O Raid on…Dracs. Target: Coudoux - 15 jumps away and on the border
Capella: O Raid on…Marik. Target World: Andurien. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Doing another raid on Sendalor will take a while. So will Coudoux.

Ted has our people working on reconstructing a BJ 2 from the pieces.

We would arrive on Sendalor in about 4-½ to 5 months. It’s would take around 10 months from beginning to end. I could wait to see if we get anything closer, but there is no guarantee we will. Still, Ted holds us back incase we want to make a battalion with the new company, Typhon and Styx if no contracts come in.

Braham Essex sends two elite MW to our garrison for the next company.

Aug 18, 3048 - Thoma Marie Essex, daughter of Adele Thompson and Braham Essex turns 12. She is given some training in some smaller military mechs, since she really likes it.

Sept 1, 3048 -


St. Ives - Garrison
Fed Com - Retainer
Free WL - O Raid on…Caps - target: Sian. WTF? They want to hire a company to hit the capital of the Confederation? And what crazy thing would they possibly want to accomplish in that. Stupid. No way am I taking that contract.

Abe Sargent 11-26-2009 09:25 PM

EVENT - Sept 27, 3048 - The ComStar Explorer Corp vessel Outbound Light jumps into the Huntress system. Within days it is captured by Clan Smoke Jaguar, who will use this incident to jumpstart Operation: Revival. There is no turning back.

Abe Sargent 11-26-2009 09:28 PM

Oct 1, 3048 - Contracts:

Drac: Pirate Hunting
Free WL: Cadre
Magistracy of Canopus: Garrison
Taurian Concordat: O Raid on. FedCom.

The new mech to be worked on is a Comet.

Abe Sargent 11-26-2009 09:53 PM

Oct 10, 3048 - Meet the new Shadow Company, Braham’s new crack company:

Shadow Company:

Anvil Lance:

Braham Essex, elite+, modified Orion-Abe
Bianca Nightengale, elite, Highlander 732
Rachel Perry, elite, Shootist 8A
Ricardo Diaz, elite, Flashman 8K

Hammer Lance

Sgt. Catherine Poliksa, elite, Lancelot
David Morgan, elite, Griffin 5M *
Raven Hamilton, elite, Blackjack 2
Robert Perez, elite, Thug 11E

Thunder Lance

Sgt. Amir Satiya, elite, Lynx 9Q
Siobhan O’Conner, elite, Phoenix Hawk 1b
Katya Dovich, elite, Starslayer
Laine Hall, elite, Talon 5W

The DropShip Robin Hood is being assigned to Shadow Company.

Because of our elite pilots and all LosTech equipped mechs, we are rated Rating A already. We purchased the updated and common Griffin off the market for over 10 million, but we get a mech with an LRM 20 and ER PPC.

Many of my mechs have XL engines. I don’t generally like this, so I need to be careful. I don’t want to overexpose a mech with an XL engine.

Abe Sargent 11-26-2009 10:07 PM

Nov 1, 3048 - Contracts:

FedCom: Garrison
FedCom: O Raid on…Capella. Target Geifer, 8 jumps away.
ComStar: Cadre
Taurian Concordat: Extraction
Magistracy: Garrison
Corporation; Security

Let’s do the raid on Geifer.

The FedCom is interested in hitting Geifer for a chance to see how the Capellan forces react to a raid on one of their listening posts. Geifer is a major world politically because of a major library, thinktanks and universities on the planet. It is also just one jump away from two planets in the Federated Commonwealth captured in the Fourth Succession War. Therefore, it has a strong garrison, and like many, it is getting some of the new tech, so again we can expect some mechs with new technology.

Since it has so many defensive forces, it is also a perfect place to put a listening post - on a world already hard to hit.

This is a perfect world for Shadow Company to hit, because if they end up fighting more than a company of mechs, they have the best shot at winning. It’s also a good shake down mission. Because of the subtlety of the mission, we will be hiring a Q Ship, a civilian transport DropShip converted into a military vessel. That way , we can land without suspicion. It takes longer to load and unload our forces, but the subterfuge is worth it. Also, we will be taking the Exterminator with us as an extra 13th mech.

Robin Hood moves back to Styx Company.


Salvage: Full
Salary: x4, x1.6, x1.4
Support: 50% Battle Loss
Command: Indy
Remuneration: Nope
Length: 1 month
Transport: 50%
30% Bonus

We will arrive on Feb 12, 3049.

Abe Sargent 11-26-2009 10:12 PM

EVENT - Jan 1, 3049 - As LosTech mechs become more common in IS forces, heavy and assault mechs are favored in both new technology and new forces rolling off the assembly lines. As such, the ratio for mechs in the IS changes from many more lights and mediums to more similar numbers. To approximate this, when fighting any IS unit with LosTech mechs, the die roll is changed to:

1 - Light
2 - Medium
3 - Heavy
4 - Assault
5,6 - reroll

From one that put the extra numbers in light and medium mechs.

Abe Sargent 11-26-2009 10:31 PM

Feb 12, 3049 - Our Mule Q-Ship lands with little interference in the agricultural region of a super continent. Elsewhere are all of the major cities and places and here is grown food, plus a nearby swamp is home to a very popular and valuable local spice endemic to Geifer. It is grown and harvested. Due to distance from the main areas, a few DropPorts are nearby in this centralized area in order to load and unload food and equipment. A Mule here isn’t noticed by anyone.

Feb 13, 3049 - During the evening time, Braham Essex takes the Exterminator walking. The Listening Post is some distance away, and it takes about 2 and a half hours to get there. There are no patrols before he arrives there. The meadows have begun to make way for brush and a few trees here and there. The land is still perfectly flat. Braham spies the post far away. He easily slips past a motorized infantry patrol sticking to the road.

Within minutes, Braham has verified that the listening post is here. In fact, he can get real close. This isn’t a full base or anything, just a few buildings spread out and open, without even so much as a fence guarding it. Bad protection Liao.

Using his mechs scans, Braham picks up a few heat signatures, could be vehicles, could mechs, they are distorted, inside of a few larger buildings. Mag scans show many things there, but they are not moving, and close together, and behind walls, so it is impossible to tell just how many.

The return is easy.

Feb 15, 3049 - After sundown, our Mule lifts off and moves towards the Post. We land a few klicks away. By now, everyone has been alerted. Shadow Company moves off the Mule as fast as they are able, which is pretty slow, and then advances towards the listening post. Our arrival was seen before we even landed, and our long unload time means we are hit just a few minutes after leaving behind the Mule. Tonight is a bright, moonlit night.

Our foe, using the new rolling chart:

Shadow Hawk
Warhammer 6L
Grasshopper 5J

The pilots are regular

We are easily in control of this in terms of BV. The 5J Grasshopper is an old one with a field refit to give it a ER large laser, anti-missile system and SRM2 streak.

Here is our Highlander. This 90 ton assault mech jumps, 3/5/3, features a Gauss Rifle, LRM20, SRM6, 2 medium lasers, 12 heat sinks and max ferro-fib armor plus CASE in each torso. It’s a good mech, who’s only deficiency is…well...nothing really. Good mech.

Abe Sargent 11-27-2009 01:32 PM

Remember we are fighting at nighttime, but with a very full moon. This will make it harder to hit for both of us. It takes us two movement points for each step.

We win init. No one hits.

We win 10 to 4. I hop our P Hawk by their Locust and Cicada. Our Starslayer hit’s a leg actuator on their Cicada. Then our P Hawk kicks and destroys its LL.

We win 5 to 3. Lynx behind their Locust. It destroys the RT of their Locust. Our Starslayer destroys the Cicada’s RA. Our Talon destroys the RL of their Locust. Our P Hawk destroys the CT of their Locust. Then its engine explodes and it deals a little damage to a bunch of my mechs.

We lose init 5 to 8. We concentrate a lot of fire at their BattleMAster. Our Griffin‘s ER PPC hits its head and destroys its sensors. Our Talon gets a glancing blow with its ER PPC on the head of their Victor, who jumped in to threaten my light and medium mechs.

We win 6 to 5. Their Cicada knocks itself out while trying to stand and failing. We hop our Lynx behind their Victor. AC20s, Gauss, lasers and missiles tear into their BattleMaster fiercely. Our Shootist fires a medium pulse laser into its CT and destroys it. Our Starslayer hit’s the AC20 on their Victor. Our Talon hits its gyro twice and it is a dead mech. Their Striker falls after taking just two PPCs from the Thug.

We win init 11 to 7. Their Cicada pilot is still asleep. We hammer their Warhammer, previously untouched. Our Shootist’s AC20 destroys its RL. Our Blackjack and then Thug hit every single actuator in its other leg, meaning it is down. It falls and destroys the LL. That is a kill for the Thug. That’s a good mech that went from untouched to dead in one turn from a Highlander, Orion, Shootist, Blackjack, Thug and Griffin. That’s how much power we have. Our Lynx kicks and destroys the RL and RT of their Wasp.

With the death of a ‘Hammer and the savaging of thir Wasp, they are down and pull out. We get the Cicada because the pilot is blacked out.


Locust RA
Battle master - H, LT, RT, LA, RL, RL, RA
Victor - 2xgyro, 1 engine, 1 AC20, various weapons hit
Cicada missing RA, LL
Warhammer - missing RL, LL
Wasp RA

A good first mission for our squad.

We used about 3 tons of Ferro Fib armor
7 tons of regular armor

We destroys the listening post, return to the Mule and lift off.

Abe Sargent 11-27-2009 01:40 PM

June 27, 3049 will see Shadow Company return.


What we spent:

800k - transport
539,581 - salary and upkeep
130k - armor
100k - ammo
2.5 mill - to fix mechs salvaged

What we got:

400k - transport
65k - armor
637,378 - Salary and bonus

Total losses: -2,967,203

Abe Sargent 11-27-2009 01:54 PM


Oct 15, 3048 - We announce a new contract with Kressly Warworks after our own one ran out. For the next ten years, we agree to garrison and defend their company. We continue to get a 20% reduction in value, plus we are given a lance of Brutus tanks from their line.

Nov 1, 3048 - Ted orders a Crusader built from the parts.

Dec 1, 3048 - More graduates from the Essex Academy. 3 choose not to stay. The rest are one vet, four regular, 2 green.

Abe Sargent 11-27-2009 02:46 PM

Meet the new Boxer Company:

Anvil Company

Lt. Katie McGregory, elite, Battlemaster 3M *!
Sekhar Mamadi, elite, Warhammer 6D
Mitsuko Abe, elite, Thunderbolt *
Jeanette Devereux, veteran, Zeus *

Hammer Company

Sgt. Awanata Racingwolf, elite, Archer *
Abelard Blauvelt, regular, Rifleman
JØrgen Eiriksson, regular, Griffin *
Fakhruddin Mousa, elite, Catapult *

Thunder Company

Sgt. Ibrahim Sofala, elite, Phoenix Hawk
Sarah Goldberg, elite, Comet
Theresa Aguilar, regular, Javelin 10F
Jonathan Wesley, regular, Hermes II 2M

Abe Sargent 11-27-2009 03:34 PM

Let’s look for contracts for Typhon, Styx and/or Boxer.

Dracs: Security
Free WL: Cadre
ComStar: O Raid on…Dracs - target: Deshler, one jump from Marduk and Breed actually. 8 jumps away.
Capella: Security
Corporation: O Raid on…Fed Com. Nope, sorry, not allowed.

Looks like Deshler is a perfectly acceptable contract. We could take Boxer on their first contract, or Styx or Typhon. After consideration, we decide to send out Styx with the Robin Hood.

They will arrive on March 19, 3049 -


Salvage: Shared
Salary: x3.4, 1.6, 1.3
Remuneration; No
Transport: Full +
Support: 50% Battle Loss
Length: 1 month
Command: Liaison

Aleph Company - FRR
Phaeton Company - FRR - arrive in May 16, 3047
Trinity Company - FRR
Delta Company - FRR
Cinq Company - FRR
Hex Company - FRR
Defender Company - FRR
Typhon Company -
Heliades Company - FRR
Tethys Company - FRR
Brawler Company - FRR - arrive in May 16, 3047
Lance Company - FRR
Mustang Company - FRR - arrive in May 16, 3047
Styx Company - Arrive on March 19, 3049
Boxer Company -

Shadow Company - Returns June 27, 3049

Garrison Units - Infantry, tanks, and Ted and his Stalker.

Tank Battalion - Returns on Nov 15, 3049

Robin Hood - Assigned to Styx Company
Star River - In the FRR

Abe Sargent 11-27-2009 04:21 PM

Let’s go ahead and do the contract:

March 19, 3049 - We arrive in the Deshler system with our company. We paid the JumpShip a little extra to jump to a pirate point just two days out from Deshler.

ComStar wants us to take down a jail and break out one of their spies. Deshler is one jump from two FedCom systems that were captured in the War of 3039 from the Combine, but otherwise it is inside the border. Deshler is so unimportant that it wasn‘t even attacked in the War of 3039, despite systems all around it getting hit. It used to have the major Stock Exchange and a mint during the Star League, but it was hit hard in the Succession Wars. Now it makes some electronics on world and imports food and other supplies. Only that electronics factory survived of all of the industrial and economic concerns from the Star League that were on planet.

Deshler is a minor system as a result, but its proximity to the border requires a garrison of some sort, but not a big one. ComStar expects us to land easily, hit the jail, grab their prisoner, and leave. According to ComStar intel, there is a mixed mech and tank company there, so they hired a mech company, to ensure success.

This should be close to a milk run. Note the word should

March 21, 3049 - We are never challenged by the forces and land unimpeded. Our mechs move out immediately and march towards the jail. Let’s do this fast and furious.

We arrive at the jail and….yup, looks like intel was right, just a company of mechs and tanks mixed. 7 mechs, 5 tanks.

We close and get ready to engage the enemy.

As we get closer, we notice that intel was right on size and type of opposition, but not composition. Tanks and mechs and 12, sure, but these have been getting the new weapons and designs.

Here are our foes:

Shadow Hawk
Marauder 5D - uptech made at Drac plant on captured Quentin with Davion blueprints.
Von Luckner

2 assault mechs, 1 assault tank, 3 heavy mechs, 1 heavy tank, and two mechs with recovered technology. And yet, I suspect I have the advantage. Their mechs are veterans

Here is Styx’s Wolfhound, a very effective 35 ton mech with 6/9 movement, a large laser, four mediums with one rear facing, and max armor. It’s one of the newer designs from the pre-LosTech era in the previous 25-40 years, along with the Raven, Hatchetman, Merlin and a few others.

Abe Sargent 11-27-2009 10:42 PM

We are fighting around a small lake.

We win init 12 to 8. We are moving our forces to take a large copse of woods near the lake. I think whoever has this forest will have a strong advantage. We concentrate fire on the Hatamoto. It falls under damage, and our Awesome stands despite some hits.

We win 10 to 8. We have positioned a lot of our mechs. Their Hatamoto stands. Their BM destroys the Ra of my Thunderbolt.

We win init 6 to 4. A PPC from our Awesome rams into their Battlemaster’s head and shears off the armor but does not hit any critical parts. Our Crusader destroys the LT of their Hatamoto-Chi. Its pilot blacks out. Their Hatamoto falls automatically.

We lose init 8 to 12. Our Trebuchet destroys the BM’s LT and then hits its head with Lrms and destroys it. Dead mech. Our Warhammer falls after taking some heat. Our Cyclops kicks and destroys a Harasser. Their Hatamoto pilot remains blacked out.

We win 12 to 7. Our Warhammer fails ot stand twice before finally arising. We only needed a 4. Javelin behind their Jenner. Their Von Luckner’s AC20 nails our Jav’s LT and destroys it. Our Jav hits their Jenner’s gyro once. Our Locust destroys its RA . Both our Jav and their Jenner fall. Our Blackjack kicks and destroys the Galleon. Our Wolfhound kicks and hit’s the Jenner’s ammo and it explodes. Our Warhammer misses a kick and was kicked, and then again missies the 4 and falls down. Their Hatamoto pilot remains blacked out/.

With a Jenner, Bm, and Hatamoto down, and a Harasser and galleon destroyed, the Dracs leave. We easily destroy the jail after freeing the Comstar spy, and bring her back to them.

Repair: RA, Thunderbolt - LT - Javelin


Hatamato-Chi missing LT 7.4
BattleMaster missing Lt and H 6.7
Harasser Missile Platform - 561k
Galleon - 323k
Jenner LA - 255k

Shared in Half: 7,619,500

I take the Hatamoto and they let me take the Jenner arm.

Abe Sargent 11-27-2009 10:56 PM

Contract Stuff:

We spent:

358,743 - salary and upkeep
250,000 - armor
160,000 - ammo
1.4 mill - repair my mechs
1.3 mill - repair Hatamoto

We made:

7,619,500 - Shared salvage
211,375 - Contract
150k - transport bonus
825k - armor and pieces

Total made: 5,337,132

We will arrive back in July 7, 3049.

Abe Sargent 11-27-2009 11:11 PM

Rewind back to December 3048.

Dec 18, 3048 - We honor the 9th year anniversary of the Fall of Andurien.

EVENT - By the end of 3048, the clans have decided that four clans shall participate in Operation: Revival. One clan, Wolf, is given a spot automatically due to them having the Kerensky blood name. The other three are determined by trails and bidding from the other 16 clans. At the end, Ghost Bear, Jade Falcon and Smoke Jaguar have won spots in Operation: Revival, while Steel Viper won a spot as reserve and the next in line in case a clan falters. The next two, Diamond Shark and Nova Cat, won Trials of Refusal and are added to the list after Steel Viper.

Abe Sargent 11-27-2009 11:28 PM

Jan 1, 3049 - We get a new class of 8 for the Essex Training Academy.

3rd Year: 8
2nd: 5
1st: 8

We have 21 mechs in our garrison, and this includes rare and lostech mechs. In a few months, we add four more from missions.

Ted sells the Scorpion and Charger 1A1 for cash he turns around and spends on: (when I roll to see if a mech is available, on an 8 or higher, if I was rolling for a base 3025 mech it is, on a 9 or higher if I was rolling for a variant, and 10 or higher for a LosTech variant). Cataphract, Panther, and Whitworth. We made a little cash too.


FedCom: O Raid on...Caps: Propus. 7 jumps away.
FedCom: Guerrilla

We like the Propus contract, so let’s do it.

Let’s get Typhon back in the game.


Salvage: Full
Salary: x3.7, x1.6, x1.4
Support: 50% Battle Loss
Command: Indy
Remuneration: No
Transport: 50%
Length: 1 month
15% Bonus

We can be at Propus on March 26, 3049.

Let’s do it.

Abe Sargent 11-27-2009 11:52 PM

March 26, 3049 - We land at the Cappellan world of Propus. All ships that land here must be scanned for military personnel and material. Therefore, we have to land “hot” near the area we are supposed to hit.

Due to Propus’s position right by the border, it has some units of import, but this planet is nothing compared to some other nearby planets, so the garrison is not as big as it could be.

We are to land, destroy the command lance of the battalion of Warrior House Ma-Hsu Kai, whose home planet Bithinia, is just 8 and a half light years away. The Fed Com wants us to land and take out their leader on planet.

What are Warrior Houses? They are a collection of semi-religious military orders within the Capellan Confederation that are independent from the CCAF, the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces. They report directly to the Chancellor and have a wide amount of latitude, and in times of war and strife, can be ordered by the Chancellor to take or defend various worlds. The Warrior Houses are basically autonomous monastic military organizations. Some have fighters, infantry and/or tanks to go along with their mechs. They are better trained and often better equipped then general CCAF forces. Due to their nature, they are used as special forces, and not garrison or front line troops. Because of their special relationship to the Confederation, House Liao and the Chancellor, they have a strained relationship with the CCAF at the best of times. There are eight major houses, and some consider the Death Commandoes to be a Warrior House in all but name.

We decide to play this differently after revealing the psyche profiles of our targets. Instead of landing, sneaking around, and so forth, we announce our presence, size and desire to face the best that Warrior House Ma-Hsu Kai has.

Within a few minutes, our challenge has been answered. We will face their best company at a neutral site away from civilians

Ma-Hsu Kai

Cataphract 3L !
Stinger 3G
Cyclops 11A !
UrbanMech R63 !
Firestarter M
Vindicator 3L !
Marauder 3L
Catapult C1b !

Those mechs with ! are ones with lostech. Some are field refits like the Catapult and Urbie, while others are new from the factory. These pilots are all veteran except the Cyclops which is elite. Our goal is to take it out.

Here is their UrbanMech, a 30 ton light mech with stupid 2/3/2 movement and one big weapon, in this case, a LB10X, plus a small pulse laser and small laser. With a lack of mobility, they are often just walking targets.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 03:34 AM

We are fighting on two big islands in a huge bay. Each of us starts on an island.

We win init 11 to 9. Our Awesome hit’s the Cyclops’s Gauss Rifle causing 20 damage to be dealt to the mech. The RT is destroyed. Our Stalker hit’s the LRM 10 ammo in the Cyclops and it explodes. We killed our target on the first turn. Heh.

We lose 9 to 10. We focus a lot of fire on their Cataphract but it remains standing. Our Ostscout kicks their Cataphract, and now it falls.

We lose 4 to 5. Their Cataphract arises. One of their mechs falls in the water behind their island and its pilot blacks out, but we don’t know where or what mech. Our P Hawk destroys the LA of their Cataphract, and our Awesome its RA. Our Warhammer destroys its LT and since it has an XL engine that’s a dead Cataphract.

We lose 9 to 10. Our Stalker hit’s the machine gun ammo on their Crusader after every other mech we had except the Grasshoppper had fired at it. It explodes magnificently. With that, they retreat.

We discover the Marauder in the water with a blacked out pilot.


Cyclops 11A LA, RA, LL
Cataphract 3L missing RA, LA, LT
Crusader LA
Marauder 3L

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 03:42 AM



368,352 - unit upkeep and salary
150,000 - armor
120,000 - ammo
2.895 mill - to repair Cataphract 3L
700,000 - transport


379,723 - Salary + bonus
75k - battle loss
350k - transport

Our Losses: -3,428,629

We are back July 14, 3049, with a Cataphract 3L and Marauder.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 03:55 AM


February 1, 3049 - We’ve got Boxer Company for a contract. Let’s see what contracts we can grab.

St. Ives: Cadre
Capella: O Raid on St. Ives. I don’t do raids for houses against minor states
FedCom: O Raid on Marik. Waay back there. Nah.
Corporation: Security
Corporation: Garrison

Let’s look into that Security Contract. It’s on a Drac world way out there. Since mercs are still persona non grata out there, I say nope.

Aleph Company - FRR
Phaeton Company - FRR - arrive in May 16, 3047
Trinity Company - FRR
Delta Company - FRR
Cinq Company - FRR
Hex Company - FRR
Defender Company - FRR
Typhon Company - Back July 14, 3049
Heliades Company - FRR
Tethys Company - FRR
Brawler Company - FRR - arrive in May 16, 3047
Lance Company - FRR
Mustang Company - FRR - arrive in May 16, 3047
Styx Company - Return on July 7, 3049
Boxer Company -

Shadow Company - Returns June 27, 3049

Garrison Units - Infantry, tanks, and Ted and his Stalker.

Tank Battalion - Returns on Nov 15, 3049

Robin Hood - Assigned to Styx Company
Star River - In the FRR

Feb 4, 3049 - Our Merchant Class JumpShip arrives and is rechristened the Scots Flotilla. They will be

March 1, 3049 - We start working on a Thunderbolt in our garrison.


ComStar: O Raid on Caps, target waaaay back there
Marik: O Raid on FedCom. Not allowed.
Corp: Extraction.

Where? Free Worlds League. Waaaaay back there too.

These are like 14-17 jumps away. Nah. It’s not bad to have a company of mechs on EE waiting for the right contract and acting as defense.

April 1, 3049 -

Marian Hegemony - O Raid
Corp - Garrison
St. Ives - O Raid on Caps: Harloc. A border planet 10 jumps away.
FedCom - garrison
FWL - Cadre - Calloway VI

Ted’s just going to keep Boxer Company on planet for now

April 6, 3049 - We are introduced to Leftenant General Pierre Benton, the newly appointed governor of the Epsilon Eridani militia. He is from EE himself, and loves this world more than anything. Braham and him have a nice talk the next time he is here.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 04:06 AM

April 17, 3049 - A mercenary company has landed in Dori, the main city in the area, and near our HQ and Kressly Warworks. They begin to march towards Kressly Warworks, and Boxer Company is sent out to meet them.

Battle is enjoined. Boxer’s test of fire.

Our foes:

Phoenix Hawk

They are regular

Here is Fakhruddin Mousa’s Catapult, a 65 ton heavy mech with 4 medium lasers, 4/6/4 movement, and 2 LRM15s for long range dueling. It rocks 15 heat sinks and 10 tons of armor, which is a little light, but the Cat is a long range fighter, so it’s not too bad.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 04:21 PM

Because they are raiders, we expect them to leave at the first sign of real combat.

We lose init 2 to 10. We split our fire between their Stalker and P Hawk. Their P Hawk falls. Our P Hawk hit theirs in the head with a Medium laser. I needed an 11 to hit, got it, and the glancing blow dealt 2 to their head. A good shot

We rock init 10 ta 7. We move our T Bolt up next to their Stalker. Their Orion falls under damage. We had split our fire between the Stalker and Orion.

We lose 3 to 5. Their Orion stands. Our BM destroys their Stalkers LT. Our Warhammer ignites its ammo. Our Zeus tacks a leg actuator on their Orion who falls.

We win 8 to 5. Once again their Orion stands. Our W Hammer hits two leg actuaotrs on their Rifleman. Their Rifleman falls and the pilot blacks out.

The mercs run back and we secure our salvage, fearing a trap.


Stalker LA, RA
Rifleman with two actuators hit

We spent about 300k on armor and ammo. Good haul.

The Rifleman pilot tells us they were on a contract with a rival corporation to hit Kressly Warworks.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 04:28 PM

May 1, 3049 - We start work on a new Attila. Ted recruited 8 elites from Outreach.

July 1, 3049 - Shadow Company has returned and we look for a new contract:

Marik - O Raid on FedCom
FedCom - Cadre
FedCom - O Raid on Marik
Rasalhague - O Raid on Dracs
FedCom - Security

That’s three raids. Any close by?

Marik raid on FC is not doable
FC raid on Marik is waaaay out there
FRR raid on DC is Trolloc Prime, which we failed to hit before. 7 jumps away.

Let’s do it.


Salvage: Full
Salary: x4, x1.6, x1.2
Support: 50% BL
Transport: Full +
Remuneration: No
Length: 1 month
Command: Indy
24% Bonus

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 04:47 PM

October 21, 3049 - We take the Scots Flotilla and rent a Q Ship Mule for Shadow Company. We arrive at Trolloc Prime and land in an industrial DropPort by some refineries. Trolloc Prime is not on the border, so it is not a priority for uptech.

We are to hit the world with our company, and then raid a warehouse that has the only LosTech on the planet, and bring it back in the Mule. Supposedly, this is the first shipment of LosTech to the world, and so Rasalhague wants it first.

The warehouse is in the industrial area of the planet.

We jump out and are quickly assaulted by infantry, who break in front of our mechs like corn in a field before a giant train. It’s not pretty.

Within a few seconds, their tanks are assembled, but they do not strike us, and we quickly march to the warehouse, several klicks away. Within an hour, the assembled vehicles assault us as we leave the industrial area.

There are 12 tanks and a few VTOLS. This is going to be child’s play.

This is Rachel Perry’s Shootist. It’s a 70 ton heavy mech with max armor, AC20, 4/6 movement, 13/26 2x heat sinks, ER large laser, 2 medium pulse lasers and a small laser. It’s a solid mech.

Tellistto 11-28-2009 05:47 PM

Another chance to see what elite pilots can do with some serious Lostech metal to drive around!


Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 06:23 PM

We win init 10 to 7. There is a lot of pavement and such here. I move anvil lance down the center of the area. Our Lancelot destroys a Schrek PPC Carrier.

We lose init 7 to 8. Their Scimitar is knocked to immobile. Our Shootist destroys their Partisan - its unrecoverable. Our Thug destroys their Striker. After taking some damage to the head, our Highlander pilot blacks out and its mech falls.

We win 8 to 7. My personal Orion destroys a Warrior - my 44th kill as the CO of Kilts and Commandos. Our Shootist destroys another Warrior Attack VTOL. Our Thug destroys a Hunter. They hit my Highlander’s gyro once, engine once, and head twice more, so this guy is probably not waking up. We immobilized a Rommel.

And with that, they leave. Our Highlander pilot is still asleep but we can wakey wakey in a bit.


Striker Tank
Hunter Light Support Tank

We arrive at the warehouse and begin loading up the stuff on some trucks we procured on the way. Then our mechs push the trucks back and everything is loaded back up.

Braham Essex gains Gunnery: Ballistic

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tellistto (Post 2174936)
Another chance to see what elite pilots can do with some serious Lostech metal to drive around!



Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 06:37 PM


We spent:

539,581 - salary + upkeep
75k - ammo
150k - armor

We Get:

75k - Battle Loss
521,109 - Salary + Bonus
250k - Transport

Feb 7, 3050 - Shadow Company arrives back at EE.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 06:40 PM


Aug 1, 3049 - Typhon and Styx returned.


Marik - O Raid on FedCom
Dracs - O Raid on Rasalhague
FedCom - Cadre/Garrison on Waaaaaay out there about 17 jumps away.

Can’t do the raids and don’t want to do the non-combat C/G contract

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 06:49 PM

EVENT - August 3049 - The first contact with the Clans occurs in the periphery system The Rock. Clan Wolf lands on the largest inhabited asteroid, and destroys the small number of troops here, and captured 17 year old Phelan Kell, son of Kell Hounds CO Morgan Kell. Later in the month, Clan Smoke Jaguar takes the periphery system of Santander’s World.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 06:52 PM

Sept 1, 3049 - We start working on a BattleMaster from the pieces, and we choose to make it the upgraded version, and pay the money for the double heat sinks and ERPPC.


Dracs: O Raid on FedCom - Not allowed
Marik - Garrison
Cappella - Recon Raid on…Compact. Nope, not allowed.
Taurian Condordat - Garrison
Corporation - Garrison

Dang, the contracts are sucking right now.

Aleph Company - FRR
Phaeton Company - FRR - arrive in May 16, 3047
Trinity Company - FRR
Delta Company - FRR
Cinq Company - FRR
Hex Company - FRR
Defender Company - FRR
Typhon Company -
Heliades Company - FRR
Tethys Company - FRR
Brawler Company - FRR - arrive in May 16, 3047
Lance Company - FRR
Mustang Company - FRR - arrive in May 16, 3047
Styx Company -
Boxer Company -

Shadow Company - Returns June 27, 3049

Garrison Units - Infantry, tanks, and Ted and his Stalker.

Tank Battalion - Returns on Nov 15, 3049

Robin Hood - Assigned to Styx Company
Star River - In the FRR
Scots Flotilla - With Shadow Company

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 06:57 PM

EVENT - In September, the Clan Ghost Bear takes Porthos, a periphery world. Jade Falcon begins to take planets in the Periphery as well.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 07:07 PM

Ted decides, due to the crappiness of the contracts, to keep our battalion of mechs here and fine until December.

Nov 15, 3049 - Tank Battalion comes back, and with our tanks, a new Tank Delta Company is formed.

Vehicle Delta Company

Lt. Galen Hunt, elite, Brutus
Sgt. Jason Karanski, elite, Ontos
Sgt. Michael Hall, elite, LRM Ontos
Jane Rodriguez, elite, Brutus
Maven Chen, elite, Condor
Felicia Specter, veteran, Hetzer
Samir Hussein, veteran, Hunter
Lucas Cransted, veteran, Goblin Medium Tank
Miguel Sanchez, veteran, LRM Harasser
Tony Brackens, regular, Saracen
Brittany Pruett, regular, Goblin
Alicia Motavelli, regular, Condor

We made about 2 million from Tank Battalion’s contract.

Dec 1, 3049 - More graduates.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 07:17 PM

Meet our newest company:

Rebel Company

Anvil Lance:

Lt. Medini Sengupta, elite, Attila
Roberta Diaz, elite, Thunderbolt
Daniel Martin, elite, Victor
Zsuzsanna Szegedi, veteran, Hunchback *

Hammer Lance:

Sgt. Clarence Hampton, elite, Warhammer
Xiahou Chun, elite, Crusader
Danielle D’Avignon, elite, Rifleman
Gahiji Kayoshe, veteran, Whitworth

Thunder Lance:

Sgt. Thelma Rowan, elite, Javelin 10F
Hamit Yilmaz, elite, Firestarter FS9-M
Anatoli Titov, regular, Cicada
Penelope Polyxena, regular, Hermes

Two of the graduated MWs do not enlist with us, and the other two enter our garrison.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 07:25 PM

Dec 18, 3049 - The 10th year anniversary of the Fall of Andurien is celebrated.

Dec 31, 3049 -

We have the following military units at EE, on the eve of 3050.

Rebel, Boxer, Styx and Typhon mech companies
Tank Battalion and Vehicle Delta Company
14 platoons of infantry
21 mechs in our garrison
BattleMaster 2C in the academy, 13 students in the Academy
Ted Izumo and his Stalker
The Robin Hood Union DropShip
12 tanks
14 graduates of the Essex Academy in various mechs as needed. 12 are green, two are regular.

Other assets like Boomerang Spotter Plane, ordinance trucks, etc

Okay, we have a total of 16 regular mech companies, one elite mech company, 4 tank companies That means we have over 2 regiments of troops. However, we are two companies of mechs shy a full two regiments of mechs. We do not know what is happening with our troops in the FRR, so it’s time to go back, and start that contract. When that contract hit’s the end of 3049, we will resume running both the FRR and the forces here together simultaneously.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 07:34 PM


As a reminder, here is our contract for the FRR:

Salvage: Full
Command: House
Support: 50% Battle Loss
Length: 4 years
Remuneration: Nope
Transport: Full
Salary: x3.7, x1.3, x1.2 with a 25% bonus for long campaigns
12.5% bonus

May 1, 3046 - We have Lance, Trinity, Hex, Heliades, Defender and Cinq companies initially in the FRR. Delta, Tethys and Aleph will arrive in around 5 months. Phaeton, Brawler and Mustang will be here in a year. Matthew Humphries of Defender Company is promoted to Lt. Colonel.

Our two battalions are currently on the periphery border, helping to garrison against pirate actions.

Aug 5, 3046 - A pirate raid on nearby Holmbu by Santander’s pirates. Here is Santander V, aka Santader’s World, a pirate haven near the border of the FRR:

Unable to sell their services to any of the other Great Houses, Valasek and his men eventually settled on Santander V, under the command of Tiberion Tominga. After little more than a year, Valasek mutinied against Tiberion, killing him in a duel. He is now the undisputed master of the bone-dry world of Santander V. Valasek is impartial in his piracy, launching water and parts raids against worlds owned by both the Draconis Combine and Federated Suns.

Unlike most other pirate groups, much of Valasek's treasury consists of payments made for covert assassination attempts. Operating singly or in small groups, Santander assassins are known to have penetrated Davion and Kurita space to slaughter government officials and financiers. Where practical, Santander raiders engage in kidnapping, often stopping merchant vessels along traditional trade routes to remove wealthy passengers for later ransom. In addition, Valasek contracts for terrorist activities and may well have affiliations with various dissident groups within the Inner Sphere.

It is believed that Valasek maintains an intricate web of spies and informants that might tip off Valasek to any impending strike. Therefore, any such attack would have to be made with the utmost secrecy.

This is Santander’s World. It is one jump from several Rasalhague worlds. Our forces are spread out into battalions to help defend against them.

Several of our forces have mech parts here, because they left before Ted issued the order to send the mech parts to the garrison’s central area. Therefore, Defender Company will collect all of the parts we have.

Trinity, Cinq and Hex will be on Damian.

Defender, Lance and Heliades will be on Thule

When they arrive, Delta, Tethys and Aleph will be sent to Skallevoll

When they arrive in a year, Phaeton, Brawler and Mustang will be sent to Holmsbu

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 07:55 PM

Dec 15, 3046 - A pirate raid on Skallevoll, and our forces are here. All of these planets have regular FRR troops and/or militia, so we can be turned loose, if that makes sense.

The JumpShip arrives at a pirate point, and two DropShips are inbound. Delta Company moves to intercept the area the first DropShip is moving towards, and Tethys and Aleph move to the other.

At the last second the DropShip aimed at the area Delta Company was moving towards bounces away from the atmosphere and back into space. Meanwhile, the one by Tethys and Aleph lands and mechs begin to unload. It appears to be an Overlord, with a potential 36 mechs on board.

After a few minutes, Rasalhague fighters swing by the Overlord, before we arrive on the scene. A couple are shot down, but the rest lay some powerful fire against the pirates. Many of the mechs have already unloaded, but the rest cannot while the Rasalhague fighters are engaged. This gives us a chance to hit them, before the fighters are forced away by the weapons on the Overlord and the mechs that have unloaded.

Tethys splits to one side and Aleph to the other, forcing the pirates to choose sides. As a reminder, Tethys was initially created as a garrison company and features 9 regular, 1 green and two veteran MechWarriors. As such, the mechs are pretty good selections for the most part, in order to make up for it.

Tethys‘s foes:


Four of their pilots - Hunchy, MAD, BM and Panther are vets. The rest are all regular.

Here is Tethys’s own Waheed Umbria in the JagerMech with the 2 LRM variant. This mech usually has 2 AC2 and 2 AC5, but the AC5s have been removed for LRM15s2. The AC2s still suck, but the mech has some value. It’s a 65 ton heavy mech common in Davion space, 4/6 movement, no extra heat sinks, and just 8 tons of armor, so watch out, and keep it guarded.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 10:36 PM

We fighting on some heavy woods and hills. The BV are almost equal.

We win init 6 to 5. Our T Bolt destroys the RA of their Stinger.

We win 5 to 3. Spider hopped to a place with a chance to punt the Clint head. I choose not to kick when I see 9s and 10s for my guys. Stupid regular pilots.

We win 9 at 8. Our T Bolt’s large laser hits their Marauder’s head, and goes internal after an SRM missle hit it earlier. It hit’s the cockpit and kills the pilot. Our Griffin hit’s a leg actuator on their Panther.

We lose init 5 to 6. While stupidly trying to jump on a damaged leg, their Panther falls. Our BM destroys their Panther’s RL. Our Archer takes damage and falls. Our BM kicks and destroys the RT of their Panther.

We win init 8 at 5. Our Archer rises. We savage their BattleMaster and it falls.

We lose init 2 to 7. Our Archer destroys the BM’s RA> Our Striker blows off its LA. It falls and hits its gyro twice. Their Locust misses a kick on our Hunchy and falls.

With that, they choose to leave. We let them go because the other battle has yet to be decided, and we don’t want to have our forces tied up if they need help.


Marauder damaged cockpit
Panther RA
BattleMaster missing RA with 2x gyro hit

Abe Sargent 11-28-2009 10:43 PM

Aleph’s Group:

Phoenix Hawk
Shadow Hawk

The Atlas is elite and three mechs are vets. Everybody else is regular.

Here is their Enforcer, a common mech in Davion space. This 50 ton medium mech is 4/6/4, rocks 9 tons of armor, a large laser, AC10 and small laser. It’s adequate with two weapons that penetrate, but has no way of backing it up.

Abe Sargent 11-29-2009 12:42 AM

We win init 11 to 6. Their Atlas moves forward past everybody else. It destroys the LT of our Comet with its Ac20.

We lose init 4 to 12. More weapons exchanged.

We win init 8 to 6. Our Awesome’s large laser lances into their Commando, ignites its Srm ammo and it goes up. Our Warhammer kicks their P Hawk and hits two leg actuators and it falls.

We lose init 3 to 10. Their Phoenix Hawk tries to stand, fails, and goes unconscious. While the pilot is knocked out, our Warhammer dices some lasers and machineguns with the intent to hit the head, and we do, destroying the head and killing the pilot. Our Griffin PPC hit their Atlas in the head, and goes intenral, but no critical damage. Five machines take 20 or more damage and none fall.

We lose 8 to 9. Our Striker hit’s the Ac10 on their Centurion. Our Jenner destroys the RL on their Wasp. It falls and the pilot blacks out.

We lose 2 to 9. We have hit their Firestarter, Atlas, Centurion and Enforcer all hard, we just need to seal the deal on some of them. Our Striker’s large laser destroys the Atlas’s head. Adele’s Firestarter hit’s the Wasp’s gyro twice. The Atlas’s RL is also destroyed this turn.

And with that, they choose to leave. Taking out their Atlas really changed things.


Commando RL, LA
Phoenix Hawk missing H with 2 actuators hit
Atlas missing H, RL
Wasp gyrox2, missing RL

Repair: LT - Comet

Abe Sargent 11-29-2009 12:52 AM

The Overlord’s weapons force away the Rasalhague fighters, and the reaming pirates are able to load back up when the other company unloads and provides cove fire. They jump back off planet.

We spend:

We are NOT able to fix the Wasp gyro but we fix everything else.

2.9 million for armor, ammo, parts, and new gyro. This deducts the amount from the contract for 50% battle loss.

Adele Thompson get one better at shooting.

Well we gained five mechs from them and didn’t lose anything. Not bad.

Dec 18, 3046 - The Fall of Andurien is remembered.

Abe Sargent 11-29-2009 01:03 AM

May 7, 3047 - Rasalhague has an order for us. We are to send a company of our choice to do a raid on the Dracs, because they raided Trondheim. We decide to send Lance Company, who has not battled yet.

May 31, 3047 - Lance Company arrives in a FRR rented Q Ship in the Idlewind system. Unlike many Drac systems, Idlewind is very open to travelers and does not search people and such. It is trying to position itself as a center of trade for periphery folks, and the Combine supports that, so it has more freedoms than many places. We land easily.

Jun 2, 3047 - Lance Company unloads and settles in for a few days. We don’t want the timing of our appearance to coincide with the DropShip.

Jun 4, 3047 - After some hiding out, we come out. Our goal is to piss off the locals enough to send their forces at us, despite the fact that we don’t have any actual goal. The FRR just wants to remind the Dracs that we can respond if we care to.

Within a few moments, we are noticed, and within 15 minutes, mechs have been mobilized. This entire city has just a company of mechs and all are approaching. We are out in the suburbs, by an abandoned warehouse, so that we won’t impact civilian life.

Here are our foes:

AS7-K Atlas (LosTech with 2x ER Large Lasers, Gauss Rifle, XL engine, LRM20, 2x Medium Pulse Lasers, 19 tons of ammo, anti-missile system, 20 heat sinks and CASE in each torso)
Warhammer 6K
Phoenix Hawk

The Atlas is a veteran and has tactical genius. Ouch.

Here is Lance Company’s Longbow piloted by Sgt. Abigail Richards, an assault-class mech with 2x LRM20s, 2x LRM5s, and 2x medium lasers. This 85 ton mech moves 3/5, features 22 heat sinks, and has almost max armor. It’s not a bad mech at all. They are pretty uncommon though.

Abe Sargent 11-29-2009 12:29 PM

Here we go.

This battle features the debut of our Attila design. As a reminder, here are Lance’s mechs - Banshee, Attila, Longbow, Cataphract, Griffin, Archer 2K, Spider, Commando, Locust 1E, Ostroc, Trebuchet, Quickdraw

We win init 10 to 6. Their stupid Locust skids off the field. Both PPCs from our Attila lance into the Wasp’s CT and it is destroyed. Dead mech, first shots ever fired by the Attila. Very Auspicious! Their Stalker falls after taking some damage.

We lose init 6 to 7. Their Stalker arises. Their Merlin destroys the RA of our Trebuchet. Our Longbow destroys the RA of theirs. Then our Trebuchet’s hit’s the ammo on their Trebuchet and it goes up like a light. Our Longbow kicks and destroys the LL of their Spider. Don’t run up on me, boy.

We lose init 8 to 9. Our Attila destroys the Stalker’s ammo and it goes up. Two kills. Their Atlas is hit in the head twice, once by missiles from the Longbow and once from our Locust. The Atlas falls, the pilot takes a third damage, and then blacks out.

With that, they retreat. Score a major victory, a blacked out LosTech Atlas!

We grab our salvage, and blast off. We proved that Rasalhague are no pushovers, and we gained a major mech, plus we were able to salvage the Wasp.


Wasp with missing gyro
Trebuchet LA, H, LL
Stalker RA, RT, RL
Atlas 7K


Trebuchet RA

We spent 1.2 million on ammo, armor, a new gyro and a new arm minus the costs for the contract. Lt. Col. Matthew Humphries takes the Atlas for his own and returns his Archer to our extra supplies.

Abe Sargent 11-29-2009 12:40 PM

July 17, 3047 - A raid hits Holmsbu, near where Mustang Company is. They are the first to get there to block the attackers from whatever their target is. They retreat, and Rasalhague fighters chase them back to their DropShip and they lift off and flee. What was that?

Sept 4, 3047 - Another raid hits Holmbu, and this time it is in force. Perhaps the first raid was a recon group?

The force of this raid is actually quite staggering. It is a group from Santander V with a battalion of mechs landing in the same place the first company did. Like before, Mustang arrives, but they are the only company in the area. Each of the companies in that battalion break off the equivalent of their anvil lances to attack and hold Mustang Company while the other 24 mechs raid several warehouses. If Mustang can defeat the group attacking them, then we can force the raiders away, otherwise, they win and gain a lot of stuff from the local Rasalhaguans. Here are their forces:


Wolverine 6K
UrbanMech 60L (with AC20)

Note that they have a lot of heavy hitters. They have AC20s (Victor, Hunchback, Cyclops, Urbanmech), PPCs (Warhammer, Panther,BattleMaster), AC10s (Centurion, Orion) and large lasers (Wolverine, T Bolt, Dragon). Every mech has as least one big weapon, they have good armor, they have slow movement, and they have a lot of serious damage potential. This is not going to be easy.

Half are vets, half regular.

As a reminder, here is Mustang Company: Orion, Stalker, Awesome, Striker, Hunchback, Warhammer, Whitworth, Comet, Locust 1E, Marauder, Jenner 7F, Commando.

Here is Zhuge Ling’s Commando, a 25 ton mech with an SRM4, SRm6 and medium laser, 6/9 movement, 4 tons of armor. It has great armor, but not enough mobility for my tastes.

Abe Sargent 11-29-2009 02:46 PM

We lose init 4 to 7. We are fighting in some light woods. Just positioning.

We win 6 to 4. Their BattleMaster gets a through armor critical and hit’s the Marauder’s AC5 ammo and it explodes. Our Striker hit’s the AC20 ammo on their Urbie and it explodes. Their Centurion’s AC10 hits our Awesome in the head and hits life support and sensors.

We lose init 3 to 5. We concentrate a lot of fire on their BattleMaster. It rocks and falls to the ground.

We lose 6 to 10. Their BattleMaster arises. Their T Bolt blows the LA off our Stalker. It falls to the ground.

We win init 9 to 6. We need to regain momentum. I was hoping to take our their BM last turn with two full salvos of my crew at their BM, yet it hasn’t lost any body parts or died. It’s internal in 5 locations. Our Stalker stand and backs up. Their Dragon runs up to it. We move our Orion to the rear of their Warhammer. We need to get lucky in order to turn this one in our favor. Our Striker hit’s the Thunderbolt’s ammo after our Hunchback opened its chest with its AC20. Their BM’s RA and RT are destroyed by our Stalker and Locust in that order. It falls. We Didn’t go internal with our Orion and our kick doesn’t knock their Warhammer over either.

We lose 8 to 11. Hunchback to their Dragon rear, Orion remains to their Warhammer rear. Their BM stands. Our Awesome destroys the CT of their BM. Our Comet hits their Panther’s ammo and it explodes. Our Jenner hit’s the hip and foot on their Warhammer. Both it and their Centurion fall under our damage. Our Hunchy falls after missing a kick.

With destroyed Urbie, panther, T Bolt and BattleMaster and damaged Warhammer and Centurion, they retreat, and we force through and push back their other forces who blast off without getting what they wanted.


UrbanMech RA, LL
Thunderbolt RA, LT
BattleMaster H, LL, RL, LT, LA
Panther H, LA

Our own MAD LA, H


We made: 2,870,000 from the battle loss to the Marauder.

We move the Marauder we captured to replace theirs.

Sept 1, 3047 - All changes have been made and the parts are in Defender’s possession and the Marauder is in Mustang’s.

Abe Sargent 11-29-2009 02:58 PM

Dec 18, 3047 - We honor the Fall of Andurien

Feb 14, 3048 - We are informed of a successful pirate raid on nearby world Pinnacle. In order to defend against future ones, the Holmsbu battalion is moved to Pinnacle.

July 23, 3048 - A raid is launched by the Dracs on Thule in the are around Defender company’s location. They come in force, and the local militia plus the First Husars which are on world respond to most of the Dracs, but a scouting company is near Defender and we are tasked with hitting them.

Here are our Drac foes.

Charger 3K with an XL engine, LRM20, pulse lasers, 2x heat sinks and ferro fib armor plus jump jets
Dragon 5N with AC5 ultra
Phoenix Hawk 1K
Shadow Hawk 2K

Although this is a lighter fast company, it includes heavier elements. All pilots are vet. I would love to salvage the Charger and sell it. It’s one of the most expensive mech right now with its speed and XL engine.

We are fighting in some swamps with a few trees here and there for cover.

Here is their Victor, an 80 ton assault mech with an AC20, 4/6/4 movement, 2 medium lasers, SRM4, machine gun,2x flamer, and just 8.5 tons of armor, which is where it hurts. It is designed to close, and yet it doesn’t have the armor to close.

Abe Sargent 11-29-2009 04:24 PM

We lose init 4 to 8. Their Catapult has a leg actuator hit by our Jenner and their Wasp two leg actuators by our Javelin, but both remain standing.

We win init 8 to 6. The game crashes. Sigh. Well, I have an established way of dealing with this - dice:

We destroy the Catapult in am ammo explosion and the Wasp’s CT and it is unrecoverable. We also destroy a third mech and they run. Game for us, since they had barely scratched us.

Abe Sargent 11-29-2009 04:37 PM

Sept 5, 3048 - The pirates land on Thule and assault the Husars on the other side of the planet away from us. They take some heavy losses but manage to drive them away.

Dec 18. 3048 - 9th anniversary of the Fall of Andurien

Jan 4, 3049 - Another Drac raid on Thule, again away from us. This time, the Husars lose.

Jan 29, 3049 - In order to spell the Husars, a full regiment of our troops are moved to Thule, and we can choose whichever companies we want. The Husars are moved elsewhere while they rebuild.

Thule Regiment:


Damian Battalion:


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