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ISiddiqui 10-03-2008 10:36 PM

Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist - 8/10: Yeah, it's kinda a romcom. So what? Its also got some very amusing dialogue (Juno-esque, but toned down for those who thought "teenagers would never talk like that), some funny situations, a very cool soundtrack (with a title like that you expect decent music), and a fun overall movie. It was amusing and the leads were both great.

MikeVic 10-03-2008 10:53 PM

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist - 8.5/10
I think I'll just echo exactly what ISiddiqui said! Nothing really wrong with the movie.

Chief Rum 10-05-2008 03:16 AM

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist - 7.5/10

I liked it. A nice movie, good tunes and I liked the leads. But not as laugh out loud funny as I would have liked, and some parts just came off flat. But overall, I enjoyed the story and got my money's worth.

rowech 10-05-2008 06:29 AM

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist - 7/10 -- Good little movie. Nothing unbelievably good, nothing unbelievably bad but you'll most likely just enjoy the time.

Lorena 10-06-2008 05:35 PM

Transformers - 4/10

Gosh so many things wrong with this movie, I don't even know where to begin. It was an hour too long, horrible lines, romantic moments that shouldn't have anything to do with a robot movie, and jeez.. just horrible lines. The only thing that made this movie remotely watchable were Bernie Mac (the 10 minutes or however long it was) and John Turturro. Shia LeBouf and Anthony Anderson did the best they could with a crappy script.

EDIT - We saw this in Blue-Ray and the visual/special effects were pretty amazing, I'll give this movie that. Great effects, just wished there were more actions scenes, less corny lines.

Pyser 10-07-2008 08:50 AM

foot fist way - 2/10

just stay away. boring, unfunny, save a few one liners.

NoSkillz 10-07-2008 10:44 AM

Wife is 8 1/2 months pregnant so not much else to do but watch movies lately ;)

Iron Man - 9/10

Fantastic comic book adaption, with incredible special effects and well-above average acting considering the genre. Downey Jr. is perfectly cast and chews scenery like mad...very charismatic actor and a great choice for this role. Terrence Howard was very good as the straight man, Jeff Bridges was solid and even Gwenyth Paltrow did well with an underwritten role. Thought some of the battle scenes near the end were cliched and I didn't buy how quickly the villain was able to control his 'armour' but those quibbles aside, I thought it was tremendous.

Leatherheads - 6/10

I really like most George Clooney movies but this flick was a bit dull. Dialogue was good, for the most part, and was especially sharp between Renee Zellweger and Clooney in a "His Girl Friday" sort of way. Still not enough to redeem this relatively boring film.

Gone Baby Gone - 9/10

Just saw this movie this weekend and I was pretty blown away. Ben Affleck wrote and directed this piece about a child abduction and I was stunned by its complexity, great direction and nuanced performances. Casey Affleck was very solid, and Morgan Freeman and Ed Harris were stellar, as usual. However, it is the story and direction that really surprised me here so kudos to Ben Affleck.

rowech 10-07-2008 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by NoSkillz (Post 1853796)
Wife is 8 1/2 months pregnant so not much else to do but watch movies lately ;)

Iron Man - 9/10

Fantastic comic book adaption, with incredible special effects and well-above average acting considering the genre. Downey Jr. is perfectly cast and chews scenery like mad...very charismatic actor and a great choice for this role. Terrence Howard was very good as the straight man, Jeff Bridges was solid and even Gwenyth Paltrow did well with an underwritten role. Thought some of the battle scenes near the end were cliched and I didn't buy how quickly the villain was able to control his 'armour' but those quibbles aside, I thought it was tremendous.

Leatherheads - 6/10

I really like most George Clooney movies but this flick was a bit dull. Dialogue was good, for the most part, and was especially sharp between Renee Zellweger and Clooney in a "His Girl Friday" sort of way. Still not enough to redeem this relatively boring film.

Gone Baby Gone - 9/10

Just saw this movie this weekend and I was pretty blown away. Ben Affleck wrote and directed this piece about a child abduction and I was stunned by its complexity, great direction and nuanced performances. Casey Affleck was very solid, and Morgan Freeman and Ed Harris were stellar, as usual. However, it is the story and direction that really surprised me here so kudos to Ben Affleck.

Affleck may have done the screenplay but it's a book by Dennis Lehane if I'm not mistaken.

larrymcg421 10-07-2008 04:03 PM

Gone Baby Gone 6/10

I thought this movie was very well directed by Ben Affleck. The story was very interesting and the characters were deep and well developed. However, I thought the last twenty minutes were a bunch of horseshit.



NoSkillz 10-07-2008 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by larrymcg421 (Post 1854118)
Gone Baby Gone 6/10

I thought this movie was very well directed by Ben Affleck. The story was very interesting and the characters were deep and well developed. However, I thought the last twenty minutes were a bunch of horseshit.



I agree with you 1000% and that is the reason I deducted a point from my rating. I almost wrote the exact same thing as you did regarding this issue but I held off.

rowech 10-07-2008 08:57 PM

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (7/10) -- Okay movie but not nearly what everyone made it out to be. Mila Kunnis (sp?) is drop dead gorgeous however.

MikeVic 10-12-2008 10:41 AM

Eagle Eye - 7/10
I was really interested in who was behind it, and what these main characters were being led to. Once half of that was revealed, I was less excited. And then the ending just seemed to drag. And the very last scene was a whatever way to end the movie. Still entertaining overall, but it's more of a movie that starts off strong and drags.

molson 10-15-2008 07:39 PM

The Express 8/10

As a 'Cuse alum, I can't really evaluate this fairly, but it's your standard, very well-done sports movie.

Formulaic, but so is the true story behind the film. Cliches abound, but not too many - I found Jim Brown, Davis, and especially Coach Schwartzwalder to be portrayed with shades of gray, not any kind of pure hero worship.

I'd skip it if you're a hardcore West Virginia fan though - the portrayal of Mountaineer fans is way over the top (and from what I read, completely fictional).

Neon_Chaos 10-16-2008 02:41 AM

Eagle Eye - 6/10

The first part of the movie up until the plot twist was really, really good. And then it just managed to implode on itself and crap its way through a cliched ending.

Sgran 10-16-2008 05:05 AM

Half Nelson - 7/10

Gritty is the best way I can describe this film. A crack-head crusading white guy teaches history in a black school in New York. It rings true, and the performances are solid, but nothing much really happens.

Buccaneer 10-17-2008 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 1861964)
The Express 8/10

As a 'Cuse alum, I can't really evaluate this fairly, but it's your standard, very well-done sports movie.

Formulaic, but so is the true story behind the film. Cliches abound, but not too many - I found Jim Brown, Davis, and especially Coach Schwartzwalder to be portrayed with shades of gray, not any kind of pure hero worship.

I'd skip it if you're a hardcore West Virginia fan though - the portrayal of Mountaineer fans is way over the top (and from what I read, completely fictional).

Yeah, I've been following this, as a Syracuse native. Like the following article says, this movie is very well done but expect fictional artistic liberties.

MikeVic 10-19-2008 08:11 PM

Max Payne - 5/10
Not very good. Basic story is that Payne is looking for the third murderer of his wife and child. He's a cop, but has been relegated to cold case files because people think he's messed up. There were some OK moments, but I really would've liked to see more shoot-ups. They also touch on something that I thought would be kinda cool, and then leave it alone.

Chief Rum 10-19-2008 11:33 PM

Catching up the thread on three movies I saw in theaters in the past two weeks...

Appaloosa (6.5/10) I am a fan of a good Western, particular the "troubled hero" ones, where the protagonists aren't saints with six-shooters. So for me to give this a mediocre rating says a lot. It violated the cardinal rule of Westerns--it got boring. It was strong in the early going, as Ed Harris and Viggo Mortenson gunned after the local evil rancher Jeremy Irons. Loved Irons character and Mortenson. Harris, don't know what was up, his character was just not Harris like, and I didn't like the result. This guy should be perfect for the tough cowboy role, and he spent half the movie getting philosophical and getting romantic with Renee Zellwegger. Ugh. Just didn't work. The second half the movie was the real killer. That's when things got real boring, and Zellwegger's propensity to kill any film she's in with her awful voice and pouty puddy face came out in full force. Fortunately, the movie was semi-saved by Mortenson, who really is terrific in this. I recommend watching the first hour, then fast forwarding to the last 10 minutes.

Body of Lies (7.5/10) A spy thriller based out of the Middle East, this one was right up my alley, too. It was a bit better than Appaloosa. As usual, DiCaprio played his role very well. I always have to have a little disconnnect with him, because he's always a little too small and pretty and young looking in my mind to play a man type character. He looks like he should be repeatedly cast in 21 Jump Street re-runs. But he's a damn good actor. Crowe is, too, but I never got the feeling he was that into this role, which is a shame. In his defense, I don't think the script gave him as much to work with as DiCaprio, and a lot of his impact moves were made offscreen. The head of the Jordanian intelligence was terrific, and I liked the love interest, too. The story's a little twisty and it's easy to lose the thread, although I think it works out pretty clear in the end. Not as good as Traitor, which came out last month.

Sexdrive (8.5/10) Not gonna lie to you and tell you this movie does anything more than you expect it to, as a raunchy teen comedy. It just does it really well. Some pretty damn funny parts, definitely not all in the ads. Hot girls all around, so if you're a guy, that's a bonus. The typical teen storyline, but even knowing how it would go, was good fun. And Seth Green and James Marsden were hilarious. Fall Out Boy, if you're a fan of the band, also makes a cameo, and watch the credits for a pretty funny scene at the end with them and Seth Green. It's not on the level of Superbad, but it's just maybe one, one and a half steps behind.

Neon_Chaos 10-20-2008 01:51 AM

Tropic Thunder - 8/10

I loved the movie. It had that Three Amigos vibe to it. I loved the silliness of the entire film. Tom Cruise and Downey Jr. were great scene-stealers.

Pineapple Express - 8/10

Ok, I laughed my ass off for this flick. It's like a buddy-cop movie... only with a random dude and his weed dealer. Hah.

MizzouRah 10-21-2008 11:14 PM

The Strangers - 8/10

Loved it... very freaky.. wife went up to the mini-mart after we watched it tonight and took our biggest dog... HAHA!!!

Lathum 10-23-2008 03:16 PM

Turk 182- 9/10- It doesn't get any better for a cheesy 80's flick.

MikeVic 10-25-2008 12:09 AM

Saw V - N/A
I haven't seen I-IV... so I don't feel I can give an honest review. This movie as a standalone sucked. It was more like a mystery movie with two gore scenes. I'm not a huge fan of horror movies, but even I thought this was tame.

Lorena 10-25-2008 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by cartman (Post 1818366)
Batalia En El Cielo - 8/10

This movie showed me two things. One, my Spanish comprehension has gone down the drain, and two, there are some awesome movies coming from unheralded directors. If you can get past the movie being in Spanish, and the non-American use of nudity, this is a great piece of film-making.

1 month after having this at home, we finally saw it.

Some parts seemed to drag a bit and some stuff wasn't explained.. it seemed more like a day in the life of the chauffeur/security guy. But having said that, it was one of the most unique movies I've ever seen. The nudity/sex scenes weren't at all what I was expecting or have seen. The acting was actually pretty good considering this movie was a first for all actors (the director doesn't work with "seasoned" actors).

Oh and yes, that first scene was...... I dunno, just not what I was expecting. Ant and I looked at each other like.... uhhh... whoa.

It's kind of hard to rate this movie because story-wise, there wasn't much there, but as an artistic piece, I thought it was great.

JetsIn06 10-25-2008 11:03 AM

Eagle Eye: 5/10

It redeemed itself with some solid action moments, but had one of the biggest plot holes I've ever seen in a movie....


Max Payne: 3/10

One of the most disappointing movies I've seen. I was so pumped up for this...was a HUGE fan of the game. It sucked...hard.

Body of Lies: 6/10

It must seem like I hate movies...I don't. This one wasn't great either. The acting was solid as expected, but I was never really engaged in the action or the story. I think it was the directing/editing that kind of threw me off. Not Max Payne bad, but a waste of money to see in theaters.

Still Want to See:

Miracle at St. Anna

Sgran 10-27-2008 08:55 AM

High School Musical 3 -- 1/10

Took my daughters (8 and 5) to see HSM3. They loved it so I fought the urge to groan loadly as best I could. What a shit fest. There is no plot to this movie, or, at best the plot rehashes themes from the first 2 movies (basketball or theater, brains or theater, romance or passion). I should add that I liked the first movie and the second was tolerable. So, in short, make the wife (or grandma, or whoever you can throw under the bus) take the kids this time.

MikeVic 10-27-2008 09:10 AM

Get Smart - 8/10
A funny, entertaining movie. Not sure what else can be said about it. I'm a big Rock fan, the movie had some nice, decent action as well. And Anne Hathaway is hot. Not sure I'd watch it multiple times, or how it would hold up, but it's good for a one-time viewing.

Mustang 10-27-2008 11:47 AM

The Happening - 4/10 : Um... ooooookay. If the surprise of the movie was that you could get Mark Wahlberg to act with an effeminate voice, mission accomplished. What a Tweeest!!!!

War - 6.5/10 Typical Statham/Li movie... what I'd expect.

You Don't Mess with the Zohan - 8/10 What you would expect from an Adam Sandler movie. If you like him (which I do), you should like this one as it has Adam Sandler stupid written all over it.

Pyser 10-27-2008 02:08 PM

baby mama - 4/10

not very funny, very little made sense. awesome, awesome cast though...mostly wasted.

ntndeacon 10-27-2008 02:48 PM

Broadway Melody 4/10

I understand it is one ofthe first musicals ever, but it was very , very dated.

Pumpy Tudors 10-27-2008 03:04 PM

So can anyone tell us what "non-American use of nudity" means? I want to incorporate it into my Halloween costume.

Lorena 10-27-2008 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors (Post 1871970)
So can anyone tell us what "non-American use of nudity" means? I want to incorporate it into my Halloween costume.

Well see, it depends. If you're gonna dress up as the guy, you'll have to grow a beard. If you're gonna dress up as the hot girl with the sexy voice, you'll have to grow dreads and get a lip ring.

MikeVic 10-27-2008 04:35 PM

Just play it safe Pumpy and grow a beard with dreads and a lip ring.

Lorena 10-27-2008 04:37 PM

yes, perfect

Pumpy Tudors 10-28-2008 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Lorena (Post 1872042)
Well see, it depends. If you're gonna dress up as the guy, you'll have to grow a beard. If you're gonna dress up as the hot girl with the sexy voice, you'll have to grow dreads and get a lip ring.

Well, since we were talking about nudity, do I need to ask which lip we're talking about?

MikeVic 10-28-2008 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors (Post 1872948)
Well, since we were talking about nudity, do I need to ask which lip we're talking about?

Just play it safe again and get all five pierced.

Mustang 10-28-2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by HiFiRevival (Post 1483449)
Knowing Mel, and his psychotically Catholic leanings, how could that ending signify anything other than "saving" the poor natives after the rest of the movie butchered who they were and set them up and indistinguishably stupid savages who would have just killed each other off if not for the blessed hope on the boat?

Apocalypto 8/10 - I just did a search just to see what others thought and I saw HiFi's rant a year ago. Wow, just wow. I don't know how he took the Spanish at the end to be 'heroes' coming to save the Mayans. I mean.. WTF? Talk about searching for something that isn't there.

On a side note, if you can ever go to actual Mayan ruins, they are awesome.

MikeVic 11-02-2008 01:36 PM

RocknRolla - 8/10
Some funny stuff, some cool stuff, the rocker was awesome. But I'd rank it below Snatch and Lock, Stock. It felt like Ritchie kind of re-used some stuff from those movies. I don't mind if he makes more movies like this and re-uses stuff... I'll be entertained, but I won't be giving the movies 9 or 10. :)

Lathum 11-03-2008 01:29 PM

Pride and Glory- 8.5/10. Great cop movie with Ed Norton and Colin Farrel. Both are really strong in it. It takes a little while for the story to come together, but once it goes it grabs you. It is very violent and graphic in parts. I can see how some people can think it is a little slow, but it went by quick for me, and Ed Norton is the man as always.

Chief Rum 11-04-2008 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1877633)
Pride and Glory- 8.5/10. Great cop movie with Ed Norton and Colin Farrel. Both are really strong in it. It takes a little while for the story to come together, but once it goes it grabs you. It is very violent and graphic in parts. I can see how some people can think it is a little slow, but it went by quick for me, and Ed Norton is the man as always.

I have stayed away from this because the reviews are bad, but I am a big Ed Norton fan. Is it worth seeing just for him alone? If so, I'll probably check it out--cop movies fit into my general film type.

Mustang 11-04-2008 07:56 AM

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - 3/10. No no no no no no no.. What in the hell was that? If there were no other films and this was the first, maybe 5/10, but it just seems like they went over the top and almost seemed to spoof the other movies.

Lathum 11-04-2008 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 1878177)
I have stayed away from this because the reviews are bad, but I am a big Ed Norton fan. Is it worth seeing just for him alone? If so, I'll probably check it out--cop movies fit into my general film type.

I say yes, but I could watch Ed Norton take a dump and be entertained.

Crim 11-04-2008 10:18 AM

Oh shit, and I just changed my sig!

Lathum 11-04-2008 11:03 AM


Lathum 11-04-2008 11:03 AM

I think we need to bring back QOTM

Lorena 11-04-2008 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1878383)
I say yes, but I could watch Ed Norton take a dump and be entertained.

The man can do no wrong.

terpkristin 11-04-2008 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Lorena (Post 1878572)
The man can do no wrong.

I beg to differ, two words: Courtney Love.


Johnny93g 11-04-2008 01:04 PM

Pride and Glory- 3/10

Really really bad. I figured it would suck, it's release kept getting delayed. The 45 minute ending could have been done in 15 minutes and saved me a half hour of my life. My buddy said it best. It would be a great TV movie.

MikeVic 11-08-2008 06:31 PM

Futurama: Bender's Game - 7.5/10
There were funny moments, but it almost felt like it took too long to get to the "Bender's Game" portion. I thought the whole movie would be about that. I'd say this is probably my least favourite of the three movies so far. The "Bender's Game" portion was good, but I wanted more.

Charlie Bartlett - 8.5/10
This was recommended to me after seeing Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, and I'm glad it was. The movie had some pretty cool and funny stuff in it. The subject of popularity is handled well, and Bartlett is a likable character. Had no idea Downey Jr. was in it too, so that was a nice surprise. The Bartlett actor did a good job too, as did most everyone else. I didn't feel the movie dragged at all, so I'd recommend this if you want a movie that has a bunch of stuff in it.

KWhit 11-09-2008 08:17 AM

There Will Be Blood: 7/10

I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. Daniel Day Lewis was outstanding and I enjoyed learning a little bit about the turn of the century oil industry. One thing that really bothered me though was the use of the same actor for the roles of eli and his brother. According to IMDB, this was done because the original actor playing Eli dropped out of the movie at the last minute and they would have to re-shoot some scenes.

Well, it had the unintended consequence of muddying the story. For most of the movie, I thought Eli and his brother were the same person - maybe he had a split personality or something (because he acted crazy as hell anyway). Eli and his brother were never onscreen at the same time and his brother's absence was never explained. So it was very odd to have them played by the same actor and was VERY distracting to the storyline.

MikeVic 11-09-2008 01:24 PM

Zack and Miri Make a Porno - 9.5/10
Really funny movie with some actual nice moments. I don't remember the last time I laughed this hard for a movie.

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