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Abe Sargent 10-09-2011 04:04 PM

Night has ended, let me go process everything

Abe Sargent 10-09-2011 05:33 PM

Everybody should've gotten pms by now

Abe Sargent 10-09-2011 05:36 PM

You discover that some people in the Cape are taking bets as to who will be killed tonight. It's no surprise that a Detective leads the odds by far.

It's gruesome, but it turns out to be true. Less than an hour after sundown you hear a cry of death and some loud crunching noises. You find him in the middle of the street with a giant bite out of his chest.

SnDvls has died.

Night Five has ended, Day Six has begun and ends at 10 pm Monday EST

Abe Sargent 10-09-2011 05:36 PM

Sorry for the abbreviated write up, but I'm having massive compute problems that delayed this, and I have to go back and work on it more.

EagleFan 10-09-2011 05:43 PM

Not much to report tonight, that helps at least.

Watched sndvls and witnessed a brutal attack on him. The only thing I saw was that the figure was somewhere between beast and human.

Sadly I didn't see who attacked him. There was a Tincture of Iodine left behind which I grabbed after the attacker left. Anyone have an idea what that may do?

hoopsguy 10-09-2011 06:15 PM

Narcizo, feel like telling us who you decided to guard in this spot? I know there was no reason to self-guard :)

hoopsguy 10-09-2011 06:16 PM

I'll get the ball rolling here:


hoopsguy 10-09-2011 06:16 PM

Also, if we are going to shoot for the tie then please avoid nightfall votes.

hoopsguy 10-09-2011 06:17 PM

EagleFan, why would you watch SnDvls? Wouldn't the optimal play at this point to be trying to watch someone who would do the killing, rather than someone likely to be killed?

Maybe I've got it wrong ... you can help educate me on why watching the guy to be killed is better given the specifics of the Detective in this game.

Abe Sargent 10-09-2011 06:35 PM

I was asked about Nightfall.

My rules on NFall are simple and two fold - 100% unanimity in the thread +a PM from the Servants telling me its okay. I need both

Grammaticus 10-09-2011 07:01 PM

Vote Narc

dubb93 10-09-2011 07:14 PM

Vote EF

We rolling with the tie idea?

mauchow 10-09-2011 07:14 PM

vote narc

The Jackal 10-09-2011 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by dubb93 (Post 2545942)
Vote EF

We rolling with the tie idea?

We can try, I still don't think it will be successful. And I'd rather Narcizo be lynched than EF.

vote ef

Abe Sargent 10-09-2011 07:19 PM

EAGLEFAN has been Enwrathed!

Someone has used a Scroll of Wrath on him!

He may not talk any more, vote, or take any actions including the passing of items for Day Six and Night Six.

The Jackal 10-09-2011 07:22 PM

That's a bit odd, I would assume a wolf did that.

J23 10-09-2011 07:26 PM

Vote Eaglefan

I'm fine w/ the team vote.

J23 10-09-2011 07:26 PM

er.. tie vote even.

hoopsguy 10-09-2011 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 2545949)
That's a bit odd, I would assume a wolf did that.

Based on the name "Scroll of Wrath" I would guess someone tried to put a kill on him.

The Jackal 10-09-2011 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2545956)
Based on the name "Scroll of Wrath" I would guess someone tried to put a kill on him.

Eh, maybe, but it's also possible it's a diversionary tactic and that they knew it would simply keep him unable to post/vote. Not that anything he was going to say was going to change our minds, it's pretty much all laid out there.

dubb93 10-09-2011 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2545956)
Based on the name "Scroll of Wrath" I would guess someone tried to put a kill on him.

I'm pretty sure it's a wolf power and a deversion. I'm willing to put that theory to the test.

hoopsguy 10-09-2011 08:35 PM

Put to the test ... how? By voting for him or something more intriguing?

dubb93 10-09-2011 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2545979)
Put to the test ... how? By voting for him or something more intriguing?

Well I could tell you I'm the soothsayer and I scanned him but you wouldn't buy that any more than I would.

Of course I meant by lynching him. What role do you think I'm playing here?

dubb93 10-09-2011 08:46 PM

Also I'm pretty sure Commo hinted yesterday that he was the Lifegiver. As such I expected a resurrected Mr. Bug today. Quite frankly I'm shocked he isn't back today. Makes me wonder what the crap is going on.

hoopsguy 10-09-2011 08:46 PM

I wasn't sure - didn't seem like a ton more roles to be revealed but was kind of hoping someone might have an item to help us make sure we get two today rather than needing an additional day to work through Narc/EF.

SnDvls 10-09-2011 09:11 PM

Good luck villagers

Autumn 10-09-2011 09:42 PM

I don't know about EF. I came in hoping to see Narcizo might be dead. I passed him my starting item last night, Belladonna. I don't know anything about how it works, but I know IRL it's poisonous so I had suspected it might be dangerous to someone it's passed to. The lack of death makes me think I'm wrong, but I figured at least this way it's out of the game at lynch and the wolves won't be able to use it.

Not a surprising kill there. Without a real bodyguard anymore they're just going to whittle away at us. We should have the numbers.

I'm assuming either we don't have a Lifegiver in the game or they need some of these items to do their work.

I am all for the tie. I will check the numbers and vote accordingly.

Autumn 10-09-2011 09:44 PM

hoops votes narcizo 2757
grammaticus votes narcizo 2761
dubb votes EF 2762
mauboy votes narcizo 2763
jackal votes EF 2764
J23 votes EF 2767

narcizo - hoops, grammaticus, mauboy
EagelFan - dubb, jackal, J23

Autumn 10-09-2011 09:45 PM

Guess we're tied up at the moment. Wait, do we have an even number of people in the game now? What about with EF out of action? I'll check that.

But for now I'll go with Narcizo. I don't have any doubt they're both wolves, but might as well go with the one seer scanned.

vote narcizo

Autumn 10-09-2011 09:47 PM

Well, 13 people left in the game. But EF can't vote, so that evens it up at 12. Unfortunately, that includes Narcizo. He undoubtedly would switch his vote at deadline if he could to prevent the tie. It's a lucky wrinkle that he probably won't be able to because of timezones. We'll need to watch that though and hopefully someone can counter any move he might make. Another wolf isn't likely to out themselves by doing it for him.

Autumn 10-09-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2545984)
I wasn't sure - didn't seem like a ton more roles to be revealed but was kind of hoping someone might have an item to help us make sure we get two today rather than needing an additional day to work through Narc/EF.

I tried, I thought I might be able to get a night kill on Narc and save us the work. No dice. Doesn't look like it did anything to keep him from posting or anything either.

Autumn 10-09-2011 09:50 PM

Also, in case someone has something similar, I had a tincture of camphor J23 had passed me earlier in the game (thanks J23). I broke it open last night (which is what Abe had said could be done with it). It turns out you can pour it in a circle around yourself and protect yourself from any targeted actions. Better to have the info out there I figure in case we have more.

Autumn 10-09-2011 09:50 PM

septuple dola

That's it for me, heading off to bed. I'll be working tomorrow so should be on to post.

The Jackal 10-09-2011 09:55 PM

In addition to wolf switching at deadline, which Autumn is right to assume might not happen since Narc will probably be asleep, CF claimed to have an item that doubled his vote power and that item is now with a wolf unless they passed it to a villager.

I say we force this situation into a 6-6 tie and then have a list of people who might have the double vote. Unless someone wants to come out with having the item now, which I doubt would happen because it would paint a target on them. My guess is that if we're able to pull this off EF will get lynched with a double vote (or maybe we have several in this game and we'll luckily get a tie) and he'll turn up a severely time strapped villager who made some poor mistakes. Or he's lying in a fairly underhanded way, can always expect some RL excuses for wolf activity but the fact he's gone this far makes me think it's more likely telling the truth. Or I'm being duped.. but it's not likely to matter.

The Jackal 10-09-2011 09:56 PM

I almost broke your septuple dola, damn

hoopsguy 10-09-2011 10:02 PM

Good thought, Autumn - just did a Google search for "belladonna Ravenloft" and came across the idea that it might cure lycanthropy. Not sure if we have any traditional werewolves running around this game (based on bad guy deaths so far) but there are quite a few lycanthrope references in the Red Masque links I've found.

The Jackal 10-09-2011 10:03 PM

I think the "giant bite out of his chest" writeup of Sndvls' death suggests we have a werewolf, hoops.

hoopsguy 10-09-2011 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 2546015)
I think the "giant bite out of his chest" writeup of Sndvls' death suggests we have a werewolf, hoops.

Yep, I'm working with that assumption as well but nothing we've killed confirms it just yet. Or at least nothing I recall reading in the thread.

The Jackal 10-09-2011 10:05 PM

I also think we can't screw up and lynch many more villagers or we're toast. Worst case we come out of the next two lynches (of Narcizo and EF) with one wolf, one villager, and two night kills, which would mean we've got 9 players left and only 3 wolves down, and you'd have to think there'd be at least five if not six total after conversions. So we'd probably be at 7-2 or 6-3 and we don't have a seer or bodyguard anymore and people have been converted. Tough spot.

Grammaticus 10-10-2011 12:56 AM

We should just ensure that Narc gets lynched today. Messing with a tie when we don't know of so many of the factors involved seems like a bad deal for the village. We don't even know what the tie breaker is for sure.

Narcizo 10-10-2011 05:05 AM

I think it makes sense to try and lynch us both if it will result in us both facing the flame tonight. You take a night kill attempt from the wolfies and you can start listening to me if I get the 20% dice roll and the wolves have to worry if I perma-protect or try guarding someone else. Seems like win/win.

I didn't protect SnDvls last night because I didn't think he would be a target, quite honestly. No-one offered me any advice anyway. :) I protected someone the wolves should have targeted but as they obviously didn't realise who that would be I don't want to spell it out for them.

mauchow 10-10-2011 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Narcizo (Post 2546068)
I think it makes sense to try and lynch us both if it will result in us both facing the flame tonight.

o rly?

dubb93 10-10-2011 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 2546018)
I also think we can't screw up and lynch many more villagers or we're toast. Worst case we come out of the next two lynches (of Narcizo and EF) with one wolf, one villager, and two night kills, which would mean we've got 9 players left and only 3 wolves down, and you'd have to think there'd be at least five if not six total after conversions. So we'd probably be at 7-2 or 6-3 and we don't have a seer or bodyguard anymore and people have been converted. Tough spot.

Well the good news is that after this all settles it is day 6 and Hoops is still alive so he must be a wolf. Commo also hinted a role he didn't deliver on and had all around wolfish activity over the weekend. I think we are in a good spot.

Narcizo 10-10-2011 08:13 AM

I agree. In fact why is Hoops even still alive now. Surely we should look aside from these imponderables and vote based on maths.

Hoops Alive AND (Day > Four) => Hoops = Wolf

Autumn 10-10-2011 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 2546010)
My guess is that if we're able to pull this off EF will get lynched with a double vote (or maybe we have several in this game and we'll luckily get a tie) and he'll turn up a severely time strapped villager who made some poor mistakes. Or he's lying in a fairly underhanded way, can always expect some RL excuses for wolf activity but the fact he's gone this far makes me think it's more likely telling the truth. Or I'm being duped.. but it's not likely to matter.

Seriously? You think it's *likely* that EF is a villager? That's got me giving you the hairy eyeball now, Jackal. It seems pretty clear. Bug was a revealed seer, who the wolves didn't dare target becuase of the ever-bodyguard. Their only hope was to get him lynched. EF was one of two major lynch choices left and was not likely to live the day, at most two. So he did a fake reveal to try to get the seer lynched. That seems pretty crystal clear at this point. Suggesting it's likely he was just a confused villager seems a pretty big stretch.

Then suggesting that we're in a pretty tight place, when in fact it's day six and we've found four wolves, is odd too. I'm not sure what the agenda could be there.

Autumn 10-10-2011 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Narcizo (Post 2546093)
I agree. In fact why is Hoops even still alive now. Surely we should look aside from these imponderables and vote based on maths.

Hoops Alive AND (Day > Four) => Hoops = Wolf

I can't decide if this means Hoops is a villager, or if it's reverse psychology.

Autumn 10-10-2011 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2546013)
Good thought, Autumn - just did a Google search for "belladonna Ravenloft" and came across the idea that it might cure lycanthropy. Not sure if we have any traditional werewolves running around this game (based on bad guy deaths so far) but there are quite a few lycanthrope references in the Red Masque links I've found.

Damn I didn't think to do a Ravenloft search. I went straight to Wikipedia. I kind of thought it had something to do with lycanthropy before I looked it up, but I don't think there was any mention of it on Wikipedia. I figured I was just mistaken. We better edit that page ;-)

Well, that was still a good chance then. I imagine if Narc had been a werewolf he would have suffered from it.

Narcizo 10-10-2011 08:36 AM

I'll pass the Belladonna on tonight, unless I die. My guess is that it's for protection rather than killing but that's a wild guess (based on a early adolescence playing D&D).

The Jackal 10-10-2011 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Autumn (Post 2546096)
Seriously? You think it's *likely* that EF is a villager?

I just don't recall people using such strong RL reasoning to backup in-game play when they were a wolf, so it's almost entirely meta-gamey. Obviously EF needs to go down, I'm just saying I won't be surprised if he was a villager. I just hope that Narcizo gets lynched today.

The Jackal 10-10-2011 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Autumn (Post 2546096)
That's got me giving you the hairy eyeball now, Jackal.


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