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Draft Dodger 11-26-2012 12:11 PM

well, I'm a little annoyed. I paid $14.99 for Torchlight II and Witcher 2 earlier in the sale, and now they are $9.99 and $7.49 respectively. Not a huge amount of money, but still not thrilled about it

I don't remember them cutting prices like this during a sale and honestly it might make me hold off from pulling the trigger in the future.

mckerney 11-26-2012 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2747999)
Do these have steam activation?

The Pint Sized is the only one that doesn't list Steam in the description, though Warlock requires Steam and whenever I've bought CK2 DLC from Amazon I've received Steam keys.

SackAttack 11-26-2012 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2747999)
Do these have steam activation?

Should, yes. There's a thread linked at the bottom of the Pint-Size page that asks and answers that question. Fozzie gifted me CKII over the weekend, so I'm thinking the pint-size is a must-buy for me. I've been wanting MotA for a while; the CKII DLC just sweetens the deal.


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger (Post 2748006)
well, I'm a little annoyed. I paid $14.99 for Torchlight II and Witcher 2 earlier in the sale, and now they are $9.99 and $7.49 respectively. Not a huge amount of money, but still not thrilled about it

I don't remember them cutting prices like this during a sale and honestly it might make me hold off from pulling the trigger in the future.

You can generally get an idea of what games might get further cuts by looking at what's on sale to start with. Prices don't generally go UP if they're on sale at the start of the sale, unless Steam sells through the number of agreed-upon keys for the game in question.

So if you see, say, Torchlight II on sale at $14.99 on day 1 of the sale, it's a fair bet that it will drop at some point, either via flash sale or a daily deal.

sterlingice 11-26-2012 12:14 PM

I'm a little surprised to be seeing this a couple of places. Isn't Cyber Monday just an excuse to make serious news anchors say "Cyber" and add 10% to your Black Friday prices so it makes everyone who missed out feel like they still kindof got a deal.


mckerney 11-26-2012 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger (Post 2748006)
well, I'm a little annoyed. I paid $14.99 for Torchlight II and Witcher 2 earlier in the sale, and now they are $9.99 and $7.49 respectively. Not a huge amount of money, but still not thrilled about it

I don't remember them cutting prices like this during a sale and honestly it might make me hold off from pulling the trigger in the future.

They've done this for most of their sales. The advice I've always seen given for Steam sales is wait for either a daily or flash deal or buy it on the last day of the sale.

Scoobz0202 11-26-2012 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger (Post 2748006)
well, I'm a little annoyed. I paid $14.99 for Torchlight II and Witcher 2 earlier in the sale, and now they are $9.99 and $7.49 respectively. Not a huge amount of money, but still not thrilled about it

I don't remember them cutting prices like this during a sale and honestly it might make me hold off from pulling the trigger in the future.

Yea, the key with Steam sales is to not buy a game unless it is a Daily or on the Flash sales. It won't go below that. A lot of people wait until the final day for games they target to see if it ever becomes a Daily or a Flash.

e: beaten

But, for those that don't have them you can get Witcher 2 and Legend of Grimrock for a 10 spot (Witcher: $7.49 and Grimrock: $3.74). Two good games.

dubb93 11-26-2012 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan (Post 2747999)
Do these have steam activation?

If the game is on Steam then it most likely activates on Steam. I bought one of the packages, the one with Victoria 2 and HOI 3, and all of the games but one of them activates on Steam.

I'm still happy because all the ones I actually wanted activated on Steam and saved me a ton of money over what Steam is priced at ATM. And I was definately going to buy HOI 3 and Victoria 2 before the sale was over anyway, was just waiting to see if they went on a flash sale. Now it doesn't matter. Score.

Thanks for the links BTW.

SackAttack 11-26-2012 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by SackAttack (Post 2748008)
Should, yes. There's a thread linked at the bottom of the Pint-Size page that asks and answers that question. Fozzie gifted me CKII over the weekend, so I'm thinking the pint-size is a must-buy for me. I've been wanting MotA for a while; the CKII DLC just sweetens the deal.

Correction: the ones marked 'Download Code' activate on Steam.

Warlock: MotA does not. That's an actual separate download.

SackAttack 11-26-2012 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by SackAttack (Post 2748015)
Correction: the ones marked 'Download Code' activate on Steam.

Warlock: MotA does not. That's an actual separate download.

LOL me. Even though all of the other items mentioned Steam and that one didn't? They gave me a Steam code anyway.

Ignore me; I'll show myself out.


Draft Dodger 11-26-2012 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by mckerney (Post 2748010)
They've done this for most of their sales. The advice I've always seen given for Steam sales is wait for either a daily or flash deal or buy it on the last day of the sale.

I must not be paying good attention then, because I didn't think they went down in price. I have seen them repeat sales, but at the same price.

oh well. if this really is common practice I may have to rethink things a bit.

Abe Sargent 11-26-2012 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by mckerney (Post 2748010)
They've done this for most of their sales. The advice I've always seen given for Steam sales is wait for either a daily or flash deal or buy it on the last day of the sale.

Unless it's a game no one cares about, because they won;t flash sale games that no one wants that much. So, as an example, older games from a few years ago or something like that. I picked up King;s Bounty The Legend, because it was made in 2009, three sequels have been made since, and I knew it was not going to drop. Plus, let me tell you, I have loved it so far.

mckerney 11-26-2012 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 2748023)
Unless it's a game no one cares about, because they won;t flash sale games that no one wants that much. So, as an example, older games from a few years ago or something like that. I picked up King;s Bounty The Legend, because it was made in 2009, three sequels have been made since, and I knew it was not going to drop. Plus, let me tell you, I have loved it so far.

Sometimes games like that will see larger discounts, but they won't really be advertised on the main store page. Usually when one game in a franchise goes on sale the older ones do too and I think the new King's Bounty game was on sale at one point, though looking at Warriors of the North it was unlikely it'd go from regular price to a deal under 50%. Civ IV for example is on the daily deal with Civ V. But yeah, there are some games which are incredibly unlikely to go on sale. Any game more than a few years old or any indie game that's already on sale for 50% or more aren't likely to get deeper discounts (Toki Tori won't get cheaper than $0.49).

Agree on the King's Bounty games too. Armored Princess has been my favorite so far.

rjolley 11-26-2012 01:20 PM

Not a current game system deal, but Cloanto has Amiga Forever and Commodore Forever in a bundle for $9.99. If you had one back in the day, it's a good way to grab an emulator for these old school computers.

DaddyTorgo 11-26-2012 01:21 PM

Gak...I just picked up the CKII DLC (minus the songs) yesterday for more than that. Still at 50% off of list though, so I suppose that's fine.

Thomkal 11-26-2012 01:35 PM

Speaking of Steam, just saw this today. I think most (all?) have Steam Guard already, but just in case you need to activate it you have until tomorrow to have uninterrupted holiday trading. Look at Settings in the Steam Menu to see if you have Steam Guard active already:

Steam Guard soon to be required for all Steam trading | News | PC Gamer

SackAttack 11-26-2012 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2748039)
Gak...I just picked up the CKII DLC (minus the songs) yesterday for more than that. Still at 50% off of list though, so I suppose that's fine.

Shoot, the DLC was sweetener for me. Getting Warlock for $6 was the real steal there.

Lonnie 11-26-2012 04:58 PM

Just FYI the Warlock:MotA does activate on Steam. I bought the Seas pack and the Majesty pack and Amazon gave me keys for all of them.

dubb93 11-26-2012 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Draft Dodger (Post 2748006)
well, I'm a little annoyed. I paid $14.99 for Torchlight II and Witcher 2 earlier in the sale, and now they are $9.99 and $7.49 respectively. Not a huge amount of money, but still not thrilled about it

I don't remember them cutting prices like this during a sale and honestly it might make me hold off from pulling the trigger in the future.

My only question would be were those two games Flash Sales and/or Deals of the Day when you bought them?

If so then I agree, that is weird and I haven't seen them go cheaper than their flash sale or DOTD. If you just bought them at their stock sale price, then that is another thing.

Normally it is safe to wait until a game is either one of the Flash Sales or a Deal of the Day and buy it. It won't go cheaper. When the game isn't a Flash Sale or a DOTD it is just at it's stock sale price. That won't change and you can always wait a game out, buy it when it goes on a super sale, and if it never goes on a big sale just grab it at it's stock sale price on the last day.

Qrusher14242 11-26-2012 07:46 PM

I'm most likely done with sale and this is the damage. Not too bad.

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare $7.50
Waves $2.48
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic $2.50
Zeno Clash $1.00
Toki Tori $0.50
Critter Crunch $1.00
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package $12.49
Hotline Miami $4.99
Mount and Blade Warband - Napoleonic Wars DLC $2.49
Torchlight 2 $7.50

Might pickup Day of Defeat for $2.50 but thats it i think.

Also got these in the last few days:

God of War Sage PS3 - $15 (Amazon)
Tiger Woods 13 Collectors Edition 360 - $10 (Microsoft Store)
Forza Horizon 360 - $15 (Microsoft Store)
Fight Night Champion 360 - $10 (Microsoft Store)
Sympony, Blackwell Legacy Games, Gemini Rue, To the Moon, Resonance - $10 (From, the sale is still going on for the next 3 hours)
Gran Turismo 5 XL PS3 - $10 (Walmart)

Cant wait for the Winter sale

Izulde 11-26-2012 08:36 PM

Civ 5 GoTY Edition + Gods and Kings for $20? Oh yeah, I'm all about that.

Izulde 11-26-2012 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Subby (Post 2747952)
Are you sure you're single?

Yes, Sarcastic Sassypants, I'm sure. :P

EagleFan 11-26-2012 08:59 PM

One purchase for this sale:
GTA4 Complete Pack
Torchlight 2
Orcs Must Die 2
The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition

For 28.71 total, OP of 94.96, decent savings. Now to find the time for them.

PilotMan 11-26-2012 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 2747015)
Yeah, I also have over 200. I have been reigning myself in hard over the last year as a result. I really do want to play them all.

I am so ashamed right now.:nono:

tyketime 11-27-2012 11:39 AM

For those that have played FTL:

As promised, instead of jumping into my newer purchases (hello Dishonored, hello Endless Space & Torchlight 2), I decided to stick with one of my previous purchases for a bit. So as background, I try not to read other websites that tell me the specific strategy on how to beat a game. I tend to do more by trial & error. Having only played through 3 games so far, I fear that the battle action will get repetitive and fairly routine quickly. By that, I mean eventually I will figure out it is more advantageous to take out the various systems in a specific order (just as an example - Weapons first, Oxygen second, Engines third, etc.). Again - I know I haven't played much, so can one of the more experienced players tell me whether I will encounter varieties of enemy ships/configurations that will get me to really strategize about my targeting sequence? I hope this doesn't turn into a game that forces me into a specific build/upgrade sequence...

Bobble 11-27-2012 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by tyketime (Post 2748549)
For those that have played FTL:

As promised, instead of jumping into my newer purchases (hello Dishonored, hello Endless Space & Torchlight 2), I decided to stick with one of my previous purchases for a bit. So as background, I try not to read other websites that tell me the specific strategy on how to beat a game. I tend to do more by trial & error. Having only played through 3 games so far, I fear that the battle action will get repetitive and fairly routine quickly. By that, I mean eventually I will figure out it is more advantageous to take out the various systems in a specific order (just as an example - Weapons first, Oxygen second, Engines third, etc.). Again - I know I haven't played much, so can one of the more experienced players tell me whether I will encounter varieties of enemy ships/configurations that will get me to really strategize about my targeting sequence? I hope this doesn't turn into a game that forces me into a specific build/upgrade sequence...

I'll try to answer with as little spoiler info as possible. FTL was billed as a sort of a space rogue-like. So, similar to my experience in rogue-likes, you might end up favoring a particular strategy from game to game. However, you aren't given the same access to a given resource from game to game. If you were a heavy drone user in one game, in the next game you might find that you can't get the drone favoring augmentations or higher powered drones.

However, I do find that I'm pretty much a one-trick pony in terms of how I go after an enemy ship.

tl;dr: Your attack strategy probably won't change much but each game will feel different.

dubb93 11-27-2012 02:13 PM


I may be the worst FTL player on the planet. According to Steam I put 9 hours into the damn game and I never even got to the last sector. Something would ALWAYS happen that would end up dooming me and I would lose encounters I had no business losing.

My favorite losing strategy seems to be opening the hatches to outside to put out a fire by draining the ship of oxygen, immediately being boarded, the boarding crew knocks out the o2 replication system, the boarding crew is wiped out, my crew dies due to lack of oxygen.

CrimsonFox 11-27-2012 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bobble (Post 2748587)
I'll try to answer with as little spoiler info as possible. FTL was billed as a sort of a space rogue-like. So, similar to my experience in rogue-likes, you might end up favoring a particular strategy from game to game. However, you aren't given the same access to a given resource from game to game. If you were a heavy drone user in one game, in the next game you might find that you can't get the drone favoring augmentations or higher powered drones.

However, I do find that I'm pretty much a one-trick pony in terms of how I go after an enemy ship.

tl;dr: Your attack strategy probably won't change much but each game will feel different.

Same with the rogue-clones really. LIke CRAWL that we've been playing lately. Sometimes they give you lots of food, sometimes lots of ammo, sometimes armor, sometimes magic weapons...

Your overall strategy changes slightly and really it sometimes changes with every battle. But the freebies you find do dictate how quickly you can advance.

thesloppy 11-27-2012 03:27 PM

On reflection, although I default to attacking shields/weapons in FTL, I will switch that up contextually (usually depending on if they have missiles or not), and there are times that I have to attack a ship's drone controls if they're drone heavy, and occasionally I will also go after engines/piloting, to stop a ship from getting away. So, although my first thought was that I too usually default to a set attack strategy, I think I actually do deviate from that strategy occasionally, dependent on the opposing load-out

PilotMan 11-28-2012 05:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Specials on Amazon sometimes don't seem so special.

Dutch 11-28-2012 06:16 PM


PilotMan 11-28-2012 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 2748345)
I am so ashamed right now.:nono:

I just activated 10 games and DLC that doesn't only include stuff from last week, but includes stuff that I had bought from Gamersgate that I hadn't activated yet. AND on top of that, there is still stuff over that that I haven't activated. I think I have a problem. It's a good thing Mrs. PM has no idea the depth of my problem. At least I shop the bargain bin for games.

tyketime 11-28-2012 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 2749225)
I just activated 10 games and DLC that don't only include stuff from last week, but include stuff that I had bought from Gamersgate that I hadn't activated yet. AND on top of that, there is still stuff over that that I haven't activated. I think I have a problem. It's a good thing Mrs. PM has no idea the depth of my problem. At least I shop the bargain bin for games.

Instead of looking at it as a problem, think of all the money you saved!

Pumpy Tudors 11-28-2012 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 2749225)
I just activated 10 games and DLC that doesn't only include stuff from last week, but includes stuff that I had bought from Gamersgate that I hadn't activated yet. AND on top of that, there is still stuff over that that I haven't activated. I think I have a problem. It's a good thing Mrs. PM has no idea the depth of my problem. At least I shop the bargain bin for games.

If Mrs. PilotMan gives you a hard time, just send her to me, and I'll have a stern word with her.

Abe Sargent 11-28-2012 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors (Post 2749302)
If Mrs. PilotMan gives you a hard time, just send her to me, and I'll have a stern word with her.

And by word he means his hammer

Radii 11-28-2012 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 2749305)
And by word he means his hammer

Never has there been a more appropriate time to use this:

CrimsonFox 11-29-2012 12:20 AM

Everyone likes free right?

Star Wars: The Old Republic is now Free Play to level 50!

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Thomkal 11-29-2012 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 2749339)
Everyone likes free right?

Star Wars: The Old Republic is now Free Play to level 50!

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Wrong thread :) Check out the MMO thread where I posted how little "free" there is with the game.

mckerney 11-29-2012 12:16 PM

The Humble THQ Bundle (pay what you want and help charity)

A pretty good sign THQ will do just about anything for cash right now, and a great deal even if it's for just one of these games.

Pay what you want for:
Metro 2033
Red Faction: Armageddon
Company of Heroes + Opposing Fronts + Tales of Valor
Beat the Average (Currently $5.55) and also get:
Saints Row 3

All unlock on Steam.

PilotMan 11-29-2012 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by mckerney (Post 2749464)
The Humble THQ Bundle (pay what you want and help charity)

A pretty good sign THQ will do just about anything for cash right now, and a great deal even if it's for just one of these games.

Pay what you want for:
Metro 2033
Red Faction: Armageddon
Company of Heroes + Opposing Fronts + Tales of Valor
Beat the Average (Currently $5.55) and also get:
Saints Row 3

All unlock on Steam.

I ordered it about as fast as I could. I like that they keep track of all your historical purchases as well.

mckerney 11-29-2012 01:35 PM

With the Humble Bundle and already bringing in about $200k THQ's stock has shot up more than 20% so far today!

Though that is only about 23¢ a share

stevew 11-29-2012 01:40 PM

Is saints row worth at least 5$?

mckerney 11-29-2012 01:50 PM

It is definitely worth $5, though it's not something everyone would enjoy. I loved it, but could also see the absurdity and crude humor turning some people off. If you don't think you'd want to play a game where there's a store called Rim Jobs and you are able to run around naked killing people with a giant purple dildo it's probably not for you.

Part of the RPS review on the absurdity if you're on the fence because of it.

Wot I Think: Saints Row – The Third | Rock, Paper, Shotgun


Right, so I’ve got that out of my system, but I’m buggered if that’s going to be anyone’s focus of this review. It’s an astonishing game. It’s vast, idiotic, and brilliantly made. The pop-up on cars and the like is poor, and instantly needs fixing, but that’s really the only thing that excessively bothered me throughout. You’re so constantly rewarded with levelling up, new weapons, gang customisations, insanely powerful hovering aircraft that fire lasers, surprise mayors (that they insanely gave away in a trailer, despite its not being revealed until the last fifth of the game), ridiculous novelty hats and giant dildos.

This is a game in which you play one section as a toilet. Not making that up. It has a bonus mode called “Whored Mode” (because how could they resist that pun) in which you take on waves of enemies with certain weapons, including heavily armed sentient question marks. You can drive tanks from videogames in the real world – their explosions are in cubes. Yes. And rather importantly, I’m keen to play it through again, to see what happens if I make different choices at key moments.

It’s so fundamentally dedicated to being fun that its prehensile penile puerility ends up feeling redundant in the midst of the blaze of silliness and action, and barely noticeable. Car mechanics being called “Rim Jobs” doesn’t register as you play, and I do wonder if by SR4 they’ll have dropped the puns-for-eleven-year-olds entirely. Because what they’ve created doesn’t rely on that background hum of childishness – it’s got a foreground explosion of grotesquely violent entertainment to keep you constantly busy.

And a Hey, Ash on the game.

rjolley 11-29-2012 02:21 PM

Man, picked up both Saints and Darksiders during the Steam sale. Would've rather gotten them in this package.

Does anyone know if it's possible to gift the titles individually?

mckerney 11-29-2012 02:35 PM

There is one key for the base games and another for Saint's Row, so you could give someone else the SR3 key but all the other games are tied together.

Ryan S 11-29-2012 05:16 PM

I picked this up for the COH expansions, and had no interest in Saint's Row, so offered below the average.

Are any of the other games worth my time installing? Darksiders is the only one I have heard of, and I know next to nothing about the game.

Scoobz0202 11-29-2012 05:28 PM

Metro 2033 is pretty high on my list. It's atmosphere is one of the better experiences I've had in a game in awhile.

mckerney 11-29-2012 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Scoobz0202 (Post 2749574)
Metro 2033 is pretty high on my list. It's atmosphere is one of the better experiences I've had in a game in awhile.

Was gonna recommend this as well. It's probably the best single player FPS since Half-Life 2.

jeff061 11-29-2012 05:34 PM

Now that video cards can actually play it ;).

mckerney 11-29-2012 05:42 PM

True, worth pointing out CIS devs aren't exactly know for their ability to optimize their games. Metro takes a good system to run well.

dubb93 11-29-2012 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by mckerney (Post 2749464)
The Humble THQ Bundle (pay what you want and help charity)

A pretty good sign THQ will do just about anything for cash right now, and a great deal even if it's for just one of these games.

Pay what you want for:
Metro 2033
Red Faction: Armageddon
Company of Heroes + Opposing Fronts + Tales of Valor
Beat the Average (Currently $5.55) and also get:
Saints Row 3

All unlock on Steam.

I purchased it, but I can't get the email to come through. I'm not having much luck with anything computer related recently it seems. I sent them an email, no response yet.

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