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Abe Sargent 05-08-2009 12:02 AM

I will process shortly

Danny 05-08-2009 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 2015329)
Actually you are playing more in the open this game (with those late vote switches). I didn't notice you doing that when you were the wolf.

Yeah because this time I don't who are wolves, so I am more questioning my votes. In fairness though, if I was a wolf, I probably would have played a slightly different style this game than I did last time.

Abe Sargent 05-08-2009 12:06 AM

The sun brings wisdom and truth, vision and sound. It erases all fears, eradicates all doubts and eliminates all hesitations. The warming rays rejuvenate the body but their work on the soul is miraculous. Truly, God gave us a blessing when he created the sun. It is both the harbinger of goodness and the enemy of subterfuge. Where some may prefer to skulk in the darkness, the sun eviscerates trickery. The moon simply serves to make shadows lengthen. The sun serves to make of them but a memory. It is an ancient custom to arise with the sun, and with it, to pay heed and thanks for a new day, a new dawn, and a new beginning. With the first rays of dawn come hope and a reaffirmation of all that is good and wondrous about existence.

Today the sun plays its role well. Despite casting out one of your brethren unjustly, you have completed most of your tasks, you have added Sid Hatfield to your roster, and it appears that you are about to conquer Matewan itself.

There will be no mission today. There will be no Oust vote today. All that is needed is the completion of the hunting task from yesterday.

And yet, despite all of this, the rays of the sun cannot touch the back of your mind, where subtle doubts lie almost unmanifested. Surely, today cannot be this easy. It has never been this easy, and you are now in the den of the lion. Just because things are going well does not mean the lion’s retreat is not imminent.

DaddyTorgo is back from prison. The warrant was fake.

Day Nine ends at 9 pm EST on SUNDAY evening, similar to last week.

EagleFan 05-08-2009 12:08 AM

No night kill? Sweet!!!

EagleFan 05-08-2009 12:08 AM

work hunting

EagleFan 05-08-2009 12:15 AM

I probably won't be on much "today". My mind is fried trying to figure this game out.

Abe Sargent 05-08-2009 12:18 AM

C'est n'est pas une probleme, monsieur

Danny 05-08-2009 12:18 AM

work hunting

Hopefully that wasn't a conversion

Danny 05-08-2009 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 2015343)
I probably won't be on much "today". My mind is fried trying to figure this game out.

I give up trying to figure it out :p

Danny 05-08-2009 12:20 AM

Vote Hoopsguy

He has been too quiet this game

Lathum 05-08-2009 12:30 AM

looks like it is going to be a boring next 4 days

hoopsguy 05-08-2009 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 2015348)
Vote Hoopsguy

He has been too quiet this game

I knew this would come up eventually.

PurdueBrad 05-08-2009 06:29 AM

I'm hitting the doctor's office today so I'm not sure when I'll be back. Judging from the above, I believe this is correct:

work hunting

Barkeep49 05-08-2009 06:58 AM

Work on hunting

claphamsa 05-08-2009 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 2015330)
I have a feeling this is not going to be a good night for me.


claphamsa 05-08-2009 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 2015357)
looks like it is going to be a boring next 4 days

this game has been far from action packed :)

claphamsa 05-08-2009 07:14 AM

work on hunting

Barkeep49 05-08-2009 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 2015357)
looks like it is going to be a boring next 4 days

So you've basically been non existent this game, it seems. A couple threats of lathuming, sure, but considering you were seer scanned, I find your play somewhat puzzling. What are your current thoughts?

claphamsa 05-08-2009 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 2015436)
So you've basically been non existent this game, it seems. A couple threats of lathuming, sure, but considering you were seer scanned, I find your play somewhat puzzling. What are your current thoughts?

I dunno hes lathumed me pretty bad about my throw away on pass....

Barkeep49 05-08-2009 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 2015436)
So you've basically been non existent this game, it seems. A couple threats of lathuming, sure, but considering you were seer scanned, I find your play somewhat puzzling. What are your current thoughts?

And before it's commented, I realize Lathum has more posts than I do. I maintain my assertion that his play as a scanned villager has struck me as unusual. He's normally so aggressive, that it's easy to have an opinion. I feel like I've hardly thought much about what he's said, other than his persistent defense of ntn.

DaddyTorgo 05-08-2009 07:30 AM

back from prison - awesome

now that we have the sheriff dude on our side i guess i can't really blow shit up though, hmm?

For all your consideration - I am a villager, but IF the wolves convert me they might be able to use the dynamite to screw with your work or something.

I'm strongly considering just getting rid of it for that reason...opinions?


claphamsa 05-08-2009 07:41 AM

Whats the point its uselss now isnt it....?

does it give any indications of value other than disrupting night actions for the wolves?

RendeR 05-08-2009 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2015442)
back from prison - awesome

now that we have the sheriff dude on our side i guess i can't really blow shit up though, hmm?

For all your consideration - I am a villager, but IF the wolves convert me they might be able to use the dynamite to screw with your work or something.

I'm strongly considering just getting rid of it for that reason...opinions?


This comes across really badly to me for some reason? Its all, lets make some covering remarks in case the shit hits the fan today, sorta talk.

Anyone got a +/- on DT thus far? Have I missed anything (other than the big BOOM) to promote/condemn him?

Danny 05-08-2009 07:43 AM

I find the questioning of Lathum interesting because I have noticed him just sitting back all game after he was cleared. I would think he would be more aggressive as a villager knowing he could get away with it.

I actually do not have a wolfy read on most those who are uncleared. From the way things went down, I do not feel PB or Clap are wolves and I think the wolves are sitting back hoping we keep on the same line of thinking. My next vote will likely be for Lathum because the way we're approaching things is not working.

Barkeep49 05-08-2009 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by RendeR (Post 2015449)
This comes across really badly to me for some reason? Its all, lets make some covering remarks in case the shit hits the fan today, sorta talk.

Anyone got a +/- on DT thus far? Have I missed anything (other than the big BOOM) to promote/condemn him?

No. I will point out the post is kind of silly since blowing stuff up seems rather illegal and thus not allowed for either side. I didn't like DT yesterday, though most seemed to buy his argument. Still not a big fan of his today.

Barkeep49 05-08-2009 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 2015450)
I find the questioning of Lathum interesting because I have noticed him just sitting back all game after he was cleared. I would think he would be more aggressive as a villager knowing he could get away with it.

I actually do not have a wolfy read on most those who are uncleared. From the way things went down, I do not feel PB or Clap are wolves and I think the wolves are sitting back hoping we keep on the same line of thinking. My next vote will likely be for Lathum because the way we're approaching things is not working.

The way we're approaching things, meaning looking at the uncleared players? That is rather self serving of you.

Danny 05-08-2009 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by RendeR (Post 2015449)
This comes across really badly to me for some reason? Its all, lets make some covering remarks in case the shit hits the fan today, sorta talk.

Anyone got a +/- on DT thus far? Have I missed anything (other than the big BOOM) to promote/condemn him?

My opinion is that DT is likely a villager. The wolves have so many advantages here that I can't see one of our players who actually has a useful ability starting as a wolf. As for being a convert, that I don't know.

Danny 05-08-2009 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 2015452)
The way we're approaching things, meaning looking at the uncleared players? That is rather self serving of you.

Of course we need to be looking at the uncleared players, I've been going on that thought all week. We need to continue looking at uncleared players. By different, I think we also need to consider looking at those who are not on that list.

jeheinz72 05-08-2009 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2015217)
I would like to formally request HG if we are going initials. K, thx.

Nah, I like Ho.

jeheinz72 05-08-2009 07:59 AM

Well hell, sorry about that USFL. Honestly, I figured I'd be a lame duck out on ya.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm glad you didn't have an impactful role ;)

Poli 05-08-2009 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2015413)
I knew this would come up eventually.

If you only knew.

Abe Sargent 05-08-2009 08:32 AM

On May 19, 1920 – The Baldwin-Felts men returned, with guns and evicted more of the miners. They claimed to have the proper warrants from Judge Damron (which would be revealed, less than a year later, was on the payroll of the coal companies). Six miners and their families are evicted because of suspicion that the miners have joined the union. After they leave, Mayor Cabell Testerman swears out warrants for the arrest for the Gun-thugs for bringing guns back into city limits.

Later that day, the Baldwin-Felts men arrive back at Matewan for more evictions, but this time, Sid Hatfield meets them and presents his warrants for their arrest. Among the dozen Gun-thugs are two members of the Felts clan. They claim to have a warrant for Sid’s arrest for obstructing justice. The lone sheriff asks to see the warrant but they fail to produce it.

At this point, many of the miners begin to see the single Sid Hatfield surrounded by the dozen gun-thugs, and the gun-thugs begin to escort Hatfield back to the train. Mayor Testerman hears the news and arrives, meanwhile a large number of miners move to the various houses and such in the area.

Mayor Testerman forces the gun-thugs to show their warrant and examines it. After a few minutes, Mayor Testerman announces to Matewan, loudly and clearly, that the warrant for Sid’s arrest is a forgery and not legally binding.

Witnesses state that, as he heard this, one of the two members of the Felts clan that were with them became so enraged that he lowered his gun at the mayor and shot him dead. Within seconds, guns began blazing as the miners began to shoot the gun-thugs in the street.

A few moments pass, and when the smoke clears, 10 people lay dead in the streets of Matewan. Mayor Cabell Testerman is shot and killed for upholding the law, and two miners die from the exchange. The other seven killed in the Battle of Matewan (sometimes called the Matewan Massacre) were all gun-thugs, including both members of the Felts clan.

The Baldwin-Felts detective agency loudly proclaims that they will have their vengeance on Sid Hatfield for the death of two of Felts’s family.

The event - The Battle of Matewan, has occurred. EagleFan has died during the battle.

DaddyTorgo 05-08-2009 08:36 AM

what don't you like about me? i'm saying i clearly can't blow things up anymore but it worries me that if i was bribed and converted maybe the wolves could still use the dynamite or something, so i'm proposing passing it back to BK or somebody else that the village decides is "trusted" if Abe won't just let me "drop it."

Poli 05-08-2009 08:36 AM

These events suck.

DaddyTorgo 05-08-2009 08:37 AM

i still think our best bet is in the pb/danny exchange, voting to oust one that would sure tell us a lot about the 2nd

jeheinz72 05-08-2009 08:37 AM

Blargh. That sucks

jeheinz72 05-08-2009 08:37 AM

Work Hunting

claphamsa 05-08-2009 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Poli (Post 2015495)
These events suck.

no shit! wtf... are we sure these arent night kills?

Abe Sargent 05-08-2009 08:52 AM

By the end of summer, 1920, almost 10,000 miners in southern West Virginia were on strike

Danny 05-08-2009 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo (Post 2015496)
i still think our best bet is in the pb/danny exchange, voting to oust one that would sure tell us a lot about the 2nd

Lynching me will tell you nothing about PB as I will turn up villager and I don't know whether he is good or not.

Danny 05-08-2009 08:59 AM

So if you guys do decide to lynch me, don't assume PB is good after I come up clean

Abe Sargent 05-08-2009 09:03 AM

On August 29, 1920, Governor Cornwell sends the National Guard to Mingo County to "encourage" the miners back to the mines.

Lathum 05-08-2009 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 2015436)
So you've basically been non existent this game, it seems. A couple threats of lathuming, sure, but considering you were seer scanned, I find your play somewhat puzzling. What are your current thoughts?

still catching up.

I find it puzzling I have the 4th most posts in the thread, 20 more then you and that's considered non existent.

And I was very vocal about having 2 mid terms last week and a 10 page paper due today.

It seems we will have alot of time coming up, I'll post my thoughts at some point.

Danny 05-08-2009 10:03 AM

I expect a good case of going Lathum on me after he seems my post about voting him

Lathum 05-08-2009 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 2015440)
And before it's commented, I realize Lathum has more posts than I do. I maintain my assertion that his play as a scanned villager has struck me as unusual. He's normally so aggressive, that it's easy to have an opinion. I feel like I've hardly thought much about what he's said, other than his persistent defense of ntn.


Lathum 05-08-2009 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 2015456)
Of course we need to be looking at the uncleared players, I've been going on that thought all week. We need to continue looking at uncleared players. By different, I think we also need to consider looking at those who are not on that list.

still catching up.

So we need to look at everyone, is that what you meant to say?

Nice backtrack there.

Danny 05-08-2009 10:08 AM

Backtrack? It was a clarification. You know because everything we did this week was so successful.

Abe Sargent 05-08-2009 10:08 AM

On Nov 27, after successfully fending off scabs and the National Guard, the UMW looked like it may win victory in southern WV in areas like Mingo and McDowell Counties. Since the miners were not going back to work, Governor Cornwell declared a state of Insurrection in Mingo County. President Wilson agreed to send federal troops to the Tug Fork area.

Lathum 05-08-2009 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 2015575)
I expect a good case of going Lathum on me after he seems my post about voting him

you aren't going to get it, not now anyway. I have had a really long 2 weeks and am not as focused. To top it off I found out this week I won't be getting any scholarship money because we make to much, way to punish my wife and I for being successful ( it's not academic, I am on the Dean's List) so my mind has been in a lot of other places.

I stated yesterday I thought it was stupid to vote guys who had previosly been cleared and I still think it is. I find the EF kill interesting unless it was random and have some thoughts on it.

DaddyTorgo 05-08-2009 10:32 AM

I am guessing that the EF killing was random.

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