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Ksyrup 11-17-2020 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 3314532)
My wife was offered a role in England with her company. We could live in the same town as her sister and our nieces, brother in law, and his family. Had Trump won we would have given it serious thought.

Realistically, I'm looking at more of a retirement situation. I've got too good a job and one that requires a license, so even moving states can be tricky. But within the next decade, I'll hopefully be in a position where I can cash out on the business I'm helping to build and perhaps have a bit of freedom to seriously make such a move. I don't know that the wife would be happy about being too far away from the kids, but we'll see where things stand 5 or so years from now.

Lathum 11-17-2020 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by bronconick (Post 3314546)

#1: They may have checked their social media as their names, workplaces became common knowledge and decided it wasn't worth committing hari-kiri for the Fanta Menace

#2 The Secretary of State told them it was going to happen anyway

#3 They remembered they live in Detroit and would eventually have to go outside.

Likely a combo of all three.

RainMaker 11-17-2020 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by bronconick (Post 3314546)

#1: They may have checked their social media as their names, workplaces became common knowledge and decided it wasn't worth committing hari-kiri for the Fanta Menace

#2 The Secretary of State told them it was going to happen anyway

#3 They remembered they live in Detroit and would eventually have to go outside.

They didn't want to be labeled as racist pieces of shit for the rest of their lives even though they are.

sabotai 11-17-2020 10:18 PM

And I still want to live abroad, but I'm still failing at life, so it looks like me and this stupid country are stuck with each other.

CrimsonFox 11-18-2020 01:16 AM

Michigan's Wayne county certified the vote. Yet they are going to audit it. HOw about an audit in....ANY red state. fuck you republicans

GrantDawg 11-18-2020 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by sabotai (Post 3314556)
And I still want to live abroad, but I'm still failing at life, so it looks like me and this stupid country are stuck with each other.

Same same.

GrantDawg 11-18-2020 06:06 AM

Who had "start a war with Iran?" Security officials worry Israel and Saudi Arabia may see the end of Trump as their last chance to go to war with Iran

Ksyrup 11-18-2020 07:36 AM

I don't know if anyone has been following some of the twitter threads doing real-time updates of the some of the Trump court cases, but yesterday's PA hearing that Guiliani ran was a doozy. My favorite moment was when the judge asked him what standard of review he was arguing the court to apply, and he said "the normal one." Judge said, "You want me to apply strict scrutiny." Rudy says, "No, normal scrutiny."

What a clown.

Ksyrup 11-18-2020 07:39 AM

And by the way, if you need more facts to combat the conspiracy theories of your friends and loved ones, here's a fun fact:

JPhillips 11-18-2020 07:39 AM

The opacity bit was good, too.

larrymcg421 11-18-2020 07:54 AM

Hilariously, McEnany went on Hannity to brag about the Wayne County refusal to certify, only for them to change their minds and certify while she was on the show.

Also, Hannity heard that Giuliani was brilliant in court, so it must be true.

AlexB 11-18-2020 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 3314532)
My wife was offered a role in England with her company. We could live in the same town as her sister and our nieces, brother in law, and his family. Had Trump won we would have given it serious thought.

Which town out of interest?

Noop 11-18-2020 08:49 AM

So unless we have safeguards in place I fear our republic will eventually have a smarter Trump who understands the art of being subtle.

ISiddiqui 11-18-2020 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Noop (Post 3314588)
So unless we have safeguards in place I fear our republic will eventually have a smarter Trump who understands the art of being subtle.

But, the paradox of the Trump supporter is that they love that Trump is not subtle.

NobodyHere 11-18-2020 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by larrymcg421 (Post 3314578)
Hilariously, McEnany went on Hannity to brag about the Wayne County refusal to certify, only for them to change their minds and certify while she was on the show.

Also, Hannity heard that Giuliani was brilliant in court, so it must be true.

I would be surprised if Giuliani actually found his way to the right courtroom.

Ben E Lou 11-18-2020 10:23 AM

The President is on a roll: his last 10 consecutive Tweets have Twitter disclaimers on them. New record! Bigly!

Lathum 11-18-2020 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by AlexB (Post 3314585)
Which town out of interest?

Cobham in Surrey

ISiddiqui 11-18-2020 10:46 AM

It's incredible how bad it's gotten with Trump that people are thinking, well Boris ain't that bad :D

bhlloy 11-18-2020 11:05 AM

Boris is a pompous arrogant ass and his approach to Brexit is taking the UK down a very dangerous path, but he’s not Trump. He’s actually a smart politician under the external bumbling colonial visage and I don’t think he’d stoop anywhere near as low as Trump has over the last month. And the Farage idiots in the UK are probably about a tenth of the people who openly support MAGA in the US.

Even post Brexit UK isn’t looking too bad to me right now, although I’m still holding out for Switzerland long term :D

ISiddiqui 11-18-2020 11:20 AM

Right, that's my point. Pre-Trump, most people would look at Boris's UK and say... nope. Now people are like, yeah that seems ok.

sterlingice 11-18-2020 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3314591)
I would be surprised if Giuliani actually found his way to the right courtroom.

From America's mayor post-9/11 to GOP lock for 2008 nomination to Trump's attack dog to Trump's lap dog who is going to take the fall for these idiotic court cases


GrantDawg 11-18-2020 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 3314575)
And by the way, if you need more facts to combat the conspiracy theories of your friends and loved ones, here's a fun fact:

I have been saying this all along. It makes no sense. It is not only Georgia, but most of the disputed states that use Dominion, the choice was made by Republicans.

AlexB 11-18-2020 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 3314599)
Cobham in Surrey

Very nice area - hope it was a well paid job!

whomario 11-18-2020 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 3314619)
I have been saying this all along. It makes no sense. It is not only Georgia, but most of the disputed states that use Dominion, the choice was made by Republicans.

You are still treating this too close to normal/assigning normalcy as a baseline to behaviour. They are not alleging the election had faults, they are alleging there was large scale fraud by manipulation. They are using 'security' and the few actual mistakes/screwups that were noticed and corrected as 'proof' that it could be rigged, also use potential dangers (that are guarded against by procedure) as 'proof' that even more problems are lurking out there. That's the play here.

bhlloy 11-18-2020 03:44 PM

Yup - we're heading to a post truth society, and it's not like the Trump circle has tried to hide it. That was the whole point of #fakenews and everything since then has just been building to this inevitable point.

We have always been at war with Eurasia.

Brian Swartz 11-18-2020 03:51 PM

We've been heading towards a post-truth society for several decades. This is just the next link in the chain, and it won't be the last.

Ksyrup 11-18-2020 05:53 PM

This is some next level embarrassing lawyering. Just a joke.

Ksyrup 11-19-2020 09:53 AM

How about his lawyers going full-on Trump and dismissing a case by flat-out lying that they're dismissing because Wayne County refused to certify the election results (which they actually did certify)? This is just to save face by pushing a falsehood as justification for dismissal (not, like, ya know, they had to dismiss a losing case).

These attorneys need to be held accountable. It's bad enough Trump and others are pushing this, but lawyers are held to a different standard by courts. Unless they're not held to any standard at all.

JPhillips 11-19-2020 10:05 AM

So the Wayne County canvassers that didn't certify and then did certify were called by the President and now want to rescind their votes to certify.

And the GOP is fully supportive.

QuikSand 11-19-2020 10:13 AM

The tactic seem to be just barf out enough stuff to smokescreen your legion of idiot voters into re-posting it on Facebook and advancing your ruse. It works awfully well. The depths...

QuikSand 11-19-2020 10:29 AM

I wonder how the poll would go if asked today... now that we've seen the contempt for democracy and rule of law already on display... I man we all knew it was there but... ugh

Ben E Lou 11-19-2020 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 3314761)
I wonder how the poll would go if asked today... now that we've seen the contempt for democracy and rule of law already on display... I man we all knew it was there but... ugh

In 2016, he said he'd do exactly what he's doing right now if he lost. When someone tells you who they are...

Ben E Lou 11-19-2020 10:45 AM

(Dola: To be fair, it's certainly worse now that he took over the party and they feel a political need to kowtow to him. I'm guessing if he'd lost in 2016, he'd have significantly less R support.)

Thomkal 11-19-2020 10:56 AM

I think at this point, I'd like to see the Biden campaign take some legal action of their own say against the employee who won't sign off on the transition papers or countersuits on the lawsuits currently on going. Maybe some pre-emptive action on electors not abiding by the law in places like PA, or threatening not to certify their electors results

Atocep 11-19-2020 11:02 AM

I don't think Biden fighting back right now is the right call. All that does is get his base more excited and gives Trump more ammo to drag things out. It's an awful situation but the best play IMO is to let the Trump campaign starve itself out in the courts.

The fact that Biden hasn't done anything also tells me he's hearing the right things privately from the GOP.

Lathum 11-19-2020 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 3314773)
I don't think Biden fighting back right now is the right call. All that does is get his base more excited and gives Trump more ammo to drag things out. It's an awful situation but the best play IMO is to let the Trump campaign starve itself out in the courts.

The fact that Biden hasn't done anything also tells me he's hearing the right things privately from the GOP.

I suspect there are a lot of people feeding the Biden camp intel because they want to keep their positions post Trump.

ISiddiqui 11-19-2020 11:06 AM

Yes, letting Trump fail about, lose all the court cases, have judges basically say they have no arguments just names Trump look futile and impotent.

Keep doing that and acting like you are a President-elect and have press briefings on Covid, etc. That quiet confidence compared to an Administration that is going nuts is the best thing right now.

Not to mention there isn't any thing he can really sue on. The transition people don't have to do anything until the EC votes.

Lathum 11-19-2020 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3314757)
So the Wayne County canvassers that didn't certify and then did certify were called by the President and now want to rescind their votes to certify.

And the GOP is fully supportive.

I can't believe he actually called her to try and get her to change. This fucker needs to be in jail.

QuikSand 11-19-2020 11:26 AM

Very fine, very cool

JPhillips 11-19-2020 11:40 AM

A failed coup attempt is still a very bad thing.

QuikSand 11-19-2020 12:52 PM

molson 11-19-2020 01:00 PM

The beatification of Trump was just the cherry on the top of this movement that is still hard to wrap my head around. That THIS is the guy, the savior, the Christian icon, maybe even a prophet. The far right went about it wrong for so long, trying to push actual conservative religious leaders. What they needed was a sexual deviant, a multi time-divorced, illegal-immigrant employing, elite liberal hobnobber, pro-choice, celebrity, gay-tolerant Russia-lover and adulterer. He is the one who they have followed. He is the one the Lord has sent. I mean, I guess people were skeptical of Jesus too. But this is ridiculous.

CrimsonFox 11-19-2020 01:07 PM

CrimsonFox 11-19-2020 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 3314778)
I can't believe he actually called her to try and get her to change. This fucker needs to be in jail.

He is literally bullying people to do what he wants and he's been doing that for 4 years. I have no idea why it works and I have no idea why they are afraid of this turd. Also Mitch seems to have the same ability...toforce people to do his bidding.

Ksyrup 11-19-2020 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 3314797)

...says the guy who still voted for Trump.

GrantDawg 11-19-2020 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 3314806)
He is literally bullying people to do what he wants and he's been doing that for 4 years. I have no idea why it works and I have no idea why they are afraid of this turd. Also Mitch seems to have the same ability...toforce people to do his bidding.

Because not a single one of them could survive a primary if Trump went against them. It is purely about fear of losing power.

CrimsonFox 11-19-2020 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by GrantDawg (Post 3314812)
Because not a single one of them could survive a primary if Trump went against them. It is purely about fear of losing power.

But that's just not true

Ben E Lou 11-19-2020 01:39 PM

Is this supposed hot mic video about Rudy’s hair dye real???

GrantDawg 11-19-2020 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 3314814)
But that's just not true

Yes it is. I am willing to put money right now on the fact that both Governor Kemp and Brad Raffensperger are primaried by Trump approved candidates in two years, and they will lose. There is no Republican party, only the Trump party.

Ksyrup 11-19-2020 02:00 PM

Why does someone with so little hair need to use hair dye?

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