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PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by J23 (Post 2267218)
If you want to kill off EF, just say so!

HA! Who doesn't want to do that? Seriously though, I'm pretty open here.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 12:30 PM

That team is probably smart enough to hit Danny's team. WAIT A MINUTE: We're here, Bestiarii is here, I assume CR's team is in the supply room. That means Danny's team either went xp, which would make no sense, or down the hall and have gotten ahead.

I'm much more in favor of pushing their button.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 12:31 PM

I went fishing in the main thread since Jackal is in there. I'm hoping they'll say they'll get Danny too.

J23 04-19-2010 12:35 PM

Well, we could always push the BWT button, and if it doesn't work, maybe the other team would notice and push our button, netting us the xp that we'd get from pushing our own.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 12:37 PM

EF, I don't know how much I trust him, has said they'll push Wang's button. I'm up for it and want to do it. Hoops? J23?

hoopsguy 04-19-2010 12:45 PM

Let them go first, then we can make our call.

hoopsguy 04-19-2010 12:50 PM

I've got to head out for awhile, but if one of you needs to make a quick call don't feel the need to wait up for me.

I'll berate you later if it doesn't work, and fail to praise you if it does work, but that is par for the course.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 12:51 PM

I did throw out the simultaneous idea. If you look at what happened when the first two teams hit the button around the same time, Wangs got drilled with acid and then spiders w/ no pause. I'm wondering the same thing. Worst case, they double-cross us and push our button and we get some xp.

J23 04-19-2010 01:03 PM

I say we just push it when one of them is around to do the same.

They push the same - cool, someone might die
They backstab and push ours - cool, xp for us

Worst case might be picking themselves to deprive us of some xp!

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 01:06 PM

Exactly, this is a great idea. J23, we'll do it in 5 minutes it looks like.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 01:06 PM

Oops, make that 4.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 01:11 PM


hoopsguy 04-19-2010 01:42 PM

Well, looks like we earned a button push from the Wang tribe. Good, I wanted some XP anyway and I think we'll be fine in terms of the race relative to the other teams.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 01:43 PM

Wang doesn't have a button, he's screwing around.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by PurdueBrad (Post 2267330)
Wang doesn't have a button, he's screwing around.

At least that is the assumption I'm making since we don't see them in their old room.

hoopsguy 04-19-2010 01:52 PM

Too bad, if true.

Sadly, your thought on the Wang's does resonate with me. It would seem to be their style to run ahead without facing any of the scary monsters.

J23 04-19-2010 02:09 PM

I don't think the monsters have to be scary for them to run.

KWhit 04-19-2010 03:10 PM

Today, J23 and PurdueBrad have leveled up to level 4!

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 03:13 PM

Level 4 baby!

KWhit 04-19-2010 03:15 PM

J23 - Pick a new spell.

Level 4 (pick 1 additional):
You may choose one additional spell from the following list:
Heal, Magic Missile, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic, Mage Armor, Fear, Sleep, Web, Identify, Cure Poison

You may choose a spell you already possess which will allow you to cast it 2x per room/combat instead of once.

KWhit 04-19-2010 03:19 PM

After pressing the button in the room, you decide you need to plow ahead. You rush into the hallway and continue on until you reach a large wooden door.

Opening it reveals a cavernous tunnel of rock. You venture in, but after a few steps and some twists and turns, it becomes very difficult to see. You press on, but it is slow going.

After a couple of minutes of walking, you see a faint light ahead. You rush on and come to a large open cave. The light is coming from a group of torches hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. The torches light the middle of the cavern, but not the sides. You can't tell if there is an exit, and if so, which direction it is in.

A pond sits in the middle of the cavern. It looks fairly deep.

You can make the following choices.

Search left.
Search right.
Search straight ahead.
Enter pond.

Also, let me know if you are doing this together as a group or splitting up. In other words, you could send one player into the pond while someone else searches left, etc.

Please give me fairly detailed instructions as to what you want to do and in what order, so if you search left and don't find anything, I know that you want to search right next (for example).

Try to get your action to me tonight by 9. I'd like to run this action then. If you can't, let me know.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 03:19 PM

J23, congrats! Now don't pick something stupid.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 03:22 PM

Guys, I teach at the university until about 7 pm EST so let me throw out some early thoughts.

I'm willing to either enter the pond or search right. Then straight, then left.

So in order of preference: Pond, right, straight, left.

If you want to split up, send me to the pond or send me right.

J23 may want to cast a detect magic just in case as I'm thinking the pond likely has either a prize or a horrible beast.

KWhit 04-19-2010 03:29 PM

Team 1: Killian's Killers
Level: 4
Max HP: 16
Current HP: 16
Bonus: Intelligence, +1 vs. GOOD
Spells: Heal, Detect Magic, Sleep
Staff of Lightning
2 Healing potion
Flask of Poison
5 GP

PurdueBrad: Arx
Level: 4
Max HP: 48
Current HP: 35
Bonus: Constitution x2
Longsword +1
2 Healing potions
5 GP

Level: 3
Max HP: 18
Current HP: 18
Bonus: Fame
2 Healing potion
5 GP
Lockpicks +1
2 Daggers

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 03:31 PM

Hoops, keep those lock picks ready, 'cause I think I'm going to get me a treasure chest in the pond.

hoopsguy 04-19-2010 04:10 PM

J23: Detect magic

If magic, we all go to magic.

If no magic, then we split up?
J23 + Hoops = LEFT

That should give us teams that would be capable of dealing with any physical threats in the chamber.

[muses to cameras]
Or get the half-troll partner of mine mauled as he plumes the depths for my treasure. Win-win. I'll keep the mage close in case the need emerges to gut him for treachery. But that one has been the less insolent of my partners.[/end musing]

J23 04-19-2010 04:46 PM

In the interests of time, perhaps we should consider splitting up all three options if we don't detect any magic. I would hope we can come to each other's aid since it is in the same room.

hoopsguy 04-19-2010 06:55 PM

OK, let me know how you want to split it up, J23. I'll hopefully be on some between now and deadline to put in an order.

If I haven't seen anything I'll just have us split left/right with PB going to the pond.

Pool and a pond; pond be good for PB.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 07:00 PM

Alright, putting in the following order now:

J23 casts detect magic
IF magic is detected, we all go towards it.
If no magic, PB explores the pond, J23 goes left, Hoops goes right

Poli 04-19-2010 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Alan T (Post 2267148)
Just wanted to say this thread has been the most fun to read so far since I've been back in town this week.

Also, giving a shout out to Hoops!

Clearly I'm part of the equation.

KWhit 04-19-2010 09:05 PM

J23 casts Detect Magic.

You see a glowing aura deep within the pond. You dive into it pond and search. It doesn't take very long since all three of you were looking, and you find a chest. Your Specialist does his thing, opens it and viola! You've got a magical item. This looks to be a golden ring with a red ruby at its center. You can tell it's magic, but that's all you know about it so far.

Now I need a clarification:

What direction(s) do you search next and in what order, and by whom? It wasn't 100% clear from the wording on your PM. Get this to me asap and I'll run the rest of the room.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:16 PM

Sent KWhit our clarification. We're searching right, straight, then left. If we hit a door in any of that search, we're bolting through it.

As for the magic ring, thoughts?

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by KWhit (Post 2267414)
J23 - Pick a new spell.

Level 4 (pick 1 additional):
You may choose one additional spell from the following list:
Heal, Magic Missile, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic, Mage Armor, Fear, Sleep, Web, Identify, Cure Poison

You may choose a spell you already possess which will allow you to cast it 2x per room/combat instead of once.

J23, what did you pick btw? Identify might be valuable here if you haven't picked yet.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:23 PM

KWHIT: Please see my 10:22 EST PM post for what we'll do.

I have each of us checking one direction simultaneously guys to save time. Good luck if there is a battle.

KWhit 04-19-2010 09:25 PM

PB searches right - YOU FIND A DOOR.
Hoops searches straight - finding NOTHING.
J23 searches left and triggers a TRAP! Spikes shoot down from the ceiling, and J23 takes a NASTY scrape!

Then you all go through the door to the Right and proceed.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:32 PM

Is this the first time that somebody other than me took some damage? 'Bout time.

[ooc]Sorry J[/ooc]

KWhit 04-19-2010 09:33 PM

Room 8:

This room is another arena-type room, but much smaller then the one in which the Crawl began. Fans in bleachers line the walls, screaming for and against you.

In the center of the room is an elf and a halfling. The elf smiles at you, and bows gently. "My name is Walter. This is my associate Platty. We've been hired to keep you from going through that door."

Walter points to the only other exit from the room. Somehow you have to get through them to move on. Walter carries a staff. Platty carries a long, jagged, glowing dagger.

"I am a sporting type (my associate isn't), so I will give you a moment to refresh yourselves before we begin."

You may cast spells, drink potions, or take some other preparatory action before battle. Let me know what (if anything) you want to do by Noon tomorrow, then the fun begins.

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:34 PM


PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:38 PM

I think I'm at 35/48. Should I top myself off w/ a potion?

J23 should either cast a self-heal or drink a potion as well.

Do you think he could cast a sleep spell as a "preparatory action before the battle" or is that too sneak?

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:39 PM

We also may want to figure out this ring thing before we start this battle too.

hoopsguy 04-19-2010 09:41 PM

You probably won't be able to sleep the elf.

I think I just lost some street cred for knowing this.

KWhit 04-19-2010 09:43 PM

Hoops levels up!

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by KWhit (Post 2267693)
Hoops levels up!

Sweet, we're all level 4 going into this.

KWhit 04-19-2010 09:44 PM

Team 1: Killian's Killers
Level: 4
Max HP: 16
Current HP: 8
Bonus: Intelligence, +1 vs. GOOD
Spells: Heal, Detect Magic, Sleep
Staff of Lightning
2 Healing potion
Flask of Poison
5 GP

PurdueBrad: Arx
Level: 4
Max HP: 48
Current HP: 35
Bonus: Constitution x2
Longsword +1
2 Healing potions
5 GP

Level: 4
Max HP: 24
Current HP: 24
Bonus: Fame
2 Healing potion
5 GP
Lockpicks +1
2 Daggers
Unidentified Magic Ring

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:45 PM

KWHIT: Does any spell that J23 casts now count against his combat casting limit (i.e.- if he casts a he heal on himself now, can he not cast another during the battle)?

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:46 PM

KWHIT: Can I put the poison in J23's flask on my sword blade for this battle?

KWhit 04-19-2010 09:46 PM

Good question.

Since they are giving you time to prep, you may cast a spell in prep-time and one during combat.

KWhit 04-19-2010 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by PurdueBrad (Post 2267703)
KWHIT: Can I put the poison in J23's flask on my sword blade for this battle?


PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:48 PM

J23, a couple recommendations then:

1- Cast a heal spell for yourself (save the potions)

2- Don't forget to pick a new spell if you haven't

3- Pass me the poison and I'll apply it to my sword if you don't mind

PurdueBrad 04-19-2010 09:49 PM

I'm out for the night guys, battling a headache, be on at 7 am EST though.

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