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albionmoonlight 09-08-2021 07:24 AM

Evander Holyfield is still boxing?

Vince, Pt. II 09-08-2021 09:12 AM

My posts per page has Albion's Holyfield post as the top of a new page. Trying to figure that out out of context was fun.

BYU 14 09-08-2021 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3345005)
SOmebody is running out of money.

So a televised rally that will featuring old guys that have no business in the ring getting punched for the dear leaders entertainment, what's not to love?

Since i can get this free, I may have to actually tune in for as long as my stomach can stand it.

albionmoonlight 09-09-2021 11:22 AM

Former Trump WH press secretary Stephanie Grisham is writing a "Tell-All" book.

I don't imagine that the title is "Bad things I saw and had the power to stop but didn't, but now I'm writing a book about them, so please give me money." But it should be.

None of these "I'll just stay quiet and then cash in later" folks deserve a dime.

NobodyHere 09-09-2021 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by albionmoonlight (Post 3345014)
Evander Holyfield is still boxing?

I would pay for an Evander Holyfield-Ted Cruz matchup.

molson 09-09-2021 11:52 AM

Cruz is pretty fit, has less brain damage, is surely willing to cheat, and is quite a bit younger. That would be competitive I think.

Ksyrup 09-09-2021 12:03 PM

Counter-point - Cruz has the ultimate punchable face, and Holyfield still knows how to punch.

Lathum 09-09-2021 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 3345160)
Cruz is pretty fit, has less brain damage, is surely willing to cheat, and is quite a bit younger. That would be competitive I think.

I can't believe we are talking about this, but Holyfield would demolish Cruz.

I. J. Reilly 09-09-2021 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 3345164)
I can't believe we are talking about this, but Holyfield would demolish Cruz.

Would he? If you punch a jelly fish, how much damage is really done?

RainMaker 09-09-2021 03:55 PM

The FBI has decided I guess to maybe take the guy who put bombs around DC seriously.

Atocep 09-09-2021 07:40 PM

Trump's statement on Robert E Lee was....something else...

Ksyrup 09-09-2021 07:59 PM

I believe it's called on-brand.

Ksyrup 09-10-2021 09:25 AM


I know it's too much to ask, but can we stop attempting to govern through performance art-type BS and get back to doing real shit that matters?

QuikSand 09-10-2021 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 3345233)

I know it's too much to ask, but can we stop attempting to govern through performance art-type BS and get back to doing real shit that matters?

Just assumed you were talking about the other executive suggesting he can compel private employers, by fiat, to impose mask/test mandates. My mistake.

Flasch186 09-10-2021 09:43 AM

Yeah I don’t agree with the President on that one and hope he’ll back away and instead incentivize business to implement their own plans.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ksyrup 09-10-2021 09:48 AM

Well, we'll see if that stands up in court, but at least it's a last-ditch effort/attempt to do something that matters and it relates to health and safety, so there's an avenue through OSHA for that. Whether this is the kind of thing OSHA can mandate, I guess we'll see.

I see it as more of a way to get practical compliance because I doubt many large companies are going to push back, and most states don't really give employees an out if they refuse to comply with an employer's requirements. Today is D-day at my job, actually.

Ksyrup 09-10-2021 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Flasch186 (Post 3345236)
Yeah I don’t agree with the President on that one and hope he’ll back away and instead incentivize business to implement their own plans.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Employers don't want incentives if they think they'll have serious issues implementing this type of thing (otherwise they'd have already done it), they simply want to be told they have to do it, and pass that requirement along to their employees. An "incentive" means your employer is getting something out of forcing you to get vaccinated or lose your job. The feds telling your employer they have to do this... much more palatable to those companies that want to do this but need some sort of cover.

That's my take, anyway.

Ksyrup 09-10-2021 09:55 AM

As for whether it's legal or I like/agree with it, that's another question. But I see the administration going on the offensive to combat what is an obvious game plan of dragging the pandemic out so that it affects the 2022/2024 elections. All of these people telling their constituents not to get the vaccine will be telling them that Biden and the Dems did a terrible job to eliminate Covid after Trump handed them a ready-made vaccine to end it.

molson 09-10-2021 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 3345237)

I see it as more of a way to get practical compliance because I doubt many large companies are going to push back, and most states don't really give employees an out if they refuse to comply with an employer's requirements. Today is D-day at my job, actually.

Agreed, they'll have to fight off lawsuits from some individuals and unions in the meantime, but it's hard to imagine what large company is going to go to bat for the unvaccinated at this point. I imagine a lot of those people are the types the companies would be happy to cast away anyway.

albionmoonlight 09-10-2021 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 3345240)
As for whether it's legal or I like/agree with it, that's another question. But I see the administration going on the offensive to combat what is an obvious game plan of dragging the pandemic out so that it affects the 2022/2024 elections. All of these people telling their constituents not to get the vaccine will be telling them that Biden and the Dems did a terrible job to eliminate Covid after Trump handed them a ready-made vaccine to end it.

Yup. The GOP gameplan is pretty clear, and the admin has decided that the best way to combat it is to keep fighting.

Not sure if it will work (voters really do tend to blame the party in charge. And if the extended pandemic ends up tanking the economy, then they are in real trouble), but I can't think of a better countermove for them.

cuervo72 09-10-2021 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 3345239)
companies that want to do this but need some sort of cover.

That's essentially what one reporter said on one of the broadcasts last night. Companies are happy to have the cover.

BYU 14 09-10-2021 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by cuervo72 (Post 3345244)
That's essentially what one reporter said on one of the broadcasts last night. Companies are happy to have the cover.

My jobs parent company, who previously had contingency plans in place for unvaccinated workers when in office staff start to return (masks, plexiglass around work stations, etc) couldn't get the email out fast enough that being vaccinated is now a condition of employment. No affect on me since I am happily fully vaxxed, but it has already created an uproar and there will assuredly be lawsuits/attrition.

Which in the long run may be a blessing to some of us, who are likely facing layoffs at some point down the road since we are now getting ready to integrate to the parent companies local market center after being bought out 2 years ago.

Ksyrup 09-10-2021 11:06 AM

As I posted in the Covid thread, we had 4 people resign today. Crazy, given the way this company takes care of employees. And now with this mandate, the potential pool of non-vaxx employers just shrunk, too.

QuikSand 09-10-2021 11:10 AM

If you're not yet convinced of the unbelievable power of propagandist techniques... a wave of people quitting otherwise pretty good jobs over whatever their flag says about rejecting vaccines is... strong evidence.

molson 09-10-2021 11:22 AM

I assume that when you resign a job like this you don't get unemployment benefits, right?

NobodyHere 09-10-2021 11:26 AM

I got vaccinated but I'm very uncomfortable with all these mandates and allowing companies to pry into ones medical records.

Didn't liberals used to advocate for medical privacy and "my body my choice"?

Ksyrup 09-10-2021 11:26 AM

I think 1 of the 4 had a lifestyle that seems consistent with rejecting vaccines. The other 3 were more or less political. One of them railed several times against it and how it was against his religious beliefs, but apparently he didn't take advantage of the religious or medical exemptions that the company offered, so... I'm calling BS.

Flasch186 09-10-2021 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by QuikSand (Post 3345252)
If you're not yet convinced of the unbelievable power of propagandist techniques... a wave of people quitting otherwise pretty good jobs over whatever their flag says about rejecting vaccines is... strong evidence.

I'm sure it's equally divided amongst the tribes (blue and red)... I'm so f'n sure. I call BS too!!! I have called BS on that ridiculous both sides BS garbage and gaslighting that goes on along with the goal posts moving. It's ridiculous that it keeps happening in these specific threads by the same people and they, no matter what, will stare at the fire and claim it's not a fire, it's just red and orange crayons. Trash and bad for the country. I'd argue even unpatriotic and supportive of bad actors (Putin/Russia/NK/Iran) trying to play the stupidity and ignorance of our country along with the echo chambers that Social media has created.

RainMaker 09-10-2021 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3345254)
I got vaccinated but I'm very uncomfortable with all these mandates and allowing companies to pry into ones medical records.

Didn't liberals used to advocate for medical privacy and "my body my choice"?

You have a choice. No one is forcing anyone to get the vaccine.

Kodos 09-10-2021 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3345254)
Didn't liberals used to advocate for medical privacy and "my body my choice"?

That doesn't apply in a situation where your choice about your body can put others at risk. For instance, "my body, my choice" doesn't apply to drunk drivers either, because their choice puts others at risk of physical harm up to and including death.

My body, my choice applies to choices that don't overtly affect others. Getting a tattoo, for instance. Or drinking 5 liters of Pepsi every day.

BYU 14 09-10-2021 12:44 PM

I really don't even need to comment, but really, Biden's speech last night offended you after 4 years of apparently not hearing a thing your boss said?

Pence blasts Biden's vaccine speech: ‘Unlike anything I'd ever heard from an American president’

RainMaker 09-10-2021 12:47 PM

Are we really comparing being forced to carry a child to term with rules like having to wear a hard hat on the construction site? Not saying it's the dumbest argument I've heard, but it's up there.

RainMaker 09-10-2021 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kodos (Post 3345261)
That doesn't apply in a situation where your choice about your body can put others at risk. For instance, "my body, my choice" doesn't apply to drunk drivers either, because their choice puts others at risk of physical harm up to and including death.

My body, my choice applies to choices that don't overtly affect others. Getting a tattoo, for instance. Or drinking 5 liters of Pepsi every day.

It's also not being forced on anyone. If you don't want to get vaxxed, you take a test once a week to make sure you aren't spreading a virus throughout the building. There are thousands of workplace rules. You don't get to just walk into a factory and do whatever the fuck you want.

Swaggs 09-10-2021 12:53 PM

When I went to public school in the 80s/90s, went to college in the 90s, and then went for post grad work again 10-15 years ago, I had to submit proof of vaccinations to be admitted in the public schools (in WV) and the two universities (in WV and NC) that I attended. When I got my first job in healthcare (~10 years ago), I literally had to get MMR and DTP vaccinations (and they were administered onsite if you did not have them).

From the time I was 18 until I was about 37, every job that I ever had required a drug test prior to starting. People have been drug tested for jobs and we have all gone along with it for the last 40 years. The former Florida governor and current senator mandated drug testing for everyone receiving public assistance more than ten years ago. I can't wait to see a reporter ask Rick Scott about the fact that he supported mandated drug testing for people on welfare, but is opposed to mandating coronavirus testing that will reduce the spread of a disease that has killed 650,000+ Americans. The guy bagging my groceries or making my sandwich having smoked weed in the last month has much less of an effect on public health/safety and the health of the economy than someone carrying around an unprecedentedly communicable disease that has killed millions of people and has strained and cost the health care system billions of dollars over the last two years.

These are not new precedents, so let's not act like this is the beginning of a new practice where employers or organizations or the government can test what is in your body before allowing you to work or mandate that you have FDA vaccinations in order to protect others while in public places. Long term anti-vaxxers and folks that have long advocated for the elimination of non-voluntary drug testing can be critical, but it's just disingenuous and conspiratorial thinking for anyone to suggest this is some new precedent.

The issue of vaccination mandates has also been established law for over 100 years: HENNING JACOBSON, Plff. in Err., v. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. | Supreme Court | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Credit to Political Wire for sharing the link about the 7-2 Supreme Court ruling from 1905:


“Real liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own, whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others.”

Lathum 09-10-2021 01:34 PM

I read that case a while back when covid first hit and basic public health mandates were being enacted. I can’t wait for some dope to point out that case is over 100 years old while polishing his AR-15 completely oblivious to the irony.

RainMaker 09-10-2021 02:45 PM

The zip tie terrorist violated conditions of his release but will still stay out of jail because being a white dude fucking rules.

‘Zip tie guy’ Capitol rioter gets evicted after couch-surfing -- and violates conditions of release - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism

sterlingice 09-10-2021 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Swaggs (Post 3345266)
When I went to public school in the 80s/90s, went to college in the 90s, and then went for post grad work again 10-15 years ago, I had to submit proof of vaccinations to be admitted in the public schools (in WV) and the two universities (in WV and NC) that I attended. When I got my first job in healthcare (~10 years ago), I literally had to get MMR and DTP vaccinations (and they were administered onsite if you did not have them).

From the time I was 18 until I was about 37, every job that I ever had required a drug test prior to starting. People have been drug tested for jobs and we have all gone along with it for the last 40 years. The former Florida governor and current senator mandated drug testing for everyone receiving public assistance more than ten years ago. I can't wait to see a reporter ask Rick Scott about the fact that he supported mandated drug testing for people on welfare, but is opposed to mandating coronavirus testing that will reduce the spread of a disease that has killed 650,000+ Americans. The guy bagging my groceries or making my sandwich having smoked weed in the last month has much less of an effect on public health/safety and the health of the economy than someone carrying around an unprecedentedly communicable disease that has killed millions of people and has strained and cost the health care system billions of dollars over the last two years.

These are not new precedents, so let's not act like this is the beginning of a new practice where employers or organizations or the government can test what is in your body before allowing you to work or mandate that you have FDA vaccinations in order to protect others while in public places. Long term anti-vaxxers and folks that have long advocated for the elimination of non-voluntary drug testing can be critical, but it's just disingenuous and conspiratorial thinking for anyone to suggest this is some new precedent.

The issue of vaccination mandates has also been established law for over 100 years: HENNING JACOBSON, Plff. in Err., v. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. | Supreme Court | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Credit to Political Wire for sharing the link about the 7-2 Supreme Court ruling from 1905:

The wikipedia page for Jacobson vs Massachusetts is a reminder that we've done this all before, almost to the letter

Jacobson v. Massachusetts - Wikipedia


GrantDawg 09-11-2021 08:58 AM


“Real liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own, whether in respect of his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others.”
That really is a fantastic quote.

Ryche 09-11-2021 03:12 PM

Keep an eye on Brazil and it's upcoming election. It looks like Bolsonaro and many Trump backers are trying to run the same playbook.

Thomkal 09-11-2021 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ryche (Post 3345363)
Keep an eye on Brazil and it's upcoming election. It looks like Bolsonaro and many Trump backers are trying to run the same playbook.

Yep sorry if someone posted this news already, but former Trump spokesman Jason Miller was in Brazil supposedly for some far-right conference this last week and was detained briefly by Brazilian authorities:

Trump’s MAGA Movement Sets Its Sights On Brazil’s Democracy

Thomkal 09-11-2021 04:25 PM

It was nice to see former presidents at the 9/11 memorials and just as nice not to see Donald Trump who instead visited the NYPD, and from what I saw just used it as another press conference and did not mention the victims of 9/11 in his remarks (correct me if I'm wrong) And of course he's got that big boxing match to attend tonight.

albionmoonlight 09-11-2021 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 3345375)
It was nice to see former presidents at the 9/11 memorials and just as nice not to see Donald Trump who instead visited the NYPD, and from what I saw just used it as another press conference and did not mention the victims of 9/11 in his remarks (correct me if I'm wrong) And of course he's got that big boxing match to attend tonight.

I've said it before, but the man has spent his whole life desperate to belong to the clubs that were just a bit too exclusive to want him to be a member. And now he has a chance to be a part of the most exclusive club in existence--the Ex Presidents. And he can't enjoy it.

JPhillips 09-12-2021 07:54 AM

Jeez, Trump really does need money. Here he is shilling for the Moon family at a Unification Church conference yesterday.

edit: click through to see some of the culty stuff from that conference.

PilotMan 09-12-2021 09:37 AM

The Cincinnati area has a hotbed racist ideologists for sure, from the kid who murdered the girl in Charlottesville to a number of militia types and people at the Capitol on Jan 6.This is normal think here and was literally a few miles from the home.

Trump supporters celebrate 'Freedom Fest' in Northern Kentucky

Lathum 09-13-2021 07:33 AM

I'm just spitballing here, but perhaps a good way to not give off the perception that the Supreme Court is partisan is to not speak at a Mitch McConnell event?

albionmoonlight 09-13-2021 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 3345501)
I'm just spitballing here, but perhaps a good way to not give off the perception that the Supreme Court is partisan is to not speak at a Mitch McConnell event?

She didn't say that she was upset that the Supreme Court is partisan. She's just mad that people have stopped pretending that it isn't.

Ksyrup 09-13-2021 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 3345434)
The Cincinnati area has a hotbed racist ideologists for sure, from the kid who murdered the girl in Charlottesville to a number of militia types and people at the Capitol on Jan 6.This is normal think here and was literally a few miles from the home.

Trump supporters celebrate 'Freedom Fest' in Northern Kentucky


So then where do they get their information?

"I don't have any news sources," Patrick Reynolds said.

"Just research," Shari Reynolds said.

This is the modern-day equivalent to "I met a girl from Canada on summer vacation and we're dating."

RainMaker 09-13-2021 10:09 AM

USCP Officers Arrest California Man with Bayonet & Machete | United States Capitol Police

RainMaker 09-13-2021 03:12 PM

This terrorist attack flew under the radar last year.

Alleged shooter in prominent attorney murder had anti-Semitic views, stalked Copper Avenue homes | KTSM 9 News

JPhillips 09-13-2021 07:09 PM

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