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CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:19 PM

Do ghouls level up?
instead of 2 or 3

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:20 PM

I'd like to fit in: What are the dungeon coordinates of each player in the game?

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:20 PM

that way we can hook up.

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:21 PM

another possibility: Do dead players have control of their ghoul persona

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:25 PM


Abe Sargent 04-17-2012 08:27 PM

Answers pending

Abe Sargent 04-17-2012 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by JAG (Post 2642474)
1) How many former player character ghouls are currently active in the Dungeon?
2) What's the most powerful recipe scroll in the game?
3) What's the most powerful creature left in the dungeon?
4) How many players are at each level of experience?
5) How many players are in each level of the dungeon?

Someone else can tweak it if you really want

1) 5

2). The Ring of One Wish

3). Euplatious, the Mighty Dragon

4). Uhh, let me look, I;ll come back to it

5). uhh, let me look, hold on - level 2 - 1, level 4 2, everyone els a telvel 3

Level Count:

2 - 1
3 - 3
4 - 6
5 - 7
6 - 3

Ragone 04-17-2012 08:29 PM

Well, there ya go.. everyone who dies is a ghoul..

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:30 PM

Danny = lvl 2, dubb and DV = level 4

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:30 PM

So we have to kill the Mighty Platypusssss

JAG 04-17-2012 08:36 PM

Sorry, I had to go afk and saw we were beyond our deadline.

JAG 04-17-2012 08:36 PM

Ring of One Wish sounds awesome.

Autumn 04-17-2012 08:37 PM

Don't you all want to join us? You'll get used to the taste of raw flesh.

hoopsguy 04-17-2012 08:37 PM

One I had thought about while putting my daughter to bed, and really wish had been on our list - do the encounters scale with the party or are they static?

Based on the encounter Jackal and I had today, compared to the last two days, I'm starting to think encounters scale. That is further supported by people being on Level 4 solo, if that is indeed the case.

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:38 PM

I really wissssh you would have asked more ghoul questsionssss but ah well

Simbo Klice 04-17-2012 08:39 PM

Thanks for the info airbreathers. We'll be seeing you soon. :)

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:40 PM

I really wonder how big level 3 issss...I guesss each level isss a ring...around the middle (4)

Abe Sargent 04-17-2012 08:40 PM

Level count was added

Ragone 04-17-2012 08:40 PM

Again, does anyone want this Shield of Lust.. i'll take a gold offer at this point.. just so it would get used..

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Simbo Klice (Post 2642498)
Thanks for the info airbreathers. We'll be seeing you soon. :)

if you'd have jussst come through the portal like you sssaid you were going to you wouldn't be in the messss you are now. :)

JAG 04-17-2012 08:43 PM

You got your question answered indirectly CF. The level count has 20 players.

JAG 04-17-2012 08:44 PM

I'm reasonably confident the ghouls are at the low end of the scale.

hoopsguy 04-17-2012 08:45 PM

Crimson, do you have a transport scroll to initiate our trade?

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:51 PM

um...kwhit died at level 1 didn't he?
Or was he level 2?
and then autumn level 3?
does that map out?

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:52 PM

hoops still getting clarification on what exactly I bought. Will probably do that tomorrow anyway.

CrimsonFox 04-17-2012 08:54 PM

okay hoops yeah I got it. WIll read the scroll tomorrow so that I can have it open all day in case I need to help anyone or trade any other stuff.

Danny 04-17-2012 08:56 PM

GUess im not doing that bad then. Would be right there for win if last rpom didnt happen

Ragone 04-17-2012 08:57 PM

Hoops did you want the shield of lust +2? make me any offer basically.. my fear is it could somehow go to a ghoul.

Danny 04-17-2012 08:57 PM

Level 6 is dubb darth and jag

JAG 04-17-2012 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 2642509)
um...kwhit died at level 1 didn't he?
Or was he level 2?
and then autumn level 3?
does that map out?

They both died at level 1. My guess is a ghoul gains a level by killing another person. KWhit killed 1 and got to level 2, Autumn killed 2 and appears to be level 3. The other ghouls must be whatever level they were when they died.

hoopsguy 04-17-2012 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Ragone (Post 2642517)
Hoops did you want the shield of lust +2? make me any offer basically.. my fear is it could somehow go to a ghoul.

OK, lets make this fun.

I'll offer you 25 gold for the Shield. Will the Shield ensure that the payment reaches you?

Ragone 04-17-2012 09:02 PM

Yes Hoops.. it will send me back whatever you'd like to send

Autumn 04-17-2012 09:04 PM

Send me the shield. I'll drop it in the acid pool with this magic axe I found.

PurdueBrad 04-17-2012 09:04 PM

Can we talk yet?

Abe Sargent 04-17-2012 09:11 PM

Tlk away mon fere

PurdueBrad 04-17-2012 09:13 PM

JAG, use the apparatus in the room. I made something that you'll need to identify next time you have a leftover spell. Also, I picked up 1000 XP so, if you remember our last battle PM, add 10 hit points to my total possible amount.

PurdueBrad 04-17-2012 09:16 PM

I'm not greedy, so I'm not going to try and use it again. Instead I'll search the room tonight.

JAG 04-17-2012 09:19 PM

Use it again PB. I'm searching tonight with the help of a couple spells, if you search and there's a trap, you'll get hit.

JAG 04-17-2012 09:22 PM

Also, I have a few things for you:

Black Market:
Give PB 4 potions of healing and 1 bundle of herbs

Your item will probably be identified after night since I have 4 IDs still available today.

PurdueBrad 04-17-2012 09:22 PM

Ahhh, okay. I'll send in a change order.

PurdueBrad 04-17-2012 09:22 PM


Black Market:
PB accepts 4 potions of healing and 1 bundle of herbs

I owe you a lot of $$$ next time we get some.

hoopsguy 04-17-2012 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by The Jackal (Post 2642285)
I'll probably attend the Djinni just to stock up on some essentials, not sure that I'll purchase anything crazy. Got an upgraded studded leather armor today, so that's good.

Anything else terribly interesting? Like something that will help us open this chest?

Does your "search for traps" ability apply to detecting what booby-trap is hooked up to the chest?

I'm assuming you search the room in the morning. I can use the "Detect Magic" ability to see if that will help as well, but I'm planning on breaking open the chest tomorrow morning if we don't have something that will help us get it open without blowing me up.

Thomkal 04-17-2012 09:35 PM

Sorry guys I was off playing Aion so I missed all the fun here.

Thomkal 04-17-2012 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2642415)
The room you are describing isn't one we've visited, so it might get a little bit harder to meet.

However, I'm thinking you would need to move another level of bricks for us to meet up. So maybe it makes sense - if you think you can get by on your own - to take that plunge?

We've had 3 encounters on this level - the Efreet would be a bear to take solo, but if you have a magic weapon and some healing I would think you could take on the stuff we've seen in the other two rooms.


I moved up to Level 3 of the dungeon today and drew the Wyvern which I was very fortunate to defeat. I'm currently working with nearly all my starting armor and weapons, so not very well equipped for it I think. Going up a level to 5 from the Wyvern and subsequent healing from the djinn have got my close to max hp's, but if were unlucky and drew something like the Efreet, I'd be dead for sure.

Ragone 04-17-2012 09:41 PM

Waiting for your trade offer hoops.. :)

hoopsguy 04-17-2012 09:42 PM


Abe Sargent 04-17-2012 09:44 PM

The Potion of ARMAGEDDON has been assembled!!!!!

Thomkal 04-17-2012 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 2642567)
The Potion of ARMAGEDDON has been assembled!!!!!

oh crap

Ragone 04-17-2012 09:49 PM

Black Market
Accept hoopsguys 25 gold
Give hoopsguy Shield of lust +2

Good luck

PurdueBrad 04-17-2012 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 2642567)
The Potion of ARMAGEDDON has been assembled!!!!!

That can't be good. I assume evil would do this...Hoops?

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