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GrantDawg 12-15-2021 06:24 PM

Ramping up the Brown Shirts.

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RainMaker 12-15-2021 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 3353649)
More intervention from the party of limited government.

These are the people that scream about censorship, right?

Thomkal 12-15-2021 07:01 PM

So the AP did a study of the votes in 6 battleground states, and what did they find? A total of less than 500 fraudulent votes, many of which I'm sure were for Trump. So massive voter fraud indeed.

Lathum 12-16-2021 08:15 AM

Melania Trump is starting an NFT to support her "be best" initiative. The grift never ends.

RainMaker 12-16-2021 01:33 PM

Probation lol

Attention Required! | Cloudflare

sterlingice 12-16-2021 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3353809)


As to why he brought a gas mask, Hatley said that he had heard about other riots, including the so-called “Million MAGA March” demonstrations in late 2020, where people had used “bear mace,” and didn’t think he’d be able to escape if he were targeted. “I weigh over 300 pounds, Your Honor,” Hatley said to Hogan. “I can’t run very well in the best of times. Better bring that in case I get maced, because I wouldn’t get very far.”


JPhillips 12-16-2021 07:45 PM

The RNC is paying at least 1.6 mil in legal bills for Trump in the case related to his businesses in NY.

RainMaker 12-17-2021 03:09 PM

5 years for a Florida man. Seems one of the more violent offenders. Not sure if this was the fire extinguisher that led to the death of the officer or not and I'm guessing the DOJ didn't want to go down that rabbit hole.

Kind of funny that he cost himself an additional 2 years according to the judge by setting up a GoFundMe where he claimed he was an innocent victim.

RainMaker 12-17-2021 03:46 PM

It appears to be Rick Perry who sent the text message to Meadows right after the election looking to overturn it and install Trump as a dictator or whatever they wanted to do.

Galaril 12-18-2021 12:31 PM

This is also something I have worried may happen and not as far off as we may think.

Generals Warn Of Divided Military And Possible Civil War In Next U.S. Coup Attempt

Atocep 12-18-2021 06:57 PM

From the Seattle Times:


Washington State Sen. Doug Ericksen, a stalwart conservative, former leader of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Washington and an outspoken critic of COVID-19 emergency orders, died Friday. He was 52. Ericksen had said last month that he tested positive for the coronavirus. His cause of death was not immediately confirmed on Saturday.

cuervo72 12-18-2021 07:23 PM


“It’s tragic, the guy was one of the smartest people I know, and this floor speeches, his knowledge and environmental issues of all that stuff, was just fantastic,” said Fortunato.

Well, maybe not that smart.

Atocep 12-19-2021 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by cuervo72 (Post 3353998)
Well, maybe not that smart.

This is the dipshit state senator that was selling himself as a "Senator from Washington" (yes he specifically sold himself to people that didn't know any better that way) to other countries to help monitor their elections. He praised El Salvador for having a military and police presence at their polling locations and IIRC was an advisor for Cambodia's elections.

molson 12-19-2021 01:26 AM

El Salvador and Cambodia, hmmm.

NobodyHere 12-20-2021 01:16 PM

Trump met with boos after revealing he received Covid-19 booster

The one good thing he does and he gets booed.

PilotMan 12-20-2021 01:29 PM

Surprised nobody mentioned his brand new lawsuit of "they're picking on me! And it's totally unfair! They can't KEEP INVESTIGATING ME! MAKE THEM STOP!"

Ksyrup 12-21-2021 06:53 PM

I'm getting just a little more optimistic that the extreme right is going to implode on itself. Now Alex Jones has gone off on Trump for joining Fauci in the "new world order" by getting his booster. There's no admitting you're wrong or accepting differing positions on anything. It's just a neverending cascade of double-downs and breaking from anyone who doesn't go down the same insane path on every point.

Reminds me of the old Emo Phillips joke... The best God joke ever - and it's mine! | Stage | The Guardian

PilotMan 12-22-2021 07:18 AM

That's how dictatorships happen and survive. It's classic authoritarianism.

spleen1015 12-24-2021 12:58 PM

It is crazy to think that given everything this dude has done, speaking out in support of the vaccine is what may be his downfall.

Atocep 12-24-2021 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by spleen1015 (Post 3354448)
It is crazy to think that given everything this dude has done, speaking out in support of the vaccine is what may be his downfall.

The Dem strategy to destroy Trump should be to just shower him with praise.

PilotMan 12-24-2021 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 3354453)
The Dem strategy to destroy Trump should be to just shower with him.

Oh my!

albionmoonlight 12-25-2021 09:08 AM

I think his love of vaccines will be short-lived.

The left wing has been praising him for his advocacy, but it has been along the lines of "We don't agree with him about a lot, but he's right about this, and he deserves credit for it." While the right-wing denunciation of him has been less . . . nuanced

I think that he will care more about the right wing crudely mocking him than about the left wing respectfully praising him.

Ksyrup 12-30-2021 09:22 AM

I will freely admit I am looking at this completely out of context - not just the bill summary here, but the reason for it. But from where I sit, this looks like another example of the GOP quadrupling down on the "MUH FREEDOM" BS. Given sane people's reaction to that BS, most of which has been to point out the cognitive dissonance of taking that position on an emergency matter of public health and safety while freely allowing the government to dictate other, ordinary actions, the GOP's response has been to simply start attempting to remove general requirements we've all lived with for decades.

The most obvious place to start was other vaccine mandates, and now they are turning to driving - which, coincidentally, is one of the most frequent analogies made against the anti-mask/vaccine crowd.

Like I said, this may not be an accurate summary or there may be some reasonable explanation, but I'm not inclined to give these people the benefit of the doubt anymore...

RainMaker 12-30-2021 12:55 PM

Could be as simple as he got a ticket for not properly signalling and is fuming about it.

Such a weird thing to do. Feels second nature to signal and kind of important at times while on the road. Also think this actually causes more traffic because people can't decipher what oncoming traffic will do and have to wait it out.

spleen1015 12-30-2021 12:58 PM

You go Aaron Freeman! The NTSB named Indiana drivers the worst drivers in the US a couple of years ago. Let's go ahead and make it worse.

Thomkal 12-30-2021 01:34 PM

Can we all sue him then when we get into an accident in Indiana?

Atocep 12-30-2021 04:25 PM

Just buy a BMW, they don't come with turn signals.

RainMaker 12-30-2021 07:08 PM

Fascinating thread.

Ksyrup 12-30-2021 07:15 PM

The sad/funny thing is that if/when he gets contacted by LE, he'll probably go right back to threatening him.

RainMaker 12-30-2021 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 3354800)
The sad/funny thing is that if/when he gets contacted by LE, he'll probably go right back to threatening him.

I don't think LE does shit about this stuff.

JPhillips 12-30-2021 08:58 PM

The GOP is an anti-vax party. This was sent from the GOP House Judiciary twitter:


If the booster shots work, why don’t they work?

flere-imsaho 12-30-2021 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 3354800)
The sad/funny thing is that if/when he gets contacted by LE, he'll probably go right back to threatening him.

Nah, real the whole thing. I thought that as well, but it doesn't turn out that way.

Of course, the perpetrator is canadian, not sure if they're more introspective than we are. :D

whomario 01-01-2022 04:09 PM

Anatomy of a death threat - Reuters analysis of threats on election officials

Graphic language in audio excerpts ahead.

Lathum 01-01-2022 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 3354784)
Just buy a BMW, they don't come with turn signals.

Whats the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? A porcupine has the pricks on the outside.

Lathum 01-02-2022 01:48 PM

Thomkal 01-02-2022 02:07 PM

took them long enough

RainMaker 01-02-2022 08:24 PM

400 Bad Request

Ksyrup 01-03-2022 07:13 AM

So obvious when you expect your readers to do nothing but read the headlines.

In the "fine print," err I mean, article... 13 died from Covid and 2 in vehicle accidents.

cuervo72 01-03-2022 07:55 AM

Yeah I've never understood the definition of "in the line of duty." It seems to just mean "actively employed." Which is, yes, damned misleading.

RainMaker 01-03-2022 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by cuervo72 (Post 3355170)
Yeah I've never understood the definition of "in the line of duty." It seems to just mean "actively employed." Which is, yes, damned misleading.

They are trying to classify them as in the line of duty because the survivor benefits are much better.

RainMaker 01-04-2022 12:38 PM

AP has a story on Ashlii Babbitt. Similar background to other terrorists we've seen. History of domestic violence and political radicalization.

Atocep 01-04-2022 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3355297)
AP has a story on Ashlii Babbitt. Similar background to other terrorists we've seen. History of domestic violence and political radicalization.

So all the capitol police had to do to end the assault on January 6th was arrest people and they would have complied. What a massive failure on their part.

PilotMan 01-04-2022 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3355297)
AP has a story on Ashlii Babbitt. Similar background to other terrorists we've seen. History of domestic violence and political radicalization.

The Christian Nationalist movement in the US is akin to creating the American ISIS. It really is. You're taking disaffected people and feeding them the right propaganda and revving them up to do the dirty work you need to accomplish.

I just flew with a guy. Really nice guy for the most part, but a GA boy, FOX and Trump rahrahrah all the way, and steeped in the South. He tells me he was watching RT in the hotel, and he'd never really watched it, and he's like, "It was really good, just right down the middle and fair." And I said "RT is simply the public propaganda arm of Russia. They will tell you exactly what fits the Russian narrative." I then go on to say I typically watch BBC World and he goes, "I think that's just propaganda too" and I'm like, "you know what the main difference is there though? There's no freedom of press in Russia." It's the truth, all the way. It's gotten that FOX is so in line with Russian propaganda that they sound the same.

A line from Narcos Mexico season 3. The first casualty in war is the truth.

These all seem applicable.

RainMaker 01-04-2022 06:27 PM

Have to love their use of "Christian". She was a violent criminal over the years who cheated on her husband with another married man. At this point, it's just code for white trash loser.

Atocep 01-04-2022 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 3355319)

I just flew with a guy. Really nice guy for the most part, but a GA boy, FOX and Trump rahrahrah all the way, and steeped in the South. He tells me he was watching RT in the hotel, and he'd never really watched it, and he's like, "It was really good, just right down the middle and fair." And I said "RT is simply the public propaganda arm of Russia. They will tell you exactly what fits the Russian narrative." I then go on to say I typically watch BBC World and he goes, "I think that's just propaganda too" and I'm like, "you know what the main difference is there though? There's no freedom of press in Russia." It's the truth, all the way. It's gotten that FOX is so in line with Russian propaganda that they sound the same.

One of the earliest wedge issues Russia's disinformation teams latched onto in the US was anti-vaccination conspiracies. Well before Covid. Right wing media has just continued to fall in line from there.

Lathum 01-05-2022 12:14 PM

This is insane

Peter Navarro Describes Trump-Backed Plan to Overturn Election Results - Rolling Stone

Thomkal 01-05-2022 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 3355362)

Yeah saw the interview on MSNBC yesterday he had with Ari Melber. Have no idea why he did that or wrote about it in his book. Arrogance and thinking they were right to do all of this/nothing wrong about it. Even after Ari reminded him that numerous judges/election officials said none of it was true and the Supreme Court refused to take it up.

albionmoonlight 01-05-2022 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 3355363)
Yeah saw the interview on MSNBC yesterday he had with Ari Melber. Have no idea why he did that or wrote about it in his book. Arrogance and thinking they were right to do all of this/nothing wrong about it. Even after Ari reminded him that numerous judges/election officials said none of it was true and the Supreme Court refused to take it up.

We are still keyed into thinking that guilty people act guilty. If he had written all of this in a secret memo that he fought to keep from being released and denied having written when it was leaked, then we'd all see it for the crime it is.

But when he just gets up and says "We had a plan to overturn the election and install Trump," we end up feeling like well, maybe that's not as bad as it sounds b/c if it were, then he'd be trying to hide it.

We are so focused on cover-ups that we have trouble with open crime.

JPhillips 01-05-2022 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by albionmoonlight (Post 3355366)

We are so focused on cover-ups that we have trouble with open crime.

One of the things Trump understands well.

RainMaker 01-05-2022 12:59 PM

Thought this was a really interesting story about a 19-year old who turned his father in after finding out he was a terrorist.

January 6 Insurrection: One Year Later, Families Are Still Divided | Teen Vogue

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