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duckman 06-26-2006 10:16 PM

Pro Wrestling Discussion Thread **Spoilers Possible**
Today, I learn that Vince McMahon really loves Dicks. :D

duckman 06-26-2006 10:20 PM

The championship match tonight was done really well. I like how they let both Cena and RVD come down the ramp before Lillian did her announcing. It gave it a championsip match feel.

klayman 06-26-2006 10:21 PM

I'm not positive, but I think pro wrestling might be fake.

and some of the athletes might be using steroids. :D

/Post made in jest
//former Pro Wrestling Fan

duckman 06-26-2006 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by klayman
I'm not positive, but I think pro wrestling might be fake.

and some of the athletes might be using steroids. :D

/Post made in jest
//former Pro Wrestling Fan


klayman 06-26-2006 10:25 PM


JonInMiddleGA 06-26-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by duckman
Today, I learn that Vince McMahon really loves Dicks. :D

Does the name Pat Patterson mean anything to you?

duckman 06-26-2006 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA
Does the name Pat Patterson mean anything to you?

Never heard of him. ;)

Vegas Vic 06-26-2006 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by klayman
I'm not positive, but I think pro wrestling might be fake.

A more accurate description would be "choreographed”. There’s nothing fake about the torn anterior cruciate ligaments, herniated disks, separated shoulders, concussions, broken collarbones, etc.

Joe 06-26-2006 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Vegas Vic
A more accurate description would be "choreographed”. There’s nothing fake about the torn anterior cruciate ligaments, herniated disks, separated shoulders, concussions, broken collarbones, etc.

there is when they claim a fake injury on TV to get a guy some time off :D

klayman 06-26-2006 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Vegas Vic
A more accurate description would be "choreographed”. There’s nothing fake about the torn anterior cruciate ligaments, herniated disks, separated shoulders, concussions, broken collarbones, etc.

Hey, I said I wasn't positive :)

molson 06-26-2006 11:25 PM

Check out this video of the Undertaker's highly controversial new gimmick. I think it could really take off.


Oh ya, and TV is absolutely littered with fake entertainment - pro wrestling, Law and Order, CSI, Desperate Housewives, The Simpsons, American Idol, Survivor, and the NBA, just to name a few.

duckman 06-28-2006 09:51 PM

Here's some news regarding the new ECW show:



The latest word on the power struggle for control of the new ECW is that Vince McMahon has taken back most of the control and is moving it forward in the direction he wants it to go. Paul Heyman was given control last week after the negative response to the debut episode of ECW On Sci-Fi in which his ideas were mostly changed/dropped by McMahon, but McMahon now seems to be back in control.


So it looks like ole Vinny Mac is going to pry the one thing that Paul Heyman can do right away from him: To run a show. I guess he'll be like Eric Bischoff and just be a character on the show.

duckman 06-28-2006 09:53 PM


ECW did a 2.2 last night. It's been slowly going down each week. I wonder if Sci-Fi will keep the show if it continues to slip in the ratings?

Schmidty 06-28-2006 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by duckman

ECW did a 2.2 last night. It's been slowly going down each week. I wonder if Sci-Fi will keep the show if it continues to slip in the ratings?

It's an awful show. It's like TNA's ugly step-sister.

duckman 06-29-2006 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Schmidty
It's an awful show. It's like TNA's ugly step-sister.

Personally, I like the last two shows because of the main events. The rest of the show was pretty bland.

Schmidty 06-29-2006 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by duckman
Personally, I like the last two shows because of the main events. The rest of the show was pretty bland.

I have always hated ECW. Add in the fact that the shows have been poor, and you can see that I am pretty biased.

Neuqua 06-29-2006 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by molson
Check out this video of the Undertaker's highly controversial new gimmick. I think it could really take off.


Jas_lov 06-29-2006 12:29 AM

It's the same show every week. An opening match, a stupid vampire, the exhibitionist stripping which gets stopped, sandmann hits someone with a stick 3 times, big show destroys tommy dreamer, main event. Has that not been the ECW show the past 2 weeks? There's only one hour and they waste it by filling it with crap instead of longer matches.

duckman 06-29-2006 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Jas_lov
It's the same show every week. An opening match, a stupid vampire, the exhibitionist stripping which gets stopped, sandmann hits someone with a stick 3 times, big show destroys tommy dreamer, main event. Has that not been the ECW show the past 2 weeks? There's only one hour and they waste it by filling it with crap instead of longer matches.

I agree with you. I think that they would be better served if they had 3-4 long matches (10-20 minutes apiece). Eventually, the audience (both the live and TV) is going to get tired of the same matches.

I hope the Dreamer/Big Show angle pays off eventually as well.

Neon_Chaos 06-29-2006 10:15 AM


Ryche 06-29-2006 12:16 PM

According to one of the websites I read, SciFi was hoping to pull in a 1.1 rating for the show, so they are probably quite happy with how well it has been doing.

The first show was awful, the last couple have been improving. They're going to be losing Angle for awhile as he needs to take some time off to heal some injuries, but it sounds like CM Punk will be showing up soon, so I have some hope. Especially once they get the WWE belt off Van Dam so Edge and Cena will go away.

jbmagic 06-29-2006 01:44 PM

Test is coming too.

Terps 06-29-2006 02:30 PM

Punk, Doring & Roadkill, Francine, and C.W. Anderson have been appearing on house shows. Not sure why they haven't been on TV yet.

Toddzilla 06-29-2006 02:38 PM

I read on the Torch website that VKM has indeed taken control of the show. Jeez, what a power trip that guy is on. I mean, would it be so bad if Heyman was allowed to have control of the "promotion", let him book it himself, tape it in a small arena? Heaven forbid ECW become a compelling viable product.

Guelph Spartan 06-29-2006 03:43 PM

I think the biggest problem with the way the ECW show's are being run right now is that Vince genuinely thought that he could slap the letters ECW on ANYTHING and people would turn out in droves, just like they did for the previous ECW DVD releases. That hasn't exactly happened, but I wouldn't call it a failure either.

Enough has been said about the first episode of ECW TV and I would prefer not to acknowledge it's existence anymore, but I can honestly say that I have enjoyed the last two shows. Both had some of the better TV matches I have seen in awhile, and I love that they have turned RVD into "everybody’s favorite wrestler" again. :) In fact, the only thing I really can't stand are the "Kelly" segments. Jim Cornette (sp) said it best, "if I wanted porn, I'd watch porn".

Does it feel like the "old ECW"? No. One of the key ingredients that it's lacking is the fan interaction. You don't have the intimacy of a smaller venue taping after Smackdown!. But it does feel different from RAW, even if everybody that gets significant air time is actually from RAW.

ECW will not exist long if it is just a one hour ad for RAW, and that is my biggest fear as to where it is going.

Toddzilla 06-29-2006 03:57 PM

Yep - I bought tix to see Smackdown in DC on the 15th of August. It is billed as "Smackdown / ECW", so they plan on keeping ECW far removed from what helped to make it popular and tape it in a giant arena.

JonInMiddleGA 06-29-2006 10:21 PM

re: TNA Impact 6/29

See, it's not impossible to have storylines that make sense. The whole Sting/Cage sub-plot makes sense in the context that it's being presented in. And Cage's acting is actually selling the storyline. Okay, it's not Oscar-worthy stuff but it does enhance the plot, his facial expressions & body language match the story that's being told. And that's how it's supposed to work.

Meanwhile, they've done what had to be done by getting the X Division Title back in play and TAFKA Lo-Ki is the right man to carry the belt for a while.

Of course, nothing is without problems. The LAX storyline needs to be dropped muy pronto. I'm also not happy that Diamonds in the Rough have basically been told they aren't needed for the rest of the summer (although I'm mostly unhappy about that because I know David Young a little bit & think he's a helluva good guy and one of the best sellers on the roster). They also still have to produce the only satisfactory ending to the Nash-Sabin feud and since Nash reportedly has complete creative control of his storylines I'm not going to relax until Sabin pins him clean.

And I like the Eric Young comedy bits, it's good usage of him at the moment & plays well into the impending dissolution of Team Canada.

DeToxRox 06-29-2006 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA
re: TNA Impact 6/29

See, it's not impossible to have storylines that make sense. The whole Sting/Cage sub-plot makes sense in the context that it's being presented in. And Cage's acting is actually selling the storyline. Okay, it's not Oscar-worthy stuff but it does enhance the plot, his facial expressions & body language match the story that's being told. And that's how it's supposed to work.

Meanwhile, they've done what had to be done by getting the X Division Title back in play and TAFKA Lo-Ki is the right man to carry the belt for a while.

Of course, nothing is without problems. The LAX storyline needs to be dropped muy pronto. I'm also not happy that Diamonds in the Rough have basically been told they aren't needed for the rest of the summer (although I'm mostly unhappy about that because I know David Young a little bit & think he's a helluva good guy and one of the best sellers on the roster). They also still have to produce the only satisfactory ending to the Nash-Sabin feud and since Nash reportedly has complete creative control of his storylines I'm not going to relax until Sabin pins him clean.

And I like the Eric Young comedy bits, it's good usage of him at the moment & plays well into the impending dissolution of Team Canada.

It's a shame TNA's best mix of compelling character/awesome wrestler Homicide is relegated to a stupid racisim angle. The guy can go hardcore and wrestle. Imagine New Jack with talent and not so pyscho. A Homicide/Low Ki(Senshi) feud would be awesome, but it won't happen.

JonInMiddleGA 06-29-2006 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by DeToxRoxDVHStyle
It's a shame TNA's best mix of compelling character/awesome wrestler Homicide is relegated to a stupid racisim angle.

If the dirt sheets are accurate, Homicide's status is compromised because of some backstage heat. For whatever reason(s) the guy has been apparently about as popular with management as a case of the clap. But in an old interview (July 2004) he speaks highly of Cornette so that's at least one more relationship that he might build on & get back into the mix.

Yeah, I know, Cornette's not really running the show but often it seems that the more people you have saying things in your favor backstage then the better your standing becomes.

General Mike 06-29-2006 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA
They also still have to produce the only satisfactory ending to the Nash-Sabin feud and since Nash reportedly has complete creative control of his storylines I'm not going to relax until Sabin pins him clean.

Nash isn't going to relax until he pins Joe clean, so I guess we have a bit of a problem. The best thing to do is pray for Nash to blow out his knee seconds after climbing into the ring, and then we don't have to see him for another year.

saldana 06-29-2006 11:57 PM

going back to Monday night's episode of raw, was anyone else laughing out loud at Vince's music video...i meant to slow it down and look at the "musicians" to see who they were, i know one was jake roberts, but i could have sworn the one in the middle was jerry lawler. that was some funny ass shit, imo.

duckman 06-30-2006 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by saldana
going back to Monday night's episode of raw, was anyone else laughing out loud at Vince's music video...i meant to slow it down and look at the "musicians" to see who they were, i know one was jake roberts, but i could have sworn the one in the middle was jerry lawler. that was some funny ass shit, imo.

Yeah, that whole segment with DX was hilarious. Shawn hopping around like he had ADHD was a riot. HHH doing his worst Vinny Mac impersonation was golden. The video was just the icing on the cake for me. :D

Schmidty 06-30-2006 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by saldana
going back to Monday night's episode of raw, was anyone else laughing out loud at Vince's music video...i meant to slow it down and look at the "musicians" to see who they were, i know one was jake roberts, but i could have sworn the one in the middle was jerry lawler. that was some funny ass shit, imo.

I was totally laughing, but I think it went on a bit long.

duckman 07-03-2006 12:08 PM



In a story reported by The Ironton Tribune today, Rob Van Dam and Sabu were stopped Sunday night by the Ohio State Highway Patrol and cited for drug possession.

Troopers found RVD in possession of 18 grams of marijuana and five Vicodin, while Sabu was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and also had nine pills that were not immediately identifiable, but were known to be controlled substances. They were both cited and then posted bond.

They are scheduled to appear at 10 a.m. Thursday in Ironton Municipal Court. No word on what, if any, punishment will be served up by WWE.

This will be the first major test for the new Wellness Program now that their champion and a major player in their new brand extension have been caught with illegal drugs.

I have a feeling that the punishments will not be severe though. They have too much riding with getting the new ECW off the ground. I will suspect that they may strip the title off of RVD and job them both to death, but I don't think that they will lose any days at work.

duckman 07-03-2006 12:21 PM

Are they going to be terminated?


Any Talent who is arrested, convicted or who admits to a violation of law relating to use, possession, purchase, sale or distribution of prohibited drugs will be in material breach of contract and subject to immediate dismissal.

Edit--found the article on

Deattribution 07-03-2006 01:00 PM

I doubt anyone in the WWE is surprised RVD smokes pot, who doesn't know he is a pot-head? I'd say that's a big reason why he never got a push, and low and behold when they give him one.....

And as far as the vicodin go, it's reasonable to think that after the guy wrestled 3 nights in a row, and 4 times in a week that he may have been using them for actual medical purposes.

JonInMiddleGA 07-03-2006 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by duckman
Are they going to be terminated?

I'd be amazed if VKM actually stepped up & did that, but then again, him doing anything right qualifies as amazing.

Personally, I'd just like to take a baseball bat to both guys for their stupidity. Sucks to be a parent & try to explain crap like this to your kid. Then again, my son's most common question about baseball is "do you think XYZ is using steroids" so I guess this wasn't a big shock to him either, just disappointing.

Flasch186 07-03-2006 03:40 PM

shoot, i d think Sabu Couldnt get out of bed without prescription drugs to dull the pain of destroying his body over the life of his wrestling career.

Joe 07-03-2006 05:46 PM

Terps 07-03-2006 07:59 PM


In the wake of being faced with five violations, including drug possession, by the Ohio State Highway Patrol, reports that Rob Van Dam and Sabu arrived at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia at 1:30 p.m. today and immediately went into a meeting with Vice President of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis.

Following the meeting, Mr. Laurinaitis told that Rob Van Dam and Sabu will be eligible to compete tonight on RAW and tomorrow night at ECW on Sci Fi while an ongoing investigation is being conducted by World Wrestling Entertainment. The two men will be appearing in court Thursday morning at Ironton Municipal Court.

Will be interesting to see how they deal with it. I could care less if either of them, or both of them, were fired.

Doubt that they will be since Masters is just off of TV for being on the juice, and Joey Mercury is off TV for drugs as well. So they might just do the same with RVD & Sabu.

duckman 07-03-2006 08:18 PM

Looks like they are taking the title off RVD.

MacroGuru 07-03-2006 08:52 PM

In all honesty, I am trying to watch this....and I can't, I really can't take it......

duckman 07-03-2006 10:10 PM

Vince loves cocks! hahaha

Deattribution 07-03-2006 10:25 PM

No surprise with that finish, RVD can say goodbye to his push for a long time - too bad since he was working pretty hard.

Terps 07-04-2006 12:03 AM

lol @ The King: "RVD's title run goes up in smoke."

HHH also took a dig at the creative team during the BBQ segment: "Who's writing this shit?"

Terps 07-04-2006 12:04 AM


I'm assuming RVD will be losing the ECW title tomorrow now.

duckman 07-04-2006 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by Terps

I'm assuming RVD will be losing the ECW title tomorrow now.

I would think so. He's probably going to rehab if he wants to keep his job.

Schmidty 07-04-2006 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by duckman
I would think so. He's probably going to rehab if he wants to keep his job.

Rehab for POT?

I've never smoked ANYTHING, and have certainly never used drugs, but isn't rehab a little ridiculous for a pot smoker? That's like sending a guy who's found with a 12 pack of Natty Light to the Betty Ford clinic.

duckman 07-04-2006 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Schmidty
Rehab for POT?

I've never smoked ANYTHING, and have certainly never used drugs, but isn't rehab a little ridiculous for a pot smoker? That's like sending a guy who's found with a 12 pack of Natty Light to the Betty Ford clinic.

The dude is a pill popper too.

Joe 07-04-2006 10:07 PM

Big Show is the new ECW champ.

ECW is officially dead.

duckman 07-04-2006 10:08 PM

I think it was brilliant. The reaction by the crowd was priceless.

Schmidty 07-04-2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by George W Bush
Big Show is the new ECW champ.

ECW is officially dead.

Thank goodness.

jbmagic 07-04-2006 10:14 PM

So RVD and Sabu is suspended for awhile now?

Joe 07-04-2006 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
So RVD and Sabu is suspended for awhile now?

probably at least suspended. Chris Masters has been suspended since late May for steroids, so probably it will be worse for them for the drugs + being arrested.

Flasch186 07-04-2006 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Schmidty
Thank goodness.

unbelievable how snuffed out our expectations can bewhen it comes to VKM.

Neuqua 07-04-2006 11:18 PM

I tried. I really did, but I can't watch it.

TazFTW 07-04-2006 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by jbmagic
So RVD and Sabu is suspended for awhile now?

The WWE website has RVD being suspended for 30 days.

Ryche 07-05-2006 12:41 AM

Not sure where ECW goes from here. Who exactly do they put up against the Big Show with RVD and Sabu suspended and Kurt Angle out of action to let some injuries heal. The storyline could actually work well, but I don't know that they have the players needed.

At least CM Punk made his debut, even if it was only a quick vignette. Looks like they're not changing his persona, so he could move up pretty quickly.

TazFTW 07-05-2006 03:37 AM

Despite the result I thought the RVD/Big Show match wasn't half bad. I liked the powerbomb/chair shot spot and the crowd reaction to the ending was great.

Loved the "You take steroids" chant at Test and the "Marijuana" chant during the RVD match. Dang, smart marks...

Neon_Chaos 07-05-2006 09:48 AM

Looks like it's put up or shut-up time for the WWE Wellness program.

Any Talent who is arrested, convicted or who admits to a violation of law relating to use, possession, purchase, sale or distribution of prohibited drugs will be in material breach of contract and subject to immediate dismissal.

Maple Leafs 07-05-2006 09:57 AM

Well, "subject to" means the company has the option. It does not mean it's a mandatory result.

duckman 07-05-2006 10:09 AM

According to, RVD has been suspended for 30 days (at least in the storyline).

MikeVic 07-05-2006 10:20 AM

I wonder what happens to Sabu? Considering he had a promo on last night's show... I don't think he'll get more than the same suspension RVD got.

I don't know about Big Show as ECW champ. Will he feud with Dreamer now over the title?

Desmond 07-05-2006 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by MikeVic
I don't know about Big Show as ECW champ. Will he feud with Dreamer now over the title?

Battle of the backfat?

Guelph Spartan 07-05-2006 10:36 AM

I am desperately trying to remain positive about this whole situation so here are few thoughts...

1) This could actually be a good thing... wrestling almost always works better with a heel champion with a face chasing the title. So if they can turn this into RVD chasing the title back (which really never happened considering he was given the ECW belt) it could end up being a very strong program. Big Show represents everything ECW should not be, and at the same time, is exactly what Vince's ECW has become. It all depends on Dreamer and Big Show keeping the fire hot for the next 30 days.

2) The debut of CM Punk could not have come at a more perfect time considering his “straight edge” lifestyle/gimmick. Would have liked him to have a little more time to get that across, but hopefully this will come next week.

3) OK, so there isn’t a third good point, this sux :(

Desmond 07-05-2006 10:40 AM

Heres the deal, old ECW fans could give a shit about the product at this point. WWE fans could give a shit about the product at this point. See where the problem lies? Outside of CM Punk I have zero need to watch this show ever again so i'll just take to downloading it and skipping to his segment.

duckman 07-05-2006 02:53 PM

Here are the punishments regarding RVD and Sabu:


WWE announced today that based on information gathered over the past few days, Van Dam has been suspended without pay for 30 days and Sabu has been fined $1000.

JonInMiddleGA 07-05-2006 03:01 PM

Just an odd curiosity that's crossed my mind a few times over the years -- how exactly is Terry Brunk "fined" X amount by the WWE?

I mean, is being subject to "fines" for guys who are ultimately just contract employees of a corporation something that is spelled out contractually or in a case like this is it merely a euphemism for "we're docking your pay by X amount".

edit to attempt to clarify what I mean -- Usually wrestlers are "fined" in the context of kayfabe but in this case (and a couple of recent TNA mentions in the dirt sheets), the word is being used in the same manner that an organization like MLB or the NFL levies a fine as a penalty. In those cases, I assume that it's something spelled out as a possibility in the collective bargaining process, or in the case of NASCAR it'd be a disciplinary process spelled out as part of the membership agreement ... but pro wrestling really has neither of those things, so I'm wondering how these types of fines are actually handled.

MikeVic 07-05-2006 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by duckman
Here are the punishments regarding RVD and Sabu:


Only a $1000 fine for Sabu? I thought he was charged with the more serious offense? No suspension at all is a joke.

JonInMiddleGA 07-06-2006 10:46 PM

Meanwhile, back in the Impact Zone ... Samoa Joe channels both Mike Tyson & Taz to cut a promo for Victory Road ;)

Meanwhile, Rhino's taped promo really was what Don West said: the most passionate thing we've ever heard from him.

Y'know, between Rhino & Joe and the recent body of work from Christian, I believe TNA is fully one step closer to being able to transition away from using the older workers to provide personality. Of course, on the other end of the spectrum there's Monty Brown, a man who should be kept as far away from a microphone as possible. If anything, I think he may be regressing ... and that's a scary thought.

Meanwhile, somebody ought to have Andy Douglas checked for brain damage.
If the dirt sheets are accurate & he's risked both the planned push and perhaps even his job because he didn't want to get his hair cut for the angle, he's gotta be nuts.

Toddzilla 07-07-2006 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA
Of course, on the other end of the spectrum there's Monty Brown, a man who should be kept as far away from a microphone as possible. If anything, I think he may be regressing ... and that's a scary thought.

Truer words have never been spoken - egads he's awful.

Guelph Spartan 07-07-2006 09:23 AM


Y'know, between Rhino & Joe and the recent body of work from Christian, I believe TNA is fully one step closer to being able to transition away from using the older workers to provide personality

I could not agree more... the thing that has really held TNA back (aside from the juvenile name, why don't they just call it NWA?), has been it's reliance on Jarrett in the main event spot. But something tells me that's not going to change anytime soon.

Ryche 07-07-2006 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Toddzilla
Truer words have never been spoken - egads he's awful.

And the Pounce is just flat out awful. If he hits it perfectly it looks ok. More often it looks like he jumps in his opponent's general direction and they fall like a soccer player.

albionmoonlight 07-07-2006 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA
Just an odd curiosity that's crossed my mind a few times over the years -- how exactly is Terry Brunk "fined" X amount by the WWE?

I mean, is being subject to "fines" for guys who are ultimately just contract employees of a corporation something that is spelled out contractually or in a case like this is it merely a euphemism for "we're docking your pay by X amount".

edit to attempt to clarify what I mean -- Usually wrestlers are "fined" in the context of kayfabe but in this case (and a couple of recent TNA mentions in the dirt sheets), the word is being used in the same manner that an organization like MLB or the NFL levies a fine as a penalty. In those cases, I assume that it's something spelled out as a possibility in the collective bargaining process, or in the case of NASCAR it'd be a disciplinary process spelled out as part of the membership agreement ... but pro wrestling really has neither of those things, so I'm wondering how these types of fines are actually handled.

Me, too. MLB, NFL, etc. have a collective bargaining agreement where the process for fines is created. And, I am sure, the fines all end up going to some third party charity that is neither the league or the union.

Here, does WWE just keep the money? I guess that it does not really matter in the end since they have the right to fire him and I am sure that he'd just rather give up the cash.

But it would be really strange for me to show up for work on Monday and have my boss say, "We caught you stealing paperclips from the supply closet last week, so we are going to pay you $1,000 less this month."

Fines are just weird outside of the organized sports context.

molson 07-07-2006 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA
Just an odd curiosity that's crossed my mind a few times over the years -- how exactly is Terry Brunk "fined" X amount by the WWE?

I mean, is being subject to "fines" for guys who are ultimately just contract employees of a corporation something that is spelled out contractually or in a case like this is it merely a euphemism for "we're docking your pay by X amount".

It's another example of the many benefits the WWE gets from making sure that the talent are legally considered "independent contractors" rather than "employees".

I'm sure the WWE's lawyers work to maintain this distinction, but it sure does seem teneous, considering that the talent isn't allowed to work in a wrestling capacity for anyone else, and the WWE controls every aspect of how the talent does their job.

Guelph Spartan 07-07-2006 10:42 AM

Not to get too lawyer on you all but, it would be next to impossible for Vince to maintain his roster as independent contractors.

Taken from the IRS website:

Who is an Independent Contractor?
A general rule is that you, the payer, have the right to control or direct only the result of the work done by an independent contractor, and not the means and methods of accomplishing the result

Which leads to the argument that since Vince/Pat Patterson/whoever lays out the match, then they are exhibiting control over their work. What happens when a workers such as Flair, who likes to call it in the ring, is probably not a situation that the IRS intended on deciding.



To determine whether an individual is an employee or independent contractor under the common law, the relationship of the worker and the business must be examined. All evidence of control and independence must be considered. In an employee-independent contractor determination, all information that provides evidence of the degree of control and degree of independence must be considered.

The bottom line is this: Vince controls what matches they will have, what public appearances they will have, what TV show they will appear on, how much TV time they will get, and most importantly; the ultimate winner of their match. If the key in determining independent contractor/employee is control, there is no doubt that Vince has the control.

molson 07-07-2006 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Guelph Spartan
Not to get too lawyer on you all but, it would be next to impossible for Vince to maintain his roster as independent contractors.

I absolutely agree, which is why I'm so puzzled that the distinction has apparently survived in the business.

Of course, wrestlers aren't likely to challenge the WWE legally, for fear of being blacklisted

Guelph Spartan 07-07-2006 11:03 AM

You are completely right... the key word is "blacklisted".

It's the same reason that there are no wrestling unions... nobody will dare stand up to Vince. Especially now that he is the only show in town (TNA isn't a truly viable option yet).

Toddzilla 07-07-2006 11:42 AM

Getting back to TNA potentially using older wreslters primarily to give the younger guys a rub...that is why I really like them signing Scott Steiner. He may be awful in the ring - not as bad as most old guys - but he's always been willing to put a younger guy over in the ring. He did it in WCW a ton in the last months of the company, and he'll probably be a good company guy for TNA. Hell, he did the job for Joe, didn't he?

JonInMiddleGA 07-07-2006 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Toddzilla
and he'll probably be a good company guy for TNA. Hell, he did the job for Joe, didn't he?

He's a guy that I was truly & genuinely disgusted by seeing get a contract at all but I can't disagree one bit that, to this point at least, has performed not only a valuable role but performed it well in the process.

I still don't trust him not to cause problems outside the ring, heck I still don't trust TNA not to screw this up & decide to start putting the guy over, but I can't argue with the usage or the results so far.

Which brings me to continued concerns about whether the Nash/Sabin angle will get screwed up when all is said & done. The upcoming tag match is obviously feud filler and is meant to extend the storyline another month. It's not exciting but at least I understand the purpose of it. But the payoff needs to come in August, and nothing other than a clean pin by Sabin is an acceptable outcome. But the phrase "creative control" worries me greatly, especially when Nash is involved.

edit to add -- You also brought up a good general point about the use of the overall use of veterans to provide a rub. I think it's been interesting to watch how Sting has actually provided that for Christian through an angle, rather than by losing. Not unheard of, but not the most common way of doing it either. I think that's roughly the same thing that was underway with Shane Douglas & The Naturals, albeit to a far lesser degree.

A bigger topic for another time perhaps, but it might be interesting to go back sometime & look at various stars to see how much "the rub" affected their careers versus those who never got one but got over in spite of that. That notion came to mind as I was thinking about some guys who are over but haven't gone that route to get there, Styles particularly came to mind as someone who got over on their own skill set more than anything else.

DeToxRox 07-07-2006 04:28 PM

TNA signed Homicide.

About f'ing time.

Now they need to use the guy.

saldana 07-11-2006 01:21 AM

this weeks raw blows....over an hour into the show, and there has only been one match plus a diva match....and dx hasnt even shown up yet.

saldana 07-11-2006 01:22 AM

dola, and who exactly are they trying to entice to watch ECW tomorrow by setting up a Big Show vs. Ric Flair title match.....that is destined to be shitty.

MikeVic 07-11-2006 09:16 AM

I couldn't watch all of RAW. Not because I didn't set aside the time, but because it sucked. Since when can another brand's wrestlers just show up on the other brands? I ignored it for a bit, but hate it now. These are supposed to be three separate "brands," yet with ECW recaps on RAW and Smackdown and Heyman and Big Show showing up on RAW freely... this is stupid.

Terps 07-11-2006 11:28 AM

I hate all the brand extensions. I haven't watched Smackdown since it became it's own brand. ECW may as well be considered another extension, named WWECW. Vince should rename Smackdown to WCW.

If that's not bad enough, rumors are that Vince wants to add two more brand extensions in the next couple of years. Ugh.

saldana 07-11-2006 06:49 PM

i barely finished watching it last night....possibly the worst episode of raw ever....i didnt even tivo the disaster that is sure to be ecw for would hurt too much

Joe 07-11-2006 06:51 PM

Big Show vs. Ric Flair. Just like the good old days in ECW

saldana 07-11-2006 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by George W Bush
Big Show vs. Ric Flair. Just like the good old days in ECW

yeah, 10 years ago before flair was collecting social security!!! there is absolutley no spot those two can run tonight or angle they can play that will not suck

DeToxRox 07-11-2006 07:07 PM

I am watching ECW tonight to see CM Punk. He's my only reason for watching.

DeToxRox 07-11-2006 07:07 PM

Dola - no garunteers he even debuts in the ring tonight.

JonInMiddleGA 07-11-2006 07:16 PM

As bad as this WWECW trainwreck is, there could be at least some trivial value in having Flair pull off the upset tonight, as it would make him the only person to have won World Titles in the NWA, WCW, WWF/E, and ECW.

Odd bit of wrestling trivia for you: prior to RVD & Big Slow accomplishing the feat in the new (mockery of) ECW, there were two previous wrestlers that had won both an ECW World Title and another recognized World Title (as acknowledged by PWI)

Can you name them (without looking it up)?

For the record, one of them I would have gotten but the other had slipped my mind.

TazFTW 07-11-2006 07:20 PM

Snuka and Shane Douglas?

saldana 07-11-2006 07:21 PM

eddie guerrero and chris benoit? (never watched a ton of ecw, so i dont know if they ever had the belt)

molson 07-11-2006 07:26 PM

Terry Funk would be one. No idea about the other - Neither Benoit nor guerrero were ECW champs.

molson 07-11-2006 07:28 PM

Dola - would Raven count? (TNA and ECW)

WVUFAN 07-11-2006 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by saldana
eddie guerrero and chris benoit? (never watched a ton of ecw, so i dont know if they ever had the belt)

TazFTW is right -- Snuka was the first ECW Champion, and Shane Douglas is a former NWA Champion.

JonInMiddleGA 07-11-2006 07:30 PM

TazFTW -- Nope. Snuka never won any other top title despite challenging for them on numerious occasions and Douglas isn't counted because the ECW WHT was not "recognized" as a World Title until after the show debuted on TNN in 1999.

saldana -- Nope. Neither of those two great young lions ever won the top title in ECW.

Maple Leafs 07-11-2006 07:34 PM

Steve Corino and Rhino have been TNA/NWA champs.

JonInMiddleGA 07-11-2006 07:38 PM

molson - Funk misses the same way Snuka & Douglas missed, the "recognition" stipulation I mentioned. Ditto Raven.

That's actually an even bigger "catch" to the question than I first realized (as I had forgotten that Funk would also qualify).

By my own reckoning (as opposed to PWI's), I would have counted Douglas' second reign (the night he threw down the NWA title marking the starting point & not truly a double) as the first, then Funk in April '97, and Raven's ECW reign in early '96 becoming eligible as the third when he won the NWA title in June of '06.

But none of those are the two I was referring to.

JonInMiddleGA 07-11-2006 07:41 PM

And MapleLeafs gets the answers I was looking for. Rhino was obvious to me but Corino's 2 month run in ECW was what I initially forgot about.

Another odd thing about Corino's reigns was that he lost both belts in 3-way dances -- ECW's to Sandman & Justin Credible and the NWA to Shinya Hashimoto & Gary Steele. Maybe not unique, but it seems unusual to lose two world titles that way.

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