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Chief Rum 04-16-2015 12:44 PM

WW Dukes Versus Hunters (GAME OVER!!--See Post #1387)
The Game

The title says it all. Every player will be either a Duke or a Hunter (with some variations).

While this game will feature two teams of hunters and dukes, it will actually be a normal WW game, with mostly villagers and a smaller number of wolves, hidden randomly among the hunters and dukes.

I can't currently think of a fictional framework that would explain this set up, so this is more or less a straight werewolf-villager universe.

I will expand on the game roles and rules in subsequent posts.

Game Start

I am going to see how the player list looks. If it fills up quick, we'll start Monday (April 20). If it doesn't, we'll hold off until later in the week or more likely, the next following Monday (April 27).

I can play this game with a small number or large number of players. Obviously, the more players, the better.


Due to my unavailability on some nights, I need to work with a 24 hour mid-day deadline. I currently project that deadline to be 4 p.m. EST (1 p.m. PDT).

For some people, this might actually be a benefit, as many of us are desk jockey players. But it may rule out others who would normally be able to contribute after work, but can't during the day.

I'm going to play it by ear with the time, depending on the responses here and in the GM thread, but I will make a final decision on the time well before the start of the game.

Chief Rum 04-16-2015 12:45 PM


This is your standard game of werewolf, underneath it all. There will be mostly villagers and a small group of wolves.

The major win condition for the village is to eliminate all the wolves. Except where the rules allow, the villagers will not be allowed to communicate outside of the game thread (and specifically through PMs).

The major win condition for the wolves will be to achieve a 1:1 ratio with th e villagers. The wolves will be allowed to communicate vi PM. The wolves will be able to nightkill one player at every deadline.

The players will vote to lynch one player every day. Unless other rule conditions come into play to stop the lynch, that player will be lynched at the end of the day and removed from the game.


Each day, every player must submit a vote for a player to be lynched.

The proper form to vote is as follows:


Votes which do not follow this form are at risk of being missed or disallowed.

To change your vote, follow this form:


You may unvote and re-vote in the same post. I will accept the BGG format of simply stating Unvote.

Self-votes are not allowed. Two days without a vote from the player will get the player removed from the game. Nightfall votes will lock in that player's vote, but an actual early nightfall will only be honored if it is unanimously approved by all remaining players in the game.

The mechanism for determining results in the case of a tie vote is unknown.


This game will use a 24 hour deadline. The deadline each day (Monday through Friday) will be 4 p.m. EST/1 p.m. PDT.

This is the deadline for both day actions (voting, duke actions, etc.) and night actions (nightkills, seer scans, etc.).

Any actions for the day or night that is not an "immediate" action must be sent to the GM by the deadline. Conditionals are allowed.

Votes and actions will be eligible to be counted if they happen up to and including 4:00 p.m. EST (1:00 p.m. PDT). Any votes at 4:01 p.m. EST (1:01 p.m. PDT) will not be counted.


The villagers and wolves are also split into two separate groups: the Dukes and the Hunters.

There is no tie between players being wolfs or villagers and being dukes and hunters. Every player's allegiance as a Duke or a Hunter will be assigned randomly, regardless of their allegiance as a wolf or villager.

Although the major win conditions lie with the wolves versus the villagers, every player also has a minor win condition as a Duke or a Hunter to see that his respective team is the dominant faction left in the game at the end. This will be determined on majority.

There will be wolf-villager roles, and also hunter-duke roles. It is possible to have a role from each allegiance (seer and medic, for instance).


Dukes have the ability to change the lynch vote one time in the game, changing the actual player lynched to a player of his choosing. If there are multiple attempts to duke a lynch, an unknown tiebreaker mechanism will kick in. Only one player will be lynched, but all duke attempts will be counted an that power will be exhausted for all those who chose to duke the lynch.

Any duke action must be sent to the GM before that day's deadline via PM.

If you duke to a player who is also a duke, in addition to that player dying, you will also die. The only way to avoid this in a regular duking is to duke to a Hunter.

Each duke can, one time in the game, choose to PM to another duke. He can put in the message whatever he wishes, but he will not know what duke the message goes to, nor will the duke receiving it know from whom it came. The PM will be sent to the GM.


Hunters have the ability, one time per game, to kill another player in the game, and this action will happen immediately once the GM has seen the PM. If multiple actions are received, the first received will be executed. The others received will be ignored, and those Hunters will continue to have their Hunter ability.

Only one Hunter kill will be allowed per day. No Hunters may elect to use this skill on Day One, and under no circumstance may a Hunter elect to use his kill within the last hour before deadline.

If the GM has not yet acted on a Hunter kill PM, it is possible for the sending Hunter to withdraw this action.

If you use your Hunter kill on another Hunter, in addition to that player dying, you will also die. The only way to avoid this in a regular Hunter kill is to kill a Duke.

Each hunter can, one time in the game, choose to PM to another hunter. He can put in the message whatever he wishes, but he will not know what hunter the message goes to, nor will the hunter receiving it know from whom it came. The PM will be sent to the GM.


Editing of posts is allowed on two conditions--they must be edited within five minutes of the original post, and they must only be for proofing/grammar/spelling reasons.

Any player violating this risks the wrath of the GM.

Be courteous. This is just a game. We're here to have fun, not tear each other's throats out.

If you are killed, do not continue to post in the game thread except one last message to wish your team well. No game information may be discussed in any such farewell messages.

No discussion of the game is allowed outside of the thread, other than those manners provided for in the rules (i.e. PMs among living players).

No discussion is allowed during the processing of night actions following the lynch, except for general commentary on the lynch results. After night actions have been posted, regular discussion may ensue.

As always, if there is any general WW rule we observe here that I neglected to include, please consider it enacted. If you have any doubts about that, ask me in thread or PM me.

Chief Rum 04-16-2015 12:45 PM


All roles will be in the game.


Villager Roles

BODYGUARD-- This player has the option to watch over one player per night from an attack from the wolves. He can protect himself. He cannot protect the same person two nights in a row.

SEER-- This player has the ability to observe one player per night to determine their wolf-villager allegiance.

CULTIST-- You are a villager but you are a wannabe wolf. You win with the wolves, but count towards the village for win conditions. You know the wolves' identities and their Hunter/Duke allegiances. You cannot PM a player like the others, but you can receive PMs. You do not have a natural Hunter or Duke ability, although you will be a member of one of those teams. You have the ability to act as a member of one of those teams as if you were The Blank (Hunter team) or Stuttering Sam (Duke team). If you are attacked by the wolves, you will join them.

Wolf Roles

CUNNING-- This wolf will come up as a villager if the seer scans him.

BRUTAL-- This wolf will take a player of his choosing with him if he is lynched.


Duke Roles

MEDIC-- You have the option each day to watch over any other player in the game. You can watch over the same player each day, but you cannot watch over yourself. If that player is shot through a Hunter Kill, you will save his life. You will then lose your ability as a Medic. The target will survive, but he will be unable to take any action for the rest of that day. He may not be lynched on that day.

BUDDY-- You are everyone's friend. Even the Hunters like you. You can charm any player in the game into revealing his Hunter-Duke allegiance, once per night.

STUTTERING SAM-- You are Sam, and you have a stutter that is so bad, you cannot speak well enough to use the Duke ability. But you do not know this. To your knowledge, you will appear to be a regular Duke. Your attempt to duke will nullify all other dukings that day, and the original lynch target will still be lynched.

Hunter Roles

PEACEMAKER-- You are an uncommonly good orator for a Hunter and one time per game, you can stop a duking from happening. The result will be a no lynch.

BULLY-- You are a big brute of man with little consciousness when it comes to beating people up. Each night you may bully and beat up another player to determine his Hunter-Duke allegiance.

THE BLANK-- You don't know it, but someone slipped you a clip with blanks. Your shot will not kill the target.



There will be items in this game as well, all of which will be randomly handed out at the start of the game. These items may be passed around.

The items in the game:

Bulletproof Vest-- This item stops a bullet one time.

Ammo Clip-- This item gives you a second shot, or if you're a Duke, a first shot.

Laser Sight Scope-- If this is used in conjunction with the ability to shoot, and is aimed at someone on the opposite Duke/Hunter team, your shot will even kill someone wearing a Bulletproof Vest or a Camo Outfit. If you fire at someone on your own team, it won't fire. One time use.

Mirror-- This item can be used on a player with a gun to distract him so that his shot misses. You pick a player every day until it is used, after which the mirror breaks (no bad luck).

Camo Outfit-- If you are wearing this outfit, you cannot be found by a Hunter to shoot or Duked to by a Duke. It can only be worn three days.

Bullhorn-- This item stops any Duking if you're not Duking, and allows your Duking to be the one which happens if you are. One time use.

Chief Rum 04-16-2015 12:46 PM

Player List

1. Shoveler-- SURVIVOR, Duke, No Roles
2. Grover-- Duke and Stuttering Sam, Oil Profiteer, LYNCHED, Day Six
3. JAG-- Hunter, KILLED BY WOLVES, Night One
4. timmae-- Hunter, Peacemaker and Cunning Wolf, DUKE-LYNCHED BY SHOVELER, Day Three
5. cheekimonk-- SURVIVOR, Duke, No Roles
6. Raven-- Duke, KILLED BY WOLVES, Night Four
7. The Jackal-- Hunter, KILLED BY WOLVES, Night Three
8. Vaimes-- Hunter, DUKE-LYNCHED BY MARTIND, Day Two
9. fontisian-- Hunter and Blank, LYNCHED, Day Four
10. EagleFan-- Hunter, Brutal Wolf, DUKE-LYNCHED BY MRBUG708, Day Five
11. Autumn-- Hunter and Seer, KILLED BY WOLVES, Night Five
12. britrock88-- Duke and Cultist, SHOT-KILLED BY AUTUMN, Day Five
13. Zinto-- Hunter, LYNCHED, Day One
14. Narcizo-- Duke, BRUTAL-KILLED BY EAGLEFAN, Day Five
15. MartinD-- Duke, MEDIC, SHOT-KILLED BY EAGLFAN, Day Three
16. MrBug708-- SURVIVOR, DUKE and Bodyguard

MINOR WIN CONDITION: The DUKES have won the minor win condition.

Shoveler 04-16-2015 12:47 PM

Im in

Grover 04-16-2015 12:47 PM

I'm in, I suppose.

Chief Rum 04-16-2015 12:48 PM

For those who don't know...

A Hunter is a role where the player can, at any time, once per game, shoot and kill another player in the game.

A Duke is a role where the player can, at the deadline, once per game, change the lynch results.

JAG 04-16-2015 01:12 PM

Not sure how those rules would work, but I'll be interested to see. In. Can't guarantee I'll be around at deadlines.

Chief Rum 04-16-2015 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by JAG (Post 3020204)
Not sure how those rules would work, but I'll be interested to see. In. Can't guarantee I'll be around at deadlines.

It's definitely an experimental ruleset, but the roles will all be fairly simple and there will be some checks and balances.

I'll be honest, though, it is entirely possible for the game to end on Day One or to go on for a while.

timmae 04-16-2015 01:48 PM

In. Calling Grover meta vote D1 right now.

Grover 04-16-2015 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by timmae (Post 3020213)
In. Calling Grover meta vote D1 right now.

Ass. ;)

Also, if I'm a Hunter, I am shooting you day one. Just because.

timmae 04-16-2015 01:57 PM

hey now... us noobs need to stick together! Right cheeks?! Where's cheeki?

cheekimonk 04-16-2015 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by timmae (Post 3020220)
hey now... us noobs need to stick together! Right cheeks?! Where's cheeki?

Truth. You mean except the Wheel of Time game? ;)

cheekimonk 04-16-2015 02:02 PM


timmae 04-16-2015 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by cheekimonk (Post 3020223)
Truth. You mean except the Wheel of Time game? ;)

Shoot, that's right. I am starting to gather a list of enemies... Heya EF! Didn't see you hiding over there! How ya doing pal! Ole' buddy of mine. Surely you'll be the ugly half of my trust team! ;)

Raven 04-16-2015 02:56 PM

In. But the early deadline is going to screw with my availability. Just wanted to establish that up front.

The Jackal 04-16-2015 03:01 PM

In / wtf

The Jackal 04-16-2015 03:18 PM

This should be interesting

Vaimes 04-16-2015 03:28 PM

I'll be in.

fontisian 04-16-2015 04:01 PM


EagleFan 04-16-2015 06:23 PM


Autumn 04-16-2015 07:09 PM

In. Shouldn't take much time with the massive chain of kills on the first day. ;-)

cheekimonk 04-16-2015 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Autumn (Post 3020287)
In. Shouldn't take much time with the massive chain of kills on the first day. ;-)

I'm a newb, but I agree. I predict fontisian will be involved in the first kill somehow.

Vaimes 04-16-2015 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by cheekimonk (Post 3020289)
I'm a newb, but I agree. I predict fontisian will be involved in the first kill somehow.

(heh heh heh)

fontisian 04-16-2015 07:52 PM

I'm preemptively claiming bulletproof and lynch proof.

cheekimonk 04-16-2015 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by fontisian (Post 3020297)
I'm preemptively claiming bulletproof and lynch proof.


Vaimes 04-16-2015 07:56 PM

gotta kill the Witch

EagleFan 04-16-2015 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Vaimes (Post 3020300)
gotta kill the Witch

Burn the witch, get it right. Wolf!!!!

cheekimonk 04-16-2015 07:59 PM

"Did you dress her up this way?"
"Well...we did do the nose."
"The nose?"
"And the hat...but she is a witch!"
"She turned me into a newt!"
"A newt?!"
"...I got better."

Grover 04-16-2015 08:02 PM

Relevant: Stephen Hawking Singing Monty Python's "Galaxy Song" Is Perfection

britrock88 04-16-2015 08:14 PM


britrock88 04-16-2015 08:15 PM

Two questions:

1) What if two hunters target the same person?
2) What if multiple dukes attempt to throw the lynch?

Zinto 04-16-2015 08:21 PM

I am in

EagleFan 04-16-2015 08:27 PM

Can we still post in the "I was killed early" thread when we are ALL killed day/night one...

fontisian 04-16-2015 08:27 PM

WEREWOLVES Starring Kate Micucci, Felicia Day, and Jeff Lewis - HALLOWEEK - YouTube

I'll just leave this here.

Shoveler 04-16-2015 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by britrock88 (Post 3020317)
Two questions:

1) What if two hunters target the same person?

That person gets shot twice


Originally Posted by britrock88 (Post 3020317)
2) What if multiple dukes attempt to throw the lynch?

The double duke? I think that's like crossing the streams.

Narcizo 04-17-2015 01:02 AM

I believe the time schedule will mean I can actually be around at deadline for the first time since Pass' games. Or possibly not. Not that it should matter once the bodies start hitting the floor. I'm guessing the shorterst game ever.

Perhaps Werewolves vs Vampires (werewolves are hunters, vampires are dukes) for flavour.

timmae 04-17-2015 06:54 AM

Fellas... We are not all either a hunter or a duke. That'd be crazy talk.. :)

JAG 04-17-2015 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by timmae (Post 3020392)
Fellas... We are not all either a hunter or a duke. That'd be crazy talk.. :)

Lying already?


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3020184)
The Game

The title says it all. Every player will be either a Duke or a Hunter (with some variations).

Obviously a wolf.

Shoveler 04-17-2015 07:51 AM

BREAKING NEWS: Timmae was found dead after night one. He was apparently shot seven times.

timmae 04-17-2015 08:08 AM

Now where did I put that Kevlar vest... wait, I know....

timmae 04-17-2015 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3020184)
While this game will feature two teams of hunters and dukes, it will actually be a normal WW game, with mostly villagers and a smaller number of wolves, hidden randomly among the hunters and dukes.

There gotsa be rules around here...

EagleFan 04-17-2015 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by timmae (Post 3020410)
There gotsa be rules around here...

But those villagers and wolves will be hunters and dukes.

We'll save a spot in the I was killed early thread for you. :)

timmae 04-17-2015 09:44 AM

well shoot.... Not at me darnit! I'm good. Honestly. I'll prove it by saving you! ;)

EagleFan 04-17-2015 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by timmae (Post 3020437)
well shoot.... Not at me darnit! I'm good. Honestly. I'll prove it by saving you! ;)

I believe him, he's not acting like a wolf now.

Autumn 04-17-2015 10:09 AM

Oh man, a Pope special role that is immune to both would be great. Infallible and Popemobile are his traits.

Autumn 04-17-2015 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by britrock88 (Post 3020317)
Two questions:

1) What if two hunters target the same person?
2) What if multiple dukes attempt to throw the lynch?

What do you mean "what if"?

JAG 04-17-2015 10:15 AM

Latham has to come back for this game so I can duke it to him Day 1.

MartinD 04-17-2015 10:16 AM

In - will be nice to be able to be around at deadline (although being alive after deadline could be an issue here... ;) )

Chief Rum 04-17-2015 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by britrock88 (Post 3020317)
Two questions:

1) What if two hunters target the same person?
2) What if multiple dukes attempt to throw the lynch?

1. As with the usual Hunter role, most of the Hunter roles here will be processed as soon as I see them. So it would be unlikely to have two Hunters send in kill orders at exactly the same time. I will process shoot orders in the order in which I receive them.

2. To be determined. I have several scenarios in mind and I am still thinking over the best way to go about them. If I don't go with an interesting way, I will default to first duke order received is used.

Chief Rum 04-17-2015 11:00 AM

The player list is coming along nicely, so we should be able to start this coming Monday. Roles will be sent out Sunday night.

I am finalizing the ruleset details, and if I finish before the end of my work day, I will put them up before I leave. If I don't finish them today, they will go up tomorrow night at the latest.

The Jackal 04-17-2015 11:06 AM

sidenote: pretty sure I was deciding between The Duke and The Jackal when setting up a forum name here

Raven 04-17-2015 11:59 AM

So the Hunter's kill gets processed immediately (well, as soon as Chief sees it), and not at the deadline, correct?

Chief Rum 04-17-2015 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Raven (Post 3020482)
So the Hunter's kill gets processed immediately (well, as soon as Chief sees it), and not at the deadline, correct?

Generally, correct.

Keep in mind there will be modifications to some Hunter roles that could affect this. But by and large, that is how the Hunter works, yes.

EagleFan 04-17-2015 04:32 PM

So half of the game is killed of about ten minutes after CR says go. :)

MrBug708 04-17-2015 07:25 PM

I'm game

Autumn 04-17-2015 08:14 PM

I sent my kill order in yesterday.

EagleFan 04-17-2015 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Autumn (Post 3020614)
I sent my kill order in yesterday.

Crap, so I'm out of the game already...


cheekimonk 04-17-2015 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 3020649)
Crap, so I'm out of the game already...


Maybe you can strike font from beyond the grave. We don't know the rules just yet.

Autumn 04-18-2015 08:22 AM

Font has already caught the wolves, don't worry folks.

Chief Rum 04-19-2015 04:08 PM

I am putting up final roles tonight and will actually send out roles first thing in the morning for a Tuesday midday deadline. I came to realize how silly it would be to run a Day One for either a half day (Monday deadline) or a day and a half (Tuesday deadline).

EagleFan 04-19-2015 05:10 PM

Looking forward to the carnage...


Chief Rum 04-20-2015 03:18 AM

Rules and roles have been set out in the second and third posts of the thread.

The only additions to be made there going forward will be a handful of items I will add to the third post before the start of the game.

Roles will be sent out when I get to work in the morning, and the game will then begin.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the ruleset.

Narcizo 04-20-2015 04:00 AM

Is the hunter who executed a kill order revealed on killing? Is the duke who moved a vote revealed?

Narcizo 04-20-2015 04:04 AM

Oh and the rules look really interesting - particularly the wolves being in on the minor victory condition with the villagers.

JAG 04-20-2015 05:28 AM

Love the rules, nice work.

timmae 04-20-2015 07:10 AM

Ready for a messy day... See everyone on the backside!

The Jackal 04-20-2015 07:49 AM

Very cool ruleset. Makes it much less likely that everyone will die on D1 ;)

Autumn 04-20-2015 08:03 AM

This is going to be nuts. the good kind of nuts.

Narcizo 04-20-2015 09:18 AM


fontisian 04-20-2015 09:20 AM

I love cashews.

Chief Rum 04-20-2015 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Narcizo (Post 3020960)
Is the hunter who executed a kill order revealed on killing? Is the duke who moved a vote revealed?

Yes, both the hunters and dukes are revealed when their actions result in public consequences.

Chief Rum 04-20-2015 10:16 AM

Okay, putting in some items on the front page, then rolling for the random roles and then sending PMs out.

If you receive your role, please do not post anything game related before I start the game.

Chief Rum 04-20-2015 10:28 AM

Items have been added to the third post.

Chief Rum 04-20-2015 10:42 AM

Key change: I have added a Cultist role. See the third post for details.

Chief Rum 04-20-2015 11:01 AM

Roles going out.

Chief Rum 04-20-2015 11:25 AM

Roles have been sent out. The next post will officially start the game.

Chief Rum 04-20-2015 11:35 AM

It was just another peaceful day in the Bayou in the sleepy swamp village of Rollette.

That is, until someone discovered an oil deposit on village lands.

All of a sudden, the area was swamped with sweet talking carpetbaggers, trying to work their way into the village and stake their claim. They are the Dukes.

The local gun-toting yokels are having none of that. They don't care about oil or money. They just want to be left alone. They are the Hunters.

Whoever wins out will claim the oil.

But is that it? No! There are suspicions of a more insidious nature, a group of oil profiteers who will stop at nothing to claim all the oil and the money coming from it. They will kill every last Hunter and Duke if they need to to get it.

But who are they? They could be Hunters or the could be Dukes?

Can the village find them--and keep the oil--before the profiteers can get their hands on all that oil money?


The deadline for Day One is Tuesday (tomorrow) at 4 p.m. EST/1 p.m. PDT

A reminder: Hunters may not shoot on this day. No shooting is allowed on Day One at all, or in the last hour before the deadline on any day.

Grover 04-20-2015 11:41 AM

Oil? Obligatory...

"I drink your milkshake!"

timmae 04-20-2015 12:31 PM

This is a very complex ruleset from a strategy standpoint. Many roles, a few items, quite a bit of cause and effect. Holy shitballs this will be fun.

OOG: Just a heads up that I have offsite meetings from 8am until 4pm CST tomorrow (Tuesday).

vote cheeki

Standard meta vote.

Vaimes 04-20-2015 12:36 PM

I rolled town again.

Vote fontisian

Time to go WitchHunting.

EagleFan 04-20-2015 12:36 PM

vote timmae

Oh, and checking in. Will be on for a few but have meetings coming up. Back on later tonight afterwards.

MartinD 04-20-2015 12:36 PM

This looks like it could be interesting...

Vote at random, as a placeholder for now:


Vaimes 04-20-2015 12:36 PM

Someone should pass me an item toNight so I can feel less boring.

Vaimes 04-20-2015 12:37 PM

Vote timmae

JAG 04-20-2015 12:38 PM

Vanilla villager checking in.



timmae 04-20-2015 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Vaimes (Post 3021092)
Someone should pass me an item toNight so I can feel less boring.

Or you could early claim a role! How fun would that be?! :p

Vaimes 04-20-2015 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by JAG (Post 3021094)
Vanilla villager checking in.



I am so annoyed, with all these cool abilities and items, I managed to roll the vanilla-ist of vanillas. I cannot believe.

JAG 04-20-2015 12:40 PM

Vote The Jackal

Because he's always a wolf (except last game).

JAG 04-20-2015 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by timmae (Post 3021095)
Or you could early claim a role! How fun would that be?! :p

I laughed. :)

Vaimes 04-20-2015 12:41 PM

And there's a Godfather in play?? Goodbye.


Originally Posted by timmae (Post 3021095)
Or you could early claim a role! How fun would that be?! :p

Oh, right!

Uh. I'm the, ah. Bulletproof Seer?

Chief Rum 04-20-2015 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Vaimes (Post 3021092)
Someone should pass me an item toNight so I can feel less boring.

For the record, items may be passed at any time, not just at the deadlines.

fontisian 04-20-2015 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Vaimes (Post 3021100)
And there's a Godfather in play?? Goodbye.

Oh, right!

Uh. I'm the, ah. Bulletproof Seer?


I am become death, destroyer of worlds.

My goal this game is to be responsible for the death of someone. Luckily, that probably be very easy.

Vaimes 04-20-2015 12:45 PM

Oh, sweet.

Quick, everyone, funnel me your goods.

Shoveler 04-20-2015 12:48 PM

Vaimes Signature
- пора поохотиться на ведьм

Translation (via Google Translate)
- It's time to hunt for witches

Dunno Vaimes.. That was the fastest vote/unvote I've seen. Your play style is rather chaotic, and you are impossible for me to read.

Vote Vaimes

Chief Rum 04-20-2015 12:49 PM

Vote Tally (as of Post #92)

cheekimonk (1)-- timmae (80)
timmae (2)-- EagleFan (82), Vaimes (85)
Shoveler (1)-- MartinD (83)
The Jackal (1)-- JAG (89)

EagleFan 04-20-2015 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Vaimes (Post 3021100)
And there's a Godfather in play?? Goodbye.

Oh, right!

Uh. I'm the, ah. Bulletproof Seer?

Lies!!! font is the bulletproof... ;)

Vaimes 04-20-2015 12:50 PM

timmae is scum because he felt the need to justify his RVS vote.

fontisian might be a Wolf as well for not RVS'ing.

Grover 04-20-2015 12:51 PM

vote Narcizo

Because Day 1.

Vaimes 04-20-2015 12:51 PM

I guess we'll just have to lynch timmae, and then I can Cop check fontisian toNight.

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