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Peregrine 07-03-2005 04:25 PM

Werewolf IV - River of Darkness
The village of River's Edge is located in an area of steep mountains, icy rivers, and dark forests. It's on the edge of the civilized areas, as north from the village is little but trackless mountains and forest occupied by monsters, outlaws, and the occasional tiny settlement of foresters. To the south across the river is the two day journey to the nearest large town. The springtime floods hit the village hard, as the southern river floods almost every year and blocks access to the south for weeks at a time. Currently the floodwaters are subsiding a little, but continued rain and mountain thaw keep the river well over its banks and flooding the road, making access to the south impossible. It is expected that the road will clear in a week or so, perhaps a little less. Most of the population of the village went south before the floods, to trade and find work around the prosperous town.

The village has long heard the rumors about the evil cult of magicians somewhere to the north, and in fact some in the village have done well in providing supplies to their isolated cliffside compound. Though many knew or suspected that the magicians, who call themselves the Dark Pact, were up to no good, no harm had ever come to the village from them. Recently, however, disturbances from that area of the mountains have been hard to hide, it is said that vast magical destruction has been wreaked, with whole forests falling to ash and some of the few roads in the area blasted to ruin. It is not known what has sparked the destruction, however quiet whispers now say that some of the magicians have infiltrated the village, though their purpose is unknown. Some of the villagers believe quite strongly that they are evil, while others are unsure. Around the same time, mysterious deaths were reported in the village area, for the first time in many years. Disappearances were reported, but also corpses were found, some seemed to have no obvious cause of death but others were mauled as if by animals.

Many in the village wanted to flee the place and escape south, but the flooded river has made that impossible. Most of the people now huddle in their houses and wait to see what will happen next, though there is a growing anger and desire to find and kill those responsible for the deaths. The only hopeful sign for the village is that there are rumors that men loyal to the King have come to the town in secret, knights sent to protect the town and investigate what is happening. Whether or not that is true no one knows. The town has always been a magical place, and if strangers have come they have taken the shapes of villagers you have known all your lives. Will the mysterious deaths continue? Will the villagers act to protect themselves? Will anyone leave the village alive or will you all be swallowed by the River of Darkness?

Peregrine 07-03-2005 04:25 PM

Most of the rules are the same as the last game, however there are some differences. If there are any questions about the rules, please ask, I may have missed something. Also note that some of the groups have special rules that will be revealed to them via PM.

Warning - These are rules that I have made up and are more complicated than most games of werewolf, so I'm not sure how it will play out or whether it will be perfectly balanced. Hopefully I will be able to improve the rules based on the outcome of this game. I'm particularly unsure about the Ghosts rule, while I want people to be able to stay involved, it may prove unbalancing, we'll see. I also expect this to be a fairly quick and violent game, with lots of deaths, so be prepared.


You will be notified at the start of the game if you are allowed to PM any other players and who. If you don't hear otherwise, secret communication between any players is prohibited.

Missing Players

If a player has missed two votes in a row he will be removed and replaced by an alternate at the moderator's discretion.

Secret Roles

Obviously I am not revealing the specifics of any role, suffice it to say every character will have a role, however some are passive abilities and some are active. As appropriate, in my day/night turn descriptions I will try to give at least an idea of what happened if an unexpected result occurred. Also I will in some cases notify players about what happened. For example if there is a role or roles that can prevent an attack from occurring at night, usually the attackers will have some idea of what stopped them, unlike the last game. Other actions may not be explained until the end of the game.

Role Revelation

Roles are not revealed on death in this game. During the night turn, there are roles that can view one of the people that died the day before and learn his faction or role. There are some roles that may be functionally revealed by changes after a death (note the Ghosts rule below) but there will only rarely be a moderator announcement to reveal any role. At the end of the game all roles are revealed.


The two phases will be in the order of Day 1 - Night 1 - Day 2 - Night 2. Note that this is the reverse of how it was in the last game. The game will start with Night 0, which will include certain night actions but not all of them, I will inform everyone individually at the start of the game. The game will end at the end of Day 6, at that point the survivors, if any, can leave the village and victory will be totalled up.

Victory Conditions

Each group in the village has specific victory conditions in this game. You will be notified of your victory conditions via PM at the beginning of the game. It's very possible for more than one group to win this game! There will be the potential for each group to score a major or a minor victory.

Night Actions

There are a LOT of night actions in this game. The deadline for telling me what you want to do is midnight eastern. If you know you can't make that deadline, send something in earlier, even during the day. Conditional actions (View X, or view Y if X was lynched) are allowed. Anyone who misses the deadline will miss that action.


Please put your votes in bold. If you change your vote, use UNVOTE X, VOTE Y so there is no confusion, please do not edit your voting posts. The deadline for all votes to be in is 8 pm Eastern. If there is a tie in the lynch voting, there will not be a lynch that day. If you will not be available at the deadline make sure to place your vote earlier in the day!


The village you are in is extremely magical, and ghosts of people that die here seem attracted to it. There is one villager role who can intensify the ghostly essences, to the extent that they can communicate with the village in a limited way. While that villager is alive, ghosts can continue to vote for the daily lynching, however they cannot communicate in any other way. Also keep in mind that while some ghosts continue to vote as they would in life, to support their group or the village, others are angry at those that killed them, particularly the lynched ones, and they may vote to take revenge on those that killed them, innocent or not. Other ghosts may vote chaotically. If the villager who strengthens the ghosts is killed, they will be unable to vote after that point.

Since ghosts are allowed to vote, it is extremely important that players who have been killed not post any kind of speculation or theories about what's going on in the game.

Day 1 will start on Tuesday. Night 0 actions may be returned to me any time before 9 am Eastern on Tuesday morning.

Peregrine 07-03-2005 04:26 PM

Here is the player list as it stands now. If you are on this list and are NOT able to play, please let me know ASAP. Also I will need a couple of volunteers as alternates.

kingfc22 07-03-2005 04:51 PM

I'll be an alt

Desnudo 07-03-2005 04:53 PM

People who have not posted yet:


The spotlight is on you!

Eaglesfan27 07-03-2005 05:02 PM


As I just told Peregrine via PM, Weds through Friday I'll be working a new job and might not have internet access for those few days during the work day (the government can be slow processing paperwork to get me internet access.) However, I'll be home by 5:00PM (give or take a few minutes of traffic) central time each day. I'll also be checking this thread in the early morning before work each day. So, I think that will be plenty of time to read everything, post, stir up some hysteria, and hopefully hang some werewolves.

Hopefully, I don't need to be excluded due to this, but would understand if Peregrine does do this.

Edit to clarify: My work day will be about 8:00 AM til about 5:00 PM Central time those on Wed-Fri.

Barkeep49 07-03-2005 05:02 PM

This village used to be such a nice place I tell you! First the mysterious disappearences and now the flood? I think things are clear! God is sending us a message! We must all repent and repent now before the evil infects us any further.

Buccaneer 07-03-2005 05:03 PM

Fascinating set of rules but perhaps will make it a little harder for non-participants to follow since we really won't know anything (since roles are not revealed) of what goes on behind the scene.

Joe 07-03-2005 05:06 PM

you sons of bitches are all werewolves!

ntndeacon 07-03-2005 05:08 PM

no it is the magicians that are killing us not the werewolves!

TazFTW 07-03-2005 05:26 PM

It is the ghosts' fault.

SirFozzie 07-03-2005 05:27 PM

Blame Canada

Tigercat 07-03-2005 05:36 PM

Would werewolf taste like human or like chinese food meat? And would you want to boil it before grilling it?

Peregrine 07-03-2005 05:42 PM


Fascinating set of rules but perhaps will make it a little harder for non-participants to follow since we really won't know anything (since roles are not revealed) of what goes on behind the scene.

Yes, this is definitely true. Of course even the players won't know everything that's going on. I'm going to be making my daily updates more extensive and more story like so hopefully that will give spectators more to go on.

Also NoMyths has said he can't play.

Ragone 07-03-2005 05:51 PM

i'll be an alt :)

I'm on vacation for 2 weeks.. so this is likely the only game i'll be able to get in on :)

heybrad 07-03-2005 06:36 PM

Just curious if you didnt get my response or somehow I didnt meet the criteria.

Desnudo 07-03-2005 06:43 PM

Hey, Brad

Fouts 07-03-2005 06:44 PM

I am available, should you need more people.

Peregrine 07-03-2005 06:45 PM

No, heybrad, Kwhit is going to be running another game and has you on his list, I just PMed you about it before we decided how we were going to do it.

heybrad 07-03-2005 06:47 PM

Alrighty then.

Peregrine 07-03-2005 06:48 PM

Most of the people on the list will be able to play, the ones I haven't heard from in this post or elsewhere are Fonzie, Qwikshot, Kevin (who is gone through Tuesday,) Swaggs, and Jon. I think most of them will be able to do it though. Once I get a good list I'll start sending out PMs with roles and such.

Qwikshot 07-03-2005 07:04 PM

I'm in (trouble).

jeff061 07-03-2005 09:05 PM

I'm all set and looking forward to my first big game.

Here's to a first night lynching.

Swaggs 07-03-2005 11:26 PM

Looking forward to it.

Peregrine 07-04-2005 03:23 AM

I haven't heard from Jon or Fonzie but I think they will be in. Also I have replaced NoMyths with Kwhit by previous agreement. Our alternates for any future replacements are kingfc22, Ragone, and Fouts.

I'm really not trying to screw the new people in this game, I just want to have a solid playtesting group. My next game will be more open to all, perhaps all new people.

I will start to PM out the roles to people tonight and during the day Monday. PM me if you have any questions, I will include in the PM whether you have a Night 0 role or not, if not, just sit tight until Tuesday morning. If you do, try to get it to me by 9 am Tuesday.

Peregrine 07-04-2005 05:56 AM

I've PMed everyone with their role information, let me know if you have questions. We still have a day to go before the game starts but players with Night 0 actions can notify me at any time.

I hope everyone has fun!

Lathum 07-04-2005 08:26 AM

Interesting new twists. Did you get this idea from watching The Smurfs ?

Peregrine 07-04-2005 08:36 AM


Interesting new twists. Did you get this idea from watching The Smurfs ?

I sure hope not! ;)

BrianD 07-04-2005 09:54 AM

Interesting twist with the ghosts. I'm curious to see how that will work. It looks like the ghosts have to stay silent, but they can vote? Does that mean that can't post reasons for votes, or do they have to PM you their votes?

Peregrine 07-04-2005 10:13 AM

The way I will try to handle it is that they can post their vote, but not post about their speculations or why they are voting. I'm not sure if it will work out at all, but I think it will be a force for chaos. Ghosts can vote however they want and some may just be motivated by revenge, and it's not like you can reason with them. It's just an experiment to see if dead players can still have a role in the game without disrupting everything.

Peregrine 07-04-2005 10:37 AM

Final player list barring any more dropouts:


Alternates - kingfc22, Ragone, and Fouts

Fonzie 07-04-2005 07:48 PM

I'm in! I was out of town over the weekend - sorry for the delay.

Peregrine 07-04-2005 11:23 PM

Make sure to get any night 0 actions in by 9 am eastern.

Peregrine 07-05-2005 03:57 AM

The morning dawns foggy and with a bit of a chill, but starts warming quickly, it looks to be an unusually hot spring day, with the occasional rainstorm. The village is quiet today, its normal noises of merchants plying their trade, animal sounds, and people talking are strangely muted. The strange events lately have those few people left in the village worried, and when they talk it is hushed, people congregate at the corner of the church and in the tavern to share the latest speculation. The flooded river has forced some residents to move already, and now worse has apparently come to the village.

The quiet is broken by a frantic scream, then shouts from the edge of town, many people head over there to hear the latest news; bad of course. An older couple who lived quietly in a small house on the edge of town have become the latest victims, torn apart, it is said, by things that can't possibly be human. The murmurs of talk become shouts as the morning wears on, and people start to gather in the town square. The fear in the air is crystallizing into anger, and there will be blood today.

Day 1


Please have your votes in by 8 pm Eastern.

BrianD 07-05-2005 08:53 AM

Wow, quiet morning so far. Anyone want to come right out and say they are a werewolf? Get us started on the right foot? :)

Lathum 07-05-2005 09:00 AM

I've learned my lesson. I will be gone most of the day, please don't speculate :)

Barkeep49 07-05-2005 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by BrianD
Wow, quiet morning so far. Anyone want to come right out and say they are a werewolf? Get us started on the right foot? :)

Well, I am not willing to say that I am anything but a villager of this previously wonderful town. Our town is now beseiged by an evil presence. Let's band together and seek absolution, by killing evil, before God brings down any more wrath upon this village of ours. For now I have no one to accuse, but will be watching closely for this evil presence to reveal him, or her, self.

Fonzie 07-05-2005 10:25 AM

My proposal: have each member of the village place one hand in a black top hat. Those who pull out rabbits are obviously magicians and must be lynched.

Whad'ya say?

jeff061 07-05-2005 10:32 AM

Pure genius.

NoMyths 07-05-2005 10:51 AM

I'm a werewolf.

Just choosing to chow down in a different village, where nobody's paranoid and drunk. Good eatin', yo.

Swaggs 07-05-2005 10:59 AM

Alright Duke, time to out yourself and get the show on the road! :)

Fonzie 07-05-2005 11:07 AM

Would somebody please say something that the rest of us can latch onto and use as an excuse to lynch you? Pretty please?

Tigercat 07-05-2005 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Fonzie
Would somebody please say something that the rest of us can latch onto and use as an excuse to lynch you? Pretty please?

does this count?:


Originally Posted by Fonzie
Would somebody please say something that the rest of us can latch onto and use as an excuse to lynch you? Pretty please?


BrianD 07-05-2005 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Fonzie
Would somebody please say something that the rest of us can latch onto and use as an excuse to lynch you? Pretty please?

Aha, you are looking for an "excuse" to lynch someone. If you were really a villager, you'd want a "reason" to lynch someone. Since you are looking for an "excuse", you must be a wolf. :)

Qwikshot 07-05-2005 11:24 AM

I have a meeting today at work...I'll be out most of the day.

Lathum 07-05-2005 11:39 AM

I have a question? If we kill a magician do we know he was a magician?

Eaglesfan27 07-05-2005 11:46 AM

Hmmm, I think it is time to gather some weapons to kill a werewolf tonight.

Barkeep49 07-05-2005 11:47 AM

We don't find out anyone's roles.

Originally Posted by The Rules
Roles are not revealed on death in this game. During the night turn, there are roles that can view one of the people that died the day before and learn his faction or role. There are some roles that may be functionally revealed by changes after a death (note the Ghosts rule below) but there will only rarely be a moderator announcement to reveal any role. At the end of the game all roles are revealed.

Fonzie 07-05-2005 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Tigercat
does this count?:


I was afraid of that. ;)

Desnudo 07-05-2005 12:00 PM

I am here to notify people that I am here.

Lathum 07-05-2005 12:02 PM

OK, I値l probably get killed for this but here goes.

I知 not sure if taking things from last game is kosher, but it is the only thing I have to go on. The first game I was the first one lynched. I was then a werewolf in the second game, I guess the assumption was made that I would get some sympathy.

So, I am using a version of that logic. NTN痴 last second vote in the last game threw so much suspicion on him that it may have ended up costing the villagers the game. Using the logic that NTN may get cut some slack because of that leads me to believe he could be a magician because people may feel kind of bad for him and not want to vote early, since last game he was one of the last innocent victims who was very wrongly accused, people may not want to make the same mistake twice.

Fonzie 07-05-2005 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum
OK, I値l probably get killed for this but here goes.

I知 not sure if taking things from last game is kosher, but it is the only thing I have to go on. The first game I was the first one lynched. I was then a werewolf in the second game, I guess the assumption was made that I would get some sympathy.

I'm pretty sure Peregrine randomly assigned the roles. I could be mistaken though.

KWhit 07-05-2005 12:34 PM

It's quiet.

Too quiet.

SirFozzie 07-05-2005 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49
Well, I am not willing to say that I am anything but a villager of this previously wonderful town. Our town is now beseiged by an evil presence. Let's band together and seek absolution, by killing evil, before God brings down any more wrath upon this village of ours. For now I have no one to accuse, but will be watching closely for this evil presence to reveal him, or her, self.

Sounds like something a werewolf would say.

Seriously, I hate this first round, because you literally have nothing to go on, and either we lose a villager right away, or the wolves are very nearly crippled to start. It has to start sometime though, I just hope we find the werewolves before the werewolves find us.

Since everyone's waiting for the first vote to go down before starting the accusations (and because I can't monitor the thread fully till 6 because of workplace restrictions)..


My reasoning behind this is not per se because I think he's a werewolf, more like I think that if he IS one of them, he could do the most harm to the villagers using psychology to send us down fake trails, much like Mustang did last game.

Desnudo 07-05-2005 12:57 PM

Couldn't the same be said about you? Although since you died first in the other game, maybe not.

Eaglesfan27 07-05-2005 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie
Sounds like something a werewolf would say.

Seriously, I hate this first round, because you literally have nothing to go on, and either we lose a villager right away, or the wolves are very nearly crippled to start. It has to start sometime though, I just hope we find the werewolves before the werewolves find us.

Since everyone's waiting for the first vote to go down before starting the accusations (and because I can't monitor the thread fully till 6 because of workplace restrictions)..


My reasoning behind this is not per se because I think he's a werewolf, more like I think that if he IS one of them, he could do the most harm to the villagers using psychology to send us down fake trails, much like Mustang did last game.

But if I'm a villager (and I am) couldn't I do the most good for the villagers by using psychology to ferret out the wolves.

BrianD 07-05-2005 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Lathum
OK, I値l probably get killed for this but here goes.

I知 not sure if taking things from last game is kosher, but it is the only thing I have to go on. The first game I was the first one lynched. I was then a werewolf in the second game, I guess the assumption was made that I would get some sympathy.

So, I am using a version of that logic. NTN痴 last second vote in the last game threw so much suspicion on him that it may have ended up costing the villagers the game. Using the logic that NTN may get cut some slack because of that leads me to believe he could be a magician because people may feel kind of bad for him and not want to vote early, since last game he was one of the last innocent victims who was very wrongly accused, people may not want to make the same mistake twice.

It is possible that roles are assigned in the way that you suggest, but I think eventually people would catch on to it and start expecting it. This would have a good shot to mess up a game early. The only way to really keep this from happening is to assign the roles randomly.

Having said all of that, people voted for me last game instead of ntndeacon, so maybe I *should* go after him this game. :)

Peregrine 07-05-2005 02:20 PM


I'm pretty sure Peregrine randomly assigned the roles. I could be mistaken though.

Yes, I use a random number generator to assign the roles, with no fudging.

Tigercat 07-05-2005 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27
But if I'm a villager (and I am) couldn't I do the most good for the villagers by using psychology to ferret out the wolves.

Psychology is the work of Satan and his evil minions!(and therefore the Wolves and probably the Magicians) Repent and rejoin the spirit of the decent good folks.

(I have my suspisions about the role of ferrets too, I hate those smelly little suckers. Sure they are cute, till you are in an apartment with a couple of them for hours at a time.)

Tigercat 07-05-2005 02:33 PM

Dola, whoops with my statement on Psychology I might have accidently revealed my role as The Tom Cruise.

Eaglesfan27 07-05-2005 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Tigercat
Dola, whoops with my statement on Psychology I might have accidently revealed my role as The Tom Cruise.


BrianD 07-05-2005 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Tigercat
Dola, whoops with my statement on Psychology I might have accidently revealed my role as The Tom Cruise.

If we lynch The Tom Cruise, everybody wins, right?

Swaggs 07-05-2005 02:47 PM

I'm going to have limited access for the rest of the day, but will try to get a vote in before the deadline.

Swaggs 07-05-2005 03:02 PM

c'mon guys...this is a great way to up your post count (and make yourself looks suspicious). :)

ntndeacon 07-05-2005 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Peregrine
Yes, I use a random number generator to assign the roles, with no fudging.

ohh that means the wolves of last game could be wolves again!

ntndeacon 07-05-2005 03:26 PM

Isn't the Tom Cruise like the lunatic. surely lots of fale info will be given by him. And he will ridicule our lack of knowledge on the history of Psychaitry

KWhit 07-05-2005 04:09 PM

Since we don't have much to go on, I will probably end up voting for someone who hasn't posted at all in the thread.

So post something or you're getting voted for.

Peregrine 07-05-2005 04:11 PM

Hmm the usual quiet first day, not much talking, not much voting.

TazFTW 07-05-2005 04:15 PM

Um, I vote Airhog!

Logic would dictate you cannot be the Duke twice (if there is a Duke in this game).

jeff061 07-05-2005 04:16 PM

Should vote Hog only because of what he "accomplished" last game ;).

TazFTW 07-05-2005 04:18 PM

Yes, it is also a revenge vote.

Eaglesfan27 07-05-2005 04:21 PM

Hmmm.. lynch Tom Cruise.. it does have a certain nice ring to it ;)

Tigercat 07-05-2005 04:29 PM

I wish i was really tom cruise, i would take even BB game action with Katie Holmes. :(

Swaggs 07-05-2005 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by NoMyths
I'm a werewolf.

Just choosing to chow down in a different village, where nobody's paranoid and drunk. Good eatin', yo.

Well, I'm about to finish up with computer time until after the deadline tonight, so I have to take a stab and I'm going with this one. Either a joke or the best defense is a good offense move. I'm going with the latter. :)

I Vote NoMyths

Airhog 07-05-2005 04:47 PM

I like Taz's confidence.

Airhog 07-05-2005 04:49 PM

Well, He did admit to being a wolf, and he should have learned that from the last game. People will lynch you if you say it.

I vote nomyths

Peregrine 07-05-2005 04:49 PM

Lol Swaggs, since NoMyths isn't playing, won't it be hard to vote for him?

Eaglesfan27 07-05-2005 04:56 PM

Yeah, that is the only reason he said that (and part of why it was so funny.)

Although, I did have to double check that he wasn't playing ;)

Swaggs 07-05-2005 05:00 PM


We might want to change Post #5 b/c people (such as me) might get it confused with the list of active players. :)

Swaggs 07-05-2005 05:00 PM

Oh yeah...

and Unvote NoMyths.

Peregrine 07-05-2005 05:01 PM

Well I got rid of post #3 but I don't own #5. However the best list of active players is the one I post at the start of each day/night turn.

Fouts 07-05-2005 05:01 PM

Man, you guys are good. Hanging people not even in the village. Impressive!

Airhog 07-05-2005 05:02 PM

Maybe it was all a trick by swaggs to get us to vote for someone that isnt even playing! :D

Swaggs 07-05-2005 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Fouts
Man, you guys are good. Hanging people not even in the village. Impressive!

We are the veterans.

You can only get this good through experience and hard work.

Swaggs 07-05-2005 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Airhog
Maybe it was all a trick by swaggs to get us to vote for someone that isnt even playing! :D

Watch it werewolf.

I wanted to eat you for like the last five rounds last game, but the other wolves wouldn't allow it.

Swaggs 07-05-2005 05:17 PM

Alright... I guess I will go with Foz's nominee.

I Vote Eaglesfan27

ntndeacon 07-05-2005 05:31 PM

Since Fozzie doesn't even believe EaglesFan is a werewolf, I think I will go another direction. I don't have much of a reason for my vote either to be honest. (of course with my record this is probably a sign that they are not a wolf. ) I want to accuse Lathum for accusing me, but I will go elsewhere this time.

I vote Jeff061

BrianD 07-05-2005 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Airhog
Well, He did admit to being a wolf, and he should have learned that from the last game. People will lynch you if you say it.

I vote nomyths

Once again Airhog votes for someone that is not a wolf. :)

BrianD 07-05-2005 05:39 PM

Is my count correct?
2 votes Eaglesfan27
1 vote Airhog
1 vote jeff061

Fouts 07-05-2005 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by BrianD
Once again Airhog votes for someone that is not a wolf. :)

I heard the WW's from the last game voted Airhog their MVP. :)

Eaglesfan27 07-05-2005 05:45 PM

Honestly, we have little to go on at this point. However, I'm voting for SirFozzie not because I'm seeking revenge, but because he is trying to take out someone who could really help all of us villagers.

I vote SirFozzie.

Desnudo 07-05-2005 05:47 PM

We are in the business of saving lives here, so I vote Airhog. No matter what role he has, good or evil, I think people will die because of him.

Airhog 07-05-2005 05:47 PM

Well, I think we should lynch the smart ones first. :D

I vote Eaglesfan27

BrianD 07-05-2005 05:50 PM

Since he led the bandwagon on so many villagers last game....
I vote Airhog

Barkeep49 07-05-2005 05:54 PM

I have learned in my short life to listen only to the WORD. The only one power has the ability to see into the hearts of others. And yet one of us claims to be able to do so and that this will help us? I think not. I Vote for Eaglesfan

Barkeep49 07-05-2005 05:55 PM

(DOLA -- Wow in the time it took me to type my post, and answer a phone call here at work, it goes from 4 votes to eight votes!)

Eaglesfan27 07-05-2005 05:59 PM

I unvote SirFozzie.

I vote Airhog.

Airhog 07-05-2005 06:07 PM

Hey, I did only truly get two people killed, one who clearly stated they were voting for me only on the basis of revenge. The other is probably doing the same. Sure I made some mistakes, but I didnt see anyone else doing any better.

Qwikshot 07-05-2005 06:11 PM

Vote Airhog

jeff061 07-05-2005 06:15 PM

Vote Airhog

Mr. I screwed my team and get to live another 4 days as a reward ;).

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