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Peregrine 07-27-2005 09:53 PM

Werewolf IX: Village of the Damned
Well it's time for me to announce my next werewolf game, and I might as well use my 2000th post to do it! This game will start on August 8th so you have some time to sign up, etc. Next week is way too busy for me to run a game and I'll be gone next weekend anyway.

This game has some unique rules, which I should stress were not invented by me, but by Marshall Phillips at the Boardgamegeek boards. He has done a lot of playtesting with them, and though I modified them some here and there they are still primarily his. They're fairly complicated so feel free to ask questions!

Game Intro

In this game there are no Special Roles assigned to the villagers, instead special powers reside in ITEMS which can be owned and used by the players (villagers or wolves).

For Example: The owner of the Amulet of Seeing is essentially the Seer, he may name one other player and receive a vision during the night revealing that players role (villager or wolf). The twist is this. Items may be PASSED from player to player during the night. Thus the owner of the Amulet, if he is afraid the wolves are on to him, may pass the amulet to another player during the night. That new player essentially becomes the Seer and may use the amulet to receive visions. Players pass Items anonymously. Thus, they notify the Moderator of who they would like to pass which Item to and then the Moderator informs the new owner without revealing the name of who gave him the item. For various reasons players may acquire more than one Item at a time but at dusk they must pass all but one Item to somebody else. They may not intentionally keep more than one Item, and they certainly may not USE more than one Item.


1) The Game starts on August 8th. (players will be PM’d their roles and Items Sunday night). The wolves will eat the Moderator Sunday night and the Seer will NOT get a vision Sunday night.

2) There will be three wolves, one Sorcerer, and one Apprentice Sorcerer in the game. The Sorcerer wins if the wolves win but loses if the village wins. The Sorcerer does not know the wolves and the wolves do not know the Sorcerer. The Apprentice Sorcerer must choose if he wants to play as a normal Sorcerer (and have PM rights with the other Sorcerer) or as a normal villager (in which case the other Sorcerer will be awarded 3 silver). He must choose at the beginning of the game before he posts and notify the moderator.

2) Players may have more than one item at a time but may only keep one Item at night. They MUST pass all but one Item. If they are passing more than one Item then each Item must be passed to a different player. The tablet MUST be passed.

3) Players may only activate one Item but if they are passed a usable item (Dagger, Mirror) they may enjoy the benefits of that item plus the one they activated.

4) Players who end up with no Item in the morning (because they passed all their Items or their Item was removed after activation) will be given ONE Silver Piece

5) A Silver Piece is not like the other Items, you can hold as many Silver Pieces as you want, you are not forced to Pass them. Also, Silver will not be removed during the pass phase like other items may be.

6) There are two types of items in the game, unlimited use and single use. One copy of each unlimited use item will begin in the game and no more may be purchased. Multiple copies of a single use item may begin in the game and additional copies may be purchased for the appropriate amount of Silver

7) Items are purchased during the activation phase. Purchased Items may not be activated the night they are purchased. Only one copy of each item may be purchased each day. Because of this every player may not get the item the most want to purchase. You should consider submitting a ranked “shopping list” of items you would be willing to accept.

8) No PM’s are allowed with the exception of the wolves

9) Items that get destroyed by the Hammer or Anvil will be revealed to the group.

10) Players may claim to have any Item that they wish, there is no way to PROVE that you have or do not have an Item.

11) A tie lynch vote results in NO LYNCH

12) Votes are cast by placing them in bold in the body of a post. Example VOTE MDP4828. Vote posts must NOT be edited or deleted. If they are edited they will not be counted. At anytime you may withdraw your vote, you do not need to revote if you don’t wish to at that time. Simply type UNVOTE MDP4828

13) Roles will be revealed upon death

Order of Events

1) lynch - 8:00 pm EDT, the lynch is resolved. The player with the most votes is killed (a tie results in no lynch). His items (if any and including Silver) are dropped in public, they are picked up by the owner of the Crown who must pass them that night (because the Crown cannot be passed and each player may only keep one item, the King may keep all the Silver he picks up however).

2) The cutoff for getting your instructions to the Moderator is midnight EDT. I cannot accept conditional instructions. Sorry, you must tell me exactly what you want to do with your item.

3) pass – Item passing is resolved. Items may not be activated if they are passed (see below for activation). Each item must be passed to a different player.

4) removal – If there are more items than the number of players + 2 then excess items will be randomly removed from the game from among those items that were passed.

5) eat – The wolves meal is resolved, if their victim has the dagger or holy water (even through a pass, those items do not require activation) then the wolves will not get a meal. The dagger will give one random wolf gets a scar. The wolves must have an open slot in order to pick up any items found on their victim (exception when one wolf is left, he will pick up everything no matter what). If the wolves cannot or choose not to pick up the victim’s items then they are given to the owner of the Crown the next morning and are made public.

6) activation - Anyone who chose to activate their item in the night has the effects of that item resolved, if they are still alive and they still own the item. Activations happen in this order: general activation of most items (including sword), items are purchased, items are stolen, players die if they have been wounded/poisoned and not healed.

7) silver – Silver is awarded to players who do not have an item at this point (they may have silver though)

8) The result of the wolves meal is announced. Players are notified if they receive any items and are notified about the results of their activation (if any).

A description of the Items in the game and their uses and restrictions follows.

unlimited use items
One copy of each of the following items will begin in the game, these items are not purchasable.

Amulet of Seeing – [Amulet] Allows the owner to name one other player and to learn whether that player is a Villager or a Wolf during the night phase

Crown of the King – [Crown] It is public knowledge who owns the crown. The owner of the crown cannot be lynched (but may be eaten) and owner may not pass the Crown (who would willingly abdicate the throne?). The owner of the Crown's vote counts double for lynching, their single vote counts as two votes, and may not be split between different players. When another player is lynched or eaten then that player’s items go to the owner of the crown (assuming that the wolves do not keep the items they found on their victim). The owner of the Crown then must pass those items (except for the Silver).

Gloves of the Thief – [Gloves] Whoever owns the gloves may name another player and steal his item during the night. But the Thief leaves his gloves behind with the pilfered player! The Gloves are the final item to be resolved during the night

Guise of the Imposter – [Guise] Whoever owns the Guise will receive at random one of the items that was passed that night. The random item will be diverted from it’s intended recipient and sent to the Imposter instead.

Hammer of the Blacksmith – [Hammer] If the owner of the hammer also owns another item then he can use the hammer to destroy that item. He does not have to destroy the item but he cannot keep both the hammer and another item, he must destroy or pass. The Hammer may not be preactivated in anticipation of being passed an item.

Notebook of the Detective – [Notebook] The owner of the notebook may designate one item to track in the night. The Detective will be notified who ended up with the Item after the pass phase. The detective is not notified if the Thief steals the item, he will still think it is with its old owner. If the tracked item is not in the game he will be notified of that.

Ring of Wisdom – [RoW] The owner of the Ring will get two votes during the lynch. He will get his normal public vote as usual but in addition he will be able to PM the Moderator a secret vote. The Moderator will announce who received the secret vote but not who cast it. Furthermore, once per game, the Ring may be used to call for a special vote to elect a new King. The owner of the Ring will be identified if he calls for such a vote.

Robe of the Priest – [Robe] The owner of the Robe may take one other player into the “confessional” each day and conducted unlimited PM’s with that player. The same player cannot be take into the confessional on back to back days.

Tablet of Tales – [Tablet] The tablet is something on which messages may be written and secretly passed to other players. The Tablet will display the three most recent messages. As soon as a fourth message is added then the oldest message is removed. A player may NOT keep the tablet, they must pass it along but they need not write a message on it.

single use items
The following items may be used once after which they will be removed from the game. Multiple copies of these items may be in the game at the same time. One copy of these items may be purchased each day for the amount of silver listed in parenthesis. Items costing 5 Silver will not begin in the game.

Book of the Damned (6) – A human reading from the Book will be converted to a Sorcerer. A Sorcerer reading from the Book will be converted to a wolf. A wolf reading from the Book may designate which player they wish to convert.

Cloak of Whispers (2) – [Cloak] The owner of the Cloak may designate one other player to have unlimited PM rights with for one day.

Coat of Arms (3) – [Coat] The Coat will prevent the player who holds it from being lynched if he or she should get the most votes. If the owner of the Coat does get the most votes then there will be no lynch that day and the Coat will be removed from the game.

Dagger of the Hunter (4) – [Dagger] The owner of a Dagger can not be eaten by the wolves. Instead he defends himself with the dagger leaving a scar on the hand of one of the wolves (determined randomly). The next day the village learns that one of the wolves had been wounded. Wolves heal fast, however, and the scar is not visible to the naked eye.

Dart of the Assassin (3) – [Dart] The owner of the Dart may target one player during the night for assassination. The targeted player will become “poisoned” and will have 24 hours to live unless cured by the Ointment or Potion. The poisoned player may participate in the discussion and vote the next day but will die the following night if not healed.

Holy Water (3) – [Water] The owner of the Holy Water may not be eaten by the wolves. The wolves will not get a meal if they target the owner of the Water. The wolves will not be scarred however.

Hood of the Spy (2) – [Hood] The owner of the Hood may designate one other player and learn one of the items that that player holds after the pass phase that night.

Lance of the Crusader (6) – [Lance] The owner of the Lance may designate one player (including himself) to protect from the wolves during the night. If the wolves choose to eat that player then the Crusader will protect him. In addition, the Crusader will kill one of the wolves during the fight.

Ledger of the Accountant (5) – [Ledger] The owner of the Ledger may designate one other player and learn how many wolves and sorcerors voted for that player the previous day. They will learn the total number, not how many of each type there were.

Lockpick of the Thief (2) – [Lockpick] The owner of the Lockpick may steal one item from another player. He designates the player he wants to rob and will receive one of the items that player has. The victimized player will receive one Silver Piece in compensation.

Mask of Lies (2) – [Mask] The owner of the Mask will appear to the Amulet or Pendant as the opposite of their true role. A villager will appear as a wolf and a wolf as a villager.

Ointment of the Doctor (2) – [Ointment] The owner of the Ointment may treat one other player. If that player is wounded/poisoned/scarred they will be healed and their role (villager or wolf) will be revealed to the Doctor.

Pendant of Seeing (3) – [Pendant] Allows the owner to view the role of one other player.

Potion of Healing (1) – [Potion] The owner of the Potion may use it on one other player. If that player is wounded/poisoned/scarred he will be healed but his role will not be revealed.

Ring of Vision (2) – [RoV] The owner of the Ring will get two votes during the lynch. He will get his normal public vote as usual but in addition he will be able to PM the Moderator a secret vote. The Moderator will announce who received the secret vote but not who cast it. The RoV may not call for a special election

Saber of Duels (2) – [Saber] The owner of the Saber may publicly declare that he is engaging another player in a duel during the day before the lynch. The victim will die that night unless healed.

Scroll of Identity (2) – [Scroll] the Scroll is not usable by a villager it is only usable by a Sorcerer or Wolf. If the Sorcerer uses the Scroll he will learn the identity of one living wolf. If a wolf uses the scroll he will learn the identity of the Sorcerer

Staff of the Wizard (4) – [Staff] The owner of the Staff may designate one player to be wounded by lightning during the day phase (before the lynch). The village will not know the identity of the individual who used the Staff. There will be no lynch on a day when the Staff was used. The wounded player will die the next night if not healed.

Sword of the Pirate (2) – [Sword] The owner of the Sword may take the Crown from the King by force at night. The new king is announced the next day.


The following Items require ACTIVATION in order to be used. An activation means the owner of the item must PM the moderator that he wants to use the item and who he wants to use it on if that is required.

Activated at night

Activated during the day
Ring of Wisdom
Ring of Vision

Activated by passing

The following Items do NOT require activation. Their powers are activated automatically when the situation is appropriate.

Automatically activated when appropriate

Lathum 07-27-2005 10:04 PM

I'll be on vacation so I am definatly in.

kingfc22 07-27-2005 10:05 PM

I'm totally in

NoMyths 07-27-2005 10:06 PM


Blade6119 07-27-2005 10:07 PM

Im sooo in!!

Coffee Warlord 07-27-2005 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Blade6119
Im sooo in!!

It's on. :)

EDIT: Actually, no, I'm not. I've got company this weekend, so my time is far too limited. Damn damn shame. Gonna have to watch this one, though I'll hop in as an alternate if need be, starting Monday.

Achilles 07-27-2005 10:12 PM


Mr. Wednesday 07-27-2005 10:13 PM

CW, it doesn't start until Aug 8.

Swaggs 07-27-2005 10:14 PM

Sounds fun. I especially like the idea of the tablet and confessions.

I won't be able to play because I'll be away for part of it, but I'll be following.


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord
It's on. :)

EDIT: Actually, no, I'm not. I've got company this weekend, so my time is far too limited. Damn damn shame. Gonna have to watch this one, though I'll hop in as an alternate if need be, starting Monday.

It isn't until August 8th (if you mean this weekend).

Coffee Warlord 07-27-2005 10:16 PM

Oh oh oh!

In that case, I'm definately in.

BrianD 07-27-2005 10:24 PM

I'll join in as well.

digamma 07-27-2005 10:26 PM

Count me in.

Airhog 07-27-2005 10:27 PM

Sorry, But I've had my fill of playing in the werewolf games. I would much rather moderate now. I enjoy it more knowing whats going on :D

Although I must say, I would make a damn nice king :D

Peregrine 07-27-2005 10:29 PM

I'll probably have room for around 21-23 players, with alternates. It should be fun! This one involves a good bit of logic and planning (since you want to keep track of as many of the items as possible) in addition to the usual werewolf paranoia.

Eaglesfan27 07-27-2005 10:30 PM

This sounds like too much fun to pass up. I'm in :)

hoopsguy 07-27-2005 10:38 PM

Should be fun - was thinking about taking this one off since there was a lot of overlap from the X-Com game but with 20+ people and the complexity with the items this should be an interesting ride.

Can I go ahead and get my Day 1 vote for lynching Blade on the books now?

Blade6119 07-27-2005 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy
Should be fun - was thinking about taking this one off since there was a lot of overlap from the X-Com game but with 20+ people and the complexity with the items this should be an interesting ride.

Can I go ahead and get my Day 1 vote for lynching Blade on the books now?

Its like that...i think i already have like 5 votes on me...which all but gurantees i will be a nobody role and die i hate you all :(

Airhog 07-27-2005 10:54 PM

I always thought it would be nice to have a rule that says the person voted off in round 1 has immunity the first round of the next game. No consolation to blade, since he has died a few times after round1, but I bet that lathum would'nt mind

Fouts 07-27-2005 11:13 PM

I'm in.

Schmidty 07-27-2005 11:26 PM

I'm in!!!!!

dubb93 07-27-2005 11:42 PM

count me in on this one.

Vince 07-28-2005 01:35 AM

I would like to play as well.

Raven 07-28-2005 01:52 AM

Those rules are confusing as hell, but...
Count me in.

Peregrine 07-28-2005 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Raven
Those rules are confusing as hell, but...
Count me in.

I thought so too, but once you start playing it's not that bad. Basically there are items, and most of the rules just determine the order that things happen. Basically if you have an item you can use it at night, or you can pass it to someone else, and other people can pass items to you.

jeff061 07-28-2005 05:01 AM

I'm game

Peregrine 07-28-2005 05:09 AM

Players so far. Not sure about NoMyths. Still have room for several more:

Coffee Warlord
Raiders Army

Alternate list - Ardent

Raiders Army 07-28-2005 05:34 AM

I'm in!

KWhit 07-28-2005 06:56 AM

I'm in.

KevinNU7 07-28-2005 07:48 AM

I think I'm out on this one, just too much going on

Blade 07-28-2005 09:08 AM

I have not participated in any of these, and it seems somewhat complex, but I am in...though with all the prejudice against Blade6119, maybe another Blade in this game is not a good idea...

Superman=#54 07-28-2005 10:20 AM

*raises hand*

More jello please!

Yea, count me in.

Qwikshot 07-28-2005 10:51 AM


Barkeep49 07-28-2005 11:05 AM

Sounds fascinating except I will be out of town for most of the game and thus have to sit this one out.

RealDeal 07-28-2005 12:20 PM

I would like to play.

mrsimperless 07-28-2005 01:42 PM

I'll play if there's room.

SnDvls316 07-28-2005 05:23 PM

After reading all 18 pages of the x-com one it looks like fun.

If there's room I'm in.

SnDvls 07-28-2005 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by SnDvls316
After reading all 18 pages of the x-com one it looks like fun.

If there's room I'm in.

Ignore this post as that name was supposed to be deleated long ago. This is the one that wants in. I'll have to PM Skydog to get rid of it so I don't log in under the wrong name again. Sorry guys :confused:

Peregrine 07-28-2005 11:54 PM

Updated the list above, looks like we're full. NoMyths, let me know if you want to play or if your post was something else! :)

Poli 07-31-2005 09:24 AM

Add me to the alternate list as well.

Lathum 07-31-2005 09:33 AM

I would really like to not be the first one killed this time.

Raiders Army 08-02-2005 05:42 PM

Didn't realize this would start the 8th of August. Doh!

jeff061 08-02-2005 06:35 PM

I'm watching Peregrine run the rivers edge game on a different board.

They are much better at it than us :).

dubb93 08-02-2005 08:47 PM

vote blade6119 in advance

Blade6119 08-02-2005 08:48 PM

vote dubb93 in advance

back at ya buddy...glad we had this talk :rolleyes:

dubb93 08-02-2005 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Blade6119
vote dubb93 in advance

back at ya buddy...glad we had this talk :rolleyes:

As am I :D , I'm just messin around here, no offense meant.

Poli 08-02-2005 08:54 PM

Haters, I keep on knockin' but I can't come in. :)

hoopsguy 08-02-2005 09:07 PM

Blade6119, at least the votes for Blade won't work against you this time around.

Lathum 08-02-2005 10:03 PM

I think we need to vote off blade just to avoid confusion

Blade 08-03-2005 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum
I think we need to vote off blade just to avoid confusion



dubb93 08-03-2005 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum
I think we need to vote off blade just to avoid confusion

No dice.

mrsimperless 08-03-2005 01:12 AM

Go ahead and take me off of your alternate list Peregrine. I forgot that I leave for vacation on the 12th, so it would likely conflict. I'll be following along when I get back and I'll join in the next game.

Peregrine 08-03-2005 02:14 AM

I never heard back from NoMyths so Sundvls, you are in. Ardent is the primary alternate now.

Poli 08-03-2005 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Peregrine
I never heard back from NoMyths so Sundvls, you are in. Ardent is the primary alternate now.


Blade6119 08-03-2005 03:20 AM

hey peregrine, achilles is one of my buddies here in town and he said he is dropping out...i can get him to sign on if you like, but i talked him into signing up and he watched the last one and couldnt get into it. If you need him to come on and say it, let me know...otherwise, knock achilles off the list.

Peregrine 08-03-2005 04:19 AM

Okay Blade, it's not a problem, if he's not interested then it's cool, Ardent can take his place.

Poli 08-03-2005 06:01 AM


SnDvls 08-03-2005 09:45 AM

alright. After getting off'd in the last one I'm ready for this one to start on the 8th

KWhit 08-03-2005 09:57 AM

I'm going to have to drop out, Pere. I just found out that I'm going out of town next week and will not be available online as much as I'd like.


Peregrine 08-03-2005 01:59 PM

Okay, no problem Kwhit. Hopefully we'll be able to find a replacement.

Blade6119 08-03-2005 02:10 PM

lol, i can force achilles to play again lol...if were desperate...

Mr. Wednesday 08-03-2005 02:16 PM

That won't be necessary. If you could, put me down as an alternate; I'll take the last spot if no-one else steps up.

SnDvls 08-03-2005 07:08 PM

Since we have some time before this starts couple of questions. I know this might seem silly and cumbersome, but I just want to clarify.

1) Can the crown be tracked by the Notebook of the detective? I know it doesn't get passed, but you could find out who "ended up with the item".

2) Book of the Damned question. Say I'm a villager who reads from the book to become a sorcerer does the original sorcerer become a villager? If not do I then get to PM with that person?

3) If the apprentice sorcerer choses to play as a normal sorcerer does he too win under the same sorcerer conditions?

4) Hood of the spy- I assume you pick the item to reveal, correct?

thanks in advance. I'm looking forward to playing

Peregrine 08-03-2005 08:54 PM

1) No need to track it, the current King or Queen is always publically announced, everyone knows who has it.

2) The original sorceror stays the sorceror, and you can PM with them, yes.

3) Yes.

4) Correct, if the person has more than 1 item I decide randomly which one you learn about.

Questions are no problem, good to clarify this stuff in advance.

MrBug708 08-04-2005 06:39 PM

I'll be the next backupo...I liked playing..;)

Raven 08-05-2005 01:03 AM

I think I am going to drop out. I enjoyed playing last time, but the game is very time consuming, and I probably won't be active enough this time.

kingfc22 08-05-2005 02:29 AM

Peregrine - Can you make up some kind of nasty punishment for those who post after they are dead. It's happened quite often in these WW games and it is unfair to those still playing.

Blade 08-05-2005 10:00 AM

Crap...sorry Peregrine, I am going to have to drop out as well...I won't be around for the start of the game, due to some time off...

Peregrine 08-07-2005 11:08 PM

Coffee Warlord
Raiders Army
Mr. Wednesday
ardent enthusiast

This looks like the final player list, I'll be sending out item and role information tonight and we can start tomorrow.

Blade6119 08-08-2005 12:32 AM

dont see ardent on there and he took achilles i just missing him?

Peregrine 08-08-2005 01:20 AM

I'm sending out the PMs shortly, each will contain your role (wolf,sorceror,or villager) and the item you start the game with. I recommend everyone re-read the rules before we start as they are complicated, pay special care to the item passing and activation rules. Most of your items cannot be activated during the day, though a few can, let me know if you want to activate them. There will be no Night 0 in this game, though I may allow a couple of items to be activated retroactively the first day, I will let you know this.

Let me know if you won't be able to play!

Peregrine 08-08-2005 02:23 AM

Okay, I've sent out all the roles. Everyone please read the description of your item so you know what you're dealing with! PM me with any questions, of course.

The village is buzzing with rumors about the killings. They have happened over the past few nights, brutal crimes where the victim is torn apart. Several villagers are worldly enough to know the cause - werewolves. In a panic, people broke into the old wizard's tower that's been on the edge of the village as long as anyone can remember, and made off with a stash of magical items which have filtered through to the villagers. Now you'll have a way to fight back, you hope...

Many of you look for leadership to your King, Jeff061. Whatever else happens, he won't be lynched as long as he's wearing the crown.

Good luck to you all!

Day 1

Coffee Warlord
Raiders Army
Mr. Wednesday
ardent enthusiast

Lynch votes due by 8 pm.

Schmidty 08-08-2005 02:47 AM

I'm just letting everyone know right now that I'm going to Seattle with my family tommorrow. I'll be leaving around 10-11 a.m. PST., and I should be back by 7 or 8 p.m. I'll try to make a vote decision by the time I leave.

Peregrine 08-08-2005 05:40 AM

Just to make sure everyone's clear on a couple of things:

1) As usual, no posting what you receive in PMs from me. You can post the results of your views of course but not other information.

2) If you're dead, limit your posting as much as possible, and if you have to post, make sure it's not game-relevant.

Poli 08-08-2005 05:49 AM

Vote Schmidty.

Well, I had to. :)

Raiders Army 08-08-2005 07:48 AM

Checking in...I think this one's gonna be complicated.

Peregrine 08-08-2005 07:54 AM

Just to summarize the order of events for everyone, you all have an item at this point, either a single-use item or a permanent one. The voting and lynching are as normal, and after that you have to decide what to do with your items, either pass one or more (which you must do if you have 2 or more items, you have to pass down to 1 item) or activate some of your items. A few items can also be activated during the day, or automatically are activated (like Holy Water if you are attacked by wolves.)


If I have the Robe of the Priest, but someone also passed me the Lockpick of the Thief the previous night, I have to pass away one of those items, most likely the lockpick. I can also activate the Robe to use its power that night. If I did it the other way around, and passed the Robe, I could activate the Lockpick instead. Or I could pass both items. At the end of all the passing and using items, if I end up with no item, I get a silver piece, good for accumulating and buying additional items.

SnDvls 08-08-2005 08:07 AM

checking we go!!!

Coffee Warlord 08-08-2005 08:12 AM

Good mornin', checking in.

jeff061 08-08-2005 08:21 AM

Not enough people bowing down to me. 50 pushups by all!! :D.

Lathum 08-08-2005 08:21 AM

hi guys!

been out of the game for a while. Today is a good day, a new werewolf game, fantasy football draft, poker and I am on vacation in Nantucket!!

jeff061 08-08-2005 08:22 AM

I get the day off from work because we killed a bunch of people back in the 40's.

Coffee Warlord 08-08-2005 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by jeff061
Not enough people bowing down to me. 50 pushups by all!! :D.

King of the who? :)

Poli 08-08-2005 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by jeff061
Not enough people bowing down to me. 50 pushups by all!! :D.

I have a light limited duty chit that says I don't have to do pushups. :)

BrianD 08-08-2005 08:58 AM

So how many times is everyone going to have to go back to page one and remind themselves of the rules and available items? It will be interesting to see how well people keep all of this straight.

RealDeal 08-08-2005 09:02 AM

yee haw. I'm going to lay low and vote later.

digamma 08-08-2005 09:15 AM

Checking in....let's get it started.

Fouts 08-08-2005 09:24 AM

I'm here. Thankfully I am a villager this time. Hey Jeff, can I get a look at that crown? ;)

hoopsguy 08-08-2005 10:04 AM

Here as well, although not looking at quite as fun a day as Lathum. Fantasy football and poker game are still a couple of weeks out for me.

jeff061 08-08-2005 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Fouts
I'm here. Thankfully I am a villager this time. Hey Jeff, can I get a look at that crown? ;)


I think I'm going to follow the vote for the quiet ones on the 1st day strategy. So i'll wait awhile before voting for someone.

Mr. Wednesday 08-08-2005 10:27 AM

I'm around, and awaiting a better opportunity to actually cast a vote.

MrBug708 08-08-2005 10:39 AM

Im here too

Eaglesfan27 08-08-2005 10:50 AM

I'm here and I'm glad to bow down to you my liege.

MrBug708 08-08-2005 10:54 AM

Sucks tho because I have to leave for work and then school and wont be back before the voting deadline today. Thiseast coast time deadlines are unfortunate

BrianD 08-08-2005 10:56 AM

Do we need to wait to lynch Lathum until after he makes a bad werewolf joke, or can we just start the bandwagon on him now? :)

Mr. Wednesday 08-08-2005 11:21 AM

So we're starting out without a night cycle for initial viewings? That's pretty brutal as far as voting goes...

digamma 08-08-2005 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by MrBug708
Sucks tho because I have to leave for work and then school and wont be back before the voting deadline today. Thiseast coast time deadlines are unfortunate

Spoken like a true wolf...

jeff061 08-08-2005 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Wednesday
So we're starting out without a night cycle for initial viewings? That's pretty brutal as far as voting goes...

Technically I guess, but historically the initial night viewings haven't done jack as far as first day voting is concerned.

RealDeal 08-08-2005 11:43 AM

This my first game, so I just wanted to tell the villagers to not kill me because I am one of them.

Lathum 08-08-2005 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by BrianD
Do we need to wait to lynch Lathum until after he makes a bad werewolf joke, or can we just start the bandwagon on him now? :)

Sounds to me like he is trying to deflect attention from himself :D


dubb93 08-08-2005 12:15 PM

I'm here too, will be checking the thread all day.

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