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SnDvls 09-29-2005 12:26 PM

Werewolf XVI: Time Traveler (MAFIA WIN)
Rules for Blind Vote Time Traveler Mafia

I absolutely insist that you thoroughly read these rules before starting the game.
At the end I’d appreciate any feedback to improve it for future use.

Need 12-16 Players

Game will start Oct 5th or 6th. Once I get back into town.

Major Rules:

Q: How is time travel incorporated into the game?

A: Many night choices will occur on nights that are not the current one. For example, some roles could be used on night 2 to enact a change on night 5, or on night 1. Performing actions in the future will just have a delayed effect. Performing actions in the past may cause time to be rewritten. If/when this happens, I will post an updated timeline, though I'll leave the old timeline in its original post to keep for your records.

(An example of how the timeline can change.)

Night 4, the mafia decides to kill the cop, as of night 2. But the cop night 2 was visiting night 1! they get there, and find an empty house. No kill that night. Amazingly enough, night 5 the cop goes back to night 2 to investigate... and gets killed from the previous night's kill.

Q: Wait, so if I die, I might come back to life? How does that work?

Sure, if a doctor goes back in time to protect you on the night you were killed. If this happens, you'll be caught up to the game, and history will be re-written because of your presence in each intermediate day. Because of this (IMPORTANT), all dead players must keep up with the game, and submit votes and night-choices to me (privately, through PM) as if they were still alive. These will be their actions if they are brought back to life.

Q: Any weird rules on lynching?

Yup, 'fraid so. It is not the case that a player will be lynched as soon as a majority is hit. Instead, you the player set the deadline each day by voting publicly to end day (i.e. Vote End Day) once 50% or more is reached to end that day (of the currently alive players) the player with the most votes at that point is lynched, regardless of how many votes they have. No lynch is still a possibility...if no lynch has the most votes at deadline, then it wins. Keep in mind that dead players coming back to life will have a say in re-writing the history. Ties will be announced as a tie, but no lynch will occur, so be careful of your choice to end the day. I will no longer accept any late votes to my PM box once end day has been resolved. Do Not Publicly Post Your Vote! You may lie about who you are voting for and allude to other’s who it is, but you may not name, names in the open forum. Night will begin once an End Day result is reached. You may not unvote End Day and once you publicly vote to end day you may not change your lynch vote or submit a new one. Vote breakdown will be listed in the day resolution, to help in voting analysis/voting patterns.

Q: Will roles be revealed upon death?

Not all roles will be revealed on death. This seems reasonable enough normally, as it's not clear that seeing a mafia's dead body would tell you that they were mafia. It's important in this game, seeing as how players can come back to life, that their life stories not be completely revealed. You do know however the total number of mafia to start the game is

Q: What happens if I go back in time and kill myself?

Ain’t going to happen, it’s against the rules. If you are thinking of doing this please don’t play.

Q: Couldn't this game go on for ever?

No. The key component to the time-travel mechanism is time-fuel, of which there is a limited quantity in this game. It is possible, however, in the case that everyone uses up all of their time fuel, that the game will turn into a regular game without time travel.

Q: Anything else I should know?

I hope I have done a decent amount of work to make sure that mass role-claiming will not benefit anyone very much. For instance, I will post a sample townie role PM: (note this is not the actual role, just an example).

You are a townie with a time machine, though unfortunately without time fuel...or at least much of it. You have just enough fuel to send a time shield into the future to protect yourself on a future night. Please confirm by PM, including which night you would like to send your time shield forward to.

Please confirm by POSTING in the FORUM and PLEASE be sure to read all of the rules.
Once everyone has “Confirmed” the game will begin.

And, of course, there are the below regular rules:

Other Rules

1) All communication outside this thread by me will be by PM. Please keep you in boxes open for communication from me and your fellow players if applicable.
2) Once the day's deadline has been reached, the lynchee is dead and Night has begun. Posting is allowed during Night, though additional votes will not be counted.
3) Once you are deceased, also decease from posting. Because of possible back-to-life issues, do not post anything else until/unless you are brought back to life.
4) All votes must be in bold via PM for lynch or via the public board for End Day. If you do not bold your vote, it will not be counted. Unvotes are appreciated, but not required, just send in a new PM. Voters will be announced in the nightly wrap up post. Due to the ever changing timeline you will need to submit to me 3 votes in your preferred order as the lynchings will change as players are bought back to life via time travel.
5) Please do not discuss this game out of thread unless your role specifically states you may communicate with other players.
6) Do not edit/delete any post. Just post again w/ the correction and quote the wrong one.
7) If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period, please post a notice to that effect in the thread. Treat this game as a commitment to the others. Be considerate: don't leave us hanging.
8) Do not quote any private communication from me or others. You may reword MY PM’s to you for play however, including roles if you so desire.
9) If there are four consecutive periods (where a period is either a night or a day) without a kill, the game will be ruled a draw unless I see convincing evidence to keep it going. For example, no lynch followed by no night kills followed again by no lynch and no night kill will probably be ruled a draw.
10) If a player is targeted to be killed more times than the number of times he is protected, he will die.
11) Remember that this is a game, intended to be enjoyable for everyone. I hope you play to win without giving in to name-calling or general meanness. I will give a warning PM to the offenders if it gets out of hand, and a subsequent infraction will be punishable by removal from the game.
12) If I do something stupid, please indicate this to me privately. I may or may not have made a mistake.
13) Game week will run Monday to Friday. Play will resume on Monday. No actions will happen from 8 PM Friday (Pacific Time) until Monday 7 AM (Pacific Time). It's a weekend enjoy it, watch a few games, spend time with the family, stop playing computer games for a bit. :)


So remember to vote for 3 lynchings in order of preference via PM each day if you are dead or alive. Vote counts will not be done for the 2nd or 3rd votes unless needed. If per chance all three of your votes are deceased from past actions your vote will be recorded as No Lynch. 2nd & 3rd votes won’t be reveled until needed if at all.

To begin, the basic principle of the game must be stressed: the timeline. The timeline always progresses forward, no matter what is going on around you. You, as a town, will move from night 1 to day 1 to night 2 and so on, in that order, without repeating or going backwards or missing any days, guaranteed. Instead, you may find that history rewrites itself every night. The most current history will be recorded in the next post, which will serve as the current update post. When time-travelers use their time-traveling abilities, they will travel temporarily from the current night to the night of their choice (in the past, present or future), perform their role, and then return to the same instant of the current night they just left. In traveling to the past, the time-traveler may create an event that will alter history as the town knows it, and the new history will become the town’s new reality.

In the process of changing history, people may be removed (killed), or added back (brought back to life) to the timeline. When you die, you are probably not permanently dead. Instead, actions may occur in the past that affect whether or not you are killed. If you die, and an action that occurs in the past causes you to “come back to life”, you will be added back into the timeline at the point that you originally left: the point you died. Most importantly, you will be allowed to participate in all the days and nights that you missed up to that point, that is, to “catch up” with the rest of the timeline. Which is why it is important for a dead person to keep reading and voting and doing night actions as if they were alive in case they are brought back.

Due to the changing timeline it brings up a question: Does that mean that even lynches can be undone? The answer is simply: ‘yes’. You see: if on day 1, with 11 alive; 5 people vote for Person A, and 4 people vote for person B, Person A would be lynched at the deadline. If later in the game, a Mafia went back in time to night 1 and killed one of the players voting for Person A (say, Person C), then history would have to be rewritten. I, the mod, would remove Person C from the timeline, and thus, their vote would not count. Person A would now have had 4 votes on Day 1. Both Person A and Person B would be tie thus no lynch. Now I must remove Person B from the timeline as well. It should be noted that both Person A and Person B’s votes still count on Day 1, as usual, but they will be removed from any subsequent days and nights. Then, to further complicate matters, if the Mafia return once again to night one and kill Person D, another person voting for Person A, then on Day 1, Person A would have had 3 votes, and Person B 4 votes. Thus, Person B would be lynched. Now, as the mod, I must add Person A back to the timeline.

Confusing? Yes, it will be a little confusing for me. But I will do everything I can to ensure you as the town remain in complete control of what is going on. Every morning I will post a new history, replacing the old one. I will also post the new history in the game thread, so that when the ‘new’ history becomes the ‘old’ history, it will still be accessible. But I suggest you hold on to a copy for your records, in case you feel like trying to piece together the puzzle that this game will be.


ORDER OF EVENTS: (Some event’s/characters may or may not be in this game)

Day Begins
Lynch Votes
Day Ends
Night Begins
Time Travel Action (if any)
Current Night Action (if any)

KNOWN ROLES IN THIS GAME: (none are public knowledge)

Investigator (can not be killed/lynched on day/night one of initial timeline)

Yes, there are other “hidden” roles.

Victory is Villagers win if all Mafia is eliminated. Mafia win via 1:1 ratio Mafia to Villagers.

Player's List

1) Passacaglia
2) pennywisesb
3) ardent enthusiast
4) Mr. Wednesday
5) Raiders Army
6) Barkeep49
7) Blade6119
8) kingfc22
9) ntndeacon
10) RealDeal
11) digamma

henry296 09-29-2005 12:35 PM

Fascinating rules, but I will be away starting the 7th, so I can't play this one.

Vince 09-29-2005 01:04 PM

Holy crap -- this is going to be confusing as hell.

Count me in :D

RPI-Fan 09-29-2005 01:07 PM

I'm in.

Passacaglia 09-29-2005 01:58 PM

Count me in!

pennywisesb 09-29-2005 02:14 PM

I've been waiting for a WW game. I'm in.

Mr. Wednesday 09-29-2005 04:04 PM

How long is the game going to run? I'll be leaving town from the 20th to the 23rd, so I can only play if it will be over by the 20th.

SnDvls 09-29-2005 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Wednesday
How long is the game going to run? I'll be leaving town from the 20th to the 23rd, so I can only play if it will be over by the 20th.

it should be over by then. I anticipate it to be the same length of a regular game if not shorter. Again you all determine the length of the day so it can go as fast or as slow as the players make it.

edit to correct spelling of that was bad 2 of 'em

saldana 09-29-2005 04:55 PM

and i thought we couldnt play a game more confusing than barkeeps.....

since i can access the game during my lunch hour

i am in

Poli 09-29-2005 05:12 PM


Mr. Wednesday 09-29-2005 05:46 PM

I'll sign up for it, then.

Raiders Army 09-29-2005 05:59 PM

I'm up for it, but I want to be a good guy :)

Barkeep49 09-29-2005 06:08 PM

Count me in.

Blade6119 09-29-2005 07:43 PM

count me in

kingfc22 09-29-2005 07:44 PM

I'm in!

Raiders Army 09-30-2005 05:58 AM

Thanks for spelling my name right, SnDvls. :)

ntndeacon 09-30-2005 10:21 AM

I am in as well

RealDeal 09-30-2005 11:05 PM

I'm in.

SnDvls 09-30-2005 11:37 PM

Okay looks like we have enough. I'll leave it open for 3 more and if anyone else wants in as an alternate I'll put you on too. I'll be at the ASU/USC game all day tomorrow then off to Disney so I'll update the list once I'm back.

RPI-Fan 10-02-2005 10:25 PM

I've decided that my time is strained enough as it is, and I don't particularly want to push things any more.

As such, I hope it's Ok if I resign from the game -- if you do need me in just let me know and I will be happy to particpate actively.

Vince 10-04-2005 12:23 AM

Sadly, I as well will have to decline my spot in the game. It's going to be a busy enough week, so I'll sit this one out. Sorry guys, but I'd hate to try and stay in it and not be active.

saldana 10-04-2005 04:54 PM

would you believe, upon further review, i have to drop out wifes work and school schedule are leaving my on baby duty for about 80 hours nonstop this week and next. sorry fellas

pennywisesb 10-04-2005 06:19 PM

Maybe we should hold off on this game until next week when more people will be able to participate.....

Passacaglia 10-04-2005 06:25 PM

That means we lose Mr. Wednesday.

digamma 10-04-2005 06:27 PM

I can play.

Blade6119 10-04-2005 09:59 PM

i can play, but id vote push it back a week

Barkeep49 10-04-2005 10:03 PM

Well I would rather play now than push a week. That being said I will be unavailable until 5ish Eastern and thus nothing should be read into my absence if the game starts tommorrow.

Mr. Wednesday 10-05-2005 02:33 AM

If you can get back five people at the cost of losing me, by all means, lose me.

SnDvls 10-05-2005 10:05 AM

just need one more and we can go.

SnDvls 10-05-2005 11:04 PM


still need one more to get this started.

SnDvls 10-06-2005 05:44 PM

sent a pm to those signed up. I can run it with 11 without a prob. if you all want. Let me know either here or PM so I can send out roles and get it going.

Raiders Army 10-06-2005 05:51 PM

As I stated in my PM, I'm good with anything. I'm ready to lynch some bad guys.

Barkeep49 10-06-2005 06:48 PM

As I responded in my PM I want a balanced game. If you can balance 11, let's do that. If it takes 12 to give both sides a fair shot, then 12 it should be.

SnDvls 10-06-2005 08:57 PM

okay the general feeling is go with it so I'll send out roles tomorrow and we'll officially begin on Monday.

ntndeacon 10-07-2005 10:54 AM

Well i got my role and am ready to begin this puppy.... I mean to kill these mafioso.

digamma 10-07-2005 11:00 AM

Role received. Ready to root out the baddies.

SnDvls 10-07-2005 11:02 AM

1) Passacagilia - killed to end game by mafia BODYGUARD
2) pennywisesb - MAFIA won game
3) ardent enthusiast - lynched day 1 VILLAGER
4) Mr. Wednesday - lynched day 3 VILLAGER
5) Raiders Army - killed night 2 by serial killer MAFIA
6) Barkeep49 - killed to end game by mafia VILLAGER
7) Blade6119 - killed night 1 by mafia (time travel) VIGILANTE
8) kingfc22 - MAFIA won game
9) ntndeacon - killed night 1 by Blade INVESTIGATOR
10) RealDeal - lynched day 2 VILLAGER
11) digamma - killed night 2 by mafia SERIAL KILLER

Background – You are all in a very small town, with a great secret. A professor at the local university has discovered a way to personal time travel. At first he was only able to send objects into the future, but somehow he was able to gain some additional funding to move his invention along. There were rumors he had found a way to transport people, not only to the future, but to the past and get them back to the revised present. The local Investigator suspects foul play as the professor has vanished as have several of his supposed “people porters”. Several villagers remain in the town, and rumors have run rampart as to who could have possession the “people porters” as well as who still has the old outdated “object porters”.

Day 1

Everyone gathers in the town square and no one is quite sure who will get strung up today. As wary glances shoot back and forth accusations begin to fly as to who is mafia. Five of you quickly grab ardent enthusiast and begin to question him. ardent calls out Blade saying he is the one to go after, but to no avail as the village has agreed to go with the person having the most votes. ardent enthusiast is strung up by the big oak tree for all to see. He struggles for a bit, but is then left lifeless hanging there. You all hope you got one of the mafia tonight and made the right choice.

(in no particular order)

ardent enthusiast (5) – Raiders Army, pennywisesb, digamma, Mr. Wednesday, Blade6119
kingfc22 (1) – ntndeacon
Blade6119 (1) – ardent enthusiast
Barkeep49 (1) – kingfc22
No Votes - Passacagila, Barkeep49, RealDeal

Night 1

You all go to bed hoping for a peaceful night's sleep, but everyone knows that isn't possible with the mafia running around. You hear the gun shots in the distance and you know that it can't be good, then you hear a few more shots and some screaming. Looks like someone was protected. Just as you begin to fall back to sleep you again hear a the gun shots….this you know can’t be good. However, two of the shots sounded the same, you are pretty certain that an additional one came from someone else. In the morning you all, well almost all of you, wake up. Someone is missing, no two people are missing. You look around and begin to realize that ntndeacon/ardent and Blade are not around. A quick search of the village and you find ntndeacon/ardent’s body in his room. He was shot, but you can tell it wasn’t by the mafia, but who? It appears that he was the investigator. Then you all quickly run to Blade’s house, looks like he was either just entering his house or exiting it when the mafia got him. Why would he be out at night is the big question? Barkeep doesn’t know who protected him, but he knows he was a target and was saved by someone.

Day 2

You all gather around the town square again for the daily lynch. Everyone is still uneasy as they don't know who is mafia and who isn't. Everyone is there except Real Deal who comes stumbling in late. Five of you quickly grab him and beat him into submission. You string him up to the tree next to ardent and wait for his lifeless body to go limp before heading back to your normal day. RealDeal has been lynched.You all go to bed a little uneasy tonight. It could be a long night for some of the villagers.

RealDeal (5) - kingfc, Raiders Army, Pass, Barkeep, digamma
Pass (1) - Mr. Wednesday
No Vote - RealDeal, pennywisesb,

Night 2

The night passes and it’s eerily quiet. No gun shots, no screaming. Then you hear the same two shots you heard on night one. What is going on in this town? Once morning comes you all gather in the town square. Just like last night there are two of you missing, digamma and Raiders Army. You now are searching around trying to figure what is happening to all the villagers when you run across Raiders Army’s body, he’s been gagged and tortured with a note attached to his body by a knife. Looks like the serial killer got him last night. Now it time to find digamma, he just like Blade from the night before, looks like he was caught coming back home the mafia got him.

Day 3

You all gather in the town square for the lynch vote. Mr. Wednesday and Barkeep seem to have confirmed eachother as a normal villager. Everyone has a weird feeling in their body though that this could turn out bad. pennywisesb and kingfc22 don’t feel that Mr. W is on the up and up though and accusations begin to fly. Barkeep thinks king is bad and Mr. W feels it’s penny. It all comes down to Passacagilla. With a confused look in his eye he throws his vote to lynch Mr. Wednesday. Mr. W is quickly strung up and his lifeless body comes to rest. Just then pennywisesb and kingfc pull their guns and shoot pass and barkeep. The mafia gained their 1:1 ratio and have gained control of the time machines. The mafia have won.

Mr. W (3) - penny, king, pass
king (1) - Barkeep
penny (1) - Mr. W

Blade6119 10-07-2005 11:21 AM

I recieved my PM, ready to play.

pennywisesb 10-07-2005 11:46 AM

I received my PM as well.

Passacaglia 10-07-2005 12:11 PM

I have received my PM!

Poli 10-07-2005 12:25 PM

Word. PM Received.

kingfc22 10-07-2005 01:05 PM

Yea, now I just have to remember how to play this game.

Barkeep49 10-07-2005 02:06 PM

As an innocent for the first time at the start of a game, I'm ready.

Mr. Wednesday 10-07-2005 04:36 PM

Role received.

#include <stdvillager>

Raiders Army 10-07-2005 04:54 PM

Got my PM as well.

RealDeal 10-07-2005 05:55 PM


Blade6119 10-09-2005 07:46 PM

so ya...

Raiders Army 10-10-2005 07:38 AM

History for Day 1?

SnDvls 10-10-2005 09:34 AM

post #37 updated

Begin Day 1...remember you all control the length of the days.

Blade6119 10-10-2005 09:48 AM

So where does everyone want to go on day one?

Barkeep49 10-10-2005 10:00 AM

I don't know. This is a tricky thing indeed. Now presumably there are good guys who can travel back in time. So I propose the following: We do it so each person recieves 1 vote. There will be a no lynch. HOWEVER, when we do discover a wolf, a good guy would be able to travel back in time, change the vote, and thus kill a wolf, and possibly save lives later on. Now I don't have the power to travel back in time, but others must. If we agree to do this plan and someone doesn't vote the way they're supposed to that gives us a great piece of information for the next day.

Blade6119 10-10-2005 10:07 AM

but where will that leave us tomorrow??...with everyone having 1 vote, no voting patterns, and a dead person from the wolves...well be at square one again tomorrow with one less person and no leads

Barkeep49 10-10-2005 10:12 AM

But that's where you're wrong. We won't have eliminated anyone YET. But we'll have setup a mafia kill down the road and allow any good guys with seer powers, such as the investigator, to either rule out somebody or, if we're lucky, find a mafia member. To me it's a short term trade-off for a long term gain.

Blade6119 10-10-2005 10:13 AM

i see where your going with it, and with this small number i presume you take the chances with the seer...but with 11 im betting only one good seer, and 2 bad guys...i dont love those odds...but ill comply if thats what the group wants

digamma 10-10-2005 10:15 AM

I'm here. Still sorting through the rules.

Barkeep, maybe an alternative to your strategy would be to have two lynching candidates and try to have the difference be a one vote swing. Then, we do have a shot at taking out a mafioso, and would still have the opportunity to travel back and change it if we are wrong (if I am reading the rules correctly). The downside to that is that if we pick two good guys, we're in trouble early.

Blade6119 10-10-2005 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by digamma
I'm here. Still sorting through the rules.

Barkeep, maybe an alternative to your strategy would be to have two lynching candidates and try to have the difference be a one vote swing. Then, we do have a shot at taking out a mafioso, and would still have the opportunity to travel back and change it if we are wrong (if I am reading the rules correctly). The downside to that is that if we pick two good guys, we're in trouble early.

Ya, it would work if we were lucky...if not were screwed

Barkeep49 10-10-2005 10:23 AM

Digamma what do you think is gained by choosing two rather than leaving our options open with everybody? If we're rigging the vote in anyway we won't know get voting patterns. If we kill somebody there is far more incentive for the person who is killed to not go along with the idea and try and scrap the whole idea. By not killing anybody there is no personal incentive to go against the plan if people agree.

Blade6119 10-10-2005 10:25 AM

But if i was a warewolf and my head wasnt on the block, or that of my partner/partners id just sit there and be helpful...why would they go against it if none of them are in danger?

Blade6119 10-10-2005 10:26 AM

and also, do we even find out who votes for who?...they could all vote together and we wouldnt know who did it

Barkeep49 10-10-2005 10:28 AM

Yes but the two people who are chosen have good reasons to fight the vote. For instance, what if we choose the investigator? That would be even worse than killing a villager. In general, I agree that killing someone on the first day is important. However, in this case we have a chance to "fix" mistakes. A random killing tomorrow, assuming the mafia kill somebody tonight, is more likely to be successful than one today. Plus we'll have the ace in the hole of being able to ENSURE a mafia kill in the future.

digamma 10-10-2005 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Blade6119
and also, do we even find out who votes for who?...they could all vote together and we wouldnt know who did it

This is a good point. I think we know the initial vote, but if the vote is changed at all, I'm not sure we find it out.

Barkeep49 10-10-2005 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Blade6119
and also, do we even find out who votes for who?...they could all vote together and we wouldnt know who did it

As I read the rules we do.


Originally Posted by rules
Vote breakdown will be listed in the day resolution, to help in voting analysis/voting patterns.

SNDVLS: Can you confirm that we find out who voted for who?

digamma 10-10-2005 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49
Digamma what do you think is gained by choosing two rather than leaving our options open with everybody? If we're rigging the vote in anyway we won't know get voting patterns. If we kill somebody there is far more incentive for the person who is killed to not go along with the idea and try and scrap the whole idea. By not killing anybody there is no personal incentive to go against the plan if people agree.

I do think it builds some history and let's us draw from it. But, it is a risk, because if we're wrong, (in the words of Blade), we're screwed. I'm not wedded to the strategy, just brainstorming ideas early in the game.

Passacaglia 10-10-2005 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49
But that's where you're wrong. We won't have eliminated anyone YET. But we'll have setup a mafia kill down the road and allow any good guys with seer powers, such as the investigator, to either rule out somebody or, if we're lucky, find a mafia member. To me it's a short term trade-off for a long term gain.

I still don't see the long-term gain. How would we discoever the mafia?

SnDvls 10-10-2005 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Blade6119
and also, do we even find out who votes for who?...they could all vote together and we wouldnt know who did it

Yes the votes are known, but not until after the lynch if resolved.

ntndeacon 10-10-2005 10:42 AM

Of course are the good guys the only ones that can go back in time? That is a possible problem in your plan.

Barkeep49 10-10-2005 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Passacaglia
I still don't see the long-term gain. How would we discoever the mafia?

Often times these things have a way of coming out.

NTN: That is true, bad guys likely can go back in time as well. However, if a bad guy does so, and kills someone who we don't believe to be a wolf, that vote change will tell us to be suspicious of somebody.

pennywisesb 10-10-2005 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by digamma
I do think it builds some history and let's us draw from it. But, it is a risk, because if we're wrong, (in the words of Blade), we're screwed. I'm not wedded to the strategy, just brainstorming ideas early in the game.

Villager checking in. I agree with Digamma, this seems alittle risky.

ntndeacon 10-10-2005 11:16 AM

After this iwill be quiet till Iget off work.
There have been several times that "everyone" was sure that they knew who was a werewolf, and they ALL were wrong. Now I realize we must have some risk in this game to get our desired result...the killing of the mafioso.

We won't know who has gone back to kill.

Hopefully it will still be Day one by the time Iget back so I can make a slightly better desicion than I can at this time for whom to lynch.

Barkeep49 10-10-2005 11:46 AM

I'm going to be gone for the next 11 hours or so. If others don't like my plan (which there seems to be some resistance towards) hopefully we'll have some new ideas by then.

Raiders Army 10-10-2005 11:56 AM

No ideas here, but I don't like the thought of sitting around. There are a couple of problems with that:

1. What if the seer is not an "active" player? What if that person just checks in periodically and forgets to view tonight? Then we will have gained nothing.

2. If we sit around, the wolves can pick off one of us tonight. Now, that's better than losing two today (one with lynch and one by wolves), but sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omlette.

3. The more time we do nothing, the more time it gives them to come up with a strategy and figure out how they should pick off.

Those are my concerns, but I'm willing to do whatever.

Raiders Army 10-10-2005 04:21 PM

Man, this is the slowest WW game ever.

Blade6119 10-10-2005 04:39 PM

only 11 guys, not the 20 normal...i wonder how many good guys have secret roles...there are some, i just wonder how many

digamma 10-10-2005 04:39 PM

I was just thinking the same thing. Of course, the first day does always suck, but here it's especially confusing, because of our first experience with the time travel rules.

Blade6119 10-10-2005 04:41 PM

and the silent vote...and technically we decide when the day ends

digamma 10-10-2005 04:44 PM

Any merit to voting to end the day with no lynch votes out there?

pennywisesb 10-10-2005 04:44 PM

With 11 total players, how many baddies do we think there are? I have a hard time believing there is the usual 3 at this point, or else they'd be at a huge advantage. I'm leaning towards 2 at this point.

Blade6119 10-10-2005 04:46 PM

ive stated i tihnk we have 2, one good seer, and 2 secret good it witness or vigilante

digamma 10-10-2005 04:46 PM

An early observation (For what its worth)...

I believe there are four folks who haven't posted since the game started--Mr. Wednesday, kingfc, RealDeal and ardent enthusiast. Of those, only AE has logged on to the site today.

Blade6119 10-10-2005 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by digamma
An early observation (For what its worth)...

I believe there are four folks who haven't posted since the game started--Mr. Wednesday, kingfc, RealDeal and ardent enthusiast. Of those, only AE has logged on to the site today.

Every little bit helps...thats defaults ardent to the top of my list for now

pennywisesb 10-10-2005 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Blade6119
Every little bit helps...thats defaults ardent to the top of my list for now

Agreed. It seems alittle strange that he'd log in but not post in this thread.....We don't have very much to go on, so this seems as good of a first day reasoning as any.

Blade6119 10-10-2005 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by pennywisesb
Agreed. It seems alittle strange that he'd log in but not post in this thread.....We don't have very much to go on, so this seems as good of a first day reasoning as any.

What interests me is if dead people will really stay active...dead people are required to continue voting(silently), but i wonder if people will..especially the quiet ones...such as the ones he listed a few posts ago...but what else can we get going for reasoning on anyone?? Anyone feel guilty and want to confess to being a wolf? :confused:

Vince 10-10-2005 05:20 PM

In AE's defense, we had the Wildcard round of the Playoffs this morning in the GEFL, in which his Kansas City Chiefs narrowly defeated MIJB's Houston Oilers, 16-15. That might be why he's been around, but not posting much.

pennywisesb 10-10-2005 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Vince
In AE's defense, we had the Wildcard round of the Playoffs this morning in the GEFL, in which his Kansas City Chiefs narrowly defeated MIJB's Houston Oilers, 16-15. That might be why he's been around, but not posting much.

Why are you not playing again?

Mr. Wednesday 10-10-2005 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49
I don't know. This is a tricky thing indeed. Now presumably there are good guys who can travel back in time. So I propose the following: We do it so each person recieves 1 vote. There will be a no lynch. HOWEVER, when we do discover a wolf, a good guy would be able to travel back in time, change the vote, and thus kill a wolf, and possibly save lives later on. Now I don't have the power to travel back in time, but others must. If we agree to do this plan and someone doesn't vote the way they're supposed to that gives us a great piece of information for the next day.

How does this work when the bad guys also presumably have someone who can travel back in time?

Mr. Wednesday 10-10-2005 06:17 PM

According to the original rules posting, we would be told at the beginning of the game how many mafia we were up against. Is that still the case? Did I miss the post that provides that information?

Mr. Wednesday 10-10-2005 06:17 PM

Double dola, how are we going to coordinate only voting for one person each when we're not supposed to reveal who we vote for?

digamma 10-10-2005 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Wednesday
Double dola, how are we going to coordinate only voting for one person each when we're not supposed to reveal who we vote for?

I think our initial vote is revealed publicly, but our back-up vote is pm'd to Sundvls, no?

Raiders Army 10-10-2005 06:41 PM

I thought we voted 1, 2, 3 PM to SnDvls.

SnDvls 10-10-2005 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by digamma
I think our initial vote is revealed publicly, but our back-up vote is pm'd to Sundvls, no?

vote #1 is not public until after lynch. #2 &#3 will not be made public unless the timeline changes and dictates such.

SnDvls 10-10-2005 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Raiders Army
I thought we voted 1, 2, 3 PM to SnDvls.


SnDvls 10-10-2005 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Wednesday
Double dola, how are we going to coordinate only voting for one person each when we're not supposed to reveal who we vote for?

you cannot say

vote joe

however you can say like others have. I'm leaning towards X Y & Z

it allows you to be credible if you choose by doing that and having your vote after lynch saying such or allows others to question you at that point. The votes you really need to think about are #2 & #3 probally in the first few days because those can have a major impact down the line.

SnDvls 10-10-2005 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Wednesday
According to the original rules posting, we would be told at the beginning of the game how many mafia we were up against. Is that still the case? Did I miss the post that provides that information?

sorry if I alluded to this, but it is not the case. I looked at the rules to see if I did copy that item from and couldn't find it. Anyhow, it is not the case.

digamma 10-10-2005 07:36 PM

OK. Sorry for the confusion on the voting.

Mr. Wednesday 10-10-2005 09:10 PM

Just FYI, the part about number of mafia was this:


Originally Posted by rules in the first post
Q: Will roles be revealed upon death?

Not all roles will be revealed on death. This seems reasonable enough normally, as it's not clear that seeing a mafia's dead body would tell you that they were mafia. It's important in this game, seeing as how players can come back to life, that their life stories not be completely revealed. You do know however the total number of mafia to start the game is

Mr. Wednesday 10-10-2005 09:15 PM

So, who were we randomly voting for today, again? :p

I'm thinking given his in-game determination that I'm usually dangerous, I should vote for ardent as a matter of principle, but I'm open to suggestions for other candidates for my primary or secondary votes.

Blade6119 10-10-2005 09:20 PM

Im leaning to ardent for my first vote, and the others i dont know yet...prob random since im not sold on quiet ones only...

Mr. Wednesday 10-10-2005 09:23 PM

So are we going to try to target a few people, or disperse our votes? Dispersed votes don't tell us a whole lot, but on the other hand, we won't know when we nail a mafioso yet anyway.

SnDvls 10-10-2005 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Wednesday
Just FYI, the part about number of mafia was this:

I see sorry my I'll follow my rules....there are 3 mafia to start the game.

to help the villagers and since it was a rule there you are. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

Mr. Wednesday 10-10-2005 10:07 PM

I was more pointing it out so you knew from whence I had drawn the conclusion, but I do appreciate us getting notified.

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