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Alan T 02-22-2007 11:24 AM

Werewolf XLIII - The Big City (Game over)
The Setting:

We all live in the big city, and our goals are to succeed in our careers of choosing to become as rewarded as imaginable. What one's reward might be likely differs greatly depending on their calling in life. Some in our big city are far more selfish than others though, and want it all at the expense of anyone who might stand in their way.

The Objectives:

Each player in the game will be either assigned a particular role, job or occupation or have the opportunity during the game to find one of their choosing. Each player will have both an objective based on if they are a "good guy" or a "bad guy" as well as some individual objective based upon their role, job or occupation. The only exception to this will be those of no affiliation to one side or the other. Neutral players will only have their role,job or occupation objective to meet. A Neutral player's sole objective might be quite difficult to achieve however they might be given other options during the course of the game to join one side or the other.

Major victory - To achieve a major victory, you must complete all of your goals for the game. For most players this will mean achieving both an objective based on your affiliation as well as your personal objectives. Neutral players only need to complete their personal objectives for a major victory.

Minor victory - To achieve a minor victory, you simply need to achieve one of your objectives (either solo or affiliation objectives)

The Schedule:

This game is meant to be time zone friendly for those whom live in other parts of the world, or work odd hours that make normal games more difficult. The daily schedule will consist of one combined game period (instead of the normal day/night cycles). Each day game period will end at 9pm EST. There will likely be moderator posts throughout the day as certain activities trigger them, however a daily update post will be made each night between 9pm EST and midnight EST.

Each player will have a certain activity or number of activities that they can do during each 24 hour day period. The orders can be PM'd at any time during that day cycle, however some activities will only be triggered during certain periods of time each day. Any PM'd orders for time sensitive activities that are sent in ahead of that time will automatically be executed at the earliest time they are allowed. Thusly, orders may be submitted ahead of time as well as conditional orders may be sent in based on certain other events happening. I reserve the right to disallow certain conditional orders if I feel they are unfair or do not fall within the spirit of the game.

Play will continue over the weekends, however it will be slowed down. Instead of each day cycle occuring like normal, there will only be one day cycle that occurs during the weekend. The weekend day cycle will begin at 9:00pm EST on friday and end at 8:59pm EST on sunday evening. Later in the game the option to speed up weekend play, or any other play is a possibility but would require all remaining players to consent to it beforehand.

Sign up issues:

This game is meant to be in the Big city, so it is designed to be quite large by its nature. The game has well over 30 roles currently defined if that many do indeed sign up. If you wish to sign up, please do so in this thread below. If there are any questions regarding this game, please feel free to PM me and I will respond as quickly as I can.

Alan T 02-22-2007 11:24 AM

Below is listed many but not all of the roles, occupations and identities in the game. There also will likely be a number listed below that are not present in the game. This list is meant to give an idea of the setting inside of the game.


Boss - The head of Big City's mafia, he is smart but ruthless. He is the boss, and what he says goes in the Big City underground.

The Muscle - Obviously the Boss won't get his hands dirty sweating the small stuff. He needs a trusted henchman to apply the proper pressure at needed times.

The Professionals:

The Banker - Money is his thing and he excels at managing it. If money is power, he might be one of the most powerful men in the big city. Does this however make him a powerful companion, or a big target?

The Doctor - Sometimes "accidents" happen, luckily he is here to save the day.

The Shop Owner - Everyone needs things to buy right? This gentleman makes his living peddling his wares.

The shady:

Thug - Not quite the brightest bulb in the lamp, but he can hit you really hard with a lead pipe.

Pickpocket - Where did you place your wallet again?

Hacker - Not all crimes involve breaking in through the front door. This man can rob you blind while eating a frosty.

Law Enforcement:

Detectives - These men investigate the scene of the crime and attempt to keep order in the Big City

Chief of Detectives - He manages the Big CIty's force of detectives in an effort to keep some flow to the workload.

Judge - The only voted upon job in this game. Can approve search warrants, arrest warrants or sentence people for their crimes.

Hired Security:

Firewall specialist - Have a high tech computer environment? He is the best at keeping it safe.

Bodyguard - Ex-Special ops. Its difficult to get the drop on him, and he might be pretty handy if you have attacted the wrong type of attention.

The Independants:

The sports gambler - Dog races, NBA games, snail races... You name it he bets it.

Poker player - Everyone and their brother is a poker player these days. This man puts his money where his mouth is.

Blue Collar workers:

Janitor - Someone has to clean up the mess made around here.

Construction employee - As the Big City grows, he helps build it... literally.


Death or other ways to be removed from the game:

There are three ways to be removed from the game:

1) Being lynched by the cityfolk (see below)
2) Being killed by the mafia
3) Being sentenced by the judge for a crime.

Once removed from the game, the player is permanently out of the game and will not return. Allegiances will be stated as the player is removed. Their occupation will be inferred during the next daily update.


Daily actions from all members:

Each day in the Big City, the people's anger flares to the point where a lynch mob is formed. In order to prevent being a target of the lynch mob yourself, all players must each day place a vote in this thread for whom you wish to see lynched. To place a vote, simply enter the vote with the player's name bolded such as this:

Vote Alan T

Failure to place a daily vote will likely result in negative consequences for the player involved.

In addition to the daily lynched vote, Each day the Big City's judge can be voted out and replaced with a new judge. This vote is a private vote sent in to me via PM. You do not have to post your judge vote in this thread, and you do not even have to place a judge vote each day if you do not wish to. In order to elect a judge, greater than 50% of all remaining players in the game must select that judge in the same daily cycle. The result of the daily judge vote will be posted in the daily update.


Money management:

For many, your objectives might be based somewhat around money. A big decision for you might be how to keep your money safe. Each player has the following options to keep their money safeguarded:

1) Keep it in the Big City Bank
2) Keep it on your person
3) Keep it stored in your home under your bed matress.
4) (Mafia only) Allow the mafia boss to hold on to your money.


Allegiance objectives:

Mafia - The Mafia team objective is to have a 1:1 ratio with the rest of the Big City (including all townspeople as well as independants) as well as getting one of your own elected as the judge.

Townspeople - Remove the mafia boss and his family from the game.

Independants - You have no allegiance specific objectives.


The Detectives:

The detectives have the job of keeping order in the Big City. To do so, they must investigate crimes as well as make the arrest. Each day, the detectives individually have the options to do one of the following:

1) Investigate crime scene [With which crime scene listed]
2) Search location [With which player's home to search] (Requires proper search warrant from the judge)
3) Make arrest [with which player to arrest] (Requires proper arrest warrant from the judge).
4) Records lookup [Include which player or which fingerprints to look up records for. All matches in the Detective database will come back in return]

In addition to one of these four actions, each detective may also submit a request for one type of warrant each day. To place a request for a warrant, the dectective must PM me with the type of warrant and appropriate location or player it is for. A judge is not bound to approve any request for a warrant.


Reporting a crime:

Sometimes, the unfortunate happens and you are victimized. If you find yourself a victim of a crime, please call the Big City police department by dialing 9-1-1. If your phone is not capable of dialing 911, you may also PM me with the crime that you would like to report. Please include the time, location and other details you wish to include.

Being arrested:

A player when in jail is unable to perform any of their daily actions. A jailed player may only accomplish certain tasks by allowing the Big City jailer to perform the task for them. In order to have the town jailer perform a certain task for you, you must bribe him. To bribe the jailer, you must send me a PM with how much you wish to bribe with, what the task is you wish to accomplish. The only tasks you may have the jailer perform is one normally available to you when you are free from jail.


The Big City Judge:

During the course of each day, a judge may issue one of each type of actions:

1) Issue search warrant [Include location]
2) Issue arrest warrant [Include player]
3) Sentence/Free player [include player.] (Player must have previously been arrested.)

A warrant is only good until the following day cycle ends. A Warrant issued at 8:59pm EST on Tuesday will be valid until 9:00pm EST on Wednesday. A warrant issued at 9:01pm EST on Tuesday will be valid until 9:00pm EST on Thursday. Any arrested player must be sentenced by the game cycle following their arrest, or they will automatically be set free. A player arrested at 8:59pm EST on Tuesday must be sentenced by 9:00pm EST on Wednesday or they will be set free. A player arrested at 9:01pm EST on Tuesday must be sentenced by 9:00pm EST on Thursday night or they will be set free.

When a player is sentenced guilty, they will be removed from the game regardless of what the sentence is for.


The Mafia family:

The Mafia has the boss at the head of the family. He also has other family members who assist in the "Family operation". Not all members of the mafia are family, and thus some of the mafia henchmen are nothing but muscle working for the Boss. In return for loyal henchmen, the Mafia boss of course rewards generously.


The Underground Messageboard:

In the internet age, you can find sites that do pretty much anything. The same is true here in the Big City where the rumored Underground messageboard lives. Rumor has it you might find good deals on hot items, juicy info about hot targets, possible job opportunities or the latest happenings in the underground. This information comes at a price however, and that price may fluxuate as time goes on. Each day the daily membership price of the Underground messageboard will be posted in the daily update. All posts on the underground messageboard are anonymous (or are they?)

The daily Underground messagboard actions that underground members may perform: (you may only post one message each day)

1) Post an item you would like to sell. (Posting a price is entirely optional)
2) Post a topic of information.
3) Post a job that you are looking for someone to fill. (posting the details of the job is entirely optional)

To post one of the above actions, simply send me a PM with the post you which to make. To inquire about someone else's post, you must also send me a PM with which Underground post you have an inquire about. Detailed info of the inquired post between the two parties will be done through me via PM. As I said, all underground activities are kept anonymous (maybe).



I reserve the right to post additional rules, or modify the rules, roles or occupations at any time to fix game imbalances. If there are any questions about the rules, or needs for clarifications, please feel free to post in the thread, or privately via PM at any time for more information. I also reserve the right however to keep certain things hidden during the game to improve game playability.

Alan T 02-22-2007 11:25 AM

Day 1 start:

Signup list:

1. Sndvls
2. Jonathan Ezarik
3. Swaggs - Murdered Day 6 - Town Janitor
4. Bsak16 - Lynched Day 7 - Mafia Drug Dealer
5. Path12 - Lynched Day 9 - Top Secret Bodyguard
6. Kingfc22 - Sentenced Day 8 - Card player
7. Tyrith - Murdered Day 3 - Police Dispatcher
8. Lathum - Murdered Day 6 - Detective
9. ImTheCrew - Lynched Day 6 - Pickpocket
10. St.Cronin - Lynched Day 2 - Mafia Crime Boss
11. Anxiety
12. Blade6119 - Murdered Day 9 - Pawn Shop Manager
13. Hoopsguy - Murdered Day 4 - Crazy delusional psychotic patient
14. Barkeep49 - Lynched Day 5 - Mafia Hacker
15. Ntndeacon - Lynched Day 1 - Detective
16. Marathoner - Lynched Day 4 - Thug
17. Narcizo - Lynched Day 8 - Banker
18. Chief Rum - Lynched Day 9 - Reformed Gambling addict
19. DaddyTorgo - Lynched Day 3 - Mafia Crime Boss
20. Lonestargirl - Murdered Day 9 - Detective

SnDvls 02-22-2007 11:37 AM

if you'll have me I'll be in

Jonathan Ezarik 02-22-2007 11:50 AM


Swaggs 02-22-2007 12:08 PM


I was just thinking that I am due for a WW break, but Alan T's Tombstone game was one of the most fun that I have played in.

Dr. Sak 02-22-2007 12:16 PM

I'd like to join.


Sorry to jump the gun :)

path12 02-22-2007 12:35 PM

This looks cool, Alan. I'm in.

kingfc22 02-22-2007 01:06 PM

Not sure how much time I will have, but I'll play.

Tyrith 02-22-2007 01:11 PM

Sure, why not, I'll go at it.

Lathum 02-22-2007 01:11 PM


ImTheCrew 02-22-2007 01:20 PM

im in

st.cronin 02-22-2007 01:22 PM

in, please

Lathum 02-22-2007 01:47 PM


Poker player - Everyone and their brother is a poker player these days. This man puts his money where his mouth is.

I take offense to this

Abe Sargent 02-22-2007 02:21 PM

Ill be in as long as I don;t get voted off by AlanT.

Tyrith 02-22-2007 02:27 PM

King, it's nice to see you playing again, it's been a while :)

st.cronin 02-22-2007 02:34 PM

This looks like it will resemble Alan's last game, which was absolutely awesome.

Blade6119 02-22-2007 03:00 PM

ill play

SnDvls 02-22-2007 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Anxiety (Post 1400078)
Ill be in as long as I don;t get voted off by AlanT.

so I can do it for him ;)

hoopsguy 02-22-2007 03:26 PM

I'll give it a shot - the 24 hour option is sucking me in at a time where real-life work is very busy. Hopefully it works out well and I'm still able to play my normal game (whatever the heck that is).

Barkeep49 02-22-2007 04:43 PM

I will play.

Abe Sargent 02-22-2007 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by SnDvls (Post 1400165)
so I can do it for him ;)

Shh you :)

Tyrith 02-22-2007 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1400193)
I'll give it a shot - the 24 hour option is sucking me in at a time where real-life work is very busy. Hopefully it works out well and I'm still able to play my normal game (whatever the heck that is).

That's the game where you see through everything we say and manipulate us all into thinking you're looking out for our best interest while you're busy slaughtering us en masse at night :P

ntndeacon 02-22-2007 08:01 PM

I would love to play.

Marathoner 02-22-2007 08:42 PM

this sounds cool, I'd like to play

kingfc22 02-23-2007 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Tyrith (Post 1400091)
King, it's nice to see you playing again, it's been a while :)

Yea, after the whole posts don't count anymore thing I decided to take a break. :D:p

Narcizo 02-23-2007 02:26 AM

The time zone thing means that this will probably be my only chance to take part in a WW game so I'd like to play please.

Chief Rum 02-23-2007 05:38 AM

Oh, I gotta be a part of this one.

hoopsguy 02-23-2007 06:42 AM



Lorena 02-23-2007 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1400714)



for some reason I thought Narcizo was Alan's undercover screename... not sure why. I think one of the games he was a wolf I saw Narcizo on when Alan was not.

Narcizo 02-23-2007 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1400714)


Hah! That clearly won't be me as I will be Constantly Putting My Foot In My Mouth Narcizo now.

DaddyTorgo 02-23-2007 12:53 PM


Alan T 02-23-2007 02:31 PM

I'll give more time for any further signups over the weekend. We will close the signups Monday morning at 8am EST. I'll do all of the role assignments (courtesy of at that point and start sending out PMs Monday morning. Day 1 will start whenever all of the PMs are out during the day on Monday and Day 1 will end Tuesday night at 9pm EST.

LoneStarGirl 02-23-2007 09:43 PM

uhm.... I kind of want to play, but I still want to boycott....

I guess go ahead and put me in and if i decide not to play Ill let you know by Sunday night Alant

hoopsguy 02-24-2007 11:51 PM

ETA for this? Sorry if already posted ...

st.cronin 02-24-2007 11:59 PM

I assume roles go out late Sunday or sometime on Monday. I further assume that the game starts then.

Chief Rum 02-25-2007 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1402352)
ETA for this? Sorry if already posted ...


Originally Posted by st.cronin (Post 1402353)
I assume roles go out late Sunday or sometime on Monday. I further assume that the game starts then.



Originally Posted by Alan T (Post 1401208)
I'll give more time for any further signups over the weekend. We will close the signups Monday morning at 8am EST. I'll do all of the role assignments (courtesy of at that point and start sending out PMs Monday morning. Day 1 will start whenever all of the PMs are out during the day on Monday and Day 1 will end Tuesday night at 9pm EST.

Lathum 02-25-2007 11:47 AM

this needs to start, I am getting the shakes

Alan T 02-26-2007 07:51 AM

Signups are now closed and I am making the final private list of what roles will be and won't be included in this game. will be invoked for the assigning of the roles and PMs will start to go out after that. The game will officially begin after all PMs are out and I have made an introduction post officially starting day 1.

You may start being in character however once you receive your PM. Please keep in mind however that not everyone has received theirs at that point however. Also remember any quoting or hinting of what is in the PM is forbidden, and due to the way PMs are sent out might actually create a very false circle of trust.

Barkeep49 02-26-2007 09:19 AM

Do we have equal access to money in each of the 4 places?

Barkeep49 02-26-2007 09:22 AM

Does someone start as the judge or do we have to elect one?

st.cronin 02-26-2007 09:23 AM

Barkeep, my guess is that we do have equal access, but that the downside to keeping money in the bank is that if you make a withdrawal, somebody might know. The downside to keeping it in the other places is it might get stolen.

just a wag

Alan T 02-26-2007 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 1403187)
Do we have equal access to money in each of the 4 places?

Yes, access to the money is the same. However there are upsides and downsides to how the money is stored.


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 1403191)
Does someone start as the judge or do we have to elect one?

There is no judge to start the game, however day 1 the town may elect a new judge. More info on that when day 1 starts.

Lathum 02-26-2007 10:28 AM

role received

Alan T 02-26-2007 10:35 AM

Its the Big City, and you are a small part of the every day happenings here. You've lived your entire life here peacefully and happy until recently. Crime is increasing, and people have become afraid to leave their own homes. Many homes now have bars on their windows and friendly neighbors have been replaced with cold, judgemental looks. Will you be able to do your part to help clean up the town you call home?

Current Judge: None

In Jail: None

Warrants: None

Injuries: None

Job Openings: None

Pawn Shop items for sell: None


Day 1 has officially started. All players are required to make a lynch mob vote during day 1 publically in this thread. Failure to do so will only hurt your own standing with the mob in the future. The player with the most votes will end up being lynched by the angry mob.

In addition to the lynch mob vote, you may also choose to elect a player as the judge. You should send the Judge vote to me via PM and this vote is kept private. You may vote for yourself if you wish. A judge must receive more than 50% of the active player votes in order to be elected.

You may also subscribe to the Underground messageboard at this time. To subscribe to the message board you must send $100 subscription fee to me Via PM and you will receive an anonymous user ID. Once subscribed, you may make further posts to the underground board by submitting new PMs to me with a small payment of $25 per post. It is free to read the underground messageboard once you have paid your one time membership fee.

If you find yourself victimized during the day, you may report a crime by sending me a PM with the details of the crime. (Time, date, location, etc). Reporting a bogus crime might have adverse effects however.

Players may now submit day 1 actions at any time, and players with immediate actions will have the processed as received throughout the day.

Deadline for Day 1 is: Tuesday 9:00pm EST. Its a long day 1, but its needed for many roles.

st.cronin 02-26-2007 10:46 AM

city mouse, checking in

Barkeep, I have a question. In the Tombstone game, you were a wolf. You came out on day 1 suggesting that everybody reveal all roles, under the theory that information helps the village.

What are your thoughts in this game? Do you advocate something similar?

Jonathan Ezarik 02-26-2007 10:48 AM

Greetings, fellow Big Citites (Big Citiers?) Looking forward to working with the rest of you to help clean up this city we all love.

Barkeep49 02-26-2007 10:50 AM

People were more likely to tell the truth then because roles were value neutral, but they're not that way here. If it's decided that mass reveal is a good strategy I have no qualms saying my role.

path12 02-26-2007 10:53 AM

Checking in. Have to familiarize myself with the rules a bit I guess. Seems a no brainer to join the underground network though, doesn't it?

Barkeep49 02-26-2007 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 1403273)
Checking in. Have to familiarize myself with the rules a bit I guess. Seems a no brainer to join the underground network though, doesn't it?

It's not a no brainier for me. I'm poor.

Jonathan Ezarik 02-26-2007 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 1403273)
Seems a no brainer to join the underground network though, doesn't it?

If you can afford it. $100 to just read a message board? Another $25 to post? For some it's a no brainer, but for others, not so much.

st.cronin 02-26-2007 10:57 AM

The message board thing fascinates me. I'm not sure I can afford it, but its a cool mechanic.

Alan T 02-26-2007 11:01 AM

One clarification. For people with time sensitive role actions.. Day 1 times that actions can begin all are Tuesday. If you have an action that can not begin until after 4pm EST each day, for day one that will be 4pm EST Tuesday.

On most days its only a 24 hour period, so those days its self explanatory. For weekends, the same is true, the second day is when the action will trigger. If you have questions regarding your specific action, please feel free to PM me.

Lathum 02-26-2007 11:03 AM

I'm not so sure I comprehend the idea of the message board...

Blade6119 02-26-2007 11:05 AM

Checking in, wont be around at all today really...tomorrow ill be free though

st.cronin 02-26-2007 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1403286)
I'm not so sure I comprehend the idea of the message board...

I think what happens is, you sign up for it, and you can send and recieve messages. But you don't know who is sending and recieving messages - its all anonymous.

So, for example, the seer might subscribe and post his findings there.

Lathum 02-26-2007 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by st.cronin (Post 1403297)
I think what happens is, you sign up for it, and you can send and recieve messages. But you don't know who is sending and recieving messages - its all anonymous.

So, for example, the seer might subscribe and post his findings there.

yeah but who's to say the mob can't join and send false messages as the seer about innocent villegars to throw us off.

This seems more likely since one would assume the mob has more money then the average citiczen

st.cronin 02-26-2007 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Lathum (Post 1403301)
yeah but who's to say the mob can't join and send false messages as the seer about innocent villegars to throw us off.

This seems more likely since one would assume the mob has more money then the average citiczen

Oh, I agree. I was just pointing out one possible usage. How it actually plays out, who knows.

SnDvls 02-26-2007 11:13 AM

checking in role recieved
not sure how much I'll be on today...popping in and out I assume

Swaggs 02-26-2007 12:06 PM

I'm here and have received my role.

I'll be working most of the rest of today, but will be around some tonight and tomorrow afternoon.

Dr. Sak 02-26-2007 12:13 PM

Role received. I am still trying to read everything so I understadn what is going on.

hoopsguy 02-26-2007 12:50 PM

Hmm, I'm not too keen on this idea of "checking in". Seems like some sort of a trap, if you ask me.

That said, I do want to live free in our city and I'll be glad to seek the company of like-minded individuals. The rest of you can rot, and I'll do my part to see to it that the experience is painful.

Tyrith 02-26-2007 12:57 PM

Ah, hoops always amuses me :P

path12 02-26-2007 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1403380)
Hmm, I'm not too keen on this idea of "checking in". Seems like some sort of a trap, if you ask me.

That said, I do want to live free in our city and I'll be glad to seek the company of like-minded individuals. The rest of you can rot, and I'll do my part to see to it that the experience is painful.

So you have the ability to inflict pain?

Tyrith 02-26-2007 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 1403428)
So you have the ability to inflict pain?

This sounds like JTR all over again...

Blade6119 02-26-2007 01:54 PM

Id like to be the judge, and id love if you would all elect me

st.cronin 02-26-2007 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Blade6119 (Post 1403448)
Id like to be the judge, and id love if you would all elect me


Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by st.cronin (Post 1403453)

Im not a member of the mafia, a fact that can be proven if necessary.

Im not rich, so i speak for the people.

Im not hoopsguy :p

hoopsguy 02-26-2007 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by path12 (Post 1403428)
So you have the ability to inflict pain?

Not any more or less than any other man. But I reckon I'm a little more willing to do so without apologizing for doing what needs to be done.

This city can be an unforgiving place for those who attract the wrong kind of attention - I know that from hard-earned experience.

Don't take this as me representing myself as some kind of hero or anything crazy like that. You would be looking at the wrong guy. I'm just a man who is going to speak his mind and what I have to say is probably going to rankle a few people before it is all said and done.

Tyrith 02-26-2007 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Blade6119 (Post 1403454)
Im not a member of the mafia, a fact that can be proven if necessary.

Im not rich, so i speak for the people.

Im not hoopsguy :p

Can we prove it without spilling your blood?

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Tyrith (Post 1403457)
Can we prove it without spilling your blood?

Yes sir, though id prefer we not unless it becomes an issue

hoopsguy 02-26-2007 02:03 PM

There is zero chance I will vote for Blade as judge. I'm oh-to-familiar with his type in these parts. No sirree, although if Tyrith were to pick blood to spill he could do much worse than Blade6119.

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1403459)
There is zero chance I will vote for Blade as judge. I'm oh-to-familiar with his type in these parts. No sirree, although if Tyrith were to pick blood to spill he could do much worse than Blade6119.

And what is my type dr. pain?

Alan T 02-26-2007 02:05 PM

I'm stepping away for a bit. People submitting instant type actions will have the actions processed as soon as I'm back to the computer (90 minutes roughly) in the order they were received.

Tyrith 02-26-2007 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1403459)
There is zero chance I will vote for Blade as judge. I'm oh-to-familiar with his type in these parts. No sirree, although if Tyrith were to pick blood to spill he could do much worse than Blade6119.

I'm thinking this same thing. There's no way I'd elect you judge, blade, because if you were bad you'd make it very difficult on us. It's a 2 up 5 down trade, in slang terms.

There's a definite danger in putting someone too powerful in power. I'd rather it be someone that is experienced/qualified but not one of the uber-vets for stability and safety reasons. That still leaves a lot of options.

st.cronin 02-26-2007 02:06 PM

I would be most comfortable selecting as judge somebody who HAD money. I would guess somebody like that would be hard to bribe. (Assuming bribery is a mechanic.)

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:08 PM

I can prove im good...if you want to elect someone who cant, then that just speaks for itself

Tyrith 02-26-2007 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by st.cronin (Post 1403465)
I would be most comfortable selecting as judge somebody who HAD money. I would guess somebody like that would be hard to bribe. (Assuming bribery is a mechanic.)

Such a person could also view the underground message board, allowing them to get more information first hand and make better informed decisions.

Tyrith 02-26-2007 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Blade6119 (Post 1403468)
I can prove im good...if you want to elect someone who cant, then that just speaks for itself

The only way this works, though, is if you prove it before we elect you. The other way around leaves far too much space for your gamesmanship.

hoopsguy 02-26-2007 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Blade6119 (Post 1403460)
And what is my type dr. pain?

I think we both know that perfectly well. And others will before this is done with ...

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:10 PM

Then elect who you will, im not willing to do that for you. I will be very suspicious of who you vote for though

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1403472)
I think we both know that perfectly well. And others will before this is done with ...

im warn you, such comments can leave much to the imagination...and when my mind wanders, so does my trust. My trust is not something you should wish to play freely with

st.cronin 02-26-2007 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tyrith (Post 1403469)
Such a person could also view the underground message board, allowing them to get more information first hand and make better informed decisions.

Another good point. So, who has money? I have some money (enough to afford the msg board), but I suspect there are others here who would make better judges than me.

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:14 PM

For those who can clear me, do not...i want the wolves to worry about what i might be. Ill let you know if i change my mind, but i ask you for now to let me get killed

DaddyTorgo 02-26-2007 02:16 PM

checking in!

Tyrith 02-26-2007 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Blade6119 (Post 1403479)
For those who can clear me, do not...i want the wolves to worry about what i might be. Ill let you know if i change my mind, but i ask you for now to let me get killed

Oh ho ho. Bringing out the drama quite early this game, blade. It's quite amusing.

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tyrith (Post 1403482)
Oh ho ho. Bringing out the drama quite early this game, blade. It's quite amusing.

Im glad my play amuses you tryith...i hope it remains so funny when its your head im after

Tyrith 02-26-2007 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Blade6119 (Post 1403487)
Im glad my play amuses you tryith...i hope it remains so funny when its your head im after

Hopefully, I try to have fun playing WW winning or losing :P

st.cronin 02-26-2007 02:20 PM

So, to recap: Blade distrusts everybody. Nobody trusts Blade.

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:21 PM

Cross me, and that theory will be tested

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by st.cronin (Post 1403494)
So, to recap: Blade distrusts everybody. Nobody trusts Blade.

Wrong, i have a trust list and people who trust just dont know about whos who on that list

DaddyTorgo 02-26-2007 02:22 PM

I can see some interesting stuff has already gone down. I'm not sure if I should spend some of my money to subscribe to the message board, on the assumption that we will gain some information from it and it would be useful to have more than one person on it (plus it's just a damm cool mechanic that I want to see how it works). Curious (as always) about what Blade is up to. He always seems to draw attention early.

st.cronin 02-26-2007 02:23 PM

Right, ok: Blade has a secret trust list. Its beyond me how anybody could have a trust list on day 1, except for masons and wolves. I don't think Blade is claiming to be either, so I'm just going to ignore his nonsense.

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:24 PM

Is there a way to make money over the course of this game?

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by st.cronin (Post 1403498)
Right, ok: Blade has a secret trust list. Its beyond me how anybody could have a trust list on day 1, except for masons and wolves. I don't think Blade is claiming to be either, so I'm just going to ignore his nonsense.

Day actions cronin, ive already used mine....

ntndeacon 02-26-2007 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by st.cronin (Post 1403498)
Right, ok: Blade has a secret trust list. Its beyond me how anybody could have a trust list on day 1, except for masons and wolves. I don't think Blade is claiming to be either, so I'm just going to ignore his nonsense.

Are there masons? I do not remember seeing them as being possible.

Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:37 PM

And cronins comments have moved him way down my trust seems to me almost everyone has a role, so him not seeming to know what day actions are(which i tend to associate with villagers) worries me.


Blade6119 02-26-2007 02:37 PM

and im out, cheers yall

Marathoner 02-26-2007 02:51 PM

Checking in, looking forward to making this city safe.

path12 02-26-2007 03:02 PM

I don't see the need to elect a judge today. If his/her duties are approving search warrants, sentencing and whatever the other thing was, I don't think we're going to know enough about anyone to need those things today.

We're better off getting the right person in there rather than just filling a spot.

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