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HeavyReign 11-23-2009 02:54 AM

FBCB2 discussion: Full version now available

Fast Break College Basketball Released!
Published By: Tara Clover- Tuesday, April 6 2010
Grey Dog Software, a Phoenix based developer of sports management simulation software for personal computers, today announces the release of Fast Break College Basketball. The full version of FBCB is now available for digital download exclusively through Grey Dog Software for $34.95. You can purchase the game at our web store.
You can also download the full install or just try the free demo at one of the locations below:
Full Install:
server 1
server 2
Updated Free Demo:
server 1
server 2
Please visit our forums for more information.

Latest Patch can almost always be found here:


So this is my FBCB2 discussion/motivation thread. My approach to FBCB has always been to make a game that I enjoy playing. From reading previous comments it seems like most of the requests were along the lines of making certain parts of the game work better rather than making major changes. This is what I've tried to do based on the old requests thread:

FBCB 1.1.1 questions and FBCB 2.0 Suggestions! - Front Office Football Central

Some highlights of the changes include:

*The default league is stored in .csv files now to make editing easier. It is possible to add/remove teams to keep up with real life changes. You can add teams to active leagues as well.

*Transfers have been added

*Redshirting will be much less frequent

*Early departures are now announced after the season more like real life

*The whole assistant phase has been revamped. Coaches can't make lateral moves for atleast 2 seasons. During the offer phase teams can make multiple offers for each coaching vacancy.

*computer teams do a better job of finding good recruits that aren't receiving interest. High quality foreigners shouldn't be available in the later months.

As a point of discussion I'd like to hear thoughts on transfers and what reasons players should have for transferring. Currently in the game it is purely based on issues with playing time. Should there also be a chance of transferring due to being homesick? Any other reasons why a player might transfer?

For the transfer period itself, players rate each school for things including likely playing time and distance from home. Each player has different factors for how important each item is. Each team can make transfer offers until they have used up any available scholarships. You can offer any player but if they don't have a high interest in your school to start with, they are very unlikely to accept your offer.

Karlifornia 11-23-2009 03:13 AM

Coaching changes are another huge reason for transfers, as we saw with the whole "Calipari to Kentucky" situation.

Balldog 11-23-2009 05:16 AM

A couple of things I would like to see you address if possible.
- Reduce effectiveness of fullcourt/trapping press.
- Reduce technical fouls.
- Ability to turn off the shot clock and/or change to 45 seconds.

I love the .csv file!

Can't wait to play this!

Eaglesfan27 11-23-2009 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Balldog (Post 2172347)
A couple of things I would like to see you address if possible.
- Reduce effectiveness of fullcourt/trapping press.
- Reduce technical fouls.
- Ability to turn off the shot clock and/or change to 45 seconds.

I love the .csv file!

Can't wait to play this!

I agree with the first 2 and options are always nice.

As far as transferring, I think the 3 biggest reasons (playing time, coaching changes, and being homesick) have already been mentioned. I do think that players should sometimes leave for being homesick (whether that be a family member who is ill, a pure distance thing, etc.) I just wanted to post saying that I'm looking forward to playing this.

molson 11-23-2009 08:58 AM

I don't have much to add, other than encouragement, I'd love to play this game.

I think maybe at a college sports sim should have a little more roster chaos - a few players here and there just randomly quitting, getting kicked out of school, leaving for personal problems, etc. That could be a part of the risk/reward of recruiting - like a "stability/character" rating. Get too many of these guys together and you might have some problems.

rjolley 11-23-2009 09:38 AM

Looking forward to this as well.

As for recruiting, I think the 3 mentioned reasons are the biggest ones. I can't recall transfers happening for other reasons.

As for the game, I'd like to see hardship years added. When a senior is injured for the season before a certain time, they can then be redshirted and allowed to play the next season. Make it so that it is rejected from time to time.

Also, if you're going to move the announcement of going pro to the end of the season, can you add some emails about rumors of a player thinking about it during the season and change the recruiting to not change everyone's interest to none after all scholarships have been filled?

RedKingGold 11-23-2009 09:43 AM

I think I speak for everyone that we all just want to see whatever you have come up with.

FBCB has stood the test of time extremely well, more than many other text sims since released or patched.

It be nice to get an update which fixes the trapping/fullcourt strategy as well as closes the international recruiting gaps which make easier recruiting (easily solved by house rules I know, but if it can get fixed in an udpate, the more the better).

Also, I love .csv as well.

Just release something new for the text-sim community. Please? Pretty Please?

PilotMan 11-23-2009 10:17 AM


Calis 11-23-2009 06:32 PM

FBCB is one of those games I remember so fondly I can't even say offhand what I'd want changed or it was lacking. I absolutely loved it, but haven't fired it up in years which I think I need to remedy now.

Is there a place I can download it still? I've seen some shareware type sites with versions but they look to be older and I have no idea how shady the files are.

I imagine I'll have to try and talk to elicense also as I think my license got used up in a reformat years back which led to my stopping.

Fantastic game though, and I'd buy just about anything you put out next.

Balldog 11-23-2009 06:49 PM

Pretty sure you can still download it from his website.

We've (FBCB) come across an apparent algorithm that gives coaches a lifetime contact for winning the FBIT, that would be cool if you could get that fixed.

Other than that and the other stuff I mentioned I don't think there is much to really address.

Calis 11-23-2009 06:55 PM

Yeah I tried there, I'm getting one of those funky default search engine pages, so I wasn't sure if HR had shut down the site or what was going on.

Buccaneer 11-23-2009 08:07 PM

I obviously echo the sentiments that whatever you come up with, would be great for me (esp. a revamped assistant coaching phase).

Couple of thoughts. I can't comment about transfers. Truthfully, I don't know how they work in real life and wouldn't know how important they would be in FBCB.

If redshirting will be much less frequent (assuming by the AI), what will prevent a human player from taking advantage of redshirting as we do now (i.e., redshirting all freshmen and cranking them up with training, esp. conditioning)?

In looking back at my (and other) suggestions, I think one of the main comments, besides the asst. coaching phase, was the exploits of OOC scheduling (front-loading, cupcaking, etc.) and the lack of travel costs/fatigue. Can anything be done there?

Again, I look forward to playing FBCB again in a few months with my son, even if it's 1.1.1. He keeps asking when we will be playing again. The game is so good that it has become our gaming highlight of the year.

Ben E Lou 11-23-2009 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Balldog (Post 2172347)
- Reduce effectiveness of fullcourt/trapping press.

HR, in case you're not aware, this is a huge imbalance in the game. The easiest way to win is:

1. Recruit based on steals above all else.
2. Max train every player on defense/steals.
3. Maximize pressing/trapping on defense.
4. Pwn.

This really needs to be taken care of.

MrBug708 11-23-2009 08:25 PM

A little more balance on where the recruits come from. Top 5 talent from Idaho and Montana isn't very realistic. A little less randomness on it as well. No idea how that would work, but ya...

Radii 11-23-2009 08:54 PM

Single Player

-- I feel that the game is essentially 'solved' with the steals/pressing & trapping strategy. Steals and Blocks seem to be completely independent of any other defensive rating, so you can take a guy with no talent in any area(including PRD) but give him an A in Steals and make him an all-american. FBCB: Learning the System - Front Office Football Central or pretty much any successful team in our online league for examples.

-- Agree w/ Bucc on frontloading schedules. Fatigue carrying over from day to day would be big for this and could add an interesting dynamic to tournament time.

The game isn't perfect outside of that, but I personally don't have any huge preferences on what needs to be changed.


-- Assistant Hiring is a huge fun-killer in multiplayer.

-- Some sort of stage management with exports to make sure that an export fits the stage its being imported for. If a user exports off of Day 1 of assistant hiring because he didn't download the updated league files, and then I import that file into Day 3 of assistant hiring, the game lets me, and the game attempts to apply hiring instructions that are no longer applicable. Hopefully that makes sense. Similar things can happen with recruiting and scheduling, exporting off an earlier file can mess up the results and goes unchecked.

-- There aren't any HTML pages dealing with preseason tournaments, conference tournaments, or the NCAA/NIT tournament. just tournament brackets would be enough I think :) The fact that there is nothing done for the postseason in the HTML hurts the immersion a bit.

-- Human Scheduling Weirdness/tedium - the biggest problem with multiplayer scheduling is that if UGA tries to schedule Georgia Tech to play a game on Dec 14 and Ga Tech tries to schedule UGA to play on Dec 15 in the same scheduling round, both games get scheduled and the two teams end up playing twice. It would be nice if it were easier for two human teams to schedule each other outside of the request->response over two stages deal.

-- Assistant Hiring needs a "cpu hire" team option. A coach can let the CPU do everything for them from scheduling to recruiting, but there is no way to have the CPU handle assistant hiring. So when a coach disappears for a week during assistant hiring, the only two options are to fire the head coach, or have the commish manually hire for the coach.

-- CPU recruiting needs to work a lot better. If a human coach submits an export for Recruiting Month 1, Recruiting Month two but forgets to export for Recruiting Month 3, turning on CPU Recruiting for that coach is catestrophic. The CPU doesn't build on existing recruiting actions, it deletes the entire call and contact list and starts over.

-- Depth Chart verification - There's a current bug where a team's depth chart may be incomplete/illegal going into a new season.. no starting lineup, or multiple players set to start at Center, some weird things happen. If a team in multiplayer is inactive/doesn't fully correct this on their own, the results from this end up being totally off the wall. Players will end up playing for other teams, stats get very messed up. You'll end up with guys that play 70 games a season because they're playing for two teams, etc.

The fact that so many players care so much about a game that's 6 years old now is a great testament to how good a game it is. I'd love to see what could be done in a new version :)

Radii 11-23-2009 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Balldog (Post 2172673)
We've (FBCB) come across an apparent algorithm that gives coaches a lifetime contact for winning the FBIT, that would be cool if you could get that fixed.

Coach Data

That's the coach in question. Alabama's goals are to avoid last place in the SEC, but this coach's "performance is the stuff of legend" :D I know its a football school, but someone in the athletic department would have noticed they have a basketball team by now!


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 2172713)
HR, in case you're not aware, this is a huge imbalance in the game. The easiest way to win is:

1. Recruit based on steals above all else.
2. Max train every player on defense/steals.
3. Maximize pressing/trapping on defense.
4. Pwn.

This really needs to be taken care of.

I'll go ahead and quote this again to emphasize it. If nothing else changes in a new version of the game, but this one thing gets balanced in some way, it'd be worth $35 to me.

FBPro 11-23-2009 09:08 PM

Where can I re-download the game?

samifan24 11-23-2009 09:38 PM

Glad to hear HeavyReign is willing to listen to our input for FBCB2. Hope we see this game in time!

RonCo 11-23-2009 09:44 PM

It would be nice if you could add a column to the players csv file to indicate if they are red-shirting for those of use who fiddle with that. :) Why do players transfer? ------------------------ - Playing time - Recruited over - Home-sick - Injuries - Asked to redshirt - Desn't get along with the coach Academic Suspensions: ---------------------- It would be nice if the academic suspensions happened at realistic times, too, rather than at the end of every month. Redshirts: --------- It might be useful to have players make it known that they don't want to red-shirt, and if you do tell them they have to you might wind up losing them to transfer. In addition, they might ask if you intend to redshirt them during the recruiting process--or make you promise them not to. There are some options available there, depending on how complex you want to get.

RonCo 11-23-2009 09:45 PM

Hmm...for whatever reasons I can't get the formatting to work right. Sorry.

Swaggs 11-23-2009 09:47 PM

Not much to add -- I've always enjoyed the way the game plays as a single player. I like the sound of making coaching assistants jump around a little less, but am a little hesitant on how the declaring for the NBA stuff might throw off recruiting. It might make it better if you had an early and late signing period -- it would certainly make things more challenging, as there are often seasons where my recruiting has been wrapped up in the first month of signees.

Anyway -- I love the game, as is. I'm more here for motivation/support than any suggestions.

sjshaw 11-23-2009 09:47 PM

Lots of input over at FBCB-FOFC. It's interspersed through the thread, starting about halfway down.

sovereignstar 11-23-2009 09:52 PM

FBCB Download Links
RapidShare: 1-CLICK Web hosting - Easy Filehosting

HeavyReign 11-23-2009 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Calis (Post 2172677)
Yeah I tried there, I'm getting one of those funky default search engine pages, so I wasn't sure if HR had shut down the site or what was going on.

For now you can access the page here:

Fast Break College Basketball

The domain expired last week because the emails were going to one of my old email addresses that I never check. It should be working again soon.

gstelmack 11-23-2009 10:30 PM

I'll just chime in here to say that unless I post arguing with him, consider me a +1 on whatever Radii says. The FOFC-FBCB league has discussed this stuff ad nauseum, and he's summarized it pretty well above. The base game is really good, just a few quirks / exploits / usage issues to iron out, and given how long I've played the game I'm more than willing to pony up some dough for a cleanup pass.

cubboyroy1826 11-23-2009 10:50 PM

HR great to see you working on this. I will go with what Radii says. I love this game and am excited about whatever you come up with.

HeavyReign 11-23-2009 11:26 PM

The issue with pressure d will be addressed. I haven't gotten to it yet but it is on my list. If anyone has a save file with a super stealing team already built that will help me out when I start testing it. I'll also go over the thready Radii posted.


A couple of things I would like to see you address if possible.
- Reduce technical fouls.
- Ability to turn off the shot clock and/or change to 45 seconds.

Should be possible


As for the game, I'd like to see hardship years added. When a senior is injured for the season before a certain time, they can then be redshirted and allowed to play the next season. Make it so that it is rejected from time to time.

This is on my list of things to look at.


Also, if you're going to move the announcement of going pro to the end of the season, can you add some emails about rumors of a player thinking about it during the season and change the recruiting to not change everyone's interest to none after all scholarships have been filled?

There is a top prospects for the draft screen. Emails should also be possible.


If redshirting will be much less frequent (assuming by the AI), what will prevent a human player from taking advantage of redshirting as we do now (i.e., redshirting all freshmen and cranking them up with training, esp. conditioning)?

If a player is not willing to redshirt, the option will be disabled for that player.


In looking back at my (and other) suggestions, I think one of the main comments, besides the asst. coaching phase, was the exploits of OOC scheduling (front-loading, cupcaking, etc.) and the lack of travel costs/fatigue. Can anything be done there?

I'm going to work on this as well. I'll probably do a little brainstorming session on this when I get there. I have some ideas for how I'm going to deal with it but I need to write it down and make sure it all makes sense.


A little more balance on where the recruits come from. Top 5 talent from Idaho and Montana isn't very realistic. A little less randomness on it as well. No idea how that would work, but ya...

There may be something that can be done in terms of the states the recruits are generated in. It would be harder get more specific though in terms of focusing on certain cities for instance. I don't know that you could say it never happens to have elite talent in weird places but it should certainly be more rare.


Some sort of stage management with exports to make sure that an export fits the stage its being imported for. If a user exports off of Day 1 of assistant hiring because he didn't download the updated league files, and then I import that file into Day 3 of assistant hiring, the game lets me, and the game attempts to apply hiring instructions that are no longer applicable. Hopefully that makes sense. Similar things can happen with recruiting and scheduling, exporting off an earlier file can mess up the results and goes unchecked.

Shouldn't be too hard to address


There aren't any HTML pages dealing with preseason tournaments, conference tournaments, or the NCAA/NIT tournament. just tournament brackets would be enough I think The fact that there is nothing done for the postseason in the HTML hurts the immersion a bit.

On the list


Human Scheduling Weirdness/tedium - the biggest problem with multiplayer scheduling is that if UGA tries to schedule Georgia Tech to play a game on Dec 14 and Ga Tech tries to schedule UGA to play on Dec 15 in the same scheduling round, both games get scheduled and the two teams end up playing twice. It would be nice if it were easier for two human teams to schedule each other outside of the request->response over two stages deal.

I've redone the scheduling interface but I'll do more testing for scheduling between human teams. My goal is to make it so you can agree on a date and both submit during the same stage.


Assistant Hiring needs a "cpu hire" team option. A coach can let the CPU do everything for them from scheduling to recruiting, but there is no way to have the CPU handle assistant hiring. So when a coach disappears for a week during assistant hiring, the only two options are to fire the head coach, or have the commish manually hire for the coach.

Cpu hiring has already been added.


CPU recruiting needs to work a lot better. If a human coach submits an export for Recruiting Month 1, Recruiting Month two but forgets to export for Recruiting Month 3, turning on CPU Recruiting for that coach is catestrophic. The CPU doesn't build on existing recruiting actions, it deletes the entire call and contact list and starts over.

This is on my list as well.


Depth Chart verification - There's a current bug where a team's depth chart may be incomplete/illegal going into a new season.. no starting lineup, or multiple players set to start at Center, some weird things happen. If a team in multiplayer is inactive/doesn't fully correct this on their own, the results from this end up being totally off the wall. Players will end up playing for other teams, stats get very messed up. You'll end up with guys that play 70 games a season because they're playing for two teams, etc.

I should have this fixed but I'll do some testing to make sure.


That's the coach in question. Alabama's goals are to avoid last place in the SEC, but this coach's "performance is the stuff of legend" I know its a football school, but someone in the athletic department would have noticed they have a basketball team by now!

I have an old league file that I'll use to see what's going on here.


It would be nice if the academic suspensions happened at realistic times, too, rather than at the end of every month.

Maybe something more like 2 possible suspension periods: oct-dec and jan+

whomario 11-24-2009 03:35 AM

Iīd like to chime in with sth. that shouldnīt be changed, also in relation to the steal-recruits :

Please leave it that you will have specialists and such great variety of players.

As good as TCB/DDSCB (from over at Wolverine) are, they donīt nearly offer the immersiveness of your game as basically recruits are too similar. 5 star = awesome all arround, 3 star = average all arround
Whereas in FBCB you could get a 3 star guy thatīs great for your system (not just steals) and 5 star guys could be high potential guys with little game or great in some but terrible in other areas.

HeavyReign 11-24-2009 03:46 AM

I'd expect the steals adjustments to be within the game engine itself rather than something like having less players who are good at stealing.

RedKingGold 11-24-2009 06:30 AM

I guess the next question that has to be asked: Is there a tentative timetable for the next update?

Klinglerware 11-24-2009 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 2172713)
HR, in case you're not aware, this is a huge imbalance in the game. The easiest way to win is:

1. Recruit based on steals above all else.
2. Max train every player on defense/steals.
3. Maximize pressing/trapping on defense.
4. Pwn.

This really needs to be taken care of.

Hey, is that how Tennessee is dominating our FBCB league?

Ben E Lou 11-24-2009 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2172855)
I'd expect the steals adjustments to be within the game engine itself rather than something like having less players who are good at stealing.

Yes yes. Thumbs up. QFT. +1. IWS. And whatever other "I agree" things I can say here. ;)

A really fun thing in text sims is building a team around a certain strategy. FBCB probably does this better than any other text sim I've played. It's just that this particular strategy is overpowered. If a team is filled with guys who are generally good all-around talents with a strength in defense, then by all means, the press/trap thing should work well. The problem isn't the strategy itself; it's that you can execute it with a bunch of players who are mediocre or even poor otherwise and win the whole shebang, at least in SP.

So, per your request above for a stacked steals team, I would be looking more for a team of 1 to 3-star steals guys that is winning far more than it should than a team that has been running the strategy for 10-15 years and has built itself up to 100ish prestige and therefore has basically nothing but 3 to 5 star guys who are good at steals. The former team should cause some problems for a top-tier team, and maybe pull off an upset to get to the Sweet 16 or even Elite 8 from time to time, but as it stands now, that team is a legit title contender. The latter *should* be a national title contender, but they shouldn't win every game by 40 as they do now. ;)

Ben E Lou 11-24-2009 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Klinglerware (Post 2172872)
Hey, is that how Tennessee is dominating our FBCB league?

I haven't played MP because of the existence of this imbalance, so I don't know for sure. But unless there's some other one out there that hasn't been mentioned, I can't imagine building a team to elite status in MP without using this strat.

k0ruptr 11-24-2009 02:47 PM

My suggestion is a bit different from other peoples, but I'd just suggest to make sure the game has no obvious memory leaks in the new version, and works on all different operating systems, maybe say back to windows 2k? or XP should be fine. I think increasing the compatibility with windows 7, vista, and XP would cover most of the user base. But its always a good idea to cover a couple older ones, just in case someone wants to throw it on an older machine if thats all they have.

Ronnie Dobbs2 11-24-2009 02:49 PM

If assuring an additional purchase motivates FBCB2 at all, then count me in.

Calis 11-24-2009 03:13 PM

I feel pretty inadequate in my FBCB skills now because I played this for probably hundreds of hours and didn't know about this steal/trap imbalance, so apparently I never noticed it or attempted it.

Glad I didn't. The strategies I did try seemed to work about as well as I expected them to with the personnel I had, so it never felt gamey to me.

k0ruptr 11-24-2009 03:16 PM

I am also a definite buy as soon as we can order, hell I might even buy 2 copies if it helps.

tarcone 11-24-2009 04:13 PM

Legal issues might cause a player to transfer

sjshaw 11-24-2009 05:02 PM

Please have player development tied at least partially to playing time.

sjshaw 11-24-2009 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2172810)
The issue with pressure d will be addressed. I haven't gotten to it yet but it is on my list. If anyone has a save file with a super stealing team already built that will help me out when I start testing it. I'll also go over the thready Radii posted.

Just look at any team Al has put on the floor in FOFCFBCB. I'm sure he would tell you which year was his best team and radii probably has an archived file from that season.


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2172810)
If a player is not willing to redshirt, the option will be disabled for that player.

If this is going in the game, it would be really helpful to have this information available when recruiting the player.

sjshaw 11-24-2009 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Klinglerware (Post 2172872)
Hey, is that how Tennessee is dominating our FBCB league?


Marmel 11-24-2009 05:18 PM

A couple of cosmetic things that would be cool:

1) Some way to keep track of your assistant coaches who have gone on to become head coaches - to see how successful they become. Like a coaching tree.

2) The ability to tag recruits even if you lose them, so you can track their careers easily.

3) The ability to create a new school and start from scratch.

4) An easy way to set all team's prestige to one number and all conference prestige to one number. For example, all conferences prestige 2, all teams prestige 30 and let the best teams/conferences rise to the top.

5) In single player, but even more so in multi-player, the ability for human coaches to actually vote in the Coaches Poll.

Groundhog 11-24-2009 05:19 PM

A minor issue, but in FBCB there are a ton of bigmen who do nothing but rebound, and average 10+ boards a game with only 5 or so points per game. In real life you don't see so many rebounding specialists, and I suspect that the low SHT/INS ratings of the player to go with their position (guards are set to shoot more in the ini file) means that these guys just aren't taking many shots. I would like to see teams penalised for having these one dimensional players on the court a little more, by making them take more shots.

cartman 11-24-2009 05:20 PM

I'd like to see a beer tent added to the game.

Klinglerware 11-24-2009 06:00 PM

Glad to hear that you are working on this again, HR.

My .02--I know that nobody wants to micromanage academics, but with that being said, I think that academics should count for something. As someone who often plays FBCB with Ivy League schools, it is a tad unrealistic that I can recruit someone with a 850 SAT score and see him get through without any academic difficulties.

A relatively simple solution would be to assign a rating to each school based on academic rigor. 3-Ivy/Service Academy type schools that cut their athletes no slack, 2-Schools like Duke and Stanford, which are normally considered elite academically, but can still manage to keep athletes with good (but not necessarily stellar) academics eligible, 1-Everyone else.

So, the school's academic rating could be coupled with the player's academic rating to determine the probability that player will be suspended due to academics at any given point. So, a guy with a 850 will be more likely to run into trouble at a 3 school, but may skate through a 1 school.

Again, this solution does not require micromanagement since it will only affect the chance of suspension. But, if you are coaching a school with higher academic standards, it does force you to do a cost-benefit on whether recruiting a low academic performer is worth the trouble.

timmynausea 11-24-2009 07:20 PM

I just wanted to chime in to say my only real complaints have already been addressed quite a bit - steals and foreign recruits. Can't wait to play the new game.

RPI-Fan 11-24-2009 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Klinglerware (Post 2173180)
Glad to hear that you are working on this again, HR.

My .02--I know that nobody wants to micromanage academics, but with that being said, I think that academics should count for something. As someone who often plays FBCB with Ivy League schools, it is a tad unrealistic that I can recruit someone with a 850 SAT score and see him get through without any academic difficulties.

A relatively simple solution would be to assign a rating to each school based on academic rigor. 3-Ivy/Service Academy type schools that cut their athletes no slack, 2-Schools like Duke and Stanford, which are normally considered elite academically, but can still manage to keep athletes with good (but not necessarily stellar) academics eligible, 1-Everyone else.

So, the school's academic rating could be coupled with the player's academic rating to determine the probability that player will be suspended due to academics at any given point. So, a guy with a 850 will be more likely to run into trouble at a 3 school, but may skate through a 1 school.

Again, this solution does not require micromanagement since it will only affect the chance of suspension. But, if you are coaching a school with higher academic standards, it does force you to do a cost-benefit on whether recruiting a low academic performer is worth the trouble.

I'm for a simple version of this - but if you penalize good academic schools you at least need to reward them by giving them some kind of boost on recruits with strong academics. Maybe to spice it up, maybe get a boost for recruits with a good GPA (SAT would be irrelevant for determining the academic boost a school gets).

stevew 11-24-2009 09:57 PM

Aren't package deals somewhat common. Like you recruit a high level player but you also have to take one of his somewhat inferior friends(or brother)?

Also some sort of "tipping point" where if player X goes pro, teammates Y and Z become highly likely to follow.

Marmel 11-24-2009 10:07 PM

Oooh, I have one more....I love the way the prestige scale works from 1-100, but there are a few programs that transcend this scale. Either have certain teams (UNC, UCLA as 2 examples) set as a legendary program - meaning even if their prestige dips due to some bad seasons, it should be relatively easy to get them back up. Or, if a team achieves some legendary accomplishments, they should also get tagged as a legendary program (Duke since Coack K?).

Also, teams can lose this legendary team tag, but it would take a while (some teams from decades ago who never kept up the commitment, or Indiana if they don't get their shit together).

Anyway, this type of thing is part of the allure of college hoops to me, and would be neat to have it reflected in the game somehow.

Klinglerware 11-25-2009 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by RPI-Fan (Post 2173274)
I'm for a simple version of this - but if you penalize good academic schools you at least need to reward them by giving them some kind of boost on recruits with strong academics. Maybe to spice it up, maybe get a boost for recruits with a good GPA (SAT would be irrelevant for determining the academic boost a school gets).

Top tier recruits probably won't be lured by an Ivy even if they have strong academics, though they might think about major conference schools like Stanford or Duke. Mid-tier recruits with Ivy academic credentials definitely would look at an Ivy League school much more favorably than other mid-major schools, so a top-tier academic school definitely should get a recruiting boost for those guys.

Perhaps the "Ivy Bonus" would be a sliding scale depending on a recruit's academic and athletic rating? Something like:

- High Athletics, Low Academics - No bonus interest
- Low Athletics, Low Academics - No bonus interest
- High Athletics, High Academics - Some bonus, but not too much (perhaps major conference elites like Stanford & Duke might get more of a bump)
- Low Athletics, High Academics - High bonus interest

Again, this would be a continuum, so someone with average athletics and high academics would still have significant bonus interest, not as low as the guys who are high on both academics and athletics, but not as high as a low athletics, high academics guy.

Oilers9911 11-25-2009 02:42 PM

100 point baskets, 50 point free throws. You know, maximum customization.

Seriously though, good to see you back at work on this.

bhlloy 11-25-2009 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2172810)
There may be something that can be done in terms of the states the recruits are generated in. It would be harder get more specific though in terms of focusing on certain cities for instance. I don't know that you could say it never happens to have elite talent in weird places but it should certainly be more rare.

HR - would this be something that community involvement help with? i.e. if somebody (I'd be happy to volunteer :D ) went through and figured out a strat figure for where NCAA D1 players actually came from by city (could even go down to HS) would that be enough to factor into the game w/ some randomization or is it more complicated than that? It's been a while since I played FBCB and I can't remember exactly how recruiting distance/regions worked...

Even if it was purely cosmetic, would add a level of immersion to the game IMO to be an SoCal school and be getting a ton of guys from one of the powerhouse LA high schools like Fairfax. And if it could be more than that (distance from home/building up pipelines with certain HS etc...) then that's even more awesome, although it sounds like that might be out of scope for the next version.

HeavyReign 11-26-2009 03:51 AM

I suppose if I actually had the data it could be done. If you had a group of core schools per state then you could force a certain percentage of recruits depending on the state to come from those schools while leaving the rest up to the normal distribution. Even a breakdown of schools by class could possibly be useful here.

I've been doing some testing on the steals issue. With the tweaks I had made previously to the new code, the top stealing FOFC-FBCB team from this year Georgia Tech averaged 12.7 steals per game over the rest of their season after averaging over 18 steals up to the point of the current save. That's a good start. Once I'm sure the overall numbers are in check I'll take a look at making sure the risk/reward of pressing and trapping looks good and that the effects on stamina are also appropriate.

If anyone wants a sort of band-aid fix using the old version, open up the FBCB.ini file and look for this line:


Change the number to something more like 60-70.

Balldog 11-26-2009 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2173972)
If anyone wants a sort of band-aid fix using the old version, open up the FBCB.ini file and look for this line:


Change the number to something more like 60-70.

You da man!

rowech 11-26-2009 06:06 AM

I downloaded the demo to this and enjoyed it. How long are we talking before a new version? I hate to fork over $30 and then three months later see a new version.

bhlloy 11-26-2009 12:56 PM

Also I can't remember exactly how FBCB handles foreign players, but in general IMO they should be much more underdeveloped than US born players, and should more than likely come through one of the big prep schools rather than be recruited out of Africa/Europe. Yes it does happen but these days prep schools are far more common if I'm understanding correctly.

HeavyReign 11-26-2009 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by rowech (Post 2173982)
I downloaded the demo to this and enjoyed it. How long are we talking before a new version? I hate to fork over $30 and then three months later see a new version.

I'd suggest waiting then. I've got someone helping me with the images used in the game and I don't know how fast they are going to get stuff to me. I'd start with a timeline of this basketball season and we'll go from there. I'll likely offer the old version at a reduced price as well fairly soon.

Groundhog 11-26-2009 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2174094)
I'd suggest waiting then. I've got someone helping me with the images used in the game and I don't know how fast they are going to get stuff to me. I'd start with a timeline of this basketball season and we'll go from there. I'll likely offer the old version at a reduced price as well fairly soon.

Great news. :D

rowech 11-26-2009 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2174094)
I'd suggest waiting then. I've got someone helping me with the images used in the game and I don't know how fast they are going to get stuff to me. I'd start with a timeline of this basketball season and we'll go from there. I'll likely offer the old version at a reduced price as well fairly soon.

Thanks for being honest with me. I'll be watching the development of what's to come.

HeavyReign 11-27-2009 04:27 PM

For recruiting, there have been comments that it is hard to figure out which players are likely to be good defenders as blocks and steals don't really correlate much to PSD and PRD. My thought here was to include a dFG% stat on the recruit stats or some sort of defensive reputation grade. While it wouldn't be super accurate it would give you a hint of whether the player is capable of playing defense or not before scouting. Thoughts?

Atocep 11-27-2009 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2174586)
For recruiting, there have been comments that it is hard to figure out which players are likely to be good defenders as blocks and steals don't really correlate much to PSD and PRD. My thought here was to include a dFG% stat on the recruit stats or some sort of defensive reputation grade. While it wouldn't be super accurate it would give you a hint of whether the player is capable of playing defense or not before scouting. Thoughts?

I'd like to see a defensive reputation grade or some sort of indicator. Maybe an on the ball defense skill? I love stats, but I'd rather see a rating of some sort for defensive ability than the dFG% stat.

rjolley 11-27-2009 04:41 PM

Yeah, I like the on ball defense skill approach. That would give us an idea of how much pressure the player will put on the ball and work with PSD, PRD, STL, and BLK to give a better idea of how well the player plays defense.

timmynausea 11-28-2009 02:21 PM

I'll throw in another vote for the on the ball defense rating.

dunkem 11-28-2009 04:12 PM

While I think the defense fg% stat would be great in determining a recruit's defensive ability, I'm not sure if it's realistic since it's not really a readily available player stat out there. Team stat, yeah, but individual stat, I don't know. I think it's actually part of the "feeling out" process to not have the stat available until actually scouting the recruit out to get a sense of defensive ability. With this stats available, the scouting coach is really going to be useless.

One other thing that could be improved is the coaching exodus after success. While there is always a chance that assistants will leave for bigger, better opportunities, I think having everyone leave after success is kind of too much. I think once all the coaching movement is limited, multiplayer assistant rounds won't be as terrible.

GobBluth 12-02-2009 12:01 AM

First off, it's GREAT to see this thread. I've probably put in over 200 seasons with this game and always get pulled back in every March.

As far as suggestions for FBCB2, the biggies (steals exploit, assistant coach movement, etc.) have all been mentioned. Other things I would like to see are more to improve immersion than the actual game play. Things like:

- I'd like to get an email that lets me know when any player is about to break an NCAA record or when one of my players is about to break a school record (or move into the top 5 or whatever).

- Similarly for coaches and schools, it would be cool if, at the end of the year, it's noted that I set a new win record for my school, or that we won our 3rd straight conference championship, or that I just had my 8th player picked in the 1st round of the NBA draft, etc.

- More stats and record keeping in general. For instance - pace independent stats for teams, expand the record books beyond the top ten, etc.

That's all I have off the top of my head. Really looking forward to seeing how FBCB2 turns out.

endemicFOF 12-04-2009 12:18 PM


Glad to see you are considering making a new version of the FBCB game(although the first one was as close to perfect as a text-sim has ever been, it's tough to follow pressure man! I hope you're considering an update to FBB as well, as I purchased a new CPU and can't find my old liscense for the game). As others have stated, advanced notice on potential record breakers around the league, updated pre-season/in-season/post-season tournaments(3 of them now, right?) and a tad bit more detail/in-depth ratings will make an already great game, pretty damn close to perfect. Take all the time you need, I'll buy the game regardless of when it comes out.

Glengoyne 12-04-2009 01:13 PM

This thread got me to go out and try to reactivate my old license. I'm still trying to make headway with elicense. To think that a new version might not be all that far off has got me excited about this product again.

HeavyReign 12-04-2009 01:24 PM

For any issues with finding your license with FBB and FBCB you can send me a pm. Just let me know what name it was purchased under and I should be able to get it sorted out.

Thomkal 12-04-2009 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Glengoyne (Post 2178630)
This thread got me to go out and try to reactivate my old license. I'm still trying to make headway with elicense. To think that a new version might not be all that far off has got me excited about this product again.

I just installed FBCB this week on a new computer and had no problem getting the license from Elicense. Just give them as much info as you can-email address you might have used at the time, your name, etc. Check out their FAQ for the types of info that will be helpful.

RealDeal 12-04-2009 03:07 PM

Steals are a big issue. Basically, the right solution would be to balance steals with greater stamina loss and good handlers breaking the press for layups more frequently (as opposed to simply dialing down total steals, which is less elegant).

To the extent other "systems" such as a three point team or a slow-pace Princeton style were viable, this would also be a nice way of balancing steals.

Player development should be based at least somewhat on playing time. I have won championships with fourth and fifth year seniors who barely played a minute in their previous career.

Transfers do not excite me much. Please don't over-do this or have an off switch.

The different types of defense seem to make no material difference.

Scheduling gets painful over time, but as you are aware, coach hiring is soulcrushing in both single and multi player.

There is a bug in the current game where if you run out of players, a minned out guy named Stephen Jones will suddenly join your roster. After the game if you click on Stephen Jones in the boxscore, it crashes the game.

RealDeal 12-04-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by sjshaw (Post 2173164)
Just look at any team Al has put on the floor in FOFCFBCB. I'm sure he would tell you which year was his best team and radii probably has an archived file from that season.

I don't know if it was quite my best stealing team, but it was a extremely good stealing team that was my best overall team, but a good team to look at was the year that we had Craig Williams at PG as a 5th year senior and Hellmer as a 3rd year Soph at SG.

Williams is a great example of some of the engine problems as he happened to have pathetic PRD, but I didn't appear to suffer for it.

A recent team to look at was just two years ago, with Lowell Rucker at PG, Chris Owens at SG and McKinley Spriggs at SF. That may have been my best pure steals team.

LastWhiteSoxFanStanding 12-04-2009 03:48 PM

Williams is a great example of some of the engine problems as he happened to have pathetic PRD, but I didn't appear to suffer for it.


Absolutely love this game and have used the steals strategy as well. However, when given the choice of say a 10 PRD 3 STL and a 3 PRD 10 STL, I would always choose the guy with the higher perimeter defense, but what you are saying is always go steals no matter what?

RealDeal 12-04-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by RealDeal (Post 2178732)

Absolutely love this game and have used the steals strategy as well. However, when given the choice of say a 10 PRD 3 STL and a 3 PRD 10 STL, I would always choose the guy with the higher perimeter defense, but what you are saying is always go steals no matter what?

Short answer: yes. Long answer: one good perimeter defender is practically useless in this game. One good steals guy is moderately useful. Three good perimeter defenders at PG/SG/SF is good in this game, but three steals guys at those positions is much better.

sjshaw 12-06-2009 01:04 PM

I would like to see Team Prestige be lessened as a factor in recruiting.

Currently, if a higher-prestige team "takes the lead" in recruiting a player, they get the player 100% of the time. I'd love to see factors such as distance from home and early playing time opportunity be more of a factor. No need to go crazy with it, but some variation and fine-tuning would be nice.

Emmett13 12-17-2009 12:50 AM

I'd just like to say that the original FBCB is the greatest text sim I've ever played.

I do know one fix: low-major teams (mainly teams under 10 prestige) would often just have 3 or 4 scholarships taken which always bothered me.

Emmett13 12-17-2009 12:56 AM

Also a name file with more...ethnic names. More Laquavious and things like that. Also there weren't any African players but there would be some from China and places like that.

whomario 12-17-2009 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by Emmett13 (Post 2186996)
I'd just like to say that the original FBCB is the greatest text sim I've ever played.

I do know one fix: low-major teams (mainly teams under 10 prestige) would often just have 3 or 4 scholarships taken which always bothered me.

what do you mean by that ? Not enough scholarship players on those schools ? Not an expert, but isnīt like that IRL ? I distinctly remember that when Bucknell made their "run" a couple years back (05 or 06 ?) they had only 5 players on scholarship.

Klinglerware 12-17-2009 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by whomario (Post 2187019)
what do you mean by that ? Not enough scholarship players on those schools ? Not an expert, but isnīt like that IRL ? I distinctly remember that when Bucknell made their "run" a couple years back (05 or 06 ?) they had only 5 players on scholarship.

The Patriot League only allowed basketball scholarships until recently, and not all of the schools adopted the practice at the same time. I believe that Bucknell was transitioning to a full scholarship program at that time.

So, Bucknell's case was certainly not the norm.

HeavyReign 12-17-2009 04:55 AM

I've done a bunch of work on the cpu recruiting code and I'm going to do more. The scholarship issue was already addressed. I'm going to make it so there is more of a variety of approaches that cpu coaches take to recruiting. For instance, there will be some that focus on steals using the strategy the Radii detailed. Does anyone else have any team building strategies they would like to share?

Emmett13 12-17-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2187025)
I've done a bunch of work on the cpu recruiting code and I'm going to do more. The scholarship issue was already addressed. I'm going to make it so there is more of a variety of approaches that cpu coaches take to recruiting. For instance, there will be some that focus on steals using the strategy the Radii detailed. Does anyone else have any team building strategies they would like to share?

I guess some simple ones would be:

When I'm playing a smaller school and other teams in my conference don't have many good post players I often play a 4 guard lineup with the guard who has the best PSD playing the Power Forward position. But I'm never sure if that means my shooting guard playing power forward is forced to "play" power forward on offense. i.e. back to the basket, etc...

I guess what I mean is I'd like to see the addition of a 4 out, 1 in offensive system.

Then there are: 40 minutes of hell, pressing all game. Coaches would go after shooters and athletes, I suppose.

Teams like Pittsburgh: Heavy on defense and strength.

A few teams that run the Princeton type offense: So passing and shooting.

I may be generalizing on some of these attributes, but just throwing some stuff out there.

Emmett13 01-01-2010 02:18 AM

Bump because I'm so goldurn excited.

HeavyReign 01-01-2010 04:12 AM

I'm still motivated so I'd say things are going well.

Cringer 01-01-2010 05:17 AM

How about a Linux version? Yeah I know, not happening. I will cross my fingers it works through Wine.

Groundhog 01-03-2010 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2194159)
I'm still motivated so I'd say things are going well.

Good to hear, seriously can't wait for this!

BTW, what are the odds of being able to transfer our FBCB1 saves to FBCB2? I'm guessing the odds are roughly "zero", but a boy can dream... :D

k0ruptr 01-03-2010 05:09 PM

let us know when we can do beta testing, omg I would do anything you asked HR. anything ;) no but seriously if there are any beta testing needed I have an open schedule and I also highly highly suggest groundhog. some of the stuff he did and came up with for the first one was awesome. He needs to be a beta tester.

HeavyReign 01-03-2010 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Groundhog (Post 2195254)
BTW, what are the odds of being able to transfer our FBCB1 saves to FBCB2? I'm guessing the odds are roughly "zero", but a boy can dream... :D


Eaglesfan27 01-03-2010 06:04 PM

That is great news.

Groundhog 01-03-2010 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by k0ruptr (Post 2195258)
let us know when we can do beta testing, omg I would do anything you asked HR. anything ;) no but seriously if there are any beta testing needed I have an open schedule and I also highly highly suggest groundhog. some of the stuff he did and came up with for the first one was awesome. He needs to be a beta tester.

k0ruptr is wise beyond his years. :D

Groundhog 01-03-2010 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2195301)

Wow, that's unexpected yet completely outstanding. A few times I've tried to start a new game, yet I keep going back to the same save I've been playing since 2003 because I want to see how my recruits progress! 6 years, jeez, I haven't even been a relationship with another human that long, let alone a text sim. :D

Groundhog 01-03-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Emmett13 (Post 2186999)
Also a name file with more...ethnic names. More Laquavious and things like that. Also there weren't any African players but there would be some from China and places like that.

HR, I can help with this if you'd like. Because I'm a sad loser with nothing better to do I actually generate my own foreign recruits through a spreadsheet I created with lists of countries, cities, names, etc, weighted towards countries that have the most players playing Division 1 NCAA basketball in real life, and then manually edit every foreign recruit each season.

I know, I have serious issues.

Buccaneer 01-03-2010 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2195301)

That is fantastic news. I have a very long career that I've been on since 2003/4 and I am quite fond of it (and its history).

markprior22 01-03-2010 08:27 PM

Really, really anticipating this game. So glad you're back into it Brian.

21C 01-04-2010 07:07 AM

Why do I get the most excited when I see a new post in this thread?

HeavyReign 01-06-2010 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Groundhog (Post 2195371)
HR, I can help with this if you'd like. Because I'm a sad loser with nothing better to do I actually generate my own foreign recruits through a spreadsheet I created with lists of countries, cities, names, etc, weighted towards countries that have the most players playing Division 1 NCAA basketball in real life, and then manually edit every foreign recruit each season.

I know, I have serious issues.

I'd certainly accept any information you've got to make this more realistic.

Balldog 01-09-2010 12:52 PM

A couple things I've thought of recently, that only I probably would like anyway....

1) When you import a player in FBCB the player in that file are imported significantly better than the rest of the universe. Resulting in inflated stats and usually if you have a team that you imported versus a team that was game created you will almost always win. Also, free throw shooting for imported teams is way to good.

For example, I just imported this year's Ohio State team with last year's stats.

Dallas Lauderdale shot 47% from the free throw line last year, he imported at a 53 for FT.

We received all 72 first place votes in the preseason poll.

They went 40-0 and it wasn't close.


Ohio State Buckeyes 2009 Season Info

 Current Performance
 Team Prestige: 90                      Record Vs 1-50: 15-0
 Season Record: 40-0                    Record Vs 51-100: 8-0
 Conference Record: 18-0                Record Vs 101-200: 11-0
 Home Record: 15-0                      Record Vs 200+: 6-0
 Current Poll Rank: 1                  Current RPI Rank: 1

 Stat Rankings:
 Points:          81.6        National Rank: 1      Conference Rank: 1 
 Points Allowed:  57.2        National Rank: 110    Conference Rank: 2 
 Rebounds:        36.5        National Rank: 9      Conference Rank: 1 
 Assists:        18.8        National Rank: 1      Conference Rank: 1 
 Steals:          4.8          National Rank: 70    Conference Rank: 7 
 Blocks:          3.5          National Rank: 7      Conference Rank: 1 
 Turnovers:      10.4        National Rank: 1      Conference Rank: 1 
 Fouls:          18.4        National Rank: 71    Conference Rank: 4 
 FG%:            .469          National Rank: 1      Conference Rank: 1 
 FT%:            .865          National Rank: 1      Conference Rank: 1 
 3P%:            .381          National Rank: 3      Conference Rank: 1 

I'm not sure what can be done here, anyway its small in regards to the big picture. I just remember spending a weekend creating some players then importing them and being disappointed how it turned out.

2) If possible, I think it would great if we could have some control over the parameters in which recruits are created. A modifier or something would be nice, ie - if I wanted to shrink the height delta overall. I'd really like to create a D2 or D3 mod and not get the D1 size.

This is a wishlist I suppose :)

Balldog 01-09-2010 01:24 PM

I edited my post with some more details about the importing problem.

SunDevil 01-09-2010 01:35 PM

I have never played the first game, but just from the way the developer interacts with the community I will be purchasing the upcoming game.

HeavyReign 01-09-2010 04:56 PM

I made a note to take a look at that and see if I can't make some tweaks. Player importing is tough just because of the wide range of competition levels and its very tough to come up with any reliable way of telling if a player is a good defender or not. Other things like FTs should be easy to check though. Was Ohio State the only imported team with everyone else being a randomly generated team in the first year of the league?

Balldog 01-09-2010 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by HeavyReign (Post 2199967)
I made a note to take a look at that and see if I can't make some tweaks. Player importing is tough just because of the wide range of competition levels and its very tough to come up with any reliable way of telling if a player is a good defender or not. Other things like FTs should be easy to check though. Was Ohio State the only imported team with everyone else being a randomly generated team in the first year of the league?

Yes, they were the only team that was imported. I did notice that the game did not appear to take into account team's prestige when players are generated for the remaining teams. There were a bunch of low prestige teams in the Top 25, including #2 was Delaware. I have them at a 25 prestige in my default file.

If you can make some tweaks that would be great. If not, its not a big deal. I'm probably one of the only ones who used the feature. I agree, its impossible to get a super accurate import based on stats.

I think it would be cool to be able to export a roster file into CSV too, then you can manually adjust heights, ratings, etc. and import the CSV.

Bigsmooth 01-09-2010 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by SunDevil (Post 2199878)
I have never played the first game, but just from the way the developer interacts with the community I will be purchasing the upcoming game.

Same here. Plus, you are in my hometown so you can definitely count on a purchase from this guy.

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