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SirFozzie 10-01-2011 08:31 PM

(Interactive-DRAFT STARTED, FIRST POST FOR TEAMS) Five Strides on the Banked Track
Taking signups for an interactive dynasty using Roller Rumble (by, a Roller Derby board game/sim.

To sign up, indicate the following:

(A) Your Roller Derby Name: (Can be your real Name, fake name, etcetera)
(B) Your preferred position (Choose from: Jammer, Blocker, Pivot, or hybrid position, Jammer/Pivot, Blocker/Pivot)
(C)Your preferred skill: (see Below)

Some explanations:

Jammers are the scorers for a team. A Jam begins when a Jammer breaks free of the pack. Jammers then have sixty seconds to come around and pass as many opponents as possible, scoring one point per opponent they pass.

Blockers are the defense of a team. Their job is to prevent the Jammers from passing them, and create openings for their own team's Jammers to score.

The Pivots are the captains of the team. Their job is to set the pace of the pack, and to set their team's strategy. The best pivots are the ones who can do it all, deck the opponent's jammers, and when necessary, go out on a jam themselves.

Each player will have at least one skill (and usually more). Signups get to choose their first skill from the following:

AGILE - Good at using their agility to dodge opponent attacks and/or put their opponents out of position (used by Jammers, and sometimes by Pivots)

BIG - Size, pure size (Best by Blockers)

CHEAT - The ability to bend the rules to your advantage... for example, "accidentally" running your opponent into the infield, or hipcheck them at an opportune moment to send them flying over the rail. Cheaters have a tendency to end up in the penalty box more often, but it's generally worth the price. (All positions can benefit)

FAST - Speed.. meaning your player won't waste time catching up with the opponents pack and quick to take advantage of any holes that open up. (Jammers and Pivots)

MEAN - The other side of being the bad guy, Mean players have a habit of wearing out the opposition. It's a lot easier to win the game when the opponents star player is in the infield wondering what the number of the mack truck that hit him was.. (Blockers and Pivots, but some Jammers can have this ability too)

POWERFUL - Strength. Physical power. the ability to knock down opponents, or move them out of position for your smaller, faster players to take advantage. (Blockers)

SMART - Knowledge of the game. SMART players know that a mininum of effort can end up with a maximum of effect. They tend to know their opponents tendencies, and use them to their advantage. (Pivots especially but jammers and blockers can have it too)

STAR - Roller Derby is all about Star power. These are the folks that the TV cameras gravitate to. Star players are the team's movers and shakers as well as the ones who inspire their teammates. Star players can get the crowd going (either cheering or booing)

Your player likely will have more than one skill, but the number of skills and each skill after the first is random depending on your position and a random die rolls. Some of your abilities may be even better, for example, a normal mean player may be a player with a bit of an edge, a player with MEAN * is their teams enforcer, and a MEAN ** player is one of the most feared players in the league, where it's not a matter of who you're going to hurt, but when and how many.

Rules: I need eight players for a team (If we get less, I'll let people create a second or even a third skater to fill the roster out, and if we get more, if there's enough demand, I'll create a second team)

Each game consists of eight skating periods, four by the women's skaters (which will be NPC's unless people want to create female skaters as well) and four by the men. The women skate the odd periods, the men skate the even periods)

A Minor penalty means the player has to miss the next minute of skating action (six cards), their team has to skate shorthanded, and if the other team starts a Jam while you're in the penalty box, the other team automatically scores a point along with the points for any other skaters passed.

A Major Penalty, or four minor penalties mean the player is ejected. Like a misconduct penalty in hockey, another player has to go to the penalty box and serve the penalty.


Boston Hitmen: (Captain: SirFozzie)

1. Izulde Jestor (Jammer)
2. Jace "Hunter" Slater (Blocker/Pivot)
3. Steve "The Snake" Yarno (Pivot/Blocker)
4. Nitrous Oxide (Jammer)
5. Harold "Howdy" Harrelson (Blocker)
6. Ace Idol (Blocker)
7. David "Deadly" Gonzalez (Pivot)
8. Sherm "Boo Boo" Buber (Jammer)

1. Carla "Big House" Booker (Blocker/Pivot)
2. Jenny "The Jet" Jerome (Jammer)
3. Alotta Fagina (Blocker)
4. Onme Anbitch (Jammer)
5. Erika Stonecrotch-Flamebeard (Blocker)
6. Lois "Hurricane" Smith (Jammer)
7. Dolly Larson (Blocker)
8. Becky Pulaski (Blocker/Pivot)

FOFC TEAM #2:The Minneapolis Werewolves (Captain:CrimsonFox)

1.Wesley Avenger (Jammer/Pivot)
2.Tony "Painkiller" Giovanni (Blocker)
3.Ace Idol (Blocker)
4.Ty The Golden Boy Roy (Jammer)
5. Deacon "Mad Monk" Palmer (Pivot)
6. Reindeer Rocket (Pivot/Jammer)
7. Randy Liebowitz (Blocker)
8. Rob "Coffee Warlord" Nielsen (Pivot)

1. Bettie Rage (Blocker/Pivot)
2. Jesse "Juggs" Jurgensen (Blocker)
3.Sandy Claws (Jammer)
4. Cindy Chamberlain (Blocker/Jammer/Pivot)
5. Maria Andretti (Jammer)
6. Lisa "Big O" Oberg (Blocker)
7. Ruby Rzeznik (Blocker
8. Kathy Griffin (Jammer)

SirFozzie 10-01-2011 08:43 PM

Here are the rules that I'll be using to create skaters for this

Example Player:

Name:Tony "Painkiller" Giovanni

Position: Blocker

Preferred Skill: MEAN

# of skills: (Roll of 72) - Three Skills

Skill 1: Guaranteed MEAN
Skill 2: (Roll 83) CHEAT
Skill 3: (roll 35) BIG

Starred Qualities (Roll: 17) One starred quality (CHEAT*)

TV Grade (How often they'll show up on TV-related highlights) (Roll:11): A

So after rolling our skater's height and weight:

Name: Tony "Painkiller" Giovanni Position: Blocker
Age: 25 Height:5'10 Weight: 175 pounds TV Grade: A

Skills: BIG, MEAN, CHEAT (*)

Coffee Warlord 10-02-2011 07:50 AM

Name: Rob "Coffee Warlord" Nielsen
Position: Pivot
Preferred Skill: Mean

fpres 10-02-2011 10:27 AM

Name: "Nitrous Oxide"
Position: Jammer
Preferred Skill: Agile

Fun idea (and timely too...I'm following the South Central Regionals of Women's Flat Track this weekend since a friend is on one of the competing teams).

Travis 10-02-2011 10:57 AM

Name: Jace "Hunter" Slater
Position: Blocker/Pivot
Preferred Skill: Smart

Izulde 10-02-2011 11:27 AM

Name: Izulde Jestor
Position: Jammer
Preferred Skill: Agile

BYU 14 10-02-2011 11:31 AM

Name: Ace Idol
Position: Blocker
Preferred Skill: Star

MacroGuru 10-02-2011 11:40 AM

Name: Stevie "Death" Ray
Position: Blocker
Preferred Skill: Power

kingfc22 10-02-2011 12:33 PM

David "Deadly" Gonzalez

SirFozzie 10-02-2011 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 2539354)
Name: Rob "Coffee Warlord" Nielsen
Position: Pivot
Preferred Skill: Mean

# of qualities: (71) 3

Skill 1: (auto) MEAN
Skill 2: (60) POWERFUL
Skill 3: (20) FAST

Starred Qualities? (58) ONE

Starred Quality (28) FAST

TV Rating: (35) B

Age: (75) 25 years old
Height (79):5'11"
Weight (90): 185 lbs.

Skater Sheet:

Name: Rob "Coffee Warlord" Nielsen
Age: 25, Height: 5'11", Weight 185lbs
Position:Pivot TV Grade: B

SirFozzie 10-02-2011 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by fpres (Post 2539385)
Name: "Nitrous Oxide"
Position: Jammer
Preferred Skill: Agile

Fun idea (and timely too...I'm following the South Central Regionals of Women's Flat Track this weekend since a friend is on one of the competing teams).

# of qualities (25) TWO
Skill One: AGILE
Skill Two: (30) Reroll (Already Agile)
Skill Two: (96) CHEAT

# of Starred Qualities: (81) TWO
Starred Quality One (3 rerolls for skills he doesn't have-Final Roll 17): AGILE
Starred Quality Two: (6 RR needed-95) CHEAT

TV Rating: (52) C

Age: (72) 25
Height: (4) 5'3"
Weight: (77) 135 lbs

So, the skater sheet:

"Nitrous Oxide"
Age: 25, Height: 5'3", Weight 135 lbs
Position: Jammer, TV Grade: C
Skills: AGILE *, CHEAT *

((Yikes, apparently good ol Nitrous is great at the cheap shot and then heading for safe ground when the heat is on))

SirFozzie 10-02-2011 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Travis (Post 2539394)
Name: Jace "Hunter" Slater
Position: Blocker/Pivot
Preferred Skill: Smart

# of Skills: (77) Three Skills
Skill One (Auto): Smart
Skill Two: (60) Powerful
Skill Three: (48) Big

# of Starred Skills: (60) One
Starred Skill (68) Powerful

TV Grade: (14) A

Age: (80) 25
Height: (80) 5'11
Weight: (12) 170 pounds

Final Skater Card

Jace "Hunter" Slater
Age: 25, Height: 5'11", Weight: 170 pounds
Position: Blocker/Pivot

((wow, a guy who gets a lot of TV time despite not being a star.. nice stats too.))

SirFozzie 10-02-2011 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Izulde (Post 2539402)
Name: Izulde Jestor
Position: Jammer
Preferred Skill: Agile

# of qualities: (99!!!) FIVE qualities wow!

Skill 1: (Auto) Agile
Skill 2: (64) Smart
Skill 3: (18) Agile (already have, re-roll)
Skill 3: (36), Fast
Skill 4: (23) Agile (already have, re-roll)
Skill 4: (88) Star
Skill 5: (84) Powerful

(wow. Holy shit.)

# of Starred Qualities: (52) One
Starred Quality: (17) Agile
TV Grade (24): AA!! (best possible)

Age: (66) 24
Height: (19) 5'6"
Weight: (05) 130 pounds.

Izulde Jestor
Age: 24, Height: 5'6", Weight: 130 pounds
Position: Jammer, TV Grade: AA

((Ok. Unless there's an equipment malfunction, penalty or injury, Izulde Jestor is going to be #5 on the roster, (ie, one of our starting jammers). Hopefully he'll be one of the league's top scorers!))

SirFozzie 10-02-2011 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by BYU 14 (Post 2539405)
Name: Ace Idol
Position: Blocker
Preferred Skill: Star

# of skills (41) 3
Skill One: (Auto) STAR
Skill Two: (82) CHEAT
Skill Three: (88) MEAN

# of Starred Skills: (26) One
Starred Quality One: (92) MEAN

TV Rating: (22) B

Age: (19) 19
Height: (75) 5'11"
Weight: (34) 175 pounds

Ace Idol
Age: 19, Height: 5'11", Weight: 175 pounds
Position: Blocker, TV Grade: B

((I can see this guy now.. long blonde hair, and the type of player that will casually run someone over the fence and then sit there, soak in the crowd's boos and jeers and then laugh it off. He'd be PERFECT back in the old redshirt days))

SirFozzie 10-02-2011 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by MacroGuru (Post 2539408)
Name: Stevie "Death" Ray
Position: Blocker
Preferred Skill: Power

# of skills:(76) Three Skills
Skill One (auto): POWER
Skill Two: (92) MEAN
Skill Three: (57) BIG

# of Starred Qualities: (33) ONE
Starred Skill One: (51) BIG

TV Grade: (61) B

Age:(59) 23
Height (92) 6'1"
Weight: (45) 190 pounds (+35 lbs for the double big, executive decision)

Stevie "Death" Ray
Age: 23, Height: 6"1", Weight: 225 pounds
Position: Blocker, TV Grade: B

(I can just see it now, the jammer comes in and bounces off the Death Ray, nearly falling, skates, catches up, tried to jump by... and gets hit over the railing)

SirFozzie 10-02-2011 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by kingfc22 (Post 2539427)
David "Deadly" Gonzalez

# of Skills:(40) TWO (Argh,.. 41 is three skills))
Skill One (Auto): STAR
Skill Two: (15) FAST

# of Starred Skills (84) TWO
Skill One: (75) STAR
Skill Two: (90) STAR

((Our first double starred skill, and it happens to be STAR. Go Figure. He's famous for being famous))

TV Grade: (2) A (ok, if this was the staged world of Roller Derby, rather then treating it as a semi-serious sport (with some of the flair of the Derby), this would obviously be the boss's kid. Fast, and treated like a Star and on the TV screen (only way he gets an A rating with two skills if he rolls a 1-3) a lot? Might be suffering from Von Erich Syndrome ;))

Age: (31) 20
Height: (19) 5'6"
Weight: (45) 135 Pounds

Final Skater Card:

David "Deadly" Gonzalez
Age: 20, Height: 5'6, Weight: 135 Pounds:
Position: Pivot, TV Grade: A
Skills: FAST, STAR **

SirFozzie 10-02-2011 09:58 PM

So, our FOFC team has seven skaters, we have one spot on the men's team left

Do you want to create women skaters, or should I draft you a women's team when I'm drafting out the rest of the league?

Travis 10-02-2011 10:46 PM

Nice, I'll take it, pretty much the types of rolls I was hoping for :D

kingfc22 10-02-2011 11:01 PM

Yes, I AM that famous!

fpres 10-02-2011 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 2539731)
((Yikes, apparently good ol Nitrous is great at the cheap shot and then heading for safe ground when the heat is on))

Awesome. That's how I roll. :D

fpres 10-02-2011 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 2539753)
Do you want to create women skaters, or should I draft you a women's team when I'm drafting out the rest of the league?

I'm fine with whatever you guys decide.

CrimsonFox 10-02-2011 11:28 PM


Sandy Claws

Coffee Warlord 10-03-2011 08:20 AM

Thug Captain Coffee at your service!

ntndeacon 10-03-2011 11:30 AM

Deacon "Mad Monk" Palmer

SirFozzie 10-05-2011 05:04 AM

I'll be updating the final two skaters (Crimson, mind captaining the Women's team) and drafting the teams tonight.

CrimsonFox 10-05-2011 06:55 AM

sure I can do that. Sandy is a girl's name too anyway. :)

Coffee Warlord 10-05-2011 07:58 AM

And just for team is right without a Flamebeard on the roster. Good ole Erik Flamebeard of the Neither Here Nor There wound up settling down with his lovely wife, Erika Stonecrotch. Don't even ask what the kids are like.

Erika Stonecrotch-Flamebeard (of the Neither Here Nor There)

MrBug708 10-05-2011 08:49 AM

If you need another, I'll join

BYU 14 10-05-2011 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 2539738)

Ace Idol
Age: 19, Height: 5'11", Weight: 175 pounds
Position: Blocker, TV Grade: B

((I can see this guy now.. long blonde hair, and the type of player that will casually run someone over the fence and then sit there, soak in the crowd's boos and jeers and then laugh it off. He'd be PERFECT back in the old redshirt days))

At the tanning salon as we speak :)

SirFozzie 10-05-2011 12:57 PM

Bug: You're more then welcome.

I'm willing to put off building the FOFC team until tommorrow, so everyone who's previously submitted a male skater is free to submit a female skater as well, and I will create folks tonight and tommorrow and then draft out the teams as needed.

MrBug708 10-05-2011 01:55 PM


(A) Wesley Avenger
(B) Jammer/Pivot
(C) Smart

A - Alotta Fagina
B - Blocker
C - Big

Pumpy Tudors 10-05-2011 04:02 PM

Kathy Griffin - Female (yes, I have decided to make Kathy Griffin female for this)

CrimsonFox 10-05-2011 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 2542186)
Bug: You're more then welcome.

I'm willing to put off building the FOFC team until tommorrow, so everyone who's previously submitted a male skater is free to submit a female skater as well, and I will create folks tonight and tommorrow and then draft out the teams as needed.

so am I supposed to make both a male and a female skater?

kingfc22 10-05-2011 07:57 PM

Female character
Jessie " Juggs" Jurgeson

fpres 10-05-2011 09:13 PM

Female Character
Name: "Bettie Rage"
Position: Blocker/Pivot
Preferred Skill: Powerful

ntndeacon 10-06-2011 12:38 AM

Female character
Maria Andretti

SirFozzie 10-06-2011 01:14 AM

Create both, if you haven't already. I think we'll go with two FOFC teams :)

CrimsonFox 10-06-2011 01:19 AM


a) Reindeer Rocket
b) Pivot
c) Fast

MrBug708 10-06-2011 02:15 PM

Im guessing the FM demo will kill this :(

MacroGuru 10-06-2011 02:16 PM


OneMe Anbitch
Position: Jammer
Skill: Fast

SirFozzie 10-06-2011 03:03 PM

Nope! Said I'd get things going tonight after work, and I will :)

(plus my sleeping pattern is atomized, due to a new work schedule, but hopefully I'm getting used to it)

CrimsonFox 10-06-2011 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by MrBug708 (Post 2543355)
Im guessing the FM demo will kill this :(

what is an FM demo?

SirFozzie 10-06-2011 07:30 PM

Football Manager 2012, the latest version of the game that it the time sink supreme (I'd say even beyond OOTP and even FOF) here at FOFC.

SirFozzie 10-06-2011 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 2539813)

Sandy Claws

# of skills (67)= THREE
Skill One (Auto) AGILE
Skill Two (54) FAST
Skill Three (98) MEAN

# of Starred Skills (37) ONE
Starred Skill One: (45) FAST *

TV Grade (58): B)

Skater Card

Sandy Claws
Jammer (TV Grade: B)
Age: 18, Height: 5'2", Weight 115 lbs

SirFozzie 10-06-2011 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by ntndeacon (Post 2539991)
Deacon "Mad Monk" Palmer

Skills (52) THREE
Skill One (AUTO) SMART
Skill Two (51) BIG
Skill Three (5) AGILE

Starred Skills? (44) ONE
Starred Skill One (46) SMART *

TV Grade: 77 (B)

Skater Card:

Deacon "Mad Monk" Palmer
Pivot (TV Grade B)
Age:24, Height: 5'10" Weight: 150 lbs

SirFozzie 10-06-2011 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 2542024)
And just for team is right without a Flamebeard on the roster. Good ole Erik Flamebeard of the Neither Here Nor There wound up settling down with his lovely wife, Erika Stonecrotch. Don't even ask what the kids are like.

Erika Stonecrotch-Flamebeard (of the Neither Here Nor There)

# of Skills (17) TWO
Skill One: CHEAT
Skill Two (33) BIG

# of Starred Skills:13 (Zero)

TV Grade: (14) C

Skater Card

Erika Stonecrotch-Flamebeard
Blocker (TV Grade: C)
Age:27, Height: 5'8, Weight: 155lbs
Skills: BIG, CHEAT

(Well, they can't all be stars, but her nickname is definitely BIG MAMA)

SirFozzie 10-06-2011 08:22 PM

More coming tonight or in the morning. Going to want two captains here when we're done to pick teams. There will be 16 male skaters and 16 female skaters (so 8 of each for each team)

(one will have first pick and fourth, other will have 2nd and 3rd)

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by MrBug708 (Post 2542212)

(A) Wesley Avenger
(B) Jammer/Pivot
(C) Smart

A - Alotta Fagina
B - Blocker
C - Big


# of Skills (98): Five (What is it about Jammers and getting a tons of skills? :D)

Skill One: SMART
Skill Two(29) FAST
Skill Three(68) POWERFUL
Skill Four(19) AGILE
Skill Five (100) MEAN

(yikes, I think we have our redshirt captain jammer)

# Of Starred Skills: (3) Zero

TV Grade: (59) AA

Skater Card

Wesley Avenger
Jammer/Pivot (TV Grade AA)
Age:22, Height: 5'10, Weight:160 lbs)

And for Alotta

# of Skills (52) THREE
Skill One BIG
Skill Two (9) FAST
Skill Three (93) CHEAT

# of Starred Skills (76) ONE
Starred Skill One (95) CHEAT

TV Grade: 65 (B)

Skater Card:

Alotta Fagina
Blocker (TV Grade B)
Age:23, Height: 5'4", Weight: 130 lbs

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors (Post 2542269)
Kathy Griffin - Female (yes, I have decided to make Kathy Griffin female for this)

# of Skills (4) ONE (oof, sorry!)
Skill One: STAR

# of Starred Skills (31) ONE
Starred Skill: STAR

TV Grade: (40) D

Skater Card

Kathy Griffin
Jammer (TV Grade: D)
Age:23, Height: 5'3", Weight: 115 lbs
Skills: STAR *

((Well, she doesn't get on TV much, but she does have that certain jene sais quois.. Kinda fits when you think about it!)))

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by kingfc22 (Post 2542483)
Female character
Jessie " Juggs" Jurgeson

# of Skills: (79) FOUR
Skill Two: (92) MEAN
Skill Three (5) AGILE
Skill Four: (14) SMART

# of Starred Skills (16) ONE
Starred Skill One: POWERFUL

TV Grade:(46) A

Skater Card
Jessie " Juggs" Jurgeson
Blocker (TV Grade:A)
Age: 23, Height:5'5", Weight:125 lbs

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by fpres (Post 2542658)
Female Character
Name: "Bettie Rage"
Position: Blocker/Pivot
Preferred Skill: Powerful

# of Skills: (64) THREE
Skill Two (92): MEAN
Skill Three (21): SMART

(Powerful, Mean, Smart? Are we talking about Roller Derby qualities, or the ex-girlfriend from hell? Or option C, both!)

# of Starred Skills: (83) TWO
Starred Skill One: MEAN
Starred Skill 2: POWERFUL

TV Rating: 11 (AA)

Skater Card:
Bettie Rage
Blocker/Pivot (TV Grade: AA)
Age: 25, Height: 5'6", Weight: 130

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by ntndeacon (Post 2542858)
Female character
Maria Andretti

# of Skills:(34) TWO
Skill One: AGILE
Skill Two: (41) FAST

# of Starred Skills: (88) TWO
(automatically, AGILE/FAST, because there's only two skills there)

TV Grade: (57) C

Skater Card

Maria Andretti
Jammer (TV Grade C)
Age: 19, Height: 5'0", Weight: 105 lbs
Skills: AGILE*, FAST*

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 2542874)

a) Reindeer Rocket
b) Pivot
c) Fast

# of Skills (68) Three
Skill One: FAST
Skill Two: (26) SMART
Skill Three: (8) AGILE

# of Starred Skills: (78) ONE
Starred Skill: (27) SMART

TV Grade: (43) B

Skater Card

Reindeer Rocket
Pivot (TV Grade: B)
Age:22, Height: 5'5", Weight: 140

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by MacroGuru (Post 2543357)

OneMe Anbitch
Position: Jammer
Skill: Fast

# of skills: (70) Three
Skill One: FAST
Skill Two (3) AGILE
Skill Three (95) CHEAT

Starred Skills: (15) ONE
Starred Skill: FAST

TV Grade: (43) B

Skater Card:

OneMe Anbitch
Jammer (TV Grade:B)
Age:22, Height: 5'3", Weight: 115 lbs

CrimsonFox 10-07-2011 05:19 AM

Woot! STATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 05:36 AM

Ok, I'm working on a Google Doc with all the skaters created so far:

I am also going to be adding NPC's to fill out the 16 Male and Female skaters in the draft. (Although I can pull them if we get any more people)

Decide who the captains will be: One will have 1st/4th pick of Males, the other will have 1st/4th pick of the Women

CrimsonFox 10-07-2011 05:52 AM

so what is it? boys vs girls? :)

I think my Male skater is an elf not a reindeer. ;)

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 06:05 AM

Male Skaters: Welcome to Google Docs

Female Skaters:Welcome to Google Docs

Note: NPC's were not created using this system, but picked from the RA-set, where the other four teams in the league will be drafted from

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by CrimsonFox (Post 2544123)
so what is it? boys vs girls? :)

I think my Male skater is an elf not a reindeer. ;)

No, there's 16 skaters to a team (8 male, 8 female) A game is either six or eight skating periods, the females skate the odd (1/3/5/(7)) periods, and the males skate the even (2/4/6/(8) periods)

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 06:30 AM

Meet the other teams in the NRDL (National Roller Derby League)

The San Francisco Bombers: Welcome to Google Docs

The women's team is a one-woman team, really, but "Fast Lane" Debbie Dayne may be the best female skater in the league.. but can she stand up to the attention that she'll be getting week in and week out from the other team? Their scoring options are limited outside of Dayne, but the team is very nimble on their skates.

That.. isn't so much the case on the men's side: When you can put out three slabs of beef like Frankie Pyne (6'1" 230), Larry Boykin (6'3" 210), and "Big E" Elbert Kovac (5'11" 180) at the same time.. there's suddenly not as much need for agility.. there's not really much place to go. Not to mention benchwarmer "Massive" Mark Ferguson (260 lbs!) on the bench for when they really want to clog up the skating lanes. Player-Coach David Mayes fills the pivot slot, and they're going to be relying on an average (at best) jamming attack of Johnny Jay and Danny Colavetti to score points.

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 06:48 AM

The Chicago Demons: Welcome to Google Docs

Play this team, and you'll be seeing red, and I'm not just talking about their red and black shirts. They've led the league in penalties and ejections three years running, led by male captain Doyle "The Razor" Shick. However, the team may have a fatal flaw in their roughhouse style. They only have two recognized Jammers on both the men's and women's rosters. Considering the penalties for playing out of position (lose all ties on skills), they'll be going to other teams and asking for trades.. but the reputation of the Demons will be working against them.

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 07:04 AM

The New York Legends: Welcome to Google Docs

The Legends are a very good team, so much so that the other teams (especially the Demons) complain the league favors them. They have talent at every position. However, the Legends are a team in crisis. They have quite possibly the two best pivots in the league.. and both of them want to be #1, and the other one gone.

2 years ago, it looked like Stuart "The King" Henson, one of the most talented (and arrogant) players was on his way out of town. So, the Legends managed to sign pivot Gary Brewer from the defunct Milwaukee Miracle, and signed him to a long term deal, but then The King decided he wanted to stay. So, the Legends have spent the last couple seasons trying to placate both players.. and failing miserably. Both want that #3 position badly, and it could be only a matter of time until one of them says "Play me or trade me". But who, and what could the Legends get back from them?

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 07:21 AM

The Austin Rangers:

The Rangers are probably the most disciplined team in the league. Their captain, Tom "U.S." Marshall likes to remind his teammates of the phrase "The Eyes of Texas are upon you". The team's practices are some of the longest, most ardurous around, and they've trained relentlessly on tactics, able to shift blocking patterns on command. However, there is a downside.. Marshall has run off three Jammers in the last year and a half alone because they wouldn't buy in to the system (Jammers tend to freelance and be more spontaneous.. something that drives Marshall crazy). The Rangers are trying out Jammer prospects, but until they find one that fits their style, they're going to be stuck with hoping that "Rodger Dodger" Rodger Bailey, and Ernie DiBernardi will hold up.

CrimsonFox 10-07-2011 05:00 PM

If you're looking for captains, i volunteer. Or do you mean the actual skaters are the captains. If so Sandy Claws would make a good captain.

CrimsonFox 10-07-2011 05:01 PM

Granted I don't understand what the captain "does". Is there some special captain rule? or are you just talking more about dealing with who plays and rests and stuff.

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 06:21 PM

Basically, the captain drafts the team and sets an initial starting lineup, that's all :)

CrimsonFox 10-07-2011 06:39 PM

Okay I can do that for the female side.

Still not sure what you mean by drafts the team. Isn't that the team? The people we created?

SirFozzie 10-07-2011 07:06 PM

I've created 16 male and 16 female skaters (enough for two teams)

So you'll draft 8 males and 8 females to make up one team, and someone else will draft 8/8 to make up the other FOFC team

CrimsonFox 10-07-2011 07:42 PM


SirFozzie 10-07-2011 10:01 PM

So, we need someone to captain the other FOFC team

CrimsonFox 10-08-2011 08:19 PM

So what's the make-up of a team? Any special things I should be looking for stat-wise? WOndering how much star rating plays into things too.
I'm thinking of stinking predominantly with people's actual characters instead of using npcs. More fun that way.
Unles we get more signups.

I guess if no one else wants to be a captain why don't you do it, fozzie. Unless people aren't aware we need one more.

SirFozzie 10-08-2011 08:42 PM

Ok.. do you want first and fourth pick of the guys or the gals? (the other you'll have the second and third)

You're going to want three people who can block, three people who can jam, and two pivots (remember, unskilled players have penalties in positions they can't play).. dual or even tri-position players can help. TV grade helps when it comes to TV related highlights, but in general, consider their roles when choosing skills (although sometimes big will come up with jammers, etcetera, more often then not a key star will come up when determining who gets to lead a jam)

CrimsonFox 10-08-2011 08:46 PM

oh so all 8 of those players will be playing at once? all 8 girls and all 8 guys? 8 is a full team on the field?

CrimsonFox 10-08-2011 08:58 PM

I'll go 2nd/3rd btw.

SirFozzie 10-08-2011 09:59 PM

No, there's 5 on the track at one time, the other three are subs.
Here's how it works:

1 2 3 4 5

(B=Blocker P=Pivot, J=Jammer)

How it works: The Fast Action Card (FAC for short) will provide an action:

Example: BIG Blocker in 2 pushes his opponent out of the way, clearing space for Jammer.

You would check the players in position 2 for the BIG stat.

If NEITHER have the BIG ability=No action, move on to the next card
If BOTH have the BIG ability=, roll a die 1-4 the home team advances one step closer to launching the jam, on a 5-6 the visiting team does
If ONE has the BIG Ability and the other does not= Advance that team one step closer to the jam (and if they have the ability starred, then they advance an extra space, basically BIG* is like BIGx2)

On the JAM track, advancing three spaces means that you're the lead jammer for that jam. You are more likely to score (but you're not guaranteed to score more than the opposition, just that you're the team to break loose first)

However, there is also a POWER JAM.. a Power Jam is a fourth square down the track.. it can only be reached by advancing two squares in one action, or deliberately playing for the POWER JAM by deciding not to JAM when you hit the square. It's a risky play, because if the other team hits the JAM square (the third) before you advance to POWER JAM, they can launch the Jam themselves and deny you the lead jammer ability.

But if you DO hit power jam, then you are the only team that can score any points, it's assumed that your Jammer breaks away completely while the other team's jammers are stuck in the pack, and they stay back to try to block

SirFozzie 10-08-2011 10:03 PM

Ok, We'll do the guys first:

I'm creating the Boston Hitmen:

With the first pick from the male skaters list, the Boston Hitmen select:

Izulde Jestor (Jammer)

A five stat Jammer with a AA TV rating??? Yes please.

CrimsonFox has the next two picks (it goes two in a row from now on)

Name your team and make your picks, Crimson

CrimsonFox 10-08-2011 10:31 PM

okay only guys then? Name pending...

CrimsonFox 10-08-2011 10:34 PM

Pick 2: Wesley Avenger / MrBug

CrimsonFox 10-08-2011 10:37 PM

Hmmm do you want me to let you pick your own player then? :) Cause Giavanni looks good but I'll pass on him if you want him.

SirFozzie 10-08-2011 11:13 PM

Go ahead

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 12:42 AM

Death Ray

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 12:43 AM

Ty Roy

SirFozzie 10-09-2011 01:10 AM

Um, that's three picks in a row, so I'll pick around you :)

I pick:

Jace "Hunter" Slater, and Steve "The Snake" Yarno. You get one more pick.

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 01:11 AM

I thought you picked your next two already.

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 01:11 AM

I looked at the spreadsheet and saw you picked a couple more so I thought you were saying it was my turn to pick two more. Sorry.

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 01:12 AM

I made picks based on who you didn't fill on as being your team.

SirFozzie 10-09-2011 01:22 AM

Put them in but wasn't sure, let me update the first post :)

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 01:26 AM

maybe we should do this live like in a chat area or somethin :)

SirFozzie 10-09-2011 01:31 AM

Ok, this is what I have so far:

Round 1:
Me: Izulde Jestor
CF: Wesley Avenger

Round 2:
CF: Tony Giovanni
Me: Jace "Hunter" Slater

Round 3:
Me:Steve "The Snake" Yarno
CF: Stevie "Death" Ray

Round 4:
CF: Ty "The Golden Boy" Roy
Me: Nitrous Oxide

Round 5:
Me: Harold "Howdy" Harrelson
CF: Deacon "Mad Monk" Palmer

Round 6
CF:Reindeer Rocket
Me: Ace Idol

Round 7
Me: David "Deadly" Gonzalez
CF: Randy Liebowitz

Round 8
CF: Rob "Coffee Warlord" Nielsen
Me:Sherm "Boo Boo" Buber

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 01:31 AM

i really wish I would have made my male a pivot/jammer instead of just pivot at this point.

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 01:32 AM

I didn't pick ace idol, I picked Death Ray

SirFozzie 10-09-2011 01:32 AM

if you have aim installed, turn it on :)

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 01:33 AM

Macroguru's char

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 01:35 AM

cool we're in business

MrBug708 10-09-2011 01:38 AM

A first round pick? I hearby forgive you for leading the charge to get me killed in the Red Death 2 ww game

SirFozzie 10-09-2011 01:38 AM

Next two Boston Picks:

Nitrous Oxide and Harold "Howdy" Harrelson

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by MrBug708 (Post 2545533)
A first round pick? I hearby forgive you for leading the charge to get me killed in the Red Death 2 ww game

;) you're a star baby!

CrimsonFox 10-09-2011 01:44 AM

Mad Monk Palmer
Reindeer Rocket

SirFozzie 10-09-2011 01:45 AM

Since we didn't have quite enough jammers, CF asked to change the position of his player to a Jammer/Pivot, and that was no problem

SirFozzie 10-09-2011 01:48 AM

My two:

Ace Idol and David "Deadly" Gonzalez

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