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Edward64 05-29-2018 07:44 PM

Racism in the News
I do think the Roseanne Barr issue thread-jacked the Random Thoughts thread so I am creating a separate one for our discussion. I didn't see another thread dedicated to these news stories.

Just like anything else, I know discussions can get heated but most of us are okay arguing and then agreeing to disagree. Hopefully we will learn something from different points of view and be able to empathize more.

I do understand this is an especially sensitive topic so I'm fine if the Mods prefer to remove it.

NobodyHere 05-29-2018 07:47 PM

Is this thread about the Trump rally in Nashville right now?

Edward64 05-29-2018 08:07 PM

Did a quick look and didn't see anything that was racist? Lots of lies and misdirection though.

bhlloy 05-29-2018 10:00 PM

It's especially relevant that the Roseanne story comes out on the same day that we find out 4600 people died in Puerto Rico, likely many that were preventable after the fact if we'd given a shit about it.

But yeah, this is absolutely orgasmic for CNN. The Puerto Rico story doesn't even make their front page. Go figure.

Ksyrup 05-30-2018 07:59 AM

I find this to be interesting in the context of it coming from a comedian. I think people like Roseanne don't understand or appreciate the difference between their act and participating in political commentary on social media. In some sense, I can understand from their perspective that there's a blurring of lines when they are used to saying whatever they want and not only "getting away with it," but it's what made them famous.

What she said was not part of a comedy routine, it wasn't particularly funny (nor was it really intended to be, as it was more of a political shot than a joke), and it obviously crossed very bright lines. But comedians use racial stereotypes all the time in their routines. Obviously, Don Rickles would have a hard time existing today, but you've got examples like Lisa Lampanellli who are active right now as well. I just think this is an example of an aging comedy veteran saying what she thinks in the context of a joke and being oblivious to the firestorm she was creating. Not that she wasn't wrong, but I can see how it happened.

What really interests me are the seemingly random ways we decide who gets burned and who gets a pass. Gilbert Gottfried makes a tsunami joke and he can no longer be the voice of an advertising duck. Ice T lives in this dual world of actor and musician where he's screaming MFer every 3 seconds and he's doing lemonade stand commercials for Geico.

BBT 05-30-2018 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by bhlloy (Post 3205079)
It's especially relevant that the Roseanne story comes out on the same day that we find out 4600 people died in Puerto Rico, likely many that were preventable after the fact if we'd given a shit about it.

But yeah, this is absolutely orgasmic for CNN. The Puerto Rico story doesn't even make their front page. Go figure.

So very true

Edward64 05-31-2018 09:40 AM

I wonder why/whats going on here?

2 in one week (that was captured on video). Full story missing but wonder if this has always happened or just a result of Trump?

Racist Driver Berates Asian-American Family: 'Go Back To Your Country, B***h' | HuffPost

JPhillips 05-31-2018 10:00 AM

Hola China?

Edward64 05-31-2018 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3205226)
Hola China?

Yeah, I saw that. She was obviously spouting whatever.

Couldn't see much of the guy in the passenger side, wonder what he was thinking.

Marc Vaughan 06-06-2018 09:04 AM

I had to rent a house while mine was being repaired after Irma and after asking a neighbor to stop his dog from attempting to attack mine though MY fence at the rental (for some reason he always let his dog loose in the neighborhood in the evening) ....I was told to 'go back to where I came from' ...

From that day onward he was forever dubbed 'Racist Bob' when I mentioned him ... and yes, before anyone asks he was a proud Trump supporter.

Edward64 06-06-2018 09:41 AM

Awfully un-neighborly of him.

Warhammer 06-06-2018 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3205705)
Awfully un-neighborly of him.

After 2 years of owning a dog as an adult, most dog owners are jerks when it comes to keeping their dog under control.

Izulde 06-06-2018 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3205220)
I wonder why/whats going on here?

2 in one week (that was captured on video). Full story missing but wonder if this has always happened or just a result of Trump?

Racist Driver Berates Asian-American Family: 'Go Back To Your Country, B***h' | HuffPost

A little of A, a little of B. Stuff like this has always happened, but Trump makes them much more frequent and emboldens some of the more cowardly racists to be more overt about their beliefs.

Edward64 06-06-2018 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Warhammer (Post 3205708)
After 2 years of owning a dog as an adult, most dog owners are jerks when it comes to keeping their dog under control.

TBF I don't see this. I'm a dog owner and there are a bunch of dog owners in my subdivision (maybe its because its a subdivision?). For the most part we are all nice.

Most of the time it's "who didn't clean up after their dog". We did have one jerk who refused to keep dog on leash (and invisible fence working) but that was an exception.

Once every 1-2 weeks, there's a picture post on FB about seeing someone's dog running loose and the neighborhood quickly resolves that.

Izulde 06-06-2018 10:20 AM

Then there's weird shit like this (about a week or two old, but just saw it)

molson 06-06-2018 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3205711)
TBF I don't see this. I'm a dog owner and there are a bunch of dog owners in my subdivision (maybe its because its a subdivision?). For the most part we are all nice.

Most of the time it's "who didn't clean up after their dog". We did have one jerk who refused to keep dog on leash (and invisible fence working) but that was an exception.

Once every 1-2 weeks, there's a picture post on FB about seeing someone's dog running loose and the neighborhood quickly resolves that.

I feel like this can vary wildly on a neighborhood by neighborhood basis. I lived in a small house in a nice neighborhood, I was charged by off-leash dogs all the time while I was walking my dog. I started carrying pepper spray after I got bit. Then I moved to a bigger house in a much worse neighborhood in the same city, and I've had zero dog issues. One or two dogs are off leash in their yard but they just sit there as we walk by. I walked my dog twice a day for 30-45 minutes each time for 2 years at both locations and the difference is ridiculous.

tarcone 06-06-2018 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Izulde (Post 3205709)
A little of A, a little of B. Stuff like this has always happened, but Trump makes them much more frequent and emboldens some of the more cowardly racists to be more overt about their beliefs.

And add in the liberal media jumping on any story that has a whiff of racism and splashing it al over the place.
There have always been incidents like these, but with the availability of information to everyone at anytime, these things are pushed to the front a lot easier.

Im not sure people have been that emboldened by Trump. I feel like people are getting tired of the PC culture getting shoved down their throats, and their actions are an extreme response.

ISiddiqui 06-06-2018 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Izulde (Post 3205709)
A little of A, a little of B. Stuff like this has always happened, but Trump makes them much more frequent and emboldens some of the more cowardly racists to be more overt about their beliefs.

Well also as more and more folks have cell phones with decent video capabilities, and social media is more and more ubiquitous, it makes it easy to share this sort of nonsense that had already been happening.

Izulde 06-06-2018 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by tarcone (Post 3205729)
And add in the liberal media jumping on any story that has a whiff of racism and splashing it al over the place.
There have always been incidents like these, but with the availability of information to everyone at anytime, these things are pushed to the front a lot easier.

Im not sure people have been that emboldened by Trump. I feel like people are getting tired of the PC culture getting shoved down their throats, and their actions are an extreme response.


PC was 20 years ago. It's SJW culture that occasionally goes overboard (mostly Tumblrinas that have a little awareness of a few things and take it in completely wrong directions, often with false interpretations and misinformation. Which is a shame, because SJWs and feminists in and of themselves have done a lot of important work in raising awareness and highlighting important issues. It's the fringe elements of those movements that are extreme and mistaken for the majority of the groups due to their vocal nature, thereby tarring the movements with an unwarranted broad brush.

tarcone 06-06-2018 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Izulde (Post 3205737)

PC was 20 years ago. It's SJW culture that occasionally goes overboard (mostly Tumblrinas that have a little awareness of a few things and take it in completely wrong directions, often with false interpretations and misinformation. Which is a shame, because SJWs and feminists in and of themselves have done a lot of important work in raising awareness and highlighting important issues. It's the fringe elements of those movements that are extreme and mistaken for the majority of the groups due to their vocal nature, thereby tarring the movements with an unwarranted broad brush.

The same thing can be said about these people getting caught doing racist things. A whole group is being painted with the same brush as these racist fools.
I think what you are saying could be said about you when you say that it is Trumps fault. Its Trump that takes the fall with people when iut is the fringe element that causes the issues. These people have always been out there, and as IS said about phones and social media, it comes to the fore front.

It goes both ways. Cant be one or the other.

Edward64 06-13-2018 05:31 PM


The article calls it "racist". I'm not sure, if it is its kinda tame by today's standards I guess.

Einstein's diaries contain shocking details of his racism | Fox News

The diaries were written between October 1922 and March 1923. In one entry Einstein wrote that the “Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.”

Speaking about the “abundance of offspring” and the “fecundity” of the Chinese, he continued: “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.

Einstein also derided the people of Ceylon, which is now known as Sri Lanka. In Ceylon, he wrote, the locals “live in great filth and considerable stench at ground level,” before adding they “do little, and need little. The simple economic cycle of life.”

Einstein also gave his thoughts on Japanese people, who he viewed in a more positive light, calling them "unostentatious, decent, altogether very appealing.” However, he also wrote the “intellectual needs of this nation seem to be weaker than their artistic ones – natural disposition?”

"Entries... contain passages that reveal Einstein's stereotyping of members of various nations and raise questions about his attitudes on race," a description of the book reads.
“I think a lot of comments strike us as pretty unpleasant – what he says about the Chinese in particular," Rosenkranz told The Guardian. “They’re kind of in contrast to the public image of the great humanitarian icon. I think it’s quite a shock to read those and contrast them with his more public statements. They’re more off guard, he didn’t intend them for publication.”

Edward64 06-25-2018 09:19 AM

Starting to feel sorry for Roseanne.

Barr appeared to be sobbing as she told Boteach she has black children in her family and she "can't let 'em say these things about that, after 30 years of my putting my family and my health and my livelihood at risk to stand up for people."

"I'm a lot of things, a loud mouth and all that stuff," she said emotionally. "But I'm not stupid for God's sake. I never would have wittingly called any black person, [I would never had said] they are a monkey."

Roseanne says she 'begged' ABC to save her show

Barr stressed that her saying she was on Ambien at the time she tweeted was an explanation, not an excuse.

"There's no excuse. I don't excuse it," she said. "It's an explanation. I was impaired you know."

She also told Boteach, "I horribly regret it."

JPhillips 06-25-2018 09:35 AM

Her twitter feed is full of garbage, but right now, towards the top is a retweet of this ironic gem:


For @TheJuanWilliams to defend Peter Fonda and say it was a poorly worded tweet is inexcusable. @FoxNews to fire him!

Kodos 06-25-2018 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3209204)
Starting to feel sorry for Roseanne.

I think she got what she deserved.

Edward64 06-25-2018 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kodos (Post 3209208)
I think she got what she deserved.

Yeah probably.

I did have a colleague that took ambien and went to sleep on a flight. When he landed, people were telling him he was talking and socializing with them and he had no recollection.

miami_fan 06-27-2018 04:32 PM

This is probably better placed here than in the MLB thread. Which is it?

Insensitive comments?

Racial charged comments?

Or Racist comments?

NobodyHere 06-27-2018 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3209209)
Yeah probably.

I did have a colleague that took ambien and went to sleep on a flight. When he landed, people were telling him he was talking and socializing with them and he had no recollection.

I also have an experience of blacking out after taking Ambien and then apparently socializing and even playing chess.

EagleFan 06-27-2018 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by miami_fan (Post 3209741)
This is probably better placed here than in the MLB thread. Which is it?

Insensitive comments?

Racial charged comments?

Or Racist comments?

Seems to be some irresponsible reporting going on. While it could have been racial, I see nothing other than speculation. Going from insensitive to full blown racist rant with no report of what the comments actually was seems more than a stretch.

It may turn out that it was racial, but let the evidence come out before casting judgment.

Edward64 06-27-2018 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3209742)
I also have an experience of blacking out after taking Ambien and then apparently socializing and even playing chess.

So I guess I can easily believe Roseanne saying she took ambien and didn't mean to say those things.

But she is a big girl with lots of money. And she is a Trump supporter.

miami_fan 06-27-2018 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 3209783)
Seems to be some irresponsible reporting going on. While it could have been racial, I see nothing other than speculation. Going from insensitive to full blown racist rant with no report of what the comments actually was seems more than a stretch.

It may turn out that it was racial, but let the evidence come out before casting judgment.

True. On the other hand, the Tigers have the evidence and they laid down their judgement. The Tigers GM specifically made a point of not saying whether it was racial or sexual. And they said that is the last thing they are going to say about the matter. So I guess all we are going to get is speculation from here now on. I honestly think they did Bosio a favor to be honest in the end by not saying anything.

RainMaker 06-27-2018 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3209796)
So I guess I can easily believe Roseanne saying she took ambien and didn't mean to say those things.

But she is a big girl with lots of money. And she is a Trump supporter.

What about the other dozen or so times she said stuff?

I'm sure Ambien can mess with memory but I don't think it turns you into something you're not.

JPhillips 06-27-2018 10:21 PM

Yeah, look at her twitter feed. The whole thing is a cesspool.

BYU 14 06-28-2018 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3209796)
So I guess I can easily believe Roseanne saying she took ambien and didn't mean to say those things.

But she is a big girl with lots of money. And she is a Trump supporter.

If this is what it does to her she obviously takes it a helluva lot and has for oh, the last 30+ years.

I'd be more apt to giver her a pass if this was an isolated incident, but she has pushed the envelope for her entire career and having a twitter account just allows her to put her foot in her mouth to a wider audience now.

Julio Riddols 06-28-2018 01:38 AM

Based on personal experience working front desk at a hotel in the rural part of Western NC, Trump being president HAS made bigoted rhetoric more frequent. I hear it in gas stations around town, I heard it on my lunch breaks when I worked at the flooring plant last winter too.. How a "straight white man" is gonna fix shit. I kept my mouth shut at the time as hard as it was to do so, since I had to work with these people. Since his election, I've checked in way more loudmouths who openly brag about how Trump is on their side and he's gonna get rid of the "towelheads" and the "wetbacks". At the time he became president we had a few white workers here that took that as an opportunity to start shit with our housekeepers (mexican housekeepers) talking about Trump like he was right outside with a bus waiting to take them back across the border. They called my boss a sand nigger to his face after he fired them despite the fact that he had hired all of them when they really needed work and had also given them financial assistance when they needed it which they never repaid. If there were enough black people around I am sure I would hear more about them too. My black neighbor who had to move away was always talking about how much he dealt with on a daily basis in town and how it took all his forgiveness sometimes to not retaliate.

It isn't all the media's doing. Places like where I live are cesspools of ignorance and Fox News fed hysteria and the things I hear make me physically ill sometimes because it is all so bigoted and ridiculous.

Followers of leaders draw power and take cues from that leadership, and when the leadership is a pompous ass with no decorum who lies for his own benefit, you can bet his followers are right behind him going "Yeah, fuck you, fuck you and fuck you too" to anyone who even tries to engage them.

I bet if you were able to poll the locals here and get the answer of what they really think deep in their hearts, you'd find close to 50% of them would totally love to go back to the days of lynchings and segregated everything.

Edward64 06-28-2018 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by RainMaker (Post 3209809)
What about the other dozen or so times she said stuff?

I'm sure Ambien can mess with memory but I don't think it turns you into something you're not.

I actually didn't know about the other stuff (never was a Roseanne fan) just the last incident which is when she was referring to the ambien. I've didn't hear of other incidents with her but I can believe it.

I would agree, if she has a history of saying this stuff and she has been taking ambien, she can't blame all/most of it on ambien. (Just stop taking it and find another way to sleep)

CU Tiger 06-28-2018 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Julio Riddols (Post 3209820)
Based on personal experience working front desk at a hotel in the rural part of Western NC, Trump being president HAS made bigoted rhetoric more frequent. I hear it in gas stations around town, I heard it on my lunch breaks when I worked at the flooring plant last winter too.. How a "straight white man" is gonna fix shit. I kept my mouth shut at the time as hard as it was to do so, since I had to work with these people. Since his election, I've checked in way more loudmouths who openly brag about how Trump is on their side and he's gonna get rid of the "towelheads" and the "wetbacks". At the time he became president we had a few white workers here that took that as an opportunity to start shit with our housekeepers (mexican housekeepers) talking about Trump like he was right outside with a bus waiting to take them back across the border. They called my boss a sand nigger to his face after he fired them despite the fact that he had hired all of them when they really needed work and had also given them financial assistance when they needed it which they never repaid. If there were enough black people around I am sure I would hear more about them too. My black neighbor who had to move away was always talking about how much he dealt with on a daily basis in town and how it took all his forgiveness sometimes to not retaliate.

It isn't all the media's doing. Places like where I live are cesspools of ignorance and Fox News fed hysteria and the things I hear make me physically ill sometimes because it is all so bigoted and ridiculous.

Followers of leaders draw power and take cues from that leadership, and when the leadership is a pompous ass with no decorum who lies for his own benefit, you can bet his followers are right behind him going "Yeah, fuck you, fuck you and fuck you too" to anyone who even tries to engage them.

I bet if you were able to poll the locals here and get the answer of what they really think deep in their hearts, you'd find close to 50% of them would totally love to go back to the days of lynchings and segregated everything.

This is the lynching segregated NC that carried (I dont know the right word, but they voted him) Obama in both elections, right?

I mean granted you are in the backwood mountain most rural piece of the state, but still lets not forget recent history.

Chief Rum 06-28-2018 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by CU Tiger (Post 3209897)
This is the lynching segregated NC that carried (I dont know the right word, but they voted him) Obama in both elections, right?

I mean granted you are in the backwood mountain most rural piece of the state, but still lets not forget recent history.

Are you saying he didn't actually experience this?

Warhammer 06-28-2018 07:35 PM

Trump was created as a backlash of the last 20 or so years. The media narrative has been about building up minorities. If you questioned whether a minority is good at a position, you were labeled a racist. EDIT: regardless of their performance at their position.

In this past election, you have a narcissist that declares he is running for office. He has never been in politics before, and he says whatever is on his mind. You have people that have felt muzzled and that no one had been listening to them for the previous 10-15 years flock to him. He is saying whatever comes to mind regardless of consequence. His opponents are life long politicians who have delivered on very few, if any, of the promises that were made to these voters. They turn to the outsider for a few reasons, he has not lied to them yet, and they feel they can trust him because he will say what is on his mind.

In the run up to the election, a Clinton presidency was presented as a foregone conclusion. How big was the landslide going to be? Instead, Trump wins. Immediately, demonstrations break out. Allegations that the election was rigged. This dominates the news for months. The voters who elected Trump become concerned that this victory is going to be taken away from them. The media (actual news media, but also including celebrities here) talks about how stupid and ignorant 50% of the country is for voting for him, including those who voted for him because he was the lesser of two evils.

With all this going on, we're surprised that these people are going to speak their minds? Unfortunately, many of these people that felt they did not have a voice are racist and blame many of the evils today on minorities.

CarterNMA 06-28-2018 07:47 PM

White People Are Cowards

Don't know much about The Root or Michael Harriot but is this some racism in the news?

miami_fan 06-28-2018 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by miami_fan (Post 3209741)
This is probably better placed here than in the MLB thread. Which is it?

Insensitive comments?

Racial charged comments?

Or Racist comments?

Bosio has given his side of the story.

CU Tiger 06-28-2018 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3209911)
Are you saying he didn't actually experience this?

No. Im sure Julio heard those things. Im also sure I can work in certain other areas in NC and hear African Americans disparage whites or Mexicans. or hear Mexicans ridicule whomever.

He happens to live in the heart of yokel...if you have ever watched the show moonshiners those NC boys are 20 minutes from him, Of course there is backwoods ignornant speech there. Im just saying its tough to swallow that 50% want to go back to segregationalist south when its a state that twice elected a black President.

Remember NC is/was a swing state. Much different than SC where I'm convinced they'd vote for the ghost of Hitler so long as you put an elephant beside his name, in most counties....

miami_fan 06-28-2018 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Warhammer (Post 3209922)
Trump was created as a backlash of the last 20 or so years. The media narrative has been about building up minorities. If you questioned whether a minority is good at a position, you were labeled a racist. EDIT: regardless of their performance at their position.

In this past election, you have a narcissist that declares he is running for office. He has never been in politics before, and he says whatever is on his mind. You have people that have felt muzzled and that no one had been listening to them for the previous 10-15 years flock to him. He is saying whatever comes to mind regardless of consequence. His opponents are life long politicians who have delivered on very few, if any, of the promises that were made to these voters. They turn to the outsider for a few reasons, he has not lied to them yet, and they feel they can trust him because he will say what is on his mind.

In the run up to the election, a Clinton presidency was presented as a foregone conclusion. How big was the landslide going to be? Instead, Trump wins. Immediately, demonstrations break out. Allegations that the election was rigged. This dominates the news for months. The voters who elected Trump become concerned that this victory is going to be taken away from them. The media (actual news media, but also including celebrities here) talks about how stupid and ignorant 50% of the country is for voting for him, including those who voted for him because he was the lesser of two evils.

With all this going on, we're surprised that these people are going to speak their minds? Unfortunately, many of these people that felt they did not have a voice are racist and blame many of the evils today on minorities.

I agree with this for the most part

The one quibble I have is with the narrative. Based on my personal experience, I think it a bit unfair to say that whites (or non minorities) are upset about the “building up of minorities” narrative. At least this is where I am giving them the benefit of the doubt. The narrative that is bothersome is that negative coverage towards whiteness (or non-minorities).

Also, at some point we may need to have a discussion about how we define minorities and non- minorities as the demographics continue to change.

Chief Rum 06-28-2018 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by CU Tiger (Post 3209931)
No. Im sure Julio heard those things. Im also sure I can work in certain other areas in NC and hear African Americans disparage whites or Mexicans. or hear Mexicans ridicule whomever.

He happens to live in the heart of yokel...if you have ever watched the show moonshiners those NC boys are 20 minutes from him, Of course there is backwoods ignornant speech there. Im just saying its tough to swallow that 50% want to go back to segregationalist south when its a state that twice elected a black President.

Remember NC is/was a swing state. Much different than SC where I'm convinced they'd vote for the ghost of Hitler so long as you put an elephant beside his name, in most counties....

Julio seems to be indicating, though, that the racist talk has increased. It's possible, of course, that he just moved there and doesn't really know, but I suspect he has been there long enough to see what changes have happened in the place from under Obama to what it is now. Considering that, it seems to me anyway, he is saying that since Trump's victory and rhetoric he has seen more overt racism in his neck of the woods, which would appear to be potentially relevant.

Julio Riddols 06-29-2018 01:35 AM

Yeah, it really is the location I think. Asheville is less than an hour away and is one of the more liberal places I have been, but here in Bryson the roads go back deep into these woods and the people are mostly long term, firmly entrenched lifers in a small town in rural, southern america.

It might not be more prevalent, but it has become more brazen really. I think before it would be whispers here and there, but it was generally under the surface. Those people who used to whisper with their buddies in the back are just talking louder now and less afraid than they were before. They are, by definition, emboldened by Trump. With that as my basis, I'd have to guess that anyone who is cut from the same cloth anywhere in America is likely to exhibit the same behavior. It might be a fairly small minority of people, but their voices have gotten louder since the election and I'd say that they are at least part of the crowd from which the added tension is originating.

I'd expect the same kind of emboldened talk from a minority of liberals if they were the ones in power, but it would just be a different type of bigotry - Part of that is due to social media, part of it is immaturity, part of it is a genuine hatred for the people who oppose their belief system. The only difference, I think, is that the democratic leadership in that situation would likely be the first to condemn the acts of their brethren as divisive and not an acceptable way to bring this country back from the brink it seems to be resting on. Trumps administration almost seems to revel in it.

This is just an extremely divided country right now and I don't think it'll heal without a tremendous voter turnout that swings the presidency, the house and the senate heavily blue for maybe half a century. I just don't think there are enough Republican candidates out there who want to bring their party back toward the middle to bring about a change if their party remains the majority.

We're divided among so many lines too.. Race, gender, income and age to name a few. This is almost certainly being aided by online presences from Russia and any other country that is interested in a weaker U.S. - They know how to sew seeds of division and we basically want to kill each other right now, leaving those countries to laugh at us chasing our tails while it all falls down around us.

ISiddiqui 06-29-2018 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by miami_fan (Post 3209741)
This is probably better placed here than in the MLB thread. Which is it?

Insensitive comments?

Racial charged comments?

Or Racist comments?

According to Ken Rosenthal and Katie Strang at The Athletic (paywall):

Sources: Chris Bosio was fired for directing a racial slur at a clubhouse attendant – The Athletic


Bosio called the attendant, who is African-American, a “monkey,” according to four team sources. The remark was directed toward the young man, who was collecting towels from the coaches’ room at the time, during a post-game gripe session in which Bosio was lamenting about a pitcher.

During this exchange, Bosio made a derogatory comment about one of the Tigers pitchers and then gestured toward the attendant before adding, “like this monkey here,” the sources said.

And the whole "Spider Monkey" defense..


Stumpf told The Detroit Free Press Thursday night that he was not aware of that nickname. All four sources who spoke to The Athletic disputed Bosio’s account.

So it seems like NBC and the NYPost were correct after all.

miami_fan 06-29-2018 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by miami_fan (Post 3209935)
I agree with this for the most part

The one quibble I have is with the narrative. Based on my personal experience, I think it a bit unfair to say that whites (or non minorities) are upset about the “building up of minorities” narrative. At least this is where I am giving them the benefit of the doubt. The narrative that is bothersome is that negative coverage towards whiteness (or non-minorities).

Also, at some point we may need to have a discussion about how we define minorities and non- minorities as the demographics continue to change.

Damn I am getting old. The George Allen controversy feels like it was more than just twelve years ago. The article does navigate some of the things that discussed in this thread.

Edward64 07-07-2018 06:49 AM

This was in the news recently. There may be additional context but, as I read it, I don't see this as a racial issue.

I live in a subdivision in suburbia. We have a neighborhood watch and posted signs of non-solicitation. Its a relatively peaceful neighborhood but there have been car break-in's, vandalism etc.

Our subdivision FB has numerous posts about calling 911 for folks soliciting. African Americans, white, school kids, sometimes a religious parent & child, students wanting to sell something to help them do sometime etc. (admittedly, the only exception I've seen are girl scouts selling cookies).

Our HOA has said its is okay to call 911 and there's not been any feedback from the sheriff not to do so.

I can easily imagine a neighbor calling 911 on the woman if she was wandering around the neighborhood and it wouldn't be about race.

#WhileBlack: Calling police on black people become teachable moments for law enforcement
A black state lawmaker from Oregon up for re-election was knocking on doors in her Portland-area district this week when someone called 911 on her.

It all ended amicably — the lawmaker, state Rep. Janelle Bynum, even took a smiling selfie with the sheriff's deputy who responded and received an apology from the woman who called 911 — but the incident just added to a growing list of the police being called on black people doing ordinary, nonthreatening things.

While the incidents have provoked outrage among African-Americans, they have also proven frustrating for police, who warn that calling 911 and tying up officers on frivolous calls may take them away from more serious situations.

What happened to Bynum "just took it over the top for me — you can't even go door to door without having police called," said Clarence Cox III, president of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, or Noble, which advocates for justice in policing.

Julio Riddols 07-07-2018 07:16 AM

Yeah, I doubt this was an incident that was racially driven, at least in that context. Racists don't strike me as an apologetic people. It'll still get lumped into the pile, which sucks. It's not productive to give your opponent any ground to stand on when you're arguing your side of something.

It's a problem I see with every movement really, there are always some fringe people who just want to make everything a controversy instead of thinking about the way it looks when you're the one who is flipping out over something so minor or made up that it becomes a detriment to the cause you are supposedly trying to support. Feminism, MeToo, Occupy Wall Street, and on and on ad nauseum.. All these ideas are ruined by people who join the movement with a misguided thought that they can make a difference by just finding something to get mad about and then screaming as loud as possible. Meanwhile there is a real message out there getting dragged through the mud behind a runaway dumb truck.

Edward64 07-24-2018 05:32 AM

Turns out it wasn't racism or racial bias and the cop's body camera helped. Sad situation for the kid but good for the cop that was exonerated.

A police department in Georgia says it is investigating the circumstances that led an officer to forcefully restrain a young boy.

Video of the encounter spread through social media, drawing allegations of excessive force. On Monday, as furor over the video grew, Athens-Clarke County Police released the officer's body camera footage and a statement regarding the incident.

Chief R. Scott Freeman has ordered an internal affairs investigation, the statement said, and the Athens-Clarke County attorney is reviewing the incident because a juvenile is involved.

The woman who posted the original video on Facebook did not return CNN's emails or Facebook messages attempting to reach her. Her video prompted allegations of racial bias because the officer is white and the boy is black. But the body camera footage offers additional context: the raw emotional reaction of a child witnessing a parent's arrest.

cuervo72 07-24-2018 04:59 PM

Let's combine racism with guns!

A new father was fatally shot after confronting a man who hurled the n-word at his friend, police say - The Washington Post

Edward64 07-25-2018 05:13 AM

The n-word starts at about 3:10. It really goes from bad to worse after that with the buttocks.

TBH, I'm not sure he's a racist but he is definitely stupid.

Jason Spencer, a Georgia state lawmaker who dropped his trousers and repeatedly used the "n-word" on an episode of the Showtime series "Who Is America?" on Sunday night, has announced his resignation.
Spencer was pranked into believing the comedian was an Israeli anti-terrorism expert who was able to convince the legislator that a series of racist acts would protect him against terrorists
From there, Cohen engaged in a series of supposed anti-terrorism exercises that included telling Spencer to yell as a way of attracting attention during an ISIS kidnapping attempt.

"In America there is one forbidden word," Cohen said. "It is the 'n-word.'"
After Spencer yelled the racial slur, Cohen responded "Are you crazy? The 'n-word' is noonie! Not this word. This word is disgusting."

"Got it," Spencer said.

Cohen also got Spencer to imitate an Asian accent in an exercise that had him pretending to be an Asian tourist in an attempt to take a photo under a person's burqa and to drop his trousers "to use your buttocks to intimidate ISIS."

Mota 07-25-2018 05:27 AM

Yeah I saw it and he pretty much offended every minority in one shot.

There's no excuse.

Edward64 07-25-2018 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Mota (Post 3212596)
Yeah I saw it and he pretty much offended every minority in one shot.

There's no excuse.

I was thinking, "you're in GA, get yourself a carry permit".

miami_fan 10-16-2018 05:27 AM

Woman blocks man from entering his own apartment in St. Louis

miami_fan 10-16-2018 05:35 AM

Also, I have no idea what happened prior to the recording happening because that is a thing that has to be said.

Edward64 10-16-2018 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by miami_fan (Post 3220374)
Also, I have no idea what happened prior to the recording happening because that is a thing that has to be said.

Here's the video (couldn't get it to work on my PC though).

You don't see what he was wearing or how he was acting before and I guess he could have looked "suspicious". TBH, if I lived there and saw someone that really did not "fit" look I would have called 911 (or apt security) regardless if he was black or white. But I certainly would not have confronted the person.

Woman Fired After Video Shows Her Blocking Her Black Man from Condo |

I am somewhat troubled by her firing. It wasn't on company business or in a company site. She screwed up in her personal life this one time, let her apologize and move on.

Butter 10-16-2018 06:10 AM

Yeah, but the article says she works for a minority-owned company. I don't fault them for firing her. If she wants to sue them, go for it.

Edward64 10-16-2018 06:19 AM

I found this article interesting. It reports on Chinese racism in Kenya but also how China is investing in Africa.

I do believe a large % (probably majority) of Chinese from China are racist. How they have been enclosed, brought up is definitely a factor and it'll take several generations of continued global participation for their attitudes to change.

The investing in Africa made me wonder if China is making the right bets on natural resources, alliances etc. and if the US should be doing the same there. I don't think so but really don't know.

Honolulu_Blue 10-16-2018 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3220375)
Here's the video (couldn't get it to work on my PC though).

You don't see what he was wearing or how he was acting before and I guess he could have looked "suspicious". TBH, if I lived there and saw someone that really did not "fit" look I would have called 911 (or apt security) regardless if he was black or white. But I certainly would not have confronted the person.

Woman Fired After Video Shows Her Blocking Her Black Man from Condo |

I am somewhat troubled by her firing. It wasn't on company business or in a company site. She screwed up in her personal life this one time, let her apologize and move on.

Actions have consequences.

dubb93 10-16-2018 08:23 AM

So according to the video she wouldn’t let him in even though he had his keys. Yet after watching the video she clearly tells him that if he wants in there is a keypad. So at face value I would say he isn’t telling the whole story.

The story could just as easily be title, “Man tries to enter locked gate behind woman with key at night, refuses to produce his own key.” She should have just shut the door and let him use his key. When I lived in an apartment the rule right in the lease stated you need to have your keyfob on you at all times when using the facilities on the grounds. Failure to have your keyfob would result in you being denied entrance, ejected from the facility, and after the third time you would lose all access to facilities. We had entrance to apartments from the outside, but if our apartment doors were inside I imagine the same rules would apply. They both escalated this needlessly.

CU Tiger 10-16-2018 08:32 AM

I'm a firm right to work and at will employment proponent so I have no issue with her firing on any level.

This seems like an obvious situation from the info provided.

But the race bait videos present a half story. Has this woman lived there any length of time? Has she ever called the police before for suspicious people? Were they all black or has she called on suspicious people of other ethnicities?

All these can be mitigating factors.

I'm a bit hyper sensitive to the issue right now. I have a small real estate rental company. I have a hired property manager that handles maintenance, repairs, leasing and end term. We had an applicant disappointed that she was turned down for housing come in camera blazing yelling repeatedly "tell everyone you wouldn't rent to me because I'm black" then shared the video. It got some local facebook attention (nowhere near as many views) then died down. Then I got a call from the Action 9 news team. Race played no part in the decision, in fact the lady applied online I had no idea of her race (For whats its worth her first name was Cindy...)she was disqualified because she had a sub 500 credit score. Had 3 evictions in the past 5 years and 2 felony assault convictions. Each of those 3 are eliminators by themselves as clearly stated on our application.

The most ridiculous part of the whole ordeal. The tenant we did rent to was a black single female. Only legally I cant say that when I have a TV news dude on the phone because of fair housing practices.

The boy (lady) who cried wolf makes folks turn a blind eye to real issues I fear.

Noop 10-16-2018 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Butter (Post 3220376)
Yeah, but the article says she works for a minority-owned company. I don't fault them for firing her. If she wants to sue them, go for it.

Sue them for what? Was it a racially motivated firing?

BYU 14 10-16-2018 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3220375)
TBH, if I lived there and saw someone that really did not "fit" look I would have called 911 (or apt security) regardless if he was black or white. But I certainly would not have confronted the person.

I am somewhat troubled by her firing. It wasn't on company business or in a company site. She screwed up in her personal life this one time, let her apologize and move on.

Just curious what you define as "fit." Maybe a poor choice of wording, but you realize in today's society "acceptable" attire/appearance encompasses a wide array of looks. Hell, I can go from looking like I belong in a board room to looking like I belong in the Aryan Brotherhood by simply ditching the suit and exposing my tats.

In terms of the firing, that is what you are going to get in a right to work situation, and in this case it could even be considered for cause depending on company policy. Companies are very protective of their brand in today's hyper-sensitive social media driven world and can let you go for anything that appears in these mediums that cast a poor light on them, or conflicts with their core values. If she witnessed what she though was criminal behavior, be smart (and safe) and call the PD. Otherwise accept that a black person, dressed like a 'rapper' just may belong in the same building as you.


Originally Posted by CU Tiger (Post 3220389)
I'm a firm right to work and at will employment proponent so I have no issue with her firing on any level.

The boy (lady) who cried wolf makes folks turn a blind eye to real issues I fear.

This is a huge problem in today's environment. My wife works for a fortune 500 company and is on the African American resource group there. She expressed dismay in the past about a couple of people who just used the forum to bitch about they were being held down and discriminated against all the time.

She finally called one of them out on it and asked why they chose to continue to be the victim and what had they done to elevate themselves? The response was, "well it is little easier for you being married to a white man." Shit like this drives my wife nuts! She was a successful single mother, who purchased a house and was in a management position with the VA before she ever met me and she pretty much destroyed the other woman for that comment. Fortunately others in the group also called out the behavior and comments and those two have since fallen into line with what the true purpose of the group is.

The problem though is this victim mentality still exists with far too many people who see an opportunity to make everything about race, when as in your case, it is the farthest thing from the truth. A more serious consequence is that it severely undermines the very real racism that still exists in this country and even empowers those that carry racism in their heart because they get to point at examples like yours and say "see, they are just playing the race card"

miami_fan 10-16-2018 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3220375)
Here's the video (couldn't get it to work on my PC though).

You don't see what he was wearing or how he was acting before and I guess he could have looked "suspicious". TBH, if I lived there and saw someone that really did not "fit" look I would have called 911 (or apt security) regardless if he was black or white. But I certainly would not have confronted the person.

Woman Fired After Video Shows Her Blocking Her Black Man from Condo |

I am somewhat troubled by her firing. It wasn't on company business or in a company site. She screwed up in her personal life this one time, let her apologize and move on.

I'll bite.

Is there a dress code and a standard of behavior where you live just to gain access to your home? Also what exactly is the proper "fit" for your neighborhood and how is that determined?

CU Tiger 10-16-2018 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by BYU 14 (Post 3220392)

This is a huge problem in today's environment. My wife works for a fortune 500 company and is on the African American resource group there. She expressed dismay in the past about a couple of people who just used the forum to bitch about they were being held down and discriminated against all the time.

She finally called one of them out on it and asked why they chose to continue to be the victim and what had they done to elevate themselves? The response was, "well it is little easier for you being married to a white man." Shit like this drives my wife nuts! She was a successful single mother, who purchased a house and was in a management position with the VA before she ever met me and she pretty much destroyed the other woman for that comment. Fortunately others in the group also called out the behavior and comments and those two have since fallen into line with what the true purpose of the group is.

The problem though is this victim mentality still exists with far too many people who see an opportunity to make everything about race, when as in your case, it is the farthest thing from the truth. A more serious consequence is that it severely undermines the very real racism that still exists in this country and even empowers those that carry racism in their heart because they get to point at examples like yours and say "see, they are just playing the race card"

We don't have a like button here so...quoting this to say, Amen.

Warhammer 10-16-2018 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3220375)
Here's the video (couldn't get it to work on my PC though).

You don't see what he was wearing or how he was acting before and I guess he could have looked "suspicious". TBH, if I lived there and saw someone that really did not "fit" look I would have called 911 (or apt security) regardless if he was black or white. But I certainly would not have confronted the person.

Woman Fired After Video Shows Her Blocking Her Black Man from Condo |

I am somewhat troubled by her firing. It wasn't on company business or in a company site. She screwed up in her personal life this one time, let her apologize and move on.

Depending upon what her job was with the company, you can justify it. If she was responsible for showing units to potential renters or approving applications this opens up a whole can of worms for the company. It is already difficult enough to defend against frivolous complaints as CU Tiger points out, much less one that may have some weight due to what the employee did in their private life.

miami_fan 10-16-2018 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by dubb93 (Post 3220387)
So according to the video she wouldn’t let him in even though he had his keys. Yet after watching the video she clearly tells him that if he wants in there is a keypad. So at face value I would say he isn’t telling the whole story.

The story could just as easily be title, “Man tries to enter locked gate behind woman with key at night, refuses to produce his own key.” She should have just shut the door and let him use his key. When I lived in an apartment the rule right in the lease stated you need to have your keyfob on you at all times when using the facilities on the grounds. Failure to have your keyfob would result in you being denied entrance, ejected from the facility, and after the third time you would lose all access to facilities. We had entrance to apartments from the outside, but if our apartment doors were inside I imagine the same rules would apply. They both escalated this needlessly.

If I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, she lost it when she CALLED THE POLICE AFTER HE ENTERED HIS APARTMENT!

Or taking it at face value, she called the police because her neighbor did not accept her attempt at getting to know him better.:rolleyes:

Edward64 10-16-2018 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by miami_fan (Post 3220396)
I'll bite.

Is there a dress code and a standard of behavior where you live just to gain access to your home? Also what exactly is the proper "fit" for your neighborhood and how is that determined?

No, not to your own home. Is there one for my neighborhood so as to not look suspicious when entering or walking around it, sure.

Proper "fit" is obviously pretty subjective and there is no set 1-2-3 code-of-dress. If it wasn't Halloween and someone came dressed as a pimp or looked run-down, yeah I would be suspicious.

Edward64 10-16-2018 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by BYU 14 (Post 3220392)
Just curious what you define as "fit." Maybe a poor choice of wording, but you realize in today's society "acceptable" attire/appearance encompasses a wide array of looks. Hell, I can go from looking like I belong in a board room to looking like I belong in the Aryan Brotherhood by simply ditching the suit and exposing my tats.

See my response to miami_fan above.


Originally Posted by BYU 14 (Post 3220392)
In terms of the firing, that is what you are going to get in a right to work situation, and in this case it could even be considered for cause depending on company policy. Companies are very protective of their brand in today's hyper-sensitive social media driven world and can let you go for anything that appears in these mediums that cast a poor light on them, or conflicts with their core values. If she witnessed what she though was criminal behavior, be smart (and safe) and call the PD. Otherwise accept that a black person, dressed like a 'rapper' just may belong in the same building as you.

I absolutely agree about calling PD or apt security first, she was pretty stupid and if he was a bad guy, it may have turned out bad for her.

I don't disagree that actions have consequences, I believe people should be held accountable for their actions. I question if it rises to the level of firing (e.g. was this truly racially motivated, have other co-workers complained about her before etc.).


Originally Posted by BYU 14 (Post 3220392)
This is a huge problem in today's environment. My wife works for a fortune 500 company and is on the African American resource group there. She expressed dismay in the past about a couple of people who just used the forum to bitch about they were being held down and discriminated against all the time.

She finally called one of them out on it and asked why they chose to continue to be the victim and what had they done to elevate themselves? The response was, "well it is little easier for you being married to a white man." Shit like this drives my wife nuts! She was a successful single mother, who purchased a house and was in a management position with the VA before she ever met me and she pretty much destroyed the other woman for that comment. Fortunately others in the group also called out the behavior and comments and those two have since fallen into line with what the true purpose of the group is.

The problem though is this victim mentality still exists with far too many people who see an opportunity to make everything about race, when as in your case, it is the farthest thing from the truth. A more serious consequence is that it severely undermines the very real racism that still exists in this country and even empowers those that carry racism in their heart because they get to point at examples like yours and say "see, they are just playing the race card"

I don't disagree.

CU Tiger 10-16-2018 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3220404)
I don't disagree that actions have consequences, I believe people should be held accountable for their actions. I question if it rises to the level of firing (e.g. was this truly racially motivated, have other co-workers complained about her before etc.).

Here is what I think you are missing. It doesnt matter what her motivation was or what she has done in the past. If she is my employee she is gone. Period.

Because the public perception of what she did could negatively impact my business. When you put yourself in a position to be a detriment to my business you have to find somewhere else to work.

Butter 10-16-2018 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Noop (Post 3220390)
Sue them for what? Was it a racially motivated firing?

Who knows what her perception is. That's her recourse if she didn't like being fired though, or felt it was "unfair".

BYU 14 10-16-2018 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by CU Tiger (Post 3220407)
Here is what I think you are missing. It doesnt matter what her motivation was or what she has done in the past. If she is my employee she is gone. Period.

Because the public perception of what she did could negatively impact my business. When you put yourself in a position to be a detriment to my business you have to find somewhere else to work.

Bingo, and look at us, agreeing twice in one day LOL.

NobodyHere 10-29-2018 03:05 PM

'Megyn Kelly Today' is done, NBC reveals following blackface scandal

Either Megyn Kelly is an idiot or she was done with NBC and was re-auditioning for a Fox News gig.

BYU 14 10-29-2018 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3221597)
'Megyn Kelly Today' is done, NBC reveals following blackface scandal

Either Megyn Kelly is an idiot or she was done with NBC and was re-auditioning for a Fox News gig.

Two birds with one stone I am sure

PilotMan 10-29-2018 09:26 PM

Ack, I broke it.

BishopMVP 10-30-2018 01:03 AM

Damn, never realized PilotMan was a bot. AI really has gotten better recently!

BYU 14 10-30-2018 08:31 AM

Holy mega link Batman

Ben E Lou 10-30-2018 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 3221651)
Ack, I broke it.

I fixed it. :cool:

tarcone 10-30-2018 01:31 PM

Back to the St Louis woman.

In the HOA indentures it tells the residents not to let anyone without their keyfob. HE refused to show her his fob.

There had been incidents of theft and what not because people getting in with out a key fob.

And this is down town St Louis. One of the most dangerous cities in the country.

I think this was blown way out of proportion.

Edward64 10-30-2018 08:34 PM

Pretty sad. Wonder what she is thinking now?

North Carolina woman fired, could be charged for harassing black sisters in viral video - CBS News

"Is your boyfriend here? Is your baby daddy here?" Westwood says near the beginning of one video. "Nobody cares! I'm white and I'm hot. I'm white and I'm hot."

Westwood repeatedly brags about her $125,000 salary, saying at one point, "I'm white and I make $125,000 a year and I want to make sure that you're all up in here." She also curses at the sisters as they ask her to leave them alone.

After the sisters walk away and one says she will call 911, Westwood yells to them, "Do I need to bring out my concealed weapon, too?"

The incident happened October 19. After one of the sisters posted the footage on Facebook Friday, Westwood's employer, Spectrum Enterprises, which is owned by Charter Communications, said she was fired.

The real question is hot or not? Not.

NobodyHere 10-30-2018 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3221857)
Pretty sad. Wonder what she is thinking now?

North Carolina woman fired, could be charged for harassing black sisters in viral video - CBS News

The real question is hot or not? Not.

I was just thinking of posting a poll

Edward64 10-30-2018 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by NobodyHere (Post 3221859)
I was just thinking of posting a poll

Please do start those series of threads again!

Maybe they'll let us do them again? Maybe we can do these polls without pictures?

NobodyHere 10-30-2018 09:07 PM

Who's stopping people from posting a poll? I haven't tried posting one in a while.

Edward64 10-30-2018 09:16 PM

I seem to remember the mods banning those threads. Too porn-like or something.

If they have mellowed/chilled out, let's start with Gal Gadot!

BYU 14 11-01-2018 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by tarcone (Post 3221771)
Back to the St Louis woman.

In the HOA indentures it tells the residents not to let anyone without their keyfob. HE refused to show her his fob.

There had been incidents of theft and what not because people getting in with out a key fob.

And this is down town St Louis. One of the most dangerous cities in the country.

I think this was blown way out of proportion.

Not when she follow shim to his apartment, sees him enter with a key and still calls the police. Her dumbass should not have been standing there with the door open either, pretty sure the HOA advises residents not to that as well.

RainMaker 11-01-2018 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by tarcone (Post 3221771)
Back to the St Louis woman.

In the HOA indentures it tells the residents not to let anyone without their keyfob. HE refused to show her his fob.

There had been incidents of theft and what not because people getting in with out a key fob.

And this is down town St Louis. One of the most dangerous cities in the country.

I think this was blown way out of proportion.

If she truly felt this was a criminal, she can call the police (as she did).

But she isn't the police, she isn't paid security for the building, she's just a resident like he is. He doesn't have to answer to her authority because she has none over him.

If a stranger blocked you from entering your home unless you showed your ID or something, how would you react?

RainMaker 11-01-2018 01:43 AM

I would also not be that mad if the police were called on me in that situation. If you're suspicious, maybe play it safe.

But if it's my home that I paid a bunch of money for that you're blocking me from entering, that's going to piss me off. And I would not have been as nice as he was.

BishopMVP 11-01-2018 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3221857)
Pretty sad. Wonder what she is thinking now?

North Carolina woman fired, could be charged for harassing black sisters in viral video - CBS News

The real question is hot or not? Not.

Hey, that's (more or less) my neighborhood! I'm not sure if that's more par for the course for the area once you start going past the SouthPark Mall towards the country clubs (rather than the college/transplant part I'm in that's closer to Uptown), or more par for the course for a Spectrum employee interacting with potential costumers... The only really surprising things are that she was actually confronting people instead of being passive aggressive, and that she somehow thinks she's hot. Clearly delusional, I'm glad she was fired, evicted, and criminally charged. (Not sure if people are exaggerating, but I guess she also called 911 on the cops when they responded because one of them was black and "black people were surrounding her".)

illinifan999 11-23-2018 02:11 AM

Chipotle Rehired A Minnesota Manager After Racist Accusations In Viral Video Had Her Fired

Edward64 11-23-2018 08:13 AM

Don't really know the full story here but I would assume fired Manager told HQ about seeing the "dine and dash" but they still decided to fire her and only relented when social media started to push back.

Lathum 11-23-2018 08:59 AM

Perfect example of how companies are pressured to act now instead of actually take time to study all aspects before firing someone.

NobodyHere 11-23-2018 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3224138)
Don't really know the full story here but I would assume fired Manager told HQ about seeing the "dine and dash" but they still decided to fire her and only relented when social media started to push back.

Yeah between the E-Coli and the company not standing up for their employees, I'm not going to Chipotle any time soon.

JPhillips 11-24-2018 10:05 AM

Sounds like police killed an innocent Black man with a gun in Alabama while the shooter got away. I expect the NRA will be issuing a statement any minute now.

cuervo72 11-24-2018 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 3224191)
Sounds like police killed an innocent Black man with a gun in Alabama while the shooter got away. I expect the NRA will be issuing a statement any minute now.

Yeah, wasn't sure if this belonged here or in the shootings thread. Both, really.

But I think this illustrates - "good guy with a gun" probably doesn't include black people. If you're a black guy with a gun, you're gonna get shot.

Great police work, too. "Welp, we shot a black guy. Case closed. Go us - bravery!"

Edward64 11-24-2018 04:32 PM

It may well turn out to be a "good black guy with a gun" and a police screwup but IMO too early to start making fun of the cops.

PilotMan 11-24-2018 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Edward64 (Post 3224224)
It may well turn out to be a "good black guy with a gun" and a police screwup but IMO too early to start making fun of the cops.

I think that questioning their complete satisfaction on Thursday that had completely gotten this one right is certainly enough to comment on. By then the narrative had been solidified and even after they said, "well, maybe we messed up" some citizens had decided that this 'thug' was to blame somehow. That alone shows poor decision making, at the least.

cuervo72 11-24-2018 07:37 PM

It's not making fun of them. It is criticizing them for bad work -- when they are patting themselves on the back for that bad work.

Edward64 11-26-2018 09:03 PM

A little more context but still too early to tell IMO. The last 2 paragraphs will hopefully get us an answer.

Also highlighted the quote that said many others had their weapons drawn also. There are going to be some lessons learned here on what gun carry folks should or not do in this situation.

Alabama police offer new explanation for shooting wrong man - BBC News

Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford Jr, 21, had "brandished a gun" as police responded to Thursday's incident at the shopping centre near Birmingham, they said.
Hoover Police Department said on Monday: "We can say with certainty Mr Bradford brandished a gun during the seconds following the gunshots, which instantly heightened the sense of threat to approaching police officers responding to the chaotic scene."

Mr Bradford had a permit to carry a weapon, according to his family. Under Alabama gun law, it is not illegal to carry a firearm in public.
As people fled, witnesses reported many people had their own guns out, according to NPR.

When police arrived on scene, a uniformed officer saw Mr Bradford with a firearm and shot him to death, believing him to be the gunman.
The updated police statement said: "New evidence suggests that while Bradford may have been involved in some aspect of the altercation, he likely did not fire the rounds that injured the 18-year-old victim."
According to, Mr Bradford was friends with the 18-year-old who was shot and seriously hurt.

Mr Bradford's family cited witnesses as saying that he had been trying to help by waving people to safety.
Monday's police statement noted that bodycam and other available footage has been turned over to the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department as the investigation continues.
Authorities said they have some information on the initial shooter and are working towards an arrest.

Ben E Lou 11-28-2018 11:58 AM

NC high school students disciplined for racist video | Charlotte Observer

This is the school my kids would attend if they go to public high schools. (Completely unrelated to this incident, they most likely won't.)

Edward64 11-28-2018 12:45 PM

And I read the WI kids with the Hitler salute are getting away with it. I hope they had a good talking to from their parents.

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