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AnalBumCover 09-05-2006 06:45 PM

The Officialish FOFC Weight Loss Dynasty
There are a couple of weight loss dynasties in this forum, as well as other health-conscious dynasties such as Mizzou's Quitting Smokeless dynasty and Radii's No-Soda dynasty. Well, I'd like to join in on the fun with my own weight loss journal. But instead of it being my own dynasty, I'll open it up to everyone who'd like to participate and post their own progress.

I know it's already being done at SirFozzie's and duckman's dynasties (and I mean no disrespect to them), but with this "The Officialish FOFC Weight Loss Dynasty" there can finally be a nexus where those with a desire to lose weight can visit - a support group, if you will.

Anyways, my story: In almost exactly one year from today, I'll be standing at the altar watching my beautiful bride walk down the aisle toward me. With that vision in my head, I have given myself a reason to start my own weight loss program and become a more health-conscious person so I can start my new chapter in life as a healthy and lean man.

Here are my stats as of Monday morning: I'm only 5'5" and weigh 220.0 lbs. I have a digital weighing scale that provides body fat percentage so I'll be updating my progress with that as well (currently 30% :eek: ).

I'll be weighing myself every Monday and Friday mornings - I chose these days for the following reasons: Friday to show how I progressed after a regular work-week, and then Monday to see the effects from over the weekend (where more social activities may disrupt my eating habits).

So, my one-year goal is to get myself to under 200 lbs. Ideally closer to 190. And dammit, cut that body fat to under 20%!

Sept 4, 2006 weigh-in: 220.0 lbs, 30% body fat.

And thus begins my journey. I can't wait to hear yours!

SirFozzie 09-05-2006 08:28 PM

I've been sick the weekend, so haven't been able to work out.

Greyroofoo 09-07-2006 06:45 PM

I just though I'd move this away from SirFozzie's thread...

I'm in the process of losing weight too. I'm 5'3 I went from weighing almost 170 in April down to 150 w/ on and off dieting and exercising. My goal right now is to get my weight down to under 140 and get a perfect 100 on the Air Force PT Test. I passed my last one in April, but I'm rather dissapointed in my score.

Positive Things I've done :

1. Eat a lot healthier. I used to eat/drink a lot of coke, nachos, red meat, ice cream, Doritos, and fried food. My diet now consists of lots of salad (no dressing, some cheese, crutons, and cherry tomatoes), plenty of apples and bananas, and some pasta. My meats usually include grilled chicken or baked fish. Also turkey sandwiches.

2. Weigh myself EVERY day. It keeps my weight on my mind thus making it easier for me to be more conscious of what I eat.

3. Exercise, exercise, exercise. I try to run at least 3 miles 3 days a week at minimum. Currently it takes me about 33 minutes to do so. I also do a variety of bike and elliptical machine to shake things up. I also play ultimate frisbee w/ coworkers (so lots and LOTS of running while doing that).

4. Do "Pushup Cards" at work 3 times a day. The premise is simple, I draw 3 cards from a deck and I do the number thats on the card (Aces are 15, Jokers 25). Diamond cards mean diamond pushups. Spades mean clapping pushups. If I don't get at least 20 pushups, I draw another card until I have at least 20.

5. Drink lots of water. Rarely will you find me w/o a cup or bottle of water around.

My Vices:

1. I am a weekend alcoholic as any reader of the Ping: Drunk Guy thread probably knows. Alcohol generally has a lot of calories. I have reduced my drinking but I don't forsee eliminating it completely anytime soon.

2. Occasional splurges. I'm a sucker for PapaJohn's pizza and that stuff is horribly loaded with calories. I have read that splurging occasionally is good since it keeps your body from adjusting to a low-calorie diet and thus slowing your metabolism.

3. Motivation. I admit I probably could get diagnosed for depression and sometimes I wonder why I'm even trying to lose weight and get more fit. Just gotta keep a good attitude.

4. Weight-Lifting. I want to get more muscle, but I hate lifting weights. I at least on a treadmill I can watch sports or the news. Weightlifting at the gym does not afford me that opportunity.

Right now I use WeightTracker to keep track of my weight. I personally like seeing how my weight is changing over time.

AnalBumCover 09-08-2006 11:55 AM

Welcome SirFozzie and Greyroofoo! Glad to see your participation in this thread.

It's Friday morning, and time for my first official weigh-in. Since my first post, I've been more concsious on what foods I take in. For the most part, I cook my own dinners so it's easy for me to control what I make and how much. Any left over, I take to work for lunch.

I've cut out sodas from my regular intake, but I did manage to sneak in a diet 7-up for dinner last night - the only one for the week. I add Splenda to my coffee, with non-dairy creamer. Having to wake up at 4:30am for an early workday, I can't cut out my coffee.

I haven't started an exercise regimen just yet. But I'll be putting something together to fit my schedule and lifestyle. Like Greyroofoo, I too have a motivation issue to overcome.

With that said, my Friday Morning Progress Report.

09/08/06: 217.6 lbs (-2.4 lbs), 31% body fat (+1%)

A little reminder to myself: Exactly one year from today (09/08/07) I will be married. Speaking of getting married, my good friend's wedding is this weekend, so it'll be interesting to see on Monday morning how I came out.

Greyroofoo 09-08-2006 04:15 PM

What's an easy way to find out your body fat?

PilotMan 09-08-2006 09:06 PM

Well this seems as good a place as any for me to be. Ever since highschool ended (13yrs ago) I have slowly been watching my weight go up. I have been an on and off again dieter, losing 30 lbs here only to gain it back and more. I have always been a big guy, but lately it seems like it is much harder to hide despite my large frame.

Obviously in my career health is important as I need to maintain it to keep my job. However, my job leads to a very sedentary lifestyle and you have to really work to keep the weight off. Late this summer I got an eye exam and the doctor suggested that I get my cholesterol checked. My visit to the doctor confirmed that at the very least my BP was too high for someone my age, so at the age of 31, I realized that I needed to make a commitment to myself and my family. That was about 5 weeks ago. Then I was 6'4" and 277lbs.

Since then I have worked very hard to change my diet. I have begun a regular exercise program and have met with a personal trainer a couple of times to get a good program. I find Mens Health magazine to be invaluable, and I have a strong desire to be healthy for my family and myself. Something both of my parents need to work harder at, so my genes are working against me as well. Additionaly, I am at the begininig of a new indoor soccer season. I couldn't believe how out of shape I really was until that first game. I was disgusted with myself.

I weighed a few days ago and I was 260lbs. I have been sick this week so my exercise plan has been off, hopefully I can get back soon. My goal is to be healthy, a good role model for my kids and a sexy man that my wife can't resist. I figure that I will need to get down at least into the 220's if not lower. I will not be deterred and I will not quit.

All day long I see people in my job, and the one thing that sticks out is how incredibly fat they all are. So many of the guys I work with are the same way. That will not be me anymore. Good luck guys I am here with you.

ABC that is great motivation, congrats!

biological warrior 09-09-2006 01:06 AM

I'll be looking forward to this. As for motivation March I weighed a whopping 217 lbs (a surprise to me during weigh in) I went I then went into a 6 month plan of ruck marches, running and less heavy lifting. As of today Im down to 178 lbs, with pics being updated on my space. My goal for the end of Sept is to get to 168-170 range. Good luck..

Icy 09-09-2006 05:00 AM

Ok count on me, i was going to start my own about losing weight and to recover the shape i had when i was 18 years old (i'm 31 now) but probably to do it in group will motivate us more. I start in the Gym today, in fact i'm going in 5 minutes, so i'll post my weight loss and sports goals once i get back.

biological warrior 09-09-2006 10:40 AM

Its all in the motivation....were all in it together, oh we should also take pictures of our progresses.

Icy 09-09-2006 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by biological warrior (Post 1242203)
Its all in the motivation....were all in it together, oh we should also take pictures of our progresses.

I thought on it, but i think the thread could look a bit weird full of fat guys on underwear :)

Icy 09-09-2006 11:41 AM

Ok, i'll write now my plans:

Starting point:

I'm 31 years old, 5'11" and 215 pounds. I'm a big man, with muscled shoulders, arms and chest thanks to lots of heavy lifting years ago, but covered with fat after years of just working with a computer and doing zero exercise.

Past year i started this same plan, i wanted to lose that weight before my baby was born. Went ot the gym, ran twice per week and eat less, lowering my carbs and raising the proteins. I managed to lose 15 pounds, but after my baby died i lost all my motivation, left the gym, stopped to run and started to eat as before, because that i gained that 15 pounds again. I'm motivated now and want to start again.

The goal:

My goal is to reach a weight of 180 pounds (loosing 35) and also recover the muscled body and form i had on my twenties. I had a nice body and could run for 90 minutes at low pace without it being a really big effort. In the past, it was also so easy to gain muscle for me, but fighting to keep the fat levels low. I'm not a guy who eats shit between the meals, i don't eat chocolate, sweets or unhealthy stuff but when i sit to eat... i have no finish. I expend also around 12 hours sitting in front of a computer and it doesn't help a lot.

The workouts:

I have started today in the gym again. Started running 1.5 Miles in the running machine, it took me around 15 minutes. I was sweating a lot but not so tired, the breathing was not exagerated. It looks that after not running in 5 months (i did from time to time, but without any consistency), i still keep part of the form.

After that, i started weight lifting. I tried to do it with low weigh as i know that you can be really sore after a heavy training session when you are not used, but probably i used too much and i can feel how sore will be tomorrow. It's hard to use low weight when you have trained in the past and you could use way more, my brain wanted to challenge me all the time, telling me i could use more weight. I did one exercise, for each part of the upper body (not legs as i ran before). I used basic exercises and will keep doing it for a month until i recover part of the form ang stop to feel sore.

Here is the table i have set myself for the first month, will do it 3 days per week:

Warming up and aerobics:
2 miles running in the running machine (16 minutes or so).

Bench press 4x10

Front Lat Pulldown in machine 4x10

Military press 2x10
Lateral Raise 2x10

Barbell Curl 3x10
Triceps Pushdown in machine 3x10

Ab Crunch Machine 3x20
Barbell Side Bend 1x50
Crunches 3x20

Once i get the shape again, i'll split the body parts.

I'll go the gym 3 days per week and will go out for running 2 days per week, resting the other 2 days of the week. The outside running routine will start with 3 miles per session, slow, like at 10 minutes per mile, if needed will walk part of those 3 miles. As i said before, it will be twice per week.

The diet:

During this first month i'm not going to cut carbs a lot as i want to get in shape and my muscles need to recover from the effort. I'll just start to lower the amount of food i put on my plate and for dinner i'll eat a salad with vegetables, eggs and tuna the days i don't workout at the gym and a protein shake plus the salad the days i workout. The only suplement i'll use is the proteins shake with 95% protein (no carbs) as a good way to raise my protein levels, needed to grow muscle but without adding a lot of calories.

biological warrior 09-09-2006 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by biological warrior (Post 1242116)
I'll be looking forward to this. As for motivation March I weighed a whopping 217 lbs (a surprise to me during weigh in) I went I then went into a 6 month plan of ruck marches, running and less heavy lifting. As of today Im down to 178 lbs, with pics being updated on my space. My goal for the end of Sept is to get to 168-170 range. Good luck..

Om a shade over 5'6'' and 178 lbs. back in March I weighed 217 lbs and had to wear size 38-40 pants, now I can fit comfortably in 34's, and can squeeze into a size 32.

Lorena 09-09-2006 06:35 PM

Great idea AnalBumCover! I was gonna jump on either duckman or SirFozzie's dynasty but it didn't feel right... kinda felt like I was crashing a party or something, so I hope you guys don't mind if I join your Weigh Loss Dynasty.

My Story
I'm 32 years old and grew up being very thin, but after moving out of my parent's house (when I was around 20ish) and on my own, I went crazy with burgers and pizza and all the high carb foods and naturally, started gaining. After having 2 kids, I gained even more and now, I'm about 70 lbs overweight.

My Plan
I've lost a good amount of weight following a low carb diet and will continue to do so. If anyone is interested, I have tons of information on the South Beach Diet and which foods are "legal" during certain phases and whatnot.

My workouts
I'm really bad when it comes to working out, but I'll attempt to go walking with my 2 year old around the neighborhood for about an hour and a half and sneak in a cardio workout. If I get a chance, go to the gym at our apt complex and workout my arms mostly.

Starting weight: 194.4
Goal Weight: 125

To lose 70 lbs a year (averages out to about 1.5 lb loss a week), drink more water, and watch my portion control.

Good luck everyone!

Edit: I'm posting my before pic (taken today)

Logan 09-09-2006 08:05 PM

I'll jump in on this as well.

Background: About 3-4 years ago, I was at my highest weight of 330 lbs (I'm about 5'10"). With some hard work (and during college, it's even harder with the poor eating conditions and the excessive drinking), I dropped about 130 lbs. I never got fully below the 200 mark, but I was right around it. By the time I graduated a year and a half ago, I was probably around 210. Once I started working, I slooowwwwly felt myself adding some extra pounds, as my exercise basically only consisted of walking around the city.

Recently I felt my work clothes getting a little tighter. Got back on the scale and it read 234.5 (granted it was at night, so it was probably a little inflated...but god damn, not nearly as much as I wish it was). That was on Monday night (9/ 23rd birthday). So starting Tuesday, my diet began.

The plan: Thinking about it logically, it's easy to see how I've put on weight. I've simply been eating too much. I would eat a Weight Watchers bagel for breakfast (with margarine and a slice of 2% milk american cheese) everyday. I would usually have some sort of granola bar in mid-morning and again mid-afternoon. That was along with a lunch that was way unhealthier than what I should be having (ie turkey sandwich and a bag of baked chips/pretzels). When I got home from work, since I was so hungry, I would have some other kind of snack before dinner (which are usually fairly healthy meals). Then after dinner, it was another snack. So it's very easy to see that I was eating too much. Even worse, I was eating because I was hungry, not because I was stuffing myself unnecessarily. So my appetite had grown. Bad news.

Exercise: I hate lifting weights. I just find it very boring, so therefore, I lose interest. When I lost weight before, my primary method of exercise was the bike at the gym. I don't think I'll be joining a gym again, as it would be hard for me to get there after work. About a year ago, I bought one of those stand-up heavy punching bags that you can fill in with sand or water (to a weight of about 350-400 lbs, so it's sturdy). It's great exercise, as it works a lot of muscles, and I sweat like a pig when I use it. I enjoyed it, but I started having to go out of town for work, so when I came back, I lost my rhythm and eventually lost interest.

The plan: My diet has already changed. Same breakfast, one granola bar per day, smaller lunch (like I described above), nothing before dinner, and most importantly, nothing after dinner. When I lost all that weight a few years ago, I attributed the "no eating after dinner" to be the biggest reason for the weight drop.

I've followed the above diet since Tuesday and have had good results. The first couple days, I was STARVING at times. But that gradually faded away as my stomach got more accustomed to it. Now, I'm back on the schedule where I can basically go from meal to meal without being hungry. And so far, I haven't eaten past dinner. I've also gone back to hitting the punching bag for a half hour at a time, and I've done it for 3 of 4 days (get pretty sore doing it). The plan is to keep this up.

The goal: Right now, the plan is to go on a cruise with my girlfriend in April. And I know I'm way too chunky to do that right now. Therefore, I'm going to set a 6 month goal of 195 lbs. 40 lbs in 6 months is reasonable based on how I've lost weight in the past, but I know it will be tough when it gets to the last pounds.


Start: 234.5 lbs (9/4/06)
Current: 230.5 lbs (9/9/06)
Goal: 195 lbs (3/4/06)

biological warrior 09-09-2006 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Greyroofoo (Post 1240761)
I just though I'd move this away from SirFozzie's thread...

I'm in the process of losing weight too. I'm 5'3 I went from weighing almost 170 in April down to 150 w/ on and off dieting and exercising. My goal right now is to get my weight down to under 140 and get a perfect 100 on the Air Force PT Test. I passed my last one in April, but I'm rather dissapointed in my score.

Positive Things I've done :

1. Eat a lot healthier. I used to eat/drink a lot of coke, nachos, red meat, ice cream, Doritos, and fried food. My diet now consists of lots of salad (no dressing, some cheese, crutons, and cherry tomatoes), plenty of apples and bananas, and some pasta. My meats usually include grilled chicken or baked fish. Also turkey sandwiches.

2. Weigh myself EVERY day. It keeps my weight on my mind thus making it easier for me to be more conscious of what I eat.

3. Exercise, exercise, exercise. I try to run at least 3 miles 3 days a week at minimum. Currently it takes me about 33 minutes to do so. I also do a variety of bike and elliptical machine to shake things up. I also play ultimate frisbee w/ coworkers (so lots and LOTS of running while doing that).

4. Do "Pushup Cards" at work 3 times a day. The premise is simple, I draw 3 cards from a deck and I do the number thats on the card (Aces are 15, Jokers 25). Diamond cards mean diamond pushups. Spades mean clapping pushups. If I don't get at least 20 pushups, I draw another card until I have at least 20.

5. Drink lots of water. Rarely will you find me w/o a cup or bottle of water around.

My Vices:

1. I am a weekend alcoholic as any reader of the Ping: Drunk Guy thread probably knows. Alcohol generally has a lot of calories. I have reduced my drinking but I don't forsee eliminating it completely anytime soon.

2. Occasional splurges. I'm a sucker for PapaJohn's pizza and that stuff is horribly loaded with calories. I have read that splurging occasionally is good since it keeps your body from adjusting to a low-calorie diet and thus slowing your metabolism.

3. Motivation. I admit I probably could get diagnosed for depression and sometimes I wonder why I'm even trying to lose weight and get more fit. Just gotta keep a good attitude.

4. Weight-Lifting. I want to get more muscle, but I hate lifting weights. I at least on a treadmill I can watch sports or the news. Weightlifting at the gym does not afford me that opportunity.

Right now I use WeightTracker to keep track of my weight. I personally like seeing how my weight is changing over time.

The shitty thing is that I failed my first APFT (IN MY 6 YEAR CAREER) in March. Scored perfect on PU with 83 reps in 2 min, and nearly perfect on SU with 74 in 2 min but the run got me. I scored 18 44 on the 2 mile run. Well above my normal 14 30-15 3 run time. Right now Im at 1645 (passing) but I want to get back in good shape so I can go to BNCOC and get my Rockers.

SirFozzie 09-09-2006 11:15 PM

I'll join here.

Been sick most of the week, did some working out midweek, but that was it, so I really dreaded stepping on the treadmill..

However, the news was good, I'm down to 308 (down 13 since 8/21 when I started), and within 8 pounds of my first goal weight (300)

Lorena 09-10-2006 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 1242680)
I'll join here.

Been sick most of the week, did some working out midweek, but that was it, so I really dreaded stepping on the treadmill..

However, the news was good, I'm down to 308 (down 13 since 8/21 when I started), and within 8 pounds of my first goal weight (300)

13 lbs in 3 weeks is fantastic! Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there in no time. I like the idea of setting mini-goals until we reach our desired weight. Seeing it as several 10 lb losses as opposed to one big 70 lb chunk seems so much easier.

Lorena 09-10-2006 11:26 PM

So umm... will anyone else be posting pics? I kinda dreaded posting my true weight and then a pic, but felt like I had to as a sort of motivation. I'm planning on posting my progress on a weekly basis and posting a pic on a monthly basis to see results.

SirFozzie 09-10-2006 11:28 PM

I might.. no promises though.

biological warrior 09-10-2006 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dodgerchick (Post 1243659)
So umm... will anyone else be posting pics? I kinda dreaded posting my true weight and then a pic, but felt like I had to as a sort of motivation. I'm planning on posting my progress on a weekly basis and posting a pic on a monthly basis to see results.

I will definately be posting a pic on My Space and here once I figure out how to.

finketr 09-11-2006 10:29 AM

I'm participating in this...

March 2003: 335 lbs
July 9, 2003: 297 lbs (pre-back injury 7/9/03)
October 1, 2003: 265 lbs - amazing what not being able to snack while playing games/watching tv does for your diet.

Since then: Hovered around 259 (YEAH!!) - 269 for almost 3 years but now fluctuating between

Currently 6'3", 276 lbs and fluctuating between 269-281lbs currently. A trip to Europe in April killed my diet and exercise plans and it's been a pain to get back into the swing of things wiht a brutally hot summer.

1. Maintain in the 250s by End of the year (December 2006).
2. Maintain the 230s by April, 07.
3. More importantly: loss of inches in the waist for clothes sizing. If i have to buy a new wardrobe because everything is too big, excellent.

i think i'll work on a picture or two.


Logan 09-11-2006 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Dodgerchick (Post 1243657)
13 lbs in 3 weeks is fantastic! Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there in no time. I like the idea of setting mini-goals until we reach our desired weight. Seeing it as several 10 lb losses as opposed to one big 70 lb chunk seems so much easier.

When I lost a lot of weight a few years ago, I think one of the things that really helped is that, since I was at school, I only weighed myself when I went home (about once a month since I was 25 mins away). So I was seeing my weight drop in about 10 lb increments. I think one of the ways people get off their plan (and this is something that happened to me) is that they weigh themselves daily, and don't see the progress. Or with one bad week where they don't lose anything, or even gain a couple, they get discouraged and fall off.


Originally Posted by Dodgerchick (Post 1243659)
So umm... will anyone else be posting pics? I kinda dreaded posting my true weight and then a pic, but felt like I had to as a sort of motivation. I'm planning on posting my progress on a weekly basis and posting a pic on a monthly basis to see results.

Well I wouldn't mind, but I don't really have a recent pic that would be good for this. But you shouldn't worry. Don't you have a husband on this board?

TargetPractice6 09-11-2006 07:39 PM

I started my own weight loss plan at the end of last October. I'm 5'11" and at the time I weighed 215 pounds. In the previous year before that I weighed as much as 240 pounds at times.

In October I started mainly cutting out most of the junk food I used to eat. Just cutting back on what I ate allowed me to lose 20 pounds or so over the course of the next two months.

In January of this year I started jogging 3-4 times a week. I'd always tried to incorporate excerise into my lifestyle, but I found it difficult to stay with most routines I tried. However, I found I enjoyed running and it made an absolutely huge difference. Over time I got to the point where I was running two miles almost everyday over the summer.

Since I started running I've been able to get my weight down to 165 pounds, which was my goal starting out. Physical activity is really the key to weight loss (even moreso than diet in my opinion). Once I started running I could eat substantially more and still continued to lose weight. Not having to deal with constant hunger pains definitely allowed me to succeed when previous attempts to lose weight had failed. So I strongly recommend to people that are trying to drop a few pounds to try out different activities. If you find one that you enjoy and can stick with it will definitely help you reach your goal.

Greyroofoo 09-11-2006 08:16 PM

Just a little update:

My weekend was terrible in terms of weight-loss, as a combination of beer, pizza and lack of exercise is never good.

I weighed myself tonight and I was a dissapointing 152.4, although that was in sweaty gym clothes. I ran 3 miles in 31:47. Running is my weak point and I'm really trying to improve there.

I would post a picture of myself but I don't really have any good pictures to post.

AnalBumCover 09-11-2006 09:18 PM

Wow... I'm encouraged by all this participation. This is great!

Well, I missed my Monday morning weigh-in because I was running late for work. Probably a good thing I didn't see the result of a weekend full of gluttonous activity. My friend got married on Saturday... with a buffet-style reception dinner, open bar, and a seven-course rehearsal dinner at a Chinese restaurant, I was far from being the model dieter. Aside from the alcohol, I did keep the food intake under control by taking only small portions and passing on the wedding cake.

I'll have my weigh-in on Tuesday morning and post my results.

biological warrior 09-11-2006 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by AnalBumCover (Post 1244285)
Wow... I'm encouraged by all this participation. This is great!

Well, I missed my Monday morning weigh-in because I was running late for work. Probably a good thing I didn't see the result of a weekend full of gluttonous activity. My friend got married on Saturday... with a buffet-style reception dinner, open bar, and a seven-course rehearsal dinner at a Chinese restaurant, I was far from being the model dieter. Aside from the alcohol, I did keep the food intake under control by taking only small portions and passing on the wedding cake.

I'll have my weigh-in on Tuesday morning and post my results.

You arent the only one there. I've also loaded up on lots of beer, and filipino food such as pancit, kare kare, adobo, lechon and ube cakes.... Im gonna have to purge the next week.

AnalBumCover 09-12-2006 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by biological warrior
You arent the only one there. I've also loaded up on lots of beer, and filipino food such as pancit, kare kare, adobo, lechon and ube cakes.... Im gonna have to purge the next week.

Mmmmmm... lechon.... *drool*

Really quick, since I'm really busy at work. Tuesday morning weigh-in:

09/12/06: 217 lbs (-3.0 lbs), 30% body fat (-0%)

Icy 09-12-2006 10:57 AM

Tuesday morning update:
09/12/06: 213 lbs (-2.0 lbs)

Both on Saturday and yesterday i went at the gym and followed my diet plans since i posted it in Saturday, eating less food for lunch and eating a salad and a protein shake for dinner. I ate well today too, but have a dinner with friends tonight at home, will be a good test of how can i keep my motivation and to avoid to eat a lot. If i have time before they come, i'll go out to run at least 2 miles but i must admit i'm so sore after two days at the gym (resting one in the middle, Sunday).

Lorena 09-12-2006 11:53 AM

I started the South Beach Diet and so far, so good. Our daughter turned 6 this weekend and it took every ounce of my being to pass up on the carrot cake. God, I love the stuff man, but once I have some, I'll end up eating more.


Originally Posted by biological warrior (Post 1243677)
I will definately be posting a pic on My Space and here once I figure out how to.

Copy your picture's link, come back to the message field and click on the yellow icon with what seems to look like a mountain (if you put your mouse over it, it should say "Insert Image") and paste your link, click ok.


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 1244191)
Don't you have a husband on this board?

Yeah, my husband is Antmeister.

Ksyrup 09-12-2006 03:07 PM

OK, count me in. My wife and I just started's alternative to Jenny Craig, where you basically eat frozen entrees with fruit, salad, etc. purchased separately.

A little background...

I'm about 5'8" and currently weigh 225 lbs. Coming out of high school, I was probably around 170 or so. Seven years of college/law school and I was at 220. Six months before I got married (back in 1997), I promised my wife I would lose weight and did the "real" Jenny Craig diet and started running. On our wedding day, I weighed between 165 and 170 and had been running upwards of 20 miles a week. Then came the honeymoon, and getting used to living with someone, etc., and I gained it all back.

Fast forward a few years and I jumped on the Atkins craze not once, but twice. Both times I lost 40-60 pounds; both times I gained it all back. After almost 10 years, I'm pretty much back where I started. Now that we've got 2 kids, convenience is the most important thing for me (us), so we're doing the Lean Cuisine/Healthy Choice stuff on a JC-like meal plan.

My goal is to get back down to 175. I'm not sure how realistic that is, but we'll see. My wife is trying to lose the 20 or so pounds she gained from having the 2 kids. But she's not a dieter, so in some ways, this will probably be harder on her than it will be on me. Anyway, now that I live in a place that isn't 90 degrees and humid 7 months out of the year, I'm hoping that will help motivate me to exercise. I don't have time for a gym, so bike riding, jogging, and walking are probably going to be the best I can do.

We started officially on Sunday, so every Sunday I'll weigh myself and report the progress. I'm glad this thread is here!

Logan 09-12-2006 09:23 PM

I'm looking forward to my weigh-in on Friday morning. I've eaten very well the past 2 days...just meals, no snacks. And I've been working in the city, where it's really easy to get bad food quickly :). But yesterday I had a fresh mozzarella/tomato sandwich and today had some sushi, so I think it's gone as well as it could.

Lorena 09-12-2006 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Logan (Post 1245499)
I'm looking forward to my weigh-in on Friday morning. I've eaten very well the past 2 days...just meals, no snacks. And I've been working in the city, where it's really easy to get bad food quickly :). But yesterday I had a fresh mozzarella/tomato sandwich and today had some sushi, so I think it's gone as well as it could.

WTG Logan! I've had temptation for the past few days (my daughter's birthday, my daughter's friend's birthday party, and today's PTA meeting). So much bad food and I did very well. I was tempted by the different kinds of cookies and muffins at the PTA meeting but I had cheese instead.

I'm glad to hear everyone doing so well! Keep it up everyone!

wade moore 09-12-2006 11:52 PM

Aight, I'll jump in.

I graduated from High School 9 years ago. At that time, and all through High School I weighed about 115-120 lbs (i'm 5'9 or so). Obviously, I was REALLY skinny. That all happened with no work. Like most people, I gained 15 or so lbs. as a Freshman in College. At some point I remember being shocked when I passed 150 lbs. Then next thing I know this spring, I realize that I'm at about 190 lbs.

So, my motivation is really just that I feel pretty bad about myself. But on top of that, I am getting married March 29, 2008. My Fiance and I both want to lose weight for that. We're trying not to do anything "hardcore" that we'll be motivated to quit later. About a month ago (Aug. 15 actually) we decided to do something about it.

So, right now we are trying to "eat better".. this includes not going out to eat but once a month (we went probably 2-3 times a week before), taking sweets out of the house, smaller portions, etc. Then we are exercising. Starting with we've walked 2 miles a day with our dogs for the last month or so. My Fiance is a teacher, so once her schedule gets settled (probably next week) we will go to the gym in the morning to do weights.

My goal is to fit into 32" waist pants again. Whatever weight that is, so be it (probably around 160 give or take - with a low fat %).

We'll see, I've never been muscular - but that would be a nice outcome of this. In High School and early college I benefited from playing tennis (on HS team) and then intramural sports, pickup basketball, etc. I don't do that anymore so I have to get more going.

I am at about 185 now...

I'm crossing my fingers...

biological warrior 09-13-2006 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by wade moore (Post 1245615)
Aight, I'll jump in.

I graduated from High School 9 years ago. At that time, and all through High School I weighed about 115-120 lbs (i'm 5'9 or so). Obviously, I was REALLY skinny. That all happened with no work. Like most people, I gained 15 or so lbs. as a Freshman in College. At some point I remember being shocked when I passed 150 lbs. Then next thing I know this spring, I realize that I'm at about 190 lbs.

So, my motivation is really just that I feel pretty bad about myself. But on top of that, I am getting married March 29, 2008. My Fiance and I both want to lose weight for that. We're trying not to do anything "hardcore" that we'll be motivated to quit later. About a month ago (Aug. 15 actually) we decided to do something about it.

So, right now we are trying to "eat better".. this includes not going out to eat but once a month (we went probably 2-3 times a week before), taking sweets out of the house, smaller portions, etc. Then we are exercising. Starting with we've walked 2 miles a day with our dogs for the last month or so. My Fiance is a teacher, so once her schedule gets settled (probably next week) we will go to the gym in the morning to do weights.

My goal is to fit into 32" waist pants again. Whatever weight that is, so be it (probably around 160 give or take - with a low fat %).

We'll see, I've never been muscular - but that would be a nice outcome of this. In High School and early college I benefited from playing tennis (on HS team) and then intramural sports, pickup basketball, etc. I don't do that anymore so I have to get more going.

I am at about 185 now...

I'm crossing my fingers...

Size 32's are I think at least 170 lbs. Keep it up. Remember were all in this together. Oh have you tried push ups and situps. Starting out with your max and adding 5 reps each week or two?

Ksyrup 09-13-2006 06:43 AM

Yeah, the smallest waist I've had since high school was a 32, and that was around 165-170.

Lorena 09-13-2006 06:48 AM

I posted this in SirFozzie and duckman's dynasty so I might as well post it here:


Originally Posted by Dodgerchick (Post 1205652)
If anyone is interested in some freeware to track your weightloss, go here -----> Soundtell's Weight Tracker. It plots your weight in a graph so you can see your progress.

I have lost 1.4 lbs so far... yay! I've been pushing my son on the stroller for about 40 minutes around our hilly neighborhood and have been on track with Phase 2 of South Beach.

I drink about 10 oz. of fat free milk a day (not so much water though, need to work on that) egg/tuna salads and chili. I have been sneaking in some no sugar whole wheat bread and whole wheat tortillas every once in a while. For snacks I've been having turkey w/ cheese rollups.

Welcome aboard Ksyrup and wade moore! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress :)

wade moore 09-13-2006 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1245701)
Yeah, the smallest waist I've had since high school was a 32, and that was around 165-170.

Maybe I'll make 30 my goal then ;)...

But, it's more a look thing... 165-170 would be fine if the fat % is low.

AnalBumCover 09-13-2006 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Dodgerchick
I have lost 1.4 lbs so far... yay! I've been pushing my son on the stroller for about 40 minutes around our hilly neighborhood and have been on track with Phase 2 of South Beach.

Is there a link online to the South Beach meal planner? I had the book once but a friend of mine borrowed it and has yet to return it.

I've had success in the past with South Beach, but never stuck with it. In Phase 1, I remember losing as much as 10 lbs, and continued losing an additional 2-3 lbs going into Phase 2.

biological warrior 09-13-2006 09:40 AM

I've found that a can of slim fast or ensure usually helps me fight those hunger pangs during the first couple of weeks.

Lorena 09-13-2006 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by AnalBumCover (Post 1245754)
Is there a link online to the South Beach meal planner? I had the book once but a friend of mine borrowed it and has yet to return it.

I've had success in the past with South Beach, but never stuck with it. In Phase 1, I remember losing as much as 10 lbs, and continued losing an additional 2-3 lbs going into Phase 2.

PM sent. I can't remember where I got them from, but they were saved as txt files, hope they help and good luck :)

AnalBumCover 09-14-2006 12:24 PM

An entire plate of danish pastries was placed about 10 feet from my desk earlier this morning.


Thanks but no thanks. :-)

biological warrior 09-14-2006 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by AnalBumCover (Post 1247219)
An entire plate of danish pastries was place about 10 feet from my desk earlier this morning.


Thanks but no thanks. :-)

That's the spirit. Im off to school, but first Im going to load up on water and an energy bar so as not to be tempted by the dreaded buffalo chicken plate.:eek:

JeeberD 09-14-2006 05:25 PM

I weighed myself the other day for the first time since the wedding and I was at 207...right about where I was before the wedding. I just need to find some time to get my butt back in the gym, though. I'm working mornings and have school at night and have so little free time it's scary...

AnalBumCover 09-15-2006 08:36 AM

Friday morning weigh-in:

09/15/06: 217.6 lbs (-2.4lbs)(+0.6 since last weigh-in)

A minor set-back this week. The future Mrs. BumCover and I had to host her brother who is visiting from the Philippines. While going out for dinners I still tried to keep to my plan, ordering what I figured would be low carb dishes, passing on sodas and desserts, etc.

Of course there was the night when the In-N-Out (b)urge(r) came calling, (my future brother-in-law wanted to try it). That time I ordered a cheeseburger and diet coke, no fries. Could've gone with the Protein Burger (wrapped in lettuce), but I didn't.

Tonight continues the foodfest... The annual Lobster Fest in San Pedro to be precise. If I keep to the lobster only, and pass on the homemade ice cream, pop corn, funnel cakes, and cotton candies that come with festivals like this, I should be okay. But then again... there's all that beer.

Shit. This will be tough.

Logan 09-15-2006 09:26 AM

Friday morning weigh-in. Like I said previously, I've been feeling good about how I've eaten all week. Haven't exercised as much as I would've liked to, but I also walked a ton all over the city this week.

Here we go:

Start: 234.5 lbs (9/4/06)
Previous: 230.5 lbs (9/9/06)
Current: 226.5 lbs (9/15/06)
Goal: 195 lbs (3/4/06)

Now I don't think I lost a full 4 lbs in 6 days. I'm pretty sure that the last time I weighed myself, it was in the afternoon, so I definitely ate breakfast and maybe even lunch. But today I weighed myself in the morning (which I'll be doing from now on), so I would guess I lost between 2 and 2.5 true pounds this week. Happy with the numbers though.

Ksyrup 09-15-2006 10:03 AM

I always weigh myself in the morning after my shower (and before I eat). Whenever you do it, just make sure it is the same time of day and make sure you're not throwing it off with the clothes you're wearing (if any).

wade moore 09-16-2006 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Ksyrup (Post 1248173)
I always weigh myself in the morning after my shower (and before I eat). Whenever you do it, just make sure it is the same time of day and make sure you're not throwing it off with the clothes you're wearing (if any).

I agree with this (especially the clothes). But for curiosity sake, I've been weighing myself multiple times in the same day... it really doesn't fluctuate as much in a given day as I always thought it did.

biological warrior 09-16-2006 08:24 AM

Just weighted my self and I'm a solid 178, and hasnt fluctuated at all the past few days.

Greyroofoo 09-16-2006 08:36 AM

Right now I'm 149.0, which is about a pound lighter than last week. Last night at the gym I ran my 3 miles in 29:37. While its a personal best its far from where I want it to be still.

Yesterday I was complemented on my recent weight loss by a girl I used to like. I have to say I'm rather happy about that.

Icy 09-16-2006 09:48 AM

Saturday update: (210 lbs, -5 from the begining a week ago)

The week plan has been nice. As i had it planned, I went to the gym for workouts 3 days and ran 2 miles outside 2 days. Also ate for dinner salads and protein shakes on the gym days, only salads the running days.

I'm surprised at the fast weight loss, but it's usual this way when you start a diet, once your body loses part of the water and gets used to the lower amount of calories it becomes harder to lose weight.

About the workouts, i'm getting less and less sore the following day, that means my body is getting used to them.

The only problem is that tonight we have a wedding, that will have a good amount of great food for dinner, it's going to be a hard test for me, let's see how much i gain in one day even trying to control myself (i can easily gain 2 pounds after one big dinner and drinking when i don't control myself). Anyway tomorrow i'll run again and will eat mainly vegetables to remove the weeding weight gain.

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