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-   -   Werewolf XXXVII: Middle-Earth - GAME ENDS. Who Won? Check it out! (

Abe Sargent 11-02-2006 11:51 AM

Werewolf XXXVII: Middle-Earth - GAME ENDS. Who Won? Check it out!
Hellos and welcome to Werewolf XXXVII. Later I'll be adding flavor and rules. For now I wanted to post a placeholder post. If you'd like, feel free to go ahead and request to join. This game will not begin until Sunday Night the 5th (Monday morning the 6th) at midnight.

This game will be between complex and simple in terms of difficulty. It will not be as complex as my previous game, although it wil have suitable intricacies in order to keep you on your toes.

Good luck to you all. New and old is welcome.

Abe Sargent 11-02-2006 11:52 AM

Welcome to Bree, a village just east of the Shire and south of the Fornost Erain. Bree was an ancient settlement of man centuries ago, and continues to be an outpost to this day. Its townsfolk don’t take as kindly to odd strangers, especially them ranger folk. However, if you bring cheer and business, you’ll be welcomed just fine. Bree is one of the few settlements in all of Middle-Earth where hobbits and man live and work together in large numbers.

Occasional adventurer types might find interest and likely death in several nearby places. The Barrow-Downs are the cairns of old kings and stewards of ancient kingdoms. The dead are said to haunt these places, but the wealth of kings is also rumored to glitter under the soil. From the tops of the Bree Wall you can just make out the beginning of The Barrow-Downs on a clear day. If you get one of the night watchmen drunk, you might hear them speak stories of strange lights so far off as to be almost non-existent, at the edge of vision, coming from The Barrow-Downs.

Strange things have happened recently in Bree. Just recently, a party of hobbits arrived along with their leader, Mr. Underhill. That night, the Black Riders came, tearing through the city gate like a bolt of black lightning. All of the good townsfolk kept under their beds and felt as if the world would end. It did not, and the following day, the Underhill party left along with that ranger fellow, Strider.

Rumors began to mount. Somehow, the Black Riders knew exactly where and when to strike. Someone must have given them information, which means that someone in Bree is working for the agents of darkness. Who and why is something you don’t know, but you intend to find out!

Abe Sargent 11-02-2006 11:52 AM

The Rules:

This game is divided into day and night. Each day you will vote for a person to lynch. You will do this by bolding your vote, (i.e. Vote Anxiety). If you need to change your vote, bold the change ("Unvote Anxiety"), then bold the new vote, if any. If a candidate gets a majority of the vote (note, not a plurality, but a majority, 50%+1), then that person will be lynched, and be killed. All Day Actions are due at 10:00 pm EST.

During the night time, if you have a night action, you will pm me and let me know if you are using your action, and who your target is, if any. All Night Actions are due by 3:30 am EST. That means you’ll typically have 5 to 5 and a half hours to get your night action in to me.

There are a few things not permitted in any of my Werewolf games. You may never quote any part of my pms to you. You may not use words in my pm to identify others with the same pm. You may paraphrase the pm, but that’s it. Our pms are private.

There is no self-voting. No person would ever vote for themselves as a lynch target, and you may not as well.

No editing or deleting posts, unless you are me. Not even for grammar. Unless you are me. :)

No harassing other players. I’ll be a bit more strict about this than other gms may be. Keep it civil. Also, out of respect for families and children who may be playing, keep it clean. No curse words, and no innuendo. Thanks!

There will be two sides in this game, the side of light and the side of dark. Almost every player will be on one side or the other. On each side there are two factions, almost every player will be in one or the other faction, although a few outsiders may exist.

The Side of Light

The Townsfolk of Bree – This is, by far, the largest faction. Most of you are common townsfolk. You want to continue your life in peace and harmony. You want to restore the normal order and way of doing things back to Bree after all this ruckus was raised. Your goal is to get the agents of darkness out of your city. Permanently. You know that you cannot rid the town of the agents of darkness without the assistance of the rangers. You’d prefer not to give those ranger folk another excuse to stick around your town, but you also prefer rangers to the alternative.

The Rangers of the North – A small group of rangers, you are the descendants of Arnor. You ward off the darkness to protect the homes and villages of good people of the north, including the Shire and Bree. You understand that the forces of darkness would have overcome this area long before now if it were not for you and your allies. You want to delay or defeat the agents of darkness. You would like to save Bree, but you understand that this is merely one skirmish in one battle in one war. You need to survive to keep the battle going on other fronts as needed.

The Side of Darkness:

Agents of Sauron – You are a small group of people who actively seek to serve the forces of darkness through Sauron. You have been mostly quiet, getting the lay of the land, until you heard that your master sought Baggins from Bag End. The Black Riders appearance and your help has forced your hand and put your presence out in the open, where darkness fears to be. You want to control the town of Bree, killing all who resist. Unfortunately, those vile rangers make things more difficult. Ideally, you want to eliminate all presence of Saruman as well.

Agents of Saruman – You are still hidden from sight, but after those fools, the Agents of Sauron and their thrice-blasted Black Riders came through town, the extra scrutiny is interfering with your job. You are trying to slowly and surely bring Bree into the fold of Saruman through political, social, and economic manipulation of the town, occasionally relying on good old sorcery when all else fails. Only those insipid rangers stand between you and victory. An uneasy alliance rests between Sauron and Saruman, but you know it is all fake. Not only do you want to break Bree, but you want to remove your erstwhile allies and competition.

Winning Conditions:

The game ends when the forces of darkness can overwhelm those of light, or when all of the darkness is destroyed.

For purposes of overwhelming, one agent of darkness can overtake two villagers with no problem. They are sheep and easily pacified. However, the rangers are much more difficult. It takes two agents to overcome each ranger. (So, for example, if 8 players are left, three agents and five townfolk, then the agents of darkness win, because three agents can take five villagers with no problem.)

If someone is not a townsfolk, nor a ranger, nobody knows how easily pacified they are.

Victory Conditions:

Townsfolk of Bree: A major victory if darkness is removed.

Rangers of the North: Major victory if darkness is removed and at least one ranger survives. No victory if all rangers die, no matter what happens to darkness.

Agents of Sauron: Major victory if darkness wins and no Agents of Saruman are alive.

Agents of Saruman: Major victory if darkness wins and no Agents of Sauron remain.

If the Agents of Darkness win, and both Sauron and Saruman are still represented, a power struggle begins. The GM will determine which faction wrests control and which faction is ousted.

For those who may not be aligned with a faction, they will have their own victory conditions spelled out in their role pm.

This is a hidden roles game. No roles are revealed prior to beginning, although faction affiliation and the name of the role are revealed upon death. The role itself, may remain a mystery.

The People of Bree:

1. AlanT
2. BrianD - Lynched Day Six. Bill Ferny the Farmer, Agent of Saruman and Darkness
3. saldana - Committed Suicide, Night Three. Flawuria Huddlestump the Wife, on the side of Light and Townsfolk
4. KWhit - Lynched Day Three. Celestia Avenspring the Pepper Farmer, on the side of Light and Townsfolk
5. Scoobz0202 - Lynched Day One. Silvos the Dark Adept, on the side of Darkness.
6. ntndeacon
7. spleen1015 - Lynched Day Five. Hob the Hobbit Stableboy, on the side of Light and Townsfolk.
8. Lathum - Killed Night Three. Grum Rumblebelly the Dwarven Storyteller on the side of Light and Townsfolk
9. Tyrith
10. Schmidty
11. Swaggs - Killed Night Six. Barliman Butter the Innskeeper on the side of Light and Townsfolk.
12. Dodgerchick - Killed Night Five. Tavin the General Store Propriator on the side of Light and Townsfolk.
13. Jonathan Ezarik
14. SnDvls - Killed Night Two. Antalia Daverheft the Adventurer.
15. Blade6119 - Killed Night Four. Valen Gutters the Crazy Human who Thinks He's a Hobbit. On the side of Light and Townsfolk.
16. Fouts - Killed Night One. Imelda Francis the Herbalist, on the side of Light and Townsfolk.
17. LoneStarGirl
18. Mr. Wednesday
19. Izulde
20. st. cronin - Killed Night Three. Sirrion Huddlestump the Town Guard, on the side of Light and Townsfolk
21. Thomkal - Lynched Day Eight. Antaria Lodestock the Farmer, Agent od Saruman and Darkness
22. Grammaticus - Killed Night Seven. Revlir Hightower the Leader of the Ranger Mission on the side of Light and Rangers.
23. Sublime 2 - Lynched Day Seven. Agonar Thistleroot the Keeper of the Stables, Agent of Saruman and Darkness.
24. DaddyTorgo - Bodyguard Killed Night Eight. Ventrick the Lost the The Town Beggar, Agent of Sauron and Darkness.
25. Chief Rum - Lynched Day Two. Nob the Hobbit Server on the side of Light and Townsfolk


Alan T 11-02-2006 11:53 AM

Love LotR, my favorite series of writing of all time. Been waiting for this game for a while! I probably shouldn't play since I will be traveling alot soon, but I think I'll probably be dead before I have to do any traveling anyways :)

So I'm in!

BrianD 11-02-2006 12:26 PM

I'm in as well.

saldana 11-02-2006 12:32 PM

with that start time, i will be able to play, and actually be on leave for the next couple games depending on duration, so i am back in.

SnDvls 11-02-2006 12:34 PM

is LotR knowledge needed to play or do well?

hoopsguy 11-02-2006 12:43 PM

Gah, I think I would really enjoy playing a game with this theme but I'm not going to be able to give any meaningful time to WW next week so I'm out for this one.

Words of advice to Sauron's troops - Anxiety likes to make it impossible for the bad guys to complete a night kill in his game :)

Abe Sargent 11-02-2006 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by SnDvls (Post 1293068)
is LotR knowledge needed to play or do well?

In no way shape or form.

Abe Sargent 11-02-2006 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1293081)
Gah, I think I would really enjoy playing a game with this theme but I'm not going to be able to give any meaningful time to WW next week so I'm out for this one.

Words of advice to Sauron's troops - Anxiety likes to make it impossible for the bad guys to complete a night kill in his game :)

Shush you! :)

KWhit 11-02-2006 01:19 PM

I'll play.

Scoobz0202 11-02-2006 01:39 PM

WW games have interested me, but I never decided to try it out. This theme makes me want to try Werewolf out.

Would it be a hindrance on you guys if I were to play? I have read the sticky with the rules. I also read a couple games that were already played to get a feel, but obviously you can only learn so much from that.

Abe Sargent 11-02-2006 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Scoobz0202 (Post 1293164)
WW games have interested me, but I never decided to try it out. This theme makes me want to try Werewolf out.

Would it be a hindrance on you guys if I were to play? I have read the sticky with the rules. I also read a couple games that were already played to get a feel, but obviously you can only learn so much from that.

Heya Scoobz - welcome to werewolf! I throw ya in. No time to learn like the present, and you might as well play with a theme that you like! We love getting new players around here, and we're pretty helpful to them. I know, because I was a new player just a few months ago.


hoopsguy 11-02-2006 01:51 PM

Scoobz, best way to learn is to play. Generally, people are willing to help you get your bearings during the first day or two.

BrianD 11-02-2006 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Scoobz0202 (Post 1293164)
WW games have interested me, but I never decided to try it out. This theme makes me want to try Werewolf out.

Would it be a hindrance on you guys if I were to play? I have read the sticky with the rules. I also read a couple games that were already played to get a feel, but obviously you can only learn so much from that.

Speaking for myself, I'd say come on in. The best way to learn is to play, and you really can't mess things up. Everybody plays differently so you will add a nice new dynamic to the game. If you are on a team with PM abilities, someone will coach you along. If you are on a team without PM abilities, you'll pick things up quickly from others.

ntndeacon 11-02-2006 01:52 PM

I want in... Maybe We will even see Tom Bombadil! :D

spleen1015 11-02-2006 01:53 PM

Count me in. I was going to take a game or 2 off, but I like the theme for this one.

Alan T 11-02-2006 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by ntndeacon (Post 1293178)
I want in... Maybe We will even see Tom Bombadil! :D

You can see Tom, I get Goldberry

Lathum 11-02-2006 01:58 PM

I am hairy and have big feet, I guess I have to play.....


Tyrith 11-02-2006 02:01 PM

Ooh, ooh, me me me

Tyrith 11-02-2006 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Scoobz0202 (Post 1293164)
WW games have interested me, but I never decided to try it out. This theme makes me want to try Werewolf out.

Would it be a hindrance on you guys if I were to play? I have read the sticky with the rules. I also read a couple games that were already played to get a feel, but obviously you can only learn so much from that.

Just jump on in; it's really not as hard as it seems. I managed to win my first game.

Schmidty 11-02-2006 02:21 PM

Well, I've taken a really long break, and have been doing a lot better now that I'm back from my time in Michigan.

I'm in.

Swaggs 11-02-2006 02:22 PM

Definitely in.

This might be a good one to advertise for on the General Discussions board. It could have some good, broad appeal and bring in some new Werewolves.

Neuqua 11-02-2006 02:22 PM

I'm in.

Been waiting for the right big game to play in and LOTR is as good as there comes.

Jonathan Ezarik 11-02-2006 02:39 PM

I've never played, but I've been interested in it. I love LOTR, so this sounds like a good time to jump in.

SnDvls 11-02-2006 02:40 PM


Blade6119 11-02-2006 02:41 PM

Ill get back into the big games for this one

Lathum 11-02-2006 02:42 PM

sweet, 2 new players so far!! Welcome!!

Fouts 11-02-2006 02:42 PM

I'll play.

LoneStarGirl 11-02-2006 02:47 PM

Schmidty is playing? Plus two new guys? I definitly want to play... maybe i'll finally get to be a bad guy for once!

Abe Sargent 11-02-2006 02:58 PM

I know I said there was no cap, but this game is filling up fast. I;m thinking about capping it at 25.

Oh, btw, offical statements by me will be in Dark Orchid. Look for the Dark Orchid posts in order to find mine.

Fouts 11-02-2006 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by LoneStarGirl (Post 1293247)
Schmidty is playing? Plus two new guys? I definitly want to play... maybe i'll finally get to be a bad guy for once!


Neuqua 11-02-2006 03:05 PM

I wanted to go ahead and congratulate Anxiety for being the only person on FOFC to ever spell my name right.


BrianD 11-02-2006 03:09 PM

This game is requiring a majority (not a plurality) for a lynch. This is different than normal, right?

BrianD 11-02-2006 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Neuqua (Post 1293261)
I wanted to go ahead and congratulate Anxiety for being the only person on FOFC to ever spell my name right.


You mean you don't normally go by Neukie? :)

Tyrith 11-02-2006 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by BrianD (Post 1293264)
This game is requiring a majority (not a plurality) for a lynch. This is different than normal, right?

Yes. Like in SM2 right now people are getting lynched with three votes out of 12/10 players and such.

Mr. Wednesday 11-02-2006 03:22 PM


SnDvls 11-02-2006 03:23 PM

don't want to miss a day in this game it could be 5+ pages just to catch up.

Mr. Wednesday 11-02-2006 03:25 PM

For the new guys --
If you're on a side with PM privileges, generally you'll be able to get questions specific to your side answered by asking through PM.

Any general gameplay questions can be asked in the thread, and one of the vets will be happy to answer.

LoneStarGirl 11-02-2006 03:35 PM

I wonder how many games i have to play to be considered a vet

Tyrith 11-02-2006 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by LoneStarGirl (Post 1293295)
I wonder how many games i have to play to be considered a vet

I dunno, you'll always be "less experienced" than someone ;)

hoopsguy 11-02-2006 03:41 PM

For me, the line starts when a player stop deferring to the superior knowledge/experience of the "more experienced" players in the game and begins to value their own contributions relative to others.

Tyrith 11-02-2006 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1293300)
For me, the line starts when a player stop deferring to the superior knowledge/experience of the "more experienced" players in the game and begins to value their own contributions relative to others.

Ooh, ooh, do I get to be a vet now? :P (RHETORICAL QUESTION ALERT)

Lathum 11-02-2006 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 1293300)
For me, the line starts when a player stop deferring to the superior knowledge/experience of the "more experienced" players in the game and begins to value their own contributions relative to others.

F'n Elitist

Izulde 11-02-2006 03:55 PM

If this isn't capped yet, I"d like to jump in :)

hoopsguy 11-02-2006 04:22 PM

Lathum, here is a less elitist, and easier to measure, response to the question:

When, after the game, several players on the opposing team acknowledge that you whupped them.

LoneStarGirl 11-02-2006 04:26 PM

So hoops you aren't a vet yet? ;)

Alan T 11-02-2006 04:28 PM

Hoops tore people up in the Star Wars WW game. I think thats the game that people stopped trusting hoops very much because of.

see you guys later, out for the night :)

spleen1015 11-02-2006 04:35 PM

I'm mostly likely out until after 11pm.

Bowling getting in the way of WW...

hoopsguy 11-02-2006 04:37 PM

I've had my share of good games and bad games. It's been a few games now since I "whupped" people.

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