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Autumn 06-03-2010 11:01 PM

VILLAGER Tribe: Daily Actions due by 10:30 EST
Day Six

Camp: Excellent shelter

Food: Three day's stores

Equipment: Machete, cookpot, hachet, matches, tarp and rope.

Challenge: ?

Autumn 06-03-2010 11:13 PM

Your tribe:

Darth Vilus
Maple Leafs
EagleFan - voted off Day 3


Thomkal might be familiar to those who follow the sport of kickboxing. A former Olympic athlete, he clearly comes into Survivor knowing how to compete, despite his days in the ring being far behind him now. Will his training regimen make him a key contender or distract him from the social game?


Hoopsguy doesn't need to tell you that he's a professional weightlifter and former wrestler. The fact that the guy couldn't fly in on the same helicopter as the rest due to the weight limit was enough. There may have never been a contestant as buff as Hoops, but does he have what it takes to survive?


You may have seen Darth Vilus speaking to your kids at the high school, or at one of those annual meetings your boss puts together. If he corners you on the beach you might just get an earful of his patented (literally) lectures. He knows how to help people get things done, the question is, how far can he motivate himself in this competition?


Maple Leafs may not look like the kind of guy you want to bring with you on a desert island. He may not even look like he's safe to take out in the sun. But this high school math teacher has watched every season of Survivor - three times! If he doesn't wilt in the sun, will his expertise add up to a win?


Heybrad's may be closer to picking up his Social Security check than the rest of the contestants, and maybe he's already signed up for AARP, but that doesn't mean he's without talent. This retired factory worker has a lifetime of experience to draw on, assuming he can keep up with the youngsters.


Surviving on a desert island should be a piece of cake for a guy who can keep a water treatment plant running, right? EagleFan did his duty in the Marines and builds a catapult every summer. What can't he do? Unfortunately, you can't solve all your problems on Survivor with a monkey wrench.


Chesapeake may be a legal assistant during the day, but it's the Boy Scout troop he leads on the weekend that convinced him to go out for Survivor. He's hoping all those years of camping have him ready for this desert island. The question is, which is harder to deal with, a group of 10 year old boys or a tribe of Survivors?

Autumn 06-03-2010 11:15 PM

Feel free to post in here. Of course you should only read your own tribal thread.

Autumn 06-03-2010 11:25 PM

Today begins your first day on the island. You have been separated from the other tribe, given your tribal flag and arm bands. Now here you are on the beach of a deserted island. You have been given a machete, a pot and enough canteens for everyone. The rest is up to you.

You currently have no shelter. You have no fire. You have no food. Your first task will be to decide how to spend your energies during the day.


Each player has three effort points to spend among the following actions. Choosing the same action multiple times is allowed. You have until 10:30 p.m. EST on Friday to send me a private message detailing how you will be spending your action points on day one.

Work on the camp site: This will help create shelter for the tribe, keeping them safe from shelter and preventing loss of health at night or during storms.

Forage for food: Each contestant of course must eat every day. Food gathered is put into a common pool and used to feed the tribe.

Secretly talk to other contestants: Spending effort in this area allows the player to send private messages to other contestants, three messages for each point of effort. Outside of this players are only allowed one private message per game day, and otherwise must not communicate about the game outside of the tribe thread. In this case the PM period will stretch from 10:30 p.m. on Friday until 10:30 p.m. on Monday.

Watch what another contestant is doing: If you wish to keep tabs on another contestant you may spend some effort to follow them, getting some information as to what actions they took during the same day.

Recuperate: This is the only way to restore health points that you have lost during the game.

Search for a hidden immunity idol: There is no indication that there exist any hidden idols, however there is a possibility that they will be a part of the game.

Miscellaneous action approved by the moderator: Feel free to contact the moderator about spending your effort points on something outside of this list.

Poli 06-03-2010 11:30 PM

First to post besides the mod.

Darth Vilus 06-04-2010 12:04 AM

Let's do it boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Thomkal 06-04-2010 06:31 AM

Hey guys, welcome to the winners tribe! I've trained for Survivor nearly as hard as I did for the Olympics, so I'm ready for those challenges!

Do we want to discuss our skill ratings, or just wait to see how the challenges are going to work first? I likely will be helping get the camp site set up and find some food. Those really should be our priorities this first day I think.

And Beast I'm sure glad you're on our team so I don't have to get squashed by you in challenges!

chesapeake 06-04-2010 09:17 AM

Howdy there, boys. Chesapeake's the name, and camping is my game.

I've already seen 6 edible plants on the way to the campsite, and as you can see behind me, I have a shelter already set up. Be prepared, I always say!

Setting up camp and finding food are in my wheelhouse, as I think you'd expect from a boy scout. Depending on the challenge we are faced with today, my best use to the tribe is probably doing these two tasks.

heybrad 06-04-2010 10:53 AM

Hey team. Don't let my age fool you. I'm still spry and scrappy and I'm a team player through and through. I'd be happy to help with finding food and building shelter if that's what our team plans to do.

EagleFan 06-04-2010 03:14 PM

Hi team. We will crush that other tribe. I will help work on the camp today and see what else my talents can help with.

hoopsguy 06-04-2010 03:15 PM

Finding food - I would probably eat it first, as part of my 10K per day calorie bulk-loading program. Not a great idea for the rest of the team.

Setting up camp - I've got a tendency to shatter those flimsy branches in my meaty hands. Not perfect either.

I'm willing to do whatever the team think brings value to this challenge, but if there are not really explicit directions I'll probably end up doing something more "me driven" because I'm hoping/guessing others have skills better suited to this challenge.

EagleFan 06-04-2010 03:21 PM

Autumn: We can send one PM per day to a teammate that doesn't count against our daily points? Just making sure I read that correctly.

Autumn 06-04-2010 03:22 PM

That's correct, EagleFan, but not until after 10:30 p.m.

But normally (and this is a small edit I made after initially posting rules) everyone will have one free PM a day.

EagleFan 06-04-2010 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2294433)
Setting up camp - I've got a tendency to shatter those flimsy branches in my meaty hands. Not perfect either.

We could probably use your strength in gathering up the needed supplies for the camp...

...and to shatter the other tribe.

Maple Leafs 06-04-2010 04:36 PM

Hi folks...

I'm not much good at finding food, but I'm pretty strong and have a little bit of an engineering background so I'd like to help with the camp if that sounds OK.

chesapeake 06-04-2010 04:53 PM

I am headed home shortly. I should be able to check in again before 10:30. I thought we'd get to see the challenge before commiting our daily energies.

Autumn 06-04-2010 05:06 PM

Chesapeake, I've been holding off on the challenge, because I'd like people to check in and make sure they get their daily efforts in first. The challenge will not impact your daily efforts or vice versa and you will have until Monday to play your challenge approach.

Darth Vilus 06-04-2010 06:36 PM

Ok my peeps, Let's do it! I think we should only spend our effort on food an shelter today, we can leave those other things for a better time. I think it's best if we say which we're better at (food or camp) so that we can distribute everyone evenly. I'm way better at camp so im going to use my 3 pts for that, we should all chime in on our stats

hoopsguy 06-04-2010 06:40 PM

I'll be better for food than shelter, if I'm translating jobs-to-stats correctly.

Darth Vilus 06-04-2010 06:43 PM

alrighty, sounds good my man

Darth Vilus 06-04-2010 06:45 PM


what do the "food" and "find" stats deal with? like is food just cooking or does it cover finding food as well? and does find refer to locating food or just supplies on the island?

Autumn 06-04-2010 07:01 PM

Food, the stat, regards your ability to find, gather and prepare food. So it basically relates to how successful you are when you spend points gathering food.

Find does not relate to finding food, but rather any other time in the game you are trying to find something hidden.

Autumn 06-04-2010 07:03 PM


Welcome to your first challenge in Survivor. Today the two tribes meet for the first time. Up for grabs is not only immunity from Tribal Council, but a reward as well. The winner reaps the reward, the losers head to Tribal Council tonight.

For today's challenge you will be required to retrieve a burning torch from the middle of the bay, return it to your beach and light a signal fire with it. The winner gets to keep the fire burning on their beach. The loser goes home tonight without it.

There's a bit more to it than that though. In order to retrieve the torch you will need to construct a boat out of materials found in your camp and island: bamboo, vine, etc. Once your boat is built, four of you will row the boat out to the torch, grab the torch off of a rock as you row by, and return the boat to the beach.

Once the boat has returned, the other three tribe members must begin assembling a ladder out of puzzle pieces. When the ladder has been built, it will be placed against the signal tower. The entire tribe must climb the ladder and then the signal fire can be lit with the torch. The first tribe to light their fire wins.

You have until 4:30 p.m. EST on Monday to submit your actions in the challenge. Remember that each tribe member is responsible for relaying their own actions to me through private message. Plans made in thread can be a part of your plan as a tribe, but it will not substitute for the individual's private message.

chesapeake 06-04-2010 07:29 PM

Step one, I think, will be dissecting the challenge to figure out what skills will apply to each and then volunteer accordingly. I will be out again for much of the night with the wife. If I still have some gas left in the tank, I will take a stab at it.

Thomkal 06-04-2010 07:35 PM

I'm up for rowing the boat and grabbing the torch over the puzzle part. I'm guessing Stamina, Strength, and possibly Teamwork for the boat rowing part and Puzzles obviously for the ladder part, maybe Teamwork there too.

hoopsguy 06-04-2010 09:05 PM

Hoopsguy row. Row with strength of four men.

Autumn 06-04-2010 09:29 PM

Daily Effort deadline is just about upon us. After 10:30 you can go ahead and feel free to use any of your allotment of private messages. Remember that these are the only messages you have available until 10:30 p.m. on Monday. One sent message per person, plus three per effort points spent on messaging. Also:


So that i can keep track of the numbers, and also for my enjoyment.

chesapeake 06-04-2010 10:18 PM

This looks to be a 5 part task
1) Construct boat (all participate)
-puzzle -teamwork -find?

2) Row Boat (4 participate)
-teamwork - strength - stamina -swim, if things go badly

3) Grab torch (1 from rowing crew)
Speculating that this is an individual task. If so,
-aim - calm -stamina (hard to be calm if you are pooped)

4) Assemble Ladder (3 non-rowers)
-puzzle -teamwork

5) Climb ladder (All)
torchbearer needs
-stamina -calm -aim?

This is my take after 1/2 a bottle of some local hooch.

chesapeake 06-04-2010 10:20 PM

For my part, I am not awful in any of these tasks. I am pretty calm by nature, and my years of scouting have made me good at team tasks. Other than that, I am no better than an average contributor.

Darth Vilus 06-05-2010 12:55 AM

i'll be best at building the boat and ladder so i think i should be kept out of the boat

Thomkal 06-05-2010 06:45 AM

That's a pretty good run down there Chesapeake. I don't think, based on my Survivor watching, that it will involve that many steps. I think it may just be row boat and then assemble, maybe construct boat. Maybe Autumn will chime in here and let us know.

If there is a grab/hold the torch guy, I'm definitely up for it.

heybrad 06-05-2010 02:07 PM

I am excellent at teamwork and puzzles so I should assemble the ladder.

EagleFan 06-05-2010 02:46 PM

Surprisingly I am an engineer who only average at puzzles (I guess I'm a lousy engineer). I do have good strength though so rowing the boat would probably be my best bet.

I am excellent in the category of scrappy (just not sure if that helps us with anything in this one).

EagleFan 06-05-2010 02:47 PM


Hey Brad!!!


Maple Leafs 06-05-2010 06:38 PM

I'll help with the puzzle.

chesapeake 06-05-2010 07:24 PM

As it stands, Maple Leafs, heybrad and Darth have volunteered to assemble the ladder. That makes the rest of us paddlers. I suspect I am the weakest paddling link, despite having earned my canoeing merit badge on my way to Eagle, but I'll give it the old college try!

hoopsguy 06-05-2010 09:29 PM

Just try not to drop your oar while dealing with the wake from my paddling, Mr. Eagle Scout :)

Autumn 06-05-2010 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 2294715)
That's a pretty good run down there Chesapeake. I don't think, based on my Survivor watching, that it will involve that many steps. I think it may just be row boat and then assemble, maybe construct boat. Maybe Autumn will chime in here and let us know.

If there is a grab/hold the torch guy, I'm definitely up for it.

I'm not going to give too many game mechanic details about how the challenges will be figured out. The challenge will involve building a boat, rowing it to the torch, getting the torch and rowing it back, then assembling the ladder and everybody getting to the top.

hoopsguy 06-07-2010 12:01 AM

OK, probably time to start building some kind of in-thread consensus on what people are going to be doing for the task.

I'll be rowing. I'll need 3 others rowing; one of us four probably needs to be designated as the guy who grabs the torch.

Maple Leafs 06-07-2010 08:15 AM

We should probably choose a tribe leader to help us get organized with this sort of thing.

I nominate Chesapeake.

Thomkal 06-07-2010 08:39 AM

I'm fine with Chesapeake or whomever as tribe leader. I definitely should be rowing and could be a good choice for torch grabber/holder. Although we might want the person we think will be the weakest rower to grab the torch.

Chesapeake seems to think he might be the weakest rower, do you think you would be good at grabbing the torch?

chesapeake 06-07-2010 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs (Post 2295542)
I nominate Chesapeake.

I appreciate that and would certainly serve if necessary. I would say, though, that my teamwork skills are good but not as high as some other skills I have.

I have wondered how much detail we need to supply to Autumn. For example, when paddling a canoe, you need to try to split your strengths on opposite sides of the boat to ensure you don't end up wasting energy going off course. My sense is that it probably too much detail for a WW game.

I do think we need to pick a torch grabber, though. Based on the assumption that aim = dexterity, and that plus calm and stamina will be important for a torch grabber in a moving boat (all this is open for debate), Thomkal has indicated that he might be good for it. I am probably not ideal, although as the weakest paddler, maybe I should hold it after it is grabbed. Hoops and EF, do either of you think you might be better at torchgrabbing?

Thomkal 06-07-2010 08:45 AM

Just a reminder that our actions need to be in to Autumn by 4:30 EST according to the post above.

hoopsguy 06-07-2010 09:03 AM

chesapeake, I don't think I would be any great shakes at grabbing the torch.

I think we may as well provide a ton of detail and let Autumn filter out the stuff that is not necessary. So, for example, "Thomkal grabs torch and chesapeake holds it the rest of the way back to shore" is probably better than just listing our rowers.

I'm submitting my "row PM/order" now and will send additional ones if we determine that it is needed.

Thomkal 06-07-2010 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Maple Leafs (Post 2294936)
I'll help with the puzzle.

In looking over our descriptions again, yours (the math wiz) says you have a lot of experience with Survivor. Did that translate into anything that can help us organize this challenge? Anything to add there?

Thomkal 06-07-2010 09:27 AM

I like your idea there Hoops about me grabbing the torch and Chesapeake holding it, so I will try that when submitting my order and see what happens.

chesapeake 06-07-2010 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2295571)
I think we may as well provide a ton of detail and let Autumn filter out the stuff that is not necessary. So, for example, "Thomkal grabs torch and chesapeake holds it the rest of the way back to shore" is probably better than just listing our rowers.

OK, this makes sense. Hedge our bets.

Do you (plural) think that it makes sense to name a high teamwork guy as the coordinator on the ladder project and performing the coxswain's job on the boat?

chesapeake 06-07-2010 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 2295592)
I like your idea there Hoops about me grabbing the torch and Chesapeake holding it, so I will try that when submitting my order and see what happens.

Agreed. I won't grab, but if passed to me I will hold it.

Thomkal 06-07-2010 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by chesapeake (Post 2295594)
OK, this makes sense. Hedge our bets.

Do you (plural) think that it makes sense to name a high teamwork guy as the coordinator on the ladder project and performing the coxswain's job on the boat?

Well trying all these things won't hurt us I think, but that's probably too "micromanaging" for this challenge-won't likely need to be that detailed.

hoopsguy 06-07-2010 09:59 AM

Again, I don't think it hurts to provide those kinds of details. Autumn can just filter out the stuff that is frivolous, from his point of view.

Hmm, using words that are too big for my character again. Time to dumb down the typing :)

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