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PilotMan 01-03-2009 03:00 PM

"You're Gonna See Stars" FOFC - MMA Interactive
Alright all you FOFC MMA and Role Playing fans. This is your chance to be a part of FOFC's only MMA organization. Your job will be to create a fighter or fighters who can compete in our octagon.

Here is an example of what I need in the way of fighter creation.


Brian Johnson
Independence, KY

Anvil Hands

We are only going to be fighting at Light Heavyweight for right now. That weight class is 186-205. So make sure that your guys are within that range.

Fighting Style can be unique. Whatever you want to call it. Fighting Approach is his main fighting style. Here are your options here:

Counter Fighter
High Aggression

After that I need you to list 5 things that make your fighter special. It can be his condition, strength, power, ground skills. Basically anything that defines who he is in the fight. List them in descending order of importance. Also keep in mind that what you don't list will be just as important, as you can bet that he won't be as good in those area's as you might like.


1. Great Strikes Standing
2. Great Strikes Grounded
3.  Powerful Kicks
4. Takedown Defense
5. Powerful Slams

Keep in mind that in MMA and WMMA the Fighting abilies are broken down into General skills, Standing skills, Grounded skills, Clinch skills, and Mental skills. You can be as detailed or general as you like, and keep in mind that specific statements will result in more benefit in a smaller area, while more general statements will result in less in one area but a more general ability.

Write a background for your fighter, and who he may resemble in real life. This may help in his creation. I am trying to balance the game early on and then let the game take over from there.

I am going to be creating everyone, and wiill be using the templates within the game, and making manual modifications. If your guy is an incredibly gifted athlete he will be a weaker fighter to start, and if he is a really good fighter, he may not be so well conditioned, and so on.

I can't promise perfection, but it should be fun.

All fighters are going to start at 0-0 and totally inexperienced, but I am hoping that as we get more people involved it can grow from there. Perhaps to add in another weight class or two.


Fights are going to be wide open ,with three 10 minute rounds for normal fights, and five 10 minute rounds for title fights. We will be in a cage, and all strikes, slams and kicks are legal. I have imported all the MMA Camps from Tap N Snap ( I think that my DB is 3) so all fighters will join camps as they choose. I will let you know so you can read up on that camp, and get a more visual picture of how your guy will do.

I would like to start with a tourney that will crown the first ever FOFC LHW Champion. Within the game I really don't care about money, other companies don't exist, and ratings and popularity don't really matter. The rest of the world we can create here with our posts and fight hype. I will try and keep fighters from fighting no more than 4 times per year, and open challenges will try and be accomodated as we get to them.

If anybody has any other ideas to make things better let me know. Let's see how many guys we can get started with and see where it goes from there.


"Smart" Alec Sander 2-3
Alex "Doomvan" Donovan 3-3
"British Buzzaw" Anthony Lee 3-2
"Anvil Hands" Brian Johnson 5-0
"Tiny" Bruce Douglas 3-3
"Dammit" Dusty Coldwater 1-5
"EFotNHNT" Erik Flamebeard 2-4
"The Hunter" Jace Mason 2-3
"Magnificent" Matt Alexander 4-2
"Niclovin" Nicholas Thomas 4-1
"Le Bleuet" Nicolas Fillion 2-3
"Coffee Warlord" Rob Nielsen 4-1
"Silent Assassin" Rohan Shah 2-3
Theodore "Action" Jackson 2-3
"The Windmill" Windy Miller 2-3
"Le Rat Musque" Yanick Fillion 3-3
Renzo "El Serpente" Garrincha 2-0
Klause "The Freak" Benetoros 1-1
"Mr. Shy Guy" Kwame Mwakikagile 0-1

Coffee Warlord 01-03-2009 03:28 PM

Name: Rob Nielsen
Nickname: Coffee Warlord
Age: 21
Nationality: American
Fighting Weight: 195
Hometown: Palm Springs, CA
Height: 6'1"

Fighting Style: Sho'Nuff School of Mastery
Fighting Approach: Explosive

1) Fast. Really. Really. Fast.
2) Always on the offensive.
3) Great ground striker.
4) Powerful kicks.
5) Takedown Specialist.

Essentially, what I'm describing is a guy who is looking to end the fight, one way or another, fast. Damn fast. Can drop a guy with a strong kick, or can get em down and pummel the living hell out of them. Doesn't subscribe to the strategy of wearing people down - he's damned quick and can knock somebody out standing up or on the ground.

He's Nicky Santoro. He'll keep coming until one of you is dead.

AlexB 01-03-2009 03:50 PM

Name: Alec Sander
Nickname: 'Smart'
Age: 23
Nationality: English
Fighting Weight: 205
Hometown: Braintree, Essex, England
Height: 5'10"

Fighting Style: Jedi
Fighting Approach: Counter Fighter

1. Granite Chin
2. Striking - hands
3. Takedown resistance
4. Kicking accuracy
5. Submission defence

What I'm trying to describe is a guy who despite his will use his opponents' strengths against them: he is very hard to knock out or takedown, and will catch you on the way in.

If you attempt to strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine!

AlexB 01-03-2009 03:52 PM

Good idea by the way - the five strengths is actually more limiting than I thought!

PilotMan 01-03-2009 04:16 PM

Rob "Coffee Warlord" Neilsen

- Has Heavy Hands, Can knock people out
- Can pound his way to victory on the ground
- Gets decent power behind his kicks
- More than capable of getting takedowns
- Physically Strong

Alec "Smart" Sander
- Difficult to takedown
- Knows how to defend against submission attempts
- Very hard to knock out
- Physically Strong
- Decent Conditioning

Good start guys. Thanks

Coffee Warlord 01-03-2009 04:21 PM

Ahem. It doesn't say "Cannot Be Defeated By Mortal Weapons" under mine. Please fix. :)

PilotMan 01-03-2009 04:22 PM

Hey this ain't the Thunderdome! Where the hell is Ravenhawk these days anyway?

Coffee Warlord 01-03-2009 04:23 PM

And why is the font so screwy?

Travis 01-03-2009 04:42 PM

Name: Jace Mason
Nickname: The Hunter
Age: 24
Nationality: Canadian
Fighting Weight: 203
Hometown: Edmonton, AB
Height: 6'2"

Fighting Style: Efficient Devastation
Fighting Approach: Counter-Fighter

1) Close quarters striking (elbows/knees)
2) Kicks
Take down defense
4) Heart
5) Athleticism

Jace comes with a strong basis in wrestling, karate and muay thai. As such he tends to look to keep fights on the feet, looking for openings and trying to force mistakes. If the fight makes it to the ground he'll try and control the positioning battle, trying to establish some ground and pound while trying to minimize any submission situations.

He's a fighter who tries to combine technical skill with power so as not to truly rely solely on either but in the end, it's his heart and perseverance that can set him apart and keep him alive in matches when he probably should have been knocked out or submitted.

Flasch186 01-03-2009 04:42 PM

I smashed the font down with my Anvil Hands!

Coffee Warlord 01-03-2009 04:54 PM

I melt anvils with my eyes.

AlexB 01-03-2009 05:05 PM

'Smart' Alec Sander is not going here to excite - he's here to win!

Coffee Warlord 01-03-2009 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Jari Rantanen's Shorts (Post 1914173)
'Smart' Alec Sander is not going here to excite - he's here to win!

Winning is exciting. Rob Nielsen wins. Always.

duff88 01-03-2009 07:29 PM

Name: Nicolas Fillion
Nickname: "Le Bleuet"
Age: 20
Nationality: Canadien
Fighting Weight: 191
Hometown: Chicoutimi, QC
Height: 5'9"

Fighting Style: PCO Stylylylylyle
Fighting Approach: Intense

1) Granite Chin
2) Conditionning
3) Speed
4) Standing Strikes
5) Takedown Defense

"Le Bleuet" is a small, bulky forward-first fighter who thrives at overmatching his opponents with his superior work rate and his ability to work standing. He is able to take punishment like no other, which is a great factor in his strategy to control the center of the cage and be the fighter who constantly puts pressure. He has very quick hands and although he doesn't have incredible one-punch power, his excellent accuracy is usually a great tool on the way to finish his opponents. He is in danger when on the ground, but has shown an ability to avoid that part of the fight.

PilotMan 01-03-2009 10:23 PM

"The Hunter" Jace Mason

- Has match-ending knee strikes in his arsenal
- Can cause massive damage from the clinch position
- Very capable of blocking takedowns successfully
- Good conditioning
- Good reflexes

"Le Bluet" Nicolas Fillion

- Great punching technique
- Possesses a strong chin
- Very quick hands
- Great conditioning
- Possesses a killer instinct

PilotMan 01-03-2009 10:30 PM

Here are two more that I have added.

"Anvil Hands" Brian Johnson

- Heavy hands loaded with KO Power
- Gets decent power behind his kicks
- Very capable of blocking takedowns successfully
- Hard to knock out
- Physically strong

"Tiny" Bruce Douglas

- Very hard to knock out
- Physically quite strong
- Good conditioning
- Good movement
- Good reflexes

SirFozzie 01-03-2009 10:43 PM

NAME Alex Donovan
AGE 23
FIGHTING WEIGHT (186-205) 202

FIGHTING STYLE Hammerfist School

- Great Stamina
- Explosive submissions
- Hard to submit on the ground
- Iron Chin
- Knockout Power in his hands

PilotMan 01-03-2009 11:06 PM

"Doomvan" Alex Donovan

- Is difficult to submit
- Dangerous submission fighter
- Heavy hands, can knock people out
- Can control opponents once on the ground
- Very hard to knock out

duff88 01-04-2009 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 1914291)
"Le Bluet" Nicolas Fillion

- Great punching technique
- Possesses a strong chin
- Very quick hands
- Great conditioning
- Possesses a killer instinct

Sounds about right! :popcorn:

BTW, it's "Le Bleuet" and not "Le Bluet". And I'm pretty sure I'd have a hard time explaining how it's pronounced. (Found it on the net)

PilotMan 01-04-2009 08:08 AM

Alright, right now we have 7 guys. I would really like to get to 16 to start the game. So we need at least 9 more guys. As we get things going, I think that we are going have plenty of fighters. We just need to cross that initial threshold.

Oh, and I got Le Bleuet in there correctly, it was just a typo on my part.

BYU 14 01-04-2009 08:29 AM

Name: Anthony Lee
Nickname: The British Buzzsaw
Age: 22
Nationality: British
Fighting Weight: 202
Hometown: Chilton, County Durham England
Height: 6'0"

Fighting Style: Hooligan's Holiday
Fighting Approach: Counter

1) Explosive Power
2) Fast Hands and Feet
3) Muay Thai Expert (Good Knees in the clinch)
4) Ground control
5) Good Takedown Defense

Will look to draw a fighter in and land devastating counter shots similar to Rashad Evans, will look to land knees and Elbows from the Muay Thai plum when in close. Prefers stand up but has solid wrestling skills when needed, goes for mount and attempts to pound opponents out when the fight does go to the ground, but he will look to keep in standing. Not a big submssion guy.

MacroGuru 01-04-2009 08:36 AM

Name: Nicholas Thomas
Nickname: Nicklovin
Age: 25
Nationality: American
Fighting Weight: 215
Hometown: Orem, Utah
Height: 6'1"

Fighting Style: Caipoera / Gracie Ju-Jitsu
Fighting Approach: Counter Fighter

1. Submission Specialist
2. Fast Kicks
3. Extremely Deceptive
4. Hard to knockout
5. Great Conditioning

Nicholas is a smooth lithe fighter that relies on his feints and counters mainly with the legs, to get the opponent to the ground and then lock down with a submission hold on one of the main joint areas.

PilotMan 01-04-2009 09:17 AM

"The British Buzzsaw" Anthony Lee

- Get's decent power behind his kicks
- Possesses decent punching power
- Knee strikes present a big threat
- Very capable of blocking takedowns successfully
- Decent Conditioning

"Nicklovin" Nicholas Thomas

- Dangerous submission fighter
- Knows how to defend against submission attempts
- Is capable of good defense when on his back
- Can control opponents once on the ground
- Very hard to knock out

I think that both of these guys came out pretty good.

PilotMan 01-04-2009 02:10 PM

We still need about 7 more guys to get started.

Coffee Warlord 01-04-2009 02:31 PM

Double dip just to get things moving along?

Johnny93g 01-04-2009 02:52 PM

Name: John Williams
Nickname: The Canadian
Age: 23
Nationality: Canadian
Fighting Weight: 205
Hometown: Toronto, On
Height: 6'2

Fighting Style: Whatever it takes
Fighting Approach: Intense

1) Amazing Conditioning
2) Powerful striking while standing
3) Great at submitting oponents
4) Great at defending submissions
5) Iron chin, able to take a punch.

PilotMan 01-04-2009 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 1914587)
Double dip just to get things moving along?

Yeah, thats fine. The two guys that I did were more for my experience than for actual competition. Once we get things rolling, I think that one should be enough.

AlexB 01-04-2009 03:34 PM

Cool - I'll put in a turkey for padding

Name: Windy Miller
Age: 22
Nationality: English
Fighting Weight: 186
Hometown: Camberwick Green, England
Height: (shortest allowed height)

Fighting Style: Windmilling
Fighting Approach: High Aggression

1. Always comes forward
2. Maximum punching power
3. Minimum punching technique
4. Very good at knowing when to go in for the kill
5. Poor ground skills

Windy is your typical English chav - he fights like it's two o'clock on a Saturday night when everyone spills out of the clubs trying to get the single taxi: complete tunnel vision, wading in, fists flying. If plan A doesn't work, he immediately reverts to plan B: wading in fists flying. Any fighter with any sense should be able to win easily, but if you get rocked, woe betide you.

Coffee Warlord 01-04-2009 04:02 PM

A fighting dynasty is not complete without...

Name: Erik Flamebeard
Nickname: Erik Flamebeard of the Neither Here Nor There
Age: 24
Nationality: Danish
Fighting Weight: 203
Hometown: Copenhagen, Denmark
Height: 5'11"

Fighting Style: Smashing
Fighting Approach: Intense

1) Top Notch Physical Conditioning
2) Excellent in Grappling
3) Excellent Ground Countering
4) Iron Jaw
5) Submission Specialist

He is Erik Flamebeard of the Neither Here Nor There. He will smash you. He will take you to the ground and break your bones. You take your own life into your hands if you dare try and fight him on the ground. He's big, strong, heavy, and enjoys bringing the pain.

PilotMan 01-04-2009 05:22 PM

"EFotNHNT" Erik Flamebeard

- Can pound his way to victory on the ground
- More than capable of getting takedowns
- Possesses good wrestling ability when up-close
- Is capable of good defense when on his back
- Can control opponents once on the ground

"The Canadian" John Williams

- Has heavy hands, can knock people out
- Gets decent power behind his kicks
- Knows how to defend submission attempts
- Can use his submission skills to get wins
- Fantastic conditioning

"The Windmill" Windy Miller

- Has exceptional power in his hands
- Hard to knock out
- Very good at knowing when to move in for the kill
- Physically strong

Four to go.

Neuqua 01-04-2009 06:19 PM

Name: Rohan Shah
Nickname: Silent Assassin
Age: 22
Nationality: USA
Fighting Weight: 202
Hometown: Naperville, IL
Height: 6'2

Fighting Style: Methodical
Fighting Approach: Relaxed

1) Great Takedown Defense
2) Great Instincts (Patiently awaits for his opponent to make a mistake)
3) Great at submitting opponents
4) Great at defending submissions
5) Iron Chin.

Rohan's generally a guy who is well respected by his peers because he is very respectful of them. He gets his "rush" from the actual fight, he is not in it for endorsements. Studying MMA his entire life, lots of fighters claim fighting Rohan is as much of a mental strain as it is a physical one. Very patient and waits for his opponent to make a mistake.

JonInMiddleGA 01-04-2009 07:22 PM

Name: Dusty Coldwater
Nickname: Dammit (as in "Dammit Dusty, not again)
Age: 22
Nationality: American
Fighting Weight: 198
Hometown: Dalton, GA
Height: 6'0"

Fighting Style: Survive to Thrive
Fighting Approach: Methodical

1) Conditioning
2) Takedown Avoidance
3) Iron Chin
4) Good Submission defense
5) Offense based on counters

His favorite expression is "Why not?", which pretty much explains how he got involved with MMA. Doesn't look like a fighter, doesn't act like a fighter, doesn't really think like a fighter ... but he keeps showing up & can surprise people who underestimate him. He wandered into a north Georgia gym one day to ask for directions and hung around shooting the breeze. And he came back to next day to hang out ... and the next day, and eventually ended up learning just a little bit of everything from a variety of fighters passing through. Jack of several trades, master of none.

PilotMan 01-04-2009 07:51 PM

"Silent Assassin" Rohan Shah

- Can use his submission skills to get wins
- Knows how to defend against submissions
- More than capable of getting takedowns
- Very capable of blocking takedowns successfully
- Possesses a strong chin

"Dammit" Dusty Coldwater

- Difficult to takedown
- Knows how to defend against submission attempts
- Very hard to knock out
- Great Conditioning
- Physically strong

NoSkillz 01-04-2009 09:10 PM

'Magnificent' Matt Alexander

AGE: 24
WEIGHT: 192 lbs
HOMETOWN: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
HEIGHT: 6'1"
STYLE: Master Technician

- Strong General Defense
- Great tactician/gameplanner (Mental approach)
- Strong Ground Striker
- Submission specialist
- Superior Conditioning

A true student of the game who prides himself on preparation and training. Not as strong perhaps as some opponents but a great thinker and a person who takes his sport very seriously. Mentally and technically gifted and while he may not have the explosive, knockout punch or kick, he knows how to close his opponents out on the ground through striking or submission.

Coffee Warlord 01-04-2009 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by NoSkillz (Post 1914900)
A true student of the game who prides himself on preparation and training. Not as strong perhaps as some opponents but a great thinker and a person who takes his sport very seriously. Mentally and technically gifted and while he may not have the explosive, knockout punch or kick, he knows how to close his opponents out on the ground through striking or submission.

Rob Nielsen scoffs at the mentalist.

SirFozzie 01-04-2009 09:45 PM

BTW, unless you're making fun of the repetitive brain trauma that goes with doing MMA, title should be "You're Gonna See Stars" :D

SirFozzie 01-04-2009 09:51 PM

If we're allowing seconds..

Theodore "Action" Jackson

AGE: 28
WEIGHT: 200 lbs
HOMETOWN: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
HEIGHT: 6'1"
STYLE: Power Puncher
APPROACH: Explosive

-KO Power in Both Hands
-Kickboxing skills
-Good at defending takedowns
-Good in take downs
-Can take a punch

Basically, as long as the fight stays standing, he's good.. should he be taken down, he could be in trouble, and should he ever find himself WITH the takedown, his action plan is to either A) stand up and let the opponent stand up, B) Try tenative hammerfists until the ref stands them up.

PilotMan 01-04-2009 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 1914959)
BTW, unless you're making fun of the repetitive brain trauma that goes with doing MMA, title should be "You're Gonna See Stars" :D

aaaagh, details!

PilotMan 01-04-2009 10:40 PM

"Magnificent" Matt Alexander

- Great Conditioning
- Hard to knock out
- Decent consistency
- Decent movement
- Decent reflexes

Theodore "Action" Jackson

- Possesses decent punching power
- Gets decent power behind his kicks
- Very capable of blocking takedowns successfully
- Very hard to knock out
- Physically strong

PilotMan 01-04-2009 10:43 PM

Alright, so we have our first set of 16 fighters. Fighters will be seeded at random into brackets for the first FOFC Light Heavyweight Champion.

Other fighters are welcome to join, and I'll get them worked in somewhere.

PilotMan 01-05-2009 12:18 AM

Brackets are drawn in the first FOFC Title Tounament.

Here are the first round fights.

Bracket 1:

CW Rob Nielsen v. Magnificent Matt Alexander
Smart Alec Sander v. Canadian John Williams
Dammit Dusty v. Action Jackson
Rohan Shah v. Nicklovin

The winners of the first two fights will fight with the second pair joining them in the lower pairing.

Bracket 2:

Jace Mason v. Flamebeard
Buzzsaw Lee v. Windmill Miller
Tiny Bruce v. Anvil Hands Johnson
Doomvan Donovan v. Le Bleuet Fillion

Bracket 1 will be run in our first show FOFC 1 that takes place in Jan '09, with Bracket 2 being run in March.

I'll get a short fight preview up before I run the fights.

Also, expect your fighter to join a gym before the first fights. Whatever gym they choose can really impact where they end up at in their career. I'll also give a heads up about each fighters choice and how it will affect their development.

Coffee Warlord 01-05-2009 08:12 AM

Argh! Spell my last name right! (Nie, not Nei)

PilotMan 01-05-2009 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 1915093)
Argh! Spell my last name right! (Nie, not Nei)

See post #38.

Coffee Warlord 01-05-2009 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 1915098)
See post #38.


SirFozzie 01-05-2009 09:34 AM

*pokes CW with a stick*


NoSkillz 01-05-2009 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by PilotMan (Post 1915028)
"Magnificent" Matt Alexander

- Great Conditioning
- Hard to knock out
- Decent consistency
- Decent movement
- Decent reflexes

Three decent ratings...I have a feeling I picked my character traits poorly :D

Coffee Warlord 01-05-2009 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 1915111)
*pokes CW with a stick*


You're gonna see stars!

MacroGuru 01-05-2009 10:00 AM

Shah and Nicklovin look like the potential for a good bout.

SirFozzie 01-05-2009 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord (Post 1915115)
You're gonna see stars!

Yup! I'm gonna see stars... at the post fight party where I'll be celebrating my win!

Coffee Warlord 01-05-2009 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 1915123)
Yup! I'm gonna see stars... at the post fight party where I'll be celebrating my win!

I don't see how anyone can possibly defeat Rob Nielsen. He is trained in the Sho'Nuff Arts!

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