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Drake 08-08-2008 03:10 PM

Least surprising political scandal ever?
ABC News: Edwards Admits to Sexual Affair; Lied as Presidential Candidate


Edwards Admits Sexual Affair; Lied as Presidential Candidate

John Edwards repeatedly lied during his Presidential campaign about an extramarital affair with a novice filmmaker, the former Senator admitted to ABC News today.

In an interview for broadcast tonight on Nightline, Edwards told ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff he did have an affair with 44-year old Rielle Hunter, but said that he did not love her.

Edwards also denied he was the father of Hunter's baby girl, Frances Quinn, although the one-time Democratic Presidential candidate said he has not taken a paternity test.

Edwards said he knew he was not the father based on timing of the baby's birth on February 27, 2008. He said his affair ended too soon for him to have been the father.

A former campaign aide, Andrew Young, has said he was the father of the child.

Plan B in case his wife's breast cancer wins?

Greyroofoo 08-08-2008 03:13 PM

John now only wishes the affair could've happened in the White House.

molson 08-08-2008 03:19 PM

I don't think it's technically a political scandal because he's not in office or a current candidate.

What he is though is major douchebag.

Joe 08-08-2008 03:20 PM

Dude needs a better plan B.

gstelmack 08-08-2008 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1804601)
A former campaign aide, Andrew Young, has said he was the father of the child.

Exactly how much of this campaign staff did she get through?

Tigercat 08-08-2008 03:24 PM

I still can't believe that I had friends that thought he was the more "real" candidate while Obama was a "fake." I guess cheating on your wife while she battles cancer is keepin it real.

Drake 08-08-2008 03:27 PM

I suppose I should explain my thread title:

One of the things I always giggled over during the campaign was that Edwards' "political support" (at least if you went by interviews) seemed to consist largely of women aged 30 - 50 with the striking inability to conduct even a 5 second interview without mentioning how cute he was.

Maybe I'm cynical, but I just didn't see him resisting temptation for very long (the fact that he's a politician was really incidental to that conclusion).

Drake 08-08-2008 03:28 PM


That said, he can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned.

Noop 08-08-2008 04:16 PM

He got some nookie. There is alot worst that other people do.

Mrs. Schmidty 08-08-2008 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Noop (Post 1804651)
He got some nookie. There is alot worst that other people do.

While his wife was fighting for her life.

Tigercat 08-08-2008 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Noop (Post 1804651)
He got some nookie. There is alot worst that other people do.

He got some nookie while his wife, who didn't have her hard working husband (who had enough money to be more stay at home, mind you) battled through cancer. And then he lied about it. And then he released a statement today with the gall enough to say he was only "99% truthful."

I don't think a lot of people do worse.

molson 08-08-2008 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Noop (Post 1804651)
He got some nookie. There is alot worst that other people do.

What's your point? That he should be praised for not eating babies (as far as we know)?

Tigercat 08-08-2008 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 1804667)
What's your point? That he should be praised for not eating babies (as far as we know)?

Thats something totally different, you can't blame someone for dining on a fresh baby or fetus for their sweet, sweet stem cells.

Noop 08-08-2008 04:54 PM


JonInMiddleGA 08-08-2008 05:01 PM

What do you figure the extramarital affair rate in Congress is?
Personally, I'd guess 75% to 80%.

edit to add: Not excusing him, Newt, or anybody else. Just semi-rhetorically wondering aloud.

Logan 08-08-2008 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA (Post 1804680)
What do you figure the extramarital affair rate in Congress is?
Personally, I'd guess 75% to 80%.

I think you forgot to include homosexual affairs.

JPhillips 08-08-2008 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs. Schmidty (Post 1804662)
While his wife was fighting for her life.

Not that I'm defending him, but right now the story is that the affair was during a period when the cancer was in remission.

CraigSca 08-08-2008 05:19 PM

Right, and he was adamant about that. Oh, she was in remission - oh, well that's an entirely different story altogether!

Karlifornia 08-08-2008 05:22 PM

You have to wonder what the situation was there..his paramour waiting in a hotel room, and Edwards busts through the door saying "Guess what? We got the results's in remission! We can fuck now!"

JPhillips 08-08-2008 05:22 PM

What can't you read? I said I'm not defending him, but the truth seems to be that she wasn't "fighting for her life". There's plenty to bash him for without adding to the story.

molson 08-08-2008 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1804689)
Not that I'm defending him, but right now the story is that the affair was during a period when the cancer was in remission.

I put the odds of this being 100% true at 0%.

SFL Cat 08-08-2008 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Karlifornia (Post 1804696)
You have to wonder what the situation was there..his paramour waiting in a hotel room, and Edwards busts through the door saying "Guess what? We got the results's in remission! We can fuck now!"

Okay...that was funny. :lol:

JPhillips 08-08-2008 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 1804699)
I put the odds of this being 100% true at 0%.

That may be, but until we know differently we should stand on the facts as we know them.

Crim 08-08-2008 05:32 PM

He's a slimy bastard, but so are nearly all politicians, IMO. I think narcissism is a prerequisite for willingly whoring oneself out to all accessible factions as a way of life.

A candidate must be all things to all people. This makes his very attractive to people of the opposite sex, and I'm sure it's very hard to turn down free sex from younger, bright-eyed, adoring supporters.

I'm serious about that last line, that wasn't sarcasm. I really do have a slight sympathy for guys like Edwards, even while I hold them in contempt. I don't know that most men could resist constant temptation any better.

One more thing: No way this is the only time he strayed. But since he didn't win, the right-wing side of the "press" might not bother to dig up the other dalliances, like they did (and continue to do) with Bill Clinton.

Crim 08-08-2008 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 1804699)
I put the odds of this being 100% true at 0%.

Astute, molson. I agree with this completely.

molson 08-08-2008 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1804702)
That may be, but until we know differently we should stand on the facts as we know them.

I would agree if Edwards was credible. Otherwise, when you lie, and lie, and lie, and lie, you don't deserve to be believed. Especially on message boards that have no relevance to anything.

JPhillips 08-08-2008 05:36 PM

So I can say Cindy McCain sucked cock for money to buy crack because she lied about her drug addiction?

I'll stick with with belief that things shouldn't be stated as facts without substantial evidence that they are facts, regardless of the venue.

Young Drachma 08-08-2008 05:37 PM

Maybe he thought she'd die before this story would come out? Awful, but...

Young Drachma 08-08-2008 05:38 PM

THE PHOTOS EVERYONE'S BEEN WAITING FOR! - Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer

Young Drachma 08-08-2008 05:39 PM

I don't believe the pictures, though, the kid is probably his.

molson 08-08-2008 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1804711)
So I can say Cindy McCain sucked cock for money to buy crack because she lied about her drug addiction?

I'll stick with with belief that things shouldn't be stated as facts without substantial evidence that they are facts, regardless of the venue.

Sure, if you want to have that opinion, go ahead, its a free country.

Though McCain sucking cock for money for crack because she lied about her drug addiction is a LITTLE bit more of a stretch that Edwards cheating on one occasion because he did on another occasion.

I mean, McCain has lots of money, she wouldn't need to do that.

This isn't a court of law. People are allowed to have opinions on things, they carry no legal weight.

Drake 08-08-2008 06:07 PM

Given that this is the same guy who used both their dead baby *and* his wife's cancer to score political points, I'm waiting to see how he tries to spin this.

Oh, and the AP brings us this:


Edwards' statement admitting affair

By The Associated Press – 1 hour ago

Text of John Edwards' statement on his affair:


In 2006, I made a serious error in judgment and conducted myself in a way that was disloyal to my family and to my core beliefs. I recognized my mistake and I told my wife that I had a liaison with another woman, and I asked for her forgiveness. Although I was honest in every painful detail with my family, I did not tell the public. When a supermarket tabloid told a version of the story, I used the fact that the story contained many falsities to deny it. But being 99 percent honest is no longer enough.

I was and am ashamed of my conduct and choices, and I had hoped that it would never become public. With my family, I took responsibility for my actions in 2006 and today I take full responsibility publicly. But that misconduct took place for a short period in 2006. It ended then. I am and have been willing to take any test necessary to establish the fact that I am not the father of any baby, and I am truly hopeful that a test will be done so this fact can be definitively established. I only know that the apparent father has said publicly that he is the father of the baby. I also have not been engaged in any activity of any description that requested, agreed to or supported payments of any kind to the woman or to the apparent father of the baby.

It is inadequate to say to the people who believed in me that I am sorry, as it is inadequate to say to the people who love me that I am sorry. In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic. If you want to beat me up — feel free. You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help.

I have given a complete interview on this matter and having done so, will have nothing more to say.

The Associated Press: Edwards' statement admitting affair

Edit to add:


You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself.

We might not be able to, but I'm sure his wife has some ideas he hasn't considered yet.

Young Drachma 08-08-2008 06:10 PM

I only know that the apparent father has said publicly that he is the father of the baby. I also have not been engaged in any activity of any description that requested, agreed to or supported payments of any kind to the woman or to the apparent father of the baby.

Sounds like Palmeiro saying he never used performance enhancing drugs.

Young Drachma 08-08-2008 06:12 PM

This part was in that ABC story too.

Since becoming pregnant, Hunter has lived under assumed names in a series of expensive homes in North Carolina and, more recently, in Santa Barbara, Calif.


RendeR 08-08-2008 06:21 PM

I guess I have to ask:

Why the hell does anyone give a damn who he's fucking? its his life he can fuck whomever he chooses. if we as a public dislike it we can kiss his grown-up-adult-can-do-what-the-fuck-he-wants ass.

Drake 08-08-2008 06:22 PM


I just like holding cheaters up to public scorn.

ETA: On a more nuanced level, my feeling is that it stopped being "his" life and became "their" lives as soon as he said "I do". An illicit affair demonstrates that he is incapable of 1) being honest with the one person he has vowed to love, honor and cherish, and 2) showing respect for even the most basic public obligations, and 3) putting the needs of those closest to and most dependent upon him above his own whims and desires.

Given that he has chosen to make a career out of exploiting the public trust (as an elected official), this is useful information to have in evaluating his worthiness as a public servant. I mean, if he can't uphold even the basics with his wife, why would I expect him to be truthful when he says he's going to bat for *me*, a complete stranger?

molson 08-08-2008 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by RendeR (Post 1804757)
I guess I have to ask:

Why the hell does anyone give a damn who he's fucking? its his life he can fuck whomever he chooses. if we as a public dislike it we can kiss his grown-up-adult-can-do-what-the-fuck-he-wants ass.

As Drake said, he used his family situation to try to gain votes, so as a politician, he's made his own family situation particularly relevant.

More than that though, he's just really slimy and people are just expressing an "I knew it" reaction. I don't think they really care.

RendeR 08-08-2008 06:33 PM

Not really, when you consider the number of those who have done such a thing. You fail to have anyone left that passes your morality test. What does it matter if you're comparing apples to apples?

JPhillips 08-08-2008 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 1804725)
Sure, if you want to have that opinion, go ahead, its a free country.

Though McCain sucking cock for money for crack because she lied about her drug addiction is a LITTLE bit more of a stretch that Edwards cheating on one occasion because he did on another occasion.

I mean, McCain has lots of money, she wouldn't need to do that.

This isn't a court of law. People are allowed to have opinions on things, they carry no legal weight.

But there's a difference between saying I believe... and stating something as fact. My original post was aimed at something stated as fact.

JPhillips 08-08-2008 06:36 PM

On a public level Edwards betrayed a lot of people by running for office while he knew this was hanging over him, especially after some of the comments he made about Clinton. If I had given him money or volunteered for his campaign I would rightly be very pissed.

Drake 08-08-2008 06:36 PM

Just because people consistently fail to meet basic standards of honesty, decency and dignity doesn't mean that the standards are to blame.

molson 08-08-2008 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by RendeR (Post 1804764)
Not really, when you consider the number of those who have done such a thing. You fail to have anyone left that passes your morality test. What does it matter if you're comparing apples to apples?

I'm not thinking about it that hard.

ANYONE who cheats on their wife or husband is a slimeball/douchebag. It doesn't mean they deserve to die or anything, or that lots of people don't do it, but honestly, if you can't help but fuck around, don't get married (or at least don't have kids).

Drake 08-08-2008 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1804767)
On a public level Edwards betrayed a lot of people by running for office while he knew this was hanging over him, especially after some of the comments he made about Clinton. If I had given him money or volunteered for his campaign I would rightly be very pissed.

Just imagine how pissed Hillary must be. If this comes out *before* Edwards takes a chunk of the votes, maybe Hillary vs. Obama Into June doesn't happen. ;)

JPhillips 08-08-2008 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by molson (Post 1804770)
I'm not thinking about it that hard.

ANYONE who cheats on their wife or husband is a slimeball/douchebag. It doesn't mean they deserve to die or anything, or that lots of people don't do it, but honestly, if you can't help but fuck around, don't get married (or at least don't have kids).

Including John McCain?

JPhillips 08-08-2008 06:40 PM

You can't say this,


"I think this President has shown a remarkable disrespect for his office, for the moral dimensions of leadership, for his friends, for his wife, for his precious daughter. It is breathtaking to me the level to which that disrespect has risen,"

and then fuck around on your wife.

Drake 08-08-2008 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1804773)
You can't say this,

and then fuck around on your wife.

Well, you *can*, it just sends a different message about your character than the one you intended. :D

molson 08-08-2008 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1804772)
Including John McCain?


I'm not married, so maybe I just don't get it. But I've somehow managed to never cheat on my girlfriend. It's not even that hard. The only reason I've committed to her is that she satisfies me and I don't need anyone else. I certainly check out other women, but to take all the steps necessary to actually commit the act - I just can't believe that's so easy for so many people.

Warhammer 08-08-2008 06:55 PM

For better or worse, the President is the person who represents you and me on the world stage. Ideally, I want this person above reproach morally, ethically, socially, intellectually, etc.

When a President cheats on his wife, he is no longer ethically or morally above reproach. However, the problem many of these candidates make is that they do not come out and admit to these things. If it was something that happened in the past, come out and admit the mistake. Ask for forgiveness and move on. When it is revealed by someone else, you are hosed no matter what in the court of public opinion.

Finally, it all comes down to trust. If a man breaks his trust with his wife, how can I trust him in other areas? Yes, they are two separate things, but now there is doubt.

Young Drachma 08-08-2008 07:09 PM

Elizabeth Edwards posts on DailyKos about it.


Our family has been through a lot. Some caused by nature, some caused by human weakness, and some – most recently – caused by the desire for sensationalism and profit without any regard for the human consequences. None of these has been easy. But we have stood with one another through them all. Although John believes he should stand alone and take the consequences of his action now, when the door closes behind him, he has his family waiting for him.

* elizabethedwards's diary :: ::

John made a terrible mistake in 2006. The fact that it is a mistake that many others have made before him did not make it any easier for me to hear when he told me what he had done. But he did tell me. And we began a long and painful process in 2006, a process oddly made somewhat easier with my diagnosis in March of 2007. This was our private matter, and I frankly wanted it to be private because as painful as it was I did not want to have to play it out on a public stage as well. Because of a recent string of hurtful and absurd lies in a tabloid publication, because of a picture falsely suggesting that John was spending time with a child it wrongly alleged he had fathered outside our marriage, our private matter could no longer be wholly private.

The pain of the long journey since 2006 was about to be renewed.

John has spoken in a long on-camera interview I hope you watch. Admitting one’s mistakes is a hard thing for anyone to do, and I am proud of the courage John showed by his honesty in the face of shame. The toll on our family of news helicopters over our house and reporters in our driveway is yet unknown. But now the truth is out, and the repair work that began in 2006 will continue. I ask that the public, who expressed concern about the harm John’s conduct has done to us, think also about the real harm that the present voyeurism does and give me and my family the privacy we need at this time.

jeff061 08-08-2008 07:15 PM

All I see is a black eyed woman defending her man to a cop.

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