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-   -   Werewolf XXXIV: Tombstone (GAME OVER - Night 13) (

Alan T 10-05-2006 05:39 PM

Werewolf XXXIV: Tombstone (GAME OVER - Night 13)
The year is 1880, Tombstone is a small, isolated town in the Southeast part of the Arizona Territory. Less than 1000 people live in this town, yet it has all of the promise of becoming the western version of great towns such as Philadelphia. Word has passed east that there is a fortune to be made in this town, and it is only a matter of time before people start arriving to try to find their own wealth prospecting Silver.

With wealth and prosperity also comes problems of their own. The railroad has not yet been built out this far, the only method of transportation, freight or communication is by horse. Word has it that an uncivilized gang from the nearby countryside called "The Cowboys" has shown an interest in Tombstone and has started harassing the townspeople by stealing livestock, horses or even intercepting money or goods in transit. The chances of these problems reaching Prescott, 280 miles away to be a big enough of a concern are small, so ridding the town of these cowboys is left to the townspeople themselves.

Winning Conditions:

Villagers- The local townspeople win the game when they have completely rid themselves of the cowboys.

Cowboys- The cowboys win the game when they have built up enough of a force to match the townspeople 1 for 1 and thusly apply their will unchecked.


Game Schedule:

The game will consist of 2 game periods. The Daytime period which will run from 9:00am EST until the deadline of 9:00pm EST each night between Monday and Friday. The Nighttime period will run from 9:00pm EST until the deadline of 9:00am EST each night between Monday and Friday. The weekend schedule will be stated at the time based on popular choice.

Any actions that occur outside of their proper schedule (votes before or after the day period, or night actions sent in during the day) will not count without prior approval. If for some reason you need to submit a vote or action outside of the normal schedule, please PM me and we will work out the best possible solution if needed.


Town Roles, Occupations and Allegiances

Each player in the game has a role assigned to them randomly at the start of the game. The list of possible roles includes but not limited to those listed in the next Post below this one. The possibility exists that there might be roles included in the list that are not active in the game, or roles in the game that are not included in the list however.

Each player in the game also has an allegiance assigned initially based on their role. A person's allegiance is not static however, and there could possibly be mechanisms in the game that could cause a player's allegiance to change. To start the game all players will have allegiance to either the Town (the Villagers), or allegiance to the Cowboys (the Wolves).

In addition to player's roles and allegiances, there also exist two occupations that a player might obtain during the course of the game.

Town Sheriff- The Sheriff is the sole form of lawfulness in the town of Tombstone. The Sheriff has the duty to arrest and imprison those who break the law. The game starts with the prior sheriff, Fred White having been gunned down by ruthless cowboys leaving tombstone without a sheriff.

Each Day gameturn, the townspeople have the ability to elect a new sheriff (either replacing the current sheriff, or replacing a dead Sheriff such as the start of the game). To choose a new sheriff, you simply post an election vote such as:

elect Alan T

The Sheriff election is not a mandatory vote, so posting to not choose a new sheriff is unecessary. In the case of an election to replace the currently alive Sheriff in the job, the townspeople must have greater than 50% of the remaining players in the game choose to elect the sheriff. In the case of an election to replace a vacated sheriff position due to death, simple majority vote will be the new sheriff. In all cases, tie-election votes result in no change of the sheriff (even in the case of a vacated job).

The Sheriff election vote ends at the deadline for the daytime game period each date. In the case of a newly elected sheriff, they begin their service starting immediately that night game period.

The Sheriff has two additional night actions each night (to add to any other possible night actions they may have previously due to their game role.) The Sheriff is immune to night action penalties (explained later in the rules) as their job requires them to perform actions each night. The Sheriff has the following night actions in addition to any night actions they may have previously due to the role:

Jail player - The Sheriff can choose any player(s) to arrest and place in the jail during the night action. As the Sheriff has two night actions, they are able to use both actions to jail two seperate players if they so choose. If the Sheriff chooses to jail a player, causing the jail to exceeed it's maximum occupancy, their night action is voided.

Release player - The Sheriff can choose to release any player(s) currently in the jail, either due to being placed in there by themselves or by someone else such as a previous sheriff. As te Sheriff has two night actions, they are able to use both actions to release two seperate players if they so choose.

Town Mortician- The other town job is that of the town mortician. The only things in life that are certain is death and taxes, and well someone has to clean up after the death even in Tombstone. Unlike the Sheriff, the job of the town mortician is kept hidden unless the player with that job chooses to announce it. At the start of the game a player already begins with the job of the Town mortician based on the role they receive. In the case of death to the current Town Mortician, the job will be passed off unannounced to another player by myself. Other abilities and functions of this job are left unannounced in the rules due to gameplay purposes, however will be described to the player holding this job.


Town Layout and Buildings of note:

As expected with most starting boomtowns, the center of the town has all of the important buildings such as a Bank, Saloon, Supply store, etc. Housing for the townspeople are scattered in groups in the four corners of the outskirts of town (unless otherwise dictated due to a player's role.)

In the Center of the town is the Town Jail. The Town jail is small and only has room for three prisoners at any one time. All prisoners are kept in seperate cells, and are prevented from having contact with any other player while in the jail. Prisoners may participate in sheriff election votes, and town lynch votes but are prevented from participating in any other day or night period actions.


Daytime period actions:

Sheriff election- As mentioned above, all sheriff elections are done during the day period. A player should choose to elect a new sheriff by posting in the thread such as:

elect Alan T

Lynch vote- The most important and focused part of the daytime period is the town lynch vote. All townspeople are expected to participate in the lynching of cowboys to rid the town of the uncivilized gang. Only players who are in the jail can be lynched during the daytime period. Multiple players can be lynched each day however, only limited to the maximum capacity of the jail. To lynch a prisoner currently in jail, post in the thread such as:

lynch Alan T
lynch player2

There is no need to vote to -not- lynch someone however. Lynch votes are based on the current town population, and require more than 50% of the remaining players to vote to lynch someone. If the townspeople end up with no prisoner receiving greater than 50% of the population voting to lynch, then no lynch will occur that day, and the cowboys live one day longer.

Showdowns (Gun Duels)- It would not be the wild west if sometimes a player didn't take the law into their own hands. A small number of roles in the game have the abilitiy to force a showdown during the day period. Those roles are able to initiate a showdown only one time each during the game. In order to force a showdown, they must submit a PM to me during the day period with whom they are targeting. The action will be performed immediately upon my seeing the PM.

Showdown results are based upon the involved player's weapon and gunmanship (a hidden trait only known by the GM, as everyone feels they are the best gunman alive). If a showdown is forced upon an unarmed player, the result is obvious bloodshed and an instant kill. if the player initiating the showdown has no gun, we all know what happens when you bring a knife to a gunfight.


Night period actions:

Many, but not all of the roles have night period actions that are to be submitted to me before the night deadline of 9:00am EST. As everyone needs their rest, any player who spends consecutive nights out will be tagged in the morning as Tired. The only exceptions to the night action penalty is the player with the Sheriff job, or if any player in the game has a special role that allows for un-penalized night movement.

During the night time there is always the possibility of foul play occuring. Death can occur via gun (sure death but noisy), or knife (possible failure in death, but quieter). Those with a light sleeper trait have an advantage when attacked by knife, however nothing other than a bodyguard will protect against a gun attack.



Everyone is human, and as such we all have our vices. Certain special roles might have immunity to certain vices, however the rest of us are affected on some scale by vices that might affect a player's ability to perform. Vices included in the game with their detrimental actions include:

Money- You crave money, and are susceptible to being bribed.
Women- You admire the female body, and are susceptible to being influenced by a charming lady
Alcohol- Nothing better than a good strong drink, other than 20 good strong drinks.
Power- What you wouldn't give to be able to boss others around.


Player death:

In Tombstone, we lack any sci-fi type advances so death is permanent. At the time of death a player's occupations and allegiance will be announced. Any special role they might have will be able to be discovered post-death via in-game mechanisms.


Player's items and posessions:

The only item in this game of special note in any PMs is guns. There will be other items mentioned during the play of the game that people will be said to have. In cases where those items are mentioned, continuity will be kept through all people who may know about or have seen such items. In addition, all players are assumed to have personal spending money for drinks/dinner as well as a small knife. The ability to use spending money or your knifes in ways other than dictated by the story will be stated in any role that could possibly have such abilities.

When a player dies, their posessions go to relatives or the town and for game purposes disappear completely unless specifically deemed special due to some role or circumstance.



I reserve the right to post additional rules, or modify the rules, roles or occupations at any time to fix game imbalances. If there are any questions about the rules, or needs for clarifications, please feel free to post in the thread, or privately via PM at any time for more information. I also reserve the right however to keep certain things hidden during the game to improve game playability.

Alan T 10-05-2006 05:43 PM

Town Roles:

Not all of these roles will be present in this game, and likewise there is a possibility of some roles in the game not appearing on this list.

Bartender - With most boomtowns, the Saloon is the place to pick up on the every day gossip. The local barkeep usually knows mostly everyone in town, and often what they are up to.

Retired Judge - After spending 24 years as a judge in Missouri, you have a pretty good feel for when people are misleading you and when they are telling the truth.

Butcher - Everyone has to eat at some point!

Banker - A town like tombstone won't attract people without the promise of money, and everyone will need somewhere to store theirs.

Pickpocket - Spending alot of time in towns such as Philadelphia and New York City, you have become quite skillful in picking the pockets of innocent passerbyers.

Pinkerton guard - The most wellknown detective agency of our time is the Pinkertons. As expected, you are one of the best.

Brothel girl - You might just be the most attractive woman west of the Mississippi, and you know how to use that to your advantage.

Retired Sheriff - You made quite the name for yourself years back as a Kansas lawdog. Now you are in Tombstone looking to make your own fortune, but will others leave you alone to do that?

Brothers - THey say blood is thicker then anything else, and you and your brother prove that. There is absolutely no one that you trust more than your brother.

Retired dentist - After practicing dentistry for a few years, you have come to Tombstone to pursue your greater loves of drinking and gambling.

Adventure-starved young man - Up until now you have led a rather dull and boring life, but you crave adventure and feel Tombstone is the place to find it.

Priest - You are a devout holy man, someone whom others feel comfortable confessing their sins to.

Sharpshooter - When it comes to guns, you are among the best. There possibly is no quicker draw than you, and your mark is true.

Miner - Silvermining is what Tombstone is all about. You are here to make money and lots of it.

Retired Army Captain - After serving for years in the Union's army, fighting against various indian tribes in the west, you have come to Tombstone to retire and possibly find a new way to make yourself some money.

Actor - Tombstone might be an odd place to find an actor of your talents, as the majority of it's townpeople are rather uncivilized. Perhaps there might be some place for appreciation of skills such as yours here though.

School Teacher - There aren't many kids here in the wild west, however you look to try to educate those few that brought their families with them.

Card dealer - Dealing blackjack and poker can make you a pretty penny.. Just be careful on who you upset.

Horse rancher - WIth very limited transportation to and around Tombstone, you have found a use for your services here. The cowboys however don't care to pay for the horses they take at times.

Pony express rider - Getting information in and out of Tombstone relies entirely on you.

Town mayor - You were elected the town mayor, but that doesn't seem to get in your way of ignoring the real problems in town.

Baker - Fresh breads at times seem a luxury for a small town such as Tombstone, but for the odd mixture of the wealthy and the fancy, you find enough money to meet your needs.

Singer - You aren't the best singer in the world, but without radios or Mtv, you are all that Tombstone has.

Alan T 10-05-2006 05:46 PM

Day 1 Start
Day 1 End
Night 1 End
Day 2 End
Night 2 End
Day 3 End
Night 3 End
Day 4 End
Night 4 End
Day 5 Showdown
Day 5 End
Night 5 End
Day 6 End
Night 6 End
Day 7 End
Night 7 End
Day 8 End
Night 8 End
Day 9 End
Night 9 End
Day 10 End
Night 10 End
Day 11 End
Night 11 End
Day 12 End
Night 12 End
Day 13 End

1) Spleen1015
2) path12 - Lynched Day 9 Villager
3) Grammaticus - Lynched Day 4 Villager
4) Fouts - Killed Night 4 Villager
5) LoneStarGirl - Lynched Day 6 Villager
6) Anxiety
7) Lathum
8) GoldenEagle - Killed Night 3 Villager
9) St.cronin - Gunned Down Day 5 Cowboy
10) ntndeacon - Killed Night 9 Villager
11) Swaggs - Sheriff
12) Barkeep49 - Lynched day 8 Cowboy
13) Chief Rum
14) SnDvls - Killed night 5 villager
15) Saldana - Killed night 6 villager
16) Racer - Lynched Day 9 Villager
17) Hoopsguy - Gunned Down Day 7 Cowboy
18) Chubby - Lynched Day 12 Villager
19) bulletsponge - Killed Night 10 villager
20) Glengoyne - Gunned Down Day 7 Villager
21) Thomkal - Killed night 1. Villager

spleen1015 10-05-2006 05:56 PM

I'm in.

Blade6119 10-05-2006 06:02 PM

count me in

Grammaticus 10-05-2006 06:16 PM


bulletsponge 10-05-2006 06:23 PM

sounds interesting, maybe ill sign up. lemme think

Fouts 10-05-2006 06:30 PM

I'm in.

LoneStarGirl 10-05-2006 06:32 PM

I am in

Abe Sargent 10-05-2006 06:33 PM


Lathum 10-05-2006 06:47 PM

count me in pardner

GoldenEagle 10-05-2006 07:04 PM

I'll play.

GoldenEagle 10-05-2006 07:05 PM

9 people within 2 hours. Pretty impressive

st.cronin 10-05-2006 07:09 PM


ntndeacon 10-05-2006 08:41 PM

I reckon I 'll play

Swaggs 10-05-2006 09:44 PM

One of my favorite movies and I loves me some Alan T.

Depending on the timeline, I am tenatively in.

Barkeep49 10-05-2006 09:51 PM

I am in. I desperately hope we don't go too far into the following week.

LoneStarGirl 10-05-2006 09:52 PM

Can we start monday?

Chief Rum 10-05-2006 10:02 PM

Count me in.

Barkeep49 10-05-2006 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by LoneStarGirl (Post 1266345)
Can we start monday?

Didn't outright state this, but this would be my preference as well.

Mr. Wednesday 10-05-2006 10:44 PM

Love to play, but out of town from next Thursday through Monday.

(And I really did need to redeem myself after my last old west game... :o)

Bek 10-06-2006 01:41 AM

I'm in

saldana 10-06-2006 01:49 AM

i start my new job on monday, which has day shift hours, so i am able to play this one


Grammaticus 10-06-2006 07:07 AM

I'm out of town this weekend and returning on Monday. Should be back before the end of day vote, but just in case I am running late, I'm not MIA. I may have internet access, in which case I would be okay. So, I'm fine with a Monday start or even Tuesday.

Racer 10-06-2006 09:28 AM

I would like to play if it is okay that I will be gone from the morning of October 13th to sometime during the evening of October 14th.

hoopsguy 10-06-2006 11:17 AM

I'm your huckleberry.

Alan T 10-06-2006 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Racer (Post 1266624)
I would like to play if it is okay that I will be gone from the morning of October 13th to sometime during the evening of October 14th.

You'll likely miss most of the Friday day-turn. For the weekend we'll likely do some form of longer day turn depending on what people want to do when we get there, so you likely won't miss much on that Saturday.

Alan T 10-06-2006 11:19 AM

It looks like we'll have enough people ready to saddle up on Monday, so we'll aim for the game to start at 9am EST Monday morning. I'll be updating alot of the rules on Sunday, and get roles out Sunday night.

Alan T 10-06-2006 11:24 AM

Have the player list updated through here, if I missed someone, please let me know.

I am sitting at a table in the middle of a shopping mall in Vina del Mar, Chile using some cafe's wireless for internet connectivity, so each page takes like 1 minute to load :)

Right now it looks like we have about 17 players, there is no hard cap on the game, but I probably would like to keep it under 26 players. I actually have roughly 34 roles created, but not all of them will be used in the game and are more for the story line. Looking forward to this game, and will be putting everything up when I am back in the states this weekend :)

hoopsguy 10-06-2006 11:33 AM

Do you plan on visiting Santiago, Chile?

If so, I recommend visiting the Celinto Catayente Towers. It's quite a fine example, in fact. I recommend that next time you're up that way you drop in and take a gander at it yourself.

Note - that is the best pop-culture reference to Chile I could come up with ...

bulletsponge 10-06-2006 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Alan T (Post 1266684)
It looks like we'll have enough people ready to saddle up on Monday, so we'll aim for the game to start at 9am EST Monday morning. I'll be updating alot of the rules on Sunday, and get roles out Sunday night.

ill tell ya by Saturday if im in ok?

Chubby 10-06-2006 02:58 PM

I'm in

Blade6119 10-06-2006 08:15 PM

Alan, i would like to request to be removed from this game. Good luck to everyone

Bek 10-06-2006 08:32 PM

im going to have to step out of this game, sry alan


path12 10-06-2006 10:01 PM

Sign me up please.

SnDvls 10-07-2006 10:14 AM

nevermind looks like it's full

path12 10-07-2006 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by SnDvls (Post 1267226)
nevermind looks like it's full

Sn, I think I saw that Alan would take up to 26, so you can probably get in if you want.....

SnDvls 10-07-2006 11:45 AM

okay if there is room put me in.

bulletsponge 10-07-2006 12:30 PM

ok ill jump in. i want to kill chubby

Glengoyne 10-07-2006 10:48 PM

I'd like to give this a shot, if there is room.

Chubby 10-07-2006 11:17 PM

Vote bulletsponge

Alan T 10-08-2006 05:34 AM

Updated the list through here (am currently at the Miami airport, back in the states)

Hoops, I visited Santiago on Wednesday, but did not visit those towers (not sure i know what they are actually). I saw some of the sights of Santiago, and went up the Funicular to see all of the city as best as I could, but didn't get alot of time in Santiago. I spent most of my week on the coast.

As for the game, I'll be posting up all the rules and game information later this morning/early afternoon and will be sending out roles later today in PMs.

The Game will start once the roles go out, however Day 1 will not end until 9pm EST Monday night. From there we will continue the week with 9am EST night action deadlines and 9pm EST Day action deadlines.

Alan T 10-08-2006 12:39 PM

Rules posted. Roles coming up in the next 2-3 hours. Still time for any last minute people to sign up. I'll close signups later today before I send out role PMs.

Barkeep49 10-08-2006 01:15 PM

Hmm. Seems like a lot of stuff is in this game, as there are quite a few things hinted at in one area, such as certain players having guns, but then never elaborated on elsewhere.

Alan: Just to clarify, can players in jail still talk as well as vote?

Alan T 10-08-2006 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49 (Post 1268115)
Hmm. Seems like a lot of stuff is in this game, as there are quite a few things hinted at in one area, such as certain players having guns, but then never elaborated on elsewhere.

Alan: Just to clarify, can players in jail still talk as well as vote?

Yes, players in jail still can communicate in discussions as well as daytime votes. They are simply limited at being unable to be the target of any night time actions, or perform any night time actions. They also are prevented from being a part of any showdowns.

Thomkal 10-08-2006 02:26 PM

Can I sneak in with a last second plea? :) Was waiting for the rules before deciding.

bulletsponge 10-08-2006 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Thomkal (Post 1268134)
Can I sneak in with a last second plea? :) Was waiting for the rules before deciding.

im sure we could use an extra cowpoke to shoot up.


Retired dentist - After practicing dentistry for a few years, you have come to Tombstone to pursue your greater loves of drinking and gambling

omg i so want that role. i bet its the best gunslingin role out there


Women- You admire the female body, and are susceptible to being influenced by a charming lady

Lonestartgirl will be a powerful player in this game ;) :D

Barkeep49 10-08-2006 03:13 PM

I will not be happy if I get school teacher. Let me just state that now.

bulletsponge 10-08-2006 03:18 PM

with the gunfights in this game i bet Blade will wish he could be in it

Barkeep49 10-08-2006 03:21 PM

I do enjoy the fact that the town banker and the town mayor, not to mention the bartender ( a role I've been playing online successfully for nearly 13 years now) are all unknown. How is a man supposed to get sloshed in this town anyway?

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