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JPhillips 03-27-2007 10:32 AM

F*^$ Cancer
Add Tony Snow to the list of recurrences. I'm not a doctor, so I don't know how serious this is, but when my Dad's cancer went to his liver it was the beginning of the end. Here's hoping both he and Elizabeth Edwards can beat the odds.

From the WA Post:

Tests Show Snow's Cancer Has Returned

By Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 27, 2007; 10:54 AM

White House press secretary Tony Snow, who has become the face of the Bush presidency over the last year, has cancer again.

Snow's deputy, Dana M. Perino, broke into tears at an off-camera briefing this morning as she announced that the cancer has spread to his liver. Doctors discovered it when they operated on Snow on Monday to remove a small growth that had developed in his lower abdomen.

Snow, 51, who underwent surgery and months of chemotherapy for colon cancer two years ago, plans once again to "go after it as aggressively" as he can, Perino said, but it was unclear when or whether he would be able to return to work.

"Of course, we're pulling for Tony," Perino said. "We certainly gain strength from his optimism. We know he's going to beat it again."

A former Fox News television and radio host, Snow joined the White House last year and quickly became one of its most prominent figures, jousting with reporters at the daily televised briefing and, in a departure for a presidential press secretary, even headlining Republican fundraisers during the midterm election campaign last fall. He has been credited by colleagues with presenting a more vigorous public defense of an embattled president while maintaining collegial relations with reporters.

Snow has been open about his past battle with cancer. He constantly wears a yellow wristband that marks him as a cancer survivor, and he teared up at his first briefing from the White House podium last year when recounting his experience and what it meant to him. Just last week, when Elizabeth Edwards, the wife of Democratic presidential contender John Edwards, announced that her own cancer had returned, Snow offered effusive praise for the dignity and optimism she exhibited.

"As somebody who has been through this, Elizabeth Edwards is setting a powerful example for a lot of people, and a good and positive one," Snow said from the podium. "She's being aggressive. She's living an active life. And a positive attitude, prayers, and people you love are always a very good addition to any kind of medicine you have. So for Elizabeth Edwards, good going. Our prayers are with you."

Snow announced the discovery of the small growth in his own lower abdomen the next day, but it had not sparked great concern at first in the White House because other tests had come back negative for cancer. He said at a briefing that day that he decided to have surgery anyway "out of an aggressive sense of caution."

The White House got a clue that the operation yesterday had not turned out well when doctors postponed giving Snow's colleagues a full report. By last night, the White House could tell reporters only that Snow was "resting comfortably."

Snow called President Bush shortly after 7 a.m. today to tell him the results of the operation, then called Perino just before she went to the briefing room for her 9:30 a.m. informal briefing called a "gaggle."

Perino began crying almost from the beginning. After taking several questions on Snow's condition, she asked reporters if she could respond to other news of the day at her 12:30 p.m. briefing.

"It was hard news for us," she said. "I didn't cry until this moment."

She said Snow was up walking around and reported feeling fine.

"He was in very good spirits," she said. "He was trying to help me with some talking points." Reporters laughed and asked if he provided talking points on his own condition.

"This and other things," she said. "He's fired up on the supplemental," the emergency war spending bill that Bush and Congress are fighting over.

She also forwarded a message from Snow to his tormenters in the briefing room. "He said, 'Tell them not to bug me,'" she recounted.

albionmoonlight 03-27-2007 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by JPhillips (Post 1428290)
as she announced that the cancer has spread to his liver

That sounds pretty serious. I feel bad for him. He seems like a nice guy who manages to keep a pretty jovial tone with a pretty bitter and antagonistic press corps.

Fuck Cancer indeed.

wade moore 03-27-2007 11:00 AM

Cancer is an evil, evil thing.

CamEdwards 03-27-2007 11:35 AM

Well, on a positive note, my wife's sister appears to be in remission after THREE different kinds of cancer were found in her breasts and ovaries last year. She's undergone her chemotherapy and is currently going through one last round of radiation treatment (I thought those were the same things, but they're not apparently), but the doctors are so encouraged that they're not even recommending radical mastectomies or surgery to remove the ovaries entirely.

CamEdwards 03-27-2007 11:35 AM

dola: but yeah, fuck cancer.

Subby 03-27-2007 12:29 PM

I think we finally found something that unites this board.

Fuck cancer.

digamma 03-27-2007 12:38 PM

I also like "Cancer can KISS MY ASS."

Franklinnoble 03-27-2007 01:43 PM

My best friend died at the age of 26 to cancer. Add me to the "F*%# Cancer" crowd.

MrIllini 03-27-2007 01:48 PM


this thread makes me smile

cancer sucks

JonInMiddleGA 03-27-2007 03:11 PM

If anything, "Fuck Cancer" is too mild.

Killed my dad's identical twin, my great-grandfather, several other relatives on both sides of the family, and got my wife's cousin abruptly last week even though he appeared to actually have it beaten. And that's without even mentioning what it put my wife through last year, although she kicked its ass good & proper.

Fuck Cancer indeed.

TexasT 03-27-2007 03:19 PM

My Dad was eat up with cancer and died. Yeh....Fuck Cancer.

Dutch 03-27-2007 03:33 PM

Very sad news indeed. :(

Vince 03-27-2007 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Franklinnoble (Post 1428556)
My best friend died at the age of 26 to cancer. Add me to the "F*%# Cancer" crowd.

Ditto, but at age 20 :(

I've also had numerous friends (most recently my ex-girlfriend, dealing with her father) who have had to deal with it as well. It's pretty damned terrible.

Eaglesfan27 03-27-2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Franklinnoble (Post 1428556)
My best friend died at the age of 26 to cancer. Add me to the "F*%# Cancer" crowd.

I also lost a close friend to cancer way too early in life. I'm definitely in the "Fuck Cancer" category. Then again, I can't imagine anyone being pro Cancer.

Greyroofoo 03-27-2007 03:55 PM

I wonder if Tony Snow caught cancer from Elizabeth Edwards.

Yeah and F$*& Cancer!!!

CU Tiger 03-27-2007 04:01 PM

My best friend, who was also my wife's brother, died of Cancer in January. At 27.
It also took, my grandmother, cousin (at30 with a 3year old), aunt, and more.

So yeah Fuck cancer.

Actually no, a fuck can be enjoyable, its much too nice for cancer.

How about Ass Rape Cancer...

MrIllini 03-27-2007 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by CU Tiger (Post 1428726)
My best friend, who was also my wife's brother, died of Cancer in January. At 27.
It also took, my grandmother, cousin (at30 with a 3year old), aunt, and more.

So yeah Fuck cancer.

Actually no, a fuck can be enjoyable, its much too nice for cancer.

How about Ass Rape Cancer...

probably not acceptable either, but shooting cancer in the fucking gosh damned face would probably suffice

and there's my one post

I quit

JeeberD 03-27-2007 05:24 PM

As the son of a man who has been battling leukemia off and on for the past five years, Fuck Cancer.

Franklinnoble 03-27-2007 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by CU Tiger (Post 1428726)

How about Ass Rape Cancer...

There's a colon cancer joke here somewhere...

Warhammer 03-27-2007 06:21 PM

The tough part with Liver cancer is that once it goes there, it can spread easily to other areas since the liver is a big part of the lymphatic system. I too say fuck cancer, since my wife is a cancer and I enjoy it with her.

EDIT: Capricorns are another story.

LoneStarGirl 03-27-2007 06:26 PM

I dont have anybody in my family that has cancer, although Golden Eagle's mother had Colon Cancer for awhile.

But yes, fuck cancer indeed

st.cronin 03-27-2007 06:38 PM

My girlfriend has had cancer twice, and is now unable to have children. I'm looking forward to the day when there is no cancer.

Doug5984 03-27-2007 06:49 PM

Lost my grandfather to lung cancer about a month ago- so a big fuck cancer.

King of New York 03-27-2007 07:26 PM

F U cancer.

The worst part, I think, is that people can struggle with it for so long--it's just indescribably painful to see someone fight cancer for a couple of years, putting up with chemo just so that they can see their kids grow up, and then, they die anyway :(

Warhammer 03-27-2007 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by st.cronin (Post 1428857)
My girlfriend has had cancer twice, and is now unable to have children. I'm looking forward to the day when there is no cancer.

Unless her ovaries or uterus have been removed, miracles do happen. My brother in law found out the hard way (he wasn't complaining), just didn't expect it.

st.cronin 03-27-2007 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Warhammer (Post 1428981)
Unless her ovaries or uterus have been removed, miracles do happen. My brother in law found out the hard way (he wasn't complaining), just didn't expect it.

She's been spayed, so it would truly be a miracle. She's as likely to get pregnant as I am.

oliegirl 03-27-2007 08:56 PM

Include me in the Fuck Cancer crowd...

We found out about 2 weeks ago that my dad has bone cancer, Multiple Myeloma. He doesn't need chemo, though they have decided to do some radiation treatments on a spot on his spine. It's mostly in his ribs, basically causing lots and lots of little fractures that are causing him to be in a lot of pain, which is what I'm having the hardest time dealing with.

He's on medication - thalidomid - yes, the same thalidomid used in the 60's and that was "banned" by the FDA, it's now used to fight cancer - go figure. He's also on steroids for 4 days then off for 10. It's been really stressful on all of us, but everything we've heard from doctors tells us that he'll beat this, although it will never go into remission, it will be more of an "inconvenience", but I'm still terrified that they are wrong.

Anyway, fuck cancer!

sachmo71 03-27-2007 09:22 PM

Lost my mom to cancer.

dawgfan 03-27-2007 09:27 PM

My paternal grandfather and an uncle were cancer victims. My brother beat cancer and one of my aunts (the wife of the uncle that died of cancer) is beating cancer currently.

Fuck cancer.

duckman 03-27-2007 11:18 PM

Lost my father last year to lung cancer, so fuck cancer.

AZSpeechCoach 03-27-2007 11:37 PM

Fuck Cancer!

My mother died 6 years ago from pancreatic cancer that spread to her liver and all over her abdomen. She didn't even know she was sick until about 5 weeks before she died.

One of my best friends at school has been battling cancer in various forms for nearly 6 years. Just when it looks like she'll beat it, it strikes back and she has to leave the classroom for another semester/year.

And, Lily's father is battling prostate cancer.

So...yeah...fuck it with a sharp brutal filthy dildo.

CU Tiger 08-29-2010 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by CU Tiger (Post 1428726)
My best friend, who was also my wife's brother, died of Cancer in January. At 27.
It also took, my grandmother, cousin (at30 with a 3year old), aunt, and more.

So yeah Fuck cancer.

Actually no, a fuck can be enjoyable, its much too nice for cancer.

How about Ass Rape Cancer...

dry...with sand paper

Chief Rum 08-29-2010 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by CU Tiger (Post 2340216)
dry...with sand paper

You bumped a three-years-old-plus cancer thread for a joke?

Scoobz0202 08-29-2010 10:06 PM

I believe he wondered over here from the Drunk Guy thread, CR

Chief Rum 08-29-2010 10:09 PM

I actually just noticed it was he himself who made the post he responded to.

Still weird, though.

Chief Rum 08-29-2010 10:17 PM

All right, just went over the drunk thread. Sorry to see that, CU. Must be a rough day for you. I hope you're feeling better in the morning (and that you didn't lose your ass).

Senator 08-30-2010 08:50 PM

The greatest man I will ever know, my dad, died this morning at 7:40am after battling leukemia with more courage than I will ever know.

My 4 year old son will never remember him.

Fuck Cancer.

JPhillips 08-30-2010 08:57 PM

Sorry to hear. My Dad died almost twelve years ago from prostate/bladder cancer. It was a miserable last few months. Hope you can find some comfort over the next few days.

duckman 08-30-2010 09:03 PM

Sorry for your loss, Senator.

Fuck cancer...

JonInMiddleGA 08-30-2010 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Senator (Post 2340868)
The greatest man I will ever know, my dad, died this morning at 7:40am after battling leukemia with more courage than I will ever know. My 4 year old son will never remember him. Fuck Cancer.

Very sorry to hear of your loss Senator, my condolences & prayers for all those touched by this.

And yes, Fuck Cancer indeed.

MizzouRah 08-30-2010 10:39 PM

Horrible Senator, my condolences and prayers for you and your family.


Lathum 08-30-2010 10:44 PM

Really sorry to hear Senator... My Dad is 80 and I fear my son won't get the chance to know him. Prayers and condolences to your whole family...

Mizzou B-ball fan 08-30-2010 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Senator (Post 2340868)
The greatest man I will ever know, my dad, died this morning at 7:40am after battling leukemia with more courage than I will ever know.

My 4 year old son will never remember him.

Fuck Cancer.

Sorry for your loss, but I think your declaration about your son may be a bit premature. Kids as young as 3 can remember people who passed away at that age. Granted, it may not be to the extent that you'd want, but I think he'll remember who his grandpa is.

BYU 14 08-31-2010 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Senator (Post 2340868)
The greatest man I will ever know, my dad, died this morning at 7:40am after battling leukemia with more courage than I will ever know.

My 4 year old son will never remember him.

Fuck Cancer.

Sorry for your loss Senator, you have my prayers and condolences. Like Mizzou said though, you may be surprised what your son remembers. Keep those memories fresh for him...

And yes, fuck cancer!

GrantDawg 08-31-2010 04:55 AM

So for your loss, Senator.

wade moore 08-31-2010 06:46 AM

Fuck Cancer.

Swaggs 08-31-2010 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by wade moore (Post 2340987)
Fuck Cancer.

+ a billion.

Sorry for your family's loss, Senator. :(

DaddyTorgo 08-31-2010 09:06 AM

Sorry for your loss Senator.

Honolulu_Blue 08-31-2010 09:06 AM

Sorry to hear that, Senator. All the best to you and yours in this tough time.

Fuck cancer, indeed.

Subby 08-31-2010 09:11 AM

Really really sorry to hear that Senator. Your dad sounds like a great man.

Hang in there.

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