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-   -   WW XCIII - Mine Wars - Battle of Blair Mountain - SYMPATHIZERS WIN!!! (

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 07:56 PM

WW XCIII - Mine Wars - Battle of Blair Mountain - SYMPATHIZERS WIN!!!
During the late days of the 19th century, various companies set their sights on mining coal from the hills of West Virginia. While the rest of the eastern US had its coal companies unionized, a few profiteers moved to the hills of central Appalachia and began a campaign of terror and exploitation that would not end until 1933 when the right to organize was officially made part of the New Deal legislation. The companies used every trick at their disposal, from gun-thugs to machine guns, from lawyers to detectives, from bombs to religion, whatever would work, they used. By maximizing their profits for as long as they could, a state once proud was stripped of its most precious resource and went from having a stronger economy than Virginia to being one of the poorest states in the nation.

You are all members of District 17 of the UMWA, the United Mine Workers of America. Your goal is to enter various mine camps and turn the miners into union folk. Together, you can try and fight the companies, but divided, you will not stand for long.

This is a werewolf game where one side you have the UMW unionists, and the other are company sympathizers and spies. For purposes of simplicity, one side is called Labor and the other Sympathizers.

Labor: Your goal is to convert camps into union camps. The game will end, and you will win, once you have successfully converted a certain number of camps. On each Day, you will move to a new area to unionize the miners. For each day, you must do what you can to convert the miners. Different camps will have different needs.

Sympathizers: You are spies, infiltrators and operator sympathizers. Your goal is to prevent the union from moving into camps. You have many deadly and dangerous weapons at your disposal. Whenever one of you does a task in public, you can pm me that you want to fake it, and not have it completed.

At the beginning of each day, you will be told where you have moved to, and what you will have to do on that day in order to convert the camp. On some days, you may have to do certain work, and perhaps on others different tasks will be required.

Usually, you can begin work on the camp immediately. All of you have various skills that might come in handy in certain camps and areas. At the end of the day, results will be posted, but not how much work each individual did. At that point, you will know whether or not you were successful.

Whenever you fail to convert a camp, you know that you have enemies in your midst. On the following day, you will vote to Oust a Member. Please place your Oust votes, as well as your Actions in bold.

Victoire: When the union converts EIGHT camps, they will win. When they have ousted or killed all Sympathizers from their midst, then they will. When Sympathizers has a 1:1 ratio with the remaining Labor, they win. After a certain number of days, if Labor has failed to convert their number of camps, Sympathizers wins. There is also a game ending event, which, if it is triggered, will decide the game right there and then.

There are some events in this game which may change the rules for a day or the rest of the game. Just letting you know upfront.

This game will begin on Monday afternoon, the 27th. Roles will be sent then. The first deadline will be on Tuesday. Deadlines are at 9 pm EST for Day actions, and 1 am EST for night actions

Do not edit posts for any reason
Due to the quirkiness of the rules for this game, Nightfall votes will not be accepted.

When a player dies or is Ousted, their role will be revealed, as well as a full description of that role

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 07:57 PM

Notes on…

Race – Each of you is given a race in your pm. This will almost always not matter, but historically, the companies would bring in scabs with the intent to divide loyalties. Typically, they would bring in a trainful of black or Italian scabs hoping to split the union folk and flame any embers of prejudice into keeping them from uniting against them. Should this ever happen in this game, the consequences could be dire. The races are White, Italian and Black. (Yes, I know Italian is White, but this is not a game about anthropology, but history)

Bribery Point – Almost all of you were sent a price. This is how much money it will cost to bribe you. Companies regularly bought off anybody they could, from law enforcement to the governor, from the media to union officials themselves. Many high ranking officials in the UMW went to work for the company line after getting large offers of money and prestige. Most of you have a price point, which, if offered, will result in you switching sides and becoming a sympathizer. Some of you are cheaper than others. Also, a few of you are immune to any attempt to bribe.

Skills – Every player has one of eight skills which can help complete tasks for the day.

Roles – A few players have roles, and some are traditional while others are not. Enjoy if you have one!

Items – At the beginning of the game, most of you don’t have any items, but it is possible you may procure some during the course of the game. You may also procure certain allies during the game as well. In order to move an item, simply pm me who you want to give it to. Allies are not assigned to any individual but are people who help the cause.

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 07:57 PM

I know that this one is a bit off the beaten path. No zombies, no wolves, no lightsabers, no vulcans, no mages, etc. I hope you will enjoy it!

A Quick Historical Note: Although this game is fictional, technically, it will be using a lot of the history of the Mine Wars to flesh it out. The places you go, the things you encounter, and more – all real and happened. I will occasionally post historically interesting posts, and they will all come from real history. The purpose is both to teach and to entertain by fleshing out the game. (As you can see, I’ve already started: District 17's Feisty Spirit - TIME – Note the date is 1977 on that article) Enjoy!

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 07:57 PM

Sign Up List

This game can hold any number

1. Poli - Killed by Bull Moose Special - Labor, Union Bodyguard
2. Lathum - Sympathizer, Killed Battle of Blair Mountain, Stage Five
3. Passacaglia - Ousted Day Three - Sympathizer, Gun Thug
4. dubb - Ousted Day Five - Labor
5. claphamsa - Sympathizer, Killed Battle of Blair Mountain, Stage Six
6. ntndeacon - Labor, Union Procurement Officer, Killed Battle of Blair Mountain, Stage Two
7. USFLTecmo - Ousted Day Eight - Labor, Union Firebrand
8. TheNorm - Removed From Game Night Seven - Labor, Union Recruiter
9. EagleFan - Killed in Battle of Matewan - Labor
10. Glengoyne
11. Chief Rum
12. DaddyTorgo - Labor, Union Sabateur - Killed Battle of Blair Mountain, Stage Three
13. Danny - Labor - Killed Battle of Blair Mountain, Stage Four
14. PurdueBrad
15. Autumn - Removed from Game Day Three - labor
16. path - Removed from Game Night One - Labor
17. The Jackal - Ousted Day Four. Sympathizer
18. RendeR
19. Barkeep
20. jeheinz - Labor, Killed Battle of Blair Mountain, Stage One

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 07:57 PM

This post is for any events or allies that arrive, as well as the current score.

Monongah - Success!
Drawdy Creek - Failure
Bob White - Failure
Paint Creek - Failure
Cabin Creek - Success x2!!
Lens Creek - Failure
Matewan - Success x2!!


Peter Urban - While Peter Urban is an ally of labor, all missions that involve mining accidents will automatically succeed.
Mother Jones - Automatically succeed in all oratory tasks
Sid Hatfield - No side, either Labor or Sympathizer, may take any action which is illegal. - KILLED by event - On the Steps of the Courthouse


Bull Moose Special
Gov. Glasscock Declares Martial Law
The Battle of Matewan
On the Steps of the Courthouse
Battle of Blair Mountain

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 08:03 PM

Poli 04-23-2009 08:04 PM

This guy is in.

hoopsguy 04-23-2009 08:07 PM

Abe, have to miss another one of your games since I'll be out of town for work all of next week. Hopefully this one is just as good as Dungeon was, if not as long :)

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 08:08 PM

Damn it hoops!

Lathum 04-23-2009 08:09 PM


Passacaglia 04-23-2009 08:15 PM

I'll play.

claphamsa 04-23-2009 08:27 PM

in before DT starts complaining....:D

vote danny

dubb93 04-23-2009 08:30 PM

in :hides:

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 08:43 PM

You will know how many camps you have to convert and stuff like that once we have a set number of players

ntndeacon 04-23-2009 08:49 PM


USFLTecmo 04-23-2009 08:59 PM

In, wonderful concept, Abe!

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by USFLTecmo (Post 2001366)
In, wonderful concept, Abe!

Thanks! I try to make my games a little different. This will be my first swing at a more BK-ish rules set.

TheNorm 04-23-2009 09:06 PM

Sure, I'll give it a shot. :)

USFLTecmo 04-23-2009 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 2001368)
Thanks! I try to make my games a little different. This will be my first swing at a more BK-ish rules set.

Last game I ran was based on the US Senate in the 1950's, with a few senators being "spies." I like games based in reality, even if it means tweaking reality a bit. This'll be fun.

EagleFan 04-23-2009 09:07 PM

I see mention of possible rule changes for a day. Does this include the need for actions during the day? The deadline is very good for me for next week but if it may require actions during the morning/afternoon hours I won't be able to swing it so I wanted to verify before saying yes or no.

Sounds like an interesting concept though. If no possible daytime worries I am definitely in.

TheNorm 04-23-2009 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by USFLTecmo (Post 2001373)
Last game I ran was based on the US Senate in the 1950's, with a few senators being "spies." I like games based in reality, even if it means tweaking reality a bit. This'll be fun.

I can vouch for this, one of the most challenging but fun times I'd ever had playing a mafia/werewolf game. :)

USFLTecmo 04-23-2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by TheNorm (Post 2001380)
I can vouch for this, one of the most challenging but fun times I'd ever had playing a mafia/werewolf game. :)

Yeah, poor Norm had his two partners picked out by a spy role and the seer, but lasted to the last day anyway.

EagleFan 04-23-2009 09:18 PM

I bet you Abe must be a "wolf" this game...

:D ;)

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 2001375)
I see mention of possible rule changes for a day. Does this include the need for actions during the day? The deadline is very good for me for next week but if it may require actions during the morning/afternoon hours I won't be able to swing it so I wanted to verify before saying yes or no.

Sounds like an interesting concept though. If no possible daytime worries I am definitely in.

The only time deadlines might change is with a major, masive game ending event. Then the game will completey change into something else for a day or two, if that event triggers. Otherwise, no, the deadlines will not change.

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by USFLTecmo (Post 2001373)
Last game I ran was based on the US Senate in the 1950's, with a few senators being "spies." I like games based in reality, even if it means tweaking reality a bit. This'll be fun.

CR was talking about doing one with Republicans and Democrats in Congress a couple of years ago, but never did anything about it.

After my first few WW games used popular intellectual properties Star Trek, Magic, Lord of the Rings, I branched out into my own stuff. Now I consider myself solid enough as a GM not to need the IP to bring in players, but I was a crappy GM at first and I had to learn on the road. In this game, I'll be trying out a lot of new mechanics for me for the first time, so I cannot promise to make the game perfect I will try, however, to make it a lot of fun.

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 09:52 PM

Oh, and in case anyone cares, I can provide a Bibliography at the end of the game with my various sources and such. Books, websites, archives, etc.

hoopsguy 04-23-2009 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 2001401)
CR was talking about doing one with Republicans and Democrats in Congress a couple of years ago, but never did anything about it.

After my first few WW games used popular intellectual properties Star Trek, Magic, Lord of the Rings, I branched out into my own stuff. Now I consider myself solid enough as a GM not to need the IP to bring in players, but I was a crappy GM at first and I had to learn on the road. In this game, I'll be trying out a lot of new mechanics for me for the first time, so I cannot promise to make the game perfect I will try, however, to make it a lot of fun.

Pretty sure that Chief did end up running that game, although I did not play in it.

Also, I think you were a much better mod in those early games than you are giving yourself credit for here. But you did dive in with both feet; no starter rules (aka "simple game") for you out of the gate. When someone runs ambitious games they get to go through a little steeper learning curve.

Best of luck with the new ideas for this game. Looking forward to reading along when I'm back in town, or from my hotel room if/when I get curious next week :)

Schmidty 04-23-2009 10:01 PM

I'm in because I really like the deadline times.

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by hoopsguy (Post 2001405)
But you did dive in with both feet; no starter rules (aka "simple game") for you out of the gate. When someone runs ambitious games they get to go through a little steeper learning curve.

Oh yeah! And they keep being ambitious. I like doing different games!

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 2001407)
I'm in because I really like the deadline times.

Always happy to have the GM who broke my WW cherry in my games!

Schmidty 04-23-2009 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 2001409)
Always happy to have the GM who broke my WW cherry in my games!

I can't wait until I get to do another one. I don't think I'll do another "Thing" one though. Nobody dying was a bit chaotic to say the least. :)

Chief Rum 04-23-2009 10:44 PM

Yup, I ran the Politics game, pitting Republicans against Democrats, last July. It was a too ambitious affair, although designed with good intentions. There were things that went well, but in the end, I had to adjust some rules on the fly because I didn't properly plan for how clever you bastards would be with the bills. ;)

Speaking of Star Trek, if I ever run a game again, I intend to run Evil Star Trek, as I have put out in the past, which will also be a two thread style game like Pass's (and like the Political game). It will be simpler, though. It's based on the old (original) Star Trek episode where the Enterprise is linked to an alter universe Enterprise where the traditional good characters are matched up with their evil alter egos in the other universe, and the only way you can tell good Kirk from evil Kirk (and everyone else) is that the evil ones all sported "cool" goatees.

P.S. I am in.

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 11:29 PM

I was out and not playing then. Sucks.

Abe Sargent 04-23-2009 11:30 PM

I also missed the infamous Clue game during my "I'm trying to find a job so I can;t spend time with WW" year of wandering.

EagleFan 04-23-2009 11:42 PM

I'll be in.

Danny 04-24-2009 12:18 AM

Haven't read rules yet, but I am in. Please no wolf!

Chief Rum 04-24-2009 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 2001512)
Haven't read rules yet, but I am in. Please no wolf!

There has to be a wolf, or there wouldn't be a game!

Danny 04-24-2009 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 2001523)
There has to be a wolf, or there wouldn't be a game!

Aww, can't we all just dance around under the rainbow while voting who gets to receive the next compliment! :D

Danny 04-24-2009 01:20 AM

In seriousness though, being a wolf has worn me out and I'm hoping I roll villager this game.

Chief Rum 04-24-2009 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 2001531)
In seriousness though, being a wolf has worn me out and I'm hoping I roll villager this game.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Before these last two games where I was a good guy, I had something like three of the last four games I was in, I was a wolf. It does get tiring. And since I often get scanned right away, it's even more frustrating. ;)

PurdueBrad 04-24-2009 06:42 AM

I'm in too.

DaddyTorgo 04-24-2009 07:24 AM

alright - i'm in

Passacaglia 04-24-2009 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 2001477)
I also missed the infamous Clue game during my "I'm trying to find a job so I can;t spend time with WW" year of wandering.

Clue was definitely worth missing -- that was the first game I ran, and it was just wrong all over the place (i.e. if you had problems with my last game, that was nothing compared to the problems in Clue). Maybe I'll try it again, though.

Autumn 04-24-2009 08:19 AM

Sounds like an interesting one. I'm in.

EagleFan 04-24-2009 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by PurdueBrad (Post 2001581)
I'm in too.

Sweet. Now I can actually keep my promise about not voting for you day one. Last game really doesn't count for that, unless you want it to that is? ;)

path12 04-24-2009 10:39 AM

Abe, any idea about the weekends? I'm tempted to jump back in but will be gone next Friday-Sunday.

Abe Sargent 04-24-2009 11:17 AM

No weekends.

EagleFan 04-24-2009 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Abe Sargent (Post 2001760)
No weekends.

Sweet. With the weather changing for the best that is a very good rule to live by for WW.

EagleFan 04-24-2009 11:21 AM

dola: I take it back, Abe isn't a wolf this game. ;)

path12 04-24-2009 11:24 AM

OK. Sign me up.

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