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saldana 01-04-2006 07:17 AM

Werewolf XXI - Werewolf goes to Hollywood - Game Over!! Death Eaters win!!
OK, we've had wolves, vampires, mafioso, assassins, demons, spawn, and outlaws, but now the world of Werewolf and the world of Hollywood collide in my first attempt at running a game.

Some of you know a little (or a lot in a few cases) about the game, but in short, this will be a basically standard game of werewolf (nods to Coffee Warlord and his yak) taking place in the setting of a very popular fictional world. (and if it doesn't suck, I have a few more adaptations stirring around in my head)

There is really no limit to the number of players, as I can easily adjust the number of roles depending on the number of players. I plan on using the apparently popular 12/24 hour day and night cycles, with the night cycles being flexible within the constraints of my work schedule. When a day cycle ends in the evening, it will end at 9:30 eastern (middle of my lunch break at work so i can post results)

WE WILL NOT START UNTIL THE CURRENT GAME IS OVER, and if requested will leave a couple days of rest in between for recovery. The rules/storyline will be posted shortly.

1.Alan T, Wizard, Potions Master, Lynched Day 3
2.SnDvls, Death Eater, Occlumens, Lynched Day 2
3.Barkeep49, Wizard, Retired Auror, Murdered Night 1
5.Mr. Wednesday
6.Ardent Enthusiast
9.Blade6119, Wizard, Master of DAtDA, Poisoned Night 1
10.St Cronin
14.Raiders Army
25.Coffee Warlord
26.Neon_Chaos, Wizard, Legilimens, Murdered, Night 2
28.Qwikshot - Death Eater, student of magic, lynched day 1

i'll keep going as long as people keep joining in.

OK, here are the rules. If anyone has any questions, send me an Owl. I think i have the balance worked out again for this many people, so i plan on rolling for roles over the weekend, expect an Owl from me sometime then with your role.

I bring you.....Werewolf, the Harry Potter Edition (knowledge of the Harry Potter world is not required, but may be helpful)

Setting – You are the residents of small Wizarding village, much like Hogsmeade, and like the rest of the Wizarding world, you are currently living in fear of the return of He Who Must not be Named. The Ministry of Magic protection pamphlets have been distributed to all the homes in the village, and you seem to think that you are fortunate enough that to this point, The Dark Lord and his supporters have passed over your small community. However, this hope is soon shattered as strange things start to happen in town. Screams are heard during the night, some of the villagers disappear without a trace, and it is unknown if they left willingly or were taken by force. As a group you decide to send an owl to the Ministry of Magic, pleading for them to help you all save your small village. They respond by sending an aged old wizard who wanders into town one afternoon and takes up on a stool at the local pub. Although he does not appear to me much help at first glance, over the course of the next few days, he provides several of you with the knowledge or the means to fight back against the forces of You-Know-Who. After spending the day in the town square, where he most helpfully casts an Anti-Apparition charm over the whole of the village, he goes back to his familiar spot at the bar. As he drains tankard after tankard of mulled mead, he begins to hint at a greater depth of knowledge about some of the people in the village, inferring that there may actually be Death Eaters among you. Before he can say anymore, the mead catches up to him and he passes out on the bar without saying who amongst you has been known to travel in the company of You Know Who. This is where we join the story…..

Primary Roles:

Wizard – you are a just an everyday member of the Wizarding world, possibly a shopkeeper or tradesman, and have made the choice to fight for what is good, over what is easy.

Death Eater – by day, you appear to be the same as everyone else in the village, but come the cover of night, your mask and hooded cloak are donned, and you become a servant of the Dark Lord.

Secondary Roles (these may occur more than once or not at all, and some may have abilities known only to the wizard having that role):

Retired Auror – once a champion in the fight against evil, you had hoped to live out the remainder of your years in peace, but now find yourself pressed into service once again. Each night, you may protect one other wizard, but never the same one twice in a row and you may choose to protect yourself. You automatically possess Dark Detectors.

Legilimens – (Wizards only) you are an expert in the art of Legilimency. Each night, you may select one wizard to examine, and will find out if they are hiding any secrets within the recesses of their mind.

Occlumens – (Death Eaters only) you are an expert in the art of Occlumency. If you are viewed by a Legilimens, he will not be able to determine if you are hiding anything from him.

Dark Lord’s Spy – Each night, you may examine one of your fellow villagers to determine if they are the Legilimens. If the wizard you view is not the Legilimens, you will only be told your view was unsuccessful. If you do find the Legilimens, this information will be passed to the Death Eaters. You do not know who the Death Eaters, and they do not know you, and you can be killed at night by them. If you are viewed by the Legilimens, you will appear to be hiding something. For the purposes of counting for victory conditions, you count as a villager, but you win if the Death Eaters win. If the Wizards win, you lose, even if you are still alive.

Ministry of Magic Official – as a member of the ministry, you have the ability to change the outcome of the days lynch vote. If the person you change the vote to is in the service of the Dark Lord, you retain this power, however if you change the vote to an innocent, you will be relieved of office. This ability is used in secret by sending an owl to the DM at any point during the day cycle, or within 15 minutes after the voting deadline. However, if you make the wrong choice, your role is revealed.

There may be additional secret roles not listed here.


Invisibility Cloak – A gift to you from Saldana, a rare and valuable cloak that while worn, renders the wearer invisible. You may chose to wear your cloak outside at night in an effort to follow anyone that may be about at night. This ability may only be used once.

Dark Detectors – At Saldana’s recommendation, you purchased several items that allow you to provide to yourself a certain level of protection against the dark forces. These items will provide you the warning you need if the Death Eaters come for you, and will allow you to escape without harm.

There may be other secret items not specified here.

The game will consist of two phases, Day and Night. The game will begin with Night 0, and no actions will take place unless specifically indicated by Owl Post.

Cycles will rotate between 12 and 24 hour cycles, always ending at 9:30am or 9:30pm. Times are EST, or FOFC board time. If all night Owls have been received, the results will be posted early, however this will only extend the length of the Day Cycle, and will not move the Deadlines. This is intended to ensure everyone has ample time to read all the posts and make their votes with a minimum of players missing the deadlines. Because this thread is most likely going to be huge, I will put the next deadline in the title each time one passes, along with the current Day/Night number.

Each day, the remaining wizards must vote for another wizard to be lynched at nightfall. Any ties will be broken with the Wizard that received their last vote first being the one to be executed, unless some other method of breaking the tie occurs.

Each night, players with a specified night role send an Owl to the DM informing him how they would like to use their ability or possession, with the Death Eaters being able to choose a wizard to murder during the night.

When the Death Eaters decide upon their nightly murder, they must specify which one of them is going to perform the killing. They may send only one person on the action, or they may send more than one. Some murders may require more than one Death Eater to succeed.

Victory Conditions:

Very simple, the Death Eaters win by achieving a 1:1 ratio with the Wizards

The Wizards win by finding and killing all the Death Eaters. You do not have to kill the Dark Lord’s Spy in order to win.

Alan T 01-04-2006 08:08 AM

ok, I'm interested in finally trying one of these. :)

SnDvls 01-04-2006 08:15 AM

it's WW # 20 I gotta be in it....okay I'm hooked too, but make sure Blade and I are on the same team. :)

Barkeep49 01-04-2006 08:15 AM

I would love to play as a DXXXX EXXXX or even the RXXXXXX AXXXX so I'm in.

path12 01-04-2006 09:19 AM

I'm ready for my screen test.

Mr. Wednesday 01-04-2006 10:16 AM


Poli 01-04-2006 10:28 AM


dacman 01-04-2006 10:44 AM


Lathum 01-04-2006 11:19 AM


Lathum 01-04-2006 11:19 AM

dola, been a while for me so take it easy...

Blade6119 01-04-2006 12:03 PM

You know im in...COME ON UBER KITTY!!!

SnDvls 01-04-2006 12:04 PM

Nice to see some old faces mixed in with the'd be great (except for Saldana who'd have to run it all) if everyone who played in any WW game to sign up for this one being that it's #20 and all. Would be a nice mix and good game I think

st.cronin 01-04-2006 12:06 PM

I'll go ahead and put my name in. I have one more full week of screwing off before school starts.

path12 01-04-2006 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by SnDvls
Nice to see some old faces mixed in with the'd be great (except for Saldana who'd have to run it all) if everyone who played in any WW game to sign up for this one being that it's #20 and all. Would be a nice mix and good game I think

Blade would be able to get to 5000 posts with just one big game like that :D

Passacaglia 01-04-2006 12:21 PM

Sign me up.

Desnudo 01-04-2006 12:23 PM

I'm in.

Blade6119 01-04-2006 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by path12
Blade would be able to get to 5000 posts with just one big game like that :D

5? Try 10 :p

Coder 01-04-2006 12:28 PM

If there's still room I'd like to give this a shot.. just read through some of the very first Werewolf threads from back in June.. not 100% sure of the rules but I think I have a basic grasp of them.

Raiders Army 01-04-2006 01:03 PM

I'm game.

SnDvls 01-04-2006 01:35 PM

wow 14 already....come on people let's make this a hell of a big WW game!!!!

sorry Sal if adding people screws up your numbers, but it will be hell-a lot-a fun :D

SnDvls 01-04-2006 01:36 PM

dola -
actually he says there is not limit on # of players so let's get going people. (I feel like Ty Pennington with that last comment)

Schmidty 01-04-2006 01:37 PM

I'm in if there's room. I'm not going on vacation now, so I'll be participating big time. :)

KWhit 01-04-2006 01:57 PM

I'll play.

TazFTW 01-04-2006 02:38 PM

Wow, this filled up pretty fast. I'd like to be in if there is room available.

dubb93 01-04-2006 03:12 PM


JeeberD 01-04-2006 03:16 PM

I'll go ahead and do my first WW game in quite a while...

saldana 01-04-2006 03:24 PM

I added more numbers and can add even more so keep on coming...

Poli 01-04-2006 03:26 PM

I hope my random number generator counts this high.

WVUFAN 01-04-2006 04:10 PM

I'd like to play, if you will suffer a newbie.

Passacaglia 01-04-2006 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by WVUFAN
I'd like to play, if you will suffer a newbie.

uh oh...ardent is running out of fingers and toes.

saldana 01-04-2006 05:38 PM

too busy drinking and playing bbcf waiting for the game to start, i will update the player list later on, but the more the merrier

kingfc22 01-04-2006 06:45 PM

count me in

Superman=#54 01-04-2006 08:04 PM

I'm in to win.

SnDvls 01-04-2006 08:59 PM

this is gonna be one big a$$ WW game.

Barkeep49 01-04-2006 09:36 PM

I hope that we convinced lurker to join this game.

RPI-Fan 01-04-2006 09:39 PM

IN (assuming my non-access from 7am-6pm due to work won't ruin me!)

Grammaticus 01-04-2006 10:12 PM

Count me in.

kingfc22 01-04-2006 10:13 PM

This might be the biggest game ever

Coffee Warlord 01-04-2006 10:14 PM


Okay, I can't resist a game this big! IN!

...despite the fact that I think a few people may just kill me out of spite for fucking with them. :)

SnDvls 01-04-2006 10:23 PM

up to 25 now...any more?

kingfc22 01-04-2006 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord
...despite the fact that I think a few people may just kill me out of spite for fucking with them. :)

Well now that you mentioned it.


saldana 01-04-2006 10:36 PM

OMG, i really hope i dont suck at DM'ing...this could effectively end my FOFC life if this game is crappy....we still have some notable personalities missing, SackAttack, George W Bush, SirFozzie, MrBug708, pennywisesb, realdeal, and fouts, among others are still not in....

signups will remain open until 12 hours before the start of night 0, regardless of the numbers in post 1

(i'll do my best everyone...preemptive apologies if the game blows)

saldana 01-04-2006 10:38 PM

dola....i cant wait to try and count the votes for the ever-chaotic day 1 :)

saldana 01-04-2006 10:40 PM

double dola, doesn't anyone even want to know what the game theme is?

JeeberD 01-04-2006 10:42 PM

I'm guessing The Matrix...

Passacaglia 01-04-2006 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Barkeep49
I hope that we convinced lurker to join this game.

She's still on the fence...if the game starts next Wednesday or Thursday, she'd be more likely to, since she's going out of town early in the week, and will also be out of town (as will I) this weekend.

saldana 01-04-2006 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by JeeberD
I'm guessing The Matrix...

nope...although that is one of the "in the pipeline" ideas i had

Passacaglia 01-04-2006 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by saldana
nope...although that is one of the "in the pipeline" ideas i had

I know what it is! But I won't spill.

Blade6119 01-04-2006 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Passacaglia
I know what it is! But I won't spill.

Lol, i already did accidently once in another thread and i dont think a soul noticed outside of saldana

Blade6119 01-04-2006 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by saldana
OMG, i really hope i dont suck at DM'ing...this could effectively end my FOFC life if this game is crappy....we still have some notable personalities missing, SackAttack, George W Bush, SirFozzie, MrBug708, pennywisesb, realdeal, and fouts, among others are still not in....

signups will remain open until 12 hours before the start of night 0, regardless of the numbers in post 1

(i'll do my best everyone...preemptive apologies if the game blows)

As long as you balanced it with my reccomendations and read over the two games with the same theme on the other board i showed you it should go smoothely

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