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DeToxRox 05-13-2007 04:45 PM

TEW Multiplayer: Monday Night Wars '97
Right as my ECW game started, SnDvl PM'ed me about starting a multiplayer game using the same mod I used for ECW, so that is what we're doing. I will control the WWF and he will control the WCW. No punches will be pulled, it's every man for himself. Bret Hart was the first victim, but the question is, who's next?

SnDvls 05-13-2007 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by DeToxRox (Post 1463496)
who's next?

Hey that's my guy's line ;)

Should be a fun one Danny let's see what we can do.

SnDvls 05-13-2007 05:00 PM

Well a new era has begun for both WWF and WCW.

It's December 1997 and two new faces are brought in to be the head bookers for WWF and WCW.

I haven't gotten my goals from my owner yet but I see several things that need my attention right away. #1 being that my TV contract only has one season left, but I can't do anything until a month prior.
I have to set up my booking team as I am head booker so I choose the best of what I have; Dusty Rhodes, Eric Bishoff, Terry Taylor, Harley Race & Konnan. Finally I need to give my TV show some announcers. I choose a three man booth of Bobby Heenan, Larry Zbyszko and Tony Schiavone.

SnDvls 05-13-2007 05:13 PM

A quick glance of my Champions shows

WCW World Heavywieght - Hollywood Hulk Hogan
WCW United States - Curt Hennig
WCW World Television - Perry Saturn
WCW Cruiserweight - Eddy Guerrero
WCW World Tag Team - The Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott Steiner)

I take the first shot at WWF by offering Jerry Lawler a written deal to make my announce team better. I also put an offer to Sid Vicious who was a two time WWF champion. Looking over my roster the only person I might lose that would worry me is Chavo Guerrero Jr. who has a pay-per-appearance deal, but I don't think the WWF is waiting to sign him.

DeToxRox 05-13-2007 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by SnDvls (Post 1463507)
A quick glance of my Champions shows

WCW World Heavywieght - Hollywood Hulk Hogan
WCW United States - Curt Hennig
WCW World Television - Perry Saturn
WCW Cruiserweight - Eddy Guerrero
WCW World Tag Team - The Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott Steiner)

I take the first shot at WWF by offering Jerry Lawler a written deal to make my announce team better. I also put an offer to Sid Vicious who was a two time WWF champion. Looking over my roster the only person I might lose that would worry me is Chavo Guerrero Jr. who has a pay-per-appearance deal, but I don't think the WWF is waiting to sign him.

Just you wait. It's on.

SnDvls 05-13-2007 05:43 PM

file sent

from now on I'll add a bolded WCW at the top to help the readers see what fed is posting what so.....


so as to let Danny do some gamming I didn't do all my "advance booking" in the game yet, but I'll let you know what I'm doing here.

I'm happy with all my champions except Saturn as the TV champ...I'll be fixing that soon. I'd like someone else as US champ, but I'll deal with Hennig for now.

DeToxRox 05-13-2007 06:26 PM


WWF World Heavyweight Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Steve Austin
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Aged Outlaws
WWF Lightheavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoki

BOOKING STAFF: Myself, Vince McMahon, Vince Russo, Gorilla Monsoon, Pat Patterson and Jim Ross.

HOUSE SHOWS: Thursday and Saturdays throughout the USA and Canada.

ANNOUNCE TEAM: Jim Ross and Jerry "the King" Lawler will handle all duties, which is Raw and all PPV's.


We're happy with our champions, though I'd like TAKA to get some competition. We've retired the European title, one I found absurd and it just cluttered our title picture. We do need better tag teams, so that's my first and most pressing need.

SnDvls 05-14-2007 07:53 AM


Main Eventers
Scott Steiner
Diamond Dallas Page
Ric Flair
Rick Steiner
Davey Boy Smith
The Giant
Bret Hart
Booker T
Lex Luger
Kevin Nash
Randy Savage
Hollywood Hulk Hogan
Scott Hall

Upper Midcarders
Ray Traylor
John tenta
Stevie Ray
Dean Malenko
Chris Benoit
Jim Duggan
Brian Knobbs
Steve McMichael
The Barbarian
Jerry Saggs
Curt Hennig
Buff Bagwell

JUventud Guerrera
Rey Mystero Jr.
La Parka
Super Calo
Ultimo Dragon
Rick Martel
Chris Jericho
Michael Walstreet
Perry Saturn
Alex Wright
Hugh Morrus
Chavo Guerrero Jr.
The Booty Man
Eddy Guerrero
Scott Norton

Lower Midcarder
Sick Boy
Villano V
Rocco Rock
Silver King
Yuji Nagata
Johnny Grunge
Bogus Sting
Disco Inferno
Blacktop Bully

Norman Smiley
Louie Spicolli
Ice Train
Billy Kidman
Prince Iaukea

Enhancement Talent
Fit Finlay
Johnny Swinger

Occasional Wrestler
Jim Neidhart
Roddy Piper
Brad Armstrong
Steven Regal


Arn Anderson
Ted DiBiase
Sherri Martel
Rick Rude

SnDvls 05-14-2007 09:47 AM

(format courtsey of molson)


WCW Monday Night Nitro
Monday, Week 1, December 1997
Charlotte Coliseum

-Pre-Show Dark Match
Fit Finley defeated Johnny Swinger (E)

Pre-Show Dark Match
-Prince Iaukea defeated Norman Smiley (D-)

Pre-Show Dark Match
-Jim Neidhart defeated Riggs (D-)

-Show opening with WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hollywood Hulk Hogan making his way to the ring. Hogan gives an interview putting down WCW and how big the nWo is and how he is going to destroy Sting at Starcade this year. (A)

-Six Man tag team action. Super Calo, Juventude Guerrera & La Parka defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr., Villano V & Silver King (D-)

-Buff Bagwell is doing an interview w/ Gene Okerlund bashing on Lex Lugar and hyping their upcoming match. (C+)

-Ultimo Dragon defeated Psicosis (D+)

-Chris Benoit defeated Billy Kidman (C-)

-Lex Luger defeated Buff Bagwell (C)

-Sting comes down to the ring and gives a response to Hollywood Hulk Hogan. (A)

-Harlem Heat defeated The Faces of Fear (C-)

-Curt Hennig defeated Diamond Dallas Page to retain the WCW United States Title (B+)

-As Page begins to get up after the loss Kevin Nash rushes to the ring and beats down on Page giving him several power bombs as the show goes off the air. (B+)

Overall Show Rating: B

Show Thoughts & Notes

-Scott Hall missed the show so we'll have to deal with him. I'll probally warn him for the 1st offense, but I know it won't be his last either so I'll keep an eye on him.

-I have a working agreement w/ AAA to bring in some of their luchadors in addition to the ones I have under contract but so far the Lucha Libre expreiment sucks...we'll see what the furture brings.

-Being that this was my first show I'm happy I got a B and the fans were okay with my match/angle setup I just need to have some better matches. I do believe I need to trim some of the fat and I'm sure Ted Turner will let me know that here real quick.

-My dark matches were a little below what I expected, but I guess that's what you get when you only put low guys together in a match. I like the WWF need some better tag teams so I'm going to look at pairing some guys up or hiring some old partners to reform a team again here in WCW.

(format courtsey of molson)

DeToxRox 05-14-2007 04:53 PM

WWF Monday Night Raw
Monday, Week 1, December 1997
Cameron Indoor Stadium

Pre-Show Dark Match
D'Lo Brown defeated Flash Funk (D-)

Pre-Show Dark Match
Steve Blackman defeated Crush (C-)

- Raw opens with WWF Chairman Vince McMahon in the ring. He says he didn't screw Bret Hart; Bret Hart screwed Bret Hart. Owen Hart's music hits and he comes out saying he is going to make sure Vince feels the embarrassment Bret felt. Vince tells Owen he better not touch him, and in fact he has a proposition for him. On behalf of Shawn Michaels, Vince has ordered Owen Hart vs Triple H tonight. If Owen doesn't win, he will NEVER get a shot at Shawns WWF Heavyweight Title. Owen just smirks and nods to accept the offer (B+)

TAKA Michinoku defeated Super Crazy to retain the WWF Lightheavyweight Title (E+) Great chemistry between these two but I gave them too much time I believe. This crowd didn't seem up for it.

Shawn Michaels comes to the ring and runs down the crowd and Bret Hart. He promises that tonight Owen would've been better off leaving when Bret left, because at least Bret got to walk out of Quebec. (A)

The New Age Outlaws defeated LOD to retain the WWF Tag Team Titles. (D+) LOD is not a team anyone wants to see. Following the match Shawn Michaels and Triple H emerge and begin kicking the hell out of LOD. They then announce to the world that the New Age Outlaws are the two newest members of Degeneration X. (B-)

Rocky Maivia defeated Ahmed Johnson (B-)

Jeff Jarrett comes out and lets everyone know he thinks Steve Austin is nothing more then a punk bitch and he is demanding Austin show he isn't such a wuss by putting up his Intercontinental Title against him RIGHT NOW (B-)

Jeff Jarrett defeated Steve Austin after a guitar shot to win the WWF Intercontinental Title (B)

Vader beat Brian Christopher (D)

The Undertaker is backstage with his druids. As some sort of ritual is going on, it's interupted by Mankind attacking him out of nowhere and leaving him a bloodied mess (A)

Owen Hart defeated Triple H (B-) DX rushes out and begins to beat on Owen Hart, but soon after Ken Shamrock and Ahmed Johnson rush out for the save. The seven men battle it out as Raw ends.

Show Rating: C

Show Notes

Owen and Shawn are leading to an epic match at Decembers show, currently title Revenge is Sweet.

Mankind and Undertaker will rekindle their war that is destined for awesome heat.

Austin/Jarrett has potential to be a show stealer every time out and they work well.

We need more storylines, which will start seeing the light of day soon.

Travis 05-14-2007 05:40 PM

So when will Bret Hart, Sting, Benoit and Norman Smiley create a stable? I'm a bit shocked this didn't occur on the first show.

And I won't even start on Smiley getting jobbed in a dark match.

Pure insanity.

SnDvls 05-14-2007 07:22 PM

Wrestling News

-WCW crushed WWF in the head to head ratings pulling a 68.58 to 29.02 in the first head to head show.

-Rob Van Damn seems to be pretty popular as just about everyone offered him a contract, but he is too loyal to ECW and he turned everyone down including Vince McMahon and the WWF.

-Jerry Lawler rejected WCW's contract overtures and turned them down.

DeToxRox 05-14-2007 07:42 PM

Those numbers are skewed. It's obvious people have hundreds of people over to catch Raw.

SnDvls 05-14-2007 07:56 PM


Got my owner's goals and I'm not happy with them

#1 Don't fall below just under $15 million dollars
#2 I can't hire anyone who is on roids and can't resign anyone on them
#3 Injured wrestlers cost too much money. Don't hire anyone with less than a B- in Resilience

okay I can handle #1 no prob as we have over $24 mil now. #2 is gonna be hard as I've got several problems on the roster now and there are some attractive people out there that would fit in well now, but I have to scratch them for the next 2 years. #3 isn't too bad, but any veteran worker out there is not off the radar so I need to look for younger talent..I guess the lucha stars are here to stay.

I put in requests to terminate the contracts of Medusa, Sonny Ono and Bogus Sting.

I have working agreements with both New Japan and AAA in Mexico, but neither has a lot to offer me so I put in an offer to ECW (they currently have one with WWF too so we'll see how that works) and I put a few offers out to be a parent company to try and get a developmental fed going.

Scott Hall was warned for no showing the last event and he took it well without any issues.

SnDvls 05-14-2007 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by DeToxRox (Post 1464144)
Those numbers are skewed. It's obvious people have hundreds of people over to catch Raw.

well to be fair I only used your USA network numbers ;)

DeToxRox 05-14-2007 08:08 PM


Vince McMahon hands down his owner goals .. er goal.

We cannot hire nor resign any heavy drinkers. Could be a problem but we will see.

SnDvls 05-14-2007 08:16 PM


I fired the three workers previously mentioned

I hired Steve Williams

I offered 3 feds to be their parent company...I was turned down by OMEGA and Ohio Valley, but in a shocker ECW said yes....we'll see if they break off their working agreement with WWF

DeToxRox 05-14-2007 09:54 PM


The WWF announced today they've cut ties with Gangrel, Kurrgan and Sniper, and wish them the best in all future endeavors.

SnDvls 05-14-2007 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by DeToxRox (Post 1464210)

The WWF announced today they've cut ties with Gangrel, Kurrgan and Sniper, and wish them the best in all future endeavors.

What that's a good chunk of the Truth Commission ;)

DeToxRox 05-14-2007 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by SnDvls (Post 1464220)
What that's a good chunk of the Truth Commission ;)

I was going to get rid of Recon too, but he saw it coming.

SnDvls 05-14-2007 10:27 PM


I put out several offers for active workers and some development talent in the last few days, honestly too many to remember, but I did ask to speak to Taz and Lance Storm. My offer to talk to Sid Vicious is still out there, but I'm sure Ted Turner will refuse to allow me to offer a contract when it all comes around due to him being so injury prone.

(edit: I looked at Kurt Angle, but can't offer him as he has less than B- resilence)

SnDvls 05-14-2007 10:43 PM

Wrestling News

-current ECW World Champion Shane Douglas signed to be the head booker with JAPW so at the latest ECW card he dropped the title to The Sandman.

SnDvls 05-14-2007 11:28 PM


-What a shock I signed Sid Vicious, I guess since I offered him before the block I was able to keep the offer there. I also signed Lance Storm, Ekmo, Fatu and James Mitchell.

-I've decided to cut some fat and have requested termination proceedings with the following workers; Barry Darsow, Tombstone & Ray Traylor

-I put in a request to meet with Ron Killings and to re-up with Louie Spicolli

DeToxRox 05-15-2007 02:20 PM

WWF News

The WWF has announced they've severed their working agreement with ECW which as caused ECW to wage war on the WWF. The first salvo was fired by the WWF as they've signed away D-Von Dudley, a young star on the rise from ECW. WWF also announced they've signed Christopher Daniels, who may be reporting to the WWF's developmental territory ECWA soon.

Atocep 05-15-2007 02:58 PM

As I said in Molson's dynasty, I don't really follow wrestling anymore, but I used to. The depth of TEW along with the recognizable names makes these dynasties the funnest to read, IMO. The multiplayer aspect means its that much better. I'll be following.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 03:49 PM


-I signed Ricky Steamboat to be a road Agent, and brought in another Samoan in Kimo (I'll have Fatu & Ekmo tag up and Kimo be the third when needed) since I have Rick Rude and he's so good on the mic he'll be assigned as their manager/voice piece.

-James Storm, Chris Harris and Trent Acid were all signed to developmental deals and sent to ECW.

-I never offered RVD a contract, but now that ECW is my development fed I'll offer him to see if he want's to work for the big time now.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 1464748)
As I said in Molson's dynasty, I don't really follow wrestling anymore, but I used to. The depth of TEW along with the recognizable names makes these dynasties the funnest to read, IMO. The multiplayer aspect means its that much better. I'll be following.

Thanks we hope you are enjoying it. I think both of us are having a pretty good time doing it so far. you can expect both of us to push for a 2nd show as soon as we can that is for sure.

DeToxRox 05-15-2007 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Atocep (Post 1464748)
As I said in Molson's dynasty, I don't really follow wrestling anymore, but I used to. The depth of TEW along with the recognizable names makes these dynasties the funnest to read, IMO. The multiplayer aspect means its that much better. I'll be following.

It pains me as a die hard ECW fan (was at shows in Detroit when I was 13) that I am started a war with them and am trying to clean them out but F WCW.

DeToxRox 05-15-2007 04:04 PM

WWF News

The WWF bolstered their Lightheavyweight Divison today by signing ECW star Ki Kash, as well as independant star Christian Cage. A few more names are being bandied about in regards to being terminated but nothing is finalized yet.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 04:07 PM


I tried @ Cage...Kash has "roid" issues so I couldn't offer him

it's on now man :)

SnDvls 05-15-2007 04:09 PM


-I sign Pat Tanaka, Mike Awesome and get Louie Spicolli signed to a written deal.

Nitro is up next.

DeToxRox 05-15-2007 04:23 PM

WWF News

The talent raid of ECW continues as the WWF locks up Bam Bam Bigelow, and also indy star Adam Copeland. Copeland and Cage will be working house shows as partners, while Christopher Daniels will be looked at with Jim Cornette as his manager.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 04:27 PM

damn two more I was too late on.

DeToxRox 05-15-2007 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by SnDvls (Post 1464824)
damn two more I was too late on.

I have three more guys I am going for, one is more important then the other two, and after that I am done for now ha.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by DeToxRox (Post 1464827)
I have three more guys I am going for, one is more important then the other two, and after that I am done for now ha.

I've got a few more I'm after too, but no one that I "want" only development type guys...I'm gonna lose some big names once their contracts come up due to the "roids" ban :(

SnDvls 05-15-2007 05:29 PM

WCW Monday Night Nitro
Monday, Week 2, December 1997
Thompson-Boling Arena, TN

Pre-show Dark Match

The Headshrinkers debut (Fatu & Ekmo w/ Rick Rude) and attack Public Enemy (E) Then Rude goes on to hype his new arrivals and how they will change the tag team scene in WCW (C).

-Perry Saturn defeated Rick Martel to retain the WCW TV Title (D+)

-Eric Bishoff came out and announced that Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko will be fighting Harlem Heat in a best of five series with the winning team getting a shot at the Tag Team Titles. (C+)

-A video is shown of the soon to be debuting direct from the WWF...Bret Hart!!! (B-)

-Davey Boy Smith & Jim Neidhart defeated Hammer & Sick Boy (D+)

-Roddy Roddy Piper was out talking about teaching someone a lesson when Jerry Saggs came out to fight him. (C+) Leading to Piper defeating Saggs (C+)

-Randy Savage burst into Eric Bishoff's office complaining about Bret Hart coming to WCW (B+)

-Buff Bagwell defeated Jim Duggan (C) after the match Buff posed down in the ring and challenged the whole WCW roster to a fight (C+)

-Benoit & Malenko defeated Harlem Heat (B-)

-A recap of last week's attack by Nash on DDP is shown (B+) leading to the main event. Kevin Nash defeated Diamond Dallas Page (A*)

Show Rating: (B)

Show Thoughts

Two B rated shows in a row, but both have slightly hurt me in the areas I'm running in I need to step it up to stay ahead of the WWF.

I started a series w/ Harlem Heat & Benoit/Malenko to go along with my current one of Hogan/Sting and Nash/DDP. Also started a small Hart/Savage storyline and began a Bagwell/Luger one as well. Final storyline that was started was one w/ Goldberg/Hennig that was started with Piper and The Nasty Boys to pick up steam next week.

DeToxRox 05-15-2007 06:32 PM

WWF Monday Night Raw
Monday, Week 2, December 1997
Calihan Hall, MI

Pre-show Dark Match
Goldust defeated Test (C-)

Pre-show Dark Match
Marc Mero defeated Steve Blackman (D)

Owen Hart makes his way to the ring. Gone is the trademark smirk Owen sports, instead it's replace with an aggitated look. He's sick of these games with Shawn Michaels and lets Shawn know he's coming at him for blood (B+)

Farooq defeated Ahmed Johnson (D+)

Steve Austin hits the ring and tells everyone he's sick as hell with Jeff Jarrett and the way he won Austins WWF IC Title, and he'll be taking it back at Revenge is Sweet in two weeks. (B)

Rocky Maivia is backstage talking about how he is the future of the WWF and he's not going to let anyone hold him back (B-)

Rocky Maivia defeated Al Snow (C+)

Shawn Michaels comes out and tells Owen he will get his shot at Revenge; but it won't be until Revenge is Sweet and it will be for the WWF Heavyweight Championship. Michaels says he is a fighting champ, and he's about to show everyone Owen is just another Hart chump (B+)

Vader defeated Flash Flanagan (D+)

The Undertaker defeated Kane (B+)

After the match the Undertaker grabs a mic and tells Mankind this war of theres needs to end, and at Revenge is Sweet, he's challenging him to a Last Man Standing match! (B+)

Jeff Jarrett defeats Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw to make his first defense of the WWF Intercontinental Title (C+) As Jarrett celebrates his win Steve Austin comes through the crowd and decks Jarrett with his IC Title, then gets in his face and gives him the finger (B-)

Owen Hart is in the back with Ken Shamrock. They promise to watch one anothers back as neither one of them trusts DX (B-)

DX (Shawn Michaels & Triple H) defeated LOD (B-)

Mankind is shown backstage, rocking back and forth. He begins tearing out his hair and then starts punching himself. He picks up a nearby chair and hits himself with it repeatedly till he bleeds. He promises Undertaker that will be him at Revenge is Sweet (A)

Owen Hart & Ken Shamrock defeated the New Age Outlaws in a Non Title match (C+) After the match the rest of DX hits the ring and begins to pound on Owen and Shamrock as Raw goes off the air (B+)

Show Rating: B -

Show Thoughts

Undertaker/Mankind is a money feud that is going to be big for me in the ratings. I can only hope both men keep up this effort.

HBK vs Owen is moving nicely, with Triple H vs Shamrock also slowly picking up steam.

Can Vader be stopped?

Austin vs Jarrett is going to need more intensity but should be a great part of our triple main event.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 07:07 PM


probally the last of the signings for a while

-Ron Killings is signed to a development contract
-Kaz Hayashi is also brought in to help my lacking Lucha Libre stars

DeToxRox 05-15-2007 07:18 PM

WWF Notes

The WWF has terminated the following: Flash Flanagan, Recon, the Godwinns and three other low lever guys I honestly don't remember. Shows how much I'll miss them.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 07:37 PM

Wrestling News

-RVD again stays loyal to ECW turning down WCW this time

-WCW again won the TV ratings 68.24 to 28.65

DeToxRox 05-15-2007 08:45 PM

WWF News

The WWF continues their domination of ECW by hiring away mainstays Taz and Sabu to long term contracts. Both men are expected to debut sometime around the PPV Revenge is Sweet.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 09:00 PM


WCW has come to terms with the release of Ice Train. We wish him the best of luck in the future.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 09:23 PM


The war has drawn in some family as Bubba Ray Dudley has signed with WCW opposite of his "brother" who signed w/ the WWF.

DeToxRox 05-15-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by SnDvls (Post 1465100)

The war has drawn in some family as Bubba Ray Dudley has signed with WCW opposite of his "brother" who signed w/ the WWF.

That hurts the most so far, but we're not down and out. We'll see what this has in store next.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by DeToxRox (Post 1465105)
That hurts the most so far, but we're not down and out. We'll see what this has in store next.

it was done to keep you from getting a good tag I need to find a partner for him and make another "brother" from another mother

DeToxRox 05-15-2007 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by SnDvls (Post 1465143)
it was done to keep you from getting a good tag I need to find a partner for him and make another "brother" from another mother

Ha as I figured, and I am in the same boat as you, though I have a couple of ideas.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 10:17 PM

to those reading we're almost back to another Monday :D

WVUFAN 05-15-2007 10:52 PM

This sounds like a great game to play multiplayer.

SnDvls 05-15-2007 11:05 PM

WCW Monday Night Nitro
Monday, Week 3, December 1997
Tacoma Dome, WA

-Pre-show Dark Match
The Headshrinkers defeated Public Enemy (E)

-Pre-show Dark Match
Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated La Parka (D)

-Pre-show Dark Match
Lance Storm defeated Mortis (D)

-Eddie Guerrero defeated Alex Wright, Billy Kidman & Rey Mystero Jr retaining the WCW Cruiserweight Title (C)

-We cut to the back where The Nasty Boys have attacked Roddy Piper and left him lying on the ground. (C)

-Lex Luger defeated Buff Bagwell (C+)

-The Steiner Brothers defeated The Faces of Fear to reatin the WCW Tag Team Titles (C-)

-Benoit & Malenko defeated Harlem Heat (C+) to go up 2-0 in their best of five series.

-Diamond Dallas Page defeated Scott Hall (A)

-It was announced that Bret Hart would be making his in ring debut tonight taking on Randy Savage (B+)

-Bret Hart defeated Randy Savage (C+)
These two just didn't click, but this was the last in their storyline so it's okay and I'm glad it's over.

-Sting is making his way to the ring (B+) to take on Hollywood Hulk Hogan.

-Sting defeated Hogan by DQ (B+) After the match Sting celebrated in the ring (B+) and it was soon announced that Sting was the new #1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Title (B+)

Show Rating: C

Show Thoughts

My worst show thus far. I had booked Kaz Hayashi to take part in the 4-way, but he doesn't debut yet so I had to put in Alex Wright and that disappointed some fans, also they expected to see more angles this time which I skimped on...I guess I'll learn.

Luger & Bagwell pull off a C+ match, but I expect more from two vets and upper card wrestlers. I can only hope it gets better as they have a long way to go in their storyline.

Page and Hall pulled off the best match of the night and they were a ways down on the card...I'll have to remember that for the future though...if Hall keeps showing up :)

Hart & Savage weren't a good paring at all I'll have to see what Hart can do with some of my other workers and Savage might just be a worker without a spot for me for a while

DeToxRox 05-15-2007 11:35 PM

WWF Monday Night Raw
Monday, Week 3, December 1997
Patriot Center, VA

Pre-show Dark Match
Super Crazy defeated Christopher Daniels (E+)

Pre-show Dark Match
D'lo Brown & D-Von Dudley defeated Adam Copeland & Christian Cage (E)

Kid Kash defeated TAKA Michinoku in a Non Title match (D-)

Vince McMahon comes out and announces that Owen Hart will take on Triple H tonight! (B+)

DX is show backstage hyping themselves (C)

Vader defeated Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw (C-)

Rocky Maivia defeated Goldust (B-)

Jeff Jarrett is shown in the back with a giant briefcase. He has promised that anyone who takes out Steve Austin is going to be a rich rich man. Jarrett tells Austin he won't make it to the PPV (B-)

Steve Austin defeated Savio Vega (D+)

Vince McMahon is back out to announce tonight Shawn Michaels will put his WWF Heavyweight Title on the line vs Ken Shamrock (B+)

Mankind & Kane defeated Undertaker & Ahmed Johnson (C+)

Owen Hart defeated Triple H with help from Ken Shamrock (C+)

A video is shown for Bam Bam Bigelow (D+)

In the back Undertaker is looking for someone when Mankind emerges from the shadows to lay a violent beatdown on Taker (B+)

Steve Blackman attempts to attack Steve Austin backstage but is beaten down instead (C-)

Shawn Michaels defeated Ken Shamrock for defense 1 of his WWF Heavyweight Title thanks to help from Triple H (B+)

Show Rating: B

Show Thoughts

We're getting big returns from the guys up top, but we need to work the lower card guys out more. Goldust is especially valuable and will need to maintain credibility as he's a true asset.

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