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Bad-example 10-03-2006 11:38 PM

Showtime Series - Dexter
I watched the first episode last night. I think this show looks pretty promising. They were smart to cast a couple actors from OZ, Enrique Morales and Doctor Nathan, in minor roles. They know they are after a similar audience. Also, setting the show in Miami was a good decision. I hope this one develops into a solid show. I haven't really looked forward to a Showtime original show since Outer Limits, although Weeds is ok.

ISiddiqui 10-03-2006 11:40 PM

If they wanted to be faithful to the books they had to set it in Miami. I know that isn't always a priority for show producers, but Dexter Morgan really gels with Miami it seems to me.

Bad-example 10-03-2006 11:58 PM

Ah, I had no idea this was based on a series of books. I have a long reading list at the moment but might have to add this.

TazFTW 10-04-2006 12:02 AM

Great pilot. Hope it keeps it up.

Fouts 10-04-2006 01:37 AM

I loved it. Creepy show, with some weird characters. Just when I think about getting rid of showtime, this show pops up.

bosshogg23 10-04-2006 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by ISiddiqui (Post 1264449)
If they wanted to be faithful to the books they had to set it in Miami. I know that isn't always a priority for show producers, but Dexter Morgan really gels with Miami it seems to me.

It is set in Miami.

I enjoyed the first episode, Erik King playing the pissed off cop, had some great lines.

If you think this show is good, try Brotherhood on Showtime, its excellent and renewed for a 2nd season.

Swaggs 10-04-2006 09:17 AM

This looked interesting to me.

I like to rent shows like these on DVD after the season, so I can watch them all in a row, rather than waiting for a full season to unfold. :)

Passacaglia 10-04-2006 10:05 AM

Dexter has an awesome cider mill.

Bad-example 10-04-2006 11:42 AM

A nice read on Dexter and Showtime.


Showtime is now officially a pain in the backside for viewers who like high-quality television -- and that's not a wallet-specific reference.

With the dark, creepy but utterly compelling "Dexter," you could argue that Showtime has a trifecta of top-notch series worth shelling out money to see -- "Weeds," one of the best shows on television; "Brotherhood"; and now "Dexter." The pay channel has been searching for an identity for ages and is slowly proving that you can't just ignore it anymore.

However, an argument can be made -- though Showtime won't want to hear it -- that until it gets two more high-end series, the option to wait and get the episodes on DVD or Netflix might be more appealing than shelling out the monthly charge. "Sleeper Cell," "The L Word" and even "Penn & Teller: Bull -- !" are fine in their way, but when it comes to the cold, calculating decision making based on cash, they are not nearly enough.

At least with "Dexter," starring Michael C. Hall from "Six Feet Under" and based on the novel "Darkly Dreaming Dexter" by Jeff Lindsay, there has to be a legitimate discussion of ponying up for the goods. ("Weeds" alone is worth that for some people, but a one- or two-season commitment to a series is not the way to build long-term confidence; viewers want to know they can hang onto something for four or five years. That said, "Showtime" did pick up a 10-episode second season of "Brotherhood" when the numbers hardly merited it, so that's a positive sign.)

"Dexter" will no doubt divide an audience, what with the premise being that by day Dexter is a blood-splatter analyst for the Miami Police Department -- an expert in his field -- and by night, well, he's a sociopathic killer. Also an expert in that field.

The twist, as it was laid out in Lindsay's book, is that not long after young Dexter Morgan is taken in by a foster family, his foster father, Harry (James Remar in a low-key role), a Miami police detective, comes to understand that Dexter is different. He's killing animals. And chopping them up. Before he came to the Morgans, something was lost for good in the boy. As he got older, that desire to kill grew, and Morgan senior took the unique (but loving) route of teaching Dexter to direct it at those people who really deserved it -- killers, rapists, serial drunken drivers, etc.

"Dexter," then, is a case study in situational ethics. What's the difference between rooting for him and rooting for Tony Soprano, the mob boss and killer? Dexter is solving a lot of crimes in his day job. And while committing a lot of crimes at night, he's cleaning up a lot of paperwork. Vigilante justice? Sure. But it goes beyond that. Dexter likes it. He really likes it.

What makes the series work so well is twofold. Hall is magnificent; it's another sterling performance from him. But instead of being pent up yet emotionally explosive, like his David Fisher on "Six Feet Under," he's cool and calculated and entirely without compassion as Dexter. That makes him alluring, in a strange way. That he kills bad guys is the free pass to like him, unless you're hung up on actual justice and against, say, strapping bad people on rubber-clad, plastic-wrapped killing tables and sawing them up but good.

The second element is humor. As Dexter's voice narrates the series, his inner world is revealed. He's dryly funny. He has a spot-on representation of himself -- he knows he's "a monster." But he clings to Dad's teachings -- his retribution killings are the only good way to handle his need for blood.

Or as Robert Greenblatt, entertainment president for Showtime said: "It's not your mother's 'CSI.' " Indeed not. Though it does contain more than enough gruesome lab scenes and a certain fanatic vengefulness about dissecting others, so that if you have a yen for forensics, your interest might be piqued.

Of course, anything as daring and original as this should be trumpeted to the masses if it indeed does cross a social line that will be discussed in supermarkets and dinner tables (and water coolers) everywhere. People will be talking about "Dexter." Maybe not rabid endorsements. But it will be dissected. As well it should. "Showtime" has taken a unique, bold premise and put just the right actor into the role, while testing the boundaries of what people will find acceptable. That's always the ultimate challenge -- providing grown-ups with difficult fare.

"Dexter" certainly fits that bill. It forces viewers to buy in or opt out on the whole situational-ethics thing. It makes them cringe by being shown depravity but also entertained because it's funny, well written and smartly paced.

Also, one of the clear drawbacks of the premise is addressed early. Specifically, is this really going to be a every-episode kind of arrangement? Will he kill each week? And won't that be boring, not to mention a deal-breaker at the church social? "You watch what? And you like it?"

A mystery that involves a serial killer unfolds and ensnares Dexter in it. The killer begins to leave messages and hints, taunting Dexter to solve his bloodless crimes. Dexter, in turn, is very impressed. And very curious. It's impossible not to like where that's headed.

So, yes, Showtime has another gem on its hands. The channel's batting average is rising, along with its standards. That may be good for quality, but it's a real pain for people who want to see high-end drama without paying for something that's not HBO.

bbor 10-04-2006 12:51 PM

Pissed off that i don't get this show...It's right up my and my wifes alley

bosshogg23 10-04-2006 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by bbor (Post 1264891)
Pissed off that i don't get this show...It's right up my and my wifes alley

News Link

Starting Oct. 6th you can download Dexter on Yahoo according to the above link.

Showtime is free Oct. 6th - 9th so you should be able to see the 2nd espisode as well.

bbor 10-04-2006 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by bosshogg23 (Post 1264921)
News Link

Starting Oct. 6th you can download Dexter on Yahoo according to the above link.

Showtime is free Oct. 6th - 9th so you should be able to see the 2nd espisode as well.


Bad-example 10-10-2006 11:46 PM

Three episodes in and the show still looks like a winner. Cool that they cast another member of the fraternity of OZ, Cyril O'Reilly. This series has a lot of potential.

Bad-example 10-24-2006 03:40 PM

Showtime will be airing the first four episodes this saturday, the 28th.

bbor 10-24-2006 08:58 PM

I've enjoyed this show immensly.

Eaglesfan27 10-25-2006 04:56 PM

I've also enjoyed this show. I didn't realize it was based off a series of books (saw that it was based off a book in the credits but thought it was only one book.) I definitely will be adding the books to my "to read list."

Bad-example 10-28-2006 01:20 PM

Tonight, 8pm for the replay of the first 4 episodes.

TazFTW 11-06-2006 01:01 AM

Great episode today.

TazFTW 12-18-2006 05:28 AM

Great season finale and it is good to know that this show will get a second season.

Bad-example 12-18-2006 12:07 PM

A fine ending to a very entertaining first season. Very glad to hear it is returning. I bought the first book for my sister-in-law for xmas. Maybe I can get her to loan it to me when she finishes.

Flasch186 12-18-2006 12:11 PM

It was great. Im glad I picked this show up.

Eaglesfan27 12-18-2006 03:30 PM

Haven't watched it yet, but I peeked in the thread tentatively, hoping there were no spoilers. I will be watching the finale tonight with Mrs. Eaglesfan. We both have enjoyed it greatly, although I thought some issues were entirely too predictable. I hope the second season doesn't end up being 18 months or a long time away.

Yossarian 12-18-2006 06:16 PM

I loved the finale.

I agree with Eaglesfan27 that I did find the show in many ways predictable but it didn't detract from my enjoyment because the execution (if you pardon the pun) was so excellent.

The writing and acting in this show is outstanding. I *knew* how things would end yet still found myself on the edge of my seat.

Eaglesfan27 12-18-2006 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Yossarian (Post 1337500)
I loved the finale.

I agree with Eaglesfan27 that I did find the show in many ways predictable but it didn't detract from my enjoyment because the execution (if you pardon the pun) was so excellent.

The writing and acting in this show is outstanding. I *knew* how things would end yet still found myself on the edge of my seat.

Well said. I think it takes a certain talent for a show to be predictable yet still entertain me every week. I thought the finale was excellent. From looking at Sho dot com website, it appears it will be next fall before we get season 2. I'm looking forward to it.

TazFTW 10-01-2007 12:05 AM

It's back! Good start for this season and here's to hoping that the show improves with original material instead of going off the book (my understanding is that season 2 is an original storyline).

Also good to see C.S. Lee is able to be in both Chuck and Dexter. He doesn't get much camera time but he cracks me up when does appear.

Jas_lov 10-01-2007 12:50 AM

It's gonna be a great season! The first episode was very good. Dexter is starting to get sloppy and it looks like more people than just Seargant Doakes are going to become suspicious of him. The whole show is brilliant, except for maybe the sister who gets annoying at times but I think that's the way the role is supposed to be acted.

timmynausea 10-01-2007 12:54 AM

I'm glad it's back. I'm hoping now that it's veering off from the books the plot will get a little twistier and more unpredictable than the first season. If they could get the plot/story details up to par with the production value and acting, this could be the best show on TV.

Eaglesfan27 10-29-2007 03:16 PM

I find this season much less predictable and even more entertaining. Last night's show was brilliant. I thought the interactions between Lila and Dexter were very well done, as was the confrontation between Dexter and his antagonist this week. Several moments surprised me:


Travis 10-29-2007 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 1582647)
I find this season much less predictable and even more entertaining. Last night's show was brilliant. I thought the interactions between Lila and Dexter were very well done, as was the confrontation between Dexter and his antagonist this week. Several moments surprised me:



Cursed spoilers ;)

Eaglesfan27 10-29-2007 03:26 PM

That is a good counter point to my hypothesis. Although, it was still a shock to learn the first part of my supposition which I'm sure of :)

Travis 10-29-2007 04:02 PM

Oh definitely. There have been a couple really good "WTF?!" moments the last couple episodes. Not basing this on anything other than a hunch, but I wonder how long until he ends up having to off Lila. Just a guess of course, but I'm curious how deep she'll get before they reign her in.

vex 10-29-2007 04:03 PM


Eaglesfan27 10-29-2007 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Travis (Post 1582681)
Oh definitely. There have been a couple really good "WTF?!" moments the last couple episodes. Not basing this on anything other than a hunch, but I wonder how long until he ends up having to off Lila. Just a guess of course, but I'm curious how deep she'll get before they reign her in.

Yep, I'm thinking the same thing. I think he'll reveal all to her and then have to kill her when he doubts his ability to trust her to keep his secret.

gkb 10-29-2007 04:12 PM

I recently purchased all of season 1 from iTunes and I've caught an episode or two from the second season. I really enjoy the show.

Jas_lov 11-12-2007 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 (Post 1582687)
Yep, I'm thinking the same thing. I think he'll reveal all to her and then have to kill her when he doubts his ability to trust her to keep his secret.

Anybody still watching? Lila is the one manipulating him! Did Dexter realize this at the end of the show? Was that what the fixed lightbulb was supposed to represent? Dexter vs. Doakes is getting pretty interesting. You know Doakes is going to come after him at some point. They now know the Bay Harbor Butcher has a police background. Even if they get some evidence on Dexter will he say Doakes planted it? Any chances Dexter frames Doakes as the Bay Harbor Butcher? I think I'm getting too many crazy plots in my head. The show is getting really interesting though.

Travis 11-12-2007 11:51 AM

I really enjoyed last night's episode and was happy to see them do a lot to advance Lila's character (especially because I think it takes her in a direction that will end up with her out of the show but in such a fashion that Dexter's character builds significantly).

Also count me in the camp as really enjoying the Doakes story. Quite curious to see how Doakes will come back after this, should make for a nice series of confrontations/revelations. It's almost sad in a way as I can't imagine very many satisfactory ways of their story wrapping up without Doakes being removed in the end.

timmynausea 11-12-2007 12:12 PM

Last night was the best episode in a while. The show was starting to lose me a little bit, but I'm hoping it will finish the season strong.

korme 11-12-2007 12:23 PM

Watching last night's episode tonight, but would like to point out I made a Dexter season 2 thread about 2 weeks ago and I think it got only 1 reply!

korme 11-12-2007 12:58 PM

Also, could anyone provide a link to the series of books the show is based on? My mom is interested in them.

cartman 11-12-2007 01:20 PM

Lila is pretty damn hot.

Eaglesfan27 11-12-2007 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by cartman (Post 1591895)
Lila is pretty damn hot.

Yes, she is. Hot and crazy. Mrs. E and I just watched this episode and really enjoyed it. I think Dexter did realize something is really off about her at the end, but I'm not sure he has put it all together yet just because of the lightbulb. I'm really interested in seeing what Doakes does next as well as how the triangle eventually resolves. It was nice to see Rita stand up to her mother as well.

korme 11-12-2007 06:07 PM

Just watched the episode

Pardon my boobs

Bad-example 11-19-2007 02:47 AM

Tonight's episode was just brilliant. I can't wait to see how they finish off the season.

Travis 11-19-2007 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Bad-example (Post 1596298)
Tonight's episode was just brilliant. I can't wait to see how they finish off the season.

You're not kidding, easily the best episode this season and comes close to if not being the best episode of the series so far. Felt a little punch drunk afterwards as they just kept bringing it all episode, but was disappointed when the credits ran and can't wait for the next episode.

Eaglesfan27 11-20-2007 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Bad-example (Post 1596298)
Tonight's episode was just brilliant. I can't wait to see how they finish off the season.

We just watched it and I agree. This season has been excellent and tonight's epsiode was one of the best, yet. I'm disappointed this season is winding up but can't wait for the Finale.

Jas_lov 11-20-2007 04:52 PM

It was a wonderful episode! I can't wait to see who goes down as the Bay Harbor Butcher or if the case is even resolved this season. Doakes certainly made himself look more suspicous when he abruptly left the meeting with Lundy and didn't even show up to the one with La Guareta.

Bee 11-20-2007 07:56 PM


The first one was very cool. :D

korme 11-26-2007 03:06 PM


Travis 11-26-2007 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bee (Post 1597497)

The first one was very cool. :D

Not only very cool, but they managed to take everything there and completely twist it, fantastic episode. Can't wait to see how this all ties up and how (if?!) it'll lead into a third season.

Eaglesfan27 11-26-2007 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Travis (Post 1600607)
Not only very cool, but they managed to take everything there and completely twist it, fantastic episode. Can't wait to see how this all ties up and how (if?!) it'll lead into a third season.

Agreed. Brilliant episode. The trailer at the end worried me because it also raised the question of will there be a third season. I hope so, easily one of my top 3 favorite shows on TV right now.

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