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revrew 10-16-2003 09:16 AM

ZFL Offsseason / Draft 2006
The offseason begins with the obligatory and much bemoaned...

Injury Report
"While there were no truly devastating injuries for players this year, I fear several squads will find the injuries devastating to their title hopes. The injury bug took a nasty bite, especially in some up-and-coming squads, as 5 of the league's best players took hits. The damage is as follows:

San Antonio: The Margarita's 35-year old tackle, Not Quite As Chuncky, is starting to show signs of aging. He's now endured his fourth knee operation, and the doctors think this one will slow him down substantially.
Fargo: Fargo also suffered a hit at the tackle spot when Harold 'Slim' Stockwell twisted his ankle in the 6th week. A postseason scope has cleaned out the joint, but look for Stockwell to play a little gingerly on the painful ankle.
Little Rock: The Willies suffer a double blow: First star WR Bruce Spinner gets slowed by some nagging turf toe, then OLB Hobart Smith suffers his second concussion, this time in a motorcycle accident. Both look to be slowed some, but young Spinner may make a strong comeback.
Milwaukee: Wish the same could be said for the rising Muscle Men, who field perhaps the toughest blow of any team. Two of their 3 best players took hits, none which will be felt more than FB star Bulldozer. The 'dozer has been suffering neck pain and surgery to repair a fused vertebrae won't be able to completely fix the problem. Look for the 'dozer to be hampered severely by this injury. Meanwhile, DE star Rocky has been suffering from a pulled hamstring, and the doctors think it may continue to plague and slow him. It won't take Rocky out by any means, but he will lose a step.
Albuquerque: Albuquerque's young star safety Troy McClure has looked every bit like a ZFL HOF player in his young career, but the broken leg he suffered in an offseason accident has proven worse than expected. The compound break hasn't healed cleanly and McClure's performance will definitely be hurt.
El Paso: "A young team looking to make a name for themselves hates to see a D-line anchor like DT Danny Noonan take a blow like he did when his knee gave way in the last week of the season. It looked ugly on film, but Noonan should return next season.

Noonan, Bulldozer, and McClure might just be young enough to make big comebacks, but all three will suffer at first, and their teams will feel their absence from previous prowess."

revrew 10-16-2003 09:18 AM

But then, we move to...

Draft Preview
"A very well-balanced draft this year with talent at every position. However, the balance does mean that there isn't great depth at any one position. Once the top guys are gone at a position, move on to the next spot.

The defensive side of the ball, however, looks especially strong. And some of the league's traditionally weakest positions, linebacker and cornerback, are among this draft's top talents.

I forsee a lot of wishin' and hopin' and maybe even some jockeying for position among our best squads who may feel they're only a position or two away from making a move. Will they be able to draft the guy they have their eye on? If they don't, there may not be a second or third option.

Who goes number 1 will be interesting, as the value of our top quarterbacks will flirt with the spot, while other more talented players at perhaps less important spots may be more than worthy.

Another observation: The popularity of the ZFL has brought the JuCo stars out of the woodwork. They will likely provide the ZFL with a youth infusion, but I'm a little concerned that they may be a bit green to accurately assess their ability leading up to draft day."

Quarterbacks: B- "Because of the need in quarterbacks, 2 of these guys could go first round. The top man looks like he may go #1 overall, a field general who makes up for lack of deep arm strength with a quick release and accuracy. But I sure wish there was a clear-cut superstar that ran away with the #1 pick, or at least more depth."
Halfbacks: C- "A young buck leads this class, but the class as a whole isn't impressive."
Fullbacks: B+ "A couple of top talents, one of which is worthy of top 5 consideration. But two is all you get".
Wide receivers: C+ "See the fullbacks. But our top two talents here are both JuCo guys, and even through there are a slough of players, the slough stinks."
Offensive Guards: B+ "One dynamite prospect (top 5 potential) and a couple of solid prospects. Enough depth to get a good grade."
Offensive Tackles: B "No real superstars in this gang, but the deepest draft spot available. Look for all 5 OTs on the board to get drafted."
Defensive Tackles: C+"Like the OTs, this is a deep, star-less crowd. Just not quite as impressive as the OT crop."
Defensive Ends: D+ "A couple of midrounders, then squat."
Middle linebackers: A- "We haven't seen a MLB class this good or this deep in a while. Two of these guys will go in early rounds."
Outside linebackers: B+ "A couple of potential stars, but it tails off after that."
Safeties: B+ "One CFL star who will make some big waves (can a safety go top 5? Even #1?), and a few for depth."
Cornerbacks: A "The top two could easily both go top 5, and a third will ride the bench somwhere till he's ready."
Kickers: C-"A JuCo wrestler who should make some team happy, but without the depth we're used to at the kicker spot."

DolphinFan1 10-16-2003 10:26 AM

Just when we are ready to make some noise, you make one of our stars (Bulldozer) get hurt. :(

I used to like you Rev.

JeeberD 10-16-2003 10:39 AM

Poor Danny. Hopefully he can bounce back soon...

Hmmm, from the initial looks of it this draft doesn't exactly thrill me...

JAG 10-16-2003 11:16 AM

Sounds like someone's ready to trade down...

Dolph, hey, it could be worse. At least you haven't had two perfect losing seasons in a row. ;) Gotta keep perspective.


DolphinFan1 10-16-2003 12:32 PM

I know Jag, but looking at my roster, I thought we were just a good draft pick away from winning it all. Now I'm not so sure.

But, this is fun. Like the NFL. Just when you think you have a contender, injuries change everything.

Makes the draft more fun too. I don't think anyone has only one weakness on the roster.

revrew 10-16-2003 12:49 PM


Originally posted by DolphinFan1
Just when we are ready to make some noise, you make one of our stars (Bulldozer) get hurt. :(

I used to like you Rev.

The Rook cards were rough on Milwaukee this year. It isn't that probable that a single team will get two injuries, but, it can happen.

BTW - I need somebody (CW did this one year, I think), who can keep up with the draft. I'm swamped at work right now, so I can't keep checking back again and again to update the draft board for who's been drafted and who hasn't. So if someone will "quote" the draftboard right when I post it and then stay current enough to go back and "unbold" the drafted players, listing their name and who drafted them, I would most appreciate it.

**This will require the rest of you to pay attention to the last couple of picks before you. We don't want to draft the same guy twice and then have to deal with tipping our hands to everyone as we try to correct or sort it out.

I'll still be around now and then during the draft, but I need someone who can keep on top of it better than I can.

revrew 10-16-2003 04:53 PM


Round 1:


Round 2:

Round 3:

Coffee Warlord 10-17-2003 08:31 AM

FYI, I'm going to be out of town paintballing until Sunday evening, so if the draft board gets posted this weekend, don't look for a Portland pick till sunday night.

revrew 10-17-2003 10:47 AM

A. 22, "If he had a canon for an arm, too, he'd be an easy #1. But then, if he had a cannon, he'd be in the NFL. Reminds me of Paddy O'Leary - accurate, poised, a leader. Isn't the most talented guy on the board, but good enough to be taken with the first overall pick, should a team need him."
B. 21, "A young QB who marshalled his troops to victory, but didn't impress the scouts with raw skill. Still, he's tested and proven with a solid small school career, and he will go in the first or second."
C. 20, "Skilled he is, but tested, he's not. A fireballer who has a highschool hotshot mentality. Looks like a second round candidate. As young as he is, someone will give him a shot."
D. 22, "He didn't see much action in college, and I doubt he'd see much in the ZFL. Probably not worth your pick."

E. 20, "A young sprinter with more speed than moves. Led his JuCo squad to victories and yards, but mostly on big runs. Still, that might be want you want in the ZFL. Second round for sure, maybe higher."
F. 24, "An NFLE workhorse who will probably be on the pine in the ZFL. Positive yards, but few big gainers."
G. 22, "A big, bruiser of a back who, however, lacks the speed or skill to excel in the ZFL. Late rounder at best."
H. 23, "A spark of potential, but the kid's head is messed up. A big gamble that won't likely pay off."

I. 23, "A dominating, bruising runner in college. When his NFL team wanted him to switch to being a blocking back, he asked to be exposed to the ZFL draft. He wants to run, and run he will--as well as block. A top 5 candidate."
J. 22, "Solid second round prospect who showed the blocking skills in college, and should open some doors for ZFL halfbacks."
K. 22, "He gained weight each of his college years. He's up to 275 now, and I think he lacks the discipline to keep it under control. You probably don't want this glutton."

L. 20, "The first of 2 JuCo players at this spot trying to turn talent into touchdowns. No shortage of talent here, the 6'2 speedster can get upfield in a hurry. He hasn't seen top competition yet, but if he lives up to the talent, he's top 5."
K. 20, "Another untested youngster who impressed more with hands than with quick feet. Runs a good route and shows a knack for putting his body between the defender and the ball. Top round maybe, but definitely in the second."
M. 22, "There went the talent out the door. There isn't much here; this dropsy wideout won't see much action."
N. 24, "Too old, too slow."
O. 21, "Too young, too stupid."
P. 22, "Too not worth it."
Q. 23, "Did you hear the one about the moose who thought he could play football..."

R. 24, "Another tested NFLE veteran who won't be able to help making a splash in the ZFL. At 6'5, 330, it will be a big splash, too. A top 5 splash."
S. 23, "Drafted then cut by the NFL, he showed flashes of brilliance coupled with lapses of attention. Still, the raw material here (6'4, 310) is worthy of second round."
T. 22, "A plugger in college whose teammates got more attention. Still, his line didn't allow a sack through 5 straight games and plowed for a century rusher in 8 straight. I suggest there's more talent here than meets the eye. Second?"
U. 24, "Worthy of consideration in late rounds, he's got good mechanics if not great talent."
V. 23, "Strong and fast, but mechanically unsound. With good coaching? Late round."
W. 21, "Young and untested, but even still, I have my doubts. Only if you're desparate."
X. 22, "Not even if you're desparate."

AA. 21, "Once again, the JuCo stud takes the top spot based more on talent than proven ability. Even so, I project late first round for this slightly undersized but fast tackle."
BB. 23, "Late first round for this fellow as well. His arm strength is phenomenal, even if his footwork needs some attention. Probably not a superstar, but definitely an anchor."
CC. 24, "First to second round for this proven CFL stud who kept the hounds at bay for the Argonauts. Just a hair slow to stop the top DEs, but tenacious and capable."
DD. 22, "A young fellow with good upside who could go second to third. He's a bit skinny now, but given some time in the weight room, should be a capable starter."
EE. 22, "Late rounder who deserves a spot on the bench to see if he'll deliver."

a. 21, "A young widebody JuCo star who showed drive and determination. Wasn't talented enough to make Div-I, but his heart should get him a look in the ZFL round 2."
b. 20, "Another JuCo star destined for round 2. He needs to bulk up some to play the game, but he's got some good moves and tackles well."
c. 23, "Demoted a bit in NFLE for a bad attitude, still the body is there, and he seems to have turned over a new leaf. With his size and speed, he deserves a look in second to third."
d. 20, "Another untested JuCo man who has the tenacity of a pitbull, but who hasn't the size to be a star. He'll get overpowered some, but deserves a spot on the roster. Late second to third, I'd think."
e. 23, "Never quite achieved what Indiana University hoped, so he didn't see much action. But the potential is still there--consider as a late round option."
f. 24, "Consider very late, as he is a bit older and still has too many mechanics to work out."

g. 22, "Undersized speedster who will get pancaked, but will also get upfield. Late first to second round."
h. 22, "Inconsistent player from UCal who has always had the body, but never the drive. He could go in the second, but unless he gets some fire, he'll never star."
i. 21, "Young DivII star who looks good on paper, sloppy and undisciplined on the field. Last round only."
j. 24, "My cat could probably pancake this guy."

k. 21, "University of Iowa grad who, though never heralded, nonetheless consistently put up big numbers. He hasn't the talent, but all of the intangibles to be a first rounder."
l. 21, "Late first to second rounder who showed great speed at Tennessee, but didn't get to play much behind an all-american starter. He's untested, but what we've seen looks pretty good."
m. 24, "He put up impressive numbers in college, but failed to show much playmaking ability at the next level. Stopgap or bench player in the last round."
n. 22, "A small school athlete without much grip on the game. Not the kind of guy you want at MLB, but he could still be drafted late."

o. 23, "A speedy coverage back who tackles well in open space. He should fit right into ZFL schemes. The NFL didn't like him because he wasn't a pass rush specialist, but he has the talent at 'backer to go top 5 in the ZFL, where the DEs rush and the OLBs have to play in space."
p. 22, "Another first-round candidate (second for sure), who may still be a hair small but has the instincts and speed to develop into a very solid ZFL OLB."
q. 21, "A young speedster without much discipline or head for the game. A last rounder who will likely stay on the bench."
r. 22, "He doesn't play in space well enough to cut it in the ZFL. Don't bother."

s. 24, "In a draft full of untested players, this safety is as close to a sure thing as you can get. He's really an overgrown corner, at 5'10 and 210, but still fast and agile. His play in the CFL made him a young, budding all-star, but he wanted to play in the States. He should continue that fame here. If a team is willing, he could go #1 overall."
t. 23, "A solid safety who looked good in college, putting up some big numbers. He's a solid tackler, and a team couldn't complain if they snagged him in mid to late second."
u. 20, "Our first JuCo safety, he's an ahtletic WR whose hands were bad enough to send him to the other side of the ball. Will he adjust well? He's got the size, but a bit of a crap shoot. Still, worth a look in the third."
v. 24, "Tested, but not outstanding. We've seen him play in the Arena league, where he hit big but lapsed in coverage now and then. A bench player who deserves to be drafted in the third."

w. 22, "The first of two corners right at this spot that both have the talent to go #1, #2. This guy gets the nod because he comes from UCLA. Even though the Bruins used a lot of zone coverage, he's faced tougher competition that (x.), and come up smelling like roses. 5'11, 190, and fast."
x. 22, "Another top5 candidate who looked on film every bit as good as (w.), but coming out of DivisionII. Still, he's just as strong, just as fast, and destroyed his opposition in man-to-man coverage, the type more commonly used in the ZFL."
y. 22, "He played for a solid college squad, but the defensive line was so dominant, he didn't have to hold coverage for long. There are some real weaknesses in his game that downgrade him to a third rounder at best."
z. 22, And speaking of weakness, this guy's claim to being an athlete worthy of consideration is weak

aa. 20, "A feisty, JuCo wrestler who shows the talent and athleticism to be an impact kicker in the ZFL. Probably second round."
bb. 23, "Another solid athlete, but has already endured a couple of injuries. Though he has the talent to be top flight, there's some consensus that he may be a bit timid. Third round, I suspect."
cc. 24, "You gotta like his guts, but unfortunately, there's too much of them. I don't think this obese young man will find his way onto a ZFL roster."

revrew 10-17-2003 10:48 AM

Mel Kiper's draft predicts:

Cincinnati: "The Chaps have some big needs, and safety (s.) or MLB (k.) have to look appealing here. But the Chaps also need to produce some kind of air game, and they can't stand James Earl Jones in Cinci anymore. Some have compared QB A. favorably to Paddy O'Leary, and who wouldn't be happy with a guy who might excel Paddy O?"

Chicago: "Though a WR to pump up the offense will be tempting, Chicago MUST rebuild their ancient defense. That's why methinks they'll go with the proven safety (s.) here."

Fargo: The 'Fish need help in SO many places. The Afoci definitely drew one of the hardest teams to build. Looking at the age on their O-line, however, I project Fargo will try to buy Glutton some more runnig room behind OG (R.)."

Little Rock: "Little Rock is still trying to build a defense, and with the injury to OLB Hobart Smith, the Willies will look to OLB o. to become a star."

El Paso: "With the Buster offense on the rise, El Paso needs to go back and think defense. I don't think they're happy with young Westbrook at CB, and with the talent there, El Paso goes with CB w."

Birmingham: "If I'm going to be wrong somewhere, it's probably right here. B'ham has so many directions they could go, but with an aging Revrew and a generally inept passing game, they might look for some help from WR L."

Portland: "If indeed all falls above as predicted, Portland has two great picks to choose from - a FB and a CB. Either would be gladly received, but since the secondary is Portland's weakest spot, look for PT to gobble up CB x.

Albuquerque: "If that's how Portland goes, the 'topes, still looking for any kind of run game, will get it with FB I.

Milwaukee: "There's still some top talent left on the board, but mostly at positions the Muscle Men have wrapped up. There is, however, a wideout that could boost a completely inept passing game. MW goes to WR K."

San Antonio: "San Antonio will have a couple of choices. Surely that second quarterback is a consideration, but with OT Not Quite As Chunky getting old and arthritic, San Antonio may keep the young stud O-Line going with OT AA. But then again, I'm giving myself a mulligan on this one by saying they're just as likely to go QB B."

Knoxville: "Knoxville needs defense, as everybody knows. How 'bout a middle 'backer to shore things up? MLB k."

Los Angeles: "The Stars need to keep the defense up if they're going to stay atop the standings. There's too much age in the middle, but talent dictates they address another defensive weakness, OLB. The Stars take OLB p."


DolphinFan1 10-17-2003 01:50 PM

Looking to move up in the draft. Anyone picking 1-4 please PM me an offer. I pick 9th. I will consider future draft picks as well in a trade.

korme 10-18-2003 11:17 AM

Our passing game has let us down in the past. With that, we select QB A, also known as Mr. Shmallow.

Also, I have a B+ OLB that I would gladly trade for a high pick.

JeeberD 10-18-2003 02:15 PM

I'll do my best to keep this updated, but I have to work a lot this weekend so I can't promise anything...

Draft Board

CN - Mr. Shmallow, 22, "If he had a canon for an arm, too, he'd be an easy #1. But then, if he had a cannon, he'd be in the NFL. Reminds me of Paddy O'Leary - accurate, poised, a leader. Isn't the most talented guy on the board, but good enough to be taken with the first overall pick, should a team need him."
SA - Dip Dipperson, 21, "A young QB who marshalled his troops to victory, but didn't impress the scouts with raw skill. Still, he's tested and proven with a solid small school career, and he will go in the first or second."
LR - Roger "Don't Call Me Rocket" Clemens, 20, "Skilled he is, but tested, he's not. A fireballer who has a highschool hotshot mentality. Looks like a second round candidate. As young as he is, someone will give him a shot."
D. 22, "He didn't see much action in college, and I doubt he'd see much in the ZFL. Probably not worth your pick."

PT - Lothar Dirtpounder of the Here and There, 20, "A young sprinter with more speed than moves. Led his JuCo squad to victories and yards, but mostly on big runs. Still, that might be want you want in the ZFL. Second round for sure, maybe higher."
F. 24, "An NFLE workhorse who will probably be on the pine in the ZFL. Positive yards, but few big gainers."
G. 22, "A big, bruiser of a back who, however, lacks the speed or skill to excel in the ZFL. Late rounder at best."
H. 23, "A spark of potential, but the kid's head is messed up. A big gamble that won't likely pay off."

AQ - Drederick Tatum, 23, "A dominating, bruising runner in college. When his NFL team wanted him to switch to being a blocking back, he asked to be exposed to the ZFL draft. He wants to run, and run he will--as well as block. A top 5 candidate."
LR - Johnny "Kid" Rock, 22, "Solid second round prospect who showed the blocking skills in college, and should open some doors for ZFL halfbacks."
K. 22, "He gained weight each of his college years. He's up to 275 now, and I think he lacks the discipline to keep it under control. You probably don't want this glutton."

BH - Hercules, 20, "The first of 2 JuCo players at this spot trying to turn talent into touchdowns. No shortage of talent here, the 6'2 speedster can get upfield in a hurry. He hasn't seen top competition yet, but if he lives up to the talent, he's top 5."
FG - Kaptain Insano, 20, "Another untested youngster who impressed more with hands than with quick feet. Runs a good route and shows a knack for putting his body between the defender and the ball. Top round maybe, but definitely in the second."
M. 22, "There went the talent out the door. There isn't much here; this dropsy wideout won't see much action."
N. 24, "Too old, too slow."
O. 21, "Too young, too stupid."
P. 22, "Too not worth it."
Q. 23, "Did you hear the one about the moose who thought he could play football..."

FG - Ray, 24, "Another tested NFLE veteran who won't be able to help making a splash in the ZFL. At 6'5, 330, it will be a big splash, too. A top 5 splash."
AQ - Chester J. Lampwick, 23, "Drafted then cut by the NFL, he showed flashes of brilliance coupled with lapses of attention. Still, the raw material here (6'4, 310) is worthy of second round."
MW - Run behind me, 22, "A plugger in college whose teammates got more attention. Still, his line didn't allow a sack through 5 straight games and plowed for a century rusher in 8 straight. I suggest there's more talent here than meets the eye. Second?"
LR - Stevie "Tree" Trunk, 24, "Worthy of consideration in late rounds, he's got good mechanics if not great talent."
LA - Jackie Gleason, 23, "Strong and fast, but mechanically unsound. With good coaching? Late round."
W. 21, "Young and untested, but even still, I have my doubts. Only if you're desparate."
X. 22, "Not even if you're desparate."

KX - Nat Jackson, 21, "Once again, the JuCo stud takes the top spot based more on talent than proven ability. Even so, I project late first round for this slightly undersized but fast tackle."
SA - Two Ton Anchor, 23, "Late first round for this fellow as well. His arm strength is phenomenal, even if his footwork needs some attention. Probably not a superstar, but definitely an anchor."
CH - Fatman Jones, 24, "First to second round for this proven CFL stud who kept the hounds at bay for the Argonauts. Just a hair slow to stop the top DEs, but tenacious and capable."
FG - Dumbhead, 22, "A young fellow with good upside who could go second to third. He's a bit skinny now, but given some time in the weight room, should be a capable starter."

MW - The Wall, 22, "Late rounder who deserves a spot on the bench to see if he'll deliver."

LA - Ron Howard, "A young widebody JuCo star who showed drive and determination. Wasn't talented enough to make Div-I, but his heart should get him a look in the ZFL round 2."
EP - Dan "Little Sister" Wilkinson, 20, "Another JuCo star destined for round 2. He needs to bulk up some to play the game, but he's got some good moves and tackles well."
LA - Charlie Sheen, 23, "Demoted a bit in NFLE for a bad attitude, still the body is there, and he seems to have turned over a new leaf. With his size and speed, he deserves a look in second to third."
PT - Corporal Ziggy, 20, "Another untested JuCo man who has the tenacity of a pitbull, but who hasn't the size to be a star. He'll get overpowered some, but deserves a spot on the roster. Late second to third, I'd think."
e. 23, "Never quite achieved what Indiana University hoped, so he didn't see much action. But the potential is still there--consider as a late round option."
f. 24, "Consider very late, as he is a bit older and still has too many mechanics to work out."

MW - Sackmaster, 22, "Undersized speedster who will get pancaked, but will also get upfield. Late first to second round."
CH - Driven, 22, "Inconsistent player from UCal who has always had the body, but never the drive. He could go in the second, but unless he gets some fire, he'll never star."
i. 21, "Young DivII star who looks good on paper, sloppy and undisciplined on the field. Last round only."
j. 24, "My cat could probably pancake this guy."

CN - Fluffy Puff Marshmallow, 21, "University of Iowa grad who, though never heralded, nonetheless consistently put up big numbers. He hasn't the talent, but all of the intangibles to be a first rounder."
CH - Ell Stiladiocastracaphracistocophicano, 21, "Late first to second rounder who showed great speed at Tennessee, but didn't get to play much behind an all-american starter. He's untested, but what we've seen looks pretty good."
m. 24, "He put up impressive numbers in college, but failed to show much playmaking ability at the next level. Stopgap or bench player in the last round."
n. 22, "A small school athlete without much grip on the game. Not the kind of guy you want at MLB, but he could still be drafted late."

LR - Little Ray, "A speedy coverage back who tackles well in open space. He should fit right into ZFL schemes. The NFL didn't like him because he wasn't a pass rush specialist, but he has the talent at 'backer to go top 5 in the ZFL, where the DEs rush and the OLBs have to play in space."
BH - Aristotle, 22, "Another first-round candidate (second for sure), who may still be a hair small but has the instincts and speed to develop into a very solid ZFL OLB."
q. 21, "A young speedster without much discipline or head for the game. A last rounder who will likely stay on the bench."
r. 22, "He doesn't play in space well enough to cut it in the ZFL. Don't bother."

Chi - Shut Down, 24, "In a draft full of untested players, this safety is as close to a sure thing as you can get. He's really an overgrown corner, at 5'10 and 210, but still fast and agile. His play in the CFL made him a young, budding all-star, but he wanted to play in the States. He should continue that fame here. If a team is willing, he could go #1 overall."
CN - It's Dot Com!, 23, "A solid safety who looked good in college, putting up some big numbers. He's a solid tackler, and a team couldn't complain if they snagged him in mid to late second."
KX - Juco Jackson, 20, "Our first JuCo safety, he's an ahtletic WR whose hands were bad enough to send him to the other side of the ball. Will he adjust well? He's got the size, but a bit of a crap shoot. Still, worth a look in the third."
v. 24, "Tested, but not outstanding. We've seen him play in the Arena league, where he hit big but lapsed in coverage now and then. A bench player who deserves to be drafted in the third."

EP - Tommy Knight, "The first of two corners right at this spot that both have the talent to go #1, #2. This guy gets the nod because he comes from UCLA. Even though the Bruins used a lot of zone coverage, he's faced tougher competition that (x.), and come up smelling like roses. 5'11, 190, and fast."
PT - Master Hu Li, 22, "Another top5 candidate who looked on film every bit as good as (w.), but coming out of DivisionII. Still, he's just as strong, just as fast, and destroyed his opposition in man-to-man coverage, the type more commonly used in the ZFL."
BH - Hektor, 22, "He played for a solid college squad, but the defensive line was so dominant, he didn't have to hold coverage for long. There are some real weaknesses in his game that downgrade him to a third rounder at best."
z. 22, And speaking of weakness, this guy's claim to being an athlete worthy of consideration is weak

EP - Steve McLaughlin, 20, "A feisty, JuCo wrestler who shows the talent and athleticism to be an impact kicker in the ZFL. Probably second round."
SA - Mister Chuckles, 23, "Another solid athlete, but has already endured a couple of injuries. Though he has the talent to be top flight, there's some consensus that he may be a bit timid. Third round, I suspect."
cc. 24, "You gotta like his guts, but unfortunately, there's too much of them. I don't think this obese young man will find his way onto a ZFL roster."

illinifan999 10-18-2003 02:19 PM

With the second pick in the 2006 ZFL draft the Chicago Eagles select Safety Shut Down from the University of Michigan. (s. 24)

revrew 10-18-2003 04:19 PM

Jeeber - You Da Man! Thanks for picking up the responsibility!

So far, Kiper's 2 for 2!

DolphinFan1 10-18-2003 07:27 PM


Originally posted by revrew

So far, Kiper's 2 for 2!

Ha Ha! Wait till my pick. Kiper is way off.

tucker342 10-18-2003 08:49 PM

Marmel about that WR.... is he still available?

JeeberD 10-19-2003 12:05 PM

Fargo is on the clock...

Swaggs 10-19-2003 07:57 PM


Coffee Warlord 10-20-2003 08:52 AM


The Afoci 10-20-2003 11:08 AM

Fargo selects OG R, now known as Ray.

sachmo71 10-20-2003 01:09 PM

Next up...


Swaggs 10-20-2003 09:56 PM

Little Rock selects OLB (o.) Little Ray.

Coffee Warlord 10-20-2003 10:53 PM

El Paso on the clock.

JeeberD 10-21-2003 12:13 AM

El Paso selects CB w, Tommy Knight...

Birmingham is on the clock...

JeeberD 10-21-2003 01:13 PM

Bumped in case tucker comes around...

revrew 10-21-2003 02:17 PM


Kiper is perfect so far. Are Kiper's predictions just right on, or are they unduly influencing the draft picks?

JeeberD 10-21-2003 02:52 PM

There were two positions that I was looking to upgrade significantly. Out of the two only at CB was there a player worth a #5 pick. You just read my needs correctly. I would have picked a CB even if you had predicted that I was going to go after a FB...

illinifan999 10-21-2003 05:39 PM

Anywhere on D is an upgrade for me at this point.

The Afoci 10-21-2003 05:42 PM


Originally posted by revrew

Kiper is perfect so far. Are Kiper's predictions just right on, or are they unduly influencing the draft picks?

I go off that because I then have someone to blame.

tucker342 10-21-2003 10:34 PM

Looks like Kiper is still perfect...

Birmingham selects: WR L. Now known as Hercules

revrew 10-21-2003 10:52 PM

There you go, CW! You're chance to prove just how wrong Kiper can be. (You'd be the first in this draft thus far...)

Coffee Warlord 10-22-2003 12:13 AM

Yeah right!

Portland selects, from the Monk College of North China, CB Master Hu Li (x)

JAG 10-22-2003 05:36 AM

Portland, who had a strong year last year, picks up a CB with top 5 potential.


JeeberD 10-22-2003 08:23 AM

Draft board is updated...

The Isotopes are on the clock...

NevStar 10-22-2003 11:31 AM

The 'topes select

FB I. Drederick Tatum, School of Hard Knocks.

sachmo71 10-22-2003 11:50 AM

Next up...


DolphinFan1 10-22-2003 11:59 AM

Time to prove Kiper wrong.

Milwaukee will go with future need here and select....

DE- g. Now known as "Sackmaster."

Thanks Jeeber and Revrew. I didn't need your help this round. But I may need you to pick for me in the 2nd or 3rd. I'll send you my preferences when we get there.

JeeberD 10-22-2003 12:16 PM

Oh Sachmo....

San Antone is up next... :)

sachmo71 10-22-2003 01:40 PM

Ahhhh...a QB. Finally.

San Antonio takes QB B. now known as Dip Dipperson.

Go Knoxville, it's ya birthday!

digamma 10-22-2003 02:13 PM

Knoxville raises Kiper's hair a bit and takes OT AA, Nat Jackson.

JeeberD 10-22-2003 02:18 PM

And Marmel and the LA Stars are up to finish round 1...

sachmo71 10-22-2003 03:39 PM

Wow, that didn't take too long.

Marmel 10-22-2003 04:50 PM

Is the draft pool updated with the bold tags to show whose has been drafted already?

revrew 10-22-2003 04:54 PM

Considering that Cinci now has the choice of either of the top two MLBs in the second round, and got the QB in #1, I'm already nominating Cinci for the best draft...

If the rest of the league doesn't watch out, the Chaps might win a game next year! (Okay, shorty can hope, right?)

Congratulations on finally getting a QB, sachmo. Hmmm...the Margaritas haven't won a championship yet...

(Man, this is great. I love how no one team has established pure dominance. With Portland, Milwuakee, and San Antonio chomping at the bit, we may have our 5th champion in 6 seasons next year. Tagliabue, eat your heart out.)

revrew 10-22-2003 04:55 PM

Considering that Cinci now has the choice of either of the top two MLBs in the second round, and got the QB in #1, I'm already nominating Cinci for the best draft...

If the rest of the league doesn't watch out, the Chaps might win a game next year! (Okay, shorty can hope, right?)

Congratulations on finally getting a QB, sachmo. Hmmm...the Margaritas haven't won a championship yet...

(Man, this is great. I love how no one team has established pure dominance. With Portland, Milwuakee, and San Antonio chomping at the bit, we may have our 5th champion in 6 seasons next year. Tagliabue, eat your heart out. Oh, wait. And then there's Albuquerque!)

digamma 10-22-2003 04:57 PM

Opposite, I think. Italics show who has been drafted.

JeeberD 10-22-2003 05:35 PM

Yup, non-bolded, italicized players have already been drafted (and they have names too)...

Coffee Warlord 10-22-2003 06:04 PM

Rev, you may sing a different tune if 1 of 2 players fall to me in the 2nd. :)

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