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sterlingice 04-25-2003 01:06 AM

Ok, The NBA Really Blows
Nothing like getting off the high of watching one of the greatest hockey games I've ever seen to turn to the abortion that is the NBA. This is so sad- is David Stern actually on a small wireless phone with the refs or is it telepathy?

First, Kobe gets the fake foul on the three. Then Szerbiak gets thrown out of bounds but no foul. Then Kobe gets a foul on a drive where there was no foul. Now, Garnett fouls out on a bullshit call. This league is so rigged, it's not even funny.

(Who is this announcer saying bad things about the Lakers? I'm sure he'll be fired after this game.)


MrBug708 04-25-2003 01:13 AM

Same old complaints

sterlingice 04-25-2003 01:17 AM

Yet people keep watching! Even with how bad this is.

I do my part- I watch maybe five games a year max (I used to listen to a lot of Rockets games on the radio but can't get that here). Unless it's my home team, I can't stand to watch them unless it's a big one. Yet, in the end, this will be the top story on ESPN because too many people would mindlessly like this than bother to learn and enjoy something like hockey.


EagleFan 04-25-2003 01:19 AM

What are the refs watching? This is a disgrace.

sterlingice 04-25-2003 01:21 AM

Wha? No foul on a Kobe drive? That ref is so fired.


astralhaze 04-25-2003 01:23 AM

Go T-Wolves!

Neuqua 04-25-2003 01:29 AM


Originally posted by MrBug708
Same old complaints

You aren't even watching the game and still comment on it? The fact is the refs are doing their best to hand the Lakers this game. I'm a diehard NBA fan and always have been but games like this it's hard to justify what's going on.


Radii 04-25-2003 01:29 AM

That was the worst basketball I've seen in... well, probably since I watched my last NBA game in the playoffs last year. Go Tar Heels :P

Radii 04-25-2003 01:31 AM

dola, and yeah, I am usually one to defend the refs to the death(see: Lakers/Kings last year, and "the tuck rule"), but jesus christ this is a joke.

sterlingice 04-25-2003 01:33 AM

As a friend of mine said online: "well the lakers are the best team: Shaq, Kobe, 3 refs. that's an unbeatable 5"

I can't believe it- those refs are going to get a stern talking to from David Stern and lots of wind sprints tomorrow.


ISiddiqui 04-25-2003 01:43 AM

You guys act like this is something new. In his heydey, Michael Jordan could shoot an opposing player on the court, and the refs would look the other way.

I don't watch basketball because the refs have two sets of rules, one for the stars and one for everyone else.

sterlingice 04-25-2003 01:45 AM

I didn't like it then and I don't like it now, but I think it's become significantly more pronounced since MJ left the league the first time.


TroyF 04-25-2003 02:07 AM

From the start of the fourth quarter through the overtime, the T-Wolves were called for 16 fouls + a technical and the Lakers went to the line 22 times. T-Wolves? 10 FT attempts, with 8 of those coming on intentional fouls by the Lakers to force them to the line late in both quarters.

They don't even try to hide it anymore. The highest form of unintentional comedy I've had in a long time was Kobe whining about his foul call in the overtime (a foul I don't think he committed BTW)

Another good stat: Kobe and Shaq combined for 96 minutes, 58 points, 54 shots, 26FT attempts (as much as the T-Wolves team total), 24 Rebounds, 7 assists, 5 blocks, 1 steal and 2 fouls (1 each). That might be the most amazing performence I've seen in the history of professional sports, to be that active and yet not make contact with anyone. Incredible.


Neuqua 04-25-2003 02:14 AM

Great summary Troy.

Like I said, I've always loved the NBA but nights like this I just wish I could clean out of my memory.


Noop 04-25-2003 05:39 AM

Hey here's a idea just don't watch...can't complain what you don't see.



j51 04-25-2003 05:43 AM

That was completely disgusting, I thought for a minute there one of the officials was going to grab a Laker miss and tip it back in for them. The most disturbing thing was seeing how much arrogance the Lakers displayed.. When Kobe was whistled for his very first foul, which didn't come until OVERTIME, he put his pouty face on and gave the look of "WTF? How dare you call a foul on ME!". I have a feeling the NBA lost a lot of fans tonight, they're on the same level as Al-Jazeera & the WWE as far as I'm concerned.

Meanwhile we're seeing one of the most exciting NHL playoffs in recent memory, yet they're lucky to get more than 30 people watching on ESPN9.

Danny 04-25-2003 07:20 AM

With the way the Lakers shot free throws I'm not sure the foul calls were meant to help them :)

IMetTrentGreen 04-25-2003 07:27 AM

i don't mind most NBA games, as i try not to be too cynical when i am actually watching a sport. but if LA had won last night . . . it would have been like finding out there was no santa. every innocent bone in my body would have been crushed

Ksyrup 04-25-2003 07:34 AM

Amazing! This thread apparently contains posts from most of the 20 other people in America who still watch the NBA besides The Sports Guy.

Rigged or not, the NBA is just not entertaining anymore, and hasn't been for quite awhile.

oykib 04-25-2003 07:46 AM


Originally posted by Ksyrup
Amazing! This thread apparently contains posts from most of the 20 other people in America who still watch the NBA besides The Sports Guy.

Rigged or not, the NBA is just not entertaining anymore, and hasn't been for quite awhile.

It's definitely rigged. And you're right, it's not entertaining.

Calis 04-25-2003 08:26 AM

Heh, I guess I'm in the extreme minority when I say that I've thoroughly enjoyed watching the NBA playoffs this year, and last for that matter. It's definitely worse than it was 10 years ago, no doubt..but I still find it entertaining. I missed the end of the Lakers/T-Wolves game last night, sounds like it was a pretty big hose job, oh well, I've come to accept that fact when it comes to the Lakers, it makes them a more convincing villain.:)

I really think the game has become where the enjoyment comes from watching individual performances, it's sad but true. The highlights of the NBA now are watching folks like Iverson, McGrady, and Kobe when he's hot.

Although I thought there were some good moments last night, such as when Martin made that steal, taunted the crowd, and missed the dunk, that was classic!

Another great one was Barkely saying that someone needs to "beat the hell" out of Ron Artest, then he'd stop acting stupid. Gotta love Chuck.

I enjoy it though, I maybe watched 3 games during the season, but I've watched most of the playoff games so far, and have liked it.

Kodos 04-25-2003 09:38 AM

That was the worst officiating I've seen since the IU-Duke fiasco in the Final Four back in the early 90s. Thankfully, the T-Wolves came through despite the refs best efforts. Gotta love those stealth-fouls... :rolleyes:

TroyF 04-25-2003 09:49 AM


I think what saddens me the most about the sham this league is becoming is that the game itself, with certain teams, IS IMPROVING.

The T-Wolves are EXACTLY what this league needs more of. An unselfish superstar. A team who doesn't stand around on offense, but moves the ball from side to side. A team who has multiple scorers and many guys who can hit a 15 foot jumpshot.

I mean the GAME last night was terrific to watch, even Shaq wasn't throwing the shoulder around until the fourth quarter. Then it started. I call it "Laker Mode" The officials simply make a decision that the other team will not get a call. Period. Even if we decide to live with the pathetic "superstar" mentality of the refs, how can we live with the fact the BEST player last night was called for 3 fouls in the fourth quarter and OT that he didn't commit?

I can go back and point to the 2 minute continuation on LJ against the Pacers, Jordan's pushoff on Russel, the Lakers getting every call in a fourth quarter in game 7 against the Blazers that started this whole dynasty thing. . . It's getting worse with each passing year.

Like I said, they don't even try to hide it anymore. I can only hope for two things: Either a ref comes out and admits how the game is called which causes a leaguewide scandal and throws the game into chaos for a couple of years or it gets so bad that the mainstream media puts enough pressure that things get changed.

Shame on you David Stern.


MrBug708 04-25-2003 10:12 AM


You aren't even watching the game and still comment on it? The fact is the refs are doing their best to hand the Lakers this game.

Every post in this forum about the Lakers is how Shaq gets away with murder and Kobe is the most overated player. Not hard to figure out


I'm a diehard NBA fan and always have been but games like this it's hard to justify what's going on.

You mean a diehard Bulls fan?

heybrad 04-25-2003 10:15 AM

Here we go again.

Did the Lakers get the benefit of some calls in last nights game. Yes. You guys love to throw out the free throw numbers when the Lakers get an advantage. How about game two when the Wolves outshot the Lakers 37-22. How about jump shooter Troy Hudson getting 16 FT's. Were's the complaining then. How about the Nets - Bucks game last night. Kenyon Martin throws Anthony Mason out of the way to tip the rebound out to Rodney Rogers and the Nets go on to win.

The refereeing is horrible in all the games. You guys only complain when it's the Lakers.

heybrad 04-25-2003 10:17 AM


Anybody who spent their time watching this game to begin with should learn from this and watch playoff hockey.

Radii 04-25-2003 10:21 AM


Originally posted by MrBug708
Every post in this forum about the Lakers is how Shaq gets away with murder and Kobe is the most overated player. Not hard to figure out

Uh, no, it's not. There were phantom fouls called on players not guarding Kobe or Shaq. Kobe is a great player. Shaq is a huge monster and he uses that to his advantage. I have no problems with that.

Szcerbiak didn't get thrown out of bounds by Kobe Bryant on a no-call. It was Rick Fox.

Some of it was Kobe yeah, and they were horrible calls. Letting Jodan push off Russel is one thing. Sending Kobe to the free throw line when he misses a 5 footer even though no one touched him is wholly another.

From the epsn recap:

The Timberwolves committed a turnover trying to inbound the ball, and Bryant was fouled by Rasho Nesterovic -- who was standing still with his hands straight up -- on a drive to the basket with 12.1 seconds to play. It was Nesterovic's sixth foul.

The worst call was on the 1 on 1 fast break, that was not kobe or shaq, I forget who it was, he missed a layup, someone(I think Szerbiak) was not within 18 inches of touching him, and he is called for a foul.

Garnett, another superstar, who should be getting the same superstar treatment that Kobe gets, fouls out 12 seconds into the OT on another phantom call. Seriously, it's not a Kobe or Shaq thing. I don't mind superstars getting all the breaks and the marginal calls. But really, someone should at least touch them first.

Radii 04-25-2003 10:24 AM


Originally posted by heybrad
The refereeing is horrible in all the games. You guys only complain when it's the Lakers.

Nah, I complained because it was the first NBA game I've watched this season. Hopefully I'll come to my senses and make it the last. But I sure as hell won't stoop as low as watching hockey!

heybrad 04-25-2003 10:26 AM


Originally posted by Radii
But I sure as hell won't stoop as low as watching hockey!

Then you're missing out. The Ducks - Stars game last night was one of the best I've seen... well, ever.

Calis 04-25-2003 10:28 AM

Agreed, Basketball can sink to the deepest depths in the history of sporting, and I'll still watch it over the NHL playoffs.

JeeberD 04-25-2003 10:29 AM

I'm just happy that the Lakers lost. :)

mckerney 04-25-2003 10:37 AM

I actually agree with astralhaze and Troy F on something :eek:

The worst part? Phil Jackson has been complaining about how the Lakers have been getting the short end of the foul situation.

MylesKnight 04-25-2003 10:37 AM


Originally posted by JeeberD
I'm just happy that the Lakers lost. :)

And that's the bottom line, my friend!!

GO T-WOLVES!! It really is them against the World in this one.... Lakers, Stern, NBA Execs, Refs, etc...

Those Refs had to have been kicking themselves after the Lakers, with all the help they got, still couldn't pull this one out..

I'll tell you this now though, put whatever $$$ you have on the Lakers to cover in Game 4 though.. The NBA will make damn sure this next one doesn't go down to the wire..

Calis 04-25-2003 10:39 AM

I think people are forgetting one of the great no calls from last night, the travel by Kukoc to tie the game up(I think it was, can't remember now), that one was horrible, I can't believe they didn't call that one. I figure that plus the Martin tossing Mason away pretty much negate each other.

MylesKnight 04-25-2003 10:41 AM


..Check out this Game Recap from ESPN.. Three "Questionable" Calls all going LA's way are mentioned in this brief Game Summary, all of them happening at key moments of the game..

Apparently it isn't just a few random FOFC'ers that notice just what's going on with the Lakers/Refs/NBA..

TroyF 04-25-2003 10:41 AM


Point 1: I did watch the hockey game last night. It's called a remote control, and as a man I have magical powers with that thing. :)

Point 2: I think the officiating is that bad all of the time. It is simply more pronounced with the Lakers. This isn't a one time thing with them. It has happened over and over and over again. A couple of calls? Give me a break. I can think of 5 off the top of my head that were not only blown calls, I'd challenge you to say how they could have been blown.

Point 3: I was cheering for the Bucks last night. I was ready to come onto this board and post about how I thought they were given a game last night as well. From Kukoc's 23 steps in the lane to a TON of questionable calls that went against the Nets, I thought the refs were giving the game to the Bucks. They made up for it with the horrific call at the end of the game. . . but when you look at the whole body of work for the night, the Bucks were clearly the winners in the realm of officiating.

Point 4: Troy Hudson, while being a jump shooter by nature, is driving the ball to the basket at will against both Derek Fisher and Pargo. He's actually averaging more 6 more field goal attempts in this series than he did in the regular season while still getting more assists. I've never seen this version of Troy Hudson before. The Lakers haven't either, which is something I would expect them to work on before next game.


Noop 04-25-2003 10:42 AM

Hockey sucks and so does baseball the NBA playoffs is the only thing intresting till football comes around again.



MylesKnight 04-25-2003 10:42 AM


Originally posted by Calis
I think people are forgetting one of the great no calls from last night, the travel by Kukoc to tie the game up(I think it was, can't remember now), that one was horrible, I can't believe they didn't call that one. I figure that plus the Martin tossing Mason away pretty much negate each other.

Except for the Magic of course, I'm not even paying attention to the Eastern Conference/CBA Playoffs at all.. If the Magic find a way to take care of Detroit though...

MylesKnight 04-25-2003 10:45 AM

Let me also say this though... Even after seeing the finish of the T-Wolves/Lakers Game last night, I still feel the All-Time Barometer for shall we say Slanted Officiating is still Game 6 of the Western Conference Finals of a year ago, Kings/Lakers. That one is the King Grand Puba, my friends.

heybrad 04-25-2003 10:49 AM


Originally posted by TroyF

Point 1: I did watch the hockey game last night. It's called a remote control, and as a man I have magical powers with that thing. :)

You know what Troy. I've never understood what the deal is with you. I have no problem if we dont agree, but I can always count on some condescending comment from you when we have these discussions. Whats the deal?

Gosh, I've never heard of a remote. :rolleyes:

IMetTrentGreen 04-25-2003 10:55 AM

jordan didnt push off. russell slipped

Noop 04-25-2003 10:58 AM


Originally posted by IMetTrentGreen
jordan didnt push off. russell slipped

LOL that's true



Radii 04-25-2003 10:58 AM


Originally posted by heybrad
Then you're missing out. The Ducks - Stars game last night was one of the best I've seen... well, ever.

Eh, I just don't like hockey. I've tried to watch it before. Olympic hockey, regular season NHL, playoff NHL. I just can't do it.

revrew 04-25-2003 11:11 AM

Got a favorite T-wolves story to share. When I was working in Mpls, I worked for a company that sold blank audio and video tape. I wasn't the usual delivery guy, but I had to one day, and the T-wolves were in need of some video tape.

The only address on the shipping slip? "The Target Center". O, gee, thanks, that limits it to 20-some possible entrances to deliver to.

So I drive around the Target center a few times when I spot a semi pulling into a big garage door in the side (south side, I think). I followed him right in and found a whole bunch of media trailers and satellite dishes and stuff. Figured this is where it goes.

But it's about noon. And the place is deserted. Nobody in the NBC trailer, nobody in the ESPN trailer, nothin. So there I was, walkin' around the complex with a box of video tapes calling, "Hello? Anybody here?"

I saw a couple of open double doors and walked through, right out onto center court. It's completely empty and I'm running behind, so I strolled out to the wolf at center court and yelled, "Hell-O!"

Finally a security guard about crapped his pants as he came running down the stairs, "What are you doing????"

Eventually he directed me to the player entrance, where the tapes were delivered to the team offices for the tape room.

Maybe that was a "you gotta be there", but I left there just laughing my head off.

TroyF 04-25-2003 11:14 AM


Honestly, I apologize, it was an attempt at some humor. Obviously a failed attempt. I figured the :) would give that away, but I guess not.

Also. . . I'm not implying the Lakers win every game because of the refs. Hell, they'd likely have a championship or two regardless. Kobe is one of the great players in the league right now, especially when the game is on the line.

That's whats so damned frustrating about all of this. They DON'T NEED THE CALLS!!!! I mean, if they'd lost the game last night without all of the officiating crap that happened at the end, would anyone really have a problem believing they could blow the T-Wolves out the next three games and end the series? Hell, I wouldn't.

So why does this sham continue? Why not officiate the game fairly and let the Lakers show us that? Why put the league on the same plane as the WWF by making those ridiculous calls, some of which the refs at my rec league wouldn't blow?

I'm not at the far end of the spectrum in thinking the Lakers would be a 20-62 team if they didn't get the calls. (I do think the Kings win last year and I do think Shaq would be forced to change his game, but that doesn't mean the Lakers don't have a title or two or that Shaq doesn't have the pure talent to do that. . . in fact I find it sad he doesn't have to) Yes, those people are out there. There are also people out there who feel that there were only a couple of questionable calls missed last night and that "Laker Mode" doesn't exist in big games.

From our past discussions, you haven't been one of those fans. If you honestly thought last night there were only a couple of missed calls and that the game was officiated even close to fairly, I don't see how I can take anything you say in a discussion seriously. No, that isn't meant to be condescending, it's meant to say that ***I*** believe anyone who watched that game last night saw an amazing case of one sided officiating down the stretch. I can't fathom how anyone could make a case to the contrary.


HornedFrog Purple 04-25-2003 11:20 AM

Shoot you should have watched Mavs/Blazers Game 2. They fouled out Bradley and LaFrentz for looking at Rasheed Wallace funny.

Some of these owners need to grow a set and assist Mark Cuban. He is right and everyone knows it, he shouldn't have to fit the bill paying fines because the rest of the league are a bunch of wusses.

heybrad 04-25-2003 11:22 AM


Originally posted by heybrad
Did the Lakers get the benefit of some calls in last nights game. Yes.
Are you saying that statement is wrong because I'm not saying that every single call in the game went in the favor of the Lakers. I said right there, that the Lakers got the benefit of the calls.


Originally posted by TroyF
I don't see how I can take anything you say in a discussion seriously.

You never disappoint. Dont even read my posts anymore. Well, wait... that would suggest you're reading them now.

Superman=#54 04-25-2003 11:30 AM

The refering has gotten so bad in the NBA that I can no longer watch the games. Just to let the refs know in the last 5 minutes of the game you let the players decide the game, not the refs by calling crap calls.

Cards4ever 04-25-2003 11:35 AM

What I don't understand is, the T-Wolves win the game, and yet they sit and whine on the radio here in Mpls about the refs. The home team won, get over it!

JeeberD 04-25-2003 11:39 AM

Yeah, here in Dallas yesterday all day long on the radio it was just bitching about the Mavs big men. Sure, Bradley and Lafrentz suck, but the Mavs are up two games to none. Enjoy the victory...

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