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Ben E Lou 06-18-2015 09:06 AM

South Carolina Jail Arrest Records Search

Suspect in Charleston shooting.

Some of the things I'm hearing from on the ground are horrifying. If this stuff is true, the "hate crime" angle is going to be extremely strong.

Ben E Lou 06-18-2015 09:22 AM

His name is now all over social media and has been for close to half an hour, verified by the FBI as the suspect. Meanwhile, right now, some CNN talking head is breaking down the picture and saying that the combination of the haircut and the car could help the authorities figure out who he is.

Ben E Lou 06-18-2015 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3034558)
His name is now all over social media and has been for close to half an hour, verified by the FBI as the suspect. Meanwhile, right now, some CNN talking head is breaking down the picture and saying that the combination of the haircut and the car could help the authorities figure out who he is.

10:31am: CNN announces the name.

Schmidty 06-18-2015 09:39 AM

I don't understand why calling it a hate crime even matters. He massacred 9 people in cold blood after sitting at the prayer meeting. How is that not hate?

Ben E Lou 06-18-2015 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 3034565)
I don't understand why calling it a hate crime even matters. He massacred 9 people in cold blood after sitting at the prayer meeting. How is that not hate?

Adds to the punishment, I think. But in this case, that probably doesn't matter.

That said, to ignore that portion of it would be to ignore how volatile a situation this is going to be.

Schmidty 06-18-2015 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3034566)
Adds to the punishment, I think. But in this case, that probably doesn't matter.

That's what I meant. You can only execute him once.

I'm not usually for the death penalty, but these kinds of things make me doubt that stance sometimes.

Ben E Lou 06-18-2015 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Schmidty (Post 3034568)
That's what I meant. You can only execute him once.

I'm not usually for the death penalty, but these kinds of things make me doubt that stance sometimes.

Oh, that. Sorry. I'm guessing he's going to off himself or be killed by police.

Honestly, I'm much more concerned about the long-term impact. At a time when racial stuff in this country is perhaps as tense as it has been at any time since the 60s, an overtly race-based mass murder of black people is....I don't even know what to say.

stevew 06-18-2015 09:59 AM

Those pictures, wow.

Def a scary looking white dude.

Schmidty 06-18-2015 10:00 AM

Yeah, you're probably right. He's going to check out and leave everyone else to pick up the pieces.

(That was in response to Ben's last post)

lighthousekeeper 06-18-2015 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3034571)
Oh, that. Sorry. I'm guessing he's going to off himself or be killed by police.

Honestly, I'm much more concerned about the long-term impact. At a time when racial stuff in this country is perhaps as tense as it has been at any time since the 60s, an overtly race-based mass murder of black people is....I don't even know what to say.

i don't think it'll change anything. but time will tell.

Ben E Lou 06-18-2015 10:21 AM

Reports are that he has been caught.

Schmidty 06-18-2015 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3034581)
Reports are that he has been caught.

I'm happy for the families. Maybe someday they'll get closure now.

Kodos 06-18-2015 10:44 AM

Hopefully he gets the Braveheart treatment.

Grover 06-18-2015 11:12 AM

He's white, so this will be "an isolated incident" right?

ISiddiqui 06-18-2015 11:13 AM

Let's be honest, this is not only a hate crime, but terrorism. The guy was definitely a white supremacist. Absolutely horrible stuff.

Honolulu_Blue 06-18-2015 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Grover (Post 3034609)
He's white, so this will be "an isolated incident" right?

And, no doubt, he will be considered "mentally ill".

molson 06-18-2015 11:19 AM

He's got quite the cheery facebook profile photo:

Schmidty 06-18-2015 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 3034612)
And, no doubt, he will be considered "mentally ill".

No way. He sat there for an hour in front of those poor people and then executed them.

There is no way he gets that to stick.

bronconick 06-18-2015 11:48 AM

There's pictures of him wearing a jacket with Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesian flags on it, and a car with a CSA license plate. I doubt the mental illness excuse is going to stick on this one

spleen1015 06-18-2015 11:50 AM

Anyone who decides to do something like this has to be batshit crazy in some way.

nol 06-18-2015 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 3034612)
And, no doubt, he will be considered "mentally ill".

Well, he already got caught alive so at least he doesn't have the "menacing threat to the general public" thing going for him.

Toddzilla 06-18-2015 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ben E Lou (Post 3034571)
Honestly, I'm much more concerned about the long-term impact.


Riiiight, because of the enormous long term impact after that big school shooting in New Hampshire? Vermont?

Or even the long term impact when that black kid was shot by the white cop in, um, well, pick any city, really, you'll probably be right.

When are we, as a society, going to get it through our heads that *there is no long term impact* to gun violence, whether it be racially motivated, mental-illness related, asshoile cop related, or otherwise.

EagleFan 06-18-2015 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue (Post 3034612)
And, no doubt, he will be considered "mentally ill".

Anyone that does that is mentally ill.

SteveMax58 06-18-2015 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by bronconick (Post 3034628)
There's pictures of him wearing a jacket with Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesian flags on it, and a car with a CSA license plate. I doubt the mental illness excuse is going to stick on this one

The problem I have with mental illness is that it really applies to anybody who commits these types of crimes. I realize there is a legal definition of "insane", which is not necessarily the same diagnosis from a mental health professional, but to me its immaterial for the purpose of whether they go to prison or whether they go to a mental health hospital.

The purpose of prison is to remove people from society so they can do no more harm. Part of prison should include mental health treatment, as an assumed need for any prisoner, and naturally some will require more depth of treatment than others.

Ben E Lou 06-18-2015 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Toddzilla (Post 3034635)

Riiiight, because of the enormous long term impact after that big school shooting in New Hampshire? Vermont?

Or even the long term impact when that black kid was shot by the white cop in, um, well, pick any city, really, you'll probably be right.

When are we, as a society, going to get it through our heads that *there is no long term impact* to gun violence, whether it be racially motivated, mental-illness related, asshoile cop related, or otherwise.

No long-term impact of those events? That's so demonstrably false that I shouldn't bother replying. Perhaps not the long-term impact that YOU wanted to have seen. But all of those events most certainly had long-term impacts.

jeff061 06-18-2015 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by EagleFan (Post 3034637)
Anyone that does that is mentally ill.

See, I fully believe the people doing stuff like this were looking to self destruct and bring attention to themselves(which is why I hate his name and picture everywhere), for a variety of reasons. None of those reasons are hate or anything the media will be reporting on. The "hate" is just something the scumbag used as an excuse to justify actions caused by unrelated mental issues.

Now don't get me wrong, he knew who he was, what he was doing and whether it was right or wrong. Put him down. I don't believe his hate of a race is what drove him to kill.

Solecismic 06-18-2015 12:45 PM

The death penalty would be far too kind for this person, not that he deserves to be called a person.

The term "mentally ill" probably applies to all of us in some way. He decided to shoot innocent strangers. I don't care why he made that decision. I don't want him free to make that decision again, ever. Freedom is for people who don't shoot innocent strangers.

Ragone 06-18-2015 12:50 PM

Seems odd that a alledged kkk/racist person would have several friends of different races as facebook friends..

spleen1015 06-18-2015 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ragone (Post 3034647)
Seems odd that a alledged kkk/racist person would have several friends of different races as facebook friends..

I thought the same thing.

Logan 06-18-2015 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Ragone (Post 3034647)
Seems odd that a alledged kkk/racist person would have several friends of different races as facebook friends..

I honestly can't believe people have latched onto this like it means something.

spleen1015 06-18-2015 12:56 PM

Why not? It means something to me. I don't have any friends on fb that I don't like. If I was a racist, I wouldn't have people of the race I don't like as friends. Why would I think it would be any different for this dude?

Logan 06-18-2015 12:57 PM

Because Facebook friends aren't real friends to the vast majority of users.

cartman 06-18-2015 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by spleen1015 (Post 3034653)
Why not? It means something to me. I don't have any friends on fb that I don't like. If I was a racist, I wouldn't have people of the race I don't like as friends. Why would I think it would be any different for this dude?

It is common for a racist to claim "But I have a friend that is X, so I can't possibly be racist!". To them, the people that they directly know are fine, it is those 'others' they have a problem with.

Ragone 06-18-2015 12:58 PM

I'm with spleen.. i have had friend requests from people i knew from school/life/etc that i could not stand.. i usually ignore them entirely.. But i have outright declined a few..

Ragone 06-18-2015 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by cartman (Post 3034655)
It is common for a racist to claim "But I have a friend that is X, so I can't possibly be racist!". To them, the people that they directly know are fine, it is those 'others' they have a problem with.

This is the first sign of someone who is racist and just doesn't know it..

It's usually followed up with "i don't mean to offend anyone, but"

Shkspr 06-18-2015 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Ragone (Post 3034647)
Seems odd that a alledged kkk/racist person would have several friends of different races as facebook friends..

Seems odder to me that we have to shoot or choke or break the necks of all these black kids for low-penalty crimes, but a white spree killing suspect we can bring in just fine without pulling the trigger.

spleen1015 06-18-2015 01:00 PM

What makes folks think this guy is racist other than he killed 9 black people?

molson 06-18-2015 01:01 PM

A lot of people collect random facebook friends from high school, or accept whoever sends them a request. If you do that in South Carolina, you're going to have a lot of black facebook friends.

He wasn't necessarily an organized white supremacist who held official positions in racist organizations and outwardly shared those views through school. Just looking at how young he is and what little we know, I'm guessing his societal views were a little more volatile and unpredictable. He could have thought a few black guys in his school were cool a few months ago but wanted to murder all black people on the planet yesterday. So I wouldn't except a 45-year old KKK grand dragon or whatever to have black facebook friends, but a weirdo racist 21-year-old, sure.

ISiddiqui 06-18-2015 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by spleen1015 (Post 3034659)
What makes folks think this guy is racist other than he killed 9 black people?

The jacket with Apartheid flags is a good sign, I think.

Chief Rum 06-18-2015 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by spleen1015 (Post 3034659)
What makes folks think this guy is racist other than he killed 9 black people?

While I think I lean toward your general point, you have to admit, that's a pretty compelling point for the other side.

Abe Sargent 06-18-2015 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Chief Rum (Post 3034662)
While I think I lean toward your general point, you have to admit, that's a pretty compelling point for the other side.

True. After all, what are the odds that he randomly chose to shoot and kill people and 9 of them in a row happened to be black just randomly?

nol 06-18-2015 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by spleen1015 (Post 3034659)
What makes folks think this guy is racist other than he killed 9 black people?

Maybe that witnesses are saying he said "You rape our women. You're taking over our country. You have to go." But I'm sure there are two sides to every story.

Shkspr 06-18-2015 01:16 PM

So, was one of the victims the person that cut his hair? Because if not, then frankly, dude was fighting the wrong war.

SirFozzie 06-18-2015 01:18 PM


@EricKingNBC5: #BREAKING- Reports: #Charleston shooter said,"You rape our women and are taking over our country & you have to go."Report coming on @NBCDFW

Yeah, this is racist

nol 06-18-2015 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by SirFozzie (Post 3034669)
Yeah, this is racist

Hold on, I suppose the apartheid confederate license plate guy could also have been talking about Christians, the real persecuted group in this country. Until we get clarification, it's just a "he said, she said" thing and we ALWAYS have to hear both sides to every story.

SirFozzie 06-18-2015 01:29 PM

There are some folks claiming just that, because it happened at a church it was really "an assault on religious liberty".

bhlloy 06-18-2015 01:31 PM

So other than the custom made jacket with flags of apartheid regimes, the fact that he specifically said he was there to kill black people and those new comments, do we have any actual evidence he was racist?

Logan 06-18-2015 01:31 PM

I wish people (not you) would shut the fuck up about pushing their own agendas and just quietly reflect on the fact that 9 people are dead for absolutely no reason.

Shkspr 06-18-2015 01:36 PM

They're not dead for "no reason", they're dead because they were black and a single individual thought they should die. Our broad-based support for an armed citizenry makes it trivial for any individual to determine the right of any other individual to live, and he judged them wanting. You can't argue against his motives.

EDIT: Of, course, yes, you can argue with his motives. That's sarcasm. But the facts are that more or less by definition, any gun owner is a law-abiding responsible one, until they do something like this. And then they're "mentally ill". And that isn't going to change. I don't know how you do it, but we've just got to get through to people that guns are not a negotiation tactic in a disagreement - that if you have a beef with someone, it is improper etiquette to kill them.

Chief Rum 06-18-2015 01:43 PM

Well, actually they're dead because he thought they should die.

Supposition is that his motive was race. But we don't really know anything except that he did the act and he is clearly certifiable.

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