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Old 12-30-2005, 01:48 PM   #6
High School JV
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Kelowna, BC, Canada
Originally Posted by Bubba Wheels
One of the posters over on that board really hit what I think. You would think that great as the text-sims may be, would it really be that hard to add even some rudimentary graphics to the game? Not even 3d, just something to add movement and a sense of 'being there' while it unfolds. Can't believe this far into game developement and its either all or nothing. Madden or FOFC (good as the latter may be.)

To do that, you'd either need several people working on the game, or give up pretty much any other advancements in the rest of the game for the version that added the graphics (assuming we're talking about a new version of an existing game.) The latter is a big risk; you'd be gambling the ongoing viability of your game on a new and unproven feature, rather than improving and polishing things that you already know work. As for the former, I don't think any company making these games outside of SI (and EA, I suppose) has the resources to have development teams with several full-time employees.
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