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Old 01-02-2006, 04:24 PM   #1161
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jul 2001
Originally Posted by Passacaglia
So SnDvls, are you answering me, that that's the possible way four people could have died if we didn't lynch Gram? I see now how four people could die, but -- why did it all depend on Gram?

let's look at it this way.

I think most of us agree there are probally 3 elementals to make a concensis for the sacrafices (at least that is the general assumption I am working with)


St. C was right?

I would have died, villager -1
for what ever reason the elementals had decided to each kill a person -3 more
that would leave us down 4 people, now would all 3 of the elementals kills been villagers? I don't know that.

How did St. C know about 4 kills? I have an idea once the night actions come in I'll post my thoughts.

This works on a lot of assumptions just like Blade's did earlier so who knows. I'll I know is that we are gaining at least one villager back tonight because of me. If Barkeep is on the up and up that's two. looks like keeping me around could have been a 5 person swing in favor of the villagers.
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